On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-79, March 24, 2012
“The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali (1931)
More on Alfred Webre’s Confusion
March 24, 2012
Dear George
I want to write and support YOU in your latest correspondence with Alfred Webre.
He needs to understand that when he is talking about you and your work, in this way, he must take into consideration the depth of feeling and support you have from the readers of your website. Let it be known that all PAT hold you in the greatest regard, not just for your knowledge and guidance but for your love for humanity,
Alright, I can accept that there are many like him, and that from their perspective, or up to their stage of awareness, they are in no way being directed from their soul. This IS where they differ then from us PAT. Their soul has been trying to urge them to the truth for as many years as us, I bet. But they have resisted to be shown the way and run away from it. Preferring to adhere to 3d dramas. educating, but not listening. ( Awakening Adams calender was like many other places at that time, where I believe people went to change the energies, even in UK and USA etc.)
I am sure he is a very good man. He does a lot of interviews with people and they all have a much to say, but a lot of it is encouraging old fear mongering shit. It’s another way of dumbing down the masses really. I call that Hype, hype, hype.
I am not insulting anyone intellectually, they may be far superior to me and definately have undertaken study more rigorously than I had the opportunity to. I went to grammar school and then to work for Lloyds in the City of London.
Another thing that annoys me, what sort of nonsense is that so far 2012 has been a down to earth year. (For those carrying on with the same old messages yes, we know who they are, so I won’t give them a title now) you better believe it has for them, otherwise by now they would be in terrible physical state, if they had to do LBP in a matter of weeks, they would most certainly be suffering, and I don’t hear them complain on that score.
So “Down To Earth” in what sense? Not seen flying with visible angel wings perhaps? Please don’t make me laugh.
Trying to gift the awakening to the rest of humanity last year nearly killed me stone dead. But I loved every minute of it, so tell me am I a false prophet too? Maybe Alfred should try BEING A FULL SOVEREIGN INSTEAD OF HALF A CROWN!
Anyway, we PAT met last night and decided that we stand for truth. Some may not like it, it may not be their truth. We stand by YOU George. I know we had great discussion over your latest exchange with Alfred, and that’s why I wanted to write about it. I do remember an expression that was used to describe these lost New Age Gurus: ‘They are like sheep following their shepherd down a tunnel with no exit”
And as I am writing this, I can feel you looking over my shoulder saying: “I had my reasons for having the latest discussion with Alfred and I in no way take it personally”, but I thank you for your well meant sentiments. I don’t believe Alfred Webre could do that. That is what I mean!
In love & light
Dearest George
Dear Bernice,
This is a very important and timely statement on the current individual reactions of former New Age gurus to the rapidly changing energetic situation on the earth, which they can no longer follow or comprehend and thus digress to irrational behaviour. I am sending you below the further email exchange with Alfred after I published his first comments on report-78 with a letter to Callista, who also addressed this issue, so that you can see how confused this person in reality is:
With love and light
Dear Callista,
If you want to laugh, I am sending you below the follow-up email exchange with Alfred Webre after I published the first part of our correspondence. This post proves how impossible it has become in the meantime to communicate with people outside the selected circle of the PAT members who share a common destiny and vision.
Thank you for your offer to help me, but I hope that when the number of emails jumps that we will have left this earth and will no longer need to answer them in the old tedious way.
With love and light
George, Thank you for promoting my current evaluation of your work and my forthcoming film AWAKENING: ADAM’S CALENDAR – Alfred
It is always a pleasure for me to promote open interlocutions between correct and wrong opinions. In this particular field, I praise myself to be the most tolerant and open spirit in the whole debased New Age Circus and a paradigm to follow.
George – As you are a professional, be sure and publish my full CAVEAT:
“CAVEAT LECTOR: The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of Exopolitics.com. Readers are encouraged to exercise independent research and judgment. In the view of Exopolitics.com, the “Andromeda Council” may be in fact an assumed name by an inter dimensional entity or entities and not a true galactic governance council. Ascension to 4 or 5 D is a false meme promoted as a distraction from humanity’s destiny to re-assert full inter-dimensional sovereignty over 3D. The “Andromeda Council” Source is propagating the false meme of 4-5D Ascension, IMHO.”
Dear Alfred,
I am only publishing our email conversation. If my readers are interested in further information, they may click on your website and then they will read your caveat. I am not making interviews with anonymous human representatives of this obscure council and therefore I do not need to publish such caveats out of the context. I am only publishing reports with emails from the people I communicate with – members of the PAT and my external critics.
With love and light
Well you should advise me in advance that you are publishing private email exchanges. My CAVEAT is part of this thread.
Now I fully understand your lack of ethics and why, as I stated:
Ascension to 4 or 5 D is a false meme promoted as a distraction from humanity’s destiny to re-assert full inter-dimensional sovereignty over 3D.
You are a false prophet of 4-5D Ascension.
Dear Alfred,
I am afraid that you are about to lose your wits and are beginning to talk trash as your friends in this trailer. It is very tedious to lead a discussion at such a weird and stupid level. I am an editor of the website “Stankov’s Universal Law” and I am well-known for publishing all emails which are not of private character and of general interest.
Our email exchange deals only with our publishing activities and has thus nothing to do with private affairs, if you happen to read the emails one more time.
I do receive a lot of private emails and I publish only those that the readers ask me explicitly to publish. If you cannot discern between a private email and a professional discussion, you must really go to a psychiatrist and check your mental abilities. I am sorry for this bluntness, but your behaviour and ideas are laughable and discredit you as an alleged intelligent person. I have many teenagers as readers who are much more clever and intelligent than you have ever been, before you mind got mired by your weird pseudo-investigative journalism about ETs.
With love and light
March 23, 2012
A good day Georgi!
As usual, I keep it short. I just send this message to support you and the entire PAT as reaction on the conversations you had with Alfred Webre.
Ascension is a real thing, I am ascending at the very moment of writing this, I see Light bodies. Thank you for the full report as posted on your website, Alfred dug his own grave, so to speak.
Much Love,..
Stefan Schipper
Educational Activities on This Website
March 24, 2012
Hello Georgi,
I’m very thankful for all the answers of our questions you give to all of us! If I am correct you asked us a question last week, about how we look at the planet A/B compromise/plan. This is a very good question because it lets us think and co-create this part of the Ascension scenario.
First I was figuring out what the purpose (red line) of this website is. I came to the following conclusion:
1. Reassurance through your and our wisdom/knowledge and experiences.
2. The collective power (co-creation) of Ascension.
Ascension is not a fixed scenario. If we don’t follow or walk efficiency, our scenario’s that our souls laid down for us, then Ascension won’t happen. This is not very effective to know, but it’s the truth in my eyes. The website and purpose of this website (many thanks to Georgi and all the readers and writers) is to bundle our powers to make Ascension happen. We worked our butts off and we came very far, we are almost there:
Dear Erik,
There are several inconsistencies in your scenario, which is otherwise very imaginative. After thorough consideration I decided to leave it to up you to make a new analysis on what you have written and streamline your scenario one more time by eliminating the inconsistencies. After that I will discuss it with you. It is a much better way then to tell now where your inconsistencies lie.
With love and light
Hello George,
It took me a while to process your comment. Your answers are very honest and sincere that it touched me. I didn’t understood it at first, but I let my emotions flow and bring my unconscious thoughts on the surface. It brought me much clarity and that’s the way for growing. For each error and tears something beautiful comes out of it and that I’m grateful for your comment.
I’m glad that you didn’t told me where the bumps are, it give me an opportunity to work closer with my thoughts and higher self. It’s a working process and very new to me.
I’m still figuring out the scenario and I will read also the New Gnosis – The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind – again because it contains important information about the higher self. I would love to work side by side with my higher self and this my current goal. I just want to share this with you, thanks for everything. Have a lovely weekend.
Bye, Erik
Dear Erik,
The whole life is error and trial. I wrote three books on the Universal Law which later appeared to be crap and I burnt them, but this led me to writing the fourth one – volume I and this was the final optimal result. To rewrite an email is peanuts in comparison.
With love and light
Hello George,
To rewrite my email is indeed peanuts in comparisons with your book the Universal Law. I didn’t know that it took four versions, I think your book will be a legendary book on planet A/B, it will be a lot more appreciated then in this current world.
I drastically change my old End Times scenario by learning and searching more about it. It’s a little summary for seeing the picture a lot clearer. I also made a picture of the three-earth-scenario.
End Times scenario
What has already happened?
1. Stargate opening at 11.11.11
2. Important decision on 22.11.2011
All the members of the PAT ascended beyond the 5th dimension, but stayed on earth. My own experience: waking up with much loving energy.
3. Portals 12.12.2011 and 21.12.2011 (winter solstice)
More loving energies for helping humanity to let go everything that is Orion-based.
4. Important decision on 26.02.2012
An important decision was made on a soul level. This decision was a third timeline planet A/B for the people that are not quite ready/ awaken for ascension but don’t fit on the catastrophic planet B. My own experience: with a lot of energy I got up the next morning (27 February). A couple days later I made a very important decision with my higher self to step further away of current society. Every cell in my body knows this decision and resists a lot more that is not in resonance with me.
5. Light upgrade at 08.03.2012 (second full moon from the “unofficial” spring)
My own experience: the night from 8-9 march I felt a huge energy wave, there was a lot going on in my body and I thought tomorrow morning everything will be different. On 9 March everything looked the same, but I felt very happy that day.
What is next?
1. Crystalline Grid
The completion of the Crystalline Grid will establish a new energetic field and the dark entities loose their grip of controlling and suppressing humanity.
2. First splitting of the timelines.
Splitting from this earth to planet A/B and B. The energetic change of this earth into two planets trigger/occur hand in hand with the magnetic pole shift.
2.1 Magnetic Pole Shift
The energies will change the environment of planet A/B, but it will not cause too many victims.
2.2 Planet B is the Catastrophic Earth
2/3 of the souls incarnated of the earth will go to planet B. This includes:
– The dark entities from the Orion/Reptilian empire.
– Baby Souls
– Child Souls
– Clones (child and young souls) that have been created by the PTB.
2.3 Planet A/B
The rest of humanity will stay on planet A/B, it’s the same as this earth, but without the dark entities. There will be a new model of dualistic experience.
3. PAT and first Ascension wave candidates
The energy field of planet A/B will be optimal for the PAT members to change the old carbon based body into a crystalline light body. The PAT will educate humanity on planet A/B for awakening and prepare them for mass ascension.
4. Second splitting of the timelines.
The splitting of planet A/B and A.
4.1 Mass Ascension
The second splitting of the timelines is the same as Mass Ascension where a part of humanity will go to planet A. This part of humanity consists of all Adult and Old souls (including indigo and crystalline children) and will ascend and go to Planet A or higher dimensions.
To understand how the end times will look like I made a picture below.
1. Is the splitting of earth into planet A/B and planet B multidimensional based where two scenarios from the omni-earth will be reality?
2. Will our current earth ascend in march 2013 on their own? Because everybody will go on planet A/B or planet B with the first split of timelines.
3. When mother earth will ascend next year to the 5th dimension will it be planet A or a different planet?
4. In the 3th dimension we have a veil of forgetfulness, the soul is the “controller” of the human on earth. When we ascend to the 5th dimension is there an other veil of forgetfulness?
The funny thing is when I made this new scenario summary, I couldn’t always figure things out because of my 3th and 5th dimension thinking. To understand some things I must for example implement multidimensional and linear thinking at the same time. It’s a good practice to learn the difference and my own currently limitations.
I think it’s important when we all are on one-line with our co-creation/ Ascension because the energy will flow much easier and effective. How does this scenario and pictures resonates with you? Thank you for your time.
Sending my love to you
Dear Erik,
The new scenario now reflects the latest information given in the two publications based on the conversation of Valeri with CA. By the way Valeri is 21 years old and I think that he has done a great job in this respect. There are some details that have to be worked out regarding the precise percentages that I will address in a new publication which I intend to write tomorrow or the day after. Therefore, you could not know these details, but your version is very close and precise to what has been published or will be published soon. Your effort has not been in vain, now you have a clear view.
I will answer your questions below in the body.
1. Is the splitting of earth into planet A/B and planet B multidimensional based where two scenarios from the omni-earth will be reality?
I do not understand exactly what you ask, but let me give you my version: My personal conviction is that there will be a definite dimensional split between earth A/B and earth B this spring, so that after the split, there will be no longer any dark entities from the Orion Reptilian empire and their minions on earth A/B. To achieve this, earth A/B must be placed somewhere between the 3th and 4th dimension. It will still retain its physicality, but the social structure and technology will change dramatically for the better.
2. Will our current earth ascend in march 2013 on their own? Because everybody will go on planet A/B or planet B with the first split of timelines.
3. When mother earth will ascend next year to the 5th dimension will it be planet A or a different planet?
I have no idea where do you have this date for mass ascension – March 2013, when all sources nowadays unanimously tell you that mass ascension will be on Dec 21, 2012, shortly after the last stargate 12.12.12 will be opened.
4. In the 3th dimension we have a veil of forgetfulness, the soul is the “controller” of the human on earth. When we ascend to the 5th dimension is there an other veil of forgetfulness?
The funny thing is when I made this new scenario summary, I couldn’t always figure things out because of my 3th and 5th dimension thinking. To understand some things I must for example implement multidimensional and linear thinking at the same time. It’s a good practice to learn the difference and my own currently limitations.
I think it’s important when we all are on one-line with our co-creation/ Ascension because the energy will flow much easier and effective. How does this scenario and pictures resonates with you?
This is the actual purpose of such exercises – to start thinking multidimensionally – hence the need to rewrite your visions several times as to explore different alternatives. During such exercises one always gets help and further information from the HS.
With love and light
Hello George,
The End Times scenario is one big puzzle, there a many important pieces and they change by the time. When I read the information from Valeri, it change again my view of my scenario. He brought very important information to us and I’m very grateful for him especially to know he is a young fellow. But I’m also very grateful for you and all the PAT members for all your efforts and to come to this point where we are now.
My version of the end times doesn’t bring something new on the table, but is only new to myself. I thought, I understood and believed everything about the end times because when I read your website it resonates highly with me. But when I write it down in my own words I was surprised to see that my version had many wholes, misinterpretations and old beliefs.
I can understand everything, but I can only write a version of the scenario if it is truly a part of me. That’s the reason why my thoughts had to be cleansed, checked with my higher self and transformed, so that on all levels it resonates with my whole being and most important that it matches with you and the PAT members. So thank you for your response and for saying that it’s a clear view.
When all the little bugs are deleted/transformed from my own view of this beautiful time where we live in, then the energy can flow much easier. My own view is now more balanced so it gets more creation power of our co-creation plan Ascension.
Thank you for answering my questions, it clean out the misinformation that I had unconsciously. Your answers where the missing pieces because now I see the splitting and Mass Ascension a lot clearer.
I have learnt a lot to rewrite my visions over and over again because it is changing my way of seeing the big picture in different ways (multidimensional). And indeed to see how my HS helped me along the way.
I will keep track of your website for your precise percentages in your upcoming publication, just like every day.
Wish you love
Dear Erik,
I am very happy to hear that you have recognized and personally experienced the necessity to re-write again and again one’s own version of reality as to improve it each time. All processes in Al-That-Is are of circular nature as evolution occurs in a spiral way. Evolution is not a straight line pointing at infinity. This linear view must be abolished for ever.
You have now realized that there is no such thing as fixed scenario, but that the course of events is changing constantly as a function of what humans think, feel and do on the ground, and why all forecasts must be constantly re-evaluated and adjusted to the altering circumstances. This is what I am doing for the last 20 years. You are now on the right track.
By the way, before Valeri made this excellent interview with CA, he also had to endure some constructive critics on my part and he has learnt a lot from it.
With love and light
March 24, 2012
Hello Georgi and everyone,
What a very special space this is. I had chanced upon your website in January 2012 and since then have avidly kept track of and learned much from the discerning and visioning going on here through Georgi’s masterful leadership and facilitation. I am deeply grateful for the spiritual oasis and “watering hole” that this site/community offer and represent which are near absent where many of us are. Thank you. Thank you, Georgi, all of you, beautiful souls!
One very admirable and unique feat of this community is its openness and ability to harness and encourage use of all possible faculties and tools available (visions, intuitions, reason and logic, data, etc) to create or refine the group’s understanding or interpretation of current and future scenarios and story lines. So I would like to offer some pieces that I have – and leave them for your/our gnawing on and for linking with other dots.
Generally I have kept to myself visions and communications of man-made/natural catastrophes. There are no means to ascertain their truths and one does not want to unduly alarm people or to make a fool of one’s self (ego-based fear, I know). I recall the one time that I quietly took action was in April 2005 when I was told about a strong earthquake that would hit Metro Manila (in the Philippines) What was different about this from others was I strongly sensed the imminence of the foretold calamity, and I was told that the calamity could be averted by prayers so I did not want to risk the occurrence of a probable result if I kept silent and did nothing. On a similar note, there was a 5+ Richter scale quake in one part of my country a few days ago (March 5/6). Strangely this coincided with communication I had in 2006 of one such calamity and whose written details I left in a sealed envelope with a friend, and I had completely forgotten about this until my friend reminded me last 22 Feb 2012, or 5 years later. Thankfully there was no casualty from this quake as had been foretold, but the congruence on the date was mind-boggling. For some weird reason I sensed that this recent incident is to be a lesson on discernment of veracity/essence/purpose of what one “sees, hears, and knows about.”
Georgi’s reference about a nova crashing on earth in his exchange with Boyde in AR # 75 brought back into my focus a vision (while in meditative state) that I had last 9th January 2012. In the vision I see this brilliant, orange-like orb that was careening fast towards earth, and when it hits earth, darkness sets in. I could see strong inundations of water and vivid images like the top of a huge (pyramid-like) structure sinking until it disappears, and what look like poles sticking out of the water. Devastation and vast destruction continue. Then they stop, eerie silence follows, and comes light. I cant remember whether it was simultaneously or before these earth-scenes – in my non-physical body (or as spirit?), I find myself going through this narrow dark tube (or tunnel?) which expands and closes yet surprisingly, enables me to continue through. I see translucent orbs, and multi-fold whitish, grayish, brilliant hues. I am outside of, yet seem close to, earth because I could see clearly what is happening, yet it seems like I was on a higher or different vantage point or plane, which I find difficult to describe.
I had also thought that another great deluge or this 3-D earth’s destruction is no longer a likely scenario so the potential import of the vision was lost to me. Like many others I keenly follow the discussion here about the 3 earth post ascension scenarios and when I have the time I also check out other sites and materials suggested by readers. After another visit on this site last 12th March, I did not know why, but the term “perspectives” kept coming to my mind.
When I woke up the following day it was clear that the term was to lead me to this query — from which/whose perspectives does an incarnate evolved being create and interpret scenarios and visions etc? – which further led to the following insight:
If incarnate souls helping earth and humanity at this time, consciously and deliberately draw on wisdom and knowledge of their Self from the higher planes or high-frequency planets that they remember themselves from, what new/other takes (e.g. ideas, interpretations etc) will they have to current scenarios and drifts of the ‘future?’
Thinking on the foregoing led me to recall Georgi’s law of energy optimization and a related law or principle – that of the most minimum – that was brought to my conscious self in 2005. The latter means simply that “what should be”/”what is right” – such as intended outcomes or goals consistent with or are integral to the divine plan – will require the most minimum of energies, efforts, resources etc. I had found useful this principle when I need to choose and assess steps or courses of action.
I have begun to recognize – especially after the above thought exercise – that the scenario of 3-D earth destruction is a possibility from a broader view. It is most synchronistic to read about related ideas and information of Georgi and Boyd in AR #75. With his wisdom and Spirit-guidance, Georgi will know whether or not (and when) further collective discernment and discussion on this subject is necessary.
The new or to be created galaxy or universe mentioned in the exchange between Georgi and Boyd (AR #75) struck a chord. One had this vision in March 2011 – where she was/is telling the multitudes present about they being done with the present planet and their readiness to move to another one. (The scene was not on 3-D earth, and seems to be a world to which one was introduced many years ago – a world that is and was, she was told. One wonders if these are all related dots we are to discern. It has been increasingly difficult to keep one’s bearings as the overlapping or simultaneity of timelines and dimensions become more manifest, and linear past, present, and futures meld.
There are stories and other pieces I would like to share and questions I need to ask, but all in their own time I guess…
Thank you Georgi, for reading my email which you may share with others as you wish. You, this site, and this community have been doing a most important role in this critical period for humankind. It is truly a privilege for one to have made this virtual acquaintance with you.
Love and Light and Namaste
EC (Philippines)
PS. It has taken long , all of some 20 + years (I’m in my mid50s) before I have finally embraced and am trying to live and be as I AM. I was told I had been a long sleeper since clues, sights, knowledge, memories were strewn on my earthly path as early as when I was 2 or 3 years of age, plus kindred souls in highest and other realms were not remiss (in my view) in nudging one to remembrance. It was not to be for one to remain cloistered in some monastery or religious order as was the heart’s desire in my teens. My lot it appeared was to be “out there” amidst the throng of humankind (and in this incarnation I was drawn to work in areas related to social justice and women’s rights.) I am grateful that my physical body cooperated so I could be in a phase of stillness as 2012 unfolds.
Dear Eleanor,
Thank you very much for writing me for the first time. We had in the last two-three days some technical problems with the server, so that I received your email only today. I am glad to hear that you appreciate this website and the discussions we lead. It is my expressed goal to promote this open manner of communication, where no tabus are allowed and where one can profit even from the most weird topic. This kind of discussion must be learnt and there are not many areas in the current social life that forge such kind of openness.
Intuitions and visions make a large portion of our collective assessment of the ever-changing energetic reality on the earth. Of course one can argue that without such visions one can also reach his final destination, which is ascension. But the constant vigilance nourishes the inner intuition and the dialogue with the higher self as the ego-mind is now consciously asking the soul for solutions which it cannot find in this 3d-reality. I have used this technique to solve numerous problems in science and, even if one may get lost for a while, the very endeavour to find the solution beyond this holographic reality is a sufficient impetus for a sound success at the end.
Ultimately, our linear minds cannot grasp the multidimensional greater reality that is parental to our limited incarnation experiences, but there is still a broad potential for the human spirit to perceive the marvelous synchronicity of the planetary and even cosmic Logos at work.
In other words, how to put such complicated processes as the building of the crystalline 144-earth of Gaia, the connection of the human auric fields to this grid, the birthing of the new 5d-sun as a portal of the central sun Alcyone, as recently observed in videos, the draining of the vital forces of the dark entities who are not linked to the new crystalline grid and are, so to say, starving in the bubble of the old matrix, the magnetic and gravitational influence of Nibiru as a catalyst for the magnetic pole reversal, the completion of the necessary light quotient of human awakening as to perform the necessary split of the two timelines etc. etc…
How to square all these incalculable processes as to predict the exact point in time when the consequences of these cosmic processes will swiftly begin to materialize in a chain of rapid events on a global scale. It is this optimization exercise that now bothers my mind, and I painfully feel how my poor biological brain collapses under this impossible task, on which the destiny of mankind depends.
We have reached a level of evolution, where we must admit that we have no longer any influence on the events and accept that their sweeping power only demonstrates the insignificance of human existence as biological species. When one comes to the core of our true reality, any further considerations of what may come are petty attempts to prolong the perennial human illusion. So let us be surprised!
With love and light
Dear Eleanor,
You have raised many issues which I can better answer in the text.
Dear George,
Thank you very much for your reply. I did not expect to hear from you so soon given what I imagine to be a deluge of emails that you have to deal with daily. I understand and hear your frustration when you say that “(W)hen one comes to the core of our true reality, any further considerations of what may come are petty attempts to prolong the perennial human illusion.” While I respect your intent to not encourage more scenario-setting kind of discussion on your website, CA’s explanation that the balanced Earth A/B will be a precursor of Earth A (SOAR #77), had me thinking and connecting the dots yet again, which I am urged to relay.
I am afraid, but your interpretation of my statement as an expression of “frustration” is absolutely wrong. It is a simple acknowledgment that human life is a carefully orchestrated illusion – a drama – and that all considerations within this drama are short of grasping the ultimate eschatological purpose of human existence and thus only perpetuate this illusory drama.
These are not theoretical meanderings, George. They are sincere tinkering of the mind of this individuated part of the Divine Oneness as she tries to define what else she can do in this Now in fulfilment of her elected role. So your valued comments/insights can immensely in that direction. ..
See my comments above..
One seriously contemplates what it would take for the transition to be effected from this status quo earth to balanced Earth A/B. Since the process will be gradual, how many human beings would have given up ( i.e. leave through death) or opted for negativity, from the sheer weight, despair, and hopelessness of earthly existence? Meanwhile incarnated evolved souls poised to continue on to a parallel 5D earth or to go back to their origin planets/stars or to Source) will need to continue to be on status quo earth, unless transmutation or transfiguration is possible. It is inconceivable that negative forces (those that will not move to Earth B) – unless some crash rehabilitation program is undertaken – will have an immediate change of heart, so that wars, oppression, injustices etc are likely to continue.
Your assumption that the transition from the current earth into the balanced earth A/B will be gradual is in my opinion fundamentally wrong and runs contrary to all current evidence. From there, all your further elaborations are also completely wrong. Why?
Because the dark portion of humanity, which is approximately one third of the current human population, must be separated with one stroke during the dimensional shift that is bound to occur soon. Otherwise it will not be possible to establish a balanced earth A/B. The dark portion of humanity, including the off-world forces from the Orion/Reptilian empire, is the gangrenous part of this human civilisation and it must be amputated surgically. You cannot treat this member of humanity chronically, in a new cycle of incarnation for the duration of another Kali Yoga of 26 000 years, and at the same time cure the rest of the body of humanity on earth A/B, as this gangrenous member will continue infecting the whole body, while sponging on the vital forces of the healthy parts and keeping its rotten state of life. This is exactly what CA has said in its interview with Valeri and I recommend you to read it one more time very carefully as to internalize it.
When the balanced earth A/B will be cut from the catastrophic earth B, inhibited by dark forces and unripe souls, this will be equivalent to a new leveling of the playfield with completely new rules of the game which are established by Heaven. On this balanced earth, there will be no Orion/Reptilian entities anymore. They will be banned from this planet by a heavenly decree, so that the negative human entities will never be able to gain control over society.
For this reason, there will be no more any wars and other physical forms of destruction as those entities that follow this survivalist timeline of incarnation will simply incarnate on the catastrophic earth B. You must have either not read the last information given by CA or you have completely misapprehended it.
So the transition to the balanced Earth A/B might take time and be very challenging; and therefore will have likely fallouts on the side of those starting on their journeys or the incarnate evolved souls. The publicity around the NESARA (trust fund presumably set up through St. Germain’s initiative to easy poverty of the masses) seems a palliative measure, while one channelled source’s emphasis that lightworkers commit to themselves (read: hang on, and do your job) further fuels the idea that this transition can be for the long-haul in terms of linear time.
NESARA is a fraud and an invention of the dark Orion sources. There is no such thing as NESARA, and we have discussed this issue on many occasions in the past and have reached unanimity on this website. However, there will be some new technologies introduced by the new ascended masters and other forces of light in the second half of this year. I do not understand why you still “warm up this cold dish one more time” to quote a German saying. Your other suggestions are also completely wrong as explained above.
Cosmic Awareness tells us that this particular 3D earth phase is an experiment in duality where negative forces are given greater powers while those on the positive side have to get past extreme odds. It seems reasonable, in my opinion, that because of this gross inequity/ imbalance, human beings including those incarnate evolved souls/lightworkers etc be given a latitude of choices towards the further evolution of their souls and of the planet consistent with the cosmic/divine plan. My understanding is this possible when they revert to soul – and assess and decide in between incarnation. There are likely to be insuperable challenges to effecting the transition from status quo earth to balanced earth A/B, as already said, which can set back significantly the ascension of earth and humankind to the 5th and higher dimensions.
These assumptions are also completely wrong as they follow your initial faulty conclusion that the transition from the current debased earth to the balanced earth A/B will be gradual. You simply neglect in your arguments the fact that CA and we have extensively discussed during all these months, namely, that there will be a dimensional split and that earth B that will split from earth A/B will harbour all negative dark entities and that the rest of mankind will be liberated from them by a heavenly dispensation performed as irterdimensional shift within the blink of an eye. This is what Ascension is all about. The earth A/B will accommodate all entities that will still need evolution and will hence express some negative patterns, but not to the extend that they will harm society as a whole.
I am really surprised how confused all your ideas are, but this is part of the global confusion that I observe in the light worker community nowadays as presented in the case of Alfred Webre in my last report and in the next one. Therefore, I am actually not at all surprised by your views.
Decisions and scenarios for the immediate linear future (end of time) are notably fluid and expectedly so because of shifting factors, and this has not been more apparent than the last months back to late part of 2011. So one wonders if this “precursor idea” over the earlier “clear-cut 3 Earth scenarios” will hold, or whether there are other solutions/scenarios with greater probability of achieving the highest and best purpose in this moment of Now. I hesitate to acknowledge the following for obvious reasons, but it seems that scenarios cannot preclude that of cleansing/starting over (through another global devastation), as this could allow the human beings in their soul form to make choices, facilitate location of incarnate souls to Earth A, A/B, or B as may be the case, and allow for clean slate especially for those that will opt for Earth A/B, which will have new rules per Cosmic Awareness.
This is complete esoteric crap without any logic, and it is precisely this kind of thinking which I am not willing to support on this website which is based on the principle of clarity and logic.
While awaiting events to play out, it is possible that some incarnate evolved souls are already integrating higher frequencies in their physical bodies and enhancing their Light work with their growing abilities to access multi-dimensional realities. From experiential knowledge one sees that the the incarnate soul is guided by HS/Spirit throughout the ascension process, including the integration of higher frequencies into the physical body. Like you and others, my departure from this plane which appeared imminent last June/July did not take place, so I am interested to hear your opinion on whether or not transmutation or transfiguration (‘disappearance in the physical plane”) is still possible. The conscious self it appears has to take part in the choice of our base reality which is logical because of the indispensable role of the physical body in ascension while the soul remains in 3D physicality. The manifestations of ascension can be very subtle, and I almost missed the first time I was given a hint of it, until I was nudged by HS/Spirit to take more notice of sounds coming through the inner ear. On two occasions it was the tinkle of bells and the buzzing of bees at another time, and I found from research that these are sounds associated with the causal (or mental, according to certain sources) realms and the etheric realms, respectively.
Ascension is indeed a gradual process and this is covered by the concept of the LBP. But the phase transition from carbon-based body to crystalline light body is a sudden process that occurs within the blink of an eye and after that you are ascended master. This is esoteric basics and I am now indeed frustrated to see that we have to reiterate these basic knowledge again and again. Obviously I have failed as an educator.
You might have heard some buzz, but let me assure you that I and many of the members of the PAT hear this high pitched sound in their left ear for years as a consequence of the opening of the left brain portal. We have discussed this issue on numerous occasions in the past, so that you need not invent the wheel again and again. Read our previous reports and my three articles on the LBP.
HS/Spirit emphasizes simultaneity of realities and aspects of Selves. Even as we opt for our origin world to be the chosen base reality, we continue to be here (on 3D earth), while we are there (in our base reality plane). On the physical aspect of ascension, the energy surges thankfully are coming far apart now, becoming less intense, and noticeably concentrated on the upper part of the body, at the same time, and I am going through a general state of physical unwellness.
Will you have suggestions, based on your own experiences or those the PAT members, on how we can be more attuned to the integration going on and to the subtle manifestations of ascension? Thank you very much Georgi. Let me return your gift of generosity when the time comes.
Namaste my Brother of the Light. Blessings and take care
March 24, 2012
Dear Ben,
last night I had a short dream. I am fleeing from the buzz of the people on the streets that annoys me in a high building still under construction. I climb up the staircases amidst rubble to the top floor, where I find a domicile of a homeless person – a mattress and a huge tv-antenna. The tv-set is not there, the man has either hidden it or taken it with him as not be stolen. All of a sudden you also appear on the top floor. Then you help me relocate the tv-antenna of the homeless man, so that he can now watch a new set of tv-programs and channels. That’s all.
thanks for sharing it with me, George. what do you make of it? What or who do you think the homeless man represents? Or the tv antenna?
My sleep has been filled with dreams lately. I don’t remember many details, other than they feel more real than my daily life.
love and light,
Dear Ben,
The relocated antenna symbolizes the opening of new telepathic abilities of humans to higher dimensions and realities, for which we are responsible with our advanced LBP and the mission of the PAT. The homeless man symbolizes all of us, all old and adult souls, who have actually no home on the earth, but have come on a planet under construction, full of rubble, as guests to completely transform it. The floors of the building symbolize the dimensional levels and the top floor is the highest level/dimension one can climb on, while the people on the street represent the still slumbering humanity who have not yet entered the house (planet) of construction and are completely mired by the buzz, they are making, while running busily around.
With love and light
March 24, 2012
Hello George,
Yesterday afternoon I was in communication with my guides, and I was told that today I would receive a signal of the commencement of the pole shift, and of course, multiple earthquakes occurred. I was also urged by my higher self last night to begin preparation for the next stage of my mission, so I have begun packing accordingly.
The information that I received today was that there would be even greater seismic activity in the next couple of days, and although my area wouldn’t be affected, there would still be civil unrest eventually. I am in no way trying to spread fear or energize this type of situation, but this is the conclusion that I have drawn based on my evidence.
The fact of the matter is, the sleeping masses are generating this seismic activity subconsciously, as it is their wish to be knocked out of their slumber by external forces, rather than do the required inner work themselves. Personally, I am all for Mother Earth doing what needs to be done to cleanse herself, but it’s a shame that it has to come down to this.
Lastly, I am in no way in fear of the upcoming events, and I welcome the great changes with open arms. I am ready to perform the duty that I came here to do, and I know that all will be well in the end. I will keep you updated on the status over here, George, but if my assessment is accurate, it is likely that our communications through this medium will be commencing very soon.
With love and light,
Dear Skyler,
I consider strongly the possibility that Internet may collapse any day from now on and this is one of the reasons why I do not pay much tribute to this medium any more. I use it as long as it exists, but that’s all. I am eager to see if your predictions come true, but I fully agree with you that it is a shame that the cleansing job of humanity has to be done by Gaia, while most humans still stay in a deep slumber.
With love and light
It appears that the seismic threat that I spoke of earlier has been “defused” (transmuted), as the energy yesterday was cleansed and blissful. Here are two comments from the site, kauilapele.wordpress.com, that confirm this report:
“The night of 3/20/12 I had an urgency to gather supplies for emergency. I reside in Illinois near the New Madrid Fault. I was wound up pretty tight. This electric feeling lasted until 11:11 am of the 21st. At that very moment a calmness came back and I know something happened to thwart what was about to transpire. To all of you Shamans I say thank you.”…
It is my understanding now that we will still experience earth changes, but none that would be considered cataclysmic. It feels as if the pole shift has commenced, but not in the drastic way that we expected. Yesterday my friends and I communed as if it was a holiday, and I was incredibly surprised at how seamlessly everything came together and how joyful everyone was. This was indeed a victory over the Dark, and I expect sweeping changes from a positive perspective to accelerate within the coming days and the start of April.
Dear Skyler,
I also read about the averting of the alleged earthquake, but be careful, there were so many confident reports and alerts that there will be a big earthquake on March 22, that when nothing happened the desire to find this kind of explanation is great and quite natural.
I am confident that the real big events lie ahead and that there is no way to avoid some huge losses when they come. After all, 25% of the human population must leave earth by death experience this year, though much less than the 50% initially anticipated. I am sorry, but I have to keep this whole picture in my mind and I personally felt that equinox was still too early for these big events to come.
With love and light
Your assessment is undeniably accurate, as we have barely scratched the surface of changes scheduled for these End Times, but I do believe that the ground has been swept clean, so to speak, to allow for these great changes to commence unhindered now. In other words, I feel as if this “victory of the equinox” has pushed things forward energetically similarly to the opening of the 11.11.11 stargate.
This status is due in part to the decision of the Three-Earth Scenario that was devised to better manage the casualties that would result from these imminent events. With all of the protests and upheaval occurring, there are sure to be many skirmishes that arise that will result in many deaths, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that the death toll will be due to natural disasters. Of course, this is just speculation, but this is what makes sense to me at this time.
Dear Skyler,
Equinox did mark a balance (equivalence) of positive and negative energies on earth. From now on the positive energies will begin to prevail on this planet as they grow exponentially in the last days. When the optimal threshold is reached, we will have the dimensional shift associated with magnetic pole reversal etc.
The three-earth-scenario will contribute to mitigate the death toll during these events, no doubt about it, as the new emerging balanced earth E/A is not supposed to suffer under mayhem and destruction, but should be able to implement in a short period of time new technologies and just and more balanced social forms of organization.
I personally do not believe that skirmishes contribute much to the death toll now, then there are less skirmishes in this year worldwide than ever before, and even if their number increases, they will still be less than in all past years since the end of WW2. You are too young to remember, but I can assure you that during the Cold War and even more so after it, there were at each time at least twenty wars, civil wars and big conflicts that were ravaging humanity at the same time and killing millions of people.
Only our sensibility for these atrocities has increased in the last days and we subjectively perceive this planet as more brutal and aggressive. Our awareness for such brutal acts has developed in the course of our rapid human evolution in the current End Times, but the physical conflicts have actually rapidly decreased in the last several years.
It is a deliberate strategy of the controlled mass media to exaggerate the negative aspects of current political events as to forge the doomsday mentality of the masses. In fact, except in Syria and some bloodless coup d’etats in Africa, we have peace in most parts of the world. Even in Afghanistan and Iraq, the two major theatres of battle in the last decade, the skirmishes and the death toll are at the lowest level since the beginning of these two wars instigated by the USA. One should not lose the historical perspective when observing these events, otherwise one may come to the wrong conclusions.
The huge influx of loving energies on earth simply precludes the exacerbation of huge bloody conflicts, as this was case in the past and I am very hopeful that soon there will be no wars and skirmishes at all to the disgust of the PTB.
With love and light
This assessment describes the present energetic situation very eloquently and accurately, and you have effectively communicated exactly what I was trying to describe.
I understand your point about the exacerbation of the global conflicts, and I am thinking now that if the estimated death quota will not be fulfilled by natural disasters or skirmishes, then perhaps it will be reached more discreetly through natural causes such as “dis-eases”, meaning those who are not in tune with the higher frequency energies will “check out” of their 3D existence, if that is what has been contracted for them.
Dear Skyler,
Exactly, I expect that the number of sudden deaths,,e.g. due to heart arrest officially, will rapidly increase in the coming months as I have already begun to observe in my surroundings. There may be simple disappearances of individuals, and their carbon-based bodies will be dematerialized in some cases. There are many possibilities to retrieve incarnated entities from this earth and Heaven has absolute no problem to display its huge arsenal of energetic cleansing possibilities.
I also believe that this cleansing will be done in the least scary manner as not to stress the remaining people additionally. In order words, there will be no streets littered with corps that the few remaining people will not be able to bury and will trigger epidemics, as many Hollywood films suggest with respect to their favoured Armageddon scenario, sponsored by the PTB. However, this scenario cannot be wholly excluded for the catastrophic earth B.
With love and light
March 24, 2012
Hello Georgi,
I have translated in French the last conversation with CA and Valeri Djukov. Wow, I have not already integrated the impact of this New understanding. It will take time. Thank you so much Valeri & Georgi.
March 24, 2012
Dear George
I agree with your assessment of Calleman, mentally driven, not appearing to be in touch with his soul. I am saddened by this because his work has led me to much deep thought.
I laugh at the idea that 2012 is nothing special. Since the second this year opened I have seen massive daily change in every area of life. I stand amazed at what I have seen, from the sudden exposure of clandestine deeds of vile politicians here in Arizona to nearly daily changes at my place of employment to sudden changes in & to the people around me. It is a whirlwind of change!
I also feel explicitly Christ-protected. I was kept safe during some interesting encounters during my recent scuba diving vacation to Bonaire, Dutch Antilles. My Protection is solid.My Daoist meditation teacher in North Carolina is reporting sudden extreme events in the people around him also.
Sunday night I dreamt of a beautiful pristine planet. It was ready to support higher life forms. I saw a perfected/completed man arrive to “seed” the planet with humans and then animal forms would evolve from that seeding. Quite the reverse from Darwinian evolution theory.
Last night I awoke with one of my favorite rock-n-roll songs playing in my head “O No Tokyo, Godzilla!”. I wouldn’t be surprised at something happening in Japan. Thank you again for always reminding us to commune with our souls & to remain ever heart centered.
I love 2012!
Dear Linda,
Thank you very much for your confirmation that this year is anything but “down-to-earth” as Alfred Webre put it. One must be blind not to see the deep changes that are happening with all people and are transforming them beyond recognition.
Dreams are now the most important indicator for what is happening and how our future will be, and one must pay great attention to them.
With love and light
March 23, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I just want to confirm that I have experienced intense LBP symptoms the last few days. Tired does not explain these symptoms.
Yes, it is time to go home! To carry on like this has no meaning at all! Those who slumber will slumber on till the changes come.
My HS indicated that ascension will occur when consciousness is ready, that is all I am getting when asking the questions. I am noticing the split how it intensify day by day!
You cannot engage with any one at the moment that does not have the inner awareness awakened, it is like hitting one’s head against the wall!
Blessings and love
Dear Wilfred,
you only have to read my discussion with Alfred Webre in the last report 78 to have a proof for what you have concluded for these End Times.
Dear Georgi,
Yes I did and I resonate with it 100%, this is my experience as well with the people around me! The gap is now very big!
I am very grateful for Cosmic Awareness for bringing us the info we received, we all had to figure out the puzzle, but this being/entity/energy answer with no holding back! I think more answers to our questions will be available only if we can ask it directly like Valeri did.
I am very grateful for the work you have done and the times you assisted me, just bumping/pushing to the next level, thank for this my utmost gratitude! I have read all your articles and it just resonates as truth in my heart! There is no hesitation in accepting the facts from you. As I was part of the vanity fair once and know how one can be deceived with the false facts.
I was one of the first beings who contacted you last year after I was guided to your website looking for more facts on Elenin! I am grateful for my HS for this effort. I found the answers that I was looking for.
I have had enough of this 3d reality and want to move on! My experiences of this reality is complete and would rather assist from the higher realms dimensions. Thank you Georgi!
Proud member of PAT
Dear Wilfred,
Thank you very much for this appraisal and I must say that it has been a great pleasure for me to communicate with you in these last half an year or so. I fully share your mood – enough is enough – and that it is time to go back home. The fact that this feeling is so strong in us should be evaluated as a clear sign that we are approaching the end, when our stay on this planet becomes unbearable by all standards.
After I published these two conversations between CA and Valeri on the three-earth-scenario, I received new, additional information from my HS. I will publish it most probably tomorrow or the day after. It rounds up the picture and also confirms what a great job we have done in the last four months. In fact, it was the sole achievement of the PAT to create this third version of A/B as I was told today. This was the loan for our sacrifice to stay longer than planned on earth, but it is time now to go home, after well done job.
I also get the information that due to the creation of the new balanced earth A/B, which will be a continuation of this earth in terms of 3d-physicality, but a much better version in terms of social organisation, there will not be so much devastating catastrophes when the shift/split will come this spring. In fact, these catastrophes will be only felt on planet B, while on the new balanced planet A/B only the social infrastructure of the old matrix will collapse after the split, but will be immediately replaced with a new and better version with the help of the ascended masters and the GF, but most probably with the help of the Agarthans in the first place.
I received a very positive vision of this new earth A/B, similar to the one I have outlined in my gnostic books in the early 2000, when I still did not consider the radical ascension scenario of Gaia and humanity to the 5th dimension, as it became evident several years later. Hence I am very comfortable, even happy, with this new version of a balanced earth A/B. Today for the first time I had the feeling that we have finished successfully with our mission on the ground.
With love and light
March 23, 2012
Dear Dr. Stankov,
Will the issues of money, paying bills, unemployment, religious indoctrination, elections of governments, etc, being present in the future A/B Earth? If you know anything about it, I’d appreciate an explanation. Thank you.
Dear Sandra,
I assume that these elements you mention will continue to exist in one or another form, but I also believe that the creative imagination of the people will allow for the implementation of more just forms how to organize social life. You only need to sit down and ponder over a new and more just monetary system and I am sure that you will invent at least two within an hour.
As the future of this earth A/B will be open to the creative gestalt patterns of the collective mind, it is not possible to say what social forms will exist, as they may change very quickly throughout history, which will be more dynamic than this one. But the prevailing energetic principle of problem-solving based on parity between negative and positive ideas – between service-to-self versus service-to-others – will be diligently observed, as this will be the new cosmic rule for this incarnation experiment.
With love and light
March 24, 2012
hey George, this came through about the Mexico quake
Dear Lisanne,
It could be, as the HAARP-technology is available to the dark ones, but I doubt it personally. From now on, there will be no natural catastrophes triggered by the dark ones, but only such that essentially help the evolution and ascension process of mankind and Gaia. Such attempts will be prevented by Heaven, respectively by our souls in the higher dimensions.