New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind – Serial 10
Georgi Stankov, February 7, 2012 Translation from the German language: by Joelle Torneros and Georgi Stankov 10. Serial: Chapter 9. IX. The Role of the Chakras in the Light Body Process and the Evolutionary Leap 1. The Body as … Continue reading
Posted in Ascension, New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind
Tagged 1st bottom chakra, 2nd sexual chakra, 3rd solar plexus chakra, 4th heart chakra, 5th throat chakra, 6th forehead chakra, 7F-creation levels, 7th crown chakra, All-That-Is, Ascension, basic action potential, body chakras, centring of two chakras, cycle of reincarnation, energy, Evolutionary Leap, human body, instincts, intellectual centre, Karma, LBP, light body process, motor centre, multidimensional personality, new theory of the Universal Law, PAT, pineal gland, pituitary gland, seven human chakras, space-time, spiritual centre, three lower chakras, three upper chakras, thymus, thyroid gland, united chakra
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