On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-21, November 2, 2011
Dear Members of the PAT and First Ascended Masters.
Since November 1, 2011 we have entered a new energetic era, where the manifestation of all individual and collective dreams is immediately possible. It may take some time at the beginning, before you begin to manifest your dreams in the new reality after Ascension, but it is now the time to start implementing this divine right of every incarnated soul in All-That-Is. At the level of your Higher Self you are creating your reality all the time with an incredible power and ingenious dexterity.
Therefore, I suggest that we combine our imaginative creative ideas in a short collective meditation at 11.11 a.m. or p.m. each day until Ascension at 11.11.11, depending on where you live. Everyone of us should imagine his/her most intimate thoughts and ideas with respect to his or her ideal way of life and prosperity on the New Earth, in the 5th dimension or during the short stay on this earth prior to mass ascension in December 2011.
When we all unite our imaginative powers, we will very effectively create a new reality not only for us, but also a new matrix of light for the whole humanity. After all, you are the wayshowers of mankind and you are the first architects of this new reality. If not you, who will be the first ones to start creating the New Age, about which we have been talking so much for the last 50 years?
By doing this, we will accelerate the process of change and will help mitigate the intensity of the inevitable huge catastrophes that are expected to take place after the opening of the stargate 11.11.11, the ascension of Gaia to the 4th and 5th dimensions, and in association with the shift of the magnetic and geographic poles, but also with the subsequent removal of the moon from earth’s orbit shortly thereafter.
These events will transform radically the face of this planet and destroy the major material and ideal structures of the Old World Order. The inevitable chaos that will follow these events can be significantly mitigated by your loving thoughts in the last 10 days prior to our Ascension.
Please, remember that you are already connected to the crystalline grid of Gaia and the Source of this universe in preparation for your Ascension. Every single loving thought from you has now the potential of the combined thoughts of more than 10 000 incarnated sleeping entities on this planet. At the time of opening of your portals at the stargate 11.11.11, the power of your thoughts will be amplified one-million times and this energy will be directed to the rest of the human population. One thousand members of the PAT will thus affect one billion human beings on earth and will trigger their spiritual opening in the “No-Time” at the stargate 11.11.11. But we can already begin now to gestalt with the combined amplified force of our thoughts the new blissful future of humanity. This is an experiment that cannot fail. Let us try it.
Georgi Stankov, November 1, 2011
November 01, 2011
Dear George,
This is another clear Vision of what will happen to PAT.
Dear Thomas,
This channeling is a very precise confirmation of what we are talking for the last two months or so. Thank you very much for this information.
November 01, 2011
Good morning dear George and Callista,
I am really a “silent” type and prefer to stay in the shade, but I couldn’t help but sharing this. As I was trying to understand this entity Satina, I looked her up on the Internet and found a few interesting things, such as this
http://dolphin.arvixe.com/~pwh2hav/esoteric/articleviewer.php?artid=1546 .
To me it has an unpleasant vibe about it. Thank you for your assistance and guidance.
Dear Julia,
Thank you for this important information. From this website, I went to another one, also run by Satina. How many websites does this entity have? I said that I see a whole CIA-team behind this name with a very sophisticated confusion programme and at least several writers that write under this name. Your information confirms my intuitive knowledge.
In love and light
Indeed she is all over the Internet. Talking about confusing …
“I’ve always dreamed of doing my own radio show.”
“My latest passionate calling is to begin a business offering sexual enhancement products and information through home parties.”
Best regards,
How could a single person run all these sites at the same time?
November 01, 2011
Hi Georgi,
Your latest posting on “Breaking Astral News” regarding Satina represents the first time since you opened your website that I have not resonated with your message. The language you used, such as Satan, CIA-operative, as well as the threat of the wrath of an ascended master… Well, I have to say that I just thought, “Seriously? Did this just turn into a joke?”
I had just started recommending your site to select people, but I imagine them reading this most recent post on Satina and being immediately turned off. What are we to think? Is there a rational explanation for the seemingly irrational? Was that even you who made that last post? It seemed off. I’m sorry to be writing this email, as I feel – like many – that I’ve established a trust and also an astral relationship with you.
With much anticipation,
Dear Douglas,
It is not my pleasure either to deal with this dark aspects of humanity, but please do not forget that we live on the most toxic planet in this galaxy and one has to combat darkness when it comes home and threatens your family members.
Read all the comments in the next days and then make your own conclusion. It is all right if you prefer to close your eyes for the dark side of life and indulge only in enlightened discussions, but on this planet you must eat what is being served. You do not go to a Chinese restaurant and order a French dish, do you?
In love and light
Thanks for the quick reply, Georgi,
Much appreciated. I am not one to close my eyes to the darker forces, including those within myself. The darkness always must be faced, and that, I understand, is as much a part of an enlightened discussion as is the light. I agree with you there. What I question especially, though, are your words regarding what came across as the dark side of an ascended master.
I look forward to the next posts, as I am sure you’ve received many such inquiries the last couple of days.
Peace, Douglas
Dear Douglas,
Have you considered the possibility that what you interpret as the “dark side of an ascended master” is simply the projections of your unquestioned fear based patterns that you should address in the near future. I have come across this accusation pattern on numerous occasions in the past when the people accused me of a huge ego, which was in fact the projection of their own ego which they feared to encounter. I thought we are already beyond this simplistic New Age interpretation on this website.
Your comments remind me of the entity Steve Beckow, who told me recently that an ascended master should not behave like me. He must know it, just as you must know what the dark side of an ascended master looks like. Especially when you have not ascended yet. You get the point, I hope, don’t you ?
In love and light
Dear Douglas,
I do not need to comment on the fact that you are just now evolving with giant steps and this is not my asset. It is you and the huge energies that carry you beyond any known human experience so far.
One has only to regard this illusory life with a great portion of heavenly humour and not attribute the words too much importance. It is the feeling they trigger that matters. If it feels good, the words are of less importance, if not it is not the words that are wrong, but the attitude with which they were uttered.
I think that the discussion on this website has not harmed anybody so far, but only served as a catalyst for further spiritual progress and personal examination. And this is its goal in the first place.
In love and light
November 1, 2011
Dear George
Below is an exchange which I had with Craig recently regarding channelling and the Galactic Federation.
Craig: I’d like to bring your attention to the changes to channeled messages and the like. I’m not sure if you mentioned this before; but have you noticed since the appearance of George and then the coming together of the PAT that the tone of channeled messages has changed tremendously.
I have an image in my mind of your work Callista, and the particular work the PAT is doing with portals, and if this having a scattered effect on the human psyche and its ability to connect with other parts of itself, and maybe initialising LBP which is allowing higher dimensional information to more readily permeate the middle self. With greater permeation and the effect of PAT upon the collective unconsciousness – we see these effects emerging into reality in the form of channeling and the sudden change in the tone of the messages and collective awareness. I think this particular work allows energy augmentation and provides the basis for transformation once certain thresholds have been met in energetic interchange.
Callista: I agree with you about the channelings – unfortunately for every good one there are a fistful of rather smelly ones, particularly coming from those who are aligned with the Galactic Federation of Light – very different from our own Galactic Federation. It is a measure of the integrity of those on our star ships that WE have to choose to go to them – through our portals. We actively and consciously move ourselves out of the 3D realm and into their’s. The other GF of Light is assuring everyone that they will be landing IN OUR 3D ENVIRONMENT and then all can come aboard. This is not consistent with true free will and it does not suggest that the boarders have to do anything of their own accord in order to board. To me this is inconsistent with Galactic Laws.
So, George, the question of off-planet aid is coming up in the minds of many and I am trying to clarify this situation for members of PAT. As a secondary issue, Greg Z. also mentioned this in an email to me today
Also, I wanted to make a comment on your vision of getting on a ship. I know many times George has said we won’t be going on ships and it’s a trick of the dark to make us think so. But you seem to be very intuitive and know how to protect yourself. Who knows if the vision was from your higher self or from an infiltrator to throw you off the path.
I have listened carefully to audios of Cosmic Awareness and it mentions the Galactic Federation, but it does not ever mention the Galactic Federation of Light. According to Cosmic Awareness, representatives of the Galactic Federation are on board Elenin (Blue Karchina) in order to prepare mankind for ascension before the Red Katchina (Nibiru/Orion Reptilian) arrives in our atmosphere to further enslave Humanity. According to Cosmic Awareness, the Galactic Federation is not permitted to land on this planet because the leaders of this planet are under the authority of the Orion/Reptilian Cabal. Indeed, as Cosmic Awareness states, the Cabal recently tried to destroy Elenin, but this ship is still on course and is cloaked to prevent further attacks. The Galactic Federation has as its mission, the caretaking and shepherding of Humanity in its various forms throughout the Universe/s.
Therefore it seems logical to me that I would have the notion that I outlined in a previous email and which you have published in Ascension Report-18, that we would HAVE to go off-planet in order to meet up with our Galactic brothers and sisters who will aid us to prepare for the next phase of our mission. This is, of course, the reason for our portals, which will take us through the lower astral realms with safety.
As always I welcome your thoughts on this.
Dear Callista,
I do not consider the mother ships of the GF as anything else, but interim levels or places before we enter the 5th level, where the souls dwell in an excarnated state. If you read my last letter to Craig about my duties as a soul guide in the dream state, it is this level where the souls come after death and where they are welcomed by soul guides and carefully guided to the their final destination.
Such interim places have always existed and this is not something exceptional in these days. The GF does help, but from the 5th and higher dimensions. But this has been always the case. However, in the current End Times the activities are augmented as the whole planet must also ascend. This is the only difference. Most of the stories are highly exaggerated altogether and depicted from the narrow point of view of the human 3d-reality.
Dear George
Yes, but my point is that there is a difference between the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Federation of Light – I believe the GF of Light is a rogue organisation who are responsible for the erroneous channelings that abound which say that they are landing and saving the populace. Because of these erroneous channelings, people are lazily waiting to be rescued instead of preparing themselves for ascension. According to Cosmic Awareness the true GF is not allowed to land on the planet, therefore we need the portals to get to them, where, as you say, we are at an interim level until we know the next stage of our mission. From there, some will go to Ascended Planet A and others will work on awakening the DNA of those left after the first wave of ascension, to ready them for the second wave. I know the whole planet is ascending, but surely its not ascending until after 2012 wave?
Sorry if I am labouring the point but I am trying to get clarification.
Dear Callista,
Yes, I fully agree that the GF is not the rogue GFL, which is an invention of the dark ones, but this was not the topic of my elaboration. Indeed, the GFL favours mass landing and evacuation. But this is so stupid that I never bother to discuss it even.
November 1, 2011
Dear George,
I have read your most recent post and have to say I am bewildered by your response…why are you falling for the bait? It is the responsibility of each and every member of the PAT to be discerning and take responsibility for their own actions, their belief systems and choices – not yours!
Once you have a type of public forum, you leave yourself exposed to many energies and it is therefore up to the individual to read and accept, as well as decide for themselves what is right for them and what is wrong!
You warned us from the outset that there will be attacks in the last days and while we will live on a more peaceful earth after 11.11.11, we will not have rid ourselves of the dark forces altogether, there will still be many infiltrated among us to prevent mass ascension in 2012 – one of the reasons why many of us will be returning!
There have been many dark/negative responses on your website – reason: to upset the members of the PAT and also to put you in that mind set where you feel bad, sorry and irresponsible for not seeing/recognising dark ones in the first place. Not your responsibility and please shift out of the mind set and remember who you are!
My advice – close the forum from now on. Do not publish anymore emails and responses, this is all you need to do to stop this. In this way they will get the message that they can’t reach just anyone they want with ease! True members of the PAT will be strong enough to overcome this type of stuff and not blame you because they believed trusted in you…bollocks!!! This is how the dark ones want you to feel – let it go.
I’m sorry to sound like an angry mother – I have only your interests at heart as I love you dearly. Today is another big day, 01/11/11. Perhaps at 11:11 GMT we should all take a minutes silence together and think of peace and re-focus our energies!
In One Heart,
Dear Celine,
while I fully coalesce with your analysis that every star seed is a sovereign master and fully responsible for his destiny and that I do not bear any responsibility for any attacks from outside whatsoever, I do not agree with your conclusions. Precisely, I do not agree with my previous decision to close the website. As I wrote somewhere, only idiots do not change their minds and I am not an idiot.
What we now experience is the last epic battle between darkness and light and the light will win. I did not foresaw this last battle, but I now realize its importance. I cannot simply abandon this battle as it is arranged from a higher place and is paradigmatic for the whole humanity. I must lead this battle and, to say the least, I enjoy it hugely knowing that we will be the winner this time. It has not always been so. I have lost so many battles in the past, but this one will be definitely won. It has been already won.
In love and light
Dear George,
I received your email via my phone and wanted to respond to your email via my email on my PC as I need more than just a pair of glasses to type an email on an iPhone! My PC crapped itself, just like your website crashed (for me) when I tried to send you an email about children and the ascension…back to the point.
I hear what you are saying – and I do understand. I was not suggesting you back down when I advised you on not publishing emails anymore, to be honest – I thought you may think that. What occurred today or over the past couple of days was a means to make you look bad and to disperse the energies while we were all happily in focus. Of course this will separate the grain from the chaff, but I would have thought the more of us that were on the same page…the better – this is all. Believe me, I am not here to undermine your authority, but perhaps give you the option to view things from a different vantage point that’s all.
I was both grateful and ecstatic that you decided you keep the website open and couldn’t see you closing it at all. You know what your soul mission is, as I know what mine is, I therefore respect you and your decisions. Please keep in mind, that there are 11 days left until the First Wave Ascension and they will send their strongest army to catch those of us off guard. Like you, I have lost many battles. The battle we fought for Lemuria and Atlantis is nothing compared to this as I am certain you and Suzie are well aware of. I am adamant that we will win this one – but I cannot claim victory as yet like you can. Perhaps you can see/feel something I am not able to in this moment and/or maybe I am still keeping the pain of loss I endured during that time which has left me scars…something I may need to work on?!
After I read your post this morning, I have to admit I was angry…and felt a pain from the base of my heart to my solar plexus. I went for a walk in my local park and as I walked I’d realised that the reason I have been feeling so emotional lately is because our beautiful Earth is going through something like menstrual cramping to help us shift our energies in preparation for 11.11.11, I realised that if we are in-tune with her, most of us would be suffering symptoms similar to PMT. I cried and said I’m sorry for my part in what I had done to make her suffer and for causing her this pain and I thanked her for her love and sacrifice. I asked for advice on what to do, the answer – to live in peace and love as much as I can. I have therefore chosen to reduce my living life on the PC and to black out as much as possible the negativity coming through the news and through the media including Facebook. I have followed Solara (www.nvisible.com) since 1994. I partook in the 9th and 10th Gate Activation and will also partake in the 11.11.11 as a Silent Watcher – to do this I need to live in a state of peace and love.
On the morning of the 28th October I awoke with the most wonderful feeling. For so long I have ached to be reunited with my Twin Soul. On many occasions I dreamt of him but he was a person without a head. At around 4:30 am that morning I dreamt that I was in a park and for some unknown reason I was standing at a trestle table making a cup of tea for two people – right in the middle of this park. As I began to pour the tea, a man appeared out of know where, yet at a deeper level of consciousness, I expected him. My eyes traced up to his face that I saw in detail. He wore white pants and a pink Polo shirt, he had grey short hair, he wore a straw type of sun hat and gold rimmed glasses, not dissimilar to the John Lennon type of thing and he had red blotches on his cheeks. He was around 6’2”, well built and had a rather round, flatish face with a rather delicate nose that came to a gentle point. He looked like he was around 60’ish, a little older than me anyway. He didn’t say a word but simply smiled a reassuring smile as if to say I am here. I felt his love and I thanked him for being there. That same morning, I drove to work and I felt overwhelmed with an incredible restlessness/agitation – I almost emailed you to advise you that something was about to happen, but the feeling subsided.
I am going to spend the next 11 days with the image of this beautiful soul and devote myself to being in peace because this is what is needed for me. Please give my love to Suzie and Calista and please tell Calista that I too live in Australia – Melbourne in fact.
In One Heart, Celine
Dear Celine,
this all agitation is a “storm in a glass of water” as the Germans say. However, it is now the time to “separate the wheat from the chuff” and many of my readers who are not ready yet, must now make their final decision. It is similar to the drama which I deliberately instigated with Steve Beckow and the other News Age Gurus to push the people make a clear cut-choice and many did and were thankful after that, although some of them were irritated at the beginning. which is a normal emotional reaction.
However, the beaming with negative energies from the 4th astral level is real and very dangerous and with this drama the readers become aware of them and can better protect themselves.
In love and light
November 01, 2011
Hi Georgi,
I do not know you personally, but have been following your blog since it started. A part of me resonates deeply with your work, and, well, another part simply does not. I’m not sure what led me here in the first place, but I really have enjoyed your articles and books. I would like to talk to you about your thoughts post 11.11.11 (i.e. after 11.11.11 has passed) You seem so definite in your claims.
I would love for them to be true, more than anything, but I think you should perhaps offer a broader scope in your interpretation of 11.11.11 events. Why am I saying this?
Well, there are a whole bunch of people who have put their faith in you as their leader – and many of these people have been through so much over the years. Are you really so sure, so absolutely sure that you are correct? Remember – these people have placed their undivided trust you. And, so to cut to the chase, what if, come 12.11.11, there is no change?
Will you take the Harold Camping approach – i.e. this has been an internal rather than an external shift? I worry that many people are hanging their last hat on your words, and I think you might be wise to provide some interpretive leeway in how you see things unfolding. The amount of psychological damage resulting from this could be both devastating and widespread.
Give your followers/readers some path back home should you be wrong – they deserve it!!
Dear James.
I understand your doubts, but you forget one crucial aspect by all your reflections. As I repeatedly have said on many occasions, I cannot even convince my own family that I will ascend, how should I convince all of a sudden several thousand people the world over from different countries and cultures, unless their souls tell them the same thing.
If you read carefully their emails. they do not need any confirmation from me, but just the possibility to exchange their experiences with me and other star seeds in the same situation. while this has been virtually impossible in the past in a society that is as sceptical as you are now, although you are far ahead of the sleeping masses.
Please observe that about 90% of my readers do not need any proofs from me that they will ascend as they know it deeply in their hearts. It is the 10% that doubt and they make for the bulk of my job to convince them, although I know that most of them will not ascend now, but some time later.
Otherwise, if you have doubts that you may not ascend now this does not mean however that others will not ascend. This as a matter of fact.
Ultimately, I must quote an American saying: “The proof of the pudding is in the eating”.
Of course, I will be compromised if ascension does not happen, but this is not an alternative in my weltanschauung, therefore I do not bother to reflect what will happen after 11.11.11, if there will be no ascension. I leave this problem graciously to you for the moment being.
In love and light
November 01, 2011
Hi George,
I read your latest on the entity known as Satina. I too have been under considerable attack from her. I’m used to this type of thing, so I let it play out so I can see where it is coming from, where it is going etc. I feel this is entity is acting as a conduit for the high ranking Dark Ones. There are many fronts to this attack. One of them is to uncover strengths and weakness. This entity is acting as a type of “canon fodder” to draw out your gun fire so to speak. Also I detect remote viewing agents along with their handlers. I feel that there is more to this than meets the eye.
Also when we were at Callista’s, she came under an attack in front of us. She had what looked like Satan’s claws hooked into her left shoulder. It took both of us to destroy it and then shortly afterwards two White Crystal Ships appeared. I feel they were hanging back to see if we could handle ourselves and to show us this entity is not to be underestimated. We all feel this attack was linked to the GFL as we were only talking about them before the attack. Hope this information is useful.
Love and Light
Brett & Britte
Dear Britte,
This also confirms my Impression, which I shared in some emails already. As I am under similar constant attacks for the last month or so from the 4th astral level by the dark Orion entities, I know very well where these attacks come from. Satina is only the bait to attract the people emotionally and then to attack them, while they attention is associated with this dark facade, called Satina.
In love and light
November 01, 2011
Hi Georgi,
I have a question about how to effectively communicate my thoughts and feelings with my family. They are questioning my seeming constant need for rest these last few years, and my lack of material “success”. I have not held a job, dropped out of school, and spend my days seemingly dreaming. This must look so completely ridiculous to my loved ones, and I actually agree with them, it has been very hard and ridiculous for me too. I would love to get out and create my heart’s desires, however all signs are pointing me to more patience and nourishment.
The real problem I am having is opening a dialogue about ascension and what I believe I am going through. I feel that they already think I am somewhat crazy, in fact my mom has asked me to attend a therapy session with a psychiatrist, which I have agreed to because I feel it will make her feel better. I want to ascend as well as come back and help others here on earth. I feel I am a part of the PAT. Do you have any recommendations about how to best communicate with my family, I cannot ignore them. I love them and understand how peculiar my actions seem, but I am at a loss to help them understand me.
My apologies for asking this question, however I don’t remember it being discussed beforehand. I await your reply. I would also like to add that I am doing very well with my release of negativity and my continued embrace of love and light. The energies are very intense and life is manifesting quickly, I love you all and wish you the best.
Dear Vlad,
you raise a very important practical question. I wished I could help you, but I am in the same situation as you are and I am “as clever as you” to quote a German saying, that is to say, I have no proper answer. You cannot convince your family in the short period of time and you should not succumb to their perceptions either. You should not go to the psychiatrist as this is counter-productive to your goal to ascend. You are not here to make you mother happy by fulfilling her narrow minded view of the world. You can only retreat and search the least possible friction with the outer world. Remember that there are only days left to this event and after that the situation will change dramatically
In love and light
Dearest Georgi,
Thank you for your expedient response. It has helped me feel better, and I thank you for your kind understanding. I appreciate it immensely. Considering I have been unable to immerse myself within society this has of course caused some friction at home. The reason I agreed to going to see a therapist was mostly self-serving, in the sense that I could hopefully have less friction at home by agreeing to their request. My mother truly believes I am depressed despite my assurances to her otherwise. Seeing me spend so much time resting and fatigued without having much ambition for the usual pursuits, I understand their worry; although I do not agree
Dear Georgi,
I want to add that I am going to take your advice about the psychiatrist and will not be attending. I don’t feel that was clear in the previous message. Thank you for your help, I send you my love.
Dear Vlad,
This decision is important for you as it symbolizes and embodies your ultimate break with this system. It demonstrates that you no longer wish to be part of it. Such decisions are vital for the incarnated entity to show that he is handling his life as a sovereign master being and cannot be dissuaded by other peoples’ opinions. Of course, one has to bear the consequences of increased friction with his environment, but that is the price one has to pay for his autarky and independence. And this is what makes you a master of life.
In love and light
November 01, 2011
Thanks so much for the head’s up on Satina’s blog. Wendy and I had not looked as we were working on our own site and updating the forums to include PAT Forums, so you saved us some discernment time. So sorry to see it happen but so glad it was quelled in only a couple of days. I very much appreciate you, Britte and Brett for this, please tell them so for us!
Also, I wanted to make a comment on your vision of getting on a ship. I know many times George has said we won’t be going on ships and it’s a trick of the dark to make us think so. But you seem to be very intuitive and know how to protect yourself. Who knows if the vision was from your higher self or from an infiltrator to throw you off the path. Just last week on Monday, the dark threw something at me to make me think Ascension was bullshit and that I would lay in bed for another 30 years due to my disability until I die. So if they could do that to me, with me thinking I was “totally” protected, perhaps the same can happen to you. I personally did not resonate with your vision, but who knows? I know I would prefer to have a nice 3 day nap after going through the portal in order to get into my light body, but I suppose anything is possible.
Oh, one other thing, Wendy and I both love your artwork! Kudos! Also, thanks for saying what you did about our web site/forum, much appreciated!
Lots of Love,
To Callista and Greg,
I have to correct somewhat Greg’s interpretation of my words. I only said in the past that the naive version that some star ships will land on earth and save the humans physically is a myth created by the dark ones.
I have never referred to the 5d-mother ships of the GF, which I do not even see as ships, but rather as interim energetic levels before leaving the 3d reality and entering the new 5d-reality.
Just as there are interim astral places for different religions, where the “dead” first arrive and meet a familiar situation – a harem for the Muslims or a white hospital for the Christians, and so on, so will the mother ships of the GF serve as an interim place for their star seeds to accommodate to the new conditions of their star civilisations before going back home. I feel that we should not indulge too much in weird semantics as words are often a trap and may mislead us.
Dear Callista, send please this letter to Greg.
In love and light
November 01, 2011
Dear Georgi
Thank you very much for extending the life-cycle of your blog. It is indeed such a great place for us to share important information, and also warnings.
I´d like to report on the latest events in my ascension timeline as I feel they are indeed exciting, and also something to be weary of, as I was contacted by duplicitous ETs right after I had opened a portal.
Last night I went to bed feeling very tired but as soon as I lay down I was hit with a surge of energy and the strong impulse to “open a portal”. Normally I would not know what to do with those kinds of instructions. I do not regularly participate in visualizations or astral traveling as I find them quite challenging and I never exactly what it is I should be doing! Instead this was a visceral feeling and compulsion to open a portal.
Involuntarily, I imagined holding hands with members of the PAT and a silver cord of light flowing between us, and then sat in meditation for 15 minutes, deep breathing to establish connection. I also spent some time contemplating portals I had created in Berlin where I had previously meditated, effectively, activating them. I felt exhausted holding this space of love for these pillars. I was so tired. Then I had visions of several souls’ faces and then a final vision of a few orbs ascending inside a faint purple pillar of light. I understood that the portal had been opened and those souls passed through, it was a completed project. The connection ended as if nothing had happened and as I tried to fall back asleep, I started to overheat, really burning up, which lasted only for a little while. I fell asleep knowing that I had done what was right and true, without any previous knowledge of how to do so. As I write this, I wonder if it was all a dream, it was so seamless.
It was some minutes later that I heard the 5 knocks on the inside of my brain. I knew instantly that ETs were now contacting me, and my thought was “the Greys”. They asked if they could come in. I demanded to know who they were and asserted my spiritual sovereignty. They were compelled to tell me they were not really from the light, but tried to trick me into thinking that I had an agreement to work with them, like out of pity. Then I asked what they wanted. They said, an exchange of information. This to me was a request to put an implant in me. I believe they wanted to travel the portal or something worse. They wanted information from inside me. They tried to trick me by saying they would give me “the ascension codes” if they could “come in”. They want a record of what I am doing.
It was laughable then because I knew that I already had these “ascension codes” because I have done this ascension many times before and inside I knew, I FELT that I was a spiritual master. It was laughable and that´s how I knew I was being tricked. Well that and the sudden recollection of a dream I had been having before the knocks. (A dream warning against danger) I told the nuisance entities to go away in the name of Christ, the Light and my sovereignty as a spiritual being (should have said Ascended Master, but oh well) and they left. I had no dreams and no further disturbance.
Just thought I´d give everyone a heads up. These ascension codes might have been something I read about through a link from Satina. You don´t need any special ascension codes. Ascension is your god given right, it has already happened in the NOW and do not let anyone trick you into thinking that you need some special set of coordinates or geometries to finish your assignment here.
We are all MASTERS and we have done this before. Thank you, Georgi for your support. I can really feel you there, acting as a real captain. I am so grateful that you are there for us.
Enjoy the ride, PAT.
love Debra
Dear Debra,
Thank you very much for your report. Let me tell you a simple truth: The more one progresses spiritually, the more he is attacked by the dark Ahriman forces from the 4th dimension. But the less they can achieve in dissuading him. If you strongly believe that you are a master creator being and an ascended master in a physical vessel, they cannot have any influence on you.
The energetic build up is everywhere and felt by all my readers. I have just read the latest CA newsletter, where our PAT mission is de facto confirmed. I may post excerpts from this newsletter later on. Hold on. There are only few days left. Read my latest article on official Disclosure.
In love and light
PS: See also this latest channeling of CA, October 31, 2011 on Ascension at 11.11.11 and meditation in preparation for this event.
November 01, 2011
To George and the PAT.
I just like to say good job on finding the dark entity, I sense the disappointment in yourself for not finding it sooner, but, hey, as we say in Australia shit happens, To me it proves that we are in the right place cause the team and you caught onto it like someone called Stacks On, I got a feeling of safety just from reading the exchange between you all, it also seems I am getting more sensitive to the feelings and emotions from the things I’ve read from your newsletters i would also ask you if you wanted a bio from me as I feel I haven’t contributed much in this area?
Thanks George and the team love and light to you all, just keep smiling.
Dear Mark,
Thank your for your support – indeed, shit happens and there is always a purpose for this. You are already helping a lot with your mental contribution and identification with the mission of the PAT. As we will soon ascend and leave our bios back, I would recommend you to let go of all past connections now and concentrate on the future. Past memories can be quite a burden.
In love and light
November 01, 2011
I have been reading your essay “The Cosmic Laws of Creation & Destruction” and found it to be one of the most inspiring pieces I ever read and not only that but it feels right. I’m not very educated so rely on common sense, so I had to look up many of your words. Thank you!
With all that is happening so many events in so little time do you have anything to say about the role of inner earth and the Agarthans? I’m quite convinced inner earth exists and all planets including our moon are hollow. Your view would be most respectfully appreciated.
Thanks much, Chris
Dear Chris,
Thank you very much for your appreciation of my book. Inner Earth Agartha does exists and it has already finished its incarnation cycle in the 5th dimension and will ascend beyond it together with the outer earth of humanity in December 2012. As they are our cousins, they will help humanity after ascension, and most probably even earlier, in the course of the next year to implement new technologies.
In addition, there is a future version of humanity called also Agartha which is an ideal probability alternative of humanity. I am actually coming from this future version, to which the White Brotherhood also belongs.
In love and light
Like you I have out of body travels while being awake, however I rarely get direct information other than images of things and of other people of other races but normally we just look at each other and feel it. I have observed the higher dimensions along with the intense and incredible colors that go with them but that is all and without direction I’m aware of. I really feel like things are going to happen soon, what Iv been waiting for for a long time and the expectations of it all make me feel like I’m about to burst.
Dear Chris,
thank you very much for your warm letter. Your personal story is so similar to that of many other star seeds and old souls who have gone through numerous severe initiations and tribulations as part of the purification process of the soul.
I think that when earth will ascend to the 4th and 5th dimensions after the 11.11.11 event, which is an absolute certainty, then it will be much more easy to open portals to inner earth, however, only for ascended masters or highly evolved entities. I also believe that the Agarthans will come on the surface and meet us. They only wait now for the stargate 11.11.11 to open and cleanse most of the negative energies on earth. So we have already reached our goal, my friend, and only doubt can hinder us from going through the portals.
In love and light
November 01, 2011
Hello! I am I first time writer to you and have read many of your articles. I am 21 years old and a newly awakened being. I have a few questions and am hoping for a little bit of insight.
First, my awakening process began in 2009 when my “high school sweetheart” of 4 years and I separated. I went into depression which was also followed by a suicide attempt. I felt I needed to be alive for some reason, not sure why, but I called 911 for help and lived. Following the attempt my depression continued for a few months until I came to acceptance with the loss of the relationship. I began to smoke pot months after acceptance and began to question the meanings of life. After much research on 2012 and Government conspiracies I began to become enlightened. For the past 2 years I dedicated hours of time to reading about spirituality, metaphysics, and ascension as if it were my major in college! After fully recovering I have developed my spiritual self and found my sense of ONENESS with all of life. I pray, meditate, and try to be a loving being everyday of my life.
Looking back, it is obvious the tragedy/depression was a wake up call for me. I am at peace with the loss and my actions because of who it has made me today. I like to think of myself as an advanced spiritual person because I have no friends as I am. I feel very alone but at the same time I find peace in my time alone. I believe everything happens for a reason as it is all apart of my souls plan but I still strive to find answers to all of my questions. I have become very focused on the ending of the Mayan calendar, 11/11/11, and 12/21/12. I have also gone through many if not all of your ascension symptoms in your article. Although I don’t feel any different at all, I often wonder if I am making progress? I know I am a part of the 0.5% of awakened beings on this planet but I still have doubt in myself because I am so alone. It is my deepest goal and dream to be a part of the 11/11/11 ascension team, but I often worry if I will be left behind and not ascend.
I just wanted to ask if you think I am a part of the planetary ascension team? I am doing everything I can spread my love and my light but I am not experiencing anything supernatural. I also wanted to ask what the 11/11/11 ascension will be like going through the stargates/ portals? I guess I’m just looking for something to gauge whether I am ready or not or when the time comes, how I will know if I am ascending.
Thank you for all of you insightful articles! I look forward to reading more to come. I know I was drawn to your website for a reason so I thought I should write you.
Love and Light,
Dear Steven,
Thank you for your email and for sharing your story with me. From this I gather that you are a crystalline child and for that reason your LBP will be much easier and less complicated than ours – the indigo children of the post-war generation who prepared the energetic ground for your coming. Therefore, you cannot conclude from the lack of symptoms how advanced you and your body are.
You will definitely ascend as you will be the future leaders of humanity in the 5th dimension when we will retire. However it is impossible for me to tell you now, whether you will be in the first wave or will ascend sometimes later. Anyway, you will have a great time and experience in the next weeks and months educating humanity. We will need every enlightened person to help us awaken the sleeping masses. In both cases, you are heading towards a glorious time and future. Therefore be calm and optimistic. Everything will be perfect.
In love and light
November 01, 2011
Dear Georgi,
I wonder if you remember the recent email I sent you of a dream about the “Ascension Bus”? (After a very fast acceleration, the bus was abruptly stopped by a “distraction”) I believe that Satina is that distraction. Good news is…NO ONE got off the bus in that “dream”, Georgi! We were aware of the situation, and the bus kept on going.
The PAT must really have some powerful energy to attract this kind of attention! It reminds me of the time I found out that someone from Homeland Security had signed up from my site to receive my channeled Angel Messages – I must have been putting out a vibe, they felt a little threatened by!
Glad we are all doing such a wonderful job!
Much Love and Light to you!
Dorie Bowlin
November 1, 2011
Hello, Georgi!
Hope you’re doing well. First off, I just wanted to say that even though I’ve sent you about 2-3 emails, I never really properly thanked you. The work you are doing on this planet is astounding, and I constantly send love and light to it and all of its inhabitants, including you. Thanks a lot for always responding to my and so many others e-mails so quickly. It really does help us all out and strengthens our confidence and removes doubt that shouldn’t really be there in the first place. I also just read about that blog and visited the site. It seems like it was sending off a negative energy, but this negative energy was basically trying to be hidden with the nice layout and all that, it is like many negative beings in the physical/spiritual. anyways,
I also just wanted to send you another experience I’ve had. To recollect your memory, last time I emailed you I was asking about that infinite consciousness state.Just now, I was meditating and, as usual, I was in the infinite consciousness state (I like to call it that now :D). I finally had an Epiphany, while in this meditative state and don’t realize why it didn’t come to me earlier. This energy, this infinite energy flow from all-that-is, is meant for us to be manipulated and created. I hadn’t realized this till now, and it feels amazing finally knowing it. I felt myself in the higher dimensions using and manipulating this energy, becoming one with it and constantly being at a realization of well, everything.
Another realization I had, well this was while sending you and Susan emails, was that as I wrote out this description into human words of my experience, I was channeling my multidimensional self. That is truly amazing, the energy you give off and the things it can do. I have never come across this realization before and it happened, while sending an email to you and Susan. We can truly do anything and I finally have realized it. For some reason, after all this, I had the urge to send you an email, so I went with that urge. I also just wanted to say thanks for responding and being such a helpful person in these end times.
Love and Light,
November 01, 2011
This is a great correspondence with a blind inventor, a young many from Croatia I did not publish his first letter as it is very technical and even I had difficulties to understand it, but the ideas this young man is trying to realize are mind-boggling.
Dear Mario,
Thank you very much for your amazing information. I read it very carefully and with great interest. First I am very happy to hear that my articles are now becoming popular in Croatia, which is a clear sign that we are nearing the final solution.
Your elaborations on acoustics are very precise, but I must admit that I am not a specialist and I cannot assess them in a competent manner. They sound very plausible to me and I did not find anything that infringed upon my inner sense of truth. What is the practical application of your studies so far? Have you developed a method or device with this harmonics, which may heal DNA or promote LBP?
As I am in the final days of preparation for ascension, I am not in the position to delve too deeply into technical problems, knowing that I will very soon acquire all expanded knowledge and then I will know much more about all kinds of harmonics and sacred geometries. This is the reason why I now stop short of entering these fields, which are definitely of great importance.
Are you prepared for ascension?
I have one final question. You said that you are blind. How do you write and use Internet and how do you have solved this problem? I could not find the explanation in your email.
In love and light
Hey Georgi,
thanks to hearing from you. Yes, I’m blind, and I use standard laptop computer which has installed free program which reads out by synthesized speech what is going on the screen. You have various commands to reading sentences, characters, words, as working with the mouse if needed. The speech can be adjusted to speak very fast, so that i can read very quickly what’s going on. For example at the moment I set my speech rate to 450 words per minute.
November 01, 2011
Dear George,
Dear Camilo,
I have already made my comments on this channeling on request from Callista today and it will come in the next reports as far as I remember. This source has been wrong on several important occasions in the past and I read him always with a grain of salt. I have warned Aruna already in the past on some predictions of SG that he was wrong and she even published my email some two months ago and then I was right and SG was bluntly wrong and he did not even apologize for this wrong prediction. It was about a huge catastrophe in the Mississippi basin, which he predicted and I challenged. You may even find my email on this blog. It was there a month ago.
Ascensions have taken place on October 27, this is a fact and has been confirmed by some other sources (see above) and I have no idea why this source makes such wrong statements.
November 01, 2011
Dear Georgi
I want to ask you one thing? What has kept you going all these years? Because right now I am so tired of this planet and it’s negative energies. It feels like that I’m fighting against a force that is invincible. I found your site and it has given me so much hope. I have always felt that I’m an outsider, a loner. I have never really felt comfortable here. Though I love animals and nature very much, but the energies of this planet have always been very odd and cold to to me. I cannot understand it and I’m often very sad and depressed. Do I belong to the PAT? Am I really going to ascend? What will happen to my family and my friends? Thank you so much for sharing your amazing information and giving us hope. Because we need it. Oh and by the way, I’m also a Finnish person and I live in Helsinki. Is that coincidence?
Dear Richard,
I can assure you that I have gone through similar periods for the last 15 years at least and it began actually as early as 1972 and since then I have always felt as a foreign body in this world. I have also longed to go back home and leave this toxic planet, but on the other hand I had the privilege to make this incredible discovery – the Universal Law and to unify science, which took me more that 15 years to accomplish and this effort kept me bonded to this reality.
I always felt that it will be a pity if this theory will not reach the whole humanity some day. The crux of the matter was however that it was planned that this theory should unfold around 2008-2009, but then it was postponed many times due to the fact that the whole humanity is sleeping deep and is in retard with respect to the divine plan for this planet.
Hence we all star seeds had to bear the sacrifices of many postponements and severe attacks from the dark ones in the last several years, because we had to carry the whole burden of cleansing the human dross on our shoulders – the few star seeds on this planet who have awakened.
This aspect is not really discussed in the esoteric literature, but this is a basic fact. This ascension of earth and humanity is not a masterpiece at all, but the ultimo ratio at our expense. All our soul contracts ended actually in 2009 and we prolonged them as otherwise the whole project would have been a fiasco,
I hope that I have given you a partial explanation of our current situation. But this all will come now to an end in 10 days.
In love and light
November 01, 2011
Hello Georgi,
Last night I had my first out of body experience. While meditating, I experienced a feeling as if I was being pulled through a vacuum. Once I finished my session, I laid down on my back, still in a very relaxed, focused, meditative state, and before leaving my body, I heard a calm, androgynous voice say to me, “It’s okay, you can leave if you want to, we’ll help you, we’ll take care of you.”
Once I left normal consciousness, I found myself in my kitchen. I was in astral form, but completely aware and in control. I then went straight through my kitchen window/wall and was floating in the air. The experience was very intense, and I became frightened, so I came back into my body, and I was stuck for a few moments, similar to the feeling of sleep paralysis. I was screaming at the top of my lungs in my mind, but my body was not responding.
Eventually, I calmed down and realized that I could “wake up” whenever I wanted to, and then proceeded to do so. I have never felt more free in my entire life. I will never be the same again, and I am eternally grateful. I’m very eager to engage in this practice more frequently and travel even further!
I’m wondering if this event is a sign of my upcoming ascension. Ever since I discovered your website, I have felt drawn to your words and the 11:11:11 stargate, and I know intuitively that my time to return back home is near.
Thank you for sharing your strength and wisdom with us all, Georgi. I know I will be seeing you again soon.
With love,
Dear Skyler,
I can very well apprehend your out-of-body experience as I had it already on three occasions in the past. I even could watch my body lying in my bed from above and I also left my home. However, I doubt if you will experience this very often as this is a rare gift of the soul and such out-of-body experiences weaken the bond of the soul to the physical vessel and they are employed only very rarely. You are lucky and consider it as a rehearsal for your ascension, in case you have made a firm decision to ascend at 11.11.11.
In love and light
November 1, 2011
Dear George,
Dear Divsy,
This channeling is a very precise confirmation of what we are talking for the last two months or so.Thank you very much for this information.
Dear Divsy,
Thank you for sending me this link (see above) – I haven’t come across this website before and I was impressed by the knowledge in the channel, especially this insight.
For a brief period of time, this portal frequency will open to assist in the first wave ascensions; assisted by the magnetic pull from the orbit of Venus. This portal is similar to passing through a birth canal as it is literally filled with key codes to fire the DNA encodement and anchor the remaining axiatonal spin points of our expanded blueprint. This applies to first wave ascenders who have prepared the physical form and who have accepted their mission to make a dimensional consciousness shift at this time.
which applies to PAT. I also love the graphics on this website – beautiful!
November 1, 2011
Dear beloved Georgi,
I am so grateful for your site and the opportunity it gives me to incessantly affirm my Ascension.
At first I typed “intention” (to ascend), but deleted the word “intention” because it diluted my affirmation of ascension. Since I was given your link on September 23rd I read your posts again and again day and night. Some of the mathematical equations of U-sets are becoming much less overwhelming. Each time I read one of your papers I know my consciousness expands. I am so grateful.
What I do not understand is that up until Saturday night I have been so energized. Then Saturday night when I was awakened at 4:44Am and saw the orbs travel to above the tree in my back yard and then was awakened later by my headboard pounding my crown and hearing an earthquake when there was no sound I feel like I am trying to move a 5,000lb vehicle when I do my 3-D life. Nowhere in your LBP description do I read this. What I am concerned about is this common or an indication of being off the mark and in need of more clearing? We do not have much time. though I can say that each day and night seem to grow exponentially for duration.
Dear Marian,
Thank you for your letter and I am happy that you can expand your awareness by reading some of my mathematical presentations of U-sets. This is unusual, but the quickest way to comprehend how All-That-Is operates as an interrelated Whole. When one has grasped this picture, one is immune to semantic confusions due to limited 3d-perceptions and educated flawed beliefs and prejudices.
All the members of the PAT are now experiencing huge energetic downloads that feel similar to what you describe. They come from the higher 8th to 14th chakras through the left brain portal, which you describe as crown chakra. I have described these waves as cc-waves in my article on clinical symptoms in the LBP.
What I did not mention there is that these waves, which affect the physical vessel in the most debilitating way, have an underlying frequency, which I define as Metatron frequency. This frequency makes the whole body tremble as if you are experiencing an earthquake and this is the most dramatic physical perception of the cosmic energies coming from the Source of all galaxies of this universe. It is indeed not a normal human experience.
I have not talked yet about these Metatronic waves as I assumed that very few will experience them, although I have discussed them in my 5 German books on Gnosis written between 2000 and 2008. I have learned not to overwhelm my readers with too much information in advance as they may get a mental “constipation” and this is the last thing one wants to achieve, while trying to enlighten the people. But yes, these Metatron waves do exist and they indicate that your body is firmly connected to the Source of this Universe and is prepared to transmit the million-fold energy intensity from the central sun of Arcturus at the stargate 11.11.11.
In love and light
November 2, 2011
Dear Georgi,
I have not written in a while. Last night it was a breakthrough for me. Normally I woke up in a middle of the night (I am having trouble sleeping in the last few weeks). I had a sound in my ears which is a sound of an airplane engine before it takes off for the last 10 days so that was not strange either.
Than I started to feel extremely light, so light and had a stupid smile on my face. Peace, bliss, happiness,,,, I stared losing feeling of my hands and legs. And then my MULTIDIMENSIONAL SELF started resonating, I was closer and closer to the Source of the sound and then back, and again, and again. It was like I entered a certain frequency. I was not in a dream, it was not lucid dreaming, I was fully awaken. I now feel stupid, writing you this e mail, because there are no words to explain what I felt and what I experienced. The words are not enough.
Few days ago I was also very surprised. My husband to whom I did not speak of any of this told me that he had a very strange dream. I was standing in front of a big light, waving to him to come. Even now, while a write this e mail, I feel like I can enter this state in which I have been during the last night.
Love and light
Dear Sandra,
you are receiving now huge energy downloads in preparation for ascension. Most of the PAT members are making the same experiences. I have always said – be patient with your family members. They also evolve with tremendous speed and even if they now reject the idea of ascension, they will change their minds very soon.
In love and light
November 02, 2011
Dear GeorgeI have just finished reading the latest posts – you have certainly been busy getting these all together!I was very moved to read your email to Craig about your eye operation and the subsequent assistance you and your wife gave to the dear friend as she was passing over. It was such a lovely act on your behalf’s and how wonderful that you are able to remember it. If only we could all see the shining and beautiful Beings we truly are!
A good deal of the last postings concern the recent Trojan Horse issue – I am so glad all is out in the open now and we can all put it behind us. I particularly want to exhort you to please do not upset yourself concerning this incident – it was far better that the whole thing happened the way it has, because so many were able to partake in spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is not a subject that is politically correct in the current Vanity Fair. And that is exactly what the dark forces want.
We should thank Satina for giving us the opportunity to flex our spiritual muscles and enable the warriors to emerge from the closet. You are our Leader, and no-one disputes that, but also we don’t expect you to have your eyes and ears everywhere. We are responsible enough to give the alarm when necessary and to take out entities if they are hindering our mission. This incident has given many of us the opportunity to prove our worth, and has given those who have not had previous experience in spiritual warfare, the necessary test of their abilities.
And all of us have come out victorious – it cannot be any other way.
We now are more alert and more aware and fully armed to take this mission where it is supposed to go. We have overcome the obstacles of the past few days and surmounted the doubts of our feeble minds to soar once again with our Souls at the helm. We are wiser and more powerful than ever.
Love and Light from Callista
Dear Callista,
This is exactly how I see it, especially that the victory is on our side. I got the urge from my higher self to carry out this battle to the end as it will have huge repercussions in the astral probability alternatives worlds for earth and humanity. This battle paved successful the way for the coming revelations of all the heinous acts of the dark ones in the last 10 000 years against humanity.
This drama had a higher divine purpose beyond our agitation about this fictive entity “Satina” which stays symbolic for the dark satanic forces of the Orion Empire. This incident was a bliss for all PAT members to test their final determination before Ascension and all of them have passed the examination with excellent notes.
In love and light
November 01, 2011
Dear George,
Well, it seems sleep isn’t what it used to be anymore. I’m so full of high energies – getting to sleep is difficult. When sleeping excessive heat and extremely active dreams (which i mostly cant remember) encroach on the rest needed. When dreaming Ive got energies of a wave coming of change and that i need to get into a portal i can see close by quickly when I’m seeing this portal there are many going though it.
Going through the portal is magic – they go to many places. One place is a planet at a different density when snowflakes are huge and glisten like crystals. Tiredness permeates the day; rinse and repeat… I’m wondering how your faring George. I hope all is well.
Dear Craig,
My energies are unbearable, but I live with them for the last 12 years. They are now more harmonic than ever before and this makes them less stressful, although I had my regular cc-wave yesterday again, but this does not border me. I sleep only few hours and I am most of the time in very good shape. Otherwise I would not have coped wtih the huge load of emails and editing work in the last days, especially around this entity “Satina” which to my mind is definitely a camouflage for a CIA-team specially trained to infiltrate the PAT. This is what my readers must realize now.
In love and light
Yes I’ve just read about the disruptions in the latest report – Callista said something was up and I knew everything would rectify itself.
Ascension is close and the picture of the marathon runner nearing the finish line; exhausted is appropriate. It seems the reptilians are up to their old tricks of discouragement through the agency of the CIA. I’m not surprised they are trying their darnedest to waylay as many as possible. The new reality comes into focus. It’s good to hear you are in good shape! I appreciate your interminable resolve.
November 01, 2011
Dear George,
Thank your for your kind response. It felt the right thing to do to send you an email, and therefore, to connect the dots, as it felt important to call myself in for duty, haha.
I know you’ve been very busing with the website and with emailing all of those with questions and which are hoping to receive a response. I’d like to thank you for your dedication! If you’ve got the time, I’d hope you to let me know what you think, or, what you would do in the following situation:
Yesterday, I was asked what it is that I’m doing right at the moment, because it is becoming obvious that I’m to say at least a little absent these days. As I always like to do, I wanted to point out the truth, which is by the way in this particular case about the Ascension topic, pretty hard to do so, as it is almost impossible for an outsider or layman to understand this. There was, as predicted to be inevitable, very little understanding.
Because I want to share the truth and also want to say what’s best, I find it hard to combine those two. I expect more of these conversations for the coming days, for instance with relatives and family, and I would love to get your opinion on how to deal with this, if there’s a suitable way to do so.
Are there, as far as you know, more PAT-members and ascension candidates struggling with this? If that’s the case, please feel free to share my question online.
In love and in light,
P.S. I forgot to mention in my first writing, that I’m just from next door: Holland. And for what it’s worth, I’ve been privileged to help with the wonderful ascension of Gaia and mankind as an Arcturian. I felt like sharing, because I’ve been always very excited about this remembrance.
Dear Bernd,
The problem you addressed have been tackled on numerous occasions in previous reports and even in this one you can find some correspondence. I am afraid, but there is no solution and I am in the same situation as you. There is a cognitive abyss now between us and the rest of the world, and it is unlikely that it can be bridged in the few remaining days.
Yesterday a cousin of mine called me from Sofia, Bulgaria and wanted to make an interview with me on crop circles. She is a journalist at the Bulgarian Television. I declined first, because I am not a specialist in crop circles, although I know about their origin and purpose, and, second, I do not give any interviews as a rule.
It came out that this women did not even know who makes these crop circles, she had never heard of the GF, and of course she had no idea of my website. She had never heard anything about Ascension, and the date 11.11.11 did not tell her anything. But she was opened to esoteric themes otherwise. She represents the half-awakened part of humanity.
But the vast majority is still in a deep slumber and will have a nightmare of awakening after the shift. There is no other way to make the people start thinking in a proper way, but to shake them to the core of their biological existence and challenge their very self-preservation instincts. Hence the huge catastrophes I am expecting in conjunction with 11.11.11.
In love and light
November 1, 2011
Dear George,
I just finished reading Ascension Report 20. Thank you for taking such aggressive action to expose the attempted infiltration of your website by Dark entities. I was also quite amazed that they took so long to attempt their diabolical work.
It was good for me to read in others’ posts that Satina’s energy did not ring true with them, either, and especially, that I was not the only one to experience a psychic attack after interacting with her. The identical nature of this combined input from so many simply confirms that this Dark entity needed to be exposed and ‘kicked to the curb’.
These Dark Ones never give up, though, no matter how badly they are outgunned, or how clearly they are exposed. Thus, it was no surprise that she was busier than a one-armed paperhanger on Monday, making post after post after post of other peoples’ material, which is in stark contrast to the volumes upon volumes of your original material.
BTW, I have not read her last two or three emails/posts of a day or two ago, as I see no point in absorbing further negative energy from her. Whatever points she made in them in her ‘defense’, or in further attacking you, she can discuss at her Life Review, when that time comes. If she is/was mind-controlled, especially unwittingly, I’m sure she will be shown the appropriate amount of leniency, as I have complete faith in the fairness of Cosmic Law and Cosmic Justice.
OK, time to move on, as the most exciting time of our lives is just ahead. Ascension from this toxic planet!! I’m sure that the wonderfulness of this Event will far exceed our wildest imaginations.