State-of-Ascension-Report-73: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11
On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates; Report-73, March 11, 2012 Peter Bruegel The Elder, Apocalypse March 11, 2012 Dear George, The sensational development regarding the inclusion of Planet AB provides a win-win situation … Continue reading
Posted in State-of-Ascension-Report
Tagged ascended earth A, Ascended Masters, Ben "Sell'em Ben" Smith, Bohemian Grove, Christ Crucifixion, completion of PAT mission, flawed medicine, Freud, General Theory of Biologial Regulation, Great Depression, hypnosis, LBP, Lucifer, Manhattan Project, Meditation with Christed Light, New Earth, Orion/Reptilian empire, PAT members, Planet A/B, Planet B, PTB, Reptilians, Rothschild reptilian family, sacrifice myth, Three-earth-scenario, wrong categorical systems
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