Letters to the Editor
Dear George,
Thank you most sincerely for being, for me, an impeccable example of how to survive through thick and thin, the 3D trials and tribulations on the road to ascension and everything that accompanies this extraordinary mission.
Your website articles and discussions are expanding prolifically now, along with the rising energies and changes in these exciting times.
Tonight I watched the BBC Panorama documentary exposing discredited intelligence regarding WMDs in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq.
However, in the end I was disappointed that this programme passed most of the blame and responsibility for this ill-conceived war onto a couple of phony spies. As a public relations exercise it had all the hallmarks of “controlled opposition”, which the dark cabal routinely use for damage limitation, when they cannot conceal their heinous plans successfully.
Maybe the BBC should show this short video from YouTube to clearly identify the culprits of this war and those which have since followed:
This reminds me also of the way that global warming has been managed in the media. They can present arguments in favour of man-made global warming quite easily, so as to win over the uneducated masses but to get to the heart of this false debate you need to go back to the Club of Rome report of 1992. Until you discover where the idea of Anthropogenic Global Warming originated, you are not sufficiently informed to formulate the truth about this pre-meditated scheme – just as Wesley Clark’s testimony exposes America’s middle-eastern war agenda. (see video above)
With much Love and Light,
Dear Henry,
reading the BBC commentary on this program in advance I was afraid that they might remain short of accusing the real perpetrators. I very well remember all the events leading to this war and how obviously everything was fabricated in the mass media at that time to start the Iraq war. One had to be blind not to see it. Actually we do not need such programs retrospectively and when they are made, they should be clear-cut and demand arrests and responsibilities from the heads of the states for their war crimes. But nothing similar happens yet.
I also remember Wesley Clark very well as a NATO chief and he was a bright guy. He was presidential candidate against Bush in the initial phase, but was sacked by the dark cabal, although he had a charisma and was intelligent contrary to Bush. He was also leading in the polls. I did not understand why he left the campaign at that time, but now I know it.
The climate warming is another version of the doomsday scenario of the elite leading to the timeline B. But it is also true that using fossil energy, humanity is destroying this planet and that this cannot go like this any longer. So this was a half-truth used for the false ends.
The real reason for the climate warming debate was that the elite was afraid that the fossil resources might be depleted when the ID split will come and they will stay on a catastrophic earth B. At the same time the elite were not prepared to share new free energy technologies with the masses. This was the purpose of the club of Rome, whose reports I was reading very carefully in the 70s and 80s.
Ultimately the dark cabal instrumentalized this discussion to promote their policy of human genocide, arguing that the resources are limited on this planet and hence there must be a massive reduction in the human population with whatever means. As they did not succeed in this, they unleashed more wars in the 90s and after 2000.
With love and light
Dear George,
Thank you for your further elaboration on these topics. You are indeed a veritable encyclopedia of information and it amazes me how anyone can learn so much in one lifetime, especially when I consider that we are more or less the same age and I am lagging so far behind you, although I have not been idle in this regard!
With Love and Light,
Dear Henry,
it is not a question of cumulative collection of information, but of structuring it as to read and process less redundant information. I must admit that the new axiomatics of the Universal law helped me a lot to streamline my previous thinking and knowledge, thus eliminating most of the trash information and keeping the basic facts simple and interconnected.
This is opposite to what most people, first and foremost in academic circles but also in the mass media, are doing nowadays – they substitute quality with quantity. When you have a coherent and axiomatic view of the world, it is much more easier to memorize the facts as they are now interconnect with all other information and make sense.
In such a case you have the active support of your HS which can only operate as Logos and you can enjoy its unlimited potential as incarnated being. As long as one operates within the limitations of the ego-mind, this is not possible. Hence one must make personal efforts to be given more from heaven. This is the key statement on one of Jesus parables about the talents:
“For to everyone who has will be given, and he will have abundance, but from him who doesn’t have, even that which he has will be taken away. Throw out the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
This parable will be pivotal to explain what will happen with many so called “light workers” very soon, who believe to be spiritual, but in fact are in a state of constant, hidden stagnation that is camouflaged by external meaningless esoteric activities.
But you have opened a huge topic for discussion regarding human cognition that will surely be in the centre of our interest after the ID split on earth A and also on earth A/B as human consciousness never stops evolving.
Dearest Georgi,
I am writing you to give you a little update from half way across the world on the eve of our ascension. However, I too do not sense that Fatima’s March 19th supernova will take place, but like you, I know it will come like a thief in the night and if it shall come tonight, so be it, in’shallah and hallelujah! Nonetheless it was such a glorious message let’s hope that perhaps it is so!
Somehow the universe has brought me very close to the San Andreas fault line for my final days on 3D. As a last gift to ourselves we are doing a kind of fasting and cleansing this week at a small simple place here in the desert. I researched for awhile and I vaguely recall something about the San Andreas fault being near here, but little did I know that it is little more than a mile away from the fasting/cleansing place and about 3 miles from where we are staying. I know that whatever happens, it will not affect our timeline even though probably this place could be decimated in earth changes if that timeline were to be followed.
I feel strongly I am meant to be here, thankfully away from my family, whose dross I felt I was cleansing like a maniacal vacuum cleaner this last week. I can fully coalesce with people who said they went through hell this last week with the dross cleansing. I experienced it on a very personal level in the form of a family member telling me to go to hell and all sorts of other choice names because I pointed out to her and her husband that they are partly and mainly responsible for some horrible things that have happened to my beautiful nephew (crystalline child), and he is now locked up in some wilderness rehab center receiving god-knows-what kind of brain-washing.
Your email about Aniko from Switzerland is so timely in this sense too, and it hits very close to home for me. I will pray for his release very soon. I don’t think my nephew is in such dire straits, but it is indeed horrible what has happened to our children in this new generation. I also really had to put on the breaks this last week with my HS telling me fervently, “don’t get involved, just let go, it’s not your problem anymore, cut the savior mentality”. I can really relate to what Dorie was saying about having her heartstrings tugged to go see the patients again. We are all PAT, the empaths of the world and it was so timely that you told us to cut the messianic savior cords.
This was the last and final test for me, I was told by HS, and after it all exploded last week and I really felt the physical venom and hatred in every cell of my body that was bouncing from her towards me, but I also felt like a universal kind of receptor for all of the masses venom and hatred that they mirror towards others when their own fallacy and ignorance is exposed. These emotions are peaking now and probably will peak even more. There is a lot of ignorance abounding in the form of unexpressed anger, rage and hatred and it will all be laid plain for people to see their individual delusions very soon, hopefully, just as the Fatima message claims.
I just wanted to tell you that after I read April’s message especially about the feminine energies coming down and balancing the very masculine in the forms of colors and tones, it really struck me being here in the midst of the desert valley with huge mountains surrounding us, there is a powerful energy here right now and the colors in the sky and especially at dusk are indigo and magenta and there is a special quality in the air now, it feels very soft and feminine. I stretched my arms out in the desert today and thanked the earth and sky for holding us in their embrace for so long. I feel very much this womb of the earth energy here in the desert and know that we were brought here at this time to witness it. I feel very blessed and I want to share this blessed energy with the PAT. I just wanted you to know I am sending much love and light to our unity field from this seismically active area.
The people I’ve only briefly intentionally avoided at this cleanse place are also classic examples of light workers gone awry, very involved in their own little issues. We have both avoided conversations, but even among these types I feel that they cannot deny the earth is shifting under their feet, both literally and figuratively.
On a lighter and rather synchronicitous note, we met a couple this evening– the wife American and the husband Greek, from Thessaloniki, your ancestral place. somehow the conversation came around to the issue of Macedonia and I was astonished how chauvinistic and Greek-nationalist he was. He literally said the Macedonian issue is nonsense, that these people are just Slavs and have nothing to do with the Macedonian culture and that Alexander the Great spoke only Greek and the whole issue is a joke. Wow. Leo kept kicking me, so that I wouldn’t say anything and waste energy in arguing with him. He was right because I wouldn’t know how to begin. I kept thinking, God, I wish Georgi was here to demolish every little trivial argument and later I wondered why we encountered this man, who is otherwise very intelligent and open-minded on many issues, especially politics and the cabal that rules the world. He told us that the Greeks are so depressed now that they are literally desperate and 65% of young people are unemployed.
MY HS insists that we encountered this man to have one last example of how the stupid 3D brain works, i.e. it can be totally fixated on an ignorant point of view blindly and can be open in other areas. He was a classic example of this bizarre rather neanderthal-type mentality. Still… my battle-scarred self would have liked to see you demolish his petty chauvinistic views, just for the fun of it. I remember you telling us how your grandfather was almost killed and run out of the village for teaching Macedonian culture?
Anyway, Georgi, I know you may not even have time to read this, and perhaps we’ll ascend this night, I just wanted to say one last time how deeply grateful I am and we are to be a part of this wonderful journey we’ve been on and to have encountered a true teacher and master who has revealed and deepened our own mastery.
Love you very much Georgi and send you warm hugs and much sunshine from southern California. hope to see you on the other side of the veil very soon and much love to Dorie, April , Jerry, Anita, Skyler , Zoltan, Eva, Carla, Debra and all the rest whom I am sorry I cannot name, so blessed to be in all of your presences…
I bow to the beauty and mastery and love in all of you,
Dear Sarah,
thank you very much for your comprehensive email and for your insightful comments on a plethora of topics and trends that at present determine the collective human behaviour.
There is indeed a peak of negative emotions such as hatred, anger, aggression, all kinds of weird projections in denial of the personal truth about the individual debasement and so on. I consider these outburst of emotions as the fire of purification, through which the masses must go through, before they are relieved from their past dross.
We cannot help them and we should not be the direct receivers of this dross. We do enough cleansing work at a higher dimensional level for them. We need not be personally involved in their petty drama.
To the Macedonian debate: The current Macedonians in North Greece are indeed Slavs and they have never said that they are the heirs of Alexander the Great. But so do the present-day Greeks, even if they now sustain the opposite: They have little in common with the ancient Greeks, especially with Plato and Aristotle, and this is so obvious when you watch how they think and behave nowadays. They are Barbarians and have nothing in common with the ancient Greeks. It was Philip who first conquered the Greek states as his enemies, before his son Alexander could finish his job and begin to conquer the rest of the Ancient world.
The ancient Macedonians always felt different to the rest of the Greek population and there are sufficient historical sources and information that confirm this fact. It is quite probable that most of the Macedonians were Thracian tribes who of course at that time also spoke Greek as “lingua franca” and shared this ancient culture which was common along the whole Mediterranean coast. This was the case in ancient Bulgaria, at that time known as Thrace and Moesia. Philip was closely associated with the Thracian tribes east and north of Macedonia and they fought together the many wars in the Far East as famous horse riders.
The actual political problem is that the Greek vehemently reject the existence of a huge Slavonic minority in North Greece and consider them of Greek origin, which is rubbish as they speak overwhelmingly Macedonian language, which is a Bulgarian, south-Slavonic dialect, before it was announced an official language after WW2 in former Yugoslavian republic of Macedonia.
All these issues are so irrelevant now, but I agree with you how the people can stick to their chauvinistic ideas that compromise their dispersed pockets of intelligence in their convoluted, compartmentalized minds. Humankind is a real tragedy and now this diagnosis will fully enter their expanding consciousness. They will begin to realize with shame what a stupid species homo sapienshas always been.
I hope that when this poignant revelations begin to hit mankind, we will have already ascended and will not need to participate personally, in physical vessels, in this petty human drama in the End Times.
With love and light
Hi George and thanks for your posts. The nodes of calm reminded me of a comment from my mom over the weekend. I stayed at their house in Phoenix during my visit and she said she had been able to sleep the nights i was there though she did not understand why. She usually only sleeps several hours a night.
Also though i did not experience recent situations such as you and Jerry report, I have been criticized much more strongly by my parents over the weekend. This is out of character for them and I consider it another test…
Mike in Florida
Dear Mike,
human emotions are heating now to the boiling point and the separation of the timelines has commenced full force. This leads to frictions at all levels. Unfortunately this trend will stipulate in the coming days. It is naive to hope that harmony will reign very soon. This can only happen after the ID split and the disappearance of the B timeline from the energetic spectrum of earth A and earth A/B.
Ascension must be near as the dam has broke, so to speak, and I expect a rapid deterioration of the whole authority fraud that is corporate government.
Expose the Fluoride Deception and A Deputy Sheriff May Show You The Door
Peace on Earth.
Dear Corey,
Unfortunately the town council has resorted to force to eliminate the opposition. The question is indeed how long this brutal tactics will work. It stipulates their helplessness.
But the lawlessness peaks nowadays. I have just received an email from another starseed that has been put to jail for nothing. It is a very bad situation and I can only hope that we ascend asap and change the course of the events
Hi George,
How are things with you? I am here and very alone in this life. No one call me or come to see me and I have no friends. They all can not help me and so they leave me alone. I imagine it is easier that way.
So here I sit very down, not knowing what will come of me in this life any longer and reaching out for a word of encouragement to keep going.
I have lost 8 years of living being here as an exile. Some of the best years of the life I have just plain lost to this constant struggle. If god is merciful she will end this nightmare for me. I just had no one else to reach out to so this is why I wrote.
Thanks for listening Georgi.
Much love; Anthony
Dear Anthony,
you feel sad and alone not only because it is true, but also because you are now finishing this incarnation and are making a final sum-up of your past life. Many of us do the same in these last days and they write to me. This is the most clear and valid proof that you will ascend very soon and leave this planet, according to my estimation next week and then all your sufferings will come to an end.
Hold on a few more days.
With love and light
One last question. How can you be so certain there is an ascension? So many say there isn’t and it is just a part of the matrix trap we live in. I know I was told that there would be ascension and each time there was nothing. I feel hopeless about it ever happening.
The only consolation is the ever present tone 24-7. I am coming up on the need to make rent again… the constant struggle of someone in my state and my body hurts beyond belief everyday. I know if I go move furniture again for 4 or 5 days to make money I will cripple myself permanently.
I am so lost and yes you are right about this constant review of all that has gone on in this life. Intensely now and it just does not stop.
Thanks George!
With much respect; Anthony
Dear Anthony,
the very presence of the LBP with its perennial waves, and pains, and symptoms, and suffering, which not only myself, but the whole PAT of about 1000 people or more daily experience and share on this website is the most convincing proof that ascension is real and this time imminent.
We tried it several times in the past and especially on Dec 18 and Dec 23 when we could have managed it for a very little, but humanity was not ready yet. You only need to look around to know why. Now we have transmitted so much energies that the changes are obvious and we must make the next huge step. Or do you believe that heaven sends so much energy to such a small planet for nothing? There is no waste of energy in All-That-Is.
We are linked on this earth to humanity and dependent on its progress. Now the masses have reached the threshold when a huge pulse from the source – our PAT Supernova – will thrust them to a new reality and dimension.
Not only myself, but the whole PAT know and feel it coming.
With love and light
Hi Georgi,
I have so enjoyed reading what you are putting on the site lately. The letter from Catalin was so genuine, and the film Skylar did is amazing. I had an interesting weekend of being very light headed Saturday and Sunday, headaches the two days and extremely fatigued, but I just could not sleep well. I was told by other family members they experienced the same things.
There is a podcast I listen to every few days or so, and this is an article that the owner just published on his website that I thought you might find interesting. I asked two different people today what they thought about the financial thievery in Cyprus, and neither one knew what I was talking about, although they were having quite the lively conversation about how excited they were by the new Pope!
I hope you are well, sending a hug to you,
Dear Susan,
I am glad you like the latest post. Skyler’s video is fabulous indeed.
Cyprus is a test fall for the dark cabal and banksters how the population will react to this insidious bank robbery on a smaller scale, blaming the Russian mafia in Cyprus. This is a very simplistic and transparent explanation, before the dark western cabal implement this expropriation tool on a much broader scale.
First they started with RBS several days ago when this huge bank allegedly suffered a technical black-out and about 20 million British citizens were left for more than 24 hours without cash, then came Cyprus. German banksters and other politicians have already suggested that next come Italy and Spain to be robbed by the IMF.
But, and this is a very important objection, these are panic attacks of the bankster elite who very well know that the game is over now and that it is only a matter of days before they are ousted from power and may very well hang on the next tree as once the communists did during the Budapest upheaval.
We are entering very exciting times, exactly as I have envisioned them many years ago.
The collapse will be so huge that the current symptoms will soon lose any relevance when the big events will begin to roll on.
Just wait and see. And the PAT will be the main protagonists in this drama of cosmic proportions.
With love and light
Hi again Georgi;
Regarding Aniko Galamb, if I understood the blog correctly, she is in a psychiatric hospital in Zurich with a pending appearance in front of a judge to determine whether she should be freed or held for further evaluation.This all resulted from Aniko trying to free her boyfriend from a house of prostitution and drugs that is protected by the Swiss Government?
If this is all true, of course I will join with the PAT to send for her release, but what about this boyfriend? I do still have contacts in Switzerland and I could possibly have this looked at immediately. I mean this boyfriend and his housemates are in the most danger if they have actually been held against their wills and forced into prostitution…I know this kind of thing happens regularly by the disgusting perversions of the Orions, but in downtown Zurich with police knowledge to a teenage boy from Germany?
Please let me know if you think I should get involved further?
Marco NYC
Dear Marco,
first I am not sure if Aniko s a boy or a girl. I first also thought he/she is a girl, but then changed the gender to neutral as I was not sure. I have no overview on the situation, but the German blog he gave me as a link was very confused and I could not get a clear picture of the situation.
It is very noble of you to offer this help, but let us now simply try with our mental force to convince the judge to decide in favour of this crystalline child. Then we will see if there is anything we can do. I know that such kind of meditation performs miracles as I had the same situation with my daughter two years ago, as I told you in a previous email.
Dear Georgi,
I’m also confirming that yesterday there had to be another intense wave.
For at least half a year I didn’t have any cc-wave ( which was in 2011 a regular weekend’s activity) but yesterday from 19:00 until 04:00 I experienced a strong cc-wave followed by a restless sleep where I was dealing with some negative person ( I don’t recall any details.
I wonder if we’re helping Gaia with her labor in these days.
Few minutes ago I just returned from a session with an alternative healer (that helps me to get of my skin problems) and he confirmed that yesterday was indeed a special day also for him. Few of his patients were suddenly loosing concentration and balance of the body.
P.S: From Friday my health condition is improving significantly, so it looks that the few last days I will spend without an ever-present pain and physical discomfort.
P.P.S: Of course, I’m also adding my voice for Aniko.
Please pass on my appreciation to Skyler for the beautiful video. It is so uplifting and heartening. Well done. And thank you to you for keeping the moral of the PAT up these last few months. With out your encouragement these would have been much darker days.
I would like to add that yesterday’s energies (March 17) were crazy. Mid afternoon I could barely keep my eyes open, but I also could not sleep my body was vibrating like I was ready for take off. The sound of my portal was deafening and it kept accelerating. My emotional state ran from tears to moments of joy and then confusion. I also feel hungry, but nothing tastes right and my stomach is not tolerating what I do eat.
Love & light,
Dear George,
It is hard to put words to anything else of this 24/7 matter, so I report to you another discrete instance: I had another test run around 1am CST (6am GMT 3/18). The night was similar to my 10th-11th, with many repeated turns in the ‘dreaming’-light-body, each time checking back with the physical body. Each round began with levitating out of bed, out the door, and down the stairs. I was hyper-aware of the intensity of vibration, and attempting to bring all of me into that frequency. It became apparent this was not yet the final time, and I awoke fully in 3d, with only a minute or so of paralysis and profuse sweating, especially the abdomen and legs, then diarrhea later this morning of course. Seems like all day and night my HS is doing little tricks to keep me occupied/entertained (or whatever) while I am smashed against the glass ceiling until the optimal detonation. ‘Dear HS: Well played.’
Dear Georgi,
Today I witnessed the reaction from my husband when I tried to inform him that the U.S. Federal Reserve has bailed out European banks and that this run on the banks that just started in Greece will hit all of EU in days and then spread here. He was in complete disbelief about how the banking system works. He had no idea that our “government” had been lending money to foreign banks.
His reaction will be magnified millions of times when the rest of the Sheeple come to the same realization as the bank run hits here in the U.S.
If Heneghan’s report is true that Obama has been complaining to Valerie Jarette that he has been receiving threats every day, then this is a clear sign that the split within the military is about to rupture in front of the people. On the matter of disclosure I have heard “but it’s not Obama saying this”. People don’t seem to understand that the FAA, NSA and USAF are part of the government. We may go through a coup in order to get to disclosure. I don’t know but it would appear that there is serious trouble within the military.
The disconnect in thinking among Obama supporters is astonishing. They have lost the ability to think critically.
Much love and peace,
Dear Charlotte,
thank you for your latest comments. Keep a close eye on these developments as they indeed may prove to be crucial in the coming days.
Hi Georgi!
Thank you as always for the many amazing posts which keep our path lit up even in the darkest times.
I am still here and still OK as I’m sure you have sensed. My survival technique has been to put everything but the 3D necessities aside and use all my energy to focus on envisioning and living in new unlimited realities. I can not look at any news or information about this this 3D reality, even this information about the pope is completely uninteresting to me. I understand the necessity to assess the situation around us but for me personally, my only option to remain relatively sane and in a high vibratory state is to leave most of this particular 3D reality behind, so maybe this is my main function now… to be an architect and builder of our futures.
Anyway… enough of my babbling. It amazed me that Catalin has written to you and expressed interest and resonance with the information on the website, this is the best most phenomenal confirmation that our efforts are being realized. If it is at all possible could you please post something for Catalin and Chris or anyone else that is drawn to your website and to the PAT in general. They must know that there are no PAT exclusions, as we only use the term ‘PAT’ loosely because we are still somewhat bound to 3D written language…Catalin, Chris and anyone else that is drawn so strongly to the website and information Georgi or other PAT’ers have expressed, you are already on the PAT. That’s the only thing that really defines ‘PAT’, your strong interest and will to participate is your ticket.
Thank you April, Dorie, Skyler, Aegil! You guys are amazing… I’m sorry that I haven’t participated on the website more, but I’m trying in a different realm to follow your examples.
The expression ‘thank you’ is so inadequate Georgi…, so I give you my best thoughts always.
Marco NYC
Dear Marco,
thank you for this necessary and very timely clarification that the PAT is an idea of ascension and everybody who shares this idea is part of the PAT movement. Of course there are gradations and differentiations in the personal duties of each one of us. But as the entire PAT is now fully connected to the source, even at the expense of more cleansing and pain, those, who will follow our steps will also immensely profit from the unity field of the PAT and will accelerate their ascension process according to their individual soul plans.
Of course, it is not necessary to delve too much into the abyss of human crimes in past and present, as this timeline will soon be severed from the ascended earth A and will only exist in the annals of the Akashic chronics. But I am also thinking of the future readers of our website shortly after our impending ascension and try to present a balanced mix of news, consisting not only of our reports on the ascension process, but also some articles on more earthly matters. Basic information that reveals the atrocities of the dark cabal and explains why this whole ascension process was mandatory in order to save human civilisation and this planet from this most destructive dark force – the former PTB from the Orion /Reptilian empire and the dark archons in the lower astral planes.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Daniel and I, along with my friend Julia, carried out a large infusion of light energy at the Ayers Rock site yesterday afternoon.
It was my intuitive sense that of all the crystal cities on Gaia, this one was weak and somehow compromised in some fashion as it was not “on-line” to my eyes. We infused the rainbow light, followed by the platinum light, and moved into a great sense of peace with the planetary Christ as a final blessing. There remain four pillars of rainbow Beings, one on each side of the Rock. These Beings work to manage the energetic influx currently flowing into the crystalline grid at that site. From my point of view, the crystalline grid is now fully complete and “on-line”. I am getting that there may be some further adjustments albeit minor ones, over the course of this coming week.
I have enjoyed your recent postings very much, thank you very kindly. I feel a sense of sadness as I feel that this is all coming to an end.
Jesus was here yesterday, in my home. He said to just remember, “We are all brothers and sisters!”
Love and light to you my brother,
Dear Carla,
what are you doing all day and night long, jetting along the earth’s grids and mending them. Have a rest in the last few days before departure and let the forces of light do this job from above.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Please know that while this grid work may seem frivolous remember that the Elohim told me to stay connected with them for these final energetic infusions. This has meant being the antenna for the huge waves, but also part and parcel to this has included the correction of any major shortfalls within the system.
It also turns out that the physical suffering I endured following the clearing of the Giza pyramid actually identified a severely damaged root chakra with my energy being constantly drained out. I have now had a healing with the help of AA Michael who was adamant that what was happening was “just not right!” and I am wondering now in retrospect that without knowing about this problem in my lower chakras that I perhaps would not be able to ascend. You would know better about this.
You see for me it’s very simple. Everything really does happen for a reason. This has always been my experience.
With love and light,
Dear Carla,
I can very well appreciate your huge efforts to cleanse such dark spots and portals the world over. I was just joking a little bit to make it easier for you and suggesting indirectly that you should read loud one more time the last decree. You will ascend with or without this work, as there is no other solution, but any job you decline to do now on behalf of humanity and Gaia will be done by somebody else and you should not worry about it. It is not necessary to burden yourself twice and trice.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I know that you were bringing light into the situation. I laughed at your comments and so you have gently reminded me of the truth – that I don’t have to carry on. I thank you for the gentle reminder.
With much love,