Letters to the Editor
Dear Georgi.
I have no words to convey how impressive your latest energy update (today, March 21) has been, because you are referring almost word by word the same experience I felt, let me tell you.
Synchronicity, telepathy, connection, communion, Being One… Yesterday night, upon preparing my dinner, and having been the whole day in the womb as you and other PAT are reporting too, I out of nowhere started pondering/day dreaming how Ascension was going to feel for me, the real experience I meant… the transformation into my lightbody… Yes, I was in my consciousness using almost exactly the same words as you.
And suddenly, very smoothly, I started FEELING exploding from within and beginning to expand and expand, no limits, reaching the WHOLE. And all happened apparently at once or at a very rapid speed, although the experience was very easy and “normal”, I mean, it was absolutely NORMAL for me. Kind of a nuclear explosion, yes, exactly as you said. I spent the rest of the night basking in this wonderful energy in my field and they are also at my disposal even now.
The only difference with you is that it happened not in the dream state, but in real 3D life, I took it as a very clear confirmation that ascension is ours. We know that it is ours, yes, but I mean that now even our physical bodies are vehicles for the experience. But when reading your energy update today the confirmation is beyond believe.
I’d like to know your impression about this sharing and if any other PAT member has reported something similar.
With deepest love.
Bilbao, Spain.
Dear Carol,
thank you for this synchronistic validation of the ascension experience. Until now you are the only one to confirm this, but I am hopeful that some more will come to confirm at least the huge energy surge that started yesterday and is still ongoing.
I have no other new information apart from the sensation that we are now in a steady energetic build-up in preparation for the final detonation of the PAT Supernova.
With love and light
Dear George,
read this:
Rick Jewers
Dear Rick,
This is one part of the story. The other more important one is that the Russians have just decided to have a permanent presence of their military fleet in the Mediterranean sea and badly need havens. Cyprus will be the ideal natural carrier under the nose of NATO and they may be ready to bailout Cyprus for this favour.
Hi George,
Perhaps this is because of Syria and the rumoured release of chemical weapons there yesterday? Nevertheless, interesting times my friend as we go towards the rebirth.
There has been a couple good good surges of energy here, I witnessed one while I was awake that hit my canine companion. He just shook violently for a few seconds that shook the camper that I am living in about 24 hours ago.
Love and Light,
Last night there was a huge cleansing wave and it hit all humans, including my whole family. It was a very unpleasant wave with very high vibrations and skin burning and it is still ongoing.
Dr. Steven Greer is planning the premiere of his new film on UFO revelations “Sirius” next month. This was the reason why I decided to address him for the first time.
Dear Colleague Dr. Steven Greer,
On the eve of our Ascension as a group, I would like to make you aware of our website of
the Planetary Ascension Team (PAT)
where you can find more than 1000 original publications and 15 scientific books concerning two fundamental cosmic events/processes that are shaping since long time the destiny of Gaia and humanity in the current End Times:
1. The individual Light Body Process, leading to personal ascension to higher dimensions
2. The collective ascension of the PAT next week, defined as the “detonation of the PAT Supernova“, with which we will ascend Gaia and Humanity to the 5th dimension between end of March and September 2013.
You can find all this information on our website and much more. It is very important for you to know in advance what will begin to unfold most probably next week on a global scale, as all your current efforts of Disclosure may be totally offset by our ascension as being obsolete. It is unfortunate, but this is the divine plan for the current End Times.
As your medical colleague, I must conclude that you might have not considered the whole Epicrisis of this planet and its human population and have eventually come to the wrong diagnosis, not that UFOs and aliens do not exist – the universe is full of them – but that humans will not need to meet them officially as they are about to become “aliens” themselves very soon. Precisely, they are bound to become multi-dimensional beings and a transgalactic civilisation, before they will be able to establish contact with other advanced, higher-dimensional civilisations.
And this will happen this year beginning end of March!
The PAT is a group of highly evolved souls, star seeds, coming directly from the Source with the only aim to ascend Gaia and humanity to the 5th dimension as the name suggests. We have finished with our preparation, which has extended throughout many years and has been in its most intensive last phase since the summer of 2011. According to our best estimates and information from our higher selves, the detonation of the PAT Supernova will occur next week as “a thief in the night”.
After that we will immediately appear as the first ascended human masters on the earth, will take control over humanity and liberate the people from the shackles of the old Orion matrix. You can find all details on our website.
Our group has already acquired the status of the new Earth Keepers and Elohim of the earth in all eternity after we connected as incarnated human entities to the Source (12th dimension) on January 26th. We will guide humanity to the 5th dimension in the interim period of six months (April – September) and after that in all eternity in the Now.
There is much more to be said on this topic, but you can find and scrutinize all details as a diligent scientist on our website. It will be a pity if you are caught off guard with our ascension as being a spearhead of the enlightenment movement for many years, as we will need every person after our official appearance as ascended masters in front of humanity (official Disclosure) to help us teach the masses find their way to ascension.
I would highly appreciate to hear from you this week as from next week I am no longer available.
Dr, med. Georgi Stankov
Munich, Germany
I just caught this while working. I thought you and PAT members might appreciate that this was posted today on Yahoo News.
In Love & Light,
Dear Marilyn,
I read this letter already. But why now? He should have written it much earlier. But better later than never, as I use to say.
Yes, better late than never. For the countless young souls and slumbering masses who are proud of their military service involvement it’s a wake up call.
Hi Georgi,
I just wanted to say hello and send you love and well wishes for the upcoming few days. I feel much energy and anticipation is upon us, and I’m literally on the edge of my seat anticipating anything. It feels like I’m holding my spiritual breath. I pray that this ascension happens this time, as inside, I know I am done my 3D work. My thoughts are transcending this world now; I cant even accept the talks of war, banks collapsing or any news of low vibration. Same for manipulative gas prices, taxes, advertisements and television.
It all physically makes me sick now. Any news cast I witness, I challenge from the very core of who I am. I’m sure you feel the same. I simply won’t accept any more lies. Not one more.
This transition must complete this month. I cannot see things continue as is any longer.
I wish you nothing, but the best during this time.
Love always,
Phil Richardson
Dear Phil,
the inner attitude towards this reality is now reaching the peak of rejection and is the most precise inner barometer that we are indeed on the verge of leaving this reality. It is the same with me, although I continue testing the pulse of the time to be sure that the matrix is really collapsing. And it is increasingly crashing these last few days, so that the detonation of the PAT is now inevitable.
Let us enjoy the last few days by simply surviving without much pain, then it is impossible to enjoy this reality any more.
Hi George,
Thank you for the words of wisdom and being the light for us all in these last moments in 3D land. I am truly excited beyond words.
Dear Georgi,
The collapse and utter desperation is picking up greater speed and bleeding out into the public domain at much higher rate.
NASA tells Congress that all we can do about asteroids is PRAY:
And now the split between the factions controlling the media and government has broken out into the open for even the most stupid to see.
This story broke all over the Internet at the end of last summer and the mainstream media completely ignored it. Reports were published at that time stating that these people even called in Lord Mockton from England to provide expert testimony on Obama Sr.’s citizenship. And not a peep out of the media. Everything died down over the Internet.
Now, just as Obama is in Israel CBS starts airing this.
Notice how CBS did not let the cat out of the bag about Lord Mockton. Previous reports on the internet at that time stated that he is a certified expert for England and is part of the British government. Now, we must ask ourselves why would someone from the British government be willing to come all the way over here and give a certified legal testimony on our President and his father’s citizenship? And why is CBS setting up the naysayers who will immediately dismiss the Sheriff’s work until CBS plays the Lord Mockton card?
My challenge is to look away and concentrate solely upon the PAT and if I must look, then I must laugh.
Much love and light,
Dear Charlotte,
all three news are not new. The third one about the birth certificate of Obama is also rather old and I remember very well to have seen this video half an year ago. What is truly new in this last video?
Carissimo Dott. Stankov,
la nostra è veramente una bella famiglia, bisogna proprio dirlo. Alla richiesta di soccorso per il ragazzo indifeso ho voluto esserci anch’io e pregare con tutto il mio cuore e la mia anima. Non può immaginare come sono stata felice nell’apprendere la notizia che Aniko è tornato ad essere libero. Ma la cosa che mi dà più entusiasmo consiste nell’essere sempre più consapevole di avere il privilegio di appartenere ad un gruppo di persone veramente speciali, immediatamente pronte nel contrastare l’ingiustizia e il male, consapevoli della forza superiore del bene e di quanto sia potente l’unione spirituale.
Con la liberazione di Aniko mi sono sentita io stessa più libera, più sicura e più forte nei confronti del male che percorre in lungo e in largo, in modo tragicamente devastante e apparentemente incontrastabile, l’intero pianeta. Con quest’ultima esperienza ho acquisito maggiore consapevolezza del fatto che anche poche persone, poche anime possono efficacemente contrastare la violenza, il sopruso e la terribile ingiustizia che domina sovrana in questo mondo.
Ma nonostante questa effettiva possibilità, potenzialmente a disposizione di ciascun uomo, di sottrarsi o addirittura battere la parte peggiore dell’umanità, pochissimi sono disposti a riconoscerla. Se non avessi voi del Pat con cui condividere un altro modo di essere al mondo mi sentirei perdutamente sola, non riuscendo ad incontrare nel mio quotidiano nessuno che abbia una vera intelligenza capace di riconoscere l’esistenza di un diverso sistema di circolazione dell’energia o che abbia semplicemente il desiderio di ascoltare chi è portatore di un altro tipo di conoscenza, chi propone un’altra prospettiva delle cose.
Ma il mio malessere non è determinato soltanto dalla assenza di partecipazione o di ascolto ma da veri e propri attacchi che sono costretta a subire tutte le volte, ma proprio tutte, che esprimo le mie idee, specialmente se le esprimo con determinazione ed entusiasmo. Le risposte che ricevo sono quasi sempre reazioni “violente” e questo mi costringe a chiudermi in me stessa e a rinunciare a quelle straordinarie cose della vita che si chiamano comunicazione e condivisione. Ecco perché lei dottor Stankov è diventato un membro effettivo della mia famiglia insieme a tutte le anime gemelle del Pat. Con voi tutti mi sento al sicuro e vedo crescere in me una forza sempre più pronta a schierarsi in difesa di tutti gli Aniko del mondo.
A presto nella grande luce
Carissimo Dott. Stankov,
Ours is a really nice family, I must say it. To call for help to the helpless girl I wanted to be there too and pray with all my heart and my soul. You can not imagine how happy I was to learn the news that Aniko has managed to become free. But the thing that gives me more enthusiasm is to be more aware of the privilege of belonging to a group of very special people, immediately ready to counter injustice and evil, conscious of superior forces of good and of how powerful spiritual union is.
With the release of Aniko I felt myself freer, safer and stronger against the evil that traverse far and wide, so tragically devastating and seemingly incontrovertible the entire planet. With this experience, I have become more aware of the fact that even a few people, a few souls can effectively combat violence, abuse and the terrible injustice that reigns supreme in this world.
But despite this real possibility, potentially available to every man, to escape or even combat the worst of humanity, very few are willing to recognize it. If I did not have the PAT to share with another way of being in the world I would feel desperately alone, unable to encounter in my daily life that anyone who has a real intelligence capable of recognizing the existence of a different system of energetic circulation or simply to have the desire to hear who is the bearer of another new kind of knowledge, those who propose a different perspective of things.
But my dis-ease is determined not only by the lack of participation or listening, but by the actual attacks that I am forced to endure all the time, from all sides when I express my ideas, especially when I express them with determination and enthusiasm. The answers I get are almost always “violent” reactions and this forces me to lock up inside myself and to give up those extraordinary things in life that are called communication and sharing. That is why Dr. Stankov’s you have become a full member of my family along with all the soul mates of the PAT. With you I feel safe and observe how a bigger force is growing in myself, ready to stand up in defense of all Anikos in this world.
See you soon in the light
Dear George,
As always, I’m following your website daily as we get intensely close to ascension. I’m thinking of you, appreciating your fine articles and everyone’s contributions. Specifically, I enjoyed your response to Henry today as he commented about your voluminous learning and information.
“It is not a question of cumulative collection of information, but of structuring it as to read and process less redundant information. I must admit that the new axiomatics of the Universal law helped me a lot to streamline my previous thinking and knowledge, thus eliminating most of the trash information and keeping the basic facts simple and interconnected.
This is opposite to what most people, first and foremost in academic circles but also in the mass media, are doing nowadays – they substitute quality with quantity. When you have a coherent and axiomatic view of the world, it is much more easier to memorize the facts as they are now interconnect with all other information and make sense.”
This vital conversation capsulizes the uselessness of addressing human intransigence at this point. It also pinpoints your mastery as our captain in keeping us focused as we are all barraged with trash. Therefore, as you said, this is
…a huge topic for discussion regarding human cognition that will surely be in the centre of our interest after the ID split on earth A and also on earth A/B as human consciousness never stops evolving.
In the meantime, and this week more than ever, I prefer staying in Gaia’s womb with you and PAT members, remaining still through these intense energies, and planting few potent words/thoughts only at perfect intervals.
In Love & Light,
Hello there George,
I am a twenty year old female living in California. One night last weekend I had an inner prompting to message you and make myself known as a devoted reader, but did not feel compelled enough to do so until today. I was just reading the latest Personal Opinions post and was overwhelmed with joy and acceptance as I read part of an email from Marco stating what it truly means to be a member of the PAT. This post has altered how I had perceived the use of the term Planetary Ascension Team. I have been reading your website diligently since I stumbled upon it around fall last year. I had learned of ascension previously that summer through “New Age” videos on youtube.. (and believed it to be true to the extent that I temporarily quit my tedious college studies). Nothing other than your website had shone so bright with truth, wisdom, and reasonable guidance on the matter!
However, I did not have a desire to contact you at first because I didn’t know what to say (nor think anything I had to offer within my experiences would be of value to you), even though from the very moment I found the website I felt that I must be a member of the PAT. At the same time I feared this was very much not the case and that I would be a fool to believe so, and wrestled with this idea for a while. Eventually I refuted this feeling as another facet of my ego’s self-importance. This was because I was so behind in finding the website compared to the PATsters, had factored in my past, while lost in the matrix and therefore felt I am not pure enough, since I am unable to really discern where I am in the LBP, am unsure whether or not I have been cleansing dross, and do not have a clear-cut connection to my HS!
I have had mild symptoms which run parallel to what some other members have around the waves, but this was not enough proof to subside my self doubt. Perhaps I have been hard on myself in not feeling up to par with the miraculous beings here. But I got over this way of seeing things early on this year, and decided that it does not matter so much whether or not I am a lower PAT member or not at all, and I will know when the time is right.
After 12 21 2012 I stopped checking your website so frequently, and was a bit disheartened, but never completely believed that ascension was no longer happening. I felt there could be no other way, and I feel it stronger within my core now more than ever. I had of course been sharing all your information with my partner, and he believed in it and eagerly awaited your new postings with me for a while. But after December 21st he could no longer put “all his faith” in the ascension scenario. This saddened me a bit at first, but was understandable as he doesn’t seem to feel the energy or the knowing as much as I do, which is not even as much as many PATsters do!
It is wonderful, I was thinking just last night how I would like to have more friends- an actual social life, and now here I am reaching out to the one group of people I so dearly love and admire. I await happily the detonation, whenever it may come! And whether or not I am a part of the team helping humanity ascend, I do not mind. I do desire to help but if it is not my time for that here, I simply wish to ascend and to enjoy a wondrous world of love, truth, and unity!
Marco was so right when he said that the words thank you are inadequate to express the gratitude for you, but thank you so so very much – for all that you have done and continue to do, to you George, and to all of the PAT!!
Eternal love & light
Dear Tracy,
I am so happy that you have finally decided to establish contact with me and the PAT in the proverbial last minute. It is one of the greatest advantages of our versatile communications on this website that they always reveal new aspects of life and trigger new ideas and emotions, which then help other readers to either identify themselves deeper with the process of ascension or simply overcome the last hurdle of hesitation and gain the necessary courage to write to me and the PAT.
Ascension is not a competition or a race, but a highly individual process and there is no way how one can accelerate it beyond that what the soul /HS has decided for this incarnation. All of us who are now fully immersed into the LBP and ascension process would have readily refrained from this exhausting and tedious cleansing, which contains nothing elevating in terms of spiritual experience in itself. I just pondered over this issue, while walking with my dog this evening and watched the clear sky full of stars. I remembered that when I was younger and not in the LBP, I could fly much higher in my spirit and enjoy more intensively this sense of pantheism (unity with All-That-Is) than now when I have to do all the time this dirty work on behalf of humanity and my soul is tired of this relentless job.
I hope that you understand what I want to relay to you. You are a crystalline child and you have come here with a much more advanced light body than us, the old indigo generation, who had to adopt to a much denser energetic atmosphere on the earth than you have encountered upon your later incarnation. Hence our path to ascension is much longer than yours. This is the reason why you do not need to go through these debilitating phases of the LBP. Your mission will begin very soon after the ascension process has commenced. Ypu will have to educate the masses, including your parents, if they make it to the new earth A.
Now it is of a paramount importance for you and your generation to simply hold your eyes wide open and properly evaluate what is happening on the earth in this most auspicious time on the earth. Therefore it was surely the right decision to interrupt your college studies as to concentrate on the bigger, global events. Your time to do for what you have come here will commence very soon and so abruptly that then there will be no time for you to contemplate over what you are willing to do. Therefore make use of this relative calmness before the storm to streamline your ideas as to what you would like to accomplish when the dramatic events will begin to unfold, most probably next month.
Now the time of doubts whether there will be ascension or not should be left behind us and one should begin to enjoy the miraculous moment of the Now in full confidence that the future will exceed our most daring expectations.
With love and light
Dear George,
Wow, conversing with you is so wonderful it makes me wish I had done it sooner! But yes, all in due time. Thank you so much for your kind words. I will now be sure to keep in mind that ascension is highly individualized process, perhaps I forgot this very important factor somewhere along my way. I also shall be careful now not to compare myself to others the way I have so often in the past. I did become aware of my competitive outlook near the end of 2012 and put a stop to it early this year.
It has caught my interest that you say I am crystalline, as I once thought I must have a crystal aura. It is definitely something I resonate with. I will oh so happily try to teach my family, but hopefully they won’t go too mad! My father knows a bit about what is going on behind the facade, but alas is very caught up in the negative energies of timeline B events and so believes the apocalypse is coming. He is even buying ammunition, a fire proof safe, and thousands of dollars worth of emergency dehydrated food. Does it sound to you like he will be be going to Earth B, or is it too hard to tell what will happen to his mental state after the PAT detonates?
My mother is not so caught up in clear-cut negativity like he, but she is still very much mind controlled and not open to any information or help I try to give her. I have been thinking about it a bit now and perhaps I will accomplish something related to the chemtrails. We are living not far from an air force base and so are being sprayed constantly. It is astonishing to me how people do not seem to even notice or care when it is so blatantly in front of their eyes and very unnatural. I attempted to talk to my mother about them one day since they were so obvious, but the next day she showed me our local newspaper which had written a ridiculous article on them stating that they are “normal contrails frozen high in the atmosphere”, and she believed it.
Anyway, sadly I have been back in school since February. It is because of my parents of course, I am still living off them and so my choices are to either get a job and work for the Orion system 24/7 to save up money to move out or finish my schooling, so I of course chose the latter. Luckily it is only one class and thus I still have a good deal of free time, with which I will happily spend keeping my eyes wide open to the events happening and visualizing what I am to do in the aftermath of when “the shift hits the fan”. And surely it will quite soon as you say! I feel so much stronger now after having been in contact with you. Take care and I hope you are feeling alright currently.
With much love and light
Dear Tracy,
of course it is much better to study than to work for the Orion system, especially when the results from the exams will no longer count in the future. So you can go to school with an ease and pay more attention to what is happening outside.
We all have a problem case with our families at home. Opposite to you, my two daughters who are at your age (20 and 23) do not believe in ascension and in what I am writing on this website, although they are highly evolved souls too. So I must see how to save their asses and that of her mother after my ascension.
That is why there will be an interim period of most probably six months till end of September, when these people must quickly rethink their lives and change their opinions overnight if they want to be saved. This will be the most critical time in the history of mankind when the destiny of numerous souls will be sealed. It is also the time when we must do our best to educate the masses and lead them on the path of ascension.
Nothing is lost yet and those who will definitely stay on the catastrophic earth B, such as the dark cabal and their minions as the paid Internet trolls, have already made their choice and will not be part and parcel of the masses we will have to educate. They will simply vanish from our radar in the coming days.
Let us now hope for a very exciting and eventful next week
With love and light