State-of-Ascension-Report-6: “I have built my Personal Portal”

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-6, October 13, 2011

Brand-New Interview with Suzanne Caroll on Ascension, PAT, And The Coming Multidimensional Realities After the Opening of the Stargate 11.11.11

I am happy to present to my readers the brand-new interview of Evita Ochel ( with Suzanne Caroll ( I am confident that I do not need to introduce Sue to my readers as all of you must know her from her unique website and from my recent publications with her. Sue is my soul mate since the Atlantean times and the “co-captain” of the PAT. Fortunately, we have no ranks in our PAT-team – you are all captains of your ascension portals and the coordination from Heaven is perfect. Hence no need for a captain to command. This is old military 3d-staff. We all are ascended masters and great creator beings of our reality!
I established contact only recently with Evita. She is a wonderful young lady, a crystalline child, and is currently the founder and editor of a professionally designed website:

Evolving Beings | For personal growth & evolution
Evolving Wellness | For health & wellness
Evolving Scenes | For nature photography & inspiration

She and her husband have decided some time ago to put an end to their urban life, poisoned by numerous financial, social and other personal constraints, and to live very simply in the nature, in the wilderness of Ontario, Canada. They are already creating their pocket of New Age on this planet, and I am sure that very soon many other people will follow their example. They are the wayshowers of the new generation of star seeds. Evita and her friends are very active in the light workers’ movement through their website, which I highly recommend.

I knew from Sue that she has been recently interviewed by Evita, but I was unaware of the content of their discussion. When I received this brand-new video today, I wrote to Evita:

Dear Evita,

when I opened this morning my emails and saw your excellent interview with Sue, it was like Christmas and Eastern time at the same time. It is superb. Sue is incredible in conveying the most complex issues with such an ease, so that every viewer must experience the irresistible desire to ascend immediately. I will publish this interview in the next Ascension Report-6 with a short introduction at the beginning. It is great, My readers will highly appreciate it as this interview discusses all the issues that also move them and about which they are writing me long emails. Great job! Compliment.

Dear Evita, you radiate such a natural confidence and easiness that one can’t help, but like you. This helped Sue a lot to be also at ease with you and she achieved her best form. This video is my favourite for the Golden Globe Award of Ascension.

In love and light

Instead of explaining at length all the assets of this remarkable interview, which any member of the PAT or candidate for First Ascension should definitely watch very carefully, I would like to quote the opinion of Callista on this new video:

Dear George,

This video is absolutely what is needed right now. It answers so many questions that Aaron and I have been discussing and also I know many of the PAT will greatly benefit from Sue’s amazing insights. I love the way she describes these things so well and so lucidly. I will be emailing her soon and thank her for this wonderful enlightenment. Thank you for giving me a sneak preview.

Please, enjoy Evita’s interview with the “world best expert on multidimensional realities and Ascension” Suzanne Caroll:

Earth Changes: Ascension, Arcturians & the Multidimensional Being with Dr. S. Lie

October 11, 2011

Dear George,

After reading your last message from 11.10.11. uplifting and encouraging, like a Captain should be, I experienced a wonderful lucid dreaming state, full of different places and creatures around the earth, within its ionosphere.

Predominant feeling was the freedom and power, for it has been too, too long that we have been crawling dire straits of mischief and insidious undertakings around us.

My nature was similar to Yours, I have been rebellious and against corrupt system (I was employed on high positions in financial system outposts – bank), just to experience everything first hand and watch injustice and human arrogance in great amounts.

However, now I’m free and we all are becoming boundless and creative to raise our spines up-straight and emerge into the ocean of white unconditional love and light…

Just one note, dear Georgi, did you experience that opposing the system only made it stronger? I have realized that I am to take completely different path, if I am to survive, and now it has been almost 20 years that I tried schools, methods, esoterica and such.

It drew my attention that you were the follower of the achievements of science which coincides with my point of view completely, I always adored mathematics, physics and natural sciences and was “Arbeitstier” in my essence. The surprise was very painful, when I discovered that the system does not entice curiosity and freedom of thinking – on the contrary.

Negative selection has been very common in Balkan countries from the Ottoman Empire, and oppression (of the Milosevic regime for example) – you can imagine everybody turning poor and no rights whatsoever, because of the “outer enemy”.

In a sense, what is happening on Wall Street now, we had here in Belgrade for over 100 days of non-stop demonstration in 1996/7 and it culminated in 2000 when “people won”. However 10 years after, as you said in one article, it turns out that only the chairs and seats in the government have been turned – Pyrrhic victory…imagine the disappointment and bafflement of ordinary people, who are left disoriented and faithless now to any regime or government whatsoever.

I was wandering if other team members experienced cleansing of emotions and wounds from 3D. Since I met my inner child somewhere above in the atmosphere, I have seen myself in situations from 8-9 years when it all began – crushing of my soul and programming of fears – likely it wasn’t successful, but on the road did I get hurt and abandoned… I needed to heal this deep wound in my stomach, as it was like a hole in my light body, which wanted to become WHOLE and HOLY, so some tears and deep sighs were vented out high above…

This maybe useful for other ascension candidates, who might have some emotional dramas or traumas to clear up and lift the content into conscious state in order to erase it from deep under, every second in higher realms clears you and heals your wounds from this one.

I was laughing when I saw that they expelled you from University of Sofia twice.

My portal is like, there is one near Bulgarian west border on altitude of 1250 meters, its magic in even unawakened states of being. It sparkles has a birch trees alleys around it and high energetic frequency and faculty.

However, GROUNDING of acquired energies is so much important after such endeavours in deep space nine (to quote Star track ;)

In Love and Light (LL)
Dear Mio,

Thank you very much for your very moving letter and for your support. Considering your excellent English, I assume that you have spent some years in an English speaking country.

The plight of Yugoslavia and the Balkan people has always deeply moved me, but their history has most of the time been a source of deep disappointment for me, as this must have been also the case with you.

I foresaw the inevitability of the five wars in Yugoslavia after the Fall of the Iron Curtain, which had no external cause, but only the mutual hatred between the different South-Slavonic populations. It was like a Greek tragedy – predictable from the very beginning and unavoidable as a natural force.

You have raised a very important question. My opposition to the system did not help as long as I was involved in the struggle from a dualistic point of view as most people do on this planet. From the moment on, I decided to interpret my opposition in a more dialectical, integrative and constructive manner, the experiences which I made in the process of this opposition changed dramatically for the better and I learned a lot from them. This proves that it is only our inner attitude that projects our expectations onto the outer world and thus creates our experiences within the overall hologram of earthly life. This was a pivotal experience in my life. But overall, I am proud of living a life of a dissident – it sharpens the apprehension and the critical discernment. One has no chance to get used to this life on earth and is thus automatically an ascension candidate.

Thank you for your offer to support me. I will publish your letter in the next report with your email address, so that my readers can approach you directly and exchange information on Ascension and the building of personal portals, which can be published in the next Ascension-Reports.

In love and Light
October 11, 2011

Dear George,

I am moved to thank you for your work, which has great resonance for me – I too am frustrated by the fluffiness of material we are expected to regard as serious communication. I was trained in Linguistics and hold the same convictions as you do regarding the importance of language in relation to interdimensionality. I have been working on the connection myself since I was thrust into a wider existence following the passing over of a loved one, who channelled information almost immediately – and startled me, too say the least… Other entities joined in.

Whilst preparing inwardly for the ascension, in whatever form and time it manifests, I am still preparing for next year on this plane, and one thing I have planned is an event bon 21 March in UK, which I would love you to be able to attend and speak at, should you feel able. I’d love to be able to offer your work on our book site too – in download and paper form. Please do get in touch and let me know your thoughts and feelings.
Dear J.,

Thank you very much for your kind email and for your confirmation of my work. I am glad that you appreciate my preoccupation with the purity of human language in expressing whatever contents and how easily one can get lost in flawed terminology and weird semantic. It is still a conundrum to me, why so few people are sensible on this issue – on our language, being the chief medium of communication in the absence of telepathic abilities in the broad human population. Thank you for this comment.

Am I correct in my understanding that you come from the UK? Wasn’t there a young brilliant film director from the UK, who also had the same name (Mendez) and do you have any relation with him?

I did not quite understand what this event on March 21 should be, but as an Ascended Master I will beam myself with pleasure at the right time and place to attend it.

I welcome any possibility to disseminate my publications, so that they can reach as many people as possible and help them understand what is currently ongoing on earth. The need for true education is enormous and will accelerate in the coming days. Do whatever you consider appropriate and you can publish all my books and articles, which are free for the public. Can you give me though some more information on your book site?

In love and light
October 11, 2011

Hello George:I usually post the SaLuSa messages…but the one that came out on Monday I refused to post as it was pro Obama. The entire message was of no interest & didn’t feel like it was from the normal source. I have not seen Obama mentioned for over a year…so I was surprised to see it this time. Information comes from the GFL through several channels &I fail to understand why you discredit it.

The fact that you are noticing the mention of ascension is of no surprise to me as it is the agenda of the GFL. I will read the #5 report tomorrow. (if I didn’t already post it) I will go back & check that too. lol

It’s almost showtime… Mr.Ed

Dear Ed,

I am not at all against the GF –  by no means whatsoever. I am myself part of it. I know that they are there and help humanity beyond imagination. I am only against some contents that are channelled in their name and thus discredit the GF. This is a big difference.

I have never said a single word against the GF as I apprehend it, if you please read all my publications. I have always supported the view that humanity can only evolve with their massive help.

But I have always known that this will only happen after we help ourselves first. Therefore, I favour First Ascension, which will be also the First Contact and Disclosure at the same time, as most of the Ascended Human Masters belong to the GF.

This is the only difference between me and the other New Age gurus, who talk much about First Contact and Disclosure, but know deep in their hearts that the do not belong to the First Wave of Ascension and prefer to invent confusing scenarios that fit their clandestine, unspoken knowledge, as I have explained from a psychological point of view repeatedly in my last publications.

In love and light
October 12, 2011

Hello George,

I trust you are doing well – I have seen the great amount of interesting and valuable information that you have been sharing. Thank you as always!

I just wanted to send you a quick email and share that thanks to your site I had the pleasure of getting to know Suzanne’s work and I did a video episode with her for my Earth Changes series. If you are interested and have the time, you can view it here on YouTube (it will be on Evolving Beings this Friday):

All the best,

Evita Ochel

Founder and editor of:

Evolving Beings | For personal growth & evolution

Evolving Wellness | For health & wellness

Evolving Scenes | For nature photography & inspiration

Dear Evita,

when I opened this morning my emails and saw your excellent interview with Sue, it was like Christmas and Eastern time at the same time. It is superb. Sue is incredible in conveying the most complex issues with such an ease that every viewer must experience the irresistible desire to ascend immediately. I will publish this interview in the next Ascension-Report-6 with a short introduction at the beginning. It is great, My readers will highly appreciate it as this interview discusses all the issues that also move them and about which they are writing me long emails. Great job! Compliment.

Dear Evita, you radiate such a natural confidence and easiness that one can’t help, but like you. This helped Sue a lot to be also at ease with you and she achieved her highest form. My favourite for the Golden Globe Award of Ascension.

In love and light
October 11, 2011

Hi Callista,

Thanks for all your support and effort during this great event and blessing of all time. I live in South Africa and it appears very few here are aware of the goings on. I spend much time studying up from various places as I guess many of us are or have been doing particularly for the last 10 years or so. I feverishly also have just recently found and studied all Georgi’s writings and channelings and read daily his new posts.

I am so curious, not being able to “see” the way you can, if I am building or have been building a portal and what it looks like… I have in mind exactly its dimensions colours and structure and when I first saw in my mind’s eye the portal it was already there, but I didn’t get this in a dream or vision as I do get other details not relevant to a portal, but as I am
sure you would know, confirmation from another is of great value.

My life has been one of great tribulations, but never enough for me to lose my zest for the next challenge. However the last about 10 years, has been absolutely crazy… huge huge challenges… and the last few years appears I am breaking all contacts with so many around me… I look sometimes as the watcher at my life and gaze in amazement at what’s happening.

One event was when I died around 1998 shocked by an electric fence, my ex at the time saw me around 8 minutes later blue and gone, because she was waiting outside our yard behind the gate, hence the description of time. She called the paramedics and I was resuscitated about 20 or more minutes later on this 34Deg C day. Have no recollection of any ND experience, but about 5 months later had a most profound dream/vision that kept me awake for the rest of the night.

A being of light, no other way to describe, a little taller than me around 7 ft, I couldn’t see any detail of the being as the being was an almost outlined roundish human form with a robe maybe type look, but with full white light, and it appeared to me in a calm isolated country setting next to a large tree, where we were alone, offered me some orange juice which was set on a table with a white cloth. I took a glass of cool drink and then the being said one sentence : ” Its is not your time to leave yet. You have important work to do” . I awoke with huge exhilaration as I realised undeniably that this was a real vision, not a dream.

Well, since then my path was one of radical change and experience. My last 4 years has almost been one of total spiritual fascination, study and tremendous introspection to say the least. I psychic told me that apparently I was rewired during this experience as I was not interested at all in being on 3D, I was too involved in my other realities to be concerned with my 3D experience. Not sure if this is so or not. So this is a little background to help you. There really is so much in my story since 1991(many big events compared to most around me) , but can’t really share with people any more as they appear to be more upset by the stories. So now I know they are for me and for me to digest and to find the diamond in each experience, and which I have been doing the last 8 years. I turned 50 in January.

May I ask as it was suggested in the other emails you can help confirm or describe the portal of another. Will you describe mine please.

Thanks in advance
Love and blessings to you.
Eugene du Plessis
From: <>
Subject: RE:

Dear Eugene,

Thank you for your email and thank you for sharing your special experiences. You have indeed been doing important work and this has led you to George’s website and the content therein which confirms your experiences.

You are accurately and most ably describing your own portal to yourself, and so you do not need my confirmation or description of it. You know, as well as I do, that it is a representation of yourself and has all the shapes and colours that define You.

I urge you to read the latest Ascension Report 5 on George’s website and carpe diem – seize the day, stay in the moment, and keep your heart open as we near Ascension!
Kindest regards and blessings also to you dear fellow traveller
October 12, 2011

Thanks for your reply Georgi.

Yes, indeed this is a place to experience polarity and for some of us we had had enough and we feel the millage under the hood and are due for a overhaul.

In your last post, it called my attention when you said that we, Wayshowers are born with 3 beloved dark entities attached to our fields that drain us to the point, where we cannot express the fullness of our contracts. Since I started my conscious path over 10 years ago, I have felt limited, as if I  cannot create what I feel in my heart is my purpose, and it frustrates me a lot. But I know in my heart, our destinies are more grandiose that I could have ever imagine. Right now, I am a happy man that has surrendered to the providence and I am seeing the magic unfold.

I know it is a lot of work for you to compile and post emails from our members, but please continue to do so, as we are getting some much out of it. In a way we are getting to know each other and realize we are family, and that is a bond that keep us close.

Love you Brother,

October 12, 2011


I was just curious as to what the ascension process will be like from October 16 – November 11. For those of us that know we will be ascending, along with the PAT and star seeds, will we get some sort of calling from our higher self/ guides/intuition? Would we psychologically accept that call and then have our bodies disintegrate and our consciousness would move on up to the 4th/5th (or higher) dimensions? Sorry for all the questions, just my curiosity as to how everything is going to work.

Love and Light,
Dear Chint,

I think that there will be a call, which nobody will misinterpret when it comes. In this case, one must express his firm will to ascend – at best loudly.

I read a message from St. Germain that in this case one should go outside the house to a free, calm place and wait for the transformation.

But I personally believe that it can also happen in the night during sleep.

However everybody will know it when it comes and I can only recommend to wait for this moment patiently, but with a firm decision to ascend. It is not advisable to wait for the call and then decide, then one may get into panic in the last moment and miss the chance.

Knowing my soul and how diligently she guides me, I personally have no doubt that she will choose the appropriate moment for ascension and will prepare me psychologically. I extrapolate this experience to all other souls of ascension candidates and I am very confident that everything will happen very smoothly. Most of the work – creating portals – have already been done. One can now lean back and relax.

In love and light
October 12, 2011

First I send love and light to you, papa George, for all you do and will do and have done for humanity. I am a newbie to your site and I must say I adore the information for it resonates deeply. I do have a question in regards to ascension and tapping into my akashic records. I know that I am on the correct path cause I’ve received several messages to confirm, my thing is tapping in even more and knowing that, what I am doing during this process, is working. I do not operate off of quick fixes and know there is a process, i just like confirmation that’s all.  Any suggestions or any words you have to share will be rec’vd with LOVE.  Thank you and Thank YOU!!!
Dear Empress,

Thank you very much for your email and I am happy that you can profit from the information I am publishing on my website. You are absolutely correct in your assumption that there are no quick fixes and that one has to climb the ladder to Ascension step by step in close dialogue with one’s own soul. Leave the progress of your LBP to your soul and she will guide you safely to your final goal.

In love and light
October 12, 2011

Captain George/Uncle George,

because your energy for me feels like a long lost uncle. I hope that you don’t mind. My spiritual journey has been very exciting these last five years! I know that I am a star seed and that I have agree to participate in the Ascension of the earth. I know that I am from the Lemurian time and the LAW of ONE. I am very aware of what is taking place in the cosmos as well as what is going on in the physical worls as I have been studying and dissecting a lot of info these past 5-6 years.

I feel a little short change in my dream state too. I really recall dreams. I sometimes have a sense that I had a dream but only remember a little scene if you will, of the dreams. I do have waking visions most of the time. My sister and I were looking at our natal charts and were re-discovering that our 12th house ( THE HOUSE OF KARMIC DEBT AND LIFE LESSONS), I’m sure you are familiar with, well I noticed that I have nothing in that house! Can you possible tell me if that has so me thing to do with my dreamless recall.

The last scene of a dream I had  was that I was being shown some portals that looked like doors. there were several. I also recall seeing the earth in the heavens and there was a line that went diagonal across mother earth from south east to north east. I’m still looking for the little light that I saw once in meditation. It started off as a swirl until it manifested into a little white light which I attempted to follow. If you have any insight please do share. I am an open vessel, I have no fears. Your loving words and guidance will be appreciated.

P.S. I hope that you didn’t mind me calling you Uncle George. peace love and light forever!!!
Dear S.,

Thank you very much for your email and I do not mind calling me an uncle as I am an uncle of many nephews and nieces.
You are well on your way to Ascension and you do not need to do anything more, but be relaxed and go with ease through all the processes of the LBP, which your soul is preparing for you. She will guide you best.

In love and light
Thank you soooo much Uncle Georgi for your lightening speed response!! I am so grateful to have connected with you and your plethora of light! I thank you for the confirmation for what I was feeling in my spirit. I will continue to monitor the wisdom that you present on the website. I humbly thank you for your guidance. May we be connected always and all ways.
October 12, 2011

Dear Georgi,

Just a few weeks ago I had a dream of being outside a teaching institution – it was rather large and I was standing outside feeling a little disorientated as I hadn’t been there before. I had graduated and was chosen to teach in this place – I was a newbie and was meeting new people and current teachers. I was a bit concerned that I would do my teaching OK, especially in this establishment, as it felt like quite an important place…

For many years I felt I did many more years studying in the astral planes than the physical ones… I had a professor who had a kindly old wizard/professor look – he chastised me Georgi for being late in getting started and in the early days he warned me I wasn’t getting things done fast enough – that I had to concentrate to make it in time. I graduated in the end and got a weird gift – three ties – i don’t know what that means – later i was given a medallion.
I wonder Georgi, and I know its a bit off focus; but was this learning to get ready for ascension, and are you a teacher in these astral night schools some of us attend.

I know you have knowledge of these places Georgi, and if have time, and can shed light on any of this I would be very appreciative.
Thank you for your considerations
Dear Craig,

What I know for sure is that after ascension there will be massive education and that all of us will be teachers for the 2-3 billion uneducated people that will ascend in Dec 2012. I often dream of giving lectures.


October 12, 2011

Dear George,

after 2 failed attempts by the dark ones to prevent me from taking part in our PAT exercise at 11am 11.10 11. I wish to report back to you that it is beyond words to describe my experience. I also understand the connection between all of PAT and star seeds is strengthening by this. My intention will be to follow on now from this initial group exercise frequently and daily, I am advised to get this feedback to you by my higher self/soul group. I’ve never felt the same physical sensation as that, when connecting with higher self previously, wow, is all I can say – powerful, condensed energy, global, brave.

Love and light George Always


Dear Bernice,

It was a great experience for me too. I went deep in meditation and cried out of it all of a sudden. I saw the dark ones running for their life. It was so powerful and I felt the collective energies of the PAT very strongly. The same relieve as with you after that. Great.

October 11, 2011

Dear George

I tried really hard at the meditation and the asking the dark entities to leave in a loud forceful way – it’s lucky I live in a cottage with thick walls (ha ha).  Following this, I have had a warmth in my chest both sides.

Yesterday I was hearing (well it is not exactly hearing) “soon, soon, soon!”, sometime I feel as if I will burst.

I have answered some of my own questions. I believe that I am alone in this as the journey has to be inward as much as outward and having felt isolated for most of my life, apart from some fleeting times, for me to connect may have made me focus too much on the external – I hope that makes sense?

My portal if I have one in black on the inside, black like the night sky on a starry night – I caught a fleeting glimpse of the end of a dream.

The support from your website is wonderful; thank you for your hard work! I hope that we have all been successful and that the attacks on you and others will now cease. I was not surprised to hear that you have ascended before as this came as a knowing yesterday.

Much love
October 11, 2011

Good morning George.

Reading through your website and feeling your website is the Gathering I always dreamed of and spoke of.?

Thank you.
It is indeed!
Dear George.

This is interesting as last weekend, I was ridiculed on speaking of St. Germaine with others citing him as lower than a drug dealer of the 4th dimension.

This is not the entity I know for sure as his energy is always kind and thoughtful. The discussion went on with one saying why would GS call himself an ascended master – that it is ego? I have met and know some beings with no names like we know of here and either is fine with me as it is the energy signature which tells me all.

Anyway, I got slightly upset. I left it that it is each beings choice to believe what they want. I felt no point in wasting my energy. I simply felt to mention it to you.

These reactions will increase in the coming days. Many people will not be able to bear the fact that many people have already ascended, while they still stay on earth. There will be a real schism of humanity. I have expected this.

October 11, 2011


I loved what you told someone about confusion vs conviction in your 4th report.  And yes, it is a choice, just like anything else. This is all about knowingness that comes from within. When we trust that, then we can expose ourselves to whatever outside information and there is either resonance or no.

I’d done a Tarot reading a couple days ago about my future, which essentially will be about my future just past this imminent shift, which will still be 4D, so it will be much better in some ways and yet still be very familiar / similar to 3D life. The first card cautioned about knowing the difference between conviction and fantasy. These readings always serve to just “kick off” the conversation with me between my higher self and lower self. So, my higher self said that I know fully well the difference between conviction and fantasy and that I am to just hold my convictions. It said to not allow my dreams to merely be fantasies. That anything we could dream, could be either made real or just be “mind candy” as an ex of mine used to call it.

We can sometimes use our imaginations to just “trying something on for size” or even to allow ourselves a complete experience of something we’ve always wanted to do, but never got the chance due to contracts dealing with higher purpose and higher priorities. All of that helps us to hone our imagination and visualization skills. But when we connect to our higher selves, find out what it meant for us (which is often more wonderful than we might even anticipate) and put our focus and conviction behind that, then the dream becomes more than just mere fantasy and we are using our imaginations in a truly creative way that will eventually result in manifestation.

Also, I really smiled when someone asked you about helping the world as opposed to being focused on themselves and you told them that their own ascension helped the world and that was exactly what they should focus on.  I have always preached putting oneself first.  Not in a “selfish” way, but most assuredly in a “self-centered” way as in “centered on self.”  We find our calm and power in our center.  And healing ourselves is the greatest gift we can give… by leading by example and also with the energetic shift that it creates in this world.

“Truly the greatest gift you can give is that of your own self-transformation.”  – Lao Tze

Even with our personal desires…. I’ve been guided to think of what I desire on a very personal basis and yet to do so with the intention that such things be created / made available to anyone else who might choose it. Our own choosing of it and KNOWING that we have a right to it, makes that option more obvious to others who can also choose it.

October 11, 2011

Dear Callista,

I have been in contact with Georgi and found you via the posted e-mails. I felt like contacting you would be a good thing to do. I am currently trying to build a portal in Frankfurt a. Main, Germany – the last few months I was in the German countryside, living with my parents and it was easier there to get energies flowing to get in a higher state of consciousness. Here it is harder and I have been seeing the portal in a different way in my inner eye. In the countryside it looked like two ellipsis of white light, moving around each other like in an atom model. What I am seeing here is different – at first I saw a classic round portal swirling around in different colours, then I saw a 2. dimensional
pyramid and later on an octahedron form.

I kind of was wondering whether my portal could be active at different geographic points, while my physical vessel being at one of these points… I am not quite sure but I feel as everything happens in the now and basically all is energy, it is possible to do so. I am looking forward to your input and to communicating with you.

From: <>
Subject: RE:No subject
Dear Harry

You are correct – everything happens in the Now and all is energy. I like the sound of your portal – lots of nice sacred geometrical patterns – beautiful!
Kindest regards from Callista

October 11, 2011

Dear Callista,

I’ve read some emails on George’s website about your portal checking, and it makes me a bit curious about what you can see about my portal. I have my own images and feelings about it, but I think it’s always good to have another point of view from an experienced person like you. I know that portals are vibrations/frequencies, and 3D thoughts and images
are representations of that. So if you can describe more details about my portals from your point of view, maybe I can make it even more beautiful/powerful.

Also, when imaging/creating the portal, I see lines of light connecting  it to other portals, making a brilliant grid around the globe, and all portals I see are connected to the center of the earth. Do you have any  thought about that?

Peace and many blessings from Vietnam,
From: <>
Subject: RE:A Question About Portal

Dear Giang MJ

Thank you for your email. You do not need my confirmation to know your portal is perfect for you. You are already very aware. Your reporting of the connection of the portals into a grid around the planet and into the centre of the earth are very important insights and I thank you for sharing them.
They remind me of the crystalline grid that is now in place around the planet.
Thank you and kindest regards from Callista
October 11, 2011

Hallo, Herr Stankov

Ich kann ein bisschien Deutsch srechen, aber ich spreche zuerst Englisch. Ich komme aus Kanada und bin jetzt in Berlin seit 3 Jahren. Mein Vater kommt aus Italien, pero, io no parlo italiano molto bene. Mais je parle francais et espagnole.

I´ve been re-reading your articles (there is so much content, on so many levels) and am grateful to have found your “portal” site. I´ve waited until now to write you back as I wanted to have some time to absorb the material and try some things.

I understand that you must be exhausted and am hesitant to write this rather long email, yet it is not often that one encounters a person, who can reliably advise on the subject matter at hand. If you cannot respond, I would fully understand.

My 2 questions are:  Do I need to be able to activate the high heart portal at will, summoning massive amounts of unconditional love, or will I be able to download my next “activation” by attempting to open up? (see below for clarification)  Secondly, should I be building a pillar that encompasses my entire apartment building or is a pillar the width of my person sufficient?

I have been envisioning expanding a light shaft grounding into the earth and my being the rest of it, shooting upwards into the heavens, like a blueish pillar. Also, I have been practising opening the portal in my high heart and trying to use the third eye. I find it difficult to conjure feelings of unconditional love as a practice activity. I am very familiar with this state of being and I can experience it, sometimes in lengthy meditations, other times through connections with people, but often I cannot summon it through sheer will.

Last night, as I was experimenting with this meditation, I came to visit you in my mind´s eye in Munich. You appeared to me as a massive light being, blue tinged, with an incredibly loving, fatherly, compassionate energy (and white beard?) that I can feel through your website and in general if I think I connected to you. I did not want to intrude last night, so I gently intended to be in your vicinity and waited to see if you would “address me”. Indeed, you came to me, put my hand on your chest and immediately I was “portalled” back to my here and now, in my meditation, but in a sublime state of bliss and unconditional love that I had previously been trying to “will” to enter.

Is this what you mean by being an opener of portals? Did you open my high heart and effectively teach me how to do it also?

Naturally I wanted to give you this information as an affirmation of your important work, but also with extreme gratitude for expending so much energy on people that you hardly know.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,  and wishing you continued high health and energy,

mit freundlichen Grußen,

Dear Debra,

Thank you very much for your interest with respect to my work. Now I will answer your questions. The role of the human will and intention is generally over-evaluated. My personal opinion is that one cannot do much to accelerate the LBP, be it the opening of the 4th heart chakra or anything else. One must simply be open to this perspective and leave the soul to manage the show. Too much mental intention only impedes the work of the soul. This insight is part of the elimination of the ego, which is a prerequisite for the LBP to progress steadily.

Your meditation was very correct, my beard is white and, being the father of two daughters and having many young people around me, I must automatically play the role of the good father, which I actually enjoy. But contrary to my critical articles, I never intrude in the lives of my daughters or give any advises, and they seem to appreciate this more and more, the older they get. I just educate them by personal example, even when they reject it.

Don`t worry about building portals. The people are now so excited that they believe that they will not catch the first train, but there will be a second and a third one. I do open portals at the higher level and that is why I am very tired these days, but this opening is part of the divine plan and everybody is actually opening his own portal at the higher level. It is a mistake to believe that one can open it consciously, unless it is part of the soul contract. Therefore, relax and take the whole development with calmness and joy. There will be huge changes soon anyhow and one will miss the current peacefulness very soon.

In love and light
October 11, 2011

Dearest Georgi,

Greg and I have been enjoying your writing!!  We also have to say it was ironic that earlier this year Greg and I were trying to get our friends to watch Al Jazeera as Greg and I found it to be “Real News”. Do you know the responses we got from people and this was the majority? That they thought it was a terrorist network and that if you watch Al Jazeera you get put on a watch list. Greg and I had the best laugh over that because we tried and tried to get people to watch, but they were closed off.

I do not like it that Americans are seen as ignorant.  Most are, but the ones that I have met so far, because of their spirituality and their comfort levels with their intuition, had no issues.  Those nay sayers really got our goat this past January when we were trying to show people real news. Greg and I even lost some friends and family over these issues. Issues of not trusting, issues of being negative, issues of ignorance and bull headedness, so we were tired of hearing the rants and said goodbye and that we hope they come to their senses soon.

Americans are difficult, and the funny thing is that Americans live in a 80 hour work week world, 2 parents working, kids in daycare (which one of their paycheck solely pays for) and no time for love or family. Everyone is in a HUGE rush here, even if they are at a red light and it immediately turns green, they have their hand on the horn waiting for the split second it turns green to honk at you. Even some people here are quite rude and we have the gall to call other countries rude? Some Americans don’t even know that we are one of the only ones not using the Metric system. Some don’t know that our gasoline is the cheapest in the world. They have no idea, no idea at all. It’s sad and everyone lives in a bubble.

When I was a kid and when Greg was a kid, things were so different, now we are going back 39 and 50 years. We used to have our car doors and homes unlocked, no one ever broke in, until that one day, where the whole neighborhood was ransacked by thieves. What’s new?  Nothing, our ancestors stole the land and killed the Indigenous people if they did not comply, but I digress. Obviously you know the story, so I do not have to repeat it, but it was much different when we were growing up. Neighbors shared their vegetables in their gardens, shared recipes, everyone knew each other, etc. Such a different world today, people are so afraid of speaking to another person, especially if they are of a different race. It is not what was supposed to be, it just wasn’t. Everyone seems to have an agenda and not care about others here in America.

Don’t people know that we are ALL immigrants here in America, except the indigenous people? I don’t think people get it and there are more sheeple in the US than anywhere. Also, the apathy of the kids that were born in the early 80’s (parents stop caring and display that behavior in front of their children), the children now just don’t care, give them quick and all of the answers, as they do not want to work for anything and are quite lazy and don’t listen. I have seen this time and time again with that generation and it is only a half generation from me, so how this could have happened in 10 years is beyond me.

Anyway, I will stop rambling on here, I just wanted to say that your last article was very thought provoking and I admire your confidence, which can be seen as arrogance, but it is not what we perceive, as these are just facts in regards to your experiences growing up and into adulthood. I don’t want to inflate your ego, but you are a very intelligent man.

I do have to say though that folks that do not resonate with your articles are probably not part of PAT, I guess I can say that since you had stated that in your article. I feel bad for those that are lost, they are coming to me now in dribs and drabs and I have one person that somehow found me and I think they are trying to pick my brain as far as spirituality goes as well as religiously, this person thought Greg and I were Pagan, Greg used to be, but not anymore. I think they are trying to fill my head with nonsense because they are speaking of being able to control weather and thinks it is a wonderful idea to throw an ice shield around earth so that radiation would not affect us. I had said that does not sound plausible. Apparently they are a weather creator, as they have done this twice in their life. Honestly? Doing something twice does not make you an expert. I tried to explain that doing anything to harm the people of this world will come back to him tenfold.

Well, they seem to think for whatever reason that I am going to continue this awful dialogue about how they want to put an ice shield around the earth,I don’t have time for nonsense. I was very unsettled in regards to this and told them that they should send love and light to Gaia and it’s inhabitants, not ICE! Geesh! Again, can I say what is wrong with people?  I just cannot understand them and as time moves along here, Greg and I are understanding less and less from those that vibrate lower than us. I never thought, I would say that and I actually feel bad saying it, but it is in fact, the truth.

I hope I am not being judgmental, which I probably am, but this has been my life long question “Why do people do the things they do? I just do not understand”.  Will I ever?  Probably Not in this life or world we live in today. Should I bother to understand humanity now? Who knows?  All I know is that I have this job that I don’t know how I got and I don’t know how it evolved since March and I don’t know what compelled me to do all of this. Some days, like you, I am just severely exhausted, especially with all of these energies I am feeling as of late. I just keep picking myself up everyday to help people, because I truly care, but it is hard when one wants to debate religion and ice shields for earth with me.

Something I simply do not have expertise in and also something I never heard of. It did however, throw me for a loop as to how someone could think that is a good thing to do for humanity. I guess I just don’t understand, I have accepted that I will never understand people (which gets easier over time).

Regardless, I do hope you are well and maybe perhaps you know something about people’s abilities in this manner, I am unaware of these abilities as I have never encountered someone who had stated they had this ability. Anyway, food for thought. :)

Talk soon,
In love and light,

Dear Wendy and Greg,

Thank you very much for your comprehensive response and your stimulating thoughts on my article.

It is indeed sad to witness how the world has developed for the worst in the last decades. What you have said about the USA, holds true for Europe, Bulgaria, any other country. The civilised aspects of life are gone and the only solution is Ascension.

Although I am hard with the Americans, I do so because I know that they have great personalities among them and I can afford being so and they will not condemn me. But I have given up long time ago on the Germans. So you see, my opinion is still in favour of the Americans. I have realized that there is no chance to reach the Germans. So not everything is bad with the Americans. You have to be an optimist, to be critical. When you become a cynic, you stop even criticizing.

Thank you once again for your appreciation.

Dear Georgi,

I am glad you enjoyed our take on your article. Also, if there is hope in the USA, as you had stated, than we should be hopeful for Germany.
I know how stoic German people can be as both my grandparents, on my father’s side, were German Jews from in or around Kiev in the Ukraine.  Obviously they migrated there over the years. They were the first of my Dad’s family to come to America, along with my father’s two sisters; one was born on the boat from Poland to the US and apparently to this day we do not know the exact date that my Aunt was born.  At one point, she had two birthdays a year because the family was unsure of the date of her birth.

When they came here they did not speak a word of English, therefore when they arrived from Poland to the US, the immigrant officer could not understand them when they were stating their names, so they had taken the liberty of creating a last name from what they could gather from my grandparents.  Our name used to be Veisbrod (pronounced wise broad in English terms), however the name they gave us was Weinberg.  However, I found some information about my grandparents from my cousin, as she does a child reach program over in Kiev as well as being a spiritual leader and has taken homage there.  I emailed her and asked her if she knew where our grandmother and grandfather were from exactly, how they met and so on.  She told me that our grandmother was from Odessa near the Black Sea and our grandfather was from Myropil, Kiev, which is now Ukraine (Back then it was under the Russian Empire). Our grandmother was sent up north to Myropil to marry my grandfather, as this was an arranged marriage, to move away from her family and the city to my grandfathers’ family farm.  They fled in the early 1920’s and came to Staten Island, New York and then proceeded to Boston, Massachusetts, where my father, who was born in 1928, grew up.

I found it fascinating that this was an arranged marriage and that my Grandmother had to be sent up North as it was way too dangerous in those times for a young girl in the city of Odessa.  What an interesting story.

My mothers side has been in the US for centuries now, however they were from England.  Unfortunately I do not know a lot of my mother’s side as it goes back too far. Also there are way too many that are named Theodore to count.

It is just fascinating because there are so many people in the US that have these stories of their heritage in this world, in this time and place.  So, in that respect I think we are very diverse, that is for sure.  You cannot know when these folks will wake up, you can just sit aside and make your own bed to lie in and hope others will follow your lead.  It is a very difficult thing, because no one likes to be told what to do here, we are very independent people, but not independent thinkers (they think they are, but they are in fact not).

I feel for you Georgi, I cannot imagine what you have to do to deal with stoic people of the Germanic descent. I know how it is when you have a very stoic Grandmother.  I actually never met my grandfather on either side of my family. However, I do know that a smile was very difficult to get out of my Grandmother.

Please do not lose hope for Germany.  We should ask our higher selves as to how we can get more and more people on board as we are losing time.  I will have to sleep on this and let you know my thoughts tomorrow.  Goodnight Georgi, I hope you are well.

In love and light always,
Dear Wendy,

It seems that we are almost neighbours, as my mother comes from Nessebar, a very old Greek colony on the other side of the Black See coast to Odessa, which was also an old Greek colony at that time. Odessa is not very far away from my mother’s place.

The Germans are hard to swallow as a nation, but there are also very amiable individuals, as my wife and other people. I am surrounded most of the time with young people – friends of my two daughters, who stay very often with us in the country because they like my kitchen and let themselves being served by myself, which I do with pleasure, as I enjoy their company. The young people are very positive these days and this gives me great comfort. I feel much more younger and invigorated in their presence. But as a nation the Germans are dumbed down and there is nothing, one can do about it.

In Love and Light
Hi Georgi,

What has started just on Wall Street in New York, has now spread across the USA.  I thought you would like to see this (follows a map of the USA with the upheavals).
Dear Wendy,

I expected it long time ago and I had some troubles to understand why it did not start earlier, but now that the jinn is out of the bottle, there is no retreat back. Everything is accelerating now. These are the most exciting times on earth.

October 12, 2011

Dear George

Are you referring to the Report Number 5?  Or were you intending to send me a draft of number 6?  I read the number 5 this morning and thought it was a good summary of the events of the past week – is it only a week?  Seems like a lifetime!  (Aaron calculated today that one day now is equal to 20 years before the start of the Galactic Underworld in 1998.  Aaron is leaving tomorrow but will stay in the area – I am enjoying his company but I am so busy with Ascension he is better off living elsewhere – also I prefer to be on my own!.)

It was good to see you quote the Saint Germain information – there are so many who just spout platitudes but here is one with substance, and it totally confirms that which you have been aware of for some time.

I am so glad, and I know many others are so glad, that you have stuck with your knowledge and have taken the time and energy to put it out there for humanity to be enlightened. Even though you call yourself merely a collator, you have been the glue that sticks us all together and has enabled us to be a cohesive and supportive group for one another. I feel very privileged to be part of this movement.

Dear Callista,

Thank you very much for your great support and valuable contributions. What we are doing now is connecting the members of PAT at a higher level. Our earth activities are thus of a symbolic character, but vital to establish this probability alternative on earth by firmly declaring our desire to ascend. This is sufficient. The rest will be provided from Heaven.

One must always keep in mind how limited our abilities are as long as we dwell in a physical vessel. But what counts, are our thoughts as they are already in the 5th and higher dimensions. That is why I fight in the first place for the purity of ideas. I am now preparing report-6 for tomorrow and we will publish Sue’s interview on top.

In love and light
October 11, 2011

Dear Callista:

I was moved to write to you this morning. I was awakened some years ago when I was told in a channeling session with about 75 people present that I was an “extraterrestrial.” All eyes were upon me after that revelation! Turns out I have a connection to the Orions, amongst others. I have been travelling these last few years around the world with the suspicion that I was being used to “lighten” the energy fields of the places where I went. The darkest place has been Ecuador where the entities encountered there were of the lowest vibration I have encountered on Earth (well, except for Wall Street and Washington, DC).

I am supposed to leave Panama at the end of November according to my visa, but with matters progressing, I am not sure where the next adventure will be. Because the energies should be most chaotic during these next two months, I am in a holding pattern, waiting for an indication of where is next to go. Of course, I would like to be one who ascends soon, but I have the sense that I will probably be on the planet assisting for a while. I feel drawn to go to Mexico, Ireland, Uruguay and Argentina, but I remain waiting for a clear indication.

I have also been one of those who has seen “11:11” for years now on clocks, so maybe the time is short now.
Much love and light to you. If you sense some thoughts that would aid me, I would be most pleased to hear from you.

Richard Armaugh
Boquete, Panama
From: <>
Subject: RE:Travels; Panama

Dear Richard

I also have extensively travelled in past years, anchoring energy in various locations. This home is my 67th residence.
However, I now have settled in a place that suits me and I arrived at that knowledge simply through listening to my Soul. Imagine yourself in a particular location and see how you feel about it. If it feels right, then go there and try it.

Kindest regards from Callista
October 11, 2011

Hi Georgi,

When I was about 14 I read ATLAS SHRUGGED by Ayn Rand, and wanted to be one of the heroes of that novel when I grew up. I started dreaming of the career I’d have  when I was in grade school (really!), and after I read ATLAS I decided I wanted to run a large corporation the way the heroes of that book did. For years my vision of my future was taken directly from that novel.  When I started experiencing major health issues, and what I realized later were Ascension Symptoms, I gave up on that vision for my life.

In recent months I’ve been learning about portals, the Separation of the Worlds, what earth A and earth B will be like, etc. It then occurred to me that the plot of ATLAS has several remarkable parallels to the Ascension Process.  I then realized that it was a ’50s, Ayn Rand version of that, and was quite prophetic. I realize now that by Ascending to earth A I’ll be fulfilling my adolescent dream of living like one of the heroes of that novel. I had thought of sharing this with you, but was hesitant to because I wasn’t sure how relevant it was.

I went to the library earlier today to pick up a Shirley MacLaine book that had come in for me. Right next to it on the holds shelf was a copy of the 50th anniversary edition of ATLAS SHRUGGED by Ayn Rand!  The front cover of my Shirley MacLaine book was touching the back cover of ATLAS. I was astounded by the synchronicity of this, and took it as a sign from my guides that I needed to share this with you.
Dear Tom,

Thank you very much for your letter and for sharing with me your personal key experience with this prophetic writer, about whom, I must confess, I had not heard anything yet. But I was also impressed in my youth by science fiction and Ray Bradbury was my favourite. These novels stay in your mind during the whole life and one reassesses his changing view of the world with their help.

We have indeed entered the new times of serendipity and sychronicities. Shirley MacLaine has never been my favourite writer, but I like her as “Irma La Douce”, the harlot, in Billy Wilder’s film.

October 11, 2011

To George:

Beatles The Ballad Of John And Yoko Lyrics
Send “The Ballad Of John And Yoko”Ringtone to your Cell

Standing in the dock at Southampton,
Trying to get to Holland or France.
The man in the mack said, “You’ve got to go back”,
You know they didn’t even give us a chance

Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re gonna crucify me.

Finally made the plane into Paris,
Honeymooning down by the Seine.
Peter Brown called to say,
“You can make it O.K.,
You can get married in Gibraltar, near Spain”.

Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re gonna crucify me.

Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton,
Talking in our beds for a week.
The newspaper said, “Say what you doing in bed?”
I said, “We’re only trying to get us some peace”.

Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re gonna crucify me.

Saving up your money for a rainy day,
Giving all your clothes to charity.
Last night the wife said,
“Oh boy, when you’re dead
You don’t take nothing with you
But your soul – think!”

Made a lightning trip to Vienna,
eating chocolate cake in a bag.
The newspaper said, “She’s gone to his head,
They look just like two gurus in drag”.

Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re gonna crucify me.

Caught the early plane back to London.
Fifty acorns tied in a sack.
The men from the press said, “We wish you success,
It’s good to have the both of you back”.

Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re gonna crucify me.
The way things are going
They’re gonna crucify me.

Greetings and Salutations,

Now, if we follow Dante’s version of hell, we are on the first level, can see the light under the door and thru the key hole, see the warden coming with the keys, to open it. The US’ past and present have been adjudicated in the world court. I did not know if these things would transpire before or after, the announcements. Now I have learned they decided to handle the legalities now, to abort any future law suit attempts, by the guilty parties. Whether, we Americans believe, the world court has any jurisdiction over our system, I assure it does. The guilty parties wouldn’t have filed there if it had no jurisdiction. This ends the tyranny that began in 1871. Visually, people will start seeing those fringe flags disappearing, out of the courts and other places they have had common placement.

While the media and some of the presidential candidates are playing football with the OWLs up on Wall St,, the folks protesting the bankers, truth is, we are doing the 60’s again… and I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns into war protests, before it’s all said and done. This is the place, the folks who’ve been in control, never wanted to see again. The bankers got bailed out and the people got stuck with the bill and can’t even get a loan, because the bankers are ‘uncertain’. I bet they are certain about what’s in that subzero refrigerator they got in the kitchen.

This man has been in the back ground prognosticating for some time now. He crunches things in a different fashion then most… kind of like Steve Jobs did at apple. People ‘feel it’ but no one has been verbalizing it to the point they can understand so, anxiety rises, the sales of the pink stuff skyrockets. When the people lose faith, they don’t care what political party you tag your self with. Centrism always wins…what’s good for the whole. Like your body, if the body parts all argued, that would send you to the hospital. It’s like the old joke about the parts of the body arguing about who was more important in the body, and the silent part, the ‘anus’, just closed up saying nothing, causing all other parts to stop operating correctly. That’s action over, diatribe. There’s one in the middle of the mix right now and I doubt many spotted him yet. Too many emotions for people to see clearly. Anger should be focused, blind rage is exactly that, blind.

I’m tired of holding up the torch, and now that the court has ruled, I feel secure about setting it down and letting you folks safely board the big ship, as you see fit. The rules are simple, ‘do unto others as you would want done to you’. Is that really so hard? Don’t worry about revenge, justice will be carried out and you can watch it on your TV, if you’d like.

I’m old enough to remember, seeing a bunch of trials from ww2 coming on TV. This time, I’m not watching, I’m turning my back on the whole shooting match and go enjoy myself doing something else. Time to become the ‘new human’ and leave the neanderthals behind. We won’t be driving model T’s anymore and we won’t be paying for electricity anymore, sounds like change to me. See ya, Mr Slate. Yabba dabba dooooo!

The person who needed the power to perform, now has it so, everyone hang onto their shorts.

Love and Kisses;
Dear Terry,

I hugely enjoyed your potpourri  or, should I say, your Requiem for the current End Times. While reading the Beatles’ song, there is one question in my mind I cannot answer. What the hell made the last Beatle so stupid as to marry again today? Is this not a classical example of regression to Neanderthal, to use your paradigm?

Today I have announced under great pressure from my soul the start signal for Ascension and you can read it tomorrow in the Astral News. I decided that it is time to go home. No more plays, no more dramas – only one huge final accord for the whole humanity. You have already presented the final snapshots of this human carnival.

October 11, 2011

Dear Geogi,

I just finished reading your latest article – Report 4

I have to say that it comes right on time. I also have been experiencing unexpected “dark attacks” for the last 3 days in the form of the loved one no longer willing to accept my world views and ascension studies, demanding me to stop “this nonsense” immediately, while causing unnecessary drama. I can see how dark forces are willing to stop us in our tracks while using anything and everything dear to our hearts to get our concentration off the mission. 

I can see clearly how these dark entities have been causing chaos during my life and now I think that in my case these 3 entities are incarnated as psychopaths who have been “posted” in my life to keep me away from living my true identity and attack me at times when the time is most crucial. 

Laura – Knight Jadczyk once said: “Who needs aliens if we have psychopaths”.

I was discussing this issue with Ben yesterday. Thanks to your work and your web page I have met other wonderful light workers like Callista, Sue and Ben. It is amazing to share experiences and help each other.

Synchronicities are working in our advantage. Help comes when it is needed! We will succeed!

with love,


Dear Sanita,

Thank you very much for your validation. People tend to underestimate the role of the Ahriman and Luciferian influences from the 4th dimension. I have just received a letter from a German, who represented this narrow view. When the real revelations will begin after the Shift with the help of new technologies based on the Akasha Chronics and the people get the real perspective of how these dark ones have been intruding in their lives all the time, they will be shocked, more so, than the news about the first wave of ascension.

I agree that one should not pay too much attention to this topic when one is fully aware of the magnitude of dark influence, but any negligence or diminution of the real danger is equivalent to surrender. There is a very fine balance to observe.

The next days will be the hardest as the dark ones know that the jury has fallen its verdict and they must demise. Today I have officially announced the begin of ascension after October 16, and tomorrow you will read it. While writing this text, I was under a great pressure from my soul to finish it. By the end I felt such an emotional release and mind-easiness coupled with ecstasy as if I have already ascended with the others. I wish, I could have conveyed a part of this exuberant feeling to my readers, but I know that it is impossible. This was the confirmation from the higher realms that the light is switched onto green and that we have made it. I rare emotional state of final accomplishment and relaxation.

In love and light
October 11, 2011

Hi Georgi,

Thanks so much for your Report 4 on the recent activities of the Dark Ones. I mentioned in an earlier e-mail that I took a long walk a couple of weeks ago, and that during the walk my guides showed me my portal for the first time. They also gave me a lot of clear signs about my Ascension Process. After that I started experiencing some major LBP symptoms, and haven’t had any similar experiences since then. I started to question whether or not I was going to go through my portal on 11-11-11 or shortly thereafter.

I’ve been experiencing more LBP symptoms the last few days, and have been wondering why my guides haven’t shown me my portal or given me more information about it. I’ve been having serious doubts about the whole Ascension Process, and wondering if it is some fairy tale that I’ve naively believed in. I’ve been starting to make plans beyond the next 5 weeks “just in case” I don’t go through my portal soon, and have to remain on 3-D earth for a long time after that.

When I’ve read about others’ experiences with building and seeing their portals, I’ve been thinking “Oh no, I’ve only been given one brief glimpse of my portal. Many of these people are actually *building* theirs, and others can see vivid images of theirs ongoingly.” I’ve been concerned that I’m not as far along with my Ascension as they are, and may be left behind after they Ascend soon.

Yesterday I came across the Occupy Seattle location, which is a few blocks from my home. I spent a couple of hours talking with the people there, and decided I wanted to get involved with them.  I decided that this was a good idea since I probably wouldn’t be Ascending 11-11-11 or shortly thereafter.  I decided it would be a good idea to try to help them change the current system “just in case” I don’t Ascend, and have to stay on 3-D earth for an extended period of time.

After I read your report, things became very clear to me. I realize now that the Dark Ones have been making a desperate, last-ditch effort to keep me off my Ascension Path. They’ve been sowing a lot of doubts in my mind in a very subtle way, and playing on a lot of my old insecurities. I’ve been involved in political activism in the past, and it was once a strong passion of mine. I realize now that the Occupy Seattle movement was the perfect way for the Dark Ones to seduce me with something that had previously been very important to me. I also realize that I need to keep dealing with my LBP symptoms, reading and posting on your website, doing my meditating, rattling, and resume yoga to stay on my Ascension Path.  Thanks so much for this very timely article.

Dear Tom,

I read your letter very carefully and must tell you something very basic. Many of the LBP symptoms do feel like attacks from the dark ones as we are releasing our own darkness, stored in the DNA and in the cells. Essentially it is the same. But one must always preserve his optimism and conviction that he will ascend as this is the bridge to overcome the dark moments during the LBP. Later on, when one becomes more experienced, one can discern between external attacks from the dark ones and the unpleasant LBP-waves.

Second, the LBP and Ascension is not a competition, where the best ascends first. I will be for instance as the captain of the PAT the last one to ascend as I have to keep the portals open for the others to ascend. Does this mean that I am less evolved? Of course, not, It simply means that everybody has specific function to fulfil in the whole process, and the one function is not better than the other.

I would advise you to simply concentrate on your LBP and not let being disturbed by other thoughts or even too much social engagement as this society is bound to disappear very soon. Leave the time point of ascension to your soul and she will find the best moment for you.


October 11, 2011

Hello George;

Thank you for your tireless efforts to keep everyone informed. I admire you skills in balancing the massive multi-dimensional workload you have. THANK YOU GEORGI !

I will being leaving for Zakopane Poland on 18 October, so I will be in the Polish mountains during the ascension process. I have set up a portal reinforced with crystals at my home New York City and have been energizing that so that hopefully it will remain stable and open the entire time. We were taught how to project our personal energy fields onto an object or area and maintain the fields through intent and energy transfer even when our physical bodies were not present. It seem to be working for the portals as well. So I will be able to provide at least 2 portals that I know of, one at my house in New York and one In Zakopane Poland when I get there.

You and your family would of course be welcome to come stay with me in Zakopane, although I assume you will be busy with other things.

The idea of being in Poland during this time seems to have just happened. My feelings are still not 100% about this. I feel a strong desire to be in Poland at this time (80% pro-Poland), but the idea of leaving my life in the U.S.A. also brings some uncertainty if I should be in the U.S.A. for the 11.11 portal or not, especially after reading your latest post. Do you think that’s why I set up a surrogate portal in New York and will set up another portal when I get to Poland?

If you have time to reply with any ideas about all this, I would great appreciate it.

I’m also feeling well on the Nystatin regimen, thank you.

My best always,
Dear Marco,

Thank you for your letter. It was obvious for me from the very beginning that you must travel to Poland. The impulse was too strong to neglect. There is always a purpose for everything, just as this website – to connect the members of PAT in preparation for Ascension. Read my next report-5 and everything will become crystal clear. I am so busy writing in a marathon because I know that the days of this website are numbered and that the individual ascension will most probably begin this month after October 16, as predicted by myself. The stargate will be in November.

I do not know how long you intend to stay in Poland, but Zakopane is a nice place to be when the turmoil begins.

I knew that this website and the connecting of the dots at the End Times will be a huge job and I even predicted it in my last German book as of 2008. It did not see the details at that time, but it makes sense retrospectively, just as you going to Poland. The ego has no influence on the individual destiny, why then bother, let yourself float with the stream.
Do not worry about the portals – they will be there, when you need them. The personal effort is much too over-evaluated. It is the intention that counts.

Enjoy your time in Poland.

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