Personal Opinions – January 25, 2013

Letters to the Editor

The Russian Disclosures on Aliens and UFOs Continue Unabated  

I have just received a link from Josefine (Germany, Bavaria) to another Russian TV program issued recently on the official TV Channel “Russia” which deals with UFO data collected by British secret services in Great Britain. As I wrote to her, obviously the Russians are playing out their cards very cleverly in the current Disclosure Poker by squeezing their adversaries in the West to put their cards on the table without  themselves risking too much.

The Revelations on Paedophile, Satanic Practices Among Western Orion/Reptilian Politicians Widen

On another venue, Dennis from Holland made me aware of publications concerning the widening of the paedophile ring scandal that now seems to involve prominent EU politicians, in particular the President of the EU Commission and former Portuguese PM  Manuel Baroso, who is made responsible for the spectacular disappearance of the small British girl Madeleine McCann on 3rd May 2007 in Portugal.

As I wrote to Dennis:

“It is difficult for me to assess the gravity of this information as this report on Baroso is very superficial and does not show any substantial facts to back the thesis of him being involved in paedophile scandals. But there is no doubt that the ring is closing on the elite and that their life is becoming increasingly difficult and dangerous. If you read my latest publication you will know why.”

I am mentioning these developments on top as I have the strong inner intuition that we are now entering a new phase of acceleration, when huge revelations will be made very soon and the cracks in the facade of the Orion elite on power will begin to widen rapidly, until the whole house of cards of the PTW collapses all of a sudden.

This all has to do with the massive cleansing we are doing this week on behalf of the masses, thus catapulting them to new unknown heights of pure vibrations, where lies and deceptions could no longer exist and the truth will finally emerge radiant and irresistible on the surface of the collective human awareness. This will coincide with the official appearance of the PAT on the historical stage as the new Earth Keepers and Elohims of the new transgalactic human civilisation. We are now definitely on the cusp of huge events that will transform humanity and this planet for ever.


Hi George,

I don’t like to give much weight to any of the “Sorcha Faal” items, (such as):

Obama Plan To Massacre Americans Chills Russia

but after reading yours and Taryn’s posting, I ran across this:

“Pulitzer Prize winner and veteran US national security correspondent Thomas E. Ricks, on writing about Obama’s ouster of General Mattis, added to Dr. Garrow’s warning to the American people about the troubles to come by stating:

I am at the point where I don’t trust his national security team. They strike me as politicized, defensive and narrow. These are people who will not recognize it when they screw up, and will treat as enemies anyone who tells them they are doing that. And that is how things like Vietnam get repeated. Harsh words, I know. But I am worried.”

Equally worried, and as evidenced in this report, are Russian officials who speculate that Obama may have already started a mass purge of US dissidents and is hiding their deaths within the “false statistics”of what the Americans are calling a flu epidemic, but which strangely appears to be only targeting Americans as this virus has yet to appear in any other nation.

Where William Schaffner, chairman of the department of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee estimates this “US only” flu epidemic has killed at least 36,000 Americans so far, this report notes this number “grossly exceeds” what one should expect from this virus.

Pointing to a more likely culprit in these mass American deaths, this MFA report says, is a hidden viral gene recently discovered in genetically modified crops (GMO) (which Americans consume more of than anyone one in the world) by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). According to the EU scientists who discovered this hidden viral gene, its sole function is “designed to disable their host in order to facilitate pathogen invasion.”

To if the Obama regime would result in the wholesale murder of human beings by secretly infecting the US food supply with a viral gene designed to break down the defenses of all who it infected appears to be so, and as evidenced by the highly Obama supportive publication who sent shock waves throughout America this past week when they openly advocated the taking of human life to further their agenda.” 

This probably explains the “Fatalistic” talk and actions coming from all corners of the globe right now.

Your thoughts George?


Dear Charlotte,

I cannot comment on such scattered news and speculations without any red thread and any substantial facts presented.


Dear Georgi,

I keep hearing about this financial trash, about Europe going into another mini-recession, especially Germany; though it’s probably the least of all of countries in financial jeopardy.  (What happened to all that gold?  3.4 $B)  Angela Merkel running around with a big frown on her face and the Minister of Finance walking through the room like a Wall Street Banker. I wish the whole f*g thing would just fall flat on its face; including the US, Russia, and China. They will use a false flag attempt at an Alien Invasion, most likely starting in California when the financial system goes down, probably with a few others.  I hope the PAT is still around for it.

Love and light,

Dear Henry,

although I have given up on following this kind of conventional news, here is my quick take. Europe has never been out of the recession since 2008 and even much earlier (since 1998)  except for Germany. GB is now officially in the fourth consecutive recession since 2008 and its deficit is bigger than that of all PIGS countries put together. What are we talking about? The USA has debts of more than 200 trillion $.

Bill Gross the CEO of  PIMCO has just written that the US banks have official debts only on gold lending at the miraculous sum of 72 trillion $ (five times the BSP of the USA), although there is no physical gold at all in their vaults.

When the former Bundesbank director visited the Fed in the 60s and wanted to see the German gold, the Fed-banksters admitted that they do not have it anymore and cannot show it to him. This Teutonic vassal then replied: “It does not matter, I trust you”. Now it is impossible to be such an idiot, but the elite on power still fool the public. The Fed now has forbidden the Germans to inspect their gold in New York. To repatriate only 300 tons from the 1500 tons of German gold in the Fed in three years is a joke and an ample admission that the Fed has no physical gold at all, although they lend 80 billion $ each month, most of it on fictitious gold basis.

The collective human idiocy knows no limits. Why should I bother about details when I get  these crazy facts even without wanting to know them?

I am now only counting the last days till I will leave this rotten planet like a convict in a prison and then will come again to change this stupid humanity for ever. In the meantime I have given up on this idiotic species. One has to substitute their whole hard- and software program, before they start thinking decently.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I am looking so forward to joining you in this wonderful enterprise, and I am so hoping that you will have me in your first grouping. I am a prisoner in America and yearn to be set-free.

In Love and Light,

Dear Henry,

our next astral movie will be “How to escape from US-Alcatraz


Dear Georgi and PAT,

This last few days have been unbelievably rough. I have been hit extremely hard. I have had huge pain, slept a lot and felt like I was disintegrating, yet again…. but still here!! I had a dream of being on a bus and driving past the Hilton in Paris, noting an unknown connection to us, the PAT.

Anna has had a huge clearing of grief and deep sorrow, particularly related to animals. As she says, she does not have personal experiences to produce anything like that level of clearing.

Last night I dreamed of a serious disorganisation and some disturbing level of self-serving in the higher realms and, like Bernice, felt I was there incognito. It seemed that the integrity of the higher realms was at risk, but, before I awoke, several of us (who seemed dismayed) had discreetly restored the integrity and the troublemakers had gone away. I awoke very relieved, but more exhausted than I had been before I went to bed.

I have been experiencing time as very rapid. This ties in with the recent message about dropping impatience. It’s like there is no need to be impatient or patient because time is racing by.

I am interested to watch the ‘Men in Black’ documentary and also the ‘Ace in the Hole’ when I feel a bit better and have the concentration for it. Interestingly, my friend had a film on last night called ‘Unbreakable’ about a man who couldn’t die or be ill or get damaged and I had looked earlier on youtube for a childhood favourite song called ‘the cat came back’ about a cat that couldn’t be killed and kept coming back. Just a reminder to us all that we are invincible, unbreakable and will just keep coming back until the job is finished here on Earth.

Very much thinking of you all, my dear PAT family,

In love and light, Gail

Dear Gail,

thank you very much for your personal validation of the huge waves that sweep over our fields and bodies this week as it has been announced.

It is absolutely true that none of these negative patterns we feel and cleanse in our fields  belong to us. In fact the prevailing emotion now is anger and aggression, which I sense very strongly and they do not come from my reality, but from the masses, which are now beginning to awaken for the first time and realize how much they have been deceived all that time. This feeling of frustration will gain momentum in the coming days and will fuel the epoch of revelations.

I am for instance involved all the time in cleansing the most dark part of humanity. This night I was undercover in mafia circles and then worked as an investigator who had to convince penitent mafia members to work for me. When I woke up, I felt so dirty from this dross that the first thing I had to do is take a shower as I felt I would be suffocated by this goo.

The problem is that we are now feeling all these dark negative patterns in a very physical manner and cannot simply discard their vibrations from our bodies and fields. They permeate our skin and inner organs and stay there for as long as they need to be fully transmuted.

The other prevailing lucid dreams I have is to obtain the necessary thresholds and their continuous gauging as to determine the optimal point in time of our ascension. The determining feeling is that we have to wait in painful boredom, till all fractions of humanity reach their necessary threshold to open the game at the societal level. But there is no doubt that we are in the final rehearsals for these events.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your reply. I fully agree that we are now cleansing some really disturbing shit, eg mafia. I dreamed last night of preventing the elite from taking literally everything away from ordinary people and awoke very late and very exhausted again. The fact that I am remembering my dreams is very significant, as in the past (all of my life) I have rarely recalled my dreams and when I have done so, they have been deeply spiritual experiences, mainly of the wonderful kind. Yes, these dreams are clearly deeply spiritual, but not at all of a blissful nature.

What you say about waiting in painful boredom strikes a chord. In fact, to alleviate the boredom I have decided to embark on reviewing the constitution of the local fire service, which I have connections with, to investigate the use of language within it. Language has been so deliberately misused by the elite that its mis-use now permeates everything, from blatant abuse in advertising, to subtle and often unintentional mis-use in everyday life. This subject is in fact worthy of a major article, but I am certain that all the PAT understand this already (mentioned briefly by Aegil Santos in his excellent article at )

To replace emotive, mis-used and divisive language with accurate language in the constitution of an organisation and its policies (I am thinking Earth A/B here) will naturally filter down through the whole of an organisation and reintroduce the humanity (caring and supporting) into the organisation.

I will be interested to see what the response is from the fire service, but I am in a position to be respectfully listened to and expect a fairly positive response. Once implemented in our local fire service, I can then offer the same opportunity to other fire services and other types of organisations for as long as I am stuck here on Earth. Once all fractions of humanity reach their necessary threshold, which is surely now very close, this is the type of thing that will impact at the societal level.

Personally, I would rather have no constitutions at all, but that will not be possible until people move into true honesty, trust and love for one another, which is clearly not imminent on Earth A/B, hence my feeling that this will be a valuable exercise and a worthwhile use of my time and energy at this juncture.

In love and light, Gail

Dear Gail,

this is indeed an excellent idea  – how to substitute  the old Orion Speak (not the Orwell’s New Speak) with a new language of compassion and deeper understanding in everyday life. Few people think about this, but this is how one eradicates the old roots of evil in human semantics and creates an new linguistic perception. The most obvious is always the most difficult to discern – hence the perennial repetition of evil habits on this toxic planet.

This is a good start and please keep me informed about the future development of your incentive. I am curious to hear how the people respond to your suggestions.

With love and light

Dear George.

I also felt this energy income last night (Jan.22-23) very strongly, and continuing. For the last week I have gotten dizzy spells every afternoon/evening. It feels like I am anesthetized in the forehead and eyes, and I can´t do anything but lay down. Yesterday evening it got so severe, I fell asleep for some hours, same as you, and then couldn´t sleep the rest of the night. I have had a white noise present in my head/ears for a month now. It was very loud during the build up to the test runs before Christmas, then it receded a bit, and now the last two days it´s as loud as it was then.

I think the white noise must be the sound of energy coming in. From Thursday to Sunday – four days – I went through a ghastly cleansing, like you also mentioned. I had a feeling of a really bad hangover with headache, nausea and a tight solar plexus, making it hard to breath. I thought it lasted very long, usually it is over in one or two days. Today I have this feeling of fever, warm and cold and clammy. And now the dizziness is coming on again. Whatever this is, it´s affecting me as heavy as the energies at 12.21.12 did. These days I find myself in some bubble of seemingly aimless mindless waiting. Just further suspension in an awake coma. It´s strange not to know how long this will go on, but it doesn´t bother me like it did last year. That can only be because I at some level must know we are getting close to wrapping everything up. Sometimes I just snap, though. Going crazy over this situation of still being here.

I just wanted to share and add to the PAT statistics.

With love, Eldbjørg

Dear Eldbjørg,

thank you very much for your lengthy energy update which confirms the huge surge in the last days. You are absolutely right in your assumption that this huge source impulse has only one aim – to prepare humanity for our ascension and official appearance and for their full awakening as a prerequisite for their ascension. It can’t go on like this for ever and the current graveyard calmness must come to an end.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Yesterday I thought I was on the mend, but then got hit with energies in the evening.  This morning is the same again… I feel awful, exhausted, my lungs burn, my stomach burns, and my body feels weighted down and aches all over. I swear if I didn’t know this was the LBP, I would think I was dying.

Just thought I’d let you know what is going on energy wise with me as I see others are going through the same. I think I have added hundreds of gray hairs to my head over the past month.

In Love and Light,

Dear Vicki,

I knew it would be very hard this week for most members of the PAT and that is why I warned you in due time, so that you are not caught by surprise and believe you are really dying. But it is still very challenging, no matter how well one is mentally prepared for this extremely powerful energy bout.

With love and light

The Elephant in the Room:

Earth Changes

by Christopher Rudy,
Host of the BBS Radio Show
Cosmic Love’ for 5 Years

Graphically archived with embedded video at:

Previous article: ‘Inauguration of Global Civilization


Changes have already begun, and are known to scientists and meteorologists worldwide. Violent storms, unusual  weather patterns, severe and long lasting droughts,
increased frequency & magnitude of hurricanes,  earthquakes, volcanism, torrential rains, and a  general warming of the oceans and the air.

When ‘ZetaTalk‘ began in 1995, the Zetas warned that  unpredictable weather extremes, switching about  from drought to deluge, will occur and increase  on a linear basis up until the coming pole shift.

This is the elephant in the room that nobody notices… as if it wasn’t there.

<cut for brevity; full version HERE>

The implications are more profound than you might imagine, but considering the huge Earth-changing possibility, and how this would be ‘disruptive’ to normalcy, you can understand why there’s a media black-out to keep the blind-fold on.

But you have the right to be informed as to what is now coming upon our planet.
That’s why I encourage you to  WATCH THIS VIDEO.

Continued with embedded video
and rest of the article HERE


Dear Christopher,

when you say about the current climatic changes:

“This is the elephant in the room that nobody notices… as if it wasn’t there.”

this seems no longer to be the case. I have just published an important article on the  World Economic Forum of the elite in Davos that opens today and about Medvedev’s possible Revelations of the alien connection on this forum.

If you carefully read the program of the forum as I have analysed it in the article, the coming natural disasters on the catastrophic earth B, where the elite will remain after the impending ID split is a major topic on this cabal forum, dedicated to the futile efforts of the elite to survive the shift somehow.

With love and light

Hi George,

Earlier today, before I read your letter, I rewrote the archived line to read: “This is the elephant in the room that is largely ignored as if it wasn’t there.”

But I’m glad you responded. Good article and ‘Men In Black‘ video, except for poor captioning.

The credibility and fear factor is a biggie when dealing with disclosure. You may find this UFO video useful with some audiences:

More info on the when, how of ID split would help a lot of people.

All Ways LOVE,

Dear Christopher,

thank you for this link. The “Men in Black” documentary is significant in connection with Medvedev’s revelations. Of course I profit much more than foreign viewers as I speak Russian very well and can tell you that if this video was authorized by the Russian Prime Minister, then this is a big deal as it directly attacks the American government for its fraud and deception up to the White House.

Now the term “ID split” was first introduced by myself on this website before we opened the stargate 11.11.11 in 2011. Until now the broad Anglo-Saxon, dumbed down LW community has not grasped that there will be such an inevitable event as they are mired by bogus, fluffy, rosy channelled messages. You can make a simple recherche with this term on Google search and will find out that our website is the only one that uses this term. This speaks volume about how stupid and uneducated the New Agers are and then one should be rather modest in his expectations about the slumbering masses. Humanity is one huge disappointment.

But the most deplorable fact is that our group, the PAT must stay longer on the ground than planned as we are inextricably linked to their mass awakening and ascension. We could have ascended as early as November 2011 and now the entire PAT has ascended in frequency to the source (12th dimension), while the rest of the LW community is still struggling with our help to ascend to the lower 5th dimension. These are the ample facts which this “enlightened” community prefers to ignore .

You as a host should probably do more educational work on the LW and less so on the masses and explain to them what an “Interdimensional Split” is and why it must happen when mass ascension of humans and of Gaia, which was postponed on Dec 21 but is still due, will occur very soon. I have personally given up on your dumbed down Anglo-Saxon compatriots who unfortunately dominate the New Age scene with their imbecility.

With love and light


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