State-of-Ascension-Report-90: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-90, April 29, 2012

 PAT  “The Colossus” by Francisco de Goya.

April 28, 2012

Hi Georgi!

Fantastic post about the larger situation encompassing the Nystatin issue. I always have to re-read your articles like that many times as I am in awe of your abilities to convey such complex themes in the limits of the written word.

Although I think you might get the usual backlash from those that may not be fully prepared to deal with themselves and their feeling about this subject and the larger concepts if presents, it was an absolutely critical and necessary paternal kick in the ass that I concur was required at this time.

Thank you for having the courage to be such and unwavering beacon of light, you’re always a few steps ahead of everyone, protecting and clearing our way, even when we don’t always see or understand exactly what you are doing in the moment you are doing it.

My greatest gratitude to you George, thank you!
Dear Marco,

Your assessment and evaluation of my efforts is highly appreciated by myself as you are the only one of my readers who has the professional background, combined with a spiritual far-sightedness and intelligence to understand the complexity of my arguments and strategies to the full extent. Besides I am in debt to you for this article as you practically made the research and did the investigative part of my journalistic job and I only put down your information in a more emotional and polemic form.

It is indeed the last battle we are fighting now and it takes place in our thoughts most of the time.

it has never been about selling a few pills. I am too much a professional to know that in such a way you cannot become rich. The nystatin project exemplifies the last battle we are now fighting with the dark energies on this planet and shows how important it is to stay vigilant and know how the dark ones encircle humanity and take away the very oxygen they breath.

Besides we are the only enlightened group that makes concrete plans and incentive for the future and how to gestalt life on the new earth. This will be hugely rewarded very soon. The others only wait for the ETs to land and save them. This is the big difference between being a sovereign creator and just waiting for cosmic benefactors. They will come at some point in time, but you have to do your job on the ground. And  the more you struggle, the more you are rewarded. It has been so with me all my life and I have no reason to change the course in this matter. I am like the proverbial fly who has fallen in the milk pot and has struggled with its feet so long, until it has turned the milk into butter. This is a German saying.

I am very relaxed now as my soul tells me that we have almost won the war, but I was under a great stress the last 2 weeks to launch the nystatin project, and this fact perspires that it is also of great symbolic importance for the higher realms and that there is much more at stake than just selling a few pills.

You are also very intuitive and you also know that there is always a much higher purpose in anything we do on the ground and that our efforts are multiplied million times and then send back onto earth and humanity. Now we witness the surge  of some last remnants of dark energies, but they are too week and can no longer harm us, But most of the people who  have not lifted above this poisonous mist in the downlands feel very confused and may begin to lose hope.

Thank you for your support.

With love and light

April 28, 2012

Dear George,

The DEA monitoring of Nystatin in the U.S. only makes me want to pursue the PAT Nystatin project more. I’ll import Nystatin and make the gel capsules to take and to distribute to friends and family who want it.  I’ll go to jail if necessary.  I’m not afraid to go to jail for the right reason. But I’ll go hollering all the way and I’ll have a manifesto ready to fire off to a number of alternative media outlets upon my detention or arrest.

Let the chips fall.

Dear Julie,

thank you very much for your bold support. I can assure you that nobody will go to jail and they will not even dare to touch us. It is too dangerous for them and they know it. They will not risk a scandal as they have no arguments at all. But one must make the first step and say – I do not comply any longer to your rules of the game. Here are my rules and basta!

I hope that I will learn these days whether the nystatin  powder we have ordered oversee has arrived in the USA. I have no information yet. Then I will inform you and you will simply receive it per mail. I will be the official distributor…

With love and light

April 28, 2012

Hello George,

Well judging by your last article, you have realized the sad state of affairs amongst so many here. It is an epidemic and one only need a few conversations with some to feel the fear and complacency that runs deep. It truly is baffling. I can say your effort and spirit are much appreciated. I speak for myself, but there are others, no doubt. If you know cattle, a well fed herd is slow and comfortable, but not immovable. Forward Brother, Forward!

April 28, 2012

Dear George and PAT family,

Warrior essence still needed before earth split.. if we are ascending why fight? If we want to create a world of peace and harmony and focus on this… why bother about those who have no power over us?? Unless we still believe they do?

Did we not set this scenario up and agree to it?The final “wake-up” call for millions on this planet? I thought the PTW are finished. How can they harm us? Showing us  our fears? What have we to fear? All is an illusion, right?

Powerful Creators preparing the New Earth and Earth A/B. This shows us where we truly are in fear or knowing our powerful selves.

What is left to save in this 3d earth with it’s debased systems? Time to open ourselves and get the last sandbags off the hot air balloon is ready to soar. Maybe, Georgi, you have been called to alert those who are still holding on to this earth? The fears of losing our lives is perhaps the final tether prohibiting our ascension?

Not everyone will desire to be involved in the nystatin project for various reasons. That’s their choice and OK. Perhaps this latest article serves to call out those who are  to move this forward. It’s yet another part of being a wayshower – opening a gate. Although all of the PAT have been such in the past and here today because of their choices to take on the established beliefs given to keep us from our true purpose. Maybe at this time there are those of us who have more to open prior to ascension? More in our soul contract to finish up?

I didn’t get to read your article regarding the genocide until last night, although you sent me the title in answer to my email. During the day the word”revolutionaries” kept coming to my mind. As I pondered the word and talked to my HS I had the idea that for some of us, that’s who we are…. Cosmic Revolutionaries….taking assignment to various planets/star systems to cause revolution for evolution of their souls. The things we have encountered on this planet are nothing new. In fact, my sense of this BIG SCARE tactic of the US administration attempting to control the nystatin availability is really to squelch our powerful creations. They KNOW who we are, the dark always knows the Light. And they KNOW if they divide us and cause fear and we buy into it they win the skirmish!Together, of one LIGHT mind, we are most powerful. Yet, as  Georgi keeps saying, we individually are most powerful creators. Look at what one man has been able to do in creating this website? Let alone all of the other creations he has and is completing!!!

As for me, I believe this was given to Georgi in answer to many of our longings to see people set free! Free of disease, free of thought forms which keep us from our true selves, free of poverty and living lives less than we were meant to live. I mean why wait til we get to Earth A? This unconditional love for those on this planet be they people or all other forms of creation, has been our deep driving force to even still be here at this appointed time. We are incredible beings!

Maybe, just maybe, this project is meant to catapult us into the ascension we are desiring!?   A saying I have often heard is “Put your money where your mouth is” or in my native tradition, ” Walk your talk”…..

with much love,
April 28, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your passion-infused work on our Nystatin project.  I am really excited about it and can hardly wait to see how it will all unfold.

I have just heard from my 35 year old niece tonight who was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis (specifically Pan-Colitis) in her early 20’s.  She has been taking various drugs since her diagnosis, which started after taking a week’s worth of medications to which she had a severe allergy.  I am looking forward to helping her with the oral Nystatin treatment when we get it all sorted out.

She has recently been prescribed Azathiopine 175 mg per day for this colitis.  I see that this drug is used for patients receiving kidney transplants or for Crohns and Ulcerative Colitis when other treatments are ineffectual.   When she stopped her treatment last year, she had such a severe flare-up that the physicians resorted to Prednisone therapy for four months.  She is now open to alternative therapy since her bout with Prednisone last year that left her feeling very ill.  She wishes my assistance in understanding how this disease can be dealt with now that her health and well-being is grossly ill-affected at this point.

To complicate matters, tonight she told me that she is 13 weeks pregnant.  This drug can cause birth defects, premature labour and is contraindicated for use while breast-feeding. Not only that, there is a warning on one site that links this drug with skin cancer, and specifically with hepatosplenic T cell lymphoma in young adults. She tells me she is taking folic acid at four times the usual dosage to counter-act the chance of birth defects.  What implication is there when taking so much folic acid?

What can I do for her, at least in the short term until our Nystatin project is launched, now that she is more open to suggestion?  I would deeply appreciate any insights and suggestions that you may have.

With love and light,

Dear Carla,

both azathiopine and corticoids such as prednisone are strong cell-inhibiting and immuno-inhibiting drugs according to my dipole modelwhich I have developed and proved on 5000 chemical moieties used as drugs (almost all drugs currently on the market) and it works perfectly without any exception. This is the incredible advantage of my new theory of biological regulation. I can analyse and determine the therapeutic effect of each drug from its chemical formula which nobody can do now on this planet, probably except the dark Orion entities from the 4th dimension. That is why they have arranged that the whole human pharmaceutical sector produces only such deleterious drugs that increase mortality and morbidity. They wanted to establish their culling program on humanity in the End Times in preparation for the Ascension event. This has been planned thousands of years ago.

Your niece is in the classical vicious circle when the patient starts with one harmful drug and then develops  various adverse events and must switch to another drug which is also harmful in a somewhat different way and thus the whole immune system is fully compromised and there is no way back. As you said, they may also harm the foetus. The only right way is to stop all these drugs radically and switch over to nystatin. It is the ideal drug for colitis ulcerosa.

You can try to order it directly from China to Canada. It may work as these suppliers are clever and send it in such a way that you can receive it. Tell them to write that it is for topical personal usage.  Here is one address. You can also search in for others.

With love and light
April 28, 2012


Pfffft, Jail. Please. I surmounted that fear when I decided to stop paying my credit card debt in November 2011. Especially when there was fear the “criminal justice” system were setting up debt encampments. Or when I decided to stop going to my For-Profit College the beginning of this year, with $60,000 in school debt and NO degree. Or how about when I wanted to support Occupy back in October, where jail was inevitable. I have personal friends still camping and holding down the Occupy fort desperately trying to spread awareness amongst the sheeple. Those people go to jail on a weekly basis now for having a sleeping bag and an opinion. Better to get arrested for trying to heal others than to sit around complaining about not be able to make a difference. It makes me laugh to think I would ascend in jail!

The American people are threatened with being incarcerated everyday with the NDAA, CISPA (SOPA/PIPA), Patriot Act, and countless other measures that our current government passes without direct consent of the people, btw. I know I didn’t vote for such idiotic proposals. When will it end? When will we say enough? Who will make this stand? Will you support new ideas and incorporate them into your everyday life or just during the rally point days that happen maybe every two months?

I fully support the Nystatin project with my whole being. It is filled with all kinds of win-win scenarios. If Nystatin performs the way you say it does*, I see no reason to back out because of a legal technicality. The very thought of curing so many diseases is like watching daisies bloom in the winter. There are so many, my very large family included that are dependent on the health care system. Still taking their vaccines and popping all sorts of pills for compartmentalized diagnosis that end up causing different issues at the “end” (which in many cases, there is no end) of the treatment.

Just the other night, my boyfriend was up all night complaining of gastric pain. I honestly don’t know what was wrong with him, other than his soul forcing him to stay home the next day and transmute energy in his body. I should mention that my boyfriend has a very high threshold for pain but he was up all night throwing up from nausea and showing a lot of discomfort due to the amount of pain he was experiencing. We don’t have health insurance and would not be able to afford an emergency trip to the nearest clinic, so doctors are not an option for either of us. I don’t mind that so much. What I do mind is not being able to receive any kind of aid without insurance. With this experience, I told myself, I never wanted to see him in that much pain ever again. If Nystatin helps to ease this kind of pain, would it be worth the risk of jail to provide it, even if it’s just for me and my boyfriend: YES. one thousand times YES.

There is so much to this project that makes so much sense and feels right to me. This is bigger than me and I want to be apart of it. I scanned through every alternate, possible out come that could result from this. And the good weigh out the bad 6 million to one (not an actual statistic). Even the possibility to where I don’t have any customers and made no profit. It doesn’t matter. Just the very idea of me being an example of someone who prepared Nystatin on her own, to show how simple it can be; was a good enough alternative outcome to proceed.

By the way, on one more note. The very idea of gathering like minded people from your site is another reason that makes me excited to proceed. It seems surreal to have so many people I have resonated within the last 8 months, be close enough to give a giant hug to! I don’t have a lot of people to talk to, let alone look up to, that is going the direction this website goes. If for a moment I could belong…some where.

Therefore, may we, the PAT, establish the PAT-Foundation and help start the biggest wave of healing one could ever wish to be apart of. May we do it through creation and unconditional love. May we be successful, as so long as there are ideas like Earth A to look forward to.

Thanks George for your commitment and conviction. It is to be admired and I feel you are the best example of a courageous sovereign being.


*Question: For those who continue to support the project, will we be given additional material, such as clinical studies or brochures about Nystatin? Having reading material for potential customers is usually beneficial. I will be glad to assist in putting those together if need be.

Also I think this may cause shipping problems for me as Hawaii has all sorts of weird shipping laws being an island. I am hoping my soul will allow me to participate, as I am currently projecting to have $600 of extra income by the end of May, due to the minor changes I have made to my routine. Timely as I had this idea to save up money before your proposal but had nothing to spend or invest in. Pretty cool how timing plays out.

Dear Joelle,

thank you very much for this excellent and very emotional plea on behalf of the nystatin project, but first and foremost on human courage and its psychological ramifications in the higher realms and dimensions.

If your friend has pains next time, he should take only novalgin (dipyrone) which is a very effective analgesic and has no side effects. I also use this drug.

You do not need any additional information on nystatin beyond my US-Patent on more than 90 pages and also my book, volume III where I discuss all the facts at the highest possible scientific level. I have also checked 3000 publications on nystatin and summarized their results there. This is more than any big drug company offers for their products. I know this as I have worked in the pharmaceutical industry.

With love and light
April 28, 2012

Dear George,

am willing to help distribute Nystatin as long I can get the supplies for it. I see this is beneficial not for health only. I see this will help people revolt against the Elite rulers when many will decide to join the fight with good health. We can’t win if people are still going to depend on them for medication. With good health and trust on this medication, they will lose their fear on medication dependence. So many benefits can be gain from Nystatin other than medication. Its too much to type here, but a good start on the revolt.

April 28, 2012

Dear Jon,

what happened to you? Are you still alive or have your Reptilian relatives devoured you in the meantime? I have not heard anything from you for a long time.

Hey George,

No, my wife used my laptop as a football and had the Internet disconnected from my phone, lol.  I just bought a lap top yesterday so lets keep our fingers crossed. I have been catching up since yesterday.  What you are doing with the Nystatin project is simply awesome.  Guess we should have known to expect some b.s.

I am sure Bruce S. Smart Jr (his uncle) is working against us. He is carrying out the work of another relative of mine  King Leopold II    who was an absolute monster. Anyway, Bruce and Leopold are/were both members of the Order of the Golden Fleece.  Now Bruce is on the Council on Foreign Relations and CEO of Population Action International in D.C.  King Leopold was worse than Hitler in killing over 10 million people when he set up the Democratic Republic of Congo as a front to commit genocide.  Now Bruce is doing the same thing as he is working with Bill Gates on all these deadly vaccinations, especially in Africa.

The worst part is finding out that my Aunt’s like Trina Overlock (married to Rockefeller Diehard Willard (Mike) Overlock) and Leonore Cunningham are in on it.  They are the worst as they come off as light working type of people.

I am chomping at the bit to get some Nystatin Powder so I am off to read you latest article.  I don’t have a lot of money but I could afford to spend like 500 USD if the opportunity were to present itself.

Keep it up Georgi, I know it may not feel like it all the time, but you are kicking ass and I am real proud of everything you have accomplished.  But it is like the great Kenny Powers from “Eastbound and Down” said, “Every great man knows, that a victory, is just the precursor to another fucked up set of challenges” LOL.  Keep it up!

April 28, 2012


I want to inform you that I’m not afraid of the Orion healthcare system and I’m eagerly awaiting the possibility of purchasing nystatin here in northern California. I sensed something was off today when the sky was bombarded with the heaviest chemtrails I have seen in almost two years. At one point the sky seemed grey, but yet it was warm and the sun was barely shinning through. So later the same day I wanted to check if you had posted anything new on your website…  then I read your current posting about the DEA/FDA plans for nystatin. Wow. I’m not at all surprised by their actions, but I am surprised by how quickly they are moving to block any attempts to release nystatin here in the US as you had hoped.

I’m willing to fight with hope and the light from within. I know you cannot fight fire with fire and that fear can be extremely dangerous. The only thing I can offer is the light from my soul to help and protect the planet. If I could sacrifice my soul to the highest realm of density and vibration (to be reabsorbed by the  source) so no one could hurt the people on this planet and beings from all over the universe then I would. My HS has kept me in this region in the US as it is my purpose, removed from ego I know this is what I must do. Therefore I hope that I will fulfill my biggest dream as I have just stated to you.

Thank you for all you have taught me. I realize there is always something new to learn, to which I am truly grateful for. I have asked for wisdom from the creator and I feel that I receive it daily through synchronicity, meditation and I also feel many of the LBP symptoms as well. These are truly multidimensional times.

Thank you again,
April 28, 2012

Dear Georgi,

We know that there are no such things as coincidences… I was watching a DVD last night (27th April, here in Asia – with the time difference – You may have, in fact, been composing your next report at that same time), on The History of a Masterpiece (BBC).  I had just watched the history of Goya’s ‘El tres de Mayo de 1808 en Madrid’ (I cried while listening to the story of this painting and Goya’s descent into his own realisations about the dark forces due to becoming deaf.)  The next masterpiece to be discussed was Eugene Delacroix ‘Liberty Leading the People’.

It is true that North Americans (US and Canada, Mexico is different) have never had to deal with anything so devastating as an out and out repression on their so-called personal freedoms (we know this can be proven to be the opposite, especially within the past eleven years, post nine eleven). There is a smug complacency among the general populace that is completely disgusting to observe.  Why people choose not to see what is before their very eyes is because they have been lulled into a hypnotic state, where, if you can buy all those wonderful devices, then there is no reason to actually look at any situation objectively. I see it where I live right now, in Vietnam. With the foreign investment and availability of virtually anything and everything you could want, which is great for the people, however the greed is unparalleled and blindness tends to be the order of the day, unfortunately, for many people (instilled by this greed).  I’m not suggesting that austerity is better.  What I am saying is that with the media, marketing and general dumbing down of any populace, it is easy to instill almost anything you wish.

IT IS THE VEIL.  So very few people see this.

Fear is used as a tool to keep the mass populace in their place, so that there is no challenging of the PTB.  It is pathetic that people are used in this way, but unless the population WAKES UP real fast, they are going to be in for a big surprise.  Fear can be overcome, and this is what the PTB fear themselves, because they know that they are tout fini.  It has been and remains their last and only tool…To instill fear…Please do not allow this to overcome you, this is what they want.


PS; Georgi, I am tying to send this article to Dr. Mercola in the US. He has a website and challenges many, many things that have to do with the medical mafia. He also uses a bill board in Times Square in NYC, so maybe he can use it for a very good cause again… They have tried to take down his billboards in the past, but he is vigilant.
Dear Laurie,

thank you very much for this validation of my assessment of the current situation in the USA, which is much more dire than most people assume. It is a privilege of the emigrants to see some facts much more clearly than the ones who have remained at home. I have experienced it myself very poignantly many times when I came back to my native country Bulgaria and had to realize each time that my countrymen live “under a pot” as they say in the Bulgarian language and have no idea about their precarious situation or that abroad. Ignorance everywhere.

It would be great if you can popularize this article as it is essential for the US-people to know how the state is now trying to decimate them with numerous insidious actions that they are too dumbed down to even perceive. And when they do. it will be too late.

With love and light

April 28, 2012

Hi Dr. Georgi Stankov,

I have been keeping up with the latest developments regarding the Nystatin Project, selfishly for my personal use first and foremost, as to combat the many horrors related to the debilitating Light Body symptoms which I need not tell you or any other PAT member about as you have listed them time and time again within the many publications on the LBP and in the SOAR. Well I was searching for a Pharmacy or Compounding center in the US, I live in Minnesota, that still produces pure Nystatin powder and I stumbled upon this and thought it could be helpful for the PAT based members in the US such as myself.

FDA Personal Use Import Policy for Prescription Drugs not Available in the USA



United States customs inspectors refer inspection and decisions about importation of drugs and medicines to a FDA inspector. When medicines are brought into the US from abroad, either by mail or in personal baggage, the following guidelines apply. FDA inspectors have broad discretion either to allow importation or to seize drugs that are not FDA approved in the USA. There is no way to insure that a particular medication will be allowed in. One inspector might let it pass and another might confiscate the product. If the following conditions are met, an inspector has discretion to allow importation.

1.      The drug must not be commercially available or promoted in the US.
2.      The quantity of the drug must not normally consist of more than a 90-day supply.
3.      The drug cannot pose an unreasonable risk of harm.
4.      The intended use of the drug must be appropriately identified and the use must not be for a serious condition.
5.      If for treatment of a serious condition, the drug must be documented in writing as continuation of a course of therapy begun abroad, and the shipment must indicate the name and address of a US licensed physician who will be responsible for continuing care.
Copyright © 2011 MedTech Consulting. Inc., all rights reserved

Last modified:
March 15, 2011

Now I know this was published a little over a year ago but it’s still worth sharing I believe.

April 28, 2012

Dear Georgi,

How have you been? It’s been a little while since my last email to you. I hope, precisely speaking, I know that everything is always good with you. I read the email forwarded by Sanita about a very interesting debate from an American reader. America takes it to heart. lol. I appreciate that you mentioned the Obama Care, b/c I used to work in a project from my previous company which is related to this subject. Unfortunately, that project made me decide to leave the company because I just didn’t feel it right. I was very happy about my decision and went to travel with my wife for a month afterwards, which made me very released.

The experience made me understand you a bit better than most of the reader from the medical policy perspective, but not medical knowledge. We are making a positive or negative decision every single day, through which puts us into a different parallel reality. I think that a large portion of the population is waking up, but they still tend to have following-up majority mentality when they are uncertain about something. Lacking of knowledge, confidence, logic and trust is still challenging us. Sending my love, light and compassion to all universal living being. Thank you for your post.

all the best,
William Z. Lu

April 28, 2012

Dear George,

Again, thank you for your last post. I am still excited about distributing and supporting the PAT. You are right about Americans being asleep. The lack of awareness disgusts me.  We have no rights, the government can come into our homes or work and take anything.  We do not even “own” our children in the State of Montana. The police can walk into school take them out of the building and not even have to let the Principal of the School know why they are interrogating the child.  Meanwhile the population is fat and happy to have their burger and watch NASCAR racing.

As far as distributing nystatin, I have realized the risks as far as possible interference by the Dark Orion forces. But the potential to do good is what draws me to this (ad)venture.

I am planning to ascend. Whatever I can do  to help those who have not yet decided I will do. If we can’t get Nystatin shipped to the US, I can drive to Canada. But I must first get a Passport as I now need one to cross the border.

much love and light,
Dear Marian,

thank you very much for your support. We have just ordered a larger amount of powder nystatin from oversee, but it  has not yet arrived in the USA. When it has arrived, I will inform you and you can order it with me. I will be the official distributor and after you order it with me, we will send the drug to you from within the USA. I am not sure whether this form of supply will work in the future…. I have no problem at all with it but other people. The big problem is the USA as I wrote in my last article.

One must see in´the perspective. If this alternative will not work in the future, then I will give you some addresses abroad, where you can order nystatin by yourself rather cheaply. But the problem is whether and how it will arrive in the USA. I have no experience in this. It is much more easy for us in the EU to order it from abroad as oral nystatin is an OTC-drug without any restrictions and duty free.

With love and light
April 28, 2012

Hello Georgi,

how are you? it’s been quite some time since I last sent you a message. I have been formulating a plan (along with consciously creating this plan in the higher dimensions in a holistic way) for Nystatin here in America, and have a few ideas. First off, as you basically said in your latest article this is the true separation of the wheat from the chaff and everyone needs to shed their fear based pattern immediately. I have begun saving up for a purchase for Nystatin worth around $200, and am planning to get a machine from a store around my area.

Soon I will begin letting my friends know (they could probably pitch in for the starting salary as well) and I already know one of them is going to do it with me. I’ll probably start selling to kids my age (and some parents..excluding mine) and have a few ideas to go around spreading awareness, in the energetically and physically dirty cities, to help raise the light quotient and hopefully awaken some people. I have been arrested twice and have had many experiences with the Orion debased law system, and I also know that I’m protected by very high frequency energies, so that I can consciously make sure nothing really happens in that way..which it won’t.

Anyways besides all that I’ve been having some very powerful energies affecting me from time to time and have had a few experiences with (I think they’re called) Adamantine children. Also I have begun viewing things from an energetic point of view and is there any symbolism for swans? As I’ve had some experiences where they and other animals are attracted to me.

With love and light

P.S. The skies around here are beautiful every day which is a sign Gaia has ascended and the collapse is imminent.
April 28, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Thank you once again for the passionate delivery of truth here in relation to Obama’s Genocide on the American Nation. We have watched this nation and it’s people crumble as their currency, food sources, health care, employment and everyday freedoms have seemingly and uncontrollably failed completely.  We have looked on from Canada wistfully as our American cousins seem to have lost their personal drive, confidence and faith over so many issues that many in other countries take for granted.  When I drive over the border to purchase gasoline at a thirty percent discount I feel the oppression, the “police state”, the stunning ignorance of some border guards as they interrogate me, the Canadian “terrorist”.  Imagine living with this ignorance, on a daily basis.  It is one thing to come from circumstances such as yours where the enemy is clear and defined, but here, the ignorance and lack of thought and insight truly cripples everyone!   We only have to remember George Carlin, the comedian, once said  “You have to be ASLEEP the enjoy the American Dream!”

Please do not misunderstand their position. They are unfairly judged and threatened on a daily basis.  They feel cornered with no sense of empowerment nor control over their lives.  It has been slow and insidious, but thorough.  As they consider your proposal and work through their inner fears they will take great learning from this lesson.  Give them a bit of time, your continued support and they shall prevail!  I have not lost faith in the true American spirit that lingers below the surface!  Why – all we have to do is tell them that EVERY DAY IS THE FOURTH OF JULY!! – and they will dig deep – just watch!

Love and Light, Always,
Dear Carla,

neither do I have lost faith in the people, otherwise I would not write at all, but an awakening clarion call from time to time does not harm them either. In fact what you have said about  the Americans is true for the Germans, the French, the English, all the Europeans, and surely I could have written the same words with respect to the Eastern European people under the communist dictatorship. But the Americans are not used to such descriptions which they might have heard in the past about Third World countries and it is time now that this truth also shakes them and reverberates in their minds and hearts.

With love and light
April 28, 2012

Dear George,You make very compelling points and arguments in your latest Nystatin article, which actually make me feel ashamed for allowing fear to control my thinking. Yes, you are absolutely right that we need to stand up to these reptilian bastards!!I will order Nystatin and everything else that is necessary when you give the signal. Again, thanks for all that you do. You are a true leader!!


April 28, 2012

Dear George,

I loved today’s article.

I try to avoid digging too much into the actions of the dark factions, but came across some interesting information… you are probably aware of all this, but i’m going to lay it out anyway.

may 19-20 — g8 summit
may 20 — solar eclipse
may 20-21 — NATO summit, Chicago: reports from mainstream Chicago tv news about evacuation plans and building lock downs.
may 24-31 — Russia-u.s. joint anti-terrorism drill in Colorado
may 31-june 3 — Bilderberg meeting

They are very active. also, cispa passed the house yesterday, the u.n. has now set precedent as an international court of justice, many domestic u.s. agencies have bought enough enough ammunition for a seven year war (ammo that is so horrific in even minor impacts on the human body that it is banned in international warfare… go figure. even “minor” bullet wounds from the hollow tips they purchased will cause massive bleeding… why do they need that ammo in that quantity within the u.s. borders?), dhs has purchased bulletproof checkpoints, the tsa is running rampant, and now they are even hiring new minions without doing any background checks, as if they are in a big hurry to fill a lot of positions. How does this fit into the ascension scenario, as you see it? Thanks for keeping things moving,

Dear Ben.

I knew about some of these dates and meetings and also that there is a G8 meeting at the same time and that Obama has asked Putin to meet with him privately for 2 hours outside the G8 meeting. I read this in a Russian article, but this information was not passed onto the Western media. They are pretty much busy these days and in a total disarray. This was one of the reasons for me to start a frontal attack on Obama, as there are some dark sources which want to evoke the impression that this man is a light being. I am thus crossing their plans and they will have no success. That is how All-That-Is works.

Between May 20 and June 20 most of the big events will happen. But they will be of such an incredible cosmic power that these petty summits and meetings on the ground are laughable. When the cosmic energy surge will come, all human beings will be simply laid down in a state of total catharsis and paralysis, while we will ascend. as there will be  no longer any energetic need for us to stay on the ground.

This is the reason why I now force this project as it will be the acorn for future more advanced social forms of economic and collective organisation that will be established on earth A/B. Please observe that we are the only esoteric group which actively makes plans for the near future, while all the others sit on the sideline and wait for Disclosure and the arrival of the GFL. We are now charging with the nystatin project the new timeline of earth A/B and at the same time our timeline of ascension. It is a multidimensional project. I was strongly urged by my soul to push this project now for good reasons, even if I do not overview all the future ramifications of it.

With love and light
Dear George,

thanks for your insight. a couple of things you said intrigued me, and I wonder if you would mind elaborating on your understanding: what big events do you envision occurring between may 20 & June 20? Are you speaking of energetic events or maneuvers of the dark force?

Will the cosmic energy surge be so powerful that our systems will be overwhelmed, and we are literally forced to lie down and surrender to its force? Do you see an Armageddon style outbreak in the last days leading to ascension? I had been under the impression that it could be possible to avoid the cataclysmic nature of events in the collective reality, at least for those on the positive timeline… though Ii am now wondering if it all happens at once. Can you share any further insight about how the events of the dark ones and of the ascension might play out?

in love and light,
Dear Ben,

I mean the inter-dimensional split which is fixed on my schedule.  During this time most of the humans will be emotionally and mentally laid down before they are reprogrammed by their souls. We have this experience behind us and we need not experience it one more time. We will simply ascend. I do expect some major shifts on the world map, but I am confident that this will not affect that much the people on the earth A/B   that will enter the 4th dimension after the inter-dimensional shift. Those that will stay on earth B may experience the catastrophes directly.

Thus the shift will be within the humans and as a geographical event. But the inner changes will be much more powerful and transformative. Parallel to it all the old social structures will crumble for ever. It will be a huge cosmic event and my guess is that it will happen around the end of June, but the process will accelerate after May 20.


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