On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-87, April 18, 2012
Human Greed at the End Times
April 17, 2012
Please be advised that The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. dba Veritas Publishing (The Institute) is the owner of exclusive rights protected under copyright law and other intellectual property rights in many books, videos, audio programs, and associated materials and programs, authored by Dr. David R. Hawkins, including the title listed below (Property). These materials are sold on The Institute’s website at www.veritaspub.com. The Institute diligently enforces its rights in the Properties.
The Property that is the subject of this notice is the printed chart entitled the “Map of Consciousness” published in 2004. The Institute has reserved all rights in the “Map of Consciousness”. The Property appears on our website at the following URL: http://www.veritaspub.com/
It has come to our attention that you are using the above work to which The Institute owns the copyright and trademark. The format and name of the work involved is described above. It appears on a site operated by you at http://www.
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On behalf of The Institute, I demand that you immediately cease the use and distribution of The Institute’s Property and all copies of it, that you remove any further works you may have stolen and that you desist from this or any other infringement of The Institute’s rights in the future.
The undersigned has a good faith belief that use of The Institute’s Property in the manner described herein is not authorized by The Institute, its agent or the law. The information contained in this notification is accurate. Under penalty of perjury, the undersigned is authorized to act on behalf of The Institute with respect to this matter.
If I have not received proof of compliance from you within 72 hours, I shall consider taking the full legal remedies available to rectify this situation.
Please be advised that this letter is not intended to be a complete statement of the facts or law as they may pertain to this matter or of The Institute’s positions, rights or remedies, legal or equitable, all of which are specifically reserved.
My contact information is as follows: Susan Hawkins P.O. Box 3516, Sedona, AZ 86336, Tel: 928.282.8722 email: orders@veritaspub.com
Dear Sir,
The Website www.stankovuniversallaw.com is a German based website and fully protected by the German Constitution and law, which guarantee the free speech and the unlimited freedom of scientific research. The articles published on this website are scientific research on the Hawkins scales and they were only critically reassessing their reliability with references to his original work, which is widely published and open to scientific discussion. This is the usual scientific tradition worldwide and all scientific journals are based on this kind of presentation and evaluation At no time was it intended to use these scales for any personal or other commercial purposes by this website or its users. In fact, it was shown that the Hawkins scales have no practical value at all.
I have personally won a major trial on a similar issue at the constitutional high court in Germany, Karlsruhe against a claimer who was in the same situation, as you have put yourself now in total ignorance of the German and International law.
However your claim shows that your interpretation of the Hawkins scales is based on pure human greed, profit mentality and service-to-self and thus you have no moral right to be the true heir of this scientist. You thus do a disservice to the modest scientific contribution of this man in social sciences and prove to score very low on his scale – somewhere around 200 or below. This should make you ponder over your spiritual evolution at the current End Times, where ascension and salvation is entirely dependent on high moral and spiritual values.
Dr. med. Georgi Stankov
Dear Georgi,
I am most disappointed in seeing this claim against you and your website, from an obviously unenlightened individual. How can she represent the Hawkin’s empire, and all it has stood for through the ages, on the basis of shame, marginalization, service-to-self and greed? Now I have seen everything.
With love and light,
April 18, 2012
Hi Georgi!
Although I haven’t written you in a bit, I have been monitoring things with you and PAT and the website on a daily basis and feel even more connected with everyone as each day passes. I know you already know and feel all this, but I must say thank you for everything.
I’ve been contemplating the creation process since you sparked some intense memories after reading your last posts. I was imaging how I would be a Sun and then how would I be a Galaxy, using the Universal Laws and 7F-process I first thought about my body, my physical heart being a self contained 7F-function with the infinity connection point created at the center of that. That seemed like a rather simply exercise I suppose with my medical knowledge and my esoteric training. But then I applied that exact process to the imaging of myself as a self sustaining Solar entity and that worked for that model perfectly also… Then I moved onto becoming a Galaxy, I initially applied the model of the spiral galaxy as is the Milky Way and ran into some issues when I was literally animating my imagined Galactic Spiral and how exactly, what thought pattern and path I would have to follow to make it self sustaining. My model worked quite well in my mind, but the images I was looking at of the Milky way we not coherent.
Then I tried your suggested process of instant question and answer with my higher self (or whatever you want to call it) and I got an interesting answer. I have attached a rather large image of the Milky Way from the National Geographic Magazine, its very cool to just look at as is, but I only made a red circle with photo shop to highlight the area of interest. Look at the spiral arms of our Galaxy, they are all mostly whole and complete, just like the model I made in my imagination….except in the actual Milky Way one arm is not in continuity with the other spirals arm, of course it would have to be where we are located. They call it the Orion Arm and its completely broken off and disconnected from and other arms originating at the Galactic Core. We are part of cluster of systems connected with Orion that are just floating broken and disconnected from the entire rest of the Galaxy. Here in lies my question…when I asked my higher self about why in my imagined model everything was working and looking perfectly and there was this glaringly obvious discontinuity of some broken fragment in the real Milky Way, (which is us), what the hell was happening there. The answer I got back is that this was the direct result of the Orion and Lyrian wars and the destruction they did to the Galaxy… I know this is all that the physical level, but obviously the ramifications effect everything at every level, so I was just curious: do you think this sounds right, the discontinuity which is us, is only there because of the Orion/Reptilian wars and destruction, like this is one of the physical effects of the ‘fall’?
Also, I received my higher self answer about all this in the form of images and shapes, just like you said you get very cool and very interesting, so much simpler to communicate that way. The images ended with my imagined perfectly working Galaxy directly merging with the current fractured Milky Way Galaxy and that process seemed to have corrected any discontinuity and dysfunction that currently exists. Both galaxies merged into one perfected unit that appeared even more interesting visually that either did on their own.
My best always to you and your family,
Dear Marco,
This is a huge creation program through imagination that you have started. It needs a lot of patience and concentration to enter this cosmic dimensions. I am afraid that with this website I do not have the tranquility to make such mental exercises, but I congratulate you for your vision.
The finding that the Orion spiral of the Milky Way is fractured due to the Orion-Lyrian wars is fascinating and I have never come to such an idea, but it sounds perfectly logical. The superposition of a new, most probably higher dimensional galaxy over it, a kind of merging, as it will be the case with Gaia when it ascends and merges with its 5d-blueprint seems to be the only possible solution to this problem from an energetic point of view.
You have given me a lot of stuff to chew. I must think over your bold suggestions, but they are excellent…
With love and light
April 18, 2012
Dear George,
Thank you Andrew for a fantastic article!
I can confirm that the details are true for me. Sometimes I am not good at putting the pieces together – and this article has really put some of the dreams I have had lately into perspective.
Only 2 nights ago I asked my soul what my first ‘job’ was so to speak. I had this really strange dream that I had to drink this warm nectar drink and then I was able to go onto a computer and I was putting different pieces of a person together. Sometimes I would put them together incorrectly and had to start again. I did this a few times until the last time I answered the questions or put all the pieces together correctly and on the screen came up with pictures of a human I had created. I was telling the person next to me that it was going to be me. I did deduct that I was creating a species, but I couldn’t figure out why I was creating myself. The article really shed some light on this.
With Love
Rachel (Melbourne)
April 18, 2012
Hi George,
Again you have posted another jewel in the crown. The timing of the information is gaining momentum. For me the below quote from Andrew’s update really resonated. I needed the reminder.
“Another thought arises as I write this. My deepest intuition as well as my research points to the idea that the events happening in this galaxy are the culmination of everything else that has happened in this universe and will ripple through time, space, and the All-That-is for the rest of existence. Following that thought, this galaxy is the microcosm of the universal macrocosm in a very intimate way, all the experiences of the universe compacted into one galaxy, and this planet is then the microcosm of that. Hence, the condition of this planet and solar system today.
So many problems from eons of time all compacted onto one planet, one theatre of battle for the final showdown. And here we are, the original creators of this galaxy and solar system, representatives of the higher realms and civilizations from all over the universe, incarnated into human form once again to act as Wayshowers in the LBP process and to build portals to the higher realms all over the planet among other things. Of course as was talked about on the site recently, this is not the first time we’ve done this as many of us were the spiritual teachers and leaders of the ancient times past as Apollonius of Tyana and his followers. Many of us lived here in the time of Atlantis and Lemuria as well and even further back.
This ascension will be one of the biggest events in the history of the universe! We will once again take our rightful place as creators to the point where I believe each one of us will become a Universal Creator, each with our own Universal body in which to create, beyond the realms of this Universe. Not to mention becoming true masters of this Universe. What a reward! Certainly worth the wait.”
Warm regards
Alex, Australia
April 18, 2012
Dear Georgi,
Dear Andrew,
I am sooo profoundly touched by what I just read on today’s posting! The written words are lacking the emotion and thought behind them, but my SOUL is totally in sync with you guys! Thank you, thank you both! OUR history in a few chapters, impressive!
Blessed be the ones who have this ability to write in such exquisite words.
In Love & Light: Dorina.
April 18, 2012
I would like to congratulate Andrew for his excellent summary! If you can please visualize me clapping hands with happiness and jumping for joy! This is the most awesome website on Earth! I Love you! Thank You Andrew and George and members of PAT! You have given me purpose and freedom!
April 18, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I´m from Austria and also working on a portal for ascension (in the middle of Vienna, the capitol of Austria). I read in your last report that you do so in your country and that an Italian is creating one in Umbria – that’s great!
I even know that there is someone in Canada called to build a portal too, but I´m not sure that he/she is aware by now. So maybe this letter and our conversation will reach this person to join us in building a portal consciously. Just wanted to let you know (and your readers) – because I think best we can do currently is exchanging information and experiences (additional to our telepathic contacts).
Many thanks for your work and texts,
love DoSanna
Dear DoSanna,
thank you very much for contacting me for the first time. You have chosen a very difficult terrain to create your portal after cleansing all the K.u. K monarchy dross in Vienna.
By the way, when we opened the stargate 11.11.11 last year, all members of the PAT – more than 1000 – already built their portals the world over – from Australia to North America and Europa. We also have some members in Asia and Africa, especially in South Africa.
But if you make you friend from Canada aware of our website he/she can find a lot of information on opening portals especially in the first reports before 11.11.11.
With love and light
April 17, 2012
Hello George,
I have some very interesting and exciting news to share with you at this time. As you mentioned in SOAR 86, April 11th did mark a point of great progress, and in fact, my older brother’s birthday was on April 10th. He is currently working towards his master’s degree at Sciences Po in Paris, and recently traveled to Hong Kong among other places throughout the beginning of his tenure in August of last year.
We have indeed entered the time of great miracles and synchronicities, and your idea of starting a PAT-Foundation completely correlates with an idea that I began to plan in January of 2011. My vision was to create the largest organization on the planet, Freedom Earth, and start the Freedom Earth Foundation to fund the organization’s developments.
Today, my best friend and fellow visionary contacted me and introduced an idea that he was looking into pursuing. When I was 19, I lived abroad and taught English in Thailand, and my friend asked if I would be interested in teaching English again in China with him this September. I accepted his offer, and I have no doubt that this decision, to work as a teacher amongst the youth of China, is completely in line with my mission here to bring world peace and true freedom to this planet.
Upon discussing this decision with my father, we began discussing the goals of my brother, and without any knowledge of my idea to start the Freedom Earth Foundation, he suggested that one day my brother and I would unite together to work on a foundation involving world peace. He literally connected the dots right before my eyes, and I couldn’t help but to laugh at the amazing synchronicity that had just occurred in front of me.
These are indeed exciting times, and it will surely be interesting to see how it all plays out. Thank you again for your great work.
With love and light,
Dear Skyler,
these are indeed remarkable synchronicities, but on the other hand we must finally get used to them as this is the normal way of telepathic communication in the universe and what we have experienced so far on this closed planet was the absolute exception. It may not mean that you will travel to China in September, but this perspective shows you the way you will go very soon when indeed earth begins to implement the idea of freedom and peace, which is due long time ago.
April 17, 2012
I like your idea of a meeting of PAT before our ascension. Like you at the present time any travel is out the question considering my debilitating symptoms. Do you think theses symptoms will lessen before ascension where such a meeting is possible. I was thinking that I would probably continue with them right up to the minute of ascension, but you have given me hope that maybe they will lessen before then. I live in Northern AZ and long have felt that I am helping build a large portal here and that is the cause of much of my severe fatigue. I think this area, so near the Hopi lands and four corners area of the US will be very important vibrationally in the new Earth A/B.
Dear Jerry,
I can only hope that when Heaven helps us to finance and arrange this meeting, so that nobody will have to pay anything – this is my vision at least – it will also take care that we are in a physical condition to attend this meeting and enjoy it. But to be honest enough, I am not so sure if it will work this way. Probably we will ascend first. We will wait and see.
I do confirm that we all are now trapped at the place, where we live and build huge portals – I would rather say that we actually heave large physical portions of the earth to the 5th dimensions and that we cannot travel for pleasure. But there must be an end to our perennial work on behalf of humanity of Gaia at some point in time and I see the end of it coming rapidly.
With love and light
April 17, 2012
Dear George,
I finally got time last night to catch up on your reports and you guys put such a big smile on my face. From the painting of Picasso with the spontaneous, voluptuous girls on a beach, to the images of us doing some belly dancing.
What a fantastic idea of meeting up somewhere. To have two weeks of fun with people who actually get you is a most wonderful prospect. I have stopped communicating to people about ascension as in my world it is just not a good way of energy optimization. So, you can image how much I would look forward to talking about ascension (which is all I have on my mind) and not be viewed as a crazy menopausal old lady. I know that we often meet in the dream state but the thought of meeting all of you in the 3rd dimension fills me with great excitement.
I have started the manifestation process for a meeting and will now add the PAT-foundation to that.
PS: What I love so much about PAT is that no matter the dark nights of the soul, the hardships, the suffering we still manage to keep our humor. And I have to say that it is exactly what will get us through this.
All for one and one for all!
With so much love to you all
Mara, South Africa
Dear Mara,
thank you very much for your support of the idea to arrange a meeting with the PAT members on this planet, in case we will not ascend before that and reunite in the higher realms. In both scenarios, the final outcome is predetermined.
I am glad to hear that you like the Picasso painting, but the association with old menopausal women has never been intended. In fact we all will soon acquire our new crystalline bodies and this condition will belong for ever to the past. But one can start experiencing it now.
The belly dance is part of my schedule, and if my wife accepts ascension she will be allowed to come also and show you belly dance as she teaches it as a hobby. Otherwise, I must find another much younger and much more attractive lady as a teacher and I have several at my disposal.
With love and light
April 17, 2012
Dear Georgi,
All I can say is ‘Thank you’ for this website. It is incredibly insightful and very helpful. Your explanations on the ascension of Gaia and humanity help me to understand a process that is NOT discussed in this way or at this level, anywhere else. I feel blessed to have found you. Reading the SOAR’s (and a few of your writings) have helped me to make sense of things that prior, even though I know that I have been and I am guided, were giving me questions on a deeper level that I didn’t know ‘how’ to answer for myself. It has helped to make things clearer and not so muddled.
I will say that your comments on Aruna Byers and her ‘channelling’ of whatever entity she is channelling, are spot on. In her own words in the introduction of the ‘Master Messages’ she writes: ‘The first message he dictated for the public was about ascension, a topic I have never been interested in, but I knew that he would not be asking me to broadcast his words if there was not a good reason. Much of what is said in these messages is strange to me because I have never been receptive to this kind of information. Delivering it to others is not comfortable.’
Why would someone do something that they have no interest in, and do not feel comfortable in delivering it to others? I do not understand. I have read some of them and have found they are so miserable in their ‘diction’ or whatever you want to call it, that they are indecipherable. The feeling I got from reading them was not nice. I couldn’t read them – I would come away feeling almost physically ill and angry as well… I gave them a chance as I was curious about them. The price tag on them is fairly hefty for something that is so convoluted.
I had contacted this woman to get some answers when I was going through something (yet again) so physically challenging, to ask her if the symptoms I was experiencing were of a releasing spiritual nature. Her reply came back to the extent that (I believe it was about ascension) we should be all finished with any physical diseases or problems, if we are, in-fact, at that level. And further, that if we were experiencing any form of physical discomfort or problems, we should contact a doctor. I was left feeling at a loose end with this. I have known that my weird physical problems have been a ‘process’ of releasing much, much emotional and societal crap (for lack of a better word). But, I was seeking some information that could help me to understand this on a different level and validate it. What I encountered was someone, whom I now know, has no clue at all, as she states in her introduction to her channelled ‘master messages’.
I have wondered about people who ‘channel’. The only channelled messages that have resonated with me at a higher level are the CA messages. (And even then, you still have to be objective about those as well, with regards to the person asking the questions.) I find that I am unable to read much of the channelled material as I get an uncomfortable feeling and/or my interest level wanes very soon after I start it with much of this stuff. I couldn’t figure out why I was unable to take in this stuff, and, as you have pointed out, your higher self will not allow you to absorb what doesn’t resonate with the highest level. At least for me, I’m finding out that this is the case.
I had started to write this letter before I read the SOAR #86, when I read it, it seemed like a synchronicity in what your comments were regarding channelling.
With thanks,
Dear Laurie,
Thank you very much for your email and as I far as I remember this is your first email to me. I am happy to hear that you can profit from the information I am publishing on this website, which is in fact the collective experience of the PAT members and thus representative of the most evolved spiritual group on this planet. This is a truism which I repeat again and again, even if some people do not want to hear it anymore, but this makes the situation much more clear.
I fully agree with your assessment of Aruna Byers and this obscure channel Comte de St. Germain and I only read it in order to analyse the psychological aberrations that occur around the phenomenon of channelings which I investigated very carefully in the 90s in personal experiments with many different channelers. Lately Comte St. Germain is void of any topics after he has misused all of them in the past and now he has discovered medicine and diet, which is the greatest crap he has ever channeled since he has appeared on the scene. His manipulation of this poor woman is a real scandal, but she seems to be the only one that does not notice it.
As I said in my last report, real ascended masters do not channel, as this is the least effective way to reach an incarnated entity and stimulate his evolution. Higher excarnated soul groups from the causal worlds (the real ascended masters) exert their influence much more discrete in form of intuitions, inspirations, intellectual stimulation, but also somatically and emotionally, so that the entity thinks that this is all part of his personality. These effects are much more endogenous and transforming.
None of the current channelling sources fully participate in the current transformation of Gaia and humanity, but simply pretend to be knowledgeable and behave like preposterous unripe souls and very often as simple human charlatans. They come either from the 4th astral level (most of them being dark entities) or from the lower 5th dimensions (very unripe souls). This is part of the dark propaganda in the End Times of the PTB.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of esoteric gurus, who, even when they do not consider such channels, are also rather confused in their own peculiar way, as is the case with David Icke, to name the most prominent and intelligent guru among them, who still has not got it that there is such thing as ascension in 2012. The confusion is now much more profound on earth than most people realize.
At this moment in time one must only ask his own soul or higher self for advice, but one can of course compare this information with what other people are saying and see if it resonates with him.
With love and light
April 17, 2012
Hallo George,
I hope this finds you well. Not sure if you are also getting this information. Take a look at the picture of the sun with this explosion, what is labelled “spicule” on this message below. Then go to www.spaceweather.com and watch that mega explosion which occurred yesterday which looks very similar to the “spicule”.
It looks like that sunspot is turning to face earth for the next week or so. Also very interesting information from Metatron about the events on the 20th May, which might trigger earth changes?! www.Earth-Keeper.com
Love and Light,
Dear Joe,
I saw this morning this video which another reader recommended me and it is indeed very impressive. I have also read the Metatron texts and have them in mind.
I am somewhat hesitant to say it, but last night (April 17) I received an important information from my HS and was even compelled to fully awake up at 5.00 o’ clock a.m. and check the information in Internet.
It was a very complicated, condensed information given repeatedly to me from my HS which is always a sign of importance. The message was the following: We are now in the final stage to eliminate karma on earth, beginning with the last devastating war in Atlantis up to the WW2, which was a repetition of the last Atlantean war. For this reason all the big events will start when this war had finished and I have to check the dates. All the big transformational events, I was told, will be accomplished grosso modo during this period.
Then I tried to remember in half-awaken state when the war ended in Europe and when it ended in Asia. I knew that it ended in May 1945 in Europe, as my father was a soldier and fought the Nazis in Yugoslavia and Vienna. But I was not so sure whether it ended in August or September 1945 in Asia. Ultimately, I read in Wikipedia that the Germans surrendered on May 8, 1945, but the final armistice was on May 15, and Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945. The information I received was that all sweeping and transforming events, including our ascension, will happen in this period. This is in full concordance with my rational estimate. Only recently, I was made aware of the Eastern Wesak feast of Buddha and all ascended masters, which is on the first full moon in May. This year we have full moon on May 6, 2012.
I do not know how to evaluate this information, but that is what I get these days repeatedly from my HS. But it maybe that I am somewhat influenced by all these readings of Metatron and the like. However, my simple logic has always been that if humanity has to be prepared for mass ascension at the end of this year, all events must begin in the first half of this year as to have a minimum time of six months to inform the masses, so that they can make a conscious choice to ascend in the second half of this year. The date of mass ascension on Dec 21, 2012 is fixed and in the meantime no source has dared to challenge it. Metatron also confirms it as the key date of ascension after the opening of the stargate 12.12.12. We have no linear time left anymore. This must be cogent to everybody and the less linear time we have at our disposal, the more dynamic and sweeping the cosmic events of change will be.
With love and light
April 17, 2012
Regarding your essay on creativity and your final suggestion of a 3D PAT gathering for a holiday:
I have always loved the period of “The Enlightenment” and wished to participate in the type of “salon” that took place regularly in Paris during this period where artists, writers, philosophers, etc., gathered for conversation and the free exchange of ideas. I have never given up on the idea of engaging in a “salon” during my lifetime, and here you are suggesting just that! The image of my salon I have held in my heart since 1992. I think my creation is about to manifest!! Yet again we are on the same page.
Till then!
Dear Julie,
it is indeed a serendipity as the “French salon” was also my ideal form of enlightened human communication. But in this Orion society you must be very rich to entertain such a salon. I can only hope that in the new 5d-earth we will have one big French salon. Or as your famous American writer Hemingway wrote almost 100 years ago: Paris is a big “Movable feast”: Unfortunately, he was the Barbarian in this French salon at that time or as the Germans say: “The proverbial elephant in the crystal shop”.
With love and light
April 17, 2012
Dear George,
I just had to drop you a note to say what a magical experience it was reading “The Power of Creation”. It spoke to my Soul in such an elevating way that at times I literally felt like I could float reading the beautiful Truths sentence by sentence. Your words activate something in me that makes reading them some of the most enlightening and enjoyable experiences I have ever had. It is as if your words are so “charged” with Truth that they are embedded with an energy that is transmitted to the depths of the readers soul. They enter my eyes as just typical letters off the computer screen, and then once inside morph into a special language that my DNA can understand. I feel like your words are dual in purpose in that they appeal to and make sense to the rational mind as well as are encoded with a harmonic frequency that is the language of the Higher Self. It would be so amazing if a gathering of the PAT were to take place! I will find my way there, regardless of where on Gaia’s Beautiful Body it takes place!
In Infinite Love, Beth
April 17, 2012
I’m reviewing a mortality here. For the first time EVER I see the word “encephalomalacia” used in a patient’s chart describing findings on a cranial CT scan. The increased death rate continues.
Yesterday morning, while communing with my soul, she said “…you are an ascended master returning to earth again because it’s fun”. This is fun, the noise in my ears, the cleaver splitting my head just left of my corpus callosum, the headaches, the bursting of light bulbs, etc, etc? My soul has a strange sense of humour. I was incredulous. Then I read your post “The Power of Creation”. It is one of the best pieces of spiritual instruction I have ever read, extremely detailed. I am having fun creating our PAT holiday. How many of us PAT are there?
Your timing releasing the Roberts book on Good Friday is delicious. I spent all Easter weekend reading it.
Thanks again for your precious work.
Dear Linda,
thank you for your scientific and statistical confirmation of the increase in mortality rates due to “encephalomalacia” as predicted in my recent article. Your soul has also confirmed you what I underlined in my last article on the “Power of Creation”, namely that we, all members of the PAT, ascended on November 22, 2011 and then returned in a new incarnation free of karma to do service for humanity. The pains we have suffered since then will be hugely compensated as we have now the possibility, and have in fact used it to the full extent, to ascend much higher than any other soul has achieved in this universe from such a high 3d-density/low frequency as that on this planet. I know that this insight is a poor substitute for the tortures of the LBP, but it is still better than none.
I can only guess the number of the PAT members based on my Internet statistics. My guess is between 1000 and 2000. Of course there must be some other incarnated entities who functionally also belong to this group but prefer to live alone and not participate in our discussions.
With love and light
April 17, 2012
Dear George,
This is my personal place of HEAVEN and just to tell you that you must be able to read all our minds with all the different posts that you come up with. I know how much work this all is and actually like to say to you that it is your place of peace also, well I am sure that your home is probably smoother than where I chose to be in the last days, but that’s another story I suppose…. Boy, do you just keep coming up with the best stuff ever for us all to absorb and the information is like the air I need everyday to survive anymore.
I love everyone’s letters, we all have all the same types of existences and for anyone who thinks that we think we are so special and above everyone else, first of all let me say that, that whole way of thinking only comes from people who are so unevolved as they do not even get the first part of any of us and that part is that WE CARE ABOUT THIS PLANET AND ALL THE PEOPLE ON IT BEFORE WE EVER ONCE THOUGHT OF OURSELVES!!!!
And another thing about the ones who are service-to-self here do not get is that they are never unhappy because they are all to DUMB to even question anything other than wanting to know why we have so many problems with how there little world is run, I am just amazed at the level of DUMB and I am sorry, but please they have been given so much time to open their eyes,it is really true that the majority just do not want to do the work with either the wake-up or the LBP. It is a big shame but I guess the ratio of heroes has always been a small number no matter what the goings on are at the time. So sorry I was venting there and I am sure you do not want or need to here our crap when I know we all suffer.
George you are the PAT’s HERO because without you to pull us all together finally where we belong, I just do not know. I know each and everyone of us is a highly strong soul and even though this has been such an incredible uphill battle life we all can attest to, you know somehow we always seem to have just more and more of the great energy that makes up each of us, so that after a bunch of few minutes of recoil we can come back out and be stronger than the last battle and just keep on going,that is what always happens with me. I know that has to be some of our protection and let me say I love it always.
Just FOREVER THANK YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE TO AND FOR US, AND FOR THE WHOLE OF THIS PLANET THAT HAS NO CLUE YET. I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL WE ASCEND AND I WANT SO BADLY TO COME BACK AND BE ABLE TO WORK ALONGSIDE YOU, That will be some seriously amazing stuff to see and be a part of.Love and Bless us all as we are almost there any minute now.
Love for us all,Bonnie