State-of-Ascension-Report-28: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Still Opened.

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-28, November 17, 2011

November 15, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I will let you know in case I would be given a glimpse or insight in what is planned to come. Unfortunately I do not remember this council meetings of the GF back then, It seems this life time is about complete forgetfulness about these things. Please tell me more!!!

If I knew and would remember everything,  I would not consent to stay here longer! I would just leave! This is a thought I often have. This place here is an obscenity, I sometimes think. Especially given the fact that the majority of humanity is unconsciously working “against” us because they really don’t care about and resist what is going on and what we are working for so very hard.

Regarding your understanding that our Galactic family did not keep their promise: I see it a bit differently. As you know, situations are changing all the time and there are things which could not have been foreseen. The details of the never ending mean agenda of the Dark Forces who are struggling to their very last breath, trying to disturb and destroy as much as they can and as long as they can. And secondly, there are many levels at play in our own “fabric” which we might not yet fully see and understand.

I know that there are dimensions we have not yet insight in, as this grandiose Divine Play is endless, and I believe that in the recent times there have been put more requirements on us in order to ascend, because the matrix of humanity has been raised up altogether, regarding our own expansion of consciousness. This is a process going on in the whole universe. This last paragraph relates to us being in the ordinary condition of earth humanity, and as we share it, we must bear it.

Perhaps I used a word which was not correct when I said the energies in my case diminished. It was not a diminishing, but an interference with greater densities. And I must have agreed to this, this never ending work of bringing this stuff all the time up into light. Yes, I am tired too, and it would be nice to have a break and some  “nice heavenly cakes and coffee” to enjoy.

Dear Ute,

Thank you very much for your reflections. You are absolutely right in your presentation, but my intuition told me on November 2-3 that the plan was suddenly changed. The initial plan was indeed to have a full Ascension. There is no doubt about it. Now the reasons why they changed it may be rather complex and difficult for us to perceive with our human linear minds.

But there is a recurrent pattern for me in the last 10 years that tells me that we move from one delay to the next one. Please do not forget that it was not sure whether this earth will ascend or be destroyed (verglüht) in the End Times and it was decided only in 1997 that this alternative will be averted.

When you read the earlier channeled messages from the 80s and early 90s, there are many prognosis for the evolution of mankind in the End Times and they are all much more optimistic than the current reality. The dark ones were much more deeply entrenched on earth than it was assumed by the forces of light, and these dark hats have the human population firmly in their grip.

You see, the battle is waged for these masses and their minds. It is not a star war as some try to present it, although there is also such a component.

There are currently about 0.5% star seeds and light workers on this planet – this would say about 30-35 million. Only one third of them have truly awakened. This makes 10 million. Out of them only 10% (one million) have transformed their bodies during the LBP sufficiently as to be able to ascend now. These are the people on the ground that hold the light quotient on this planet. Without them earth and humanity will go under.

The members of the PAT who actually accomplished the opening of the stargate 11.11.11 are several thousand, scattered the world over. This is less than 0.2% from the group of the ascension candidates. These entities build the top of the human pyramid on earth, which lies with its foundations deep in the dark.

The original plan was that at least 20 million will be ready to ascend this year. Most of them are however still in a deep slumber. This is the default of their soul families which failed to awaken them in due time. As many of these star seeds come from the civilisations of the GF, it failed de facto on the ground. I am not interested what they are doing in the higher realms, just we are doing as multidimensional personalities in the dream state.

When I evaluate the success of the GF on the ground with respect to the number of awakened star seeds from these civilisations, they have definitely failed. But you hear rarely this admission in channelled messages as not to demoralize the other star seeds. Instead, they flatter us what a great success this event has been. It was indeed, due to our effort here on earth, but not theirs.

It is very easy to move energy from the higher realms and achieve some kind of effect. But they have failed on the ground, here on earth, to awaken their own star seeds. This is an ample fact beyond any doubt. And that is why I say that the GF has so far failed to achieve its initial plan and now we, the few evolved souls, incarnated on this planet “müssen mit nackten Händen die heißen Kastanien aus dem Feuer holen” ( to take out the hot chestnuts from the fire with bare hands).

This is the plain truth about this planet and humanity and I can understand anybody who says that he is fed up with this job and wants to go back Home. We are now like Atlas, who is carrying the whole globe on his shoulder.

In love and light
November 15, 2011

Aloha Gregori,

The first thing I need to acknowledge, is your genius at having the patience to be able,( for lack of better words), to see through the majority of the New Age Movement.I have many, many questions for you, and have thought deeply over the last few weeks since discovering your website, about how I wanted to approach my first set of questions.I think it is important to note that I am starting to go over the publications that are available in English, but have not finished all of them.As well as a bit about myself. I am 34 for years old, born in southwest Montana and now live in Hawaii. I am Indigenous American (Cherokee), and dark Scottish, (southern Turkey roots.) I run a business that consults in sustainability in farming. I focus on fungal based concepts instead of bacteria based farming. I also have a small “urban” mushroom farm that produces Oyster, and Lion’s Mane mushrooms.

However there is one reoccurring theme, I have noticed that persists in even your current posts, that finally compels me to write you. It is not one that repels me from listening what you have to say, but encourages me to ask you questions, because I have never felt comfortable asking anyone’s direct opinion on this particular subject.

Since I have been a child I have had an overwhelming thought running through my mind, almost like a mantra, that “I am from here, always have Been, and always will Be.”

I was scared to talk about this fact as a child, and later was mis-guided through most of my 20’s by what New Age dis-information I chose to read, which not only confused my interpretation of my evolving soul, but also kept me believing in errors of modern science. Not to long before I discovered your web site I discovered an author and scientist by the name of Paul LaViolette, he has a theory called Sub-Quantum Kinetics. Have you heard of it/him?

The word channel in these times has never quite felt right to me, in the fact, I feel there is a better word to describe it, for which I don’t know, or may not exist yet. And is always quite confusing. Although, it is a bit beyond listening to my inner self alone.

Reincarnate being is something I know that I am, and finally able to start vocalizing to the people close to me. And as stated above I know that my soul originally, in its uncountable incarnations, is definitely from the local source of our Earth/Gaia.

Do you consider your soul and the souls of the PAT to have been created from this local source?

I have had 3 dreams over the last few years that I think are also relevant to briefly include with my first email to you, but not necessarily relevant to my above questions. This is something I am hoping you can help me out with.

1. In December of 2008 I had a continuous dream for over a month, all in a first person view in which I was seemingly at super high speed filtering through individual particles of dust, (looking for raw particles of creation), on the outer fringes of our galaxy. It took me several weeks after to realize what exactly I was doing, but I knew where I was at because I was always looking over my shoulder like I was doing something wrong, and every once in awhile I would see our galaxy, and remember focusing in on the solar system and earth and thinking to myself ” There is the earth. Wow!”

2. In April of this year I had a 3 week continuous dream about being in Thoth’s court. Having Sanat Kumara translate his words to me. We were the only 3 in the room, which I feel I can describe in great detail. The only part of this conversation that I could salvage was during a part when I was objecting to the fact that when one’s “coiled kundalini” was released, (in the fact that everyone’s kundalini is raised but usually coiled and wrapped tightly up the spine and not moving freely), and it was allowed to fluidly move up the spine, that great disease could come over the flesh body. My argument was that too many people have been misinterpreting these ailment and seeking the wrong medical advise, which was causing the kundalini to coil tighter around the spine. And that there had to be another way.

I had not read much nor read or heard much on Thoth, besides through book about Egyptians and such. And after the dream I came across a couple websites that briefly mention coiled vs fluid kundalini. Which I can no longer find on the web at this moment.

3. October of this year I had almost a 2 week repetitive dream, middle of the month. I was on a yellowish white (marble) pathway, surrounded, by what I now perceive to be vast pools of liquid mercury. There was a huge open door way at the end, which I could see Thoth’s sitting place as I had seen it when I was talking with him. This was not like most dreams I have because it was pretty much the same each night. I could not even fully describe it until the last night it occurred. And I feel that this was just a memory of dream 2. that I had not remembered.

Anyways, thank you again for your time. I look forward to chatting with you more in the future if you have any feedback or want to know more of what I have experienced and still am experiencing about things unfolding.


Dear Richard,

Thank you very much for your letter and for sharing your dreams and a little bit from your life with me.

First to your questions: I do not know this scientist Paul LaViolette and honestly I am afraid I will not have any time in these last days on earth to read any other scientist, which does not say at all that they are not worth reading.

As I am not a dream-interpreter I cannot say anything more beyond what you must have received as an information from your soul. But obviously you must have a connection to Thoth.

You raised an interesting question – of human indigenous souls. I can imagine that some souls have spent so much lives on this planet that they do feel indigenous. I also share this feeling. Precisely I don’t feel that I belong to any of the civilisations of the GF as some other star seeds do.  But on the other hand I do realize that a soul can have numerous incarnations on numerous planets and civilisations and it is only a matter of remembrance beyond the veil of forgetfulness  that makes you feel aligned to one or another civilisation.

This is always done on purpose by the higher self which intends to achieve a particular spiritual bond. It may be as well that one feels attached to earth and still comes from a different civilisation as a soul. I personally do not believe that one should interpret too much into this aspect. As long as you feel content with being an indigenous human soul it is absolutely OK and it is also a great advantage as you can cope much better with the challenges of this reality. This is my modest contribution to this theme.

In love and light
November 15, 2011

Dear George,

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to say that I am so grateful that you are posting again. I thought about you and this website so much through the stargate opening and was so hopeful that you would post again from wherever you were. Perhaps not physically ascending was not such a bad thing and beautiful things will find their way into this 3D world until it is “time” for ultimate Ascension. Thank You so much for what you do (and much thanks to Chris too)! This website has become such an important place for so many people! You are not just a man of great mind, but one of great integrity. Wishing you Love & Light!

In Gratitude, Beth
November 15, 2011

Dear George,

I am just starting to feel the effect of my bodily energies balancing – this is my second day of water fast. I am thankful for the natural propensity of the body to heal. It’s an interesting thing, isn’t it George, when you are struck down with a massive LBP transformation and there is just simply nothing you can do about it. You know you simply just need to rest there is nothing more you can do. There is no action to take except to surrender to the action….

Just before this all began by the way,  I was drawn inward a few days before 11-11-11 to open an extremely high intensity massively big stargate. I saw it in my mind’s eye as a massive tubular white and blue light of extreme intensity with an extreme energetic/electrical nature. With earth eyes it would have been blinding. There was huge force associated with it. I also was made to know that once opened it would be irresistible and no agency of human or extraterrestrial origin would close it. My rational mind wants to say that something extremely large could pass through it. I think this is the work of the PAT – I recall that I know how to activate the stargates the others energize them and keep them open.

I also would like to thank you for your efforts lately as it is quite a trying time when a rescheduling happens yet again. I also felt on 10-11-11 something was wrong and things had changed again. I can imagine your disappointment, but I know your evolution and I know it’s just back to work on the new changes. I know you won’t be ego affected and I’m glad that it has been publicly shown that this is indeed so.

Also I think this is a good metric of the PAT: to see how the members come through this trying time as this shows their true nature. Also as you say George, with the changes that have been put into place, the only place to look for answers was within. See you have to KNOW the plan to be unshaken. I could be wrong and things could change, but on the night of 11-11-11 I thought – damn, first contact could happen first now. I’m still awaiting the whys and wherefores of this change. I’m sure this will all come into relief and will be clarified by the unified minds of the PAT.

For me George, an unbreakable bond has been forged and I’m looking forward to moving ahead with whatever I’m called to do in the unfolding of creators plan and I’m happy to be a part of this very special team who specializes in the transforming of worlds burdened by darkness and malevolent forces. This isn’t the first time this has been done; and it won’t be the last. George, we are indeed a very skilled set of dedicated master souls who love creation and life so much that we take all burdens upon ourselves as warriors of light to change everything.

transforming universes for trillions of years (chuckle)
Dear Craig,

Thank you very much for this very optimistic assessment, notwithstanding your severe episodes of LBP. I also saw your huge portal in Australia like Callista and it its indeed not for simple human ascensions, but for something bigger. We will know it soon. I have a similar huge portal here north of Munich that is more than 50 miles in radius and will affect the whole area. I know it since 2010 when I began to see with my inner eye how the landscape here began to ascend and move to the 5th dimension.

We have a gig – a light one-wheel cart (similar to husky) – which is driven by a horse (my wife has several horses) and we ride along the field paths and through the patches of forest and as there are almost no people outside, you feel sometimes as if you are in the Middle Ages and then you feel all the elementals around you very strongly. In such moments I could envisage the new earth rising from this old one.

Now you must bear in mind that the area around Munich is the most advanced technological and industrial area in the world. Out of the 20 biggest and most prominent technological companies in the world 8 have their headquarters in Munich – from Aerospace. to BMW, Audi, Siemens, Bosh, Infineon etc. In 2010 I made a huge effort to involve the dark ones here from the Orion monetary system to develop some new technological projects with me regarding free energy motors and new forms of finance, but then I failed totally as the resistance of the dark forces was very strong. I fought for several months, but notwithstanding my defeat, I pushed the boundary of light a little bit further.

I cannot stop thinking that this area will play a vital role in the future introduction of new technologies somehow and that I will be involved in their implementation as an Ascended master very soon. As all my visions have always materialized at some point in time, I have absolutely no reason to doubt their feasibility.

This is my contribution to this discussion.

In love and light
November 15, 2011

Hello George,

just like everyone else (or so it seems), I’m still here. And like you, I’ve been more than just a bit upset with Heaven. I’ve chewed out my higher self and told it that it’s high time it gave back. I recently was watching some videos to do with the Cabala where it was said that a creator was to create a creature and fill it with delight. I let my I AM know that this was not a delightful experience. I’ve done the work. I did everything necessary to connect to my higher self, including doing whatever it took using divination tools in the most tedious ways to maintain communication over the last couple years while in the most intense part of the LBP and planetary service work. The very thing that was supposed to help solidify my divine connection – the LBP – has also been the very thing that had kept me from being able to hear from my higher self and God.  And yet, I did what I had to do. It’s not been easy.

I was looking forward to my ascension and yet, even though what it would bring to me personally was certainly something to look forward to, the part that stuck out in my mind and heart the most was being able to help those left behind in a more profound way.  I had visions of taking up residence in 5D and having all the knowingness, energy and power that came with that and the position of prosperity and abundance to work from to further assist here.

Right now, I have no money. Jobs are not readily available and due to the LBP I’ve not had enough energy to be taking on work anyway and the work of a job is nothing compared to the b.s. politics of a job. So, without money and the physical energy to do anything, I’m a bit hamstrung at helping anyone. Sure I can and have channeled energy to and fro, but that only seems to go so far.  And yeah, I could get online and preach to the choir of light workers, some of which could stand some more help, but at least they know to seek it.  I’m not overly concerned about light workers. And like you’ve said George, light workers are still a very small part of the population. It’s the people who don’t even know to look for anything different that we need to reach and how can I reach any of them when I have no money or energy to even get out amongst them to spread my light?

Was it that Celia Fenn article that talked about giving more? I’ve given all I have to give. I’ve literally nothing left. I have someone helping me with my bare necessities and accepting their help is no challenge, I’ve never had issue with that, but not being able to give to others has actually gotten me to the point of just being ticked off now. I can’t even bless people with my company and lend an ear so they can tell their story, which people always appreciated about me.

I have demanded that my higher self GIVE BACK and I will continue to make that demand until something changes significantly and at this point, I’m thinking it’s going to have to be ascension.  Even if I had a large sum of money dropped in my lap, I’m just completely burnt out now and don’t know how much love and patience I would have to show when it’s everything I can do to just move sometimes.

Why can’t we show the masses something different? The global cabal has been allowed to slather people in endless propaganda, which basically only gives them one choice.  A choice of one is not a choice. How can that be OK in a free-will realm?  Why can’t I ascend and come back and materialize and dematerialize right in front of someone, right in their living room?  Let them see something different. Let them have another choice. Give them information from beyond the veil. They still have their free-will and can deny their own experience of seeing and hearing me if they’d like, but why is this option not possible?

How are we expected to awaken 7 billion people if we aren’t allowed to show them what else can be? George, I think you’d said that your h.s. was concerned about not raising fear levels. Why would our own ascension and then reappearance need to be considered fearful? Why would boosting the world to 4D be considered fearful? Goodness sakes, has fear even overtaken the Divine? Excuse my language, but… wff?

Again, I am demanding something more from my higher self. “I AM it’s time you gave back!” I suggest everyone else do the same. I’m certainly willing to help more, but it’s difficult to do when hamstrung. How’s about the Divine? Our higher selves need to step up here. And what about the ETs?  What’s with this b.s. of them wanting to help Earth who has helped all of them and yet it sounds like various galaxies and star systems would be rather reluctant to take in any earth souls who didn’t ascend.  What’s up with that? You ETs want to help Gaia? Then take in her strays for goodness sakes. Any 3D world anywhere ought to be able to provide a more supportive environment for their growth and healing than this place that was hi-jacked by control-freak lizards and turned into a hell hole.

And I have a question to put out to anyone who would care to consult the unseens themselves on this – is there any reason to think that this level of ascension, which includes taking our bodies with, cannot be done? My h.s. says it has already happened and it went well. So, let’s do this already and in so doing, be able to actually demonstrate that to others. The Divine is making us sound like we’re all talk and there are many people here who lack the vision and seemingly have to be shown, so for Christ’s sake Divine, let us demonstrate this already!

Dear Brewster,

you have spoken from the bottom of my bleeding heart and I have nothing to add to it. You are absolutely right.

Let me please make one small additional explanation as to why I think that the Full Ascension was cancelled and only the light version performed at 11.11.11. Because the full version would have needed the complete magnetic and physical pole shift and the removal of the moon, which would have caused much material destruction and millions of deaths the world over as I have written in my articles.

Now Heaven decided to postpone these events for a later date, but they will come inevitably. By then the 11.11.11 energies that now flood earth will have entered the chakras of the mass population and will prevent a greater surge of collective fear, which is negative energy and detrimental to the process of ascension.

The End Times of Earth are not a masterpiece and everything has been postponed to the last possible moment and even beyond that. I am somewhat content that we have come that far, as even the annihilation of this planet was on the table as a possible alternative, and only averted in the very last minute.

If anything has ever happened on this planet and will happen in the future, it is due to our personal achievement – the members of the PAT and the future ascended masters.

In love and light
November 15, 2011


Don’t know whether you’ve seen this or not

This is going around the Internet here in the US, if not other countries. Thought you might find this interesting. Hopefully it will wake some folks up.Love and Blessings,


Thank you Vicki, I already watched it. George

Okay, good, what did you think about it? I just feel like I’m fighting a losing battle here in my lonely pocket of the world getting people to wake up to what’s really going on. Damn it! I feel like I’d be so much more useful if ascension would have gone through as we hoped!  I’m trying to be patient in that SOMETHING will get the ball rolling! I’m sorry, I know that you’re probably pretty busy, just wanted to let you know I’m still with you.

Dear Vicki,

you are absolutely right that as an ascended master you will be of infinitely greater help to humanity than now and that mankind desperately needs this kind of heavenly demonstrations. And I bet, it will happen soon. If this is your perception of your mission on this planet in the End Time, it will be so, as you create your destiny now. If you start to behave as an Ascended Master in this very moment, no power will keep you any longer in your carbon-based body. This is also my motto in these days.

Now there is one important consideration that you should bear in mind: Are we now more effective for All-That-Is as ascended masters or as such still in physical vessel? Obviously the second alternative seems to be the more effective for the awakening of mankind at present, as we are the most important conduits of the powerful 11.11.11 energies, which we now personally anchor here on earth and among all human beings.

We are huge amplifiers of these energies, just as we were supposed to be during the actual Ascension process at the opening of the stargate 11.11.11. As long we are of greater use for the higher realms here on earth, they will keep us on the ground. As soon as our energetic impact is depleted, we will ascend individually, as there will be no need from the point of view of the Universal Law of Optimization to keep us any longer on earth.

In this case some of us will shift to the 5th dimension of the New Earth blueprint and will help humanity from there as pure energy and intuitive teachers, while others will return here on earth and will help humanity transform this debased society. This is the general line of development for the next days and weeks. I am confident that we will soon see tangible results.

I cannot tell you now when these events will begin to unfold, but when I gauge my energy level, which augments by the minute, I am surprised why the crash has not happened yet and how my higher self still keeps me in this limited biological vessel that is about to burst. It can’t be very long, before we begin to “pop up like pop corns” after sufficient heating (I like this image)  and jump straight into heaven.

In love and light
November 15, 2011

Thank you George for your continued show of transparency in all aspects. I feel so truly blessed to be on this journey with you and to read and feel the authenticity of all the human emotions you are moving through.

I had felt intuitively that we may be in for the unexpected, so I maintained an openness to all possibilities.  I trust we are exactly where we need to be, and your continued efforts are a huge part of this re-membering that is happening. In truth I have more faith in you now than I had before this shift in plan.
Your warrior spirit inspires me,
Much love and light!!

November 15, 2011

Dear Georgi,

Thank you very much for your deep and detailed explanation of your perception of current situation. Your honesty and personal input is so valued and necessary now.
I have to say that on 11.11.11. my first initial feeling was: “Ahhh…we have failed!!! “. In the morning I was physically feeling sick and by afternoon I knew that it is not going to happen. Also I did feel disappointed because I realized that I have to “continue on” with my life on Earth for much longer now although I was so convinced that the plan will work that I put my 3D life on hold… literary: I had no plans made for anything after 11.11.11 and then the realization hit me that I have to go back to my routine – it was not a pleasant moment.

Now, couple days later, I can say that I am fine. I feel much lighter (feel like I have lost 5 kg overnight) and cannot stay much upset anymore. Although I am quite frustrated with the slow progress and the poor “state” of the masses, but that is also part of my personality talking.  In my mind If we would succeed fully this could have been the greatest wake up call for many and would make this mission much easier. Now we have to deal with many”rolling eyes”, “I told you so!” and “you are delusional!”  comments.
 ( Wondering how your family is reacting now? Are you allowed to mention ascension and 5D? or not anymore?…lol ).

I guess the Heavens KNOW what they are doing because sometimes I get the feeling that we are running out of time and it is now or never.

with love,

I am still wondering what happened with Ben… His sudden disappearance seams out of his character and “normal” behavior therefore I hope that he has ascended. Knowing would give me (and many others) much needed confirmation and peace of mind. Is there any way that you would be able to confirm or maybe Callista can help with remote viewing? Any advice?

Dear Sanita,

To begin with Ben. I also wanted to ask you if there is any possibility to check what has happened to him. My take is that he did really ascend as his last letter to me was really exalted, but as long as we do not have any 100% confirmation here on the ground that he is no longer on this planet, I would not rush into final conclusions.My family is quite generous to me and allowed me some exemptions as to explain to them why I have not ascended. But the hard times lie ahead. I hope not for too long.

I fully agree with you that the time is running out and nothing substantial has happened so far on the ground. It is delay upon delay, upon delay, which only shows how entrenched the dark ones were on this planet and how firm they held humanity in their grip.

Now with the new energies I  hope that the change will come quickly. I would recommend you to continue live in the higher dimension, especially now when the possibilities of immediate realization are much greater and more powerful and to try not to pay attention to the old crumbling 3d-reality and you will begin to experience the new reality which we now weave together.

I live according to this principle for the last 12-15 years and it works fabulously. You just leave the daily management of your life to your soul and have faith that she will take care of it, and she will. Concentrate on all the pleasant things you want to experience or do and do them contrary to any common logic. You will be surprised how well this method works.

In love and light
November 16, 2011

Dear Georgie,
Here are some news who might interest you.
Have a Great Day
For Truth
  • Gerald Celente last interview

Dear Raphael,

Thank you very much for this information. Excellent! First I watch in the last years predominately RT (Russian Television) as it is the best channel and especially Max Kaiser on financial fraud twice a week.Second, I was in contact with Celente and predicted to him what will soon happen, but he did not believe me.He has the reputation to be best independent forecaster worldwide with his institute “Trend Research” and has made such a simple mistake to invest money on gold futures and not on physical gold. This is “Anfänger”-mistake. (Beginner’s mistake).I must really laugh about him losing 150 000 $ on MF as I warned him what will come. This is just the beginning and you have saved my day today with this good news. I have now my “Inneren Reichsparteitag”  or “Innere Genugtuung”. I know you can understand German. (Equivalent to “full moral compensation”). Celente’s soul has knocked him down. Most of us have this kind of experience behind us long time ago.

Find two of my emails to Celente below.

In love and light
September 13, 2011

Mr. Celente,

Prospective information on how and when conventional forecasts will come to an end.

Dr. Georgi Stankov

ELENIN UPDATE: Comet Elenin is a Mother-Ship of the Galactic Federation; It will Trigger the Visible Split of Earth in Ascended Earth (A) and Catastrophic Earth (B) in October 2011 
By Dr. Georgi Stankov

September 29, 2010

Dear Mr. Celente,

I highly appreciate your response and the valuable information, you sent me. I read it very carefully. As I already pointed out, your analysis of the economy and politics in the USA and worldwide almost fully complies with my subjective assessment. The predictions you are making are within the range of the astral-energetic probabilities that exist for the coming period of 1-2 years for the earth.

It has been very far-sighted from you to define this broad range of alternatives by the two most likely scenarios: “great war” versus “great awakening”. Mankind does evolve between these two possibilities. I tip for the “great awakening”. However, this great awakening will not come from current religions and their morale, which are the cause for most wars in the past and at present, but through the elimination of all religions and their substitution with a new spiritual weltanschauung that will be very soon embraced by the whole mankind. This new spirituality will be an amalgamation of science and true gnostic knowledge, that has not been known to humans, with the notable exception of Plotin and the Neoplatonists, however at a more pristine level.

It is not a coincidence that you are already beginning to anticipate this outcome in your article “watch your language”, however, not to the full extent. Although the problem is extremely broad and complex – a have written 7 books to partially tackle it – I will try to summaritze it in a couple of words. Every crime or failure in this world has commenced as a semantic confusion. All wrong concepts in science and religions, not to mention everyday thinking, are based on such linguistic inconsistencies, especially war-mongering propaganda.

Language is the only form of communication between human beings – at least for the time being. This will change in the future, as human race is currently undergoing a rapid transformation as a biological species that is not perceived either by scientists or by the vast majority of the people.

At present, there are only two grand categorical systems of knowledge, to depart from Aristoteles’ theory of categories – science and religion. Common thinking, including political thinking, is an amalgamation of both. What will happen, if mankind comes very soon to the conclusion that both science and religion are based upon fundamentally wrong concepts? This will be the greatest spiritual revolution this planet has ever experienced. You call it “The great awakening”.

This is what will happen very soon, most probably beginning October next year. It will essentially involve a restructuring of all scientific and religious categorical systems under – one principle, one law. The ancient Greek philosophers called it “the Logos”. beginning with Heraclitus. This restructuring of human language and subsequently of  human thinking is called “axiomatics”. This term practically does not exist in English, as a word and as a concept – but is rather common in continental Europe.

In this context, I would like to make you aware of the “fundamental crisis of mathematics” which was established at the beginning of the 20th century, predominantly in Germany (Hilbert), beginning with B. Russell’s antinomies in Principia mathematica.  This crisis was acknowledged to its full extent after Goedel’s proof in 1931. Since then the very existence and validity of mathematics is at stake.

As all natural sciences such as physics, but also economics, are based on mathematics, this is a fundamental evidence that present-day empiric science is based on wrong ideas. This theoretical finding, which is not considered by all scientists and theoreticians nowadays, shows that science should be rewritten in a completely new way. That’s where most of the evils come from, as you correctly point out by criticizing all the crooks from Harvard, Yale’s and the like.

This change of paradigms will be roughly completed by the end of 2012, as many end-time prophets and followers of the Mayan calender preach, however without comprehending the underlying theoretical processes.

During this span of about two years all current constructs of humanity such as the national state, health care, most of the economic branches, beginning with the pharmaceutical industry and the industrial-military complex, religions, empiric explorative science like CERN (nuclear colliders) will crash and disappear from this earth. And first and foremost – the financial system.

The revolution, you are talking about, will not be restricted to the USA, but will encompass the whole world. There may be some local wars, but most of them will soon fade away.At the beginning of 2013, mankind will experience a new earth. This means that society should be reshaped in a completely new way. Although I have a precise idea of how it will happen, I will stop short of it.

People are too much obsessed with what will happen in the outer world and pay little attention to the necessary changes that ought to occur firstly in their conscience – Kant speaks of the “reine Vernunft” in his “Critics of pure conscience”. Since our material world evolves from our ideas – be they abstract or trivial – humans should first rearrange their psyche and their pure thinking – both are intrinsically entwined in a profound energetic way – before they change the world for the better. This is what will happen in the next two years – in one of my books I call it the “the Evolution Leap of Mankind”.

One last comment:

Mankind does not need 20% of the population to think in a different, more evolutionary way to change for the better as you say, but less than 1%, provided this portion of the population is constituted of truly evolved personalities as people like you.

With my best regards
Georgi Stankov
November 16, 2011

Discussion on 11.11.11 and its impact:

Dear George,

Yes but I don’t think that it’s not what was suppose to happen. I feel it IS what should have happened. Look, I can go through the gate in meditation. I can see those entities working there and building that dimension. I can see others (called positive ETs) there who are working on it.

I just don’t know why lots of light workers were disappointed about 11/11 as something didn’t happen. It happened in the way it was designed/expected. What did you expect? Ka-bumm, going through gates to other dimensions, continuous acid-like trip from now on? What do you think should have happened on 11/11? I am really curious!

I don’t know if you know more about the situation, more than you tell us. The only thing I hope that you won’t become Steve Beckow who says he’s just a blogger while filtering all the information and not taking responsibility for the damage he does with his predictions.


Dear Peter,

If your expectations are met by the event 11.11.11, then your interpretation of it is absolute legitimate. However, please consider that other incarnated human beings have different soul contracts and plans and many of the members of the PAT have already prolonged their soul contracts to help humanity several times in the past 3 years, just as I did, and that they are conscious about this deplorable fact. They hoped that at 11.11.11 they will finally leave this toxic planet and they had to stay one more time and sacrifice themselves for this humanity which still does not want to awaken.

You are falling into the most common trap of human psychology, namely to extrapolate from your personal subjective experience and to generalize it as valid for all other people. This most common human attitude is what makes this planet such a mess.

Be happy that you see this event so positively and accept that other people are disappointed and have the right be so.

In love and light
November 16, 2011

Dear George,

Yes, I know you understand (even though you’ve not heard all my details either) and I am well aware there are many others who understand also and others who are worse off and my venting is as much for all of them as it is for myself.

The biggest part that bugs me is that I really do feel rather hamstrung at this point. Mostly just right now. After 2010 I was burnt out from my own inner work and got a break from it early this year then it was grueling to get back into planetary service and yet I at least felt useful.  My restlessness right now I think is a major indicator that something now needs to shift and will. I’m chomping at the bit because I feel there’s just not much more I can do from this same position.

I am also actually grateful to those who are perhaps less enlightened and yet are supporting our material needs and even holding together the infrastructure and can, since they fit into the old ways more readily than we do.  We all have our place in this. I also know we have been taken care of throughout and know that this situation has actually been very supportive of this ascension process.

And there are plenty of people who are worse off and have no clue about what is really going on now. It’s challenging enough to know the significance of these times and to know there is some end to it all even if we don’t know exactly when. Every person on this planet now is a brave soul.

I got the message today that people were afraid of change, but will now start reaching out and opening up to each other more and letting their wounds show, which will set them towards healing. They’ll be ready to face some real change.
My higher self and I had some extended discussion earlier.  I think we kissed and made up.  lol
Thank you George for being someone who understands and has allowed me to express about this. That helps with the release and, like so many others, I don’t have anyone in my immediate vicinity to talk to about such.  Don’t mind me, I just needed to get it out.
I also got it out plenty to my higher self who had to admit it doesn’t really feel our experience like we do. It can observe and will listen to feedback, but no, it really is not completely sharing my experience, so my feedback is quite welcomed for its decision making.
I know the ETs weren’t used to understand the situation here well and are now catching on better. They’ve had to make contact and send in their own for incarnation to get feedback about what it’s really like here.

And yes, you are right, postponement is not cancellation.  Thanks again George.

Dear Brewster,

I like your response very much  now – it is much more optimistic and, by the way,  that is why we are here – to discuss all issues without any personal censorship.

What most light workers do not grasp is that emotions can achieve a lot when they are strong enough and the intensity is focused. You can even use wrath or other “negative” feelings and achieve great positive results in your life, especially when it is not personal and does not affect other people. I personally would advise you to stick to your emotional outbursts, as I also do, contrary to what the “un”enlightened light workers and New Agers repeat like parrots from the position of their ill-guided “esoteric correctness”.

Dear George,

LOL.  Yes, I’m totally with you.  Expression is very important. I definitely have no problem laying into God or my higher self over things. I know that they are ultimately responsible and are tough enough to take it.

On the more “personal” side though too, I have both expressed anger and also feigned it to get some kind of response out of people. Sometimes that’s what works, even at times when I’m not aiming to move anyone, but just need to get it out for my sake.
In the past when others had hit my triggers, I had to make sure though that they know my subsequent vent is really not about them. When I said I felt  something it’s my feelings and not necessarily condemning them or their actions (at least not in all cases) and if I need to set boundaries I’ll make sure they do know the difference and that should be taken seriously.  I’m usually pretty good with prefacing things so that I can express without passing the crud along.

It’s been said that outrage anger is still expressing love. What’s that old line, “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.” There’s certainly much to be outraged about in this world. Also, my vents truly do end in release and not just refueling.

Thanks for letting my arrows fly right by you.  None were meant for you.

Love and light.
Dear Brewster,

It is as simple as that: Emotions are the only repertoire of the soul to express itself in the 3d-reality. Therefore, one should express all his emotions with their maximal intensity, just as an expressionistic painter who uses intensive colours to depict emotions upon the landscape. The only rule that one should observe is that these emotions are not too personal and not attached to vindictive thoughts.

As long as you use your emotions only for your own protection, to mark the boundaries of your personal integrity and the zone of non-violation, you can use them without any limitations.

Openness and honesty in the emotional expression is a rare virtue on this planet as it is ruthlessly suppressed by the current restrictive society, which is dominated by the majority of young souls that are still not able to express their emotions in a free manner due to their fear based blockages in their emotional and mental bodies. Many people do not know how to cope with emotions and most of the time react negatively out of fear to an open honest outburst of emotions.

They feel most of the time powerless and helpless in front of such an emotional wave that hits them very hard and break through their fear barriers. I have a huge experience with this phenomenon as I experiment with it for many years.

But even in such cases when the people recoil, you always reach their soul and she gives her entity the right signal so that he ultimately always knows how to interpret the emotional signal or warning on your part.

I personally experiment with emotions in a very flexible and creative manner to achieve certain results and I always detach myself  fully from the immediate reactions of my counterpart. You must do so, otherwise you are caught in the drama. Humour is the best defence in such a situation.

On the long run you either achieve your goal, respectively effect or you test the person and know that he is no good. If you do not check him emotionally at the beginning, you may waste much more time with human trash and then the situation may not be so easy to repair.

Emotions is a huge topic and humanity is just on the brink of learning how to deal with them. In the 5th dimension, which will be much more emotionally tainted, most ascended entities in the lower second level of the 5th dimension will have to learn step by step how to work with their very intensive emotions in a novel energetic state, where it will not be possible to hide your feelings and pretend false emotions, as we will all be fully transparent and clairsentient.

I am stopping here now, but this topic will emerge big in the coming months.

November 16, 2011


This is truly beautiful.

“Why is it so dangerous to seek access to the spiritual world if you have not first purified yourself? Because in that world it is no longer a matter of intellectual knowledge: you are approaching the domain of Initiatic Science, which affects the whole human being , their most intimate drives, their soul and spirit.

To work with the soul and spirit is to work with the two creative principles and therefore to come into contact with the most powerful entities and currents in the universe. And if the way is not free within us, if these currents meet impurities, they burn everything in their path. It is a terrible fire, which can produce the worst upheavals in the psychic organism and even in the physical body: unbridled sensuality, mental imbalance as well as physiological problems in the heart and brain. Those who wish to contact the regions of the soul and spirit, the regions of divine light and love, must be inspired by the highest ideal, by the sole desire to improve themselves and serve the will of God.” Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Dear Olinda,

Aivanhov was a pupil of Peter Danov who founded the White Brotherhood in Bulgaria between the two World Wars with great success and was a predecessor soul of mine, before I was incarnated in Bulgaria. He died as far as remember at the end of the war in 1945 and I came several years later on earth. Aivanhov then moved to France at Cote d’Azure where he established his school of thought.

There was a third predecessor-soul that paved the way for my appearance – another Bulgarian and a great scientist who lived in the 19th century and spent his last years of life in Paris. But he studied medicine in Heidelberg and Munich as myself. His name was Peter Beron and he is a national hero of Bulgaria. We three belong to the White Brotherhood and prepared the ground for the current End Times in Europe. This is my personal gnostic knowledge on this issue.

November 16, 2011

Dear George,

So it appears that 11 11 11 was not what we had hoped for. I once sent you a dream which I now remembered once again while pondering the recent events or the lack of such.

“I had a dream about a huge field of grass and people rushing towards it to make it on time. I knew them, they were all friends. We were unsure if it will work. We walk through the grass field and nothing happens. Then suddenly I cross an invisible line and the air around me starts to vibrate and the more I go forwards it gets more intense. A low  hum can be heard. We were all happy that we found that something is happening and the event actually is taking place. It appears we were about to use some kind of an oil to… prepare ourselves to walk through it better. : ] It was a huge area of vibrating energy with a faint light in its far away centre. For some reason the event did not finalise and we all dispersed. ”

Maybe it meant just that.

Regardless. The reason I write is to ask you about a part of the explanation you gave as to why the things did not go the way they were supposed to. I would be lying if I said I do not hold any disappointment over the postponement of the events. Or even anger for that matter.

What I am having trouble understanding is how can one blame/be angry at the Heavens for what has transpired? I do not pretend to understand the workings of the higher planes. Isn’t the divine plan divine, and by that nature unmistakable, so to speak? I am having trouble here putting my thoughts into words..

The souls of humans were not evolved enough as I understand it. They were supposed to be helped to evolve from up high. But as they did not “make it in time” the heavens were forced to postpone things.

How is it that they did not know up there that the “light quotient” would be too low until the last moment. One hears left and right how we are doing better than expected here on earth, raising the consciousness, and then the expectations go entirely the other way. ( I understand channelings mostly can’t be trusted) And it just so happens that such a turn of events inconveniences the whole process in a profound way, on a certain level laying waste to the credibility and hopes of many.

I understand that time is illusion and thing happen in the NOW, on different frequencies. Some are so probable also that it can be said they already happened or will for sure happen. Correct me if I am wrong. You once said PAT’s mission, 111111 had already happened and it had been a success also. ( It partly was )

I’ll just be repeating myself and poking at different aspects of the situation all going towards the same thing if i write more..

And the thing is How can the Heavens “screw up” things.. is that even possible? conceivable? it sounds so earthly and 3d? It exasperates me to hear such a thing? And the possibility of us being able to be “angry” at them for doing a ..shitty job? ^^ or something. Should the divine plan not be perfect and wise and fail-proof? A little less silly as it presents itself now? : ] Weren’t there supposed to be no failures, just lessons and does that extend to this situation?

I guess it pretty much describes my utter confusion. It is not like I did not consider the possibility of 11 11 11 being what it was. On the contrary, it looks exactly like an earthling would imagine it to be.. a compromise of sorts, sum of all mean reservations, trepidations, anxieties and doubts resulting in an impossibility of a drastic change. It feels like it almost is unseemly for things to be “too good’, they almost never are “too good”, there always have to be compromises and consequences of actions. All needs to go slowly, break all predictions, dates and opportunities to do something good in the end mostly accidentally after great pains, hard work and many sorrows. A planet of sorrows. Hopefully a temporary name.

It seems as if one could try to manifest a better future but always at one point one will hit a wall – the average outcome. I write all this in a relative state of detachment. I need to put my thoughts and feelings in order. Id appreciate any input.

Love & Light


Dear Peter,

I can fully understand your mood and you raise a number of very important and complex questions,which I can only partially answer as they go beyond my human comprehension.

Full Ascension as we planned it did really happen in many parallel realities for earth, but it did not materialize in our timeline yet. It will soon. We live only one timeline, but there are infinite timelines in the omni-earth as a multidimensional model and they are closely interlinked and interdependent.

Second, we were coached by the higher realms to give our utmost effort and achieve the best result. We did it on our part, and from a higher vantage point of view we accomplished a fabulous job. And we practically ascended in terms of our vibrations and expansion of our energy fields. But we have not yet transformed our carbon-based bodies into crystalline ones and have not disappeared from this reality because we are still needed here. Read also my report of today. But this will happen soon.

Third, the optimal solution was that we all ascend and everybody worked towards this goal, just as when you are an athlete at the Olympics and a candidate for gold you do everything in the preparation in the firm conviction that you will win gold. After the race you have won only bronze because somehow you could not reach your top form in the very last seconds. Who could have known in advance that you are only as good as bronze and not gold? Until the last moment you have fought for gold, but in the very last meters prior to the finish you were beaten by two other competitors.

Things change in All -That-Is so rapidly that we cannot even imagine it and to the very last moment there is always a hope that one can achieve the best alternative. But one must be also very flexible and be ready for another alternative solution.

I did had a foreboding around November 2-3 that something has changed in the plan, but even if I had told you and had no facts, what would  have I achieved? – only a demoralization before the event has commenced. Thus I would have deliberately jeopardized/ sabotaged my own and your work. Therefore, I waited first to see what will happens.

In fact I wanted to know from the Arcturians a week earlier if there was a change in the plan and Sue went underground and declined to give me any information. Since then I knew that something  has changed in the original plan and the optimal solution is in danger.

These are quite normal phenomena and if you look around yourself, you will find infinite examples when plans and schedules are discarded in the very last moment and new are made. Why not in the higher realms?  But we are moving very fast in the right direction and that is what counts now.

In love and light
November 16, 2011

Subject: concern regarding friend

Dear Callista,

I wanted to share my concerns with you regarding the disappearance ( possible ascension ) of our friend Ben from Minnesota. You probably have been in contact with him before or know him for his great posts on Georgi’s web page.

He wrote me after reading my posts/questions regarding portals and we have been writing to each other since. He became a friend.
We have been doing daily meditations with Ben and Kristina every night and sharing our experiences after. During the day we would exchange several emails and sometimes phone calls.

He had a interesting experience with opening portal in the middle of the city and after seeing the Arcturian ship and meeting with several Arcturians ( he shared that with me that evening). He was on the “cloud nice”…Happy and excited…

Ben emailed his photos and info to Georgi who posted them on the web page next day. That was a last time anyone has heard from him. He had no plans to go anywhere and he said he will talk to me in the morning…and it has been almost 2 weeks. I tried his phone…no answer… He has not been on his Face book page… I have no other ways to reaching out. I discussed Ben’s disappearance with Georgi several time. This is what Georgi wrote this morning:

“To begin with Ben. I also wanted to ask you if there is any possibility to check what has happened to him. My take is that he did really ascend as his last letter to me was really exalted, but as long as we do not have any 100% confirmation here on the ground that he is no longer on this planet, I would not rush into final conclusions.”

I wish I would be able to contact his family members (he had issues with them regarding his views and believes) or authorities for missing person reports. I personally do believe that he has ascended or went with Arcturians to the ship he described in his letter. The night he disappeared I did see 3 Arcturians standing behind him in my meditation and I asked him later who are they? He told me that he met them earlier that day.

Knowing what happened to him would give me peace of mind. Is there any way that you would be able to remote view his location or whereabouts?

with love,
here us attached his last email he send to me and Georgi:

Dear George,

I had a mind-blowing experience today, and wanted to give you the confirmation: I was visited by Arcturians who witnessed me opening a portal in a public place in my city. They asked me to hold the portal open while they passed over in a massive ship. This was not a 3-dimensional spaceship with blinking lights and gleaming metal… it was a multi-dimensional “craft” that only barely began manifesting in the most subtle vibrations of 3d.

In the meantime, here’s a photograph of the craft as visible in this dimension. I have many more photos as well. I have adjusted lighting levels in the photograph to emphasize the energetic/vibratory nature of the manifestation, thus the distortion in color. The photograph has not been doctored in any other way.

P.S. The portion of the craft seen in the photos is an observation level that extends below the massive ship, and is the first portion to penetrate our 3d world and materialize. My sense of the overall size of the craft was that it was several miles in each direction, though I could be wrong, as it didn’t fully materialize.

In love and light, and with the blessings of the Arcturians,
Dear Sanita,

Thank you for your interesting email. My first thought about Ben is that he has ascended. Many people ascend at various times and ascension is not confined to one event or time, as I am sure you realise. My mentor and teacher Alton Kamadon knew he was going to ascend and had arranged with his family for a replacement for himself so his wife and children would be cared for after he had gone. He also told us while in a meeting about 12 months before that he would soon be leaving. He went but I think he left his body behind. He went while having an afternoon nap I think it was in 2004 – there is more info on him at this link

If you read this message there is also some information about Ascension which is very encouraging.

But back to Ben – I cannot RV people – I can RV portals (and I didn’t even know I could do this until I realised I could see mine just 2 months ago). I could see Ben’s portal and surrounds when he asked me to RV it some weeks ago. Unfortunately I cleared all my emails on the eve of 11.11.11 and cannot find any details but I think he had a very ornate portal with structures similar to the Eiffel Tower which indicated to me that he was interested in architecture.

I am still integrating the huge energy influx from 11.11.11 and I am not confident in my ability to RV anything at the moment. The only thing I can suggest is to wait and see – not very helpful, but many go missing without a trace and I think many times this is ascension. I agree with George in that we cannot assume until there is proof but I don’t know how this will happen. Ben obviously had a very close connection with the Arcturians and they may have taken him back to be with them. If that is the case, he will be very happy and I am glad for him (just a touch of envy there!)

I know my answer has not been of much help, but as I said I cannot RV people (I think I would be in high demand if I could!).


November 16, 2011

Dear George,

Thank you for your kind response. I was encouraged in writing with optimism and it turned out well.  I sincerely hope to be of service to those who need support in an enlightened way. Eventually, that’s why I am still here, as many are.

Thanks again. Have a nice eve,
Love and light to you, dear brother,

Dear Bernd,

we are here, but not to help other humans directly in the usual social manner, but to be conduits of these powerful 11.11.11. energies that emanate from our bodies and fields and enter the chakras of the broad population and thus open them and prepare them for their Awakening. As soon as this energetic effect recedes, we are no longer needed here on earth in biological vessels and we will ascend. I feel it very strongly.

Afterwards we may appear here as ascended masters in light bodies and do whatever is necessary to help humanity from a higher vantage point of view. We have now only one function – to relay this powerful energy and to transmute as much dark negative energies as possible on behalf of the sleeping humanity. After that we are gone. It is as simple as that.

In love and light
November 16, 2011

Dear George

Firstly I re-confirm to you my full and complete sense of love and gratitude for your immense hard work and commitment to the PAT and this website (and to your website helper). With so much emotional input sent to you in build up and questions posed on ascension it must have been extremely difficult to answer everyone’s needs. Sometimes I felt the build up was almost as to  fever pitch state, the anticipation was to be expected.

I became far more quieter, almost disconcerted towards the near date, I remained in contact with my higher self daily and as regular  intunement as was possible. I decided to do this only so as not to cloud my judgement with anyone else’s.

When I look back to sending my emails to you, my purpose of being a PAT member has unfolded as was always meant to be, which I do believe applies to the many. The process unfolded as a beautiful flower, from a bud to opening, to fully blown petals, which then had their natural time of great colour, perfume and abundance to then, wither and die in a short expanse of time.

For me in that flowering to dying process I have become the being I was incarnated here to be in the moment of now, living consciously in multi-dimensions,  there is no confusion for me as to what happened, it makes pure and perfect sense. That was why I saw my human experience end, to be replaced with the new wiser version of ME. I have been humbled and greatly supported in the higher realms for my efforts to the PAT’s role in ascension, but although I did not doubt what we had achieved, I knew personal ascension was not in my contract at this time. There was an alteration in the plan. But not because we failed, more because we had done so much, there was more service to come from us.Myself, I do not mind this was always my point.

Post 11.11.11 visions include:

Gaia is held firmly in our grid light energy and at the 11.11.11 stargate it was the beginning of the New Earth’s energy pulse which is of the highest frequency possible to now enable the final push to mass awakening. There could be no exit for the PAT as we are the holders of this mass energy, we are the prepared ones – every pulse is a mass energy wave around Her.

I was given the name of Arunathus on 12.11.11 – this was broken down to Aruna – thus I take this to mean what we as the PAT have achieved.

This morning I had a vision/dream in sleep state, where I was taken to meet a Mehta. It was a figure so familiar to me. I was shown how the energy pulse since 11.11.11 will enable the PAT to conduct the pulse where ever we go or touch. As we go about our remaining lives in this incarnation we cause Aruna Mehta. The enlightening of all beings of Gaia. This was so vivid an experience – it has made me understand so much more as to the purpose and fulfillment of 11.11.11 and the PAT.

I am not familiar with these terms or their meanings as a human, but this was addressed to me as a Light Being and that I understand very well. I have become less and less able to communicate in human terms – so typing this is exhausting. But I KNOW my Aruna Mehtas and that’s good enough for me.

George, I hope you find this email of use to the ultimate cause, nothing has changed for me, the way the means shall take us is always interchangeable, however the ends will be the same.

Love, Light and energy pulses

Bernice Romain

Dear Bernice,

I am happy to hear from you again and as I expected it, you are always able to find the positive aspects of any event. I do agree with you fully on every point in your assessment of the current situation and that we are now needed as huge amplifiers of this new energy since 11.11.11 that will transform mankind, while we weave the fabric of the new 5d-reality here on earth each day.

But it is also rather exhausting to live in two incompatible realities at the same time and as far as I overview this experiment, this has not been done until now nowhere in the Universe in this intensity. It seems that with this almost inhuman effort we are catapulting us to the highest possible realms within this last incarnation as our lifetime achievement is without precedent throughout the whole galaxy. This is my inner perception of our current mission that becomes stronger and stronger each day. This is essentially the same thing that you also sense, just like many other members of the PAT. Therefore it must be true and correct.

In love and light
November 16, 2011

Dear Georgie,

thank you for replying my E-Mail. And thank you for letting us know about Light version of our Ascension.

Georgie, I had a dream one night. In the dream I was moving some furniture around the house. And It was daytime. Suddenly the room was flooded with the Blue Fluorescent light! And everything was glowing in blue light! I could see through the walls, furniture and everything. It was amazing. I didn’t have any fear at all!  “wow!’ I said. And suddenly I woke up.

And right now I am at peace. And I feel like the Divine plan is still ON. When I saw your web site the first time, I knew then I was on the right path. (And I still am.) And after the 11.11.11 pass through, I felt very alone. I am sure others felt it too. And then when I received  email from you, I was in my utmost joy that I cannot put in words. This was the growing process from my point of view that I had to learn to trust and have a faith in God and his Divine plan.

I will like to say to you that, please, continue doing what you love. You have brought us together and you have heard our stories of our lives. Many of us are believing and trustingyou. And we do love you dearly. You are A LIGHT BEING IN HUMAN FORM, whose mission is to remind us of our true awakening. So, please don’t give up!  Many blessing to you!


Dear Ayfer,

I am deeply moved by your very emotional letter and your appreciation of my work. We all went through a deep crisis of inner emptiness and depression during 11.11.11 as part of the readjustment of our inner keys, but now I can assure you that the energies that flood my body and heart chakra are so overwhelmingly harmonious and peacefully loving that I now do not care if I stay some more days on this planet as my feeling is for the first time so positive and all embracing. But my body is really bursting and I wonder how it can still harbor these powerful energies. Therefore, I believe that it will not be very long, before we will all ascend individually. I feel it very strongly.

In love and light
November 16, 2011

Hi Georgi!

I hope you are well and hopefully resting some. Thank you for connecting me with Jakub and Agata from Zakopane. We have meet quite a few times and they are both amazing. I’ve been feeling like shit physically for about 2 weeks, but I’m slowing feeling a bit better. There are still very strong high frequency sounds constantly in my head along with some extremely low vibrational rhythmic thumping… almost like Morse code.

I think we are all disappointed in some way or another, but rest assured, everyone is also hanging in there. I never see portals and such, but I was a little frustrated yesterday and asked the Heavens to show me something physical, anything… and I woke up to this view from my bedroom window. I have not left the curtains open one night since I’ve been in Zakopane, but for some reason they were open this morning, which is the only reason I saw this. If you look carefully its a full column of light and actually starts up in the clouds and then hits the ground, not just the Sun shooting up, this exact column lasted for more than 20 minutes unchanged, then disappeared.

My best always,


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