Patrick Amoroso, February 20, 2023
My attempt to analyze, ponder and ultimately comprehend the “Abortion Dilemma” proceeds from an existential and metaphysical comprehension. Such a dividing enmity crosses over into a consideration of Natural Law and by doing so warrants an inroad into the spiritual aspects of the very essence of what it means to be human. What do I mean by introducing a Natural Law consideration?
Natural Law can be defined as : A body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct. An observable law relating to natural phenomena.
Additionally, one cannot discount the energetic power of the force of creating a new and soul-filled being when the act of physical coitus between male and female successfully unite in procreation. The gestation interval for creating life rests solely within the unique female anatomy, a right reserved and in concert with the energetic force of creation and divine-cosmic consciousness. It is here where the current thinking on the matter devolves into an enmity of reserving “rights” to only the bearer of the gestating fetus. Alas, the question then follows, when does life really begin? It is this dilemma that ultimately causes the abortion debate encumbered by a total abandonment of the creative power of the female.
How might we discern, did the betrayal of Natural Law, established for eons, become suspect in the evolving human consciousness defining the essence of what it means to be human? To answer that, one must look at the historical, cultural and religious memes that have played out through time which altered, undermined and ultimately promoted a system whereby the maturing individual is considered sovereign and any gestating process of the development of a new being in the womb is held as a dependent and non-autonomous being.
The evolution of the mindset which totally corrupted the Male Warrior’s Protective Ethos and led to the Female Warrior’s Consciousness being undermined and severely separated from the Cosmic consciousness of the Divine, sublime and Energetic Force of Creation has its roots in the memes specifically perpetrated in a diabolical genesis of the last two hundred years. Such alienating disruptions have been passed historically through eons of time both manipulated and controlled by the ELITES and in concert with the Negative Astral Forces of Higher Dimensions.
Such a transcendental departure alienated from the very essence of what it means to be human paved the way for the nemesis of what would eventually culminate in the Abortion Conundrum of Enmity so championed by those FOR and AGAINST. However, these same human-altering social institutions of hierarchical, patriarchal and male dominated governance where women as a divinely-gifted partner in alignment with the resonant creative power of the Universe became manifestly compromised and as a consequence culminated most fervently in the last two hundred years.
How so? In the interest of brevity, I will concentrate on the disrupting forces at work in the last 200 approximate years. There was a time before the Industrial Revolution when families and extended families were held together in tight-knit groups and acclimated to the land on family-held farming communities which were passed on by ancestral lineages. Even grandparents were positioned as mentors and would never be considered as a burden. Male and female, husband and wife worked tirelessly for each other’s mutual advantage and for the protection of children. Pregnancy was considered a blessing and the very idea that a loving mother might entertain the thought of proactively terminating a gestation interval of nine months was practically nonexistent.
Enter the Industrial Revolution. The ELITES in order to maximize their wealth and resource holdings now began the corporatization of America. Fathers were now taken from the land and positioned into 8-10 hour days away from family, away from nature and the lunchbox syndrome became the new norm. Wives and mothers were left to essentially raise the children in a grand departure of what previously had been a communal and mutually beneficial arrangement of shared responsibilities for the proper rearing of children. In my mind, perhaps no other societal transition proved to be such an undermining catalyst for what would unfortunately follow in the ethos of both men and women to their mutual harm as divinely-inspired human beings.
The Women’s Temperance Movement of the 1870’s to be followed by the Women Suffrage activities in the early 20th Century were a means by which women rallied to challenge the abuse of male alcoholism, no doubt rampantly brought on by the alienation of men from their inner core and Warrior Essence of protectionism while having been instilled in their minds as slave wage-earners inducing physical, mental and spiritual exhaustion.
The Suffrage Movement challenged the denial of women’s right to vote which was a consequence of patriarchal, male-dominated institutions purposely implemented by the ELITES for thousand of years. One cannot dismiss the role that Christianity played in this sordid atmosphere whereby women were viewed upon as having caused the “ Fall of Man” if one believed in the obviously contrived allegorical and metaphorical tale resulting in restricting liberties of future souls who happen to have the XX Chromosome. The Patriarchal and Ecclesiastical Priesthood across many churches of Christendom utilized this falsehood for controlling measures in a grand display of diabolical treachery.
Fast Forward to the 20th Century. Planned Parenthood commissioned by Margaret Sanger whose testament for the rationale to limit the procreation of new offspring often overlapped the eugenicist’s mandate to side with the ELITES against those deemed unfit to enter this world defined by either class, race and diminished, intellectual propensities. Hitler would be proud !
From Wikipedia …..
“After World War I, Sanger increasingly appealed to the societal need to limit births by those least able to afford children. The affluent and educated already limited their child-bearing, while the poor and uneducated lacked access to contraception and information about birth control. Here she found an area of overlap with eugenicists. She believed that they both sought to “assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit.” She distinguished herself from other eugenicists, by writing “eugenists [sic] imply or insist that a woman’s first duty is to the state; we contend that her duty to herself is her duty to the state. We maintain that a woman possessing an adequate knowledge of her reproductive functions is the best judge of the time and conditions under which her child should be brought into the world. We further maintain that it is her right, regardless of all other considerations, to determine whether she shall bear children or not, and how many children she shall bear if she chooses to become a mother.”
Sanger was a proponent of negative eugenics, which aimed to improve human hereditary traits through social intervention by reducing the reproduction of those who were considered unfit.” (Internet Sourced)
In the emerging adult years of my generation, Feminist’s Pro Abortion activists in the likes of Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem would take center-stage in rallying American women to the advancement of “ A Women’s Right To Choose “, and other feminist’s calls to a pro-Abortion agenda all embellished in “ Legalese ” terminology. Thus, the stage was set for the Activist Warren Court to rule in a grotesque misuse of the Constitution of the United States to guarantee a women’s right to terminate a developing, sentient and soul emanating fetus.
Furthermore, on the masculine side, a hedonistic, pleasure seeking and self indulgent misuse of the protective manifestations of the Male Archetype would now ensue as the Hugh Hefner World of Playboy magazine to be followed by Penthouse and Hustlers’ visual-titillation-expressions induced a mindset of male domination where women would be seen as enticing objects of self gratification and trophies. The female anatomy, for a certainty is one of such inspiring beauty and creative wonder that the stage was set for further disassociation from any semblance of a balancing ethos between both sexes.
So, I finally will conclude with what I perceive as an elemental Cosmic Truth in concert with Natural Law as previously discussed in the beginning of this disquisition and how the Abortion Issue plays out in this unfolding Universal Drama of restoring ourselves to beings of divine potential.
Our Universe is a blended expression of energetic frequencies that manifest continuously in a dance of polarities often described as positive/ negative/. Negative is not to be construed as something evil or deleterious. It simply acts as a balancing effect which in essence produces harmony throughout the universe. Our very bodies and physiological functions are directly resonant to the earth’s magnetic polarity according to early twentieth century genius and mystical transcendentalist, Nicola Tesla.
In the Eastern traditions, the ( Yang ), Male or Giver is equaled or more precisely balanced by the ( Yin ), Female or Receiver. Both energetic functions are critical in the energetic dynamism of CREATION according to NATURAL LAW set fort by the Universal Consciousness prevalent throughout the Universe consisting of Galaxies, Starry Regions, Nebulae and ultimately culminating in the existence of a sentient, soul-emanating being of light. That synthesis is WHO WE ARE.
Consequently it is here where the story gets quite interesting. As far as Humans are concerned, it is the FEMALE who is exclusively granted the Recipient Energetic Force of a Divine-Harmonious Balance that can gestate and empower the bringing forth of a new sentient-conscious Being Of Light into our reality. It is a Power that in essence approximates that of the Energetic Force of Universal Creation itself. THEREFORE, I posit that such a quality stemming from inception and in spiritual alignment with the Creative Force of the Universe which can sustain and allow a growing fetus to ultimately mature into a 100 Trillion Cellular-Being is in essence GODLIKE in its responsibility. Try as they may, the LBGTQ – Transgender Community despite their morally compromised utterances cannot and never will be able to violate this one basic EDICT of NATURAL LAW. Women are granted the privilege to give birth to babies. Men do not and never will.
In conclusion, the Abortion Dilemma cannot be expressed in moral tones of right versus wrong, good versus evil. These societal and religiously-ordained contextual references are far too elemental in comprehension and actually encumber an exacting and more specifically, cosmic-defined and appropriate appreciation of this dilemma.
Who Are We? As mentioned previously, life is a semblance of polarities. The Male Archetype has a feminine aspect which our civilization has greatly undermined to the detriment of a Male Warrior’s Protective Consciousness while the Feminine Archetype’s masculine aspects have been exaggerated and are NOW usurping the very essence of the Protective measures of the Feminine ethos. Thusly, given the many ways in which actual conception can be mutually arrested either through protective actions taken by the male or by inserts and other medicinal applications furnished by the female, a sense of responsibility is incumbent upon both parties to act in harmony with their shared wishes and afforded responsibilities in concert with the Natural Law of the Universe.
However, once conception occurs and the life forces are in a state of dynamic energy creation of a synergistic dependence decreed by the Cosmic Consciousness in concert with the Natural and Creative Law of the Universe, any woman proceeding to deliberately partake of a life suspending action while terminating the development of a new and soul-filled -potential-sentient being IS ACTING IN DIRECT CONTRADICTION OF HER OWN CREATIVE POWER BESTOWED UPON HER BY CREATION ITSELF. THE RESULT IS THE UNDERMINING OF A GRAND PRIVILEGE AND DIVINE RESPONSIBILITY THAT ONLY SHE CAN ANSWER TO.
The Natural Law of the Universe is undermined and ultimately violated if the prevailing ethos of terminating a developing and flesh emanating SOUL is carried forth all the while sustained and solely determined by the female’s self-centered decision. The ramifications eventually will trigger a die-off of Humanity in due time as populations begin a downward rate of depletion, thus ensuring our inevitable extinction in Violation of Natural Law. YOU cannot have it both ways.
In conclusion: in cases of rape and incestuously induced conception, a critical moral question is posed to the potential female child bearer. The decision rendered should be in accordance with her personal moral code of ethics and if decided upon to abort, it should be done as early as possible before substantial fetal maturation occurs.
And then there is this :
This Cosmic Karma is about to come due.
Recent statistics and analyses confirm that birth rates are plummeting across the entire planet even in the more affluent and developed counties. If such a conundrum continues, nations will undergo a cultural-population atrophy soon to be followed by social and financial upheaval leading to the preliminary phases of an ELE, otherwise known as an Extinction Level Event.
Comment by Georgi Alexandrov Stankov
Dear Patrick,
I read your very insightful and excellently written disquisition on abortion and would like to add the following important transcendental considerations on this topic for the sake of clarity and completion:
1. From the perspective of the excarnated souls participating in the human incarnation experiment on earth, everything that happens in this 3D matrix is precisely coordinated and thought over to the smallest cell and atom. I can render numerous examples from my personal experience to prove that. It suffices to say that the incarnated human personality cannot survive even a second without the constant regulation of the physical body by the soul, and this includes also the miracle of gestation of a new human being.
Based on this key transcendental, spiritual truth, we can conclude with absolute certainty that not a single soul would incarnate in a fetus unless she has the full agreement of the parental souls. Otherwise said: No woman should ever be afraid of being unwantedly pregnant if she is fully enlightened and knows about her power to control her life in a conscious manner, including when she wants to be pregnant or not. All unwanted pregnancies currently are part of the karmic experiences of these agnostic souls, and they have given their consent at the soul level without knowing that at the ego mind level. This is how the myth of human victimhood has emerged. With this transcendental knowledge, the entire shebang of irrational abortion laws and fake gender ideologies will be immediately abolished. It also resolves all the social movements and political ideologies associated with this topic.
2. The current rapid reduction in fecundity, fertility and birth rates may be superficially attributed to aggressive inhuman abortion practices in the Western world. In fact, the earth’s population is shrinking for quite some time in view of the impending planetary ascension and energetic inability of many unripe souls to cope with the unprecedented increase in very powerful high frequency energies from the Source that pummel humanity and the earth currently and began with full force during the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. It was always known that in the End Time many souls would leave the earth through death experience as they are not ready for this unique event and cannot sustain these extreme energies in a physical body. They will incarnate again after the interdimensional shift either on a more dense 3D earth or on the new 4D/5D earth depending on their soul age evolution.
3. Present-day human jurisdiction is the embodiment of collective spiritual ignorance who we truly are – unlimited creator souls seeking limited experience in a human body for a short period of time. When this is fully recognized by all humans, the entire judicial system will vanish from the surface of the new earth. I strongly believe that the abolition of all human legal systems will begin in 2024 with the abolition of the national state that enforces all human laws and will disappear shortly thereafter. Then the issues regarding abortion that you discuss in your article will also disappear forever.
4. Abortion is one despicable form of human genocide that harms in the first place the soul of the mother and creates huge karma. However, the evil ETs masterminds, who have controlled this planet and the human population for eons of time, have conducted perennial genocides on the human population and we have discussed various forms of genocide on my website. In the first place – all wars. This includes also the pharmacological genocide through cell-inhibiting drugs that comprise 90% of all registered drugs on the market. Such toxic drugs have numerous severe adverse effects as one can read in any package leaflet; they increase the overall mortality by 2-3% in all patients when compared to placebo in clinical trials. I came across this genocide when I discovered the Universal Law in 1994 and applied it to assess for the first time in bio-science the pharmacological effects of all drugs from an energetic point of view.
I have calculated that since modern pharmaceutical industry emerged on the historical stage with full force with the introduction of penicillin during WW2, the pharmacists, i.e. the pharmaceutical industry that is fully controlled by the dark cabal, in cahoots with the doctors, i.e. the healthcare system that is also fully controlled by the dark ruling elite as we ultimately saw during the coronavirus lockdown, and not by true medical specialists, have prematurely exterminated more than one billion people as patients of such drugs. This is statistically the biggest genocide that is ongoing every day since WW2 and nobody notices it as all people, and what is worst, all specialists are completely dumbed down by fake science. As you know, this is a leitmotif in all my writings.
5. Finally, any truly spiritual human being must acknowledge in the first place that death does not exist, it is only an energetic transition – a liberation of the incarnated soul from the shackles of the physical body – and should be actually celebrated and not be mourned. This simple gnostic truth was known to the ancient Thracians in Bulgaria and they mourned when a child was born and celebrated when a person died. They equipped the deceased person with all the necessary tools and utensils for his afterlife as the excavations of numerous Thracian burial tumuli in Bulgaria show:
If you agree, I can publish your disquisition on abortion and add my letter as a comment.
With love and light