Why All Impending Revelations Need a True Spiritual Understanding

by Corey Sturmer and Georgi Stankov, January 11, 2012

Dear Corey,

Thank you for your very comprehensive presentation of your legitimate fight for sovereignty in the neighbourhood where you live. You very well described the shift of awareness among such fossil members of the local community for the better. If we now extrapolate from this single story to the whole mankind, there is still hope for awakening, but it may take quite a while, till we get them there, where we want them to be. 

But it is a small step in the right direction and a huge step for humanity, to paraphrase the astronaut Armstrong when he stepped on the moon for the first time.


Yes such is the plight of many PAT members. I’m sure who feel like they are highly advanced creatures imprisoned by physiologically retarded senses made worse by the even more retarded functioning of everyone around them.

It is so frustrating when we have progressed so far so fast and oppositely so many are just shuffling along none the wiser.


Indeed this is our plight and I made a retrospection recently and found out that I knew how retarded all humans are as early as when I was one year old. Since then this feeling has not abandoned me.



I showed my girlfriend your note about the battle for my garden and her first question was,

“Does he believe Armstrong actually did that?”

Which I thought was an excellent question given that I have never read any of your opinions on the moon landing. I was wondering what your viewpoint was on this since the moon is the subject of so much conspiratorial speculation.


It is not important if he was on the moon or if there were others before him, which is more than certain, but the symbolic character of his words.


Of course Georgi, I was just curious of your opinion on the matter.

One of the most significant activations in my awakening was when a US Army Vet told me about his work in the clandestine underground bases of the PTB where he worked loading Orion vehicles with freeze dried goods, seeds etc to be transported to the military installations on the surface of the moon in preparation for the current End Times scenario.  From his perspective the dark minions were planning to jump off world for what you have already anticipated is catastrophic earth B.


According to this source he was selected for this work during basic training by a golden spherical UFO which appeared over Fort Knox in the first weeks of his training. This is when he was given the option to participate in the clandestine operation for which he was selected allegedly because of ancestral connections to Eisenhower staff.

Interestingly this source is convinced our ultimate destiny is to return to our spiritual bodies and enjoy all the benefits of the 5th dimension (no pain, no need to eat, no physical death, etc.), which he has expressed to me in other conversations.


Dear Corey,

this is a very interesting and pedagogically yielding interview for me and I am glad that you made me aware of it. It contains all the possible confusions and misunderstandings that future disclosure interviews like this one will potentially contain, thus bringing more confusion to the masses than enlightenment and why this kind of revelations will only happen after human minds are fully restructured in the 5th dimension. On the balanced earth  A/B such interviews will be only selectively used. It took me some time to reflect on this interview before writing to you.

I hope you do not want me to go in detail and analyse all the misunderstandings and how they have emerged in the conversation. This is your job to do. I doubt  that you as an interviewer could have possibly solved or avoided these misunderstandings with more precise and critical questions without crashing the whole conversation, but it is worth considering retrospectively a presentation of your version of these topics, as this interview may harm more than serve the awakening of the people.



Thank you for listening to and providing your limited assessment of the information contained therein. I agree with you that many of the revelations to glean from this interaction have only come well after our initial discussions and pursuant my continued research/soul searching. I have already decoded many of the misunderstandings I obviously had back then since reviewing the interview with my now greatly expanded awareness.

When this source decided to make his disclosures to me, I was at the time just beginning to comprehend the depth and complexity of our planetary situation and had very little knowledge about these vast subjects to form more pointed questions. I also was still quite doubtful about the ascension scenario at the time and so was not able to question with any conviction the spiritual/interdimensional aspects of this complex story. Similar to many light workers, I was initially focused more on the terrestrial aspects of his story and how the human minions have interacted with advanced technology to set up their global rule.

However I remained spiritually open to his experiences at the same time discerning in that I knew I was only hearing one man’s perspective.

The interesting part of this story which is not made known on my site or anywhere else is that this source is my …., who for decades was considered the black sheep of his family.  He has often been shunned by his parents and other relatives as being a nut bag due to his unique viewpoints.

After speaking with him, I discovered that the military industrial complex have made his life a 3D prison hell since after 1 year of service to the PTB he said “no more.”  He spent decades driving trucks for the sole reason that he did not want the Dark US forces to meddle with him or his family – but never said a word why to his parents. For me, the disclosure of this information, coupled with the leftover childhood misconception that he was a worthless nutcase, proved to be just another deception I had to dissolve in order to discover more of the truth.

When he came forward this fateful day in March I felt a visceral shift in my own essence and my Higher Self immediately told me that this was a part of the shifting awareness that I had been reading about. It was almost as if my own DNA felt different and my perspective on the world instantly changed – but more than anything that shifted that day was my purpose.

Upon further reflection I felt this was reinforced by the fact that he was selected because of his genetic links to a member of Eisenhower’s staff, so felt this was a sign I must have some part to play in this grand drama. Since that point I have had an inner knowing that the disclosure was prearranged by the higher realms and I was at least supposed to attempt to digest this information rather than do what most would do and cower with fear and confusion…

Much Love,

Dear Corey,

this background information you gave me shows how perfect everything is arranged. Now you have a much deeper understanding of the complexity of the earth’s situation and should try to re-evaluate this interview in the light of your new knowledge. We are all moving in circles and return to the original point of departure, but knowing more than at the beginning. This is what incarnation is all about.

You may now make a reassessment of this interview in form of an essay and enrich it with you newly acquired insights. That is all. You do not need to discuss this with your …  as he has had his (un)fair share of this world and you do not need to burden him with new concepts. He has helped you to gain new insights and now you must go your own way.

With love and light


Thank you once again for your commentary. Since this interview I have had other whistle blowers reach out which have provided even more significant activations that opened me to my higher self and All-That-Is.

More specifically I have met with a Vietnam veteran who claims to have been abducted and spent time with light-beings who deprogrammed him from the matrix.

I am sure in due time my higher self will either direct me to write you about this, video an interview, or write an essay on these interactions.

Peace on Earth,

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