State-of-Ascension-Report-55: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-55, January 26, 2012

January 26, 2012

Dear Predrag,

Is it possible that you publish this open letter to Steve Beckow on Galactic Free Press. He has already received it as an email from me and I intend to publish it in my next report. It is intolerable that this confusion should go on and on.

Thank you very much for your effort.

With love and light


Dear Steve,

From your latest article

I conclude that you are in the middle of your personal confusion, which I diagnosed  for you more than an year ago and elaborated in an article some time later.

Then I discussed this broader issue concerning the intellectual confusion of most light workers in another article, which only evoked your outrage instead of learning something from it:

Let me tell you where your fundamental intellectual blockage lies: You cannot give up the idea that there will be first a Disclosure of the GF, although I made you many times aware of the fact that the First Disclosure, humanity will experience, will be the first wave of human ascended masters. Precisely, these first ascended masters will be the members of the PAT around my website:,

who also opened the portals at the stargate 11.11.11 and enabled the current powerful energetic transformation of mankind and humanity. This was the greatest achievement in the history of this galaxy, which was also acknowledged in many subsequent, independent channeled messages, some of which I assume you must have read, but obviously not comprehended. It is absolute normal that your readers are disappointed with you and your false promises. Why then stay the course and not change your mind as any intelligent person would do on your place?

Indeed, our ascension was postponed at 11.11.11 because humanity was still in a deep slumber and Heaven needed the members of the PAT here on the ground to raise the frequencies of the sleeping human masses, but postponed is not cancelled.

Our ascension is scheduled now for this spring and nothing will hinder it anymore. Why don’t you do what any decent human being will do in this situation – change your mind and consider the possibility that there will be no Disclosure of the GF and that Obama is a puppet of the dark American ones and that any change on earth will come from simple people on earth like me and the members of the PAT, who are in reality giant souls in All-That-Is, from which you could have learnt a lot if you were not such an “old stubborn man” as I told you some time ago.

This will be a great step for you in your currently rather blocked mental evolution. As you have not nearly entered the LBP to be considered a possible ascended candidate prior to mass Ascension 2012, this fact also precludes your aspiration to teach other people what will happen on earth. You simply have no connection to your higher self and thus to the higher realms. You thus represent what I define as a “false prophet”. And it will stay so, until you change your mind, at the latest, when we have ascended.

Please read also my latest article “The Wind of Change” to learn what will happen this year.

With love and light
Dr. Georgi Stankov
January 24-26, 2012

Hi Georgi,

Thank you for making available your Serial 6 of the New Gnosis in the English language as translated by Joelle Torneros. For me it’s a very good read and the puzzle is almost complete, regarding understanding of the multiverse and its workings.

The simultaneity is interesting because I recently watched an interview of an ex-navy “chrononaut” named Bill Wood. Apparently they have found stargates to investigate different timelines, and every time they tried to go beyond 21. December 2012, they found a white light. Now the freemasonry really don’t like this because this will end their manipulative behaviour definitely. For me this means that every decision creates another timeline that can co-exist with other decisions.

But as Bill Wood found out, every timeline converge together around the End Times the Maya calender indicates. Therefore, Ascension is already a fact. We seem to go into a vortex, but where and how we come out of it is determined by our intent. One can call it “judgement day” or “harvest of souls” (by Ra?).

As are more and more people (Japanese princess) and groups (Maya elders) say, there could be 3 dark days/nights before the new reality opens. There is also chatter that the jump into a higher reality is a little phase “an sich” (as such); the linear time measured in 3D can take more than a year from the 21st of December 2012 until maybe March 2013. Upon completion, Gaia shall have its place in the 5D, skipping the 4D.

Georgi, do you have some more information about the current financial situation? You supposed the collapse at the end of 2011, but it is now postponed to…somewhere March? That is at least what Bix Weir is hinting to…

In love and light,
Dear Dennis,

your observations are all correct. I would only add that the planetary mass ascension of 2-3 billion human beings on Dec 21, 2012 is energetically and technically completely different from the cosmic ascension, which most of the PAT members will undergo quite soon – definitely, in the first half of this year, so that some of them can appear asAscended Masters and take over the leadership of humanity from the current corrupt and spoiled politicians on the verge of its collective ascension.

Most of the humans that will partake in the mass ascension will not need to go through the LBP, but will only undergo some modest transformations of their DNA and chakras, which will allow them to enter the 5th dimension during the so called “three days of stasis”.

The cosmic ascension is  beyond the 5th dimension and the bodily transformation must be much more massive and huge as to comply with these high frequency levels. This is a big topic, which I have not yet tackled, but only slightly touched upon as my readers would be overwhelmed, because it involves quantum biophysics and genetics as well as advanced knowledge on the metabolic regulation of the cells and the biological organism.

This topic is now completely unknown to all light workers and I, often speaking, have no inclination to delve into it shortly before my pending ascension. Thereafter, we may talk about this topics on a much broader, global scale. It is only a question of few weeks or months.

Forget the financial situation on the ground. The system is broke since 2008 and lives on fraud. As soon as the forces of light decide to let the system go bust, it will do so within 24 hours. This will depend on the general energetic situation on this planet and in the universe and not on what some people are doing or writing as the dumbed down Fulford and his entourage believe.

With love and light
Hi Georgi,

I understand, it’s quite an undertaking trying to describe the (meta-) physical changes from 3D right up to beyond 5D. Personally, I feel that science can help me and most people understand how the universe and (energetic) life forms work, I am not sure if scientific explanations for this cosmic ascension will actually make the transition smoother for the PAT members per se… but it could help.
It’s easier to describe it for 4D and 5D, and if I understand correctly then our carbon structures will be changed into crystalline based structures. Well, in general even in 3D environment crystals receive, store and radiate energies from our sun, and when our entire bodies will be of crystalline structures, our food will come from the sun directly, circumventing the need for “organic” food…
Maybe Nassim Haramein and/or Melchizedek have some little clues… As of now I think answers can be sought with sacred geometry…
P.S. My donation yesterday should have arrived electronically by now.

Dear Dennis,

Thank you very much for your donation. I have not checked it yet with my son-in-law, who receives the donations for his contribution in running this website.

Knowing what the last two persons, you mentioned, have written or said so far, I doubt if they can give you any clues on this topic, but this is all irrelevant now, as I do agree with you that a possible detailed scientific knowledge will not make matters easier or smoother now. This is  precisely the reason why I refrain from discussing them.

With love and light
January 25, 2012

Caro Giorgio, we had the strongest solar eruption since many years, and today an earthquake here in Italy.

Un abbraccio, Alberto
Dear Alberto,these series of sun eruptions were announced in advance by some channels and I personally feel them since three days very strongly. They are incredible indeed. The energy comes from the Source via our sun and later on from the central sun of the galaxy. They will ultimately change the energetic situation on earth and make the life of the dark ones unbearable. I personally expect huge changes to commence soon as a consequence from these powerful energy waves, coming from the sun, which will go into February. The countdown has already begun.The North Italian earthquake is part of the preparation for the magnetic pole reversal, and it was known in advance that some earthquakes will happen on unusual places.With love and light
January 25-26, 2012George,This is my favorite chapter 6  so far; very informative and inspiring. Thank you so much for the English translation! I do have a question, what is the difference between a transpersonal soul, a transliminal soul and a multidimensional personality?

Love & Light,
Dear Sheryl,

Thank you for your appreciation: Now to your question:

1)  A transpersonal soul is when a whole soul family of about 1000 single souls incarnates in one human body as was the case with Sai Baba. It is a collective human incarnation and nothing more. The entity does not have the usual personality structure, which is used when one soul incarnates in one body, but an expanded energetic structure.

2) A transliminal soul is one, who has accomplished a cosmic ascension and can dwell in different dimensions beyond the 5th dimension.

3) A multidimensional personality is any soul who can participate in different realities. This will be the case with all human souls, who will ascend to the higher levels of the 5th dimension. A transliminal soul is according to this definition also a multidimensional personality, but at a much higher level.

You must bear in mind that when I wrote this book, all these terms and concepts were unknown and I was the first one to introduce them and define them. Only later, did other channels and mediums began to use the terms “multidimensions, multidimensional personality” as is the case with Sue Caroll.

With love and light
Thank you George for clarifying this for me, it was very helpful. As each individual soul learns in its particular incarnation, that education is shared with our collective soul family? Do each of them work on a different lesson for the collective?

If that is the case, we then would have the combined education (through incarnation) of our entire (PAT) group?
Light  & Love.
Dear Sheryl,
It is much more complicated than you suspect, as there are numerous possibilities and alternatives, but all of them have been planned in the higher realms by our souls prior to incarnation.One may participate in a larger incentive, as is the case with the PAT, but still belong to different soul families and even civilisations, while the personal connection to the own soul family may seemingly go in the background, although we are always in an intimate contact with our soul family, which learns from the experience of every incarnated soul segment, no matter how individual his fate may be.By the way, as a rule only about one third of the souls of a family incarnate on earth at any point in time, while the other two third of the souls help them in excarnated state from the higher realms. In this way the close connection to the own soul family is always guaranteed. This is a huge theme, which unfortunately has been very poorly presented in the Anglo-Saxon New Age literature. There is much more substantial information on this topic in German, which is however not known abroad. The new Age movement is missing the esoteric basics – hence the big confusion among most light workers.

With love and light
Thank you George, this is very exciting information and it resonates with my soul. I am so very appreciative of these resources you have made available in English. The information is logical, complex and yet beautiful as each element coalesces into the whole.

Love & Light,
January 25, 2012

Dear Ute

Concerning your latest channeling:

As I already said, you really do not need to channel in a rampant promiscuity as to receive obvious information, which I have, for instance, published as an introduction to my “Astra Breaking News” half an year ago. If this is not a proof for my thesis that all current channeling is crap and trash, then please re-read the warning of your last channeling that very soon there will be no messages at all. What a relief! But even this news you could have learnt from me long time ago.



“The objective of our new service “Breaking Astral News” is to take away the natural fears of all humans in anticipation of the coming dramatic changes for human civilisation, which have already commenced in September 21 with the financial meltdown of the old economic order, as predicted long time ago in many publications and books on this website, by presenting the facts in a neutral and educated manner.

After that Internet will most probably cease to exist, and so will these ticker and website.

New advanced technology, based on holography and with direct access to the Akashic Chronics of this planet and universe, will be introduced soon after the aforementioned events have taken place…..”
January 22, 2012

Dear Georgi,
I would like to thank you once again for your support in sharing the far-reaching research of Dr. Hawkins.  I am personally very grateful to you and all that you do.
I am more than happy to do calibrations on any issues that may be of interest to the group, yourself, or anyone who would like assistance with personal issues that may pose a challenge.
With love and in light,
Dear Carla,
Thank you for your contribution to this very interesting research field of Dr. Hawkins. I personally learnt a lot from it, but I am used to work with such methods, while I am afraid most of my readers have no, or very little, experience and cannot appreciate or use such metric methods and empiric approaches.I myself would not personally start using this method, as I guess one needs a lot of experience and expertise, but the very stratification done by Hawkins on the spiritual potential of human beings alone is extremely valuable and confirms my personal observations and categorical systems, which I present in my first gnostic book “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” (currently published in serials on this website).However, I have not received yet a single comment on this test, but I must add that in the last days there is a remarkable calmness and I get only a few emails, which is rather unusual. I have the feeling that the people sense the upcoming big changes and go inside themselves as to be prepared for them. Therefore, this is a good sign, as I evaluate it.

With love and light
January 22, 2012

Hi George

I just need to clarify my thinking on Space-Time having started to read your English translation of “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind”. Much appreciated by all, I’m sure for your and Joelle’s efforts.
I need the penny to drop.
If All-That-Is = Energy, and therefore a closed circle – and Energy is reciprocal (inversely proportional) to conventional time  E = 1/t  – does it show that, within All-that-Is, conventional time is an illusion because, if “E” is contained, therefore can’t be subject to “t”, so in reality everything in All-That-Is has to happen simultaneously? Is that the definition of “f” time?
Warm regards
Alex (Perth, Australia)
Dear Alex,
Absolutely! You have just grasped the essence of All-That-Is, precisely the simultaneity of the higher realms and why time will be wrapped up by the end of this year for the majority of humanity after mass ascension, for some even earlier. This is a basic statement in all my books that has not been grasped by nobody in the New Age to the full extent, as it presupposes a very abstract level of thinking.With love and light
Hi George
In my last sentence I meant to say “does it show that, looking at All-That-Is as a whole, conventional time is an illusion….” further to my last email – if “E” which is infinite – within a closed system – is proportional to “f”, am I correct in saying that “f” is the number of events that happen reciprocal to “t” within All-That-Is and can increase to infinity?
So leading on from this – if you look at All-That-Is as a whole i.e as many, many events to infinity, everything happens simultaneously (or very very close to); however if you look in on a small part or sub system of less events, like our 3d world,  then from that perspective – linear time is perceived?
From here we use the relationship of  t =1/f  and see that our 3d world as a sub-system with less events than the whole (All-That-Is), and can be perceived as an increase of liner/conventional time. So a decrease in “f”, number of events perceived = an increase conventional time “t” perceived.
So to clarify, at the All-That-Is level of perception “t” has to be infinitely small or therefore practically instant, if “f” is infinitely large. Simultaneous creation. I assume this would also hold true if you could see the true nature of All-That-Is from any lower perspective of knowing, for example from the 5th dimension. If this is the case, then the opposite can be said for any perspective that cannot see the true nature of All-That-Is, as in our 3d perspective.
Here in 3d,  perception of “t” depends on, or is subject to “f” i.e. the more events a person perceives or has experienced, the faster they perceive conventional time. Less liner time or feels like time speeding up as you get older. This would hold true for a child with limited perspective or experience with events and therefore smaller “f” compared with an older person. Your childhood days – from a child perspective – seemed to go on for ever. As you get older, there seems to be never enough time and the years fly by.
Does this now explain the speeding up of time even more as we increase our consciousness toward ascension?
I hope this is what you trying to convey George,
Warm regards
Alex (Perth, Australia)

Dear Alex,

Congratulation! You have already entered the realms of metaphysics. Your considerations are correct, but you should regard them in the context of the subjective perception of the individual entity, especially with regard Io human consciousness which is very limited due to the slow operation of the brain as energy transducer. First, it must be replaced with a new crystalline brain, which works much more quicker, before we can expand our perception to the multidimensional simultaneity of the higher realms.

In this context, your observation with regard to children may not hold true. They live in the simultaneity of the Now, as they have less amnesia than elderly people and only later accommodate to the linear time, which limits the number of events as you correctly point. The perception of the elderly that the time is running out is a habit, which have been reinforced throughout their hallucinatory life and it may not hold true for an enlightened elderly person, who has an expanded consciousness and has reached the same Oneness with All-That-Is as a child has at the beginning of his life due to his psychical structure without amnesia. It all depends on the subjective awareness of the individual, who creates his reality according to the limits of his perception.

This also holds true for all dark entities who perennially create evil deeds as their fear-driven structure narrows their perspective and  allows only for such images, by excluding all positive deeds which enlarge the number of alternatives and thus of events.

These are just remarks, which show you that true metaphysics may be rather convoluted when properly addressed.

With love and light
Hi George and thanks.

I hear what you’re saying and thought that might be the case. It all depends on the subjective awareness of the individual.
So if we exclude children, who have not yet accommodated to linear time such as going to school and any enlightened adult, then the considerations should generally hold true assuming the masses have a similar level of amnesia throughout their lives.
I like how you put that children before conditioning live in the simultaneity of the Now and that which I suppose is the goal for our incarnations to reach the same Oneness with All-That-Is.
Living in the Now as is channeled frequently has a whole new meaning.
Talk soon

Dear Alex,

It is exactly so, as you have put it. Ultimately we must forget our whole 3d-experience and star anew. But this will happen automatically, as this is the normal state of cosmic awareness.

Hi George

I just wanted to express my gratitude for you and your work! I am only really starting to appreciating it now. It was really a satisfying and energetic experience just realising the essence of your discovery while writing to you. I can only imagine the satisfaction you would have felt actually discovering the workings of the universe – well until you realised you weren’t able to share it straight away.
I can say that it has opened me up a little more. My heart chakra really burns when I started to read and re-read more of your work this morning.
OK, that’s enough for now – we don’t want to wake your ego – and for a universal physicist, you make an alright PAT facilitator.
Thank you again

Dear Alex,

Thank you for your appreciation. You have guessed it – when I first started discovering the Universal Law with all its ramifications for science, human philosophy and Gnosis in 1992-1994, I did not slept for almost two years out of pure exaltation. I was driven by my soul day and night to further investigate, but it was the best experience I have ever had in my life, because I was in a state of total inspiration and was carried forward by immense cosmic forces. Compared to this experience, the LBP since 1999 was exactly the opposite in any respect. But we better not talk about this.

With love and light

January 26, 2012

Hi Georgi,

I wanted to share some information about one of the greatest piramids on this planet, the one in Bosnia. The energy beam is I believe to be real (this same energy beam was seen in one of the stairway tempels in Mexico or Guatemala by eyewitnesses). The picture and the link is below.
The further the energy beam is from the earth’s crust, the higher the energy output will be. This is against the current theories held by the mainstream scientists.Dennis

Dear Dennis,This is an incredible picture. I will try to publish it in the latest report-55. I know this pyramid very well for some years and follow the development of its excavations by this courageous Bosnian man, whose name I have now forgotten.Thank you
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