State-of-Ascension-Report-56: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-56, January 31, 2012

January 26-28, 2012

Important Information for all French-speaking readers. Marcel has made some excellent translations of my articles and has put them in a comprehensice file that can be viewed under:

Hello Georgi,

Few members have already told you about your Serial 6 article. For me, it is a master piece of very new understanding and it is supported with Serial 4 and 5.

Serial 7 is also a very great. New and detailed infos about the LEAP, LBP and very new and awesome infos about DISEASE.

I have made a good French translation of many pages of those articles and I have already distributed them among my friends. They have to know your magnificent work.

Dear Marcel,

Thank you very much for your apprehension and for your effort to translate the chapters of my book in French. You could send me the translations, as I can read French, but I cannot write it well.

I had almost forgotten how actual this text really was and that it applies so well to the coming End Times in 2012. But it also reveals what a stalemate I had to endure in the last 11 years. This was at times real hell on earth, when you wait and wait and nothing happens. We are still not out of the woods, but very soon to my estimation.

With love and light

Hello Georgi,A new version of this document

Is now available.
Update = 28 janvier 2012.

Since our last contact, I have created 2 new articles and have modified old ones, all related to your work. So you may have to re-read all of them. They are now located on page 2 to 6 of my document.


Dear Marcel,

This is an excellent database – a very good interactive mix that addresses different multidimensional aspects of the overarching topic Ascension and LBP in the End Times. I can imagine that for many readers this is a very good introduction, especially when the topic is new to them and they have to grasp first the overall picture. As far as I can discern it, the translation is very good and fluent and it sounds congenial to the original, at least to my mind.

Congratulations and many thanks  for your huge effort!

With love and light
January 26-28, 2012

Dear Bernice,

Could this be a response to your efforts?

With love and light


Dear Dr Stankov,

This is just to a note to acknowledge receipt of your ‘PRESS RELEASE’ document.

Yours sincerely,


Gavin Taylor
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Dear George

Could be, I hope so. Your work has struck many a cord, just in time. Looks like the natural law of optimum energy transference (I couldn’t remember exactly how to describe it) is working. I’ve always believed it’s the intention in the message what counts, when it’s the truth.

I had a great email the other day, from one of the young guys that was interviewed on the Keiser report, just as your press release came out I sent it to him, He is based in London. He works at bitcoin. He read the press release and he acknowledged your work and the PAT, he’s only young, but already he’s changing the way things are set up in the financial centre here.

I have put a lot of faith in the youth of  today. If they are not talking about change, they are acting it out, they see the things that were wrong and have no intention of repeating failed history. The energy of PAT flowing through the message, Your New Gnosis has timely significance –

Love and Light


Dear Bernice,

Thank you for this update. The real boom in our worldwide influence is yet to come – these are just preliminaries, and we cannot accelerate the speed of dissemination of our ideas with more action. We must now patiently wait.

You have read  in the serials of my book that I was there 11 years ago, where we are now and I had to experience 11 years of total stalemate without any positive movement in the right direction whatsoever. At times, it felt like hell on earth – you sit and wait and wait and there is no change in sight and the people in your surroundings consider you crazy and a lunatic with your predictions. We are still not out of the woods, but one must be blind today not to sense the urgency of the upcoming dramatic events.

I believe that I have seen this young man you are talking about at the Keiser report, and if you send me his name, I will check this program in Internet. I remember that he made a very clever and enlightened impression to me. This generation has no other way to go, but to renounce the whole old order which has negated them any decent social development.

With love and light



Dear George

I understand how you must have felt all these years. Frustration does not begin to describe it. My view is that you were  far ahead of everyone else (for a reason) and when you read my last email sent via your site, after I read the last serial, I believe you are the transliminal soul  and will deliver the Universal Law to the masses. That 11 years you had to wait for the PAT support group, the older ones maybe never even used a computer then (I didn’t) we were still asleep. Some were children, (Joelle x) all fitting together as a puzzle; each piece has its place and won’t fit anywhere else. We woke up via the work, you have put in. If you had Turned Off then;we wouldn’t be here now. Now, we just wait for others a bit longer.

Well done for your latest attempt with SB. I hope it works this time. I have noticed how the ‘light Workers’ are suffering since January, now maybe they will understand what the real work means. It is all good though.

I absolutely love what work you have done to deliver the truth, I will never forget that my higher self called me to join the PAT group with you at the helm. I remember saying it to my family,  I know it’s correct, I know it is exactly working as I was told, and I KNOW  YOU George. I don’t have to see you, I know what this means to you and I know what sacrifices you have made to get us here. Please enjoy the compliment, you do deserve it!

The young guy from Keiser is Amir Taaki, here is a copy of the email:

(I am Marge  I use my partners nickname for this email)


Hello Marge,

Thanks for the compliment. We stand now at a unique vantage point and I feel honoured to be the generation of torch bearers for the gifted work of the last generation. Carrying forward into the future, I expect great things to come. Most greatest of all will be humanity’s journey to the stars. I’m a little sad I won’t see that :)

Here’s the link me and Max were discussing:
Amir Taaki
Dear Bernice,

Thank you very much for your confidence in me and for your apprehension. I never intended to lament, as I know perfectly well that we all share a similar hard, and sometimes, rotten destiny that cannot be described otherwise, but as human torture. But so is life on earth – it is not humanity, but obscenity.

Anyway, I am glad, we have reached that far and what I sense since 11.11.11, after we were thrown one more time in the battle instead of relaxing in the bliss of the higher realms, is that as a compensation we have ascended much higher than we expected and planned initially. And this achievement is of cosmic proportions for us as souls and gives us immeasurable advantages, once we will have ascended, so that the extra shifts we had to work out here on the ground will be hugely reimbursed. This is for sure, although it may be a poor consolation at present.

This whole week was exceptionally strong in terms of energy waves, and I wonder how they still manage to keep me here on the ground. But on the other hand, the veil is so thin now that I have to expel all the time impertinent excarnated entities from my field, who want to bask in my energy and produce unbearable, high pitched tones in my left ear. When I expel them loudly, they stop it immediately, but others try it again later. My family is mocking at me, leading conversations in a loud tone with invisible entities, but that is the only way to get rid of them.

Can you imagine how many souls from the higher realms now watch us, the few ascension candidates as to learn something new? They have never experienced such a leap from such deep and dark 3d-density into such incredible heights, beyond sixth and seventh dimensions – a true cosmic ascension right up to the Source (12th dimension) at the moment of ascension and then of course back a couple of dimensions. So what? Most of the members of the PAT are now already transliminal souls, and not only myself, so that we have surpassed our wildest dreams, and I am very proud of all of you.

This is the stuff from which cosmic legends are written. When we will ascend, we will realize the full scope of our achievements. This  was also the reason why I used Steve once again as a punching ball, but he is mouse-dead and no longer responds. I watch his decomposition for some time and know that it will stipulate in the next days, just as Blossom Goodchild officially collapsed after she realized that she has been exploited by dark entity channels for years. The real tragedies are just beginning to unfold and there will be a lot of dramas in the coming days  – a real cosmic spectacle. In this sense, it is good that we still stayed on earth, as not to miss it.

With love and light
Dear George

You the transliminal soul as described in the last serial of your work, you must be,so we are now living the sequence of events as stated in your writing, even though you wrote these originally long before any of us would have been ready to accept or understand this. So that in the moment of NOW reading it, we are creating it as it unfolds in simultaneity. I cant put into words how I feel, but my energetic body is sublime. All I can repeat is thank you and all is happening as it should be.

Love and Light
Dear Bernice,

It is exactly as you see it. In the simultaneity of All-That-Is, all events and outcomes already exist and you can have an access to them if you are open to this information. But one must also anchor this information/outcome here on the ground. It is true that by developing this scenario eleven years ago, I have energized it and thus opened the path for many other star seeds to follow. But this was only possible because it was already in their soul plan. However the outcome was not certain, as there were many other probability alternatives. This is the topic of the next chapter. All these topics are intertwined.

But it is also true that most of you have achieved more than initially planned, because we prolonged our stay on this planet as to help the retarded humanity. Thus most of the members of the PAT will ascend beyond the 5th dimension and will become also transliminal souls.  It is very important to know this causal relationship and appreciate the compensation for the current drudgery.

With  love and light
January 27, 2012

Caro Georgi,

sento il desiderio di ringraziarti.

The seven chapters of “Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” are simply exceptional. E’ stato come se tu mi avessi fornito la chiave logica di un gigantesco puzzle con cui le mie cognizioni di filosofia, storia, matematica e fisica sono andate a posto. (It is as if you have furnished for me the logical key to a giant puzzle, with which all my knowledge in philosophy, mathematics and physics has found its proper place).

The process has been slow. It began reading your first article and book, more or less last summer. and now is almost finished, just reading “Evolutionary …”. adesso sento, feel the armony tra i miei corpo, mente e anima, percepisco l’illusorieta’ della realta’ che mi circonda e nonostante questo o forse proprio per questo la apprezzo molto di piu’. Now I understand what “love” means: non proprio l’italiano amore, bensi’ “accettazione”. capita l’importanza dell’accettazione la vita diventa magnifica. puo’ peggiorare solo quando te ne dimentichi, But all you have to do is “remember” what you know and it comes back  in a wonderful way. e cosi’ ora, a dispetto del fatto che dica o faccia cose che a molti di quelli che mi stanno intorno sembrano folli (followiing my soul’s inspirations), mi guardano con curiosita’ e, I feel that I am source of happiness.

So thank you (posso dire my friend?) again for the beautiful way of life / weltanschauung che mi hai suggerito.
2012 will be really a much interesting year.

love and light
Dear Paolo,

your appreciation of my book is very precious to me, as I know that you perceive all the different intellectual facets of the New Gnosis, which goes beyond the simple esotericism of the New Age. Now you must consider that there are four more books which logically continue this all-encompassing vision in the field of pure philosophy and theosophy as is the case with the next three books. My last book is of a more general character again. This first book just furnishes the esoteric foundation, upon which I built the structure of the New Gnosis, which has virtually no limitations and can be extended to any particular subject and topic.

The next chapters that will come are also rather interesting as they deal with less known themes in the New Age, but which stay in the centre of the current End Times.

I have always sustained the view that there is only one real adventure and this is the intellectual one – all other physical adventures are mere hallucinations of unreflected men.

Wish you all the best, caro amico Paolo!

With love and light
January 27, 2012

Dear Georgi,

my deepest apologies as I was kind of out of commission for  almost of week, due to one of my final tests here in 3d, with a lot of twists and turns. I kept MY FULL FAITH THAT all is perfect, not judging anyone, and especially myself. As I end up with no bed to sleep, no food, and money, I do not operate with for the last 3 years… so all came together, ending up sleeping on airport, with limited clothing, and only with my laptop on my back… wonderful…

Give me some time to read correspondence that you and Steve had, yet from the tone of your letter I realize that you want to help him so much, and to improve his speed of awakening… I was pushy before, much ‘worse’ than you are in your gentle reminders… and realized that all of us have much bigger task than only awake self, but with our actions, or non-reactions, or with our examples, we are triggering so many others, who maybe read your post only once, or even these who read this every day, yet they still have no complete feeling, why they are doing this…

Tell me what would you like me to post in GFP (Galactic Free Press), exactly?.. or I can continue feeling your posts and simply using extracts from your daily reports?

I find that You are fully right in your approach and understanding, and as well, I find Steve is feeling Obama as one of Masters in disguise… due to his position… and title that he is playing at this time…. Even one of my very first posts, three years ago, was about Obama when he was elected, I wrote very passionate interview with Obama’s higher self on the Star Ship of Father God/Mother God,  “Eye of RA”…

And I am still standing behind this that Obama is by my words: Trojan Horse within Trojan horse… and all we have to do is Let’s go, and see subtle changes in politics of us and worlds, as You are right on this point, as disclosure will come very subtle and in small increments from very ‘regural’ and fully awakened masters all over the world.

So, I do not dwell on what came first, chicken or egg, as I KNOW that FatherMotherGod came here FIRST, and since that time they are teaching US lesson of Letting go of this duality, prestige, or competition, ups or downs, blacks of whites, rights or wrongs…

I learned from them and from within, that all has it greatest purpose… even Stevens ‘blind’ faith in Obama, or your full knowing about portals and PAT team task…

And we are all correct in our spheres of understandings, and we are fully wrong to make others see with our eyes… 

Love you for your continuous greatest work that you do for Humanity, as well Steve’s dedication to reach full knowing that You already hold in your heart…

Be Blessed dear brother, and see Steve as one of US…. because He is, too… One who is still searching till final moment….

As well,  I am here too, fully realizing that I know A LOT, yet have no idea what is going to happen tomorrow, and HOW… I give all my FAITH in FatherMotherGOD’s hands, and enjoying the RIDE…

With All my Love, I AM THAT I AM Ascended Master Predrag (“Predrag” means in all Slavonic languages “Most Beloved”. When the Gods love somebody in particular, they send him a lot of challenges and initiations (George)
Dear Predrag,

I am terribly sorry to hear that you are in such dire financial and existential conditions, and I can  only confirm that most of us are in a similar, though not so extreme situation as you are now. I am sending you my whole-hearted support via my higher self and hope everything will soon change for the better.  I personally see these twists and challenges in our destiny as a clear sign that the old matrix is irreversibly collapsing, although it is not always nice for us to be the wayshowers and weather the power of the first breakers on behalf of the others.

You  do not need to do anything that may cause any embarrassment with respect to Steve’s letter. Forget it. I am only fed up, how Steve behaves like an exhibitionist and ill-contended primadonna with his confusion, just as Wilcock, weeping like a chicken in front of the camera. These are not nice scenes and they do not contribute to the image of the light workers among the broader population. But even this is of marginal importance now.

The driving force behind the ascension reports has declined in the last days as the members of the PAT have retrieved inwards in preparation for ascension which is looming on the horizon, But I have now started publishing my first gnostic book in the English translation as serials and it is more actual now than 11 years ago when I wrote it. In between, there were 11 years of stalemate, which was hell on earth for me. But it is all over now.

Please keep contact with me. I wish you all the best and may you initiations come soon to an end. When it is worst, it can only get better. It is easier to write this, but that is how our souls operate with us – human beings and puppets on a string.

With love and light
Thank you dear and beautiful Soul, dear Georgi… Your words are so true and give me full knowing that all is perfect even if totally in disarray in this 3D…

Please, do not ‘pity’ me or Steve, as we have to go through our own final tests, like you did for more than anyone I know… I fully accept your hopeful words, and your kindness… I will follow up with your Book 1, knowing that this will be crucial document when first wave of Masters ascend in public…

I will probably post his post, your letter and my email to you all in one. if you allow me… As I like to stay as transparent as You were all these years…

Difference in opinions or predictions are only differences in our level of awareness… This is why you and your team have this difficult task to balance all the changes happened till now and expect no difference from now on.

Mass ascension will be so normal and exciting for all the souls continue living in your Earth A [or my description: frequency, where there is more doubts that this old system was completely unacceptable and unlivable, and place, where we will all find our true selves…] and all others, will remain in your Earth B [or lower frequencies of awareness, with sturdy opinions that disclosure is bs, that New Age is New World Order, that ETs exist only in movies, that god gives forgiveness only in churches, that you have to be rich to be alive, that only service to self actions are fully acceptable by society…]

If you can agree to disagree with every single of US, here working for others, and realized that we all have very common goal: we serve others, no matter what life throw at us and for how many years…

This notion of our existence here in 3D will be greatest example to all others in Earth A, so all the population will ascend in final wave… [here I mean all population of Earth A… which is quite reduced from present population of earth A+B together…]

And I do not feel like puppet on string, as I let FatherMotherGod to lead my spirit, and I am helping them to move my strings in direction where I want to go… A or B…

We are group shepherds of this New Humanity in birthing, where we all have a different approach how to lead our flocks, and I feel we are already successful as big number of us live without judgments toward others and selves…

All is perfect as IT IS… With All my Love, AM Predrag
Dear Predrag,

I was happy to read your optimistic letter, notwithstanding your daily challenges. You are a brave soul and you will undoubtedly manage the last few days on this planet. Last night, I met with you in the dream state and there was a lot to discuss. I was also rather angry with Heaven that star seeds like you have to endure so much and I had some emotional discussions with higher authorities, but I do not remember the details. I will be curious if you will soon experience a turn for the positive. Let me now it please.

With love and light
Oh, Love you dear Brother…. You were indeed talking with Sananda, and I was there too… You are so tremendously beautiful, trying to help even when you sleep.

Know, that true wisdom comes when I let it all GO… when I give all I have in my heart, and expect nothing in return. At this point I knew who I TRULY AM, and that ALL is perfect.

I am so honoured that you helping me with all your heart. You will soon be forerunner for US all, as soon You let go of any needs, even a needs to help others.

Your intentions are just so tremendously strong and vibrant, where releasing any need for proof is just enough for things to happened.

I am fully taking ‘blame’ and responsibility for what is happening to me in this physical realm, knowing that I was the ONE who planned all the tests and lessons for my betterment. Not because I ‘do not like’ my self, but to be completely confident that I will be fully able to take my role in 5D with joy and love for others and self.

Just notice your life here in 3D?… are you able to write tomes of scripts with all the tests, triggers, tribulations, challenges, dangerous and mystical events…. I am sure you could start writing, and never stop… So, this only tell me that YOUR task is so tremendously important, yet has to be done with ease and joy in 5D… With full confidence that all is just perfect, as YOU practiced for such a long time… Truly long time…

Our Higher Selves are not always allowing US to get all the nitty gritty details, but only a glimpse of future that we are creating for self and others… So, I always try to take his [my Higher Self…] information with laughing and reservation… Basically, I never fully ‘believe’ my higher self, only if I KNOW here in my heart that this has much bigger purpose than simply to make my  3d life ‘miserable’… He [my HS] mislead me for so many times, giving me exact dates, visions of volcanoes, tsunamis, financial crash, another WW3, short war, even deaths of some of close ones, and as well some visions of true 5d existence…

And for me was only to hear these and feel them, yet not to take them blindly as a ‘gospel’ from God… I learned that all is continuous change, and biggest change is our awareness and conciseness, which is growing with every new information that we ‘consume’ during this existence…

Love you dear Brother Georgi, as I KNOW soon we will be laughing even here at 4/5D with our reactions on events involving these bodies…

With Love, I AM THAT I AM Ascended Master Predrag

January 28, 2012

Caro Giorgio,

I’m fascinated with this soul age patterns. I have a question. What about that human entities who are drug addicted (heroin, crack) and spend all their life miserably looking for more drug? Are they usually adult soul or young or other? Usually young soul may use cocaine to be more successfully, but the heroin and crack leave the subject in poverty, so maybe they are other kind of souls, or there is no connection between soul age and addiction? I often go to Brazil and I noticed the patterns of the child soul in poor people. Also I observed that the drug addicted adolescents are by no means attracted by material things, they just sleep on the road and find a way to get more drug the next day… are they child souls too?

Thank you very much Giorgio!!

Dear Alberto,

This is a good question. Drug addicted persons are mostly adult souls, but also there are some young souls at the end of their young soul cycle and some old souls at the beginning of their old soul cycle, who may get attracted by such drugs. The people you refer to in Brazil are definitely adult or old souls, as younger souls would not have the courage to choose such a challenging destiny.I am empirically proving this soul age model for the last 15 years and it works fabulously to determine and explain the behaviour of the current population. It is the best model I have ever come across and the recent discussed Hawkins scale has also confirmed it independently.

With love and light
January 28-29, 2012

Hi George!

I noticed you have symptoms from the solar flares. I too have been having some new symptoms but did not make the correlation until I read your comment. My dreams are also ramping up these past few days.

I have been “wandering in the desert” for the last forty days (ha) and have only now reached peace again with my soul. Going into the world is very difficult for me as I have the hardest time putting it aside again along with all of it’s burdens and dead-ended dreams. I know it does not matter, but I feel compelled somehow to participate, to my own spiritual detriment mainly, until I find the truth of my ascension again and am able to relax back into grace.

I think as the spiral becomes tighter into a ‘time of no time’ whatever we still need to learn will cycle “again” into our lives, as this lesson about being in the 3D world did with me. I pray, I learned those lessons well and will move on as planned this time. I keep hearing things like “Wait” and “Spring” and for this December “Singing and Dancing” !

I had a dream last night about two beings combining to become a new one (Now I feel certain that one of the beings was a spirit body). The conjoining of the two beings SNAPPED as it became the new body. I felt electrical surges in my sleep as well. I saw the process again and again and heard the SNAP each time. Does this correlate with any of your findings regarding the “moment of surrender” and finally switching physically over?

I have always felt that we are being seeded by the Sun to make this evolutionary leap. As I have not read your book yet, do you have any evidence that this is a part of the process? I am looking forward to the X class that was hurled directly at us today – maybe this is the one to change everything?  I definitely wanted to write you in case I could not later…Thanks again George for all you do!

I hope you are doing well. I think of you and check in with the website often. *HUGS* to PAT See you there!

All my love,


Dear Loren,

I am happy to hear from your again and I only recently had a telepathic contact with you and was wondering what you are doing. I can confirm that the last weeks were very strenuous as if we died inside and were reborn again, where the process of dying was in the forefront. We are now deleting all old belief systems that have shaped human civilisation for the last 10 000 years and this is very exhausting.The last energy surge began around January 20 and to my information will go well into February.

This series of powerful energy waves will ultimately destroy the old matrix of the current world order and then the system will crumble very quickly. My impression is that this time they (Heaven) want to make it perfect and not half-an-ascension as was the case at 11.11.11 when the light quotient on earth was insufficient to make a full ascension. Now we have caught up with the original schedule and have eliminated the energy delay.I do not think that the members of the PAT have to learn anything anymore, but they simply do extra shifts for the others to complete this job on earth. We are now in the last throes.

Your dream is a clear picture of how our carbon-based bodies will be transformed in the blink of an eye into crystalline ones and thus we will unite with our higher self and spiritual body. This could have happened anytime in the past since 11.11.11, but then there will be no members of the PAT to hold the light on the ground and humanity will be in a much more dire condition.How this process of switching the body onto crystalline one will actually occur, is rather complicated. I am considering the idea of writing something about it, but ultimately it is rather difficult as it involves quantum biophysics and deep knowledge in the bio-science and I do not see how this detailed information will ease our current situation. So for the moment, I have decided not to write on this topic. But your dream describes precisely this experience at the conscious level.

To your question about the sun. The sun is the basic source for the existence of the solar system and thus of all incarnation experiments. The energy of the soul is however different from that of the sun, but the soul uses the sun’s energy as an energetic basis, upon which  all other forms in the 3D reality are created. This is not easy to explain, but one should know that the sun provides a huge proton stream that is in the core of building any kind of matter, beginning with the elements in the Mendeleev table and all other substances.Just for you as a background information: the whole metabolism in the cell that keeps our body alive – i.e. the degradation of our food as proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids – ends up in producing protons, which are expelled across biological membranes and create an electric gradient in the cell membrane and in all membranes within the cell such as in mitochondria. This energy gradients are the actually stored energy which feeds the regulation and the very existence of the cells and thus of the biological body. I have written a lot about this in volume III, but this information can be further elaborated as to also explains the transition of the carbon-based body to crystalline one. The original source of all protons is the sun.

The advantage of the crystalline body is that human awareness will expand enormously; now our humble human consciousness is limited by the slow function of the human brain. It is as if you exchange your hardware disc of one gigabyte with a new one of one million gigabyte. It is as simple as that. We can only overcome the limitations of the current physical vessel, if we simply exchange it with a better one, but we are since long time beyond the stage when we have to learn anything more on this planet. We now only fulfill our last function as powerful energy carriers to heave Gaia to the 5th dimension and then go back home.

With love and light

Dear George,

You are so right about not having anything left to learn here on this planet! I don’t know why I continue to get caught up in the illusion that the reason I’m still here is because there is something I must DO. I have known of the ascension that approaches for so long now, it seems sometimes to have become the dream instead of the reality…

When you had asked PAT to disseminate information to the press about ascension I had thoughts of reviving my show which deals with this very issue, the cabal and the light and the truth of our becoming – I went into a bit of a whirlwind about the whole thing; where to re-produce, how to secure the funds etc., etc; I was thinking this would be my contribution to the enlightenment… I recently put my dreams of this away for good. My experience has been that I am invisible to my peers (and community) and my work is invisible to them as well. They cannot see or hear it – a very liberating feeling accompanied this decision to stop. You’ve said it many times, no time to change anything here any longer. I finally got it and will live it from here on out. 

I have been going through many new physical changes. I want to stretch allot, I’ve lost a substantial amount of weight and I am inclined to exercise more than my typical “walk the dog” routine. My heart center feels as though it is going to break wide open sometimes. Weirdly, I don’t have much emotion attached to the feelings around my heart, just a gaping painful hole that wants to expand as much as it can. I did have a fleeting feeling the other day of being on the new timeline – like a new day was finally dawning after much cold and darkness.

I’m looking forward to digging deep into your book on Gnosis now that I have my life back and am no longer required to facilitate the 3D world. (i.e.: I’m out of work for a bit, hooray!)

I am very grateful for you and your steady presence in these last of last days here on 3D Earth. 

Much love to you and all of PAT,


Dear Loren,

This is absolutely the right strategy – to conclude that there is nothing left to do on earth, but just be there. I started this initiative from a psychological point of view because I wanted to motivate the members of the PAT and give them a feeling for a short period of time that the things are moving forward, even if one does not see any tangible results on the surface, but I warned them not to expect any immediate results as not to get disappointed.You are absolutely right – the opening of the heart chakra is pure energy and has nothing to do with real love as it is interpreted in the esoteric scene. There are many wrong interpretations in this respect that swirl around on the Internet and among light workers.

With love and light
January 28, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Please convey my appreciation and Gratitude to Joelle for her efforts in translating this material. Of course this same Heartfelt space is also extended to yourself for these amazing insights and profound explanations. It almost felt like an incredible download of information which not only instantly transformed and clarified historical experiences, but also fine tuned and harmonized the perception of our current global and cosmic reality.

A few months ago when I first broached the topic of Asian PAT members with you, was the first time you had responded with this soul age criteria. I remember this well because of the personal revelation this dialog evoked. With the translation of this work, all these details seem to compound within a resonance which is indescribable. I am finding the need for solitude just to contemplate, integrate, and to just ‘feel’ this Joy, Abundance, and validation of the intuitive guidance that has lead me on this mysterious journey with my HS…. And now with PAT. Well done Georgi! Well done……

In Sacred Gratitude,


Dear Shravaka,

I am very happy that you like the book and that it helps you verify your personal intuitive insights and knowledge which is available to everybody who is ready to open to transcendental truths. At a certain level, all individual perceptions merge to a common Whole, individual is then only the verbal presentation.I will of course forward your apprehensive letter to Joelle and I am sure that she will be happy to read it.

I must admit that if it were not for Joelle to have made this effort to translate the book with Google and to have furnished the basis for me, I would not have undertaken this translation on my own. Now I am really thankful to her for giving me this impetus. Of course, it is still a lot of work on my part, but I see now that this effort was worth doing shortly before our ascension, just to round up our recent past experience. The journey has just commenced and at each stage there is always something new to learn – especially for me.

With love and light
Dear Georgi,

Yes, Joelle is to be Honored and Recognized!  And yes, I too am thankful for your inspiration.BTW, for 10 years in the 2000’s I had a consulting company.  I had named it Catharsys, Inc.  For once I do not have to explain to someone what that means or why that name was chosen. There is so much synchronicity with your science, I find myself constantly smiling with every paragraph.  What a wonderful gift!

In Love, Light, & Joy,

January 29, 2012

Hi Georgi,

I was wondering if you heard about that person named Carl Calleman? He’s the one who predicts about the 9th wave of the unit cycle or unity consciousness and study about Mayans calender for a very long time in his website. right now I haven’t heard from him ever since the 9th wave came along which is 4 months ago, so if you know about it, let me know. thanks

Dear Henry,

Calleman vanished from the surface after his predictions based on the Mayan calender did not happen. I expected this outcome because he put all his reputation on only one card and did not grasp the whole picture. He had nothing more to say, but he was very famous before, indeed.

In love and light
January 28, 2012

Hi George!

I was just thinking about you and thought I’d say hello…

Its been more difficult each day to interact with the masses in general, it’s not a negative thing, just an incompatible thing. I can not imagine how you can even stay in a 3D physical body at your stage of the LBP. The energy seems to have shifted dramatically for me on 27 January, making me feel mostly just out of it, like being in several places or focusing on several issues at the same time. I was hoping the radical LBP energy shifts would plateau so I could get some relief that doesn’t really fit the model or make much sense, I just have to stop complaining and hope everything shifts soon.

Although I never really relied on channellings for anything but amusement, I have followed to see what’s going on with others. It’s even more depressing than usual there. Ute is still off on a cloud somewhere, babbling mostly nonsense, even Sue is back with some regurgitated rantings…and I guess you really got Beckow thinking again, check this out if you are interested at all:

The message from this Adamu guy is surprisingly quite good ,but Beckow is still lost. I just hope his publicly posting his confusions with all his retarded dependency on channeled messaged will serve the greater purpose of making people rethink what they are doing, maybe that’s Beckow’s real job?

Also by chance I heard a small segment of Greg Braeden on a radio interview, he stated that he was involved in some anthropological studies that showed the numbers required for mass change in human behaviours or consciousness was the square root of 1% of the total population, that would be about 8367 people based on 7 billion world wide… I thought is was interesting he thought that specific point was so important to convey at this time.

My best always to you and your family,


Dear Marco,

First I confirm that  January 27 was a very powerful day in a row since Jan 23 and it will stay so throughout February when I expect the old matrix to collapse due to these energies.I also read and this interview with Adamu is excellent. I am saying the same things to Steve over and over again as Adamu now and he did not get it. In this sense, he plays a vital role, indeed, of the stupid old man, who is always deceived by his young wife or other people as is the case in comedia del’arte. What does Adamu say: “It is not about Disclosure, but about your energy”, read, LBP.

If you have overcome duality, i.e. if you are advanced in the LBP, you do not need disclosure, as you have a direct contact to the higher realms. This was precisely what I told Steve in my last letter.Yesterday, I received two indignant emails from unknown readers with false email addresses (!?), who accused me of darkness because I have criticised Steve. Could it be that they were sent by him or by people near to him? I do not know, it does not matter.

I don’t believe in this kind of numbers as Greg is calculating them, as this is another illusion. How should you calculate such numbers and how should you put different people in one category of enlightened persons? Each one of us carries a different unique light quotient and such numbers are meaningless. This is numerological voodoo, as the whole numerological crap in the light worker scene.

Now to Ute! Her last release about her humming in her head is a brilliant confirmation that her left brain portal is finally beginning to open and her highly appraised kundalini, which she made responsible for her LBP must have vanished all of a sudden. How about her being honest and open enough to admit this blunder? She does not even notices it that she is mocking on herself.

Forget it. These people have never learnt in their whole life to lead an open and critical discussion and hide all the time behind their indignation alla “no le mi tangere” (touch me not, I am very fragile), whenever one points to their obvious blunders and limited thinking. But even this becomes boring after some time.

With love and light
January 27-28, 2012


Thanks for making the forum available. What an isolation buster this has been for so many “pineally pickled” ones languishing in solitude across the globe for so long! Big congratulations on the English premiering of New Gnosis –heretofore missing masterpieces for the Teutonically tongue twisted like myself! Really nailing The Process here. Wow, how comforting it would have been to discover such a comprehensive understanding/ validation of said Process a few moons back when things were REALLY blasting full throttle.

But, as we all know by now, playing “comforter” is not necessarily a big part of the soul’s agenda!Georgi, I am interested in your thoughts regarding a challenge I know we all face, maybe one of the greatest ones. I’m talking about the healthful navigation, on a day to day practical basis, of that often daunting interpersonal chasm between the transliminally oriented souls and their more youthful counterparts.

We see this chasm out in the streets of every city between strangers and, yes, even under the same roof between husband and wife! Georgi, if possible please recommend some tips, and maybe ask readers to share their own, for effectively dealing with –to the extent possible– the massive “soul generation gap” confronting us everywhere in life today.

Thank you so much for your work!

Dear Jesster,

Thank you very much for your appreciation of my first gnostic book in the English translation and of this website as a haven for all kinds of LBP-tainted, social Robinson Crusoes. It has  never been my intention to create such a spiritual ghetto on the world wide web. But as the Teutons say: “Man denkt, Gott lenkt.” (man thinks, God rules.).

The lack of any common ground for communication between star seeds and the other mortals has been discussed on numerous occasions and from different angles in the ascension reports, and I have also contributed with my frustrations, not being able to communicate with my family. I wished I had a solution to your problem, but I have none. I can only hope that the current energy waves will undermine the ongoing collective denial and that the people will soon begin to open their eyes to see, and their ears to hear.

Ultimately, this is the goal of this whole effort on earth.I think that we have almost reached this point in time when the people will start coming to us and asking us for advise after the matrix of the old order has collapsed. I hope that this will begin next month. I hoped to see the first crashes in the financial sector by the end of January, but we still have the same stalemate optically, as I have been experiencing it since 2001 when I wrote this book. Eleven years without any progress whatsoever and being considered a lunatic by all people  – this is hell on earth.

With love and light

There’s not much room for polygamy on this stairway to heaven! Once we cross that threshold towards mystical marriage the real world one seems bound for the rockiest of roads. At least, it has been in my case for the 11years and counting since launch. The isolation and  starvation for kindred souls to resonate and communicate with truly has been hell on Earth–well, you know the score on that one, Doctor!Love,

light and triumph!



OK, You have just given the definition of a toxic planet as earth, seen and experienced through the eyes of an enlightened person. There is nothing more to add to it – it is dire enough.


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