Report-96, May 10, 2012
How I Envisage my Mission on Earth After my Ascension (Continues…)
May 9, 2012
I have always seen myself as a teacher. I can break down complicated processes/ideas and put them into terms or allegories that are easier to understand. I would like to teach humanity:
– About their history and where they come from
– How to be a creator being and do no harm
– To respect all living things and that everything is alive
– To cooperate and work with the planet and all her sentient beings
– How to see through the eyes of a child and become curious again, to see the magic and majesty of our planet/ universe
– Importance of gratitude, generosity and respect for others
– To understand we are all one and what we do to another we do to ourselves.
I would also enjoy working with animals, trees, flora, fauna and elemental life and teach others to learn trans species communication.
Changes I see on planet AB:
– Food replicators – no use of animal products in any form
– All necessities are free and available to all: food, clothing, and shelter
– Free healing centers – Use natural healing and teach others to heal themselves and community
– Free education that presents humanities real history
– No land ownership
– Work no longer a necessity. They choose their passion based on something they enjoy but it must edify, beautify or preserve the planet. Once again do no harm to any living thing. All will also be taught how to repair any damage done to the planet through pollution, war and neglect.
– All animals and sentient beings are free – no ownership.
– No gas powered vehicles or energy using gas, oil, coal or nuclear power
– Use of free photon energy
– Transportation via anti gravity vehicles and travel tubes.Love & Light,
Dear George,
This is more of what I want to do as not so much a direct vision came to me, but I love animals so much and have my entire life.I want to be able to have them all around me as soon as I come back as I have not been able to do so much pertaining to them while in this last incarnation,mostly due to laws (stupid) and definitely due to money (even more stupid). But I will have my way and my day when I return and go out into the world and gather them out with my callings to them all of any kind. I want to heal and help them to recover from their barbaric life that was all about survival for them.
They will come to me and I am sure that I will not be the only one who will work with our animal kingdom here, but they will know of our love for them in an instant. They will have no fear as we will both feel each others energies and love and I want to talk to them and either provide the passage way for them to total 5d or tell them how and show them.
Either way I know I will be fully equipped for my work as I will just make it happen as we will be the true essence of ourselves.I do enjoy presently at my place of home a nice yard area with very nice green overage of growth for animals of the small nature to live in,and I have neighbors who both have dogs on either side and I have a cat (Penelope), but the dogs are of the hunting nature and one is an all out security dog, and I am in the middle with my love of nature with rabbits ,woodchucks, squirrels, also all the neighborhood cats come into our yard and greenage area and birds galore and I laugh as I have a natural zoo near me.
I of course try to always provide veggies and some fruits for there likings, I want a birdbath but am not allowed at the moment, I would make one the size of a small inground pool, that would be so cool as we have so many different kinds of birds around the house. Well this is where I like to spend my time when I am not cleaning these days as to provide the almighty dollar, don’t you know. But I do like to clean and it is probably because that is all of ourselves here first and foremost jobs on this wonderful planet. We are the cleaners of beautiful mother earth,
I also know that I will most definitely work with children and any adults who would love to be part in my animal work, which will look like nothing more than loads of love and play. It will be so much fun to bring out the real love in us all and to teach it,share it and feel it.
God Bless us All. Bonnie
May 9, 2012
Hey Georgi,
Just finished reading the new articles. Wow, things are happening fast, very exciting!
“The generally accepted dogma of humanity is that intelligence is also more or less equally distributed among humans, and most individuals believe that they have come with enough intelligence on this planet, so that they no longer need to evolve intellectually after they have left school or any other form of education. For this reason homo sapiens is considered to be the most lazy and dumbed down incarnated species in the whole universe.”
This is an awesome statement. For the first time in a while, this made me laugh out loud. I bet we are also the only species in the universe that uses “lol” in every second sentence. It’s very humorous to imagine any other intelligent being, including my own soul, witnessing all the stupid things that I have done and still do.Earth must be the biggest comedy show on air. Like one of those really bad comedies that just makes you cringe. One big bad joke is working 40+ hours to get paid just enough to get food and shelter and something to make your worries go away, and then doing it over again. I choose to no longer play this game, game over.
On my journey to heal myself on all levels, one big obstacle and huge frustration was the fact that one had to still slave away daily in order to simply live. This would set back any healing as you don’t have time to recover mentally, emotionally or physically. For anyone who wishes to undergo healing in order to come out the other side more able to live, thrive and create joyfully for themselves and for the betterment of all, I often imagined and wished that there could be a system in place that would compassionately cater for this.
I envision this might be the case at the beginning for new earth AB, that everyone who is sick, which is probably 90% of people to some degree, can be given all they need to regain their health, life and happiness. This means being able to relax with the knowing that they are unconditionally cared for, loved and supported. Also waking up each day with access to, top quality food and water, actual healing experts to consult with, rehabilitation facilities and any medication they might need such as Nystatin. While recovering, people can also begin to study new ideas about how they can live from joy and inspiration, while at the same time this will naturally result in more abundance in everything for all. As people regain their energy and life, they will naturally start creating and contributing more and can help others through the recovery process too.
I Imagine retreats surrounded by nature, wildlife and beautiful gardens with warm pools and hot spas. Little huts that have different healers in them like masseuses etc. Picture something similar to Rivendell from Lord of The Rings.
In a place like this, in one month, I would be fully empowered and back to who I should be / who I really am, a powerful loving creator being. Finally able to go out into the world to play, enjoy and create as should be the norm for all. Perhaps this could be a focus for the PAT Foundation.
I feel very inspired to start working towards this idea and I have instantly found a group of people already working towards a similar vision who also happen to want WOOFers. I’m in with a grin. Don’t feel obliged to reply to this, I know you are busy with many things. Just had to share.
I send Divine Love to you and the PAT,
May 9, 2012
The Greek Election-Drama and the Beginning of the End
Hi George,
Among the many thoughts that always go through my mind in reading your articles and correspondence, I would like to share this thought after reading about your position in support of the collapse of countries and national borders:
Consider this simple example of people holding, at minimum, dual citizenship: Let’s consider myself, having a US and Greek citizenship meeting with somebody like your daughter, for example, having German and Bulgarian citizenship. Your hypothetical grandchild would have four passports! If he were to meet an equivalent quadruple citizenship mate in 20 years and produced offspring, your hypothetical great-grandchildren would have 8 passports each, more than most CIA spies!
Statistically speaking, if countries never collapsed, and humans continued to die, then each person on the earth would have as many passports as there are countries! Having all the passports of all the countries and being a citizen of all the countries of the world is exactly identical to having no passport and no countries, minus the bulk and red tape. It is an inevitable scenario.
This proves that the difference regarding the collapse of the countries is one of time difference: It will happen within months if all other parameters are factored into the equation or within years if no other factors are considered except that of increased mobility of populations. In other words, it is only logical to assume that the result is predetermined and already a reality. And, of course, it will happen very soon as I am only illustrating an extreme hypothetical position for the sake of illustrating this idea.
If you have, at all, followed the Greek Elections of May 6th, you already know that the results are, through “diabolical” coincidence, exactly the only impossible and intangible outcome that could ever possibly be conceived in not producing a representative body. The “first” party with 18% got 1 extra MP for each MP elected (order one and get one free) for a total of 108/300 where the 19% of the people that voted did not get a single MP in the parliament because the various parties this 19% voted for did not cross the 3% “threshold” of an absurd electoral law. No two parties can form a 151/300 majority by themselves and each party of the 7 elected, with percentages ranging from 6% to 18%, are diametrically opposed to at least the other 5 (meaning that they could maybe find common ground with only one other).
This certainly serves the same purpose as the abolition of governments that you mention in “How Mankind will Evolve After the First Ascension Wave” even though they are not technically abolished yet. They are not abolished literally, but they are put “on ice” until the next, even funnier absurd result is given by the antecedent elections. Needless to say, TV last week and this week is better than any reality show ever produced since the history of recorded time, since we all know how TV existed before the pyramids! (Note to all doctors of psychiatry: this is what people call a joke, no need to prescribe any meds…)
With regards to money and social and human equality and inequality, in the core of your information, I need to think about it before I make any comments or statements on them.
In light and love,
Dear Nik,
thank you for your comments on our ongoing discussion. The information on the Greek elections is very good as these details are normally not reported by foreign agencies and TV channels.
With love and light
Hi George,
these details are at the heart of the impasse. What is there to report otherwise besides the numbers and the results? It seems that there is a media blanket of fairy tales and omissions only confirming what we are discussing overall.These elections are the first time since the people had the opportunity to answer to the “economic measures” of the IMF, “troika” etc. There has not been a referendum or other process by which all of what was decided “in the name of the people” to be ratified. In essence, the results nullify everything that was decided in the last 2 and a half years since “the Greek crisis”. The pro memorandum (IMF, troika) parties, got an aggregate of 33%, and which is definitely going to get lower if repeat elections were held, where as the remaining percentage voted against.
Simply, the vote of the people considers the “debt” and the way it was “loaded” onto them criminal and null and void. Of the 400 Euro billion of the debt only about one third actually ever made it to Greece, with the rest being illegal interest and bribes. The remaining “economic help” of the last 2 and a half years never actually crossed the borders, since it goes to pay the interest rates of the previous debts.
An informational war has been taking place. Paradoxically, everybody in the last 2 and a half years, from being complacent, selfish and money- oriented has been talking about fiat currencies, how debt works, what money is, economic slavery and related issues. My life has been a lot easier since most of what I have been saying, to my detriment most of the time, is already out there, discussed at length in the need of everyone to find out the causes of the crisis and find out what really happened. From a nationalistic point-of-view, I must say that in choosing to attack Greece, they chose to attack the “wrong” people.Without polarizing further, my instinct tells me that this impasse will continue until further grand changes.
In Light and Love,
Dear Nik,
thank you for this latest update. It confirms what I expected form the Greeks much earlier, but it is good news still that they have now arrived there, where I expected them an year ago,. At the same time the reptilian shape-shifter Sarkozy was defeated and the new French president has just announced that the Sarkozy-Merkel Euro-saving plan is dead. Then we have the same huge crisis in Spain and Italy, so that it is only a matter of days when the whole house of cards will collapse. Merkel’s party was also beaten in local elections this weekend when the Pirate party gain more that 8% of the voters for the first time and established a similar impasse.
May 9, 2012
Dear Giorgio,
if we look at the Greek elections, we can be surprised that almost 40% of the people STILL voted once more for the same parties, ND and PASOK and Syriza, who brought the country in the abyss. What do they have in the brain? They maybe think that voting the same people again makes them better? It looks like a nonsense. But when I think about the percentage you gave, the 35% of clones that are “living” on the planet, it makes sense, it’s about the percentage of vote that the old elite gained with this elections!!! Your scheme of the age soul and the clones it’s really working!! And in Italy, it is almost the same!!
Un abbraccio, Alberto
Dear Alberto,
thank you for this brilliant confirmation of my soul age working model. I have never come to the idea to implement it for the analysis of election results, but you are absolutely right: You can explain with it the behaviour of the electorate very precisely. The results are however not very encouraging and show why democracy, in terms of clone majority, is not a fair system of social organisation. It is rather a dictatorship of the clones created by a few of-world forces.
I must correct myself and be more precise: there are only two parties that are on the side of the bankers and the EU, Pasok 13,19%, Nea Dimokratia 18,87% that gives 32,06%!! (Syriza is against austerity!) So your model seems to be even more exact in the case of Greece!!
Un abbraccio, Alberto
PS, I liked very much your definition “dictatorship of the clones”!
Thank you. I also got it yesterday from the news. But you must also consider than one third of the Greeks have not voted at all.
You are right, so we have less clones in Greece!! This is a good new!! Few questions about the clones:
– Clones get a soul, right? Normally it is a young soul?
– Clones can have children?
– Can we really compare clones to robots?
Thank you, Alberto
Dear Alberto,
There were robotoids in the 70s that replaced human beings as the president Carter after he was killed in 1979, but they were very deficient and had to be substituted quite often. The human clones now have a soul segment, but a very rudimentary one. They may have children as far as I know.
In the early 90s there appeared all of a sudden a lot of clones in Bulgaria after the Fall of the Iron Curtain. Most of them were unusually beautiful girls coming out of the retort and they behaved really like robots.They had no souls and when you talked to them you felt this specific coldness and void of soul warmth. Most of them became prostitutes and were sent by Mafia structures abroad. This was an unusual appearance as the Bulgarian women were not very beautiful before that. Ten years later this clone generation disappeared. but at that time all my friends in Bulgaria were really puzzled where these young beautiful girls came from. It was a very curious phenomenon which I observed for several years, but unfortunately at that time I did not know about the existence of human clones.
Really amazing story! They must employ clones as prostitutes and soldiers too. This would explain the ferocious behaviour of many soldiers in many recent wars, like Yugoslavia for example. Now my next question: this rudimentary soul segment is a segment of a divine soul or is an “artificial” soul? Is possible to create an “artificial” soul? Thank you a lot!! – Alberto
I do not think so – the soul is the purest energy in All-That-Is and it can fragment and sink in 3d-reality and thus separate from the Source, but only at her level. Energetically, this soul fragment is still linked like with an umbilical cord to the Source, as there is no real separation whatsoever.
May 9, 2012
Time of Miracles
Hello George,
Elna from Arkansas. Wanted to share a dream from May 5th. Was shown a child’s essay, written on yellow paper. The margins were wide. I read the essay and it was mine, written when I was learning to spell. All I remember was something about two sons. Not knowing how to spell, I meant to write two suns. How did you get this, I ask? The reply was, we thought you were male. I stated my name. A rusty looking puzzle lock, fell into place. Then scene changed.
I find I am in a brightly lighted room, computers scattered throughout the room. A few people were here. A man with a plaid shirt and brown hair approaches me and says. “You have to go to college.” I reply back saying I am in college. We continue walking in the room and come upon a table. Clothes were laying on this table and I was told that somebody else chose these for me. I was pleased with these clothes. Woke up. What got to me were the clothes. They were “skinny” clothes! My goodness, I haven’t thought about skinny clothes for some time. Chuckle… Plaid shirts have been showing up lately that I question?
May 6th. I clean a weekend cabin rental. Went to start cleaning a little early. The woman who owns the cabin came over with her 18 month old grandson.(crystal child) The grandmother opens the door, with child. The child does not come in, even as I call to him. I drop to one knee, my arms are wide out. He won’t come. The boy is squinting his eyes, like he is staring at the sun. I tell him my name. He comes running in with wide open arms. Picked him up and gave him a hug. Chatted for about 15 minutes. Grandmother picks the child up to leave. I follow them. Vertigo comes over the grandmother. Like a brick, it was me…. I help her to sit down and put the child down. I say that it was me, my energy. I didn’t mean to. She shakes her head, gets up, takes the child’s hand and walks back to her house. All the while, I am watching. I know I will have to explain to her, what happened.
You are probably wondering what I am getting to… George ,when I was down on one knee. The power of “light” was coming out of my “whole being”, I could really feel the “Light” coming out of my eyes… The electric lights were on in the cabin. The grandmother could see me fine. The child couldn’t see me for the “Light”. “LIGHT BODY PROCESS” !!!Truly, had to share this.
I know when I have written it has been a one sided conversation. Any time I sit down at the computer, someone is always looking over my shoulder. Repetillian sounds familiar? Thank you for the advise about the high pitched noises on the right side of my head. Happened a few more times and told them to stop and they did. George, use you own judgement on posting this. If you do. Each of the PAT, the Crystal children. You sharing your stories. I do – understand. Each word I feel inside. The day that George told me: “Welcome to the Team”, I sobbed, like there was no tomorrow. Being alone and finally, and I mean finally finding family… Thank-you, this has been a real pleasure.Guess What? I get to wear “SKINNY” clothes AGAIN!!!!
Love from the Hills of Arkansas
May 9, 2012
I had an “unearthly” experience at 9:30pm on Sunday, May 6, 2012. I know I stepped out of my house and into another realm. Lately, I have been gardening and the energy I am feeling from Gaia is intense and electrical in nature. My entire body is tingling with this energy and even being inside my home, I can feel this energy coming up from Mother.That being said… I went out around 9:30pm on Saturday, May 5, 2012 to observe the “supermoon” which was located almost directly above me looking South. That isn’t my story, just background as with the energy I have been noticing from Mother.
The next day, Sunday, I “happened” to look out one of our windows and I was stunned, for I saw the “supermoon” just coming up on the horizon from a North Easterly direction and this was the EXACT time as the night before! WHAT? How could it be possible that the moon was high overhead just the previous night and now the very next night at the same time, was just coming up over the horizon? It made no sense, what so ever.
So, I stepped outside and that is when my “surreal” moments began. As I stood transfixed by this huge, orange moon, I took notice of my “surroundings”. There was ABSOLUTE silence, as in NO SOUND! No leaves stirred, no crickets sang, no plane noise, no traffic which is a near impossibility right there, for we live on a very busy street and not 2 miles away, there is a 4 lane “super street” that is extremely busy. No traffic noise, no nothing. It was SO quiet that my very breath was too loud, so I found myself actually holding my breath. Imagine, no noise in this 3D reality that is so noise polluted. AND….when I gazed at the Westerly skies, they were glowing red! Again, say what??? This was at 9:30pm, 1.5 hours after sunset.
I felt as though I had stepped through a crack and that time itself was no longer. I don’t know how long I stood out there, frozen on the spot covered in goosebumps, but I know it was not 3D and I know I did not imagine this. The “energy” was “warm, comforting, alive” and I didn’t want to ever leave. I got to a point that I really thought I was hallucinating, so I turned around and re-entered my home. I released my breath, took some really deep breaths, and went right back outside. The moment was gone. Traffic on the street, crickets singing and traffic noise from the street 2 miles away.
I walked back to our yard, just staring up at the sky and that is when I heard a very low rumble. At first I thought it was a plane, but no, the noise did not move as it would if it were a plane. This rumble came from one area in the sky and then disappeared completely. That rumble lasted all of one minute at the most and again I was riveted. Wow!
Things are beginning to happen that we just cannot explain, at least I am not able to. And on top of all that, the other email I sent you explains how all of a sudden within the last couple of weeks, I seem to be an exploding volcano, seething with white hot rage at the horrific conditions found on this earth. I have been one of the peace makers, the ones who have quietly worked behind the scenes, and now I find myself with words pouring forth proclaiming the horrific injustices found on this planet. Man o’ Live! I couldn’t stop those words pouring out of me if you paid me! I actually shake with emotion.,
Please share this with the other PAT members. I hope that some others are experiencing similar surreal, mind blowing, in-between worlds, unexplainable events as I seem to be having OR/AND beginning to feel rumblings of an inner awakening as I am.
With Love and Light,
May 8, 2012
Hello George,
Last night I had another amazing energetic experience, full transmogrification into the form of a light being. I wrote about the experience in detail on my website, here:
Again, thank you for your great work. Your reports are always a phenomenal gift.
With love & light,
May 9, 2012
Its funny because over a year ago before I was even thinking or discovering ascension related topics, I was reading about global macro events and currencies solely for speculative purposes. My higher self led me to read Bernard Lietaer’s books about local currency – some of these currencies are specific to the locality in which the public chooses them, some have demurrage etc. and some are already in use in parts of Europe – he lives in Belgium. Funnily enough, he even used to trade currencies until he was blown out by George Soros on a pound trade in 1992. It’s in his books.As I became more educated and filled in the gaps between my own real world experiences through living, reading, and occasionally investing I began to see how obvious all the holes in the economic and political logic that holds the world’s finances together. I think though that Lietaer’s ideas would work at the local level. The national and global level could operate somewhat similarly.
But I am all too skeptical of any real change here (in the world as it is today without serious cosmic intervention) when the game of voters is as you have made reference to – is an endless divide and conquer. It’s the same everywhere, at every time and place. Actually, I need to bring something into the picture here because before I encountered ascension, I was dissolving some friendships and discovered than many of the mannerisms of work, friendship in my life had the distinct tone of narcissism to them. So I actually spend a long time evaluating the level of narcissism in life and events and business, and it was overwhelming. Anyone doing such cleansing work on the topic of narcissism is up against some serious dross. The reason I bring this up is solely for the purpose of mentioning that many of our world goals, successes and ambitions are only “pander for wetiko” (see Paul Levy’s book) and its twin, narcissism. So that experience unsettled the world for me, but I was able to find a source through ascension to clarify things for me, otherwise perhaps I’d disappear or actually except a lower frequency form of living as the only “choice”.
But because I was witness to such a cynical and dark encounter, I have to say that I have yet to see one shred of evidence of our ability as PAT to “reformulate” our external reality to exhibit the characteristics that we desire when everything is so in your face. The mass of stupidity is everywhere and it gets worse even amongst my own relatives and family members here at home – they are losing their ability to differentiate the stupidity that we are spoon fed like oatmeal or baby food versus thinking their own thoughts. Let me just say, I recognize the importance of stepping away and laughing off the negative around us, and that is a skill. But in the medium term, why is it that it really does feel like nothing has changed, but we are just treading water socially, spiritually, energetic at BEST?
A lot of this aggravation came to me through my own ascension symptoms, but the fact is, it has always been there. People have always been getting collectively less and less motivated and informed and as you’ve pointed out, the light workers are asleep. It’s almost as if there is a massive asymmetry between my own ascension prospects or aspirations and the mass of stupidity I see around me each minute of each day. Between the drone of useless noise, the reckless chase of pointless ambition (i.e – ambition to earn a dollar even under controlled settings) and seeing peoples generic responses to things, it’s tiring to divide your self in such a manner. I use the term “generic” politely because like you, each day in my own encounters or through media sources I see a local world and outer world in which people delegate their own consciousness to others either through voting, paying for a service or simply lowering their own inner frequency to a level, where the truth does not visit the situation in which things are occurring.
Yes, this is a rant, but its also a prescripted rant. Because my own directed activities of writing articles about the economy or such in the manner of which I have grown to except them to be both written and received have been made more problematic in that my higher self rejects these efforts as if I already know that the only real outcome is contingent and independent of my own critical commentary. That or I am subject to a withdrawal of energy relating to areas deemed not relevant to my higher self. I could be wrong about this, but there is little else left to explain my own energy adjustments the past few months as I step away from activities I used to base my life around.
Dear Eric,
I can very well understand your sceptics about the current situation where seemingly nothing changes and human stupidity seems to be overwhelming. But precisely this mental mist that engulfs society these days and its evident omnipresence are also the best proofs that we are moving very fast forward to a final solution. Of course I would have also preferred to see more social upheaval and revolutions, so that much of these financial and other holes in the current dysfunctional society will become more evident, while now they still remain rather obscured.
My personal discontent with these delays in the evolutionary process of humanity is mitigated by the inner conviction that we are heading to a rapid dissolution of the old order and that the energies, as I feel them in my body, are so powerful in the last days that they must inevitably produce tangible results very soon.
In this respect I must again and again appeal to the inner confidence and faith to be able to see the underground currents that shape humanity in a profound way and to neglect for the moment being the immutable facade of the old Orion order which still lurks like Potemkin’s villages in the endless Russian landscape waiting to be blown away by the first storm.
With love and light
May 8, 2012
Good Morning George,
How are you and other PAT members after May 6th, Wesak? You mentioned, we may feel a lift in our energies. You are working inhuman hours, I know. Are others experiencing any energetic lift after this past week?
Personally, the dip in my energy is low to the point of concern. I’m seriously dragging. Working, driving, parking, being in a store, conversations, even eating most foods – all of it is difficult to take in. I find nourishment only in my imagination, being still, being in my garden or a nursery, enjoying art, music, and reading.
In Love & Light,
Dear Marilyn,
many readers have confirmed huge downloads at the portal 5.5.5 (2+0+1+2) and now I am receiving an increasing number of emails, where the PAT-members write that they plan to ascend this month. This all is happening spontaneously, and I am really amazed how all these personal decisions are synchronized at the higher dimensions.
With love and light
May 9, 2012
Dear Doctor G. Stankov,
It seems that the western female will go after men that are able to provide her with a bubble of material comfort. She couldn’t care less about the amount of creativity it takes to provide Orion cash. And when married, she has the Orion justice on her side if the man strays. In addition, she couldn’t care less about what happens outside said bubble. It’s my impression on Paris females. I’d guess it’s the same all over the West.I have a few questions:
Do I have a biased view?
What soul age would you assign these females?
Which of the 3 earths will they go to?
How will females on earth AB behave? I guess they’ll be heartless on earth B and warm hearted on earth A.
Will the man and woman relate better after ascension?
I get a lot more esteem and respect from men than females. Are females more “biological” and men more “spiritual”? Will the same number of men and women ascend?The Callista case seems symptomatic. She goes after the alpha male of CA. Plus the guy’s name is Berlinghof that sounds very German, serious and comforting. And the torus thing seems very Freudian. What she calls ascension, looks like plain orgasm to me.
In light and love.
Alex, Paris
Dear Alex,
I had to laugh a lot about your candid comments. Especially about the last one. Humour and laughter are rare these days and I thank you for this.
What do you expect me to say? All your observations must be definitely correct to some extent and can be surely proven by personal experience. But as with all rules, they must also have their exceptions.
In fact, we have in the PAT more women than men in numbers, or at least this is my impression from the emails I receive, whereas I do assume that some of the male readers are more reserved as Henry recently observed. In this case the PAT is a notable exception to your observations. But they surely hold true for Paris and the French women. My personal experience with French women is that they are very rigid in the mind and less prone to spiritual contemplations, even when compared to German women and this is not a favourable comparison at all. I think that the best description of the irrational inner world of the French woman can be found in the films of Eric Romer.
However, I would not go that far as to draw the line of spirituality between the sexes, as I know a lot of males to whom spirituality is a foreign word and materialism their sole self-determination.
The case with Callista is a special one, as she was in a spiritual crisis before she met Berlinghof and he only materialized this crisis and her retrograde spiritual development in the last months.
I am absolutely sure that after ascension on earth A, sex will play a very minor role as all entities will enjoy a perfect balance between female and male energies and will also begin to remember their previous incarnations, where they have experimented with both sexes.
I doubt if this will the case on the balanced earth A/B, but I assume that there will be a gradual improvement in this respect over time.
On earth B the sex differences will be even more pronounced than now and will be dominated purely by manipulation and survival instincts. I do not even want to talk about this human condition as it makes me sick.
With love and light
May 9, 2012
Dear George,
Just read #94 and saw you mentioned getting something about May 14? Do you remember me telling you over a month ago I was getting this date as my ascension date? If you are at liberty to share any further about what you have been given, could you tell me?
Although I have been preparing in many ways, it’s a bit challenging to get a personal date for such a BIG EVENT in my life!
This past weekend I was able to share some time with my youngest son and new wife (he’s 30, they live about 4 hrs away). I felt it was quite meaningful to just “happen” this close to the May 14 date because I haven’t really had time with my son for over a year and half. We had some deep discussions and I shared copies of your response to Medwyn regarding the New Earth and also the Powerful Creation’s articles. He is a star seed having difficulty living in this 3-d earth. He will be on Earth A/B when it is time.
With Love and Light,
Dear Tiqvah,
I must admit that I have forgotten your intuitive prediction about May 14 in your email from March 28, but now I read it one more time. This means that my information is not influenced by external messages and in fact I did not expect much around this date, but more so after May 20. I personally have no idea what this big event on May 14 will be, and I somehow do not see it as personal ascension, but I cannot exclude the possibility that some members of the PAT may ascend at that time.
It is more likely that a huge catastrophe will take place – the Madrid fault line or another huge earthquake. It is no coincidence that Obama canceled all of a sudden the G8 summit in Chicago and transferred it to Maryland, Camp David as the government may also expect a huge natural event around this time (May 20) in this region. These are all speculations, but the build-up of energies is relentless and it must materialize in some kind of events very soon. It cannot go on and on like this for very long. We have crossed all deadlines set by the Divine Providence for the End Times, and it is now time for heaven to deliver.
Your intuition is now the only reliable source of information and if you have the impression that you are saying farewell to your family, then this is a strong indication that you will leave this planet soon. I also have the feeling that I am in the final countdown and I have no inner drive anymore to do anything.With love and light.
Dear George,
Thanks for your quick response. Did you receive the youtube I also sent yesterday? It was from who has shown a planetary line-up where he predicts a possible earthquake of 8.0 or thereabout on May 14. It may be the New Madrid, as you are sensing. The ZetaTalk website has given a scenario saying we have passed 7 of 10 and this will be the next happening due to Planet X.
I know you have explained in great detail what happens to us during ascension but for some reason I keep wondering how it will be? I have asked my HS and this is what I get: my family will see me in my carbon-based body, but I will have both; my carbon and crystalline. I will be in both simultaneously. I will be immortal. Just saying this makes me wonder if I have ” lost all my marbles??”, yet inside I know it is true.
Many years ago I had a vision of these times when all hell would break loose. People running to and fro seeking some sort of peace from the catastrophes, both inner and outer which were taking place. All they had known and trusted in was gone. It was like dominoes falling one right after another, giving them no time in between to process anything, not even time to breathe between contractions! I was, however, existing in a place “above” them and all that was taking place. Untouched. I was not the only one. There were many like myself. People were running to us to know and understand, to find some sort of compass to guide them thru. We had already gone thru our catastrophes and purging… year after year.. many ‘dark night of the soul’ times. We had been prepared for this time….. to be a lighthouse. Perhaps this is why some of us find we have placed ourselves in the most unlikely of places on earth?
Funny how I have answered my own question.
Yes, George, I have also lost that inner drive to make things happen, as you say. It is incredibly peaceful. Reminds me of another vision about 6 or so years ago. I jumped in the fast-flowing river and let go. I didn’t try to grab hold of any branches hanging off the bank, to save myself. I just relaxed and let it take me. It was an amazing feeling of release.
With love and light,
Dear Tiqvah,
thank you for sharing your visions with me. I can fully immerse into your future projections, with only one objection. I think that when we will ascend, we will appear in crystalline bodies in the now 4d-earth as the carbon-based bodies will be irreversibly transformed. One cannot dwell anymore in this clay vessel after ascension and it is not even necessary to do this, as the new crystalline body will be very similar to our current bodies and only enlightened people will see its aura. For most people it will be a normal body that will allow you to take a seat in the public transport or visit a lecture or a restaurant without evoking any curiosity from other people.
Otherwise the chaos will be profound when the big events once commence, no doubt about it, and that we will be above this turmoil – this is also a certainly. In other words, we will have a lot to do in the coming days. Keep me, please up to date, if you receive any new Information.
Ah, George, that makes perfect sense to me! I couldn’t quite explain it, but what you have said resonates with what I see. You are right about these clay vessels… must be transformed! new wineskins??? Thanks so much ~ And for sure, we will keep in touch… one way or
May 8, 2012
Hi there Georgi,
What was this “fluffy love orchestra” spewed out by CAC? I sincerely hope something big will happen, only that will shake and wake us up. All changes are getting very very close, not only on a feelings basis but also on the ground. The silver/gold paper manipulation now takes place 4 times a DAY instead of 4 times a month. Further, there are news post battles between pro-homeopathy and the pharmaceutical cabal.
Regarding pole shifts and reorganization of magnetics I found following link that might give some suggestions:
Hmmm…while I’m typing this email I’m getting a humming feeling in my solar plexus…
With love and light,
Dear Dennis,
this is a good website, but the original news on the pending sun and earth pole shift come from Japanese and Russian scientists. I have read it already. It is important news. There is a marked speeding of the events all around me now and around most of the PAT-members. Many consider ascension this month all of a sudden a possibility and I take this information very earnestly.
I just read that this acceleration could be “unbelievable fast”: an excerpt from a mailing I receive: “The drop-effect. This effect is about the very last 3 days which will be profound. Did you know that 97% of all changes comes the last 3 days of the end of a cycle? In short, don’t worry if happenings will be faster than you can take.” Could be, could be.
I have always known that these are non-linear processes and that the U-turn of the curve will happen very quickly when the time is ripe. – George
May 8, 2012
Hi George,
While reading SOAR #94, I had myself a big chuckle aka an Ahh ha moment which I love. When I read one of your responses:
“I asked my soul for information on the coming events yesterday, as today (May 6) is my name day St George, which is a big feast in Orthodox Christianity (also Wesak, the day of all ascended masters in Buddhism and a full moon) and last night I got the information that something big will happen around May 14, but I was not told what. We will see it soon, as time is really flowing now with a light speed….”
I was taken back to a moment just one day ago (May 5th) when my HS gave me a heads up to some new and intense incoming inter-dimensional energies that are due to hit Earth on May 10th and last about a week or so. Therefore, I too sense some big changes on the horizon. Now I don’t believe or feel that these are the energies that Metatron was referring to when he discussed the Ring of Fire downloads with the Solar Eclipse, but perhaps a precursor to the Ring of Fire energies that will end up hitting us back to back.
I was also told that these inter-dimensional energies of May 10th and moving forward could bring about Earth changes in the form of Earthquakes, Volcanoes etc. basically potentials for big energy releases within Gaia’s field and within our bodies, but that “they”, I assume the Higher Realms, are not exactly sure what the physical manifestations will be like on the ground or in our bodies, but not to be surprised if some large scale Earth changes begin to manifest in one way or another. And since they don’t know exactly what these new energies will do maybe that is why your HS couldn’t give you more details regarding these energies and events.
Much Love and Light,
Dear Garret,
thank you very much for this intuitive validation. As I receive each day huge energy downloads, it is very difficult for me to discern specific peeks – It is one prolonged peek since many months. But there is an invariant pattern that I observe for the last 2-3 years. Around the 11th of each month there is an energy peak as this is a small11. energy portal that is opened each month. It starts always about 3-4 days before and last 3-4 days afterwards. What one can never know, is how this energy surge will manifest at the societal level.
Until now very little has happened and I attribute this calmness to the desire of the higher realms to change Gaia and humanity as much as they can in advance without causing too much havoc and push the collective fears high as this is precisely the plan of the dark ones. However, this is inevitable when the threshold for change is reached. Then this will happen all of a sudden and the change will be very powerful, so that most of the human beings will be paralysed and after this catharsis will emerge as completely transformed beings. Therefore, they must now reach this energetic threshold in relative peace and undisturbed by social calamities. This is the only reason why the Orion order still functions – it is just an illusion, a facade for the energetically crumbling old 3d-reality. It may take some time, but when the right point in time has come it will fall like a house of cards
With love and light
As a prospective confirmation of this discussion from yesterday, read this channelled information as of today: