Personal Opinions – March 18, 2013

Letters to the Editor

The Unlimited Creative Potential of the PAT Crystalline Children

Hello George,

I just finished a short film on extraterrestrial contact. You can watch it here:


Dear Skyler,

this is an excellent video. My most emphatic congratulations for this creation. And I love this scene with Judy Foster from this film on extraterrestrials. I will recommend your video to all members of the PAT in the new report today.

With love and light

Thank you, Georgi,

for your moving reply and the last paragraph about gnosis. I thank Skyler for reading and publishing my book on the Freedom Earth website despite being incomplete:

Feel free to send that link to any PAT member who is interested with my book.

Just like what other PAT members have mentioned, I am deeply moved with your conversation with Catalin and Silvia. I also had bouts of depression as mentioned in the last PAT Opinions.


Dear Aegil,

this is an excellent idea. I will publish your email and the link in the next report, so that the readers can go to Skyler’s website and read your articles.


Thank you.

Here is a direct link to the books section:

He has not published it as articles on his blog yet due because he told me it is difficult for him to source the images. So it is downloadable only as a .zip file with PDFs of the 10 serials from the books section of his blog.

In love and light

Hi Georgi,

Last night the energies were so intense, I thought for sure I would dissolve and be gone from this place. I read Dorie and your communication in the last post and I too find it incredibly difficult to open my mouth to form words – I realise that I’m much closer to completely communicating telepathically than ever before. I literally find it so labour intensive to speak and formulate words that I have been avoiding contact with people more than ever so that I don’t have to do this. Everything in this dimension is sooo very dense and heavy.

I can also confirm for me that the cleansing activity is much easier on my body than in the past – Thankfully!

I have had some inner promptings for some time now, that on my birthday March 27th I will experience something quite amazing – I certainly hope so.

Love and light,

Dear Laurie,

let us hope that your birthday on full moon will be the A-day for which we all long.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

It is speeding up. I must share this story with you. It involves my mother-in-law. She has for many years of my married life been hard hearted and cruel towards others at times.  Her father was an officer in the Nazi Army. She loved her father very much and rests upon what she was taught as a child. She recounts how she and her brother were taught to honor Hitler and country every day in school.  In some respects she creates great beauty and comfort and ease of life all around her and those closest to her but in other ways she can be extremely cruel.

She once commented that her money was her God. She would never consider the existence of extraterrestrials being disclosed in her lifetime. She does not believe in trying to waste time understanding too much about our possible existence beyond this life.

Early this morning she was “rocked” to the core at the credible news reports that we are upon disclosure. It was funny to me. I had to laugh at how things are shaking out. And to make sure that there was no doubt in my mind as to the message being sent, after I finished my workout and attempted to log on for the first time with her still in mind, I noticed that the clock on the computer read 11:11.

I laughed harder and harder and harder. I went to work with a feeling in my heart that I had never felt before and for the first time in my life at this particular job, I was afforded the opportunity to leave early and enjoy the rest of my day. I took advantage of this privilege and came home to find out that you have several new postings. So now I will enjoy the rest of my day and finish reading your new posts.

I know that the rest of the PAT are starting to feel and experience these miracles as well.

With all my love and peace and joy to you, the PAT and the world.


Dear Charlotte,

the events are now speeding up indeed and especially the rate of awakening of humanity. We have never had such a plethora of proofs that this time ascension is knocking on the door. Everything tells me that we are short of a veritable collective epiphany – the global Pentecostal miracle of the PAT Supernova.

With love and light

Dear George,

My final heartfelt thanks to you, April and Dorie for being the guiding lights through the maze of confusing probabilities. You kept us on the right track when guidance was needed. A trinity of bright lights.

I am still deeply in contact with dementia affected people, but understand why and notice their connection with me.

However, the longing for home is intense and I know its very near now. Like Dorie I am still processing issues, in my case in, the form of digestive system problems, but I know its clearing out the tiny corners of remaining dross. I felt a deep sadness this morning and now understand why. Thank you for your explanation George. No other words needed now, just love and connection to Source and PAT.

Love light and supernova.

Dear Lynn,

thank you for your kind words and for your validation of our common experiences in the last most dramatic days in energetic sense prior to our ascension.

With love and light

Hi George!

Just a quick note right now, wondering if you´ve heard about the Cyprus bank-runs?

Haven´t had a chance to really read through in full detail yet, but looks curious, to say the least.

I was in Italy over the weekend on “family business”, so I got to take the pulse of the people in the north (Venice area) regarding the new Pope and also post-election. Even the older generation seems to be paying attention and has had enough. Mostly people said the vote for Grillo´s party was out of protest. The people I´ve spoken to are grieving the death of their country´s economy and general decline in standards of living. They say they are becoming a “3rd World Country” and feel that the new Pope situation is irrelevant right now.

Am in the middle of cooking dinner, but did want to drop you a quick line to say hi and let you know I´m still here, taking the pulse, shining my light, connecting with ascension candidates and staying visible.

Thanks for the amazing articles-lots of great reading right now!
Love Debra.

Dear Debra,

thank you for your account from your Italy trip. The people must begin to feel the end of the time and this reality and this can happen most effectively through financial and economic hardships. This is inevitable as this system is totally dysfunctional.

I have read about the Cyprus crisis already.The cabal is now probing the doomsday scenario by crashing the banks and trying to enslave humanity by making them penniless. This is their timeline B. This began in GB when RBS closed its accounts for more than 24 hours and 20 million British citizens were without cash for more than a day. These accidents are no coincidence. Such things have never happened before.

These crises are symptomatic for and herald the collapse of the Orion matrix, which has already started and can explode any moment from now on.

We have already entered the most vulnerable phase when anything can happen anytime, including our abrupt ascension and detonation of the PAT supernova.

Very exciting times indeed, for which we have waited so long.

With love and light

Hey Georgi,

I just wanted to give you a brief update. I feel that a strong energy wave hit the planet last night 12:30 am California time. I feels like a source pulse, at one point I trying to go sleep and a flash of a baby blue light appeared (eyes closed) and jolted me awake at the same time.

The reason I wanted to mention it is because I normally don’t get visuals like the one I did last night. And I don’t normally get massive waves of euphoria (little ones yes) It was so strong I thought the supernova occurred, hence light and color of it. Something is blooming.

Love and Light

Dear Roger,

this must have been indeed the case as about the same time in the morning (March 17) I was also hit by a similar wave and had to sleep. It became a very prolonged nap of more than three hours. Normally I need a couple of minutes and I am recreated. There were some very important meetings and councils that I attended and some important decisions were made in the HR, but I do not remember the details. I wanted to wake up many times, but I simply could not and fell back in a deep trance.

If you read the latest message from April it is also speaking of the colours of the incoming energies – the blue colour being the masculine energies that are now mixed with the feminine energies of magenta.


Dear Georgi,

Daniel and I, along with my friend Julia, carried out a large infusion of light energy at the Ayers Rock site yesterday afternoon.

It was my intuitive sense that of all the crystal cities on Gaia, this one was weak and somehow compromised in some fashion as it was not “on-line” to my eyes.  We infused the rainbow light, followed by the platinum light, and moved into a great sense of peace with the planetary Christ as a final blessing. There remain four pillars of rainbow Beings, one on each side of the Rock. These Beings work to manage the energetic influx currently flowing into the crystalline grid at that site. From my point of view, the crystalline grid is now fully complete and “on-line”. I am getting that there may be some further adjustments albeit minor ones, over the course of this coming week.

I have enjoyed your recent postings very much, thank you very kindly. I feel a sense of sadness as I feel that this is all coming to an end.

Jesus was here yesterday, in my home. He said to just remember, “We are all brothers and sisters!”

Love and light to you my brother,

Dear Carla,

what are you doing all day and night long, jetting along the earth’s grids and mending them? Have a rest in the last few days before departure and let the forces of light do this job from above.

With love and light

Thank you, George,

for triggering my remembrance of my epiphany (as you call it) in September 1992 and especially to make me more aware of my resistance to my mission.

I have had some experiences, I was literally going for a “crash”, though in this time “it just happened to me” – now I know otherwise… but I observed, that I am still here….

In June 92 I experienced a car-accident, perceiving three kind of angels protecting me, shielding my car. The car was damaged totally, not to repair, but myself I have been injured only a little. And my friend told me, that I mentioned this a few days before – this accident and being afraid of (I didn’t remember).

Living in a community together with a couple, I have been alone in our apartment during September, so looking back, I knew, that they have been on holiday 3 weeks. The point was, that I couldn’t remember what I have been doing in this time, not even remembering shopping or eating. But I remembered this event, having on a bridge in the night, driving back on my bike, stopping and screaming out loud and crying, that I am not ready yet, that I can not carry all the suffering of humanity on my shoulders. This was the beginning of the following weeks…. not finding an explanation to it  –  thank you.

The next call I am aware of, I experienced in June 92 with an orgasm-like feeling through all my body, just appearing out of the blue. Then in August 99, on Cape Verde, I felt a very strong connection, felt hands through the veil touching me, and “my drive on the roller-coaster” started itself. Later I found out, that my guides left me and that I entered the so called “ dark night of my soul”  –  very intensive time and a period of even more confusing and heart-breaking moments.

In my mail from yesterday (being visible) I forgot to tell you that I am a single child. This has been very stressing, since my parents, in their generation (born 1920  and  1926)
thought of a child as their possession – very materialistic oriented in all regards. Of course, they have been suffering from the war as well, not only from the catholics.
My foster-father was a young man, experiencing war as a soldier and has been caught in this manipulation and destruction, not finding a solution to his trauma. And having lost all the trust in humanity in general, full of angst.

Their parents were peasants, but my parents gave up this profession later and established a modest middle-class life, caught in their believe-system of being poor, driven by their existential fear to save up, not being able to spend their savings for themselves.

What was a thread to me many years – being the single child – became a support the past years. My mother is the only direct biological family-member left. I had to confront and liberate myself with some drama AND support from my team in the higher realms.
I am glad, that with this family background, full of confusion, I am not challenged with more family. The clan from my mother, she never detached, is still keeping distance
with my form of life. This has been the case, when I was a child already – I always felt so different, and it even is pictured in photos:  they stood together – I stood some meters
beside them.

And concerning my family here:  with my boys and fathers….   we are a very big family, indeed  –  and the same time a huge canvas for projection in this space of embodiment.

One question is on the table, while writing to you about my experiences: the question WHY so much resistance to this mission? So difficult to surrender still surrender
not having a plan not following a concept letting go all surrender

In inner certainty, knowingness all has be done and the morning will rise without my making it up…

So I am still breathing my passion

Dear George,

thank you very much for this article

I resonate totally with it. It touches my soul because of it’ s truth. I hope we can “do” it this month. Have a beautiful Sunday,


Dear Heidi,

I am glad that you like this last article. I used this message from Juliano actually to sum up one more time our achievements during the last two years and to put them in a bigger, cosmic perspective, showing that we have never left the right path of ascension even if it may have seemed so.

Everything points now to this outcome, and it is this time not only about us, but about the whole humanity and Gaia. Actually it is a done deal and I have reached a state of the mind when I know that ascension will happen as it is inevitable and I no longer care when it will happen.

With love and light

Well Georgi,

you made me laugh out loud this Sunday morning with the shit not hitting the fan, but the red-shoes of the Pope!

Thanks for all the interesting and emotional messages of  PAT-members and I send my rainbow-light-ribbon through all your wonderful hearts! Waiting patiently “Time” is ready, but yet very excited to see how it all will play out!

Warm greetings with Love and Light for all,

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your all-encompassing explanation on the behaviour and plans of these madmen.

During the time I worked in the refugee camp of Debrecen, I met hundreds of people who became victims of oppressing regimes, and religous fanatism all over the world, probably that’s one reason why I feel an urge to get these issues straight in my head, even though I know that we’ll have all our questions answered after ascension in the blink of an eye. I feel the energies building up constantly, I expect this will remain the tendency until the vernal equinox, which will no doubt bring something special.


Hallo Georgi

no need to respond, I just want to thank you for posting all this great opinions from everyone, from the 14th through yesterday the 15th. I also felt down and somewhat upset about the people around me that would just not open they’re eyes. but today I feel calmer in knowing the time is near and all will be well.

I’m from South Africa and actually speak Afrikaans, so please forgive my English-speaking.

with lots of love and light


Dear Georgi,

‘What we now observe is a peak of collective human fears in anticipation of the coming revelations and tribulations which are known to be imminent by all humans at the subconscious level. This intuitive, hidden knowledge makes them resist this truth even more at the level of their daily consciousness. This is a robotic survival reflex based on angst and will melt as soon as the events will begin to unfold very soon.

This is exactly what I have observed with people that I’m in contact with, both at work and also with the limited amount of time I’m in contact with my immediate family, due to living overseas – and also friends here. It makes perfect sense – A colleague at work was reading the news on the Internet and mentioned the ‘new’ pope – I immediately said that I  could care less about the new pope and that this institution should fall due to the paedophiles and money laundering as well as cold blooded murder. She said that she wasn’t religious and didn’t really care about it either, but that this institution would never be abolished.

What I find amazing about people is that even though they claim to ‘not be religious’ they still, from a very programmed way of thinking, defend the church in this round about manner and are completely unaware of their doing so. And, if pointed out to them, they justify it even more so by saying one shouldn’t ‘put down’ others religion. Truly amazing – considering the amount of corruption and mafia type behaviour in this institution. And yes, the resistance of actually looking at this is very great – due to the truth and the sub-conscious angst that people do not want to acknowledge, which is becoming ever more prevalent and surfacing in a way that is leaving them feeling helpless.

I received a letter from my brother voicing concern over my well-being for the future – within the letter itself I sensed great angst about my choices and if I was to still have a ‘decent’ life style I should consider coming back to Canada, because at least then I would still be able to get the CPP (Canadian Pension Plan) and get myself back on my feet. I realise the letter itself was written from a place of concern and love, however, the main feeling running through the letter was angst over choices he had no control over and didn’t understand because of his (and my family’s) inability to see that being tethered to a security system of control is what destroys our creativity and our ability to make choices outside of a box, due to the vast fears it entails if you move yourself away from this way of thinking and this paradigm of thought. It really makes people feel deeply uncomfortable. But, I might add that it is a discomfort that needs to be addressed due to the immensity of it.

Humanity is about to get the ‘Full Monty’ with regards to their deeply controlled psyches. These systems of control that offer false security with the intent of abolishing the true freedom of creativity and choice, have got to go. This is truly the crime that humanity has lived with for eons of time that has shaped their psyches to such an extent that they can’t even see what it is they are defending anymore. But the veil is about to be pulled away – Thank goodness.

In love and light,

PS: The Full Monty is a British comedy that tells the story of six unemployed men who are debating whether or not to take off all their clothing – i.e.; do the ‘full monty’ after becoming unemployed to help their financial situation:

I couldn’t find a free download for the movie – It’s really quite funny and worth watching if you can.

Dear Laurie,

thank you for your enlightened contribution to our latest discussion on human intransigence prior to our ascension. Let us hope that this topic will not accompany us for a very long time.

With love and light

Thank You Dr. Georgi,

for replying and then publishing Catalin Panov’s letter and your detailed response.
I, too feel exactly as Catalin, so many questions, eager to understand, fear of being embarrassed, because of lack of fully understanding, and also, not wanting to bother you,
with your very full days and nights.

Thank you for answering my questions posed in Catalin’s letter.

I must assume all of us non PAT must wonder deep in our hearts if we are “scheduled to ascend”, and how to know for sure, the axiomatic truth. (not sure if I used that word right. I learned it from you, and your website).

Short, sweet, no need to reply.

Dear Chris,

thank you for your validation of our latest article with Catalin. As long as you are deeply moved by such topics and your heart vibrates with these themes, you are on the right path. There is no need now to question this path or to judge the final outcome from your present-day situation. We are now evolving in such a rapid and dramatic manner that any conclusion made today will be overthrown tomorrow. The only important thing one should care about is not to lose his spiritual flexibility and openness to all new developments. The rest will come as planned.

It is our goal to ascend several billion human beings to the 5th dimension and now there are still only a handful of them that really resonate with our discussions on this website. The rest is still sleeping, although they are also bound to ascend sooner or later.

With love and light

Thank you for taking the time, and especially for this:

“As long as you are deeply moved by such topics and your heart vibrates with these themes, you are on the right path. There is no need now to question this path or to judge the final outcome from your present-day situation.”

Your extending these comforting words to me will serve as an example to help me comfort myself, and those around me in the exciting, potentially fear inducing unknown time frame, days, weeks, months ahead.

Thank you again.

Buon Viaggio,

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