State-of-Ascension-Report-46: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-46, January 2, 2012

Some Considerations and  Hypotheses Concerning the Observation of Two Moons

January 1, 2012

Dear Callista,

The last report of the “zeta talk” which you sent to me is quite informative as it also gives a possible explanation for the hoax with the two moons.

According to this source, Planet X(Nibiru) is producing an optical dark twin (an optical shadow, while moving from the sun towards earth. This twin can be rarely seen with a naked eye but under certain circumstances this is possible for a short period of time from certain places on earth. This can be quite probable as Nibiru (Planet X) has been already seen as a twin sun since 2003 by many people again and again in different continents.

In order to hide this information, the hoax with the two moons was produced and distributed by FOX and other Orion/Reptilian channels belonging to the Anglo-Saxon faction of the PTB. At the same time, an English astronomer group furnished the prove that there are small asteroids trapped by the moon orbit that create temporary second moons, however, only with the diameter of one meter. This article was published in Nature at the same time, the hoax with the two moons was published and distributed in the mass media.

in fact, the dark twin of Nibiru is often projected in the vicinity of the moon and sometimes can be seen with a naked eye. It’s projection is as big as the moon or even bigger, similar to the volume of the earth, but due to the perspective, it may appear as big as a second moon.

Anyway, the PTB want to hide as long as possible the existence of the Reptilian planet Nibiru, which is now approaching earth rapidly and will be seen very soon with a naked eye. I think that this explanation sounds very probable and explains the hoax with the two moons.

This however does not exclude the possibility that the moon has been removed and substituted with a holographic picture by the GF which is now in firm control of this satellite after it has taken over the bases of the dark Cabal on the moon in 2008. There is a huge repair work going on in our solar system currently and we can only see traces of it when they appear as artifacts in our visible 3d-reality. We must be open to all explanations and new developments in this respect. There is much more than a simple hoax behind the two moons and any such hoax has always a deeper purpose on this planet of perennial misinformation.

In love and light
January 1, 2012

Hi Georgi…

Opened your site this morning per my usual schedule of reading/ absorbing. Always pleased to find a new article from you and the members of PAT. However, this one has been in a state of awe…

Here’s what I experienced two nights ago. Had taken the dogs out for their evening run, not sure what time. The moon was up, not quite full and then I saw a second ‘moon’.Rubbed my eyes, realized I didn’t have my glasses on, looked again, yes, a second moon.

Ran back into the house to get my glasses, and when I put them on outdoors again, I ‘saw’ that what I’d taken for a second moon was a small cluster of ‘stars’. O well, I thought… darn. But it sure looked like a moon.

So now, reading this information you’ve posted, I am wondering since eyeglasses are of 3d, are we ‘seeing’ what is ‘expected’ of us to see, thus continuing the manifestation of the old? Just a thought.
Would love your input, or that of any readers to have ideas about this.

Big hug and light to all..

Dear Judith,

The phenomenon of the two moons poses a fundamental cognitive problem for all of us. Should we continue trust our 3d-vision or should we accept that we may at times have multidimensional visions and see energetic phenomena and realities that cannot be assessed and confirmed with any normal astronomic devices?

Let me quote in this context the last Fatima vision from October 13, 1917, when about 20 000 Portuguese worshippers watched with the three shepherd children the apparition of Mother Mary and saw how the sun began to wobble and change its position. This miracle is officially accepted by the Vatican and the Catholic church and after this event the unknown village of Fatima became the most prominent “Walhfahrtsort” (worship place) for Christians in Europe. It is absolutely no problem for the higher realms to present holographic pictures that defy our known astronomic experience as to shake our past, firmly established beliefs on the Cosmic order. This may have been the case with the Australian citizens of Busby. Who knows?

In one of my previous reports I suggested that the moon may have already been replaced by the GF because of its negative energetic impact on human nature and that they may have placed  a holographic picture of it as not to scare the masses before final Disclosure. We are now awaiting any day the final shift of Gaia to the 4th and 5th dimensions and it is quite logical to expect that this artificial satellite will not make it to the higher dimensions. So it must be eliminated or repositioned in one or another way.

I am sure  that we will learn soon much more about the real situation with the moon.

in love and light

Thank you, George, for your reply.

Just this morning, my husband and I have been discussing the ‘visions’ we’ve both had, over past 12 years, which we had dismissed as being ‘not-real’… for instance, while driving home from work one evening, I ‘saw’ two suns setting in the West. At about that same time, I kept seeing strangely dressed people walking on the streets. No one else seemed to notice them.

We are beginning to ‘understand’ that not everyone will ‘see’ anything except what is expected to see, and in fact, our ‘sight’ was beginning to open to more, even then. It’s been since 11.11.11 that both our awareness’ has begun to expand and open exponentially. The information you provide on your website has helped this happen, for which you have our heart-felt gratitude.

Now it is the beginning of the ‘last year’. I have a budding sense of impending Change constantly in my inner senses; also more aware of my (unseen) higher self communicating, to which I am truly listening and paying heed.

Blessings to you for your strength, courage and persistence in providing this place where we can share REAL knowing and questions.

Love and Light to you.


Dear Judith,

I posted this article about the two moons also because I wanted to make my readers aware of the fact that we will begin to experience and “see” with our third eye and inner senses increasingly new dimensions and must have the courage and the conviction to interpret them as valid realities and do not dismiss them only because the collective narrow-minded illusion suggests us what human reality should be all about. This article is a kind of a challenge to our perceptions which now experience a dramatic expansion.

In love and light
January 1, 2012

Hello Georgi,

I discovered this report the other day when my son brought it to my attention. I believe that it was dated August the 4th though, and not December.

On the right hand side, there was a discussion about the current ability to create Holographic images. The discussion took us to the Busby town site and actually pointed out the site in this town, where all the equipment is situated to create a holographic image. We must be very discerning at this juncture.

With love and light,
Dear Carla,

Thank you for this information. I also checked that the event took place on August 4 and was reported on August 5. The information that there is equipment in Busby to create holographic pictures is very important, as this was my explanation for this phenomenon. Who has established this equipment there and is there any further information on it? It is known for instance that the Greys and Reptilians are planning to use holographic events to change the course of the events in the End Times in their favoured direction.

In love and light
December 31, 2011 – January 1, 2012

Dear George,I think the picture of the “2nd moon” is a fake. I had a dream about a second sun, but not about a second moon, it just does not resonate with me, or at least not this time. So I tried to find out:The original URL of the image is:

Then, by changing the number we can back trace the other images they uploaded:

You can see clearly here how photoshop was used. The steps taken to edit the image are visible as well. Being someone who can use photoshop myself, I can only conclude that this is a fake.

Dear Daniel,

thank you for this information. I found out that the two moons were actually seen on August 4, 2011, so this may be a hoax. But surprisingly enough on that date, or sometimes earlier, there was a publication in the journal “Nature” that discussed the existence of two moons in the past. This is indeed a surprising coincidence.

I have been observing myself the moon for some time and know that there is something wrong with it. Other readers have also written on this issue and confirmed that the moon has changed and is not the same. I published this article only to see if other people may have witnessed something unusual with the moon lately.

in love and light

PS. How about the people that have allegedly seen the two moons? Are they hoax too? – maybe!
Dear George,

Perhaps they are. I am not really an expert on this area, the only thing I know for sure is that this picture was manipulated. I do see a change on the moon but it is hard to really translate this feeling into words. Perhaps the moon is releasing/converting negative energy, because Orion controlled bases have been on the surface for such a long time?

I will share a short dream I had yesterday. I traveled to a world sort of like ours, but there were bad things going on. It was very much like what I would expect planet B to be shortly before or after the definite split of planets. There was a very dangerous disease, kind of like the plague spreading across the population. I was immune, and there was a man who I was supposed to meet. In the past he lived in fear and did not make it to planet A, but now he requested help and answers. We walked on next to a road and talked for a while. This is where it ended, I believe I guided him away from B to A.

My dream changed and I was now in a very icy area. Perhaps something like Antarctica. There was some kind of expedition, but this was not really relevant. I tried to focus on raising my awareness and managed to see everything very clearly. Raising my awareness further resulted in seeing blackness. I continued and the last thing I remember is something like a portal. I know that a lot more happened after this, but those events are not in my conscious memory.

Excuse the short and undetailed explanations, but things happened very fast and I am usually not very good at giving detailed descriptions of my dreams.

Happy new year,
Dear Daniel,

Thank you for the additional comments. As I have some very active readers in Australia, I am hopeful that they may confirm that some Australians have seen the two moons with their own eyes. I agree that the photo is not reliable.

Your dream on planet B is very realistic and it is quite probable that when the shift happens, the old PTB, who will regain control on this planet, will spread some severe epidemic diseases as they have done with the plague in the Dark Ages with the help of the Deros (Black men) from the “Unholy Six” to cull the human population.

There will be definitely many portals between the two earth versions after Dec 2012 which will allow for some laggards to still find their way to Ascension on the New Earth. The battle will not be over with the mass ascension. Some of us will be human guides on the catastrophic earth B, after we have ascended and will be immune to the calamities on this planet. These guides will collect numerous scared and confused human beings who have the soul potential to ascend but have not awakened sufficiently during this year of 2012. Your dream confirms brilliantly the End Time scenario I have presented in my last book “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction”

In love and light
December 31, 2011 – January 1, 2012

Hi George,

Happy New Year ! Let’s hope it’s our last in 3D.

In regards to the two moons – the moon was not full on Dec. 20. as the picture leads us to believe. It was only 23% full on the night of Dec. 20th. (was this picture taken on the 10th? It does not say what date this actually happened)

Also- I found this about the Nostradamus reference –There is no such quatrain:

Not in the Centuries
Not in the missing 7 73
Not in the Missing centuries 11 & 12
The only quatrain with ANGOLMOIS in it is 10 72.

There are a couple of quatrains with TWO SUNS and these can be seen at the absolutely free web site:

Not sure what to make of this, but wouldn’t two moons also effect the tides in a huge way that night? Unless it was nothing but a hologram…

Much love,


Dear Loren,

Thank you for this information. I checked after publication and found that the two moons were allegedly seen on August 4, and that this article is a late copy of the original news. I also noticed that this quatrain of Nostradamus was wrong as I have read the original ones and have the book at home, but I did not pay much attention to this obvious fraud.

The question is simply whether some people in Australia have really seen this phenomenon of two moons with their own eyes as claimed in this article and can confirm this. As I have some very active readers from Australia, I am hopeful that they may shed some light on this rather improbable article.

On the other hand, I also watch the moon for some time and I am confident that it has changed, that something is happening with this satellite, but I cannot prove it. Independently of my observation other readers have addressed this issue since September 2011 in emails to me, so that I believe that it is worthwhile scrutinizing this astronomic problem once again this year as it may be a precursor and a harbinger of other more dramatic changes that we all expect with Gaia. This was my initial intention.

By the way, there was an interesting coincidence. On August 5, or a little bit earlier, the famous scientific journal “Nature” published a scientific article proving that there have been two moons in the past. Why this timely coincidence? This whole story is very intriguing, to say the least.

In love and light
January 1, 2012

Dear Georgi,

While reading the article you posted about the second moon appearing in Australia, I noticed the article was taken from the Weekly World News. I am a journalist, so naturally I know about many of the publications on the market. I fear you have been spoofed. The Weekly World News was originally an American supermarket tabloid whose articles were all made up. It now appears in an online format only. You may check out Weekly World News at Wikipedia, or go to the Weekly World News website. You will find that what I’m telling you is true. I thought you should know so you can take corrective action.

The question is, who sent it to you? They were obviously up to mischief, which is what the Weekly World News is is all about.


Dear Stella,

I knew it was a hoax, but every hoax on this planet of total misinformation has a deeper hidden purpose. Read my next report and you will be surprised to find how far we have gone with our hypotheses and suggestions.

In love and light

January 1, 2012

For your consideration. Perhaps this is the ascension into lightbody for Venus?

Dear Tim,

These are indeed dramatic events of global scope with Venus and most probably with the whole solar system. I cannot exactly interpret them, but I can confirm that around this time I experienced the heaviest waves for a long time and I knew that we were amidst a big energy surge that was even more powerful than that at the stargate 11.11.11.

In love and light
January 1, 2012

Dear George,

I thought you might enjoy a discovery I made after reading your and Callista’s remarks about your 50 kilometer portals (report 42).  My present living address, and previous two cities of residence, create a 150 km triangle located in southeast Michigan. Each location is roughly 50 km from the other two (that is, in road distance, not quite a straight line). Attached are screenshots showing the connecting points on the map, with the distance in km given in the bottom left corner in each image.
To me this triangle of movement is a beautiful physical example of universal pattern and order in life. I spent my mid to late adolescence at point C, my college years at point B, and am living my post-college present years at point A/D. Even now I occasionally travel back and forth between these three cities to run errands and visit family, all the while knowing that energetic work is being done in each location, yet the exactness and implications of this triangle were unknown to me until now. This may also provide insight as to why I have encountered years of delays in my plans to move away from southeast Michigan.
Between ascension reports, I am reading your books. Where were you years ago when I had to choose a college major???  (I jest.)
Thanks again to you and your readers for everything. May you and your dear ones have a blessed and joyful New Year.
Love and light,
Dear Michelle,

Thank you very much  for this very interesting “technical” information. We must however admit that we can now only guess the beauty and precision of the divine pattern that has been applied upon this planet to heave it to a higher dimension, The true scope of this plan will be only revealed after our ascension, when we shall acquire full and immediate knowledge. However, it is correct to assume that all forms and patterns of All-That-Is follow strict geometric rules and harmonies, which are always of multidimensional nature and may not be accessible to our linear thinking and humble human minds, still trapped in the biological brain which is only a very slow bio-modulator of signals and information.

I don’t think that my scientific theory and books would have had any chance to establish themselves firmly in the current academic vanity fair, fully dominated by the Orion/Reptilian system which excludes any transcendental knowledge whatsoever. I tried it the conventional way in the 90s through scientific congresses and publications in scientific journals, but had to give it up. My soul told me pretty clear that this is not the way I have to proceed and that it is a dead end and only waste of energy. I had to await more or less patiently, and I am actually still awaiting the right moment when the old scientific system will collapse, hopefully in the first half of this year, and then we may begin to reshuffle the theoretical and practical foundations of present-day failed science. This is actually my main goal in this incarnation.

In love and light
January 1, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Before waking up this morning, there was a very lucid dream taking place with you…  I had arrived at your house in the country side of Germany with a couple (unknown?). You were expecting them and I was introduced to you, however they used a different name for me, and so there appeared to be no recognition of our PAT connection. I was going to grab you and pull you aside to clarify, but woke up too soon (I hate it when that happens). There was a large desk downstairs, you had a beard, and there was a moment when you were knelling down talking to a little girl (it was very sweet!).  Do you have a Granddaughter say 5-7 years old?  Of course all of this could just be metaphorical and symbolic in some way, but it was certainly a pleasure to meet you….

Upon awakening (too soon), my H.S. made it clear that there was a question to be asked.  A month or two ago we had an e-mail dialog, and there was some confusion about the “battle with the dark ones over souls.” There is still some difficulty in reconciling the description of “battle” within the context of Love and Light?  Battle, confrontation, and/or opposition seems to be 3D/egoist in nature and would seem to be lowering ourselves down to their level. And yet within the higher dimensions where we reside within our space of Love and Light, how does one engage in battle?  Does it not make sense to take the high road, set and example, and create a demand-pull energetic versus the demand-push manipulation prevalent within the world today?

This short video is not only demonstrative of the point trying to be made, but also something most of us may have experienced during our LBP in one form or another.  (and may explain the little girl?)

Please forgive me Georgi, I do not mean to be a pain in the bum. But with the dream and overt message from H.S. it might be a dis-service not to share this and clarify.

I Love you….
Dear Shravaka,

I never intended to intrude in the dreams of the readers of this website, but as long as I do not create nigthmares it is all within the norm.

You should not exaggerate the meaning of the word “battle”. As long as we live in the current duality, we need such words to make us comprehensible. Of course we need not enter in a battle and fight anybody in the higher dimensions as we will live there in unity with All-That-Is. But what is wrong to say that we will fight for the souls of the still unawakened human beings who are still trapped in dark patterns as to help them ascend. This is the kind of battle in the current duality which we must carry out as to fulfil our mission. Even such channels as CA from the 12th dimension speak of the rebellious cosmic energies that will dominate humanity in 2012 as the only driving force leading to their liberation.

In the 3d-reality there is a real sense of battle, and one should only take care to be on the right sight of the light. But one should not indulge too much in the role of being an adversary or enemy to other people, I agree fully with you in this respect, One should lead the battle against darkness in the knowing of the unity and lack of separation of all sentient beings.

I have a beard, yes, but I have no granddaughters. However my grown up daughters behave sometimes as childish as small girls.

In love and light
December 31, 2011 – January 1, 2012

Hi again George!

Its great to talk you again as well, I haven’t written much because words seem so inadequate lately but I’ve somehow felt even more connected to you and the PAT.

I was thinking about something you said regarding actual UFO/ETs contact and direct contact with beings from other levels of awareness. I assumed that since I’ve never had any such conscious contact of that kind, it somehow must have not been necessary. I also assumed that the reason I have never had any such extraordinary experiences at all is because if I was in direct contact or somehow had access to any of my multidimensional abilities, I would have immediate left this place never to return, which of course would be counter to the reason I came here in the first place.

Although I would welcome any such benevolent contact and I’m completely fascinated by such stories, I never really analyzed the need for it or the need for any messages or information that ETs might bring.

I didn’t really think I had a strong connection at all to higher levels of myself and then I started pondering that maybe since the answers or thoughts I have when I focus on a subject are so instant and intense that this direct process was actual higher level awareness, just happening instantly. My preconceptions that the higher self contact required some long elaborate system or analysis or even some more advanced being to interpret or guide me may have been erroneous.

Any thoughts you had regarding this would be greatly appreciated as I strongly value you opinions and objectiveness.

My best always,
Dear Marco,

you are absolutely right that the direct, instant dialogue with the higher self is the best way to communicate and that one does not need any external events such as UFO or ETs or even gurus to tell him what he is doing wrong and how to establish such contact. There is no special technique, but the dialogue must happen spontaneously and the only thing one has to do is to believe in the appropriateness and validity of such a  contact with the higher self and to be open and receptive without putting too much emphasis on this kind of communication or asking for preconceived answers. It does not work this way – the more spontaneous the dialogue, the better. If the h.s. is silent from time to time, then one must accept this and wait when it starts sending information again. Everything else is “mumbo jumbo” as somebody recently wrote.

In love and light
Hi Georgi;

Thanks for the instant response, it helped me a lot to get your input on this.

I will report some of my experiences with the Poland trip to you soon, but the one thing I must say from my own personal experience having traveled extensively and been out in the real world lately is that people seemed to be even more self absorbed and shut down in general. I would love to report what Brewster and some others are saying about people being more open and awake. I’m just not seeing it, the people in the country and the cities seemed almost absurdly self interested, not caring at all about anyone, but themselves. In New York, it was almost the same thing… the masses are more closed and self focused than I ever recall. The very, very few people that are open and awake, seem even more awake that ever, but that is a tiny minority. Even just going out for simple errands is almost unbearable… I am having an extremely difficult time interacting or even just being around the masses. This has actually been the most challenging thing for me, not the symptoms of the LBP. This has resulted in me retreating in my home most of the time, which I actually don’t mind… I was just hoping and expecting things to be a bit different.

Thank you again, my best,
Dear Marco,

you are definitely correct in your observations, including the dichotomy in human behaviour between the enlightened minority and the sleeping human majority. However your exact observation that the masses seem to be closed and self-focused may be also interpreted in the sense that they are bombarded by the new energies and are occupied all the time with solving their inner problems and demons that are now surging high for the first time in their daily consciousness, while they have no experience with this inner-soul cleansing work. That is why they are now overwhelmed and even less responsive to external signals than previously. This is just an effort to explain your observation and it may not be necessarily true, but would concur with the huge surge of powerful high frequency energies after 11.11.11 which must have some impact on the psyche of the masses. For us it it will be increasingly difficult to communicate with these people till ascension. One has to put up with this fact…

In love and light
January 1, 2012

Dear Callista,

I was just sitting in meditation and was drawn to co-operate in a creative endeavor with the Galactic Federation. I had been around the ships, emitting a frequency corresponding to the collective human soul matrix. The Federation decided to ask me to join in creating a resonant matrix envelope around the earth, extending a little way into space.

This is part of the Ascension event – the resonant energies building and raising the vibratory plane of the earth. Many ships combined in this endeavor – things move swiftly…

How swiftly? This is the Million-Dollar-Question? – George
January 1, 2012

Hi George,

I am hoping to get your thoughts on these possibilities. I have been reading/thinking a lot about Timothy Leary and the Gaia hypothesis, so I am sure that is where most of these thoughts are coming from. But, what if we are approaching ascension and our higher selves from the wrong vantage point? What if we are not ancient beings, trying to remember who we are but, yet new beings built upon eons of evolving/learning DNA finally figuring out what works best.

It makes me think of Democritus and his theory of Atomism. What if we have continuously “clumped” together in different ways and are now getting to a point where we are the best possible clump? Like the pile of sand we build and build grains of “chaos” until we reach a “peak” and it all settles into a perfect Golden Ratio Being. What if there is no Higher Self outside of us guiding us to some destined fate, yet we are our own Higher Selves creating the best possible fate based on what we have learned and what is available to us? Of what use would it be to Gaia’s evolution if we were fated beings playing out a script on this planet? Wouldn’t it be most useful if we were evolving beings writing the story as we go? Perhaps we are Gaia Pioneers continuously learning how to rearrange the “atoms” to get the best possible results.

Therefore, if we want to Ascend we can, if we want to vibrate at a higher frequency we can because, it is up to us what resources we pull from the Gaia Bank and choose to incorporate into our Reality. Maybe we are not fated or held to any dates or higher beings, maybe we are writing this Beautiful Story as we go along and we have the power to make it whatever we choose! How Awesome would that be! Looking forward to your thoughts.

In Love and Gratitude, Beth
Dear Beth,

First of all, I know the ideas of Timothy Leary concerning his Gaia hypothesis as an evolving bubble, similar to the flawed Darwin evolution doctrine but more esoteric tainted, and it has never had any appeal to me, just like the other obscure theories of many similar psychedelic pseudo-researchers as Stanislav Grof in the 60s and 70s.

The alternative you have shortly outlined in your email rejects all gnostic knowledge known to humanity since Plotinus and confirmed by numerous sources as CA, Ra material, etc. throughout the ages and, last but not least, through my higher self. I am not going to comment your version as it has many obvious defaults from a logical point of view, but if you decide to follow this path of esoteric thinking, please do not forget that it is known that Timothy Leary blew up his mind with the excessive use of mushrooms (psylocibin and other toxic substances).

I do advocate in my article on psychedelic drugs the cautious use one or twice of psychedelic drugs when the individual is in doubt of the soul dimension to get personally convinced through this psychedelic experience, but I strongly warn against any excessive use as Timothy Leary has practised  because it destroys the personality. I have just had a concrete case (problem) with one of my readers whose name I want to keep confidential that proves my aforementioned conclusion, who has damaged his will with excessive use of psychedelic drugs, notwithstanding his intellectual ability, and now cannot cope with life.

To follow the ideas of such people is to leave the sound ground of the Logos of human thinking, to which I have dedicated myself and which, as the Universal Law, is the basis of any true Science and Gnosis.

In love and light

Dear George,

Thank you for this email. Intuitively I knew what you would say and I know you are correct, that is why I closely follow your website and read anything of yours I can get my hands on. I think that the LBP has been so intense these past couple of years, especially Dec. 10/11 and Dec 24th, that I am just desperate for there to be some way that I can get a handle on my life.

While the physical symptoms have been concerning, they in no way compare to the emotional polarity and emotional torture I have been experiencing. It is like all of my deep seated fears have been brought to me to deal with and release. The other night I felt this intense rush of fear and pain and then a warm expanding feeling in my chest that scared me because I thought I was going to cause a heart attack with my emotions. For about an hour these intense fears and emotions caused an extreme emotional outburst that was interestingly followed by a feeling of great love and gratitude.

My soul yearns to get out of this 3D darkness and into the Light, to finally be free of fear, pain, and duality. Thank you for being a source of knowledge and support to me and so many others during these intense times! Although we have never physically met in this 3D world I feel as if I know you and can trust your words.

In Infinite Gratitude, Beth
Dear Beth,

You describe precisely these outbursts of fear patterns that are always released when huge powerful waves flood our body and fields as was the case around 12.12.12 and 21.12, but especially on Dec 24. I also had these episodes however the negative patterns that flowed through my body were of collective nature and for that reason it was somewhat easier for me to bear them. But it is nonetheless an extremely negative and unpleasant experience. We have now to do extra shifts to cleanse the negative patterns of humanity, so that it can ascend in Dec 2012 as it is in huge retard and needs a lot of help to raise its light quotient. At the same time we progress quicker than originally envisaged.

It is precisely these huge polarisations in our emotional and mental bodies that I try to make my readers aware of as to let go of their sweet fluffy stuff of “deep harmonies during the LBP, stemming from our kundalini and encompassing our whole body” as Ute has been iterating in total ignorance and lack of practical experience of the negative sides of the LBP. As Rob put in his last email – the LBP is the most rotten experience a human being can go through on earth, and any other description is an outrageous lie.

The better one is prepared for the challenges of the LBP, the better he will surmount them, as in this case one does not need to blame himself for this negative experience, but appreciate it for what it is  – the quickest, though most difficult, way to achieve the highest possible level of ascension when the time will come soon. Now we have the chance to ascend much higher than originally planned by our souls if we are ready to bear some more hardships. It is like climbing a high mountain top and taking the steepest path, but also carrying a second rucksack of your buddy who is fully exhausted and cannot make it. I have gone through such experiences in the mountains and I know what I am talking about – it is not a metaphor.

In love and light

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