State-of-Ascension-Report-66: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-66, February 29, 2012

Gericault, The Raft of the Medusa, 1818-1819

February 26, 2012

Dearest Georgi,

A few words to share with the readers, should you desire. We have entered the time of the bell jar. The calm before the storm. The eye of the hurricane. The time of the still small voice. The spiral. The knowing. Fear finds no more oxygen to fan its flames. The time for that is over.Thoughts replace words. They paint soul pictures on a paused landscape. Like silent snow falling in a pine forest. Like the song of the whippoorwill piercing the darkness. Or the little brownie shrimp kicking its way out into the vast Gulf of Mexico. Like a white Maat feather. Like the sound of blood pushing through veins, or honeysuckle hanging heavy on the vine. The ripeness of blackberries, the sweetness of cream. The perfect blue note hanging in the wind. The goodness of this now moment — this new moment — and the perfection with which our souls have planned it all, down to the last detail.

Nothing more is required. Only waiting in joy and thanksgiving. As departed songwriter/poet Warren Zevon would say, “Our ride’s here…”

In love and light,
February 26, 2012

Life After Ascension:

Dearest George,

Your explanation of what is in store for all of us is such a blessing! What is there to “give up” in this world? As always, your magnificent use of language conveys the vast wonder of what is to come. Thank you so much! And what is most exciting is that I already “knew” much of it… it’s like it is within me and when I read the words my soul leaps for joy!!!

One thing I have been pondering and wanting to ask you… and you answered! I have been asking myself what I will miss most about this earth experience? It is human touch.The sensation is more of an energy exchange with emotion behind it, as when a child snuggles up in your arms, or holding a baby close to your neck.. and even a handshake given with love behind it, touching the skin of one you love, and of course a heart to heart hug. With your explanation I now know we will not be leaving such behind… only all will be enhanced. I believe I am now ready.

With love, light, and wonder
Dear Tiqvah,

My short presentation of the new earth sounds familiar to you because we all work in the dream state on the blueprint of the New Earth as the new keepers of this dimension. For this reason we all have an intimate subconscious knowledge about the New Earth that is now surging onto our daily consciousness with the increasing thinning of the veil of forgetfulness these days.

I do not think that we will miss anything from this earth as we will experience all these human aspects in a more blissful and satisfactory way in the higher dimensions.

With love and light
February 27, 2012

Thanks, GS,

for your description of what life on the New Earth may be like. It gave me a much-needed lift in mood as each day for me seems more tedious than the last. The LBP is more mental these days, the fatigue is ever-present, and I am more and more detached from everything and everyone around me. Food does not even taste good anymore and I just want this 3-d business to be over. Your description helped boost me to think that I need to “stick with it” just a little longer and plodding along in 3d will have been worth it when we all ascend to bigger and better things. What you describe is just what I’ve been longing for.

Thanks again, Julie
February 27, 2012

Caro Giorgio,

you chose to put St Apollinare in Classe (Ravenna) photo at the beginning of your last article. Can you believe that I’ve been there three days ago for work reasons? Incredible synchronicity!!

Abbraccio Alberto
February 27, 2012

I woke up today in the morning and there was a great sun shining in the blue sky. I thought: a very strange day! I felt and saw a lot of energy around, people with angry faces, in a hurry, worried and full of fears, but felt myself in a big calmness, happy, with a smile on my face and with a good word for everyone.

Then, this evening, thirty minutes ago, I read your update and all the pieces have been in place. Life is perfect! Thank you one more time, my friend.

love and light
February 27, 2012

Dear George,

Please forgive me… but it is true at least for me: the vegetation will be integrated in the architecture and yes, the houses are different and, yes, there are different shapes and yes no big cities. All that you write came in one of my dreams. Indeed no big mansions, but spaces according to the need.

My “house” is so beautiful and I have only 2 rooms (different shapes: one more round and one like the oval windows in some churches) and a terrace with big flowers and I look in my 30s. No devices for heating indeed. No need. It is actually a sort of “block”,  but with only 3 levels and I am on the last level. It is not a block that we know. Everyone from that “block” has a terrace and can see the “sky”. It is like the 3 levels are not one on top of the other, but build like a fan an opened one.
Yes the temperature is moderate because I have a thin dress really beautiful: a material with some violet bouquets drew on.

When I need to calm down I go in that place. I saw it only once in my dream. I didn’t imagine this. All came all of the sudden in one of my dreams. I was aware that I am in a “dream”. I knew that I am here and there in the same time. I was looking at me. The shape is different, a lot of light and the place is near to some big water, like a lake, sort of. It is not a river. That water is not really only water. From my place to the water is a road with white “stones”, but the white is not the white that we is shinning and on the left side there are a lot of trees  – tall trees.

I saw myself going down on that road and going near the water. There is an open space, bright and white, and then something happened… I was waiting for my “love” (he is sort of engineer, more technical than me and taller) to appear. In that morning (sort of speaking).. he left before me. I do decoration in the exterior/environment and interior and I am really so happy. I am taller than now.

Why am I here now on this Earth? What happened?

It took me a while to understand that I cannot find here this place. I thought that it might be possible. In order to imitate the “image” I choose a Mediterranean climate and my flat has a terrace, on which I raise flowers and I am somehow near water: a park with a lake, small one, but an open space out of the city. No “he”. These are just some thoughts Sir. I write them down for the first time.

In love and light
anamaria, Spain
February 26-27, 2012

Dear George,

Thank you so much for your “Life After Ascension” report. It was absolutely fascinating and tremendously uplifting to read about life on a higher plane of existence, particularly when we are so thoroughly bombarded every single day with the negative energies and actions of the PTB. It is to the point where I want to scream at them from the top of my lungs for all the world to hear, “STOP YOUR INSANITY!!  Alas, I’m afraid their insanity will not only not stop, but continue to worsen as they prepare Earth for Planet B status, and that our only escape from them will be to ascend. Anticipating this Ascension away from them is about the only thing that keeps me going these days. To that end, my words cannot adequately express to you how much I delight in seeing every new Ascension Report.

I will read your “Life After Ascension” report again and again, while contemplating an idyllic life away from this toxic planet, where life will truly be like “Heaven on Earth”. It will certainly be a shock to experience a life that is the exact opposite, in virtually every way, from that to which we have become accustomed. As a case in point, how many times have we been told by the PTB that something is detrimental to our health, when, in fact, the exact opposite is true? Conversely, how many times has something been extensively promoted as being very beneficial to our lives or living standards, when the exact opposite is true? Well, I don’t need to and won’t elaborate by giving specific examples of those, as I don’t want to feed the PTB’s with the negative energy of a rant. We will be free of them soon, including their recent Internet avalanche of bogus channelings, ALL of which I no longer give any energy to read.

The idea of creating homes that are harmonious with Nature gives me such joy. What immediately comes to mind are Cobb houses that are created from natural building materials in a natural setting and done so with a labor of Love, though even the labor part may not be so laborious after we ascend. About three years ago, I sketched out a Cobb-type house that I desired, which consisted of several igloo shapes of different sizes, each representing a different room, all of which were joined together and all having a transparent or open ceiling to view the sky and stars. I even had a bubbling brook flowing past, though I would modify that now to have it flowing right through the main room. Happily, the very common and acceptable standard (to most) of shoddy workmanship and shoddy construction will be a thing of the past; both shortcomings have required major reconstruction of my last two brand-new, but modestly small homes, as I wouldn’t accept the builders’ excuses that everything was fine how it was.

The thought of transporting oneself by thought alone is difficult to comprehend, though using a noiseless vehicle propelled by free energy is more easily understood and unbelievably awesome. Every time I hear a noisy vehicle hurtling its way through my neighborhood, my senses are offended, though not as much as when a particular (young-souled) neighbor in her ostentatious SUV stops to pick up her friend’s children across the street from me, announcing herself with seven irritating horn blasts to let them know she’s in front of their house, as if one light tap would not suffice. I won’t miss any of that!

The concept of no predators, i.e., lions and lambs and birds frolicking together, is absolutely delightful!  And, enjoying beautiful forests or lying in grassy meadows sans vermin will give new meaning to “enjoying the great outdoors”.

Perhaps the most important point of all in this report is that Ascension is a natural process that will occur, though that may manifest in more than one way. That is completely contrary to a significant Internet presence/GFL thread which has stated for the past 5-6 years that we will be beamed aboard ships, whereupon our souls will be transferred to already awaiting, Zeta-created, look-a-like bodies, and that our current bodies will be transformed into energy. Similarly, it is contrary to the ZetaTalk position that “undecided” Humans will become octopi on some water planet. Absolutely nothing in those two scenarios reflects anything of a crystalline, Light Body Process taking place. Furthermore, those two scenarios don’t even make any sense, except from the standpoint of a malevolent ET agenda aimed at ensnaring unaware Humans in a continued life of enslavement by Draco/Reptilian “lords”.

Well, thanks again, George, for helping us to focus on a beautiful new World!
Dear Bill,

I am pleased to hear that you like my vision, which I had the privilege to see in several visits to the New Earth in the lucid dream state, when daily life there was shown to me. What mostly impressed me were´the numerous beautiful lakes, in all shapes and endless harbours between the soft hill landscape, similar to the best one you can find in Tuscany, Italy. Especially the colours were unbelievably intensive and comforting, but the all-pervading easiness and tranquility of daily life was the most impressing aspect there, as you feel it sensually with your whole body. All people I met were happy and delighted to talk to me and to show their new planet in a proud way.

I knew that they were younger souls who have just started with their adult soul cycle and that they will stay for a while in this dimension. There were different types of people, depending on their level of awareness and they lived the life of their perceptions. Some of them were still going to work every day, although other people told me that this is not necessary, but that these people needed it to adopt to the new earth.

But please consider that we will not live on this earth as we will ascend much higher. This vision is actually for the planned 2-3 billion people that we will help to ascend this year and will couch after that from the higher dimensions for a while. Most of them do not even know what happiness and bliss are soon awaiting them. But even if this New Earth will not be our pristine domicile, it is nonetheless an inspiring perspective and when I wrote it, I was also put in a state of bliss by my higher self as if I already lived there. I get a lot of inspiration from my higher self when I start writing, which is almost an automatic, but conscious writing, as I have an open channel to my soul, which I have systematically developed in the last 20 years.

It is indeed true that everything that has been recommended by the state authorities and the so called experts in the last decades to allegedly improve our health has been intended to achieve the opposite goal – to decimate humanity. This becomes obvious now on a daily basis.

I have the feeling that from now on the energies on the earth will begin to facilitate this kind of blissful visions in many stars seeds and advanced personalities for the simple reason that we will increasingly start to live in two dimensions – the 5th and the 3rd dimension – simultaneously in a more conscious way.

I like your description “Internet avalanche of bogus channelings” and it is exactly as you say it – I also noticed this trend. They make numerous fearful variations on the central theme of Ascension, as they can  no longer hide it, but the visions they channel are so full of the old fear based patterns that they do want to impede the LBP in as many entities as possible and harvest them for the planet B. Actually a very easily perceivable plan and I wonder each day how many light workers do become pray to this obvious disinformation.

You must know that I receive a lot of emails from my readers asking me to comment certain channeling sources and I have to read them to give them an answer and they are almost without any exception dark Orion channels. The difficulty is that they have about 80-90% true information, with which the wrap the more important subliminal fearful message and thus achieve their goal very effectively in dissuading less discernible entities from the truth, such as Alfred Webre with his Tolec, who seems to be very active these days.

But as ascension is a done deal, this surge in dark machinations is aimed only at a small portion of humanity – the so called “fence straddlers”, and the others must only feel these negative energies in one or another way without being directly affected in their destiny to ascend.

You are right – the houses on the new earth will be all built with natural materials that will promote the wellness of the inhabitants.

With love and light

Dear George,

Thank you for your reply and thank you for sharing how this phenomenal information comes to you. How interesting!

In my excitement of commenting to you about the New Earth, I inadvertently lost sight of your point/explanation that members of the PAT would ascend higher than the masses. I guess that shows just how desperate I am to experience anything even slightly better than the toxic, depressing, demoralizing life we endure every single day, and from which there is no escape, save for Ascension or death.

Perhaps I have an inner desire to experience the new Earth and to assist in any way I can after Ascension. If only I could wrap my head around any of this, but it is way beyond my comprehension. It’s unfortunate that the veil of forgetfulness is so formidable; nothing penetrates my veil to give me even a sliver of enlightenment or vision of what lies ahead. And, my dreams are infrequent and unexciting, so I receive no enlightenment there, either. Thus, your willingness to share your visions with us is much appreciated and is valuable information to contemplate as we standby.

Dear Bill,

the beginning of the visible and palpable split of the two timelines has started today. I know it as I was retrieved the whole day from this reality and the energies are augmenting by the hour. It was in the making since 11.11.11, but now it will come to the surface. From now on, I expect a plethora of long anticipated transforming events at the societal, psychological (total confusion) and the physical (magnetic pole reversal) level. March will be full of events. The incubation time is over now. But the coming days will be hard, much more so for the sleeping masses who must awaken, though the hardest thing to do is still to wait in a stalemate, as we have done in the past.

With love and light

something incredible has just happened. After re-reading your most recent article about new earth (it is amazing and fills me with the purest love energy) and finishing the section about pets, I thought about my love for cats and how it will be a joy to be with them in the new earth and felt a huge love energy, immediately I heard a meow and looked outside my door, and there was an abandoned cat!

Dear Chint,

This is indeed a remarkable and very positive sign. Did you adopt the cat? Cats are sources of positive energies as they are the only animals that live without a veil of forgetfulness and have a direct contact to the higher realms. They love people with higher energy fields. All cats in my neighbourhood love me and go with me walking. I have already adopted several abandoned cats, but I lost most of them in car accidents.

Sadly no. I wanted to, but my parents didn’t want to. I have to say that your response to Medwyns questions was personally very appealing and I wonder out of curiosity, what is your soul’s energetic role? – Chint
Dear Chint,

my role will be to introduce the new theory of the Universal Law to humanity and teach them thinking in a new logical, axiomatic way, which eliminates the current disparate, compartmentalized thinking of most humans, being the chief source of all evil. This new thinking is the comprehension of unity in personal life and weltanschauung. As this theory presupposes a much greater intelligence based on the new, more powerful crystalline brain, this role will actually unfold after ascension, where about 2-3 billion people will move to a new higher 5-dimension, but will have to be taught how to think in a new cohesive global way, as ascension does not provide for such thinking automatically. That is why I also refer to the theory of the Universal Law as the “Theory of Ascension“.

With love and light
February 27, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Can a young soul progress on her own to a level of an old soul in one lifetime or reach that level closely?

Dear Wilfred,

Definitely no, but a young soul can progress in the current End Times much more after entering the adult soul age cycle than previously as to qualify for ascension. In this respect a young soul can achieve what she has not been able to achieve in many previous incarnations put together. This is part of the heavenly benediction for all souls in the End Times. A soul cannot jump over necessary steps of evolution, but she can accomplish them under much more favourable conditions, as it will be the case on the New Earth.

With love and light
February 27, 2012

Dear Georgi,

What a sublime response! Although, not much was said about the mineral kingdom. Having lost several jewelry businesses, will I be able to sit with piles of gems and precious metals to make exquisite jewelry for others? Some pets like it, too.

Love and Light,
Dear Henry,

I can imagine that there will be some new technologies available how to prepare new gems, crystals and precious metals, such as high frequency beams similar to lasers now, etc., although I doubt the broad use of metals in the 5th dimension, where matter will exist in a completely new form.

With love and light
February 28, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I’ve been following the advice of Mooji for sometime now, watching his Satsangs on YouTube, and reading his book “Breath of the Absolute”. Mooji speaks directly to the pure-self, not the ‘person’, and his words really do point me directly to the silent Love which is what I AM. Lad Hudac’s story is so wonderfully descriptive of the process going on between the mind and the pure, true Self!! Thank you for posting this!!!

Also, thank you for the post yesterday of life after Ascension! The images you gave coincided so beautifully with my own! That’s what makes this website so important, as it validates and encourages positive energy and offers a measure within the self of progress on the journey to re-joining the Self. What I most love about Mooji’s advice, is that he keeps repeating ‘You ARE silence”, “You ARE Love”, “You ARE  freedom itself”, and “You ARE Life”. So there’s no need to ‘journey’ to any of this. He reminds us that only the mind keeps us from this discovery. He says the mind has no interest in the destination, only in the journey because it knows it is NOT the True You and will die when you discover the truth. All of this was encompassed within Lad Hudac’s story, and so beautifully!

Love to all,  Paula
February 28, 2012

Dear George,

I have just finished reading your Energy Update – March 2012. Brilliantly written, profoundly needed, gratefully accepted. As for the events of February 26th, I awoke in the middle of the night with the certainty that something very important was happening. Although I could not remember what, my higher self and I had been up to in the dream state, my intuition told me that going forward from February 27th the world will never be the same. I was so overcome by this thought, it was quite some time before I could go back to sleep. And here you are, confirming it! Thank you dear friend.

It’s been a long time coming!

In the Spirit of the New Earth,
February 28, 2012

Dear George,

I feel as if though I had been waiting for Energy Update-March 2012. I knew the words would manifest on your site, it was just a matter of when. Your words were so beautiful that I was moved to tears. It happens to me a lot when I read your words and the words written by the PAT, the resonance with Truth penetrates my Being and effects me on a soul level. I am beginning to feel like Truth and Love are One and are experienced in the same manner.

When you spoke of the meeting in a dream state prior to the Feb. 26 decision the synchronicity was so exciting. I am on Eastern US time, so about 6 hours behind your time, and on Saturday the 25th I kept feeling like I needed to lay down and sleep. I slept most of the day and the entire night, which is rare for me. On Sunday I felt a bit more energized but still in a state of anxiety/fear and mostly wanting to sleep. Then, when I awoke today I noticed that I somehow felt a bit better. For the first time in a very long time I didn’t feel like I needed to go immediately into the shower and “wash off” the night’s negativity. I would not say I felt great, but more like I had somehow turned a corner and could begin the process of getting my mind back.

But, then at the same time it feels like I am losing my mind in the 3D sense. I am having a hard time keeping my head in my day to day life, like today I dropped my child off at her children’s activity and as I drove off I found myself thinking “did I drop her off at the right place, did I even remember to pack her lunch?!” And then the worries somehow just lapsed and I thought to myself that I bet soon these sorts of details will not matter and I am in the process of letting them go.

I also find when I read your website and the letters of the PAT, that the information resonates with my soul and goes to some deeper level within me that is not instantly accessible by my 3D mind. If someone were to say to me “what did you just read?”, I would have to literally think on it a minute. The information goes to the part of me that holds Truth and not to the 3D part of my brain that is busy holding onto the illusions. As these illusions are being revealed to me, my conscious state is beginning to feel almost like a lucid dream, like life is happening, but I am becoming an outside observer. I feel like I took a sedative and am trying to actively participate in life but the cloudiness of my mind simply will not let me. I love the art work you have been posting, especially the Ascension painting. That is how I feel, like I am drifting away from what I once knew. And then the Arrival Painting was a most powerful and symbolic lead in to the Energy Update!

All I want to do now is sit upon Gaia’s Beautiful Body with my Husband, Daughter and Dog and Ascend. I know that is a simple thought, but somehow I feel this is where all this is heading… Pure Beautiful Simplicity! To my philosophical soul there is nothing more Simple, Beautiful and Freeing than Truth and the Gorgeous way it puts you into the flow of All-That-Is. The Gratitude and Love I have for You and the PAT cannot be put into words…

February 28, 2012

Peace Light and Love to you Uncle George,

from Empress Azalee and Saidah Hadiyah. We would like to give thanks for the confirmation of everything that we have/had experience/experiencing. All that was written in this energy update is in total alignment with what spirit has been showing my sister and I, and we are ever so appreciative for the confirmation. I (Empress Azalee) wish that this information presented assists my sister (Saidah) in her dream re-calling. Again Uncle George we thank you for making the agreement along with the rest of the team to assist lovingly in uplifting fallen humanity.

In Lak’ech
February 26-28, 2012

Dear George,

Lately, here in southern United States, the PTB have been chemtrailing very heavily. I heard it was because they are trying to block the energies coming from the Sun. Is that correct and if so, are they accomplishing their mission? I can barely see the sun today and earlier there was a huge ring around it.

with love and light, Debbie
Dear Debbie,

I can only speculate on the reasons for this intensive chemtrailing, but definitely not to prevent the effect of the sun energies, as they are not that stupid and know that this is impossible. I would rather say that they try to poison as much people as they can in the End Times as part of their genocide program on humanity. The second possible reason is that they try to diminish the visibility of the sky, so that the people may not see some new cosmic phenomena that they know will soon appear on the skies.

With love and light

PS. There is one third reason why the PTB decrease the visibility of the atmosphere with chemtrails. Planet X (Nibiru) is already visible with infra-red camera through the effects it causes on the sun, moon and Venus. They can no longer hide its existence and must give some explanations soon to the people as the vicinity of Nibiru to the earth will actually trigger the magnetic pole reversal soon.
I was fooled the last time – it was said that Nibiru was coming and also Elenin. That is why my family doesn’t believe this anymore. The PTB had many of us fooled and they are good at it. It is said that they will try to stage a fake visit and claim to be  the 2nd coming of Christ. If some of us are not fully awakened yet, will we be able to tell that they aren’t the real ones?  Thank you for your time.

In love and light, Debbie
Dear Debbie,

I am sorry but you are completely wrong. You were not fooled. Elenin did reach earth last year and let many 5d-ships of the GF in orbit around the earth in preparation for the coming changes and then it moved back towards Jupiter, with which it will collide soon and create a new second sun. I hope you did not expect to see Elenin with your eyes, as it was a 5d-mother ship and not perceivable with instruments or human eyes. I have written about this in my article on Elenin on this website.

Comet Elenin was also pivotal for the opening of the stargate 11.11.11 and fulfilled an enormous function in the ascension process of Gaia and humanity. I do not understand how do you come to the conclusion that you could have been wrong about Elenin in the past, if you have read my articles on this website and have grasped the nature and essence of Elenin. You should not be mired by the false expectations cherished by other writers and readers in Internet, who cannot detach themselves from their narrow-minded 3d-linear thinking and senses.

The same holds true for Nibiru. The current massive wobbling of the earth around its axis as observed by the constant fluctuations of the sun rise and set is due to this planet that is now reaching earth and will soon be witnessed directly. There are numerous indirect effects that can already be seen, such as the “bursting Venus” and other optical effects on the moon. I am sorry, but you have to put these phenomena in the right context. I myself observed the huge fluctuations of the sun set this year, and all people in Europe can confirm that the sun sets and rises are much more to the south this year than ever before, which is the result of the wobbling of the earth around its axis due to the Nibiru effect.

Nibiru will cause for instance the final flip-flop of the magnetic pole reversal very soon. You should not resort from one agnosticism with respect to the true nature of these events to another sceptical nihilism.

With love and light
I do believe Elenin is real and also Nibiru. Last year there were so many believable videos about both of them and one of them was very convincing and had us believing it would happen on Sept. 26-27, 2011. Now I know that they were just tricking us, so we will not believe anyone when it actually is happening. After that happened, I found your website and have been a fan ever since. I believe everything about you. Something awakened me at 3:00 a.m. and I am unable to go back to sleep. I have a very bas headache above my left eye and I feel like I am burning up on the inside. My nerves are shot and I cannot think clearly for the past two days. Are these LBP symptoms I am experiencing?  I just haven’t been myself lately.

In love and light, Debbie
Absolutely, and there was a huge wave two days ago, so that your experiences are on schedule, so to say.

February 28, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for this update! I felt a serious headache on Saturday, and I knew something was up, but did not gave it any attention. Reading your report it made sense as I did not have any major LBP symptoms since 11.11.11 except for the energy rushes and tiredness.

Yes it is “time” to move forward. The changes in consciousness must be advanced now and I agree we are in the final crunch period. Looking back on the LBP, brought back some intense moments and memories that was matrix chattering. It is  like swimming through a fierce river with many rapids and white water areas – always challenging.

Nevertheless, we stand now on the other side, holding out the hand to humanity for those who want to be saved and nothing else. Where each soul will have to decide if it wants to take a different path or not.

The fear patterns you talk about, is very clear in humanity behaviour. The people do not know where to grab or where to let go as the ego/mind tries to survive this process and behaviour.

I have noticed many people having “heart” problems, this is due to the fact the the energy is now 5d and the heart must be open to navigate these energies successfully. Many even died experiencing this energy.

Now and then I ask my HS what are the octave level for my vibration, as I can feel the energy surges, the recent number I have is 315, I have calibrated this with muscle testing.

I have problems with my skin itching as if I am allergic to something because of the energy increase. How are you doing my friend?

Blessings and love
I AM Wilfred
Dear Wilfred,

Thank you for this validation. Today some new channelings confirm my energy update. I must admit that I have rather often my cc-waves with headaches after 11.11.11, although they are not so painful as in the past, but the one before Feb 26, was very strong and prolonged, almost a week.

The itching of the skin is rather common and it has to do with the axiatonal network of the unified chakra that is more superficial and affects the skin. It is the same energetic network that is also affected by acupuncture. I have for instance a special stick to scratch my back when it starts itching.

February 28, 2012

Dear George,

I have not written anything for a time now. I wish to say that during the night on 26th it was the first time after over a month of boring and not really pleasant (tiring in fact) dreams of cleansing exceptionally bad energy dross when finally something interesting occurred. Sadly I can no longer recall what most of it was, but it definitely was a distinctly important dream time.

I remember a glimpse of F16s pulling huge balloons in the shape of UFO space ships (previously known to me as real dream time spaceships) behind them all around the sky. It looked at first sight as if real space ships were in the sky but it was also hilariously obvious they were fakes… I was standing on a street and laughing at the efforts of the Dark Ones as I suspected doing such a shitty job with alien invasions. Never mind that.

The night after that a powerful dream about energy work, while being a being of light somewhere in the galaxy. Struggling with various events. The experience was so indescribable using the language at my disposal unfortunately.

Something definitely changed in my routine after 26th.  I was even considering asking you if there was something important happening. Thank you for your site and the many shared thoughts I could/can read about in the emails of other members. An astounding number of synchronicities. Brings a smile every time.

February 28, 2012

Dear Georgi.

Thank you so much. Every day I read what you write and you confirm all I learned on my internal journey over the years. Feb 26. I felt the change, spoke of it – got funny looks as usual from some, while others “got it”. Like minded souls are gathering around me these days, which is such a change from being the lone Panther.

I still love being on my own though for most of the time, to fulfill my own mission. Regarding all the dramas, like 9/11 etc., it was my 10 year old daughter who remarked on all these dramas, being unreal and not to buy into them. She turned off the TV and we never turned it on since. Confirmation from a child was wonderful.

When I saw mention of the Polar Bear, I lit up. LOL. Polar Bear has travelled with me for a long time, guiding me through the toughest of times. I see the world grid – which was new to me in 2002, as I found myself with others on that grid holding hands and us all joined together, holding that grid beautifully. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I have been saying to others – who keep trying to save others – that the time for that is over and to make sure they do not get dragged down with those who really do not want to be “saved”. I guess it is the old patriarchal religious conditioning that someone needs to save others – thus feeding their egos – like the men of god.

Recently, I travelled back to a place of traumatic experiences, and it was strange, but I see you explain it so well. It was like my feet never touched that ground and I was walking above it, like mist or a cloud, safe and free now and well able to move on. Wishing you and all the team love from heart to yours.

February 28, 2012

Dear Georgi,

The night of February 27/28 I and my mother Maria held an ayahuasca ceremony to heal some friends at a distance.

Maria got the message: “Spring will show you the way,” specifically the beginning of spring. She had a vision of Earth unfolding like a blossom in two parts: the right side was light and swarmed by golden butterflies — the left side was in darkness and littered with red and yellow eyes and undefined gray entities. The gray masses tried to push on to the light, but could not cross over some invisible barrier.

I saw a boy in a huge, dark city. He moved through windows in the time-space fabric into other areas of the city looking and calling for his buddies. All his playmates of old and all adults and virtually all life had disappeared. Time stood still. He was the only human being left in the lightless, loveless void. Kevin alone in archon home, so to speak.

I got the message: “Spring is in the air. The king is going into heaven. Make a move to the forest.” implying that it would be a good idea to go to Scandinavia to escape the brunt of tectonic and social repercussions when the Shift hits the fan. Currently we live too close to the North Sea, one hour away from Hamburg. One year ago or so Maria saw Hamburg and Philadelphia below 30-plus meters of brackish water.

I was told that we are reaching the cutting-edge point-of-no-return where both timelines bifurcate towards distinct destinations, where both factions of humanity head for diametrically opposed destinies. One of them follows love, the other follows fear. “Your advantage is that YOU receive this information: Follow that which you love! Love is your anchorage point!”

Then a “cenobite” armed with a spiked club grew out of my room’s floor and rose to imposing height. Unimpressed, I grew bigger and bigger till I filled the whole room. The fearsome cenobite turned into a pocket-size teddy bear.

By the end of January/beginning of February, Maria asked the Arcturians how long we were to wait to get more specific information concerning the Shift. “Wait two full moons.” The first full moon was February 7/8 when “solar tornadoes” were registered, while February10/11 another portal was opened according to the Arcturians.

The second full moon is March 7/8. Robin highlighted (pun intended) in SOAR-65:

“If we see that Spring’s mid-point, LIGHT-wise, is the Equinox, that means that we are already living in the Spring of 2012, and that the building of the energy of Light we all feel is also because the seasonal process for 2012 is heading to ITS “zero point” with the present lengthening of daylight as we approach the Vernal Equinox.

This would mean that the present daily building of light supports what we can feel happening in our bodies and our sense that “the light is changing”, instead of interpreting it as “having Spring fever”, like it’s not what it feels like it is.

The point here is that in Report 62, Yoa received information that “3 weeks + 1 day” was how many weeks left to ascension/shift. That puts it right at March 11th; and on my calendar, that day just “happens” to be the arbitrary date for “Daylight Savings” to begin…ha!

If the shift/our ascensions are to happen in “the Spring, then THEY ARE BUILDING NOW as a collective pole shift/zero point occurrence within US, since this really already is Spring, and its Mid-point is on March 20th.”

More and more pieces confirming the Big Change Picture.

Shinzhi Rumi
Dear Rumi,

Thank you very much for this latest update. Just in time to enter it in the next report-66 for tomorrow.

I can fully confirm your vision that Hamburg will be under water when the split comes and I have had very intensive visions of this event since 2000. I was told that it will come in “Frühjahr” (early in the year) and will be much more powerful than the “century flood” in the 50s. I was told that this event will also announce my ascension. At that time, I did not how many other people, if any, will also ascend.

I even joked recently with Chris, who has now transferred the server of our new website to Hamburg, telling him that this is a sure sign that I will soon stop editing this website. But he has also back-ups in other places around the globe. However, I doubt if Internet will continue to exist in this form, as I have already written in the opening of the “astral breaking news” in September last year.

Your visions – of you and your mother – are highly appreciated by my readers and a further validation of our collective intuitions.

With love and light

Today, February 28, 2012, the latest missive of the “survival manuscript-93” fully confirms my Energy Update – March 2012, published yesterday. Hence I have decided to publish the full text, as it also confirms indirectly the upcoming definite split of the two timelines during the magnetic pole shift.


The manuscript of survival – part 93

  28 February 2012 – 9:04am aisha north
We have come today to give you all an update as to what will be transpiring in these next few days and weeks. As always, we will refrain from giving you too much details, as this will only serve to confuse you, but we will state the fact that for some, this will be days of confusion, no matter what kind of advance notice we could give you. You see, so much will take a sudden and unexpected turn for so many of you, and later, you will indeed look back on this period as one of the most important – and indeed – transformational ones of your whole existence. We know that so many of you are hankering for details, and you are eagerly awaiting some sort of confirmation of global events. Well, let us just say to you wait and see. For soon, nothing will be like it was before, not only you, but also your surroundings, as the forementioned changes will indeed be on such a scale that no man will be untouched by this in some ways.We hear the cries of fear from many, as this seemingly heralds a mass destruction of some kind, but please do not whip yourselves into a frenzy. As we have said on so many occasions before, there will be a massive transformation taking place on your planet, but it will not look like any of those doomsday prophecies that have been so avidly described by all of those Hollywood productions. They have been made with one thing in mind, namely that of scaring the wherewithal from you, and thereby underscoring the notion that you are unable to have any say in the transformational process of your planet. You are in other words nothing more than powerless victims, and if your world shall change, it will certainly be a turn for the worse. Well, let us just say that they are wrong on both accounts, as you world is certainly changing much thanks to your efforts, and it will certainly take a turn for the better.

But never forget, the birth of this new world will be dramatic in many ways, and as we have repeated again and again, just as a natural birth, it will be accompanied by fear and pains for many, but the outcome will be a radiant one. Just make sure that you are amongst those that manage to stay out of fear, and our missives lately have given you a few pointers as to how to achieve and maintain a more stable and tranquil base, and we ask you to take these messages to heart. You see, your balance will be seriously challenged now in so many ways, and it is therefore imperative that you work hard on finding that clear and calm center, so that you manage to stay firmly anchored in it no matter how hard the storm blows around you.

And make no mistake, the storm will come, and it will indeed blow away so much of the flimsy structures that have been set up all around you, masquerading as a beneficial society structure for all, when it in fact is nothing more than a mockup put in place to make it look far sturdier and more important than it really is.Again, we do not give you this information to scare you, but to prepare you to weather out a storm that will come as a surprise for so many. We talk about a storm that will create havoc in so many peoples minds, as they will have a hard time seeing behind the scenes as it were and see it for what it really is, namely a much longed for cleansing of your world, where so much of the old grime finally will be blown away in order to make you all take that first breath of fresh air after centuries of being forced polluted air in so many ways.

We know that this message will be met by ridicule by many, and that is indeed understandable, as it will confirm to them that there are deranged people all over the globe crying ”wolf” at every opportunity, and to them this message will be just one more of those clumsily put together manifests of un-reason. That may well be so, but we will as always implore you all to listen to your hearts, and then you will know if these words ring true for you. It is not for nothing that we say this, as the web is awash with all sorts of doomsayers and naysayers, busily hacking each other apart. That is perfectly normal, as it is indeed a normal way of creating division amongst you. Take this message as you will, but be sure to stay true to your own truth sweet ones, then this avalanche of information and disinformation will be much easier to navigate.

As we were discussing, much is indeed going on behind the lines as it were, and soon everything will come out in the open. Then everything will have to start all over again, as nothing will be left untouched by these revelations. Mankind has for so long been kept literally in the dark, but when the light finally lights up every dark corner, no one can hide from the truth that will be made glaringly obvious to you all. And the truth will indeed be very, very hard to swallow for so many, as they will feel that everything in their lives have been build upon a false foundation, and now that foundation will be ripped apart, and they think they will have to start all over again.

That is where you come in sweet ones, as you will be the ones that will still be able to stand tall, because you have already been exposed to the truth, and you have seen what’s in store after the fall. In other words, you will know that this is not the end, this is only the beginning of something new, and you will know that the new is where you are going. You know, because you have been there before, as it will be a place that is exactly how you remember your distant past, a place where love rules and where the light is the leading star. You will know what to choose, and the line between those choosing to remain in the shadows and those that dare to step into the light again after millennia immersed in the darkness will finally be drawn.But before you all have the choice to cross that line, much will come about that will lure some of you over to the other side, where the fear lurks in the shadows, ready to pounce and take your powers away.

We will repeat this again and again, because as you know so well by now, fear is the only thing that can take your resolve away, so best be vigilant so that it does not pierce your armour dear ones. Take care, and we shall meet you on the other side of that line in a very short time. We are all looking forward to that moment, as it will indeed be a much longed for moment in all of our lives.


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