About Legal Systems and Universal Law

Fulya Kılınçarslan, May 12, 2021


Dear Georgi;

When I read the discussion about jurisdiction that you published on your website today, I wanted to write my opinion from the perspective of a professional lawyer.

As a lawyer with eighteen years of experience, I can say that; None of the existing legal systems can bring humanity to a better level (as you have said many times). And it’s not about how the legal system of this or that country is or should be. Much simpler: No structure that legitimizes the existence of a sovereign and superior authority is designed for humanity.

İf so what does the law do?

It protects the interests of a particular person or group, not humanity. This group can be a corporation, a state, a nation, or even an army, or the units that make up them. However, it is the same structure that creates both these interests and the necessity of protecting them which creates the legal system. A self-generating dilemma.

This means that “the law” as we know it is not a natural extension of universal consciousness. The “fear” rooted in the collective consciousness allows it to survive, while the primitive impulses of the individual or group consciousness such as “survival” and “superiority” shape it.

It’s that simple.

What is not simple is that even people who call themselves “enlightened” cannot recognize this and cannot see the similarity between economy, religion and law.

Few people know about legal systems. Therefore, just as they believe in religions, they also believe in law. But there is a serious distinction between believing and knowing. If a person opposes monotheistic religions but says that the current legal system will solve problems, that person has only belief, not knowledge. Another example, if a person who studies political science still claims that democracy is the most ideal form of government, that person is actually saying what he believes, not what he knows. Because no sane person would say that “he desires to be ruled”, even if its name is “democracy”, even if it is based on so-called “free will of choice.”

If we go back a little bit we can see that just as monotheistic religions, law is also a product of the imposing mentality for thousands of years– Hammurabi Laws and Genesis. (Roman law)? It is a dusty joke that today only serves to determine the rights of artificial intelligence vis-à-vis humans, because of the slavery system that it has established.

Considering the Hammurabi Laws, which are thought to have been created around 1754 BC, it is seen that all of the rules introduced are either to protect the “integrity of the body” or “assets.” About three hundred years after the Laws of Hammurabi, the “Genesis” engraved on the plate by the Hebrews tells about the animosity between “Cain and Abel”, and traces the origin of the first murder to Adam and Eve. (I will not mention the ten commandments because they were adapted from Avesta.) From this point of view, the biggest difference that distinguishes Hammurabi Laws from the question of Abel and Cain is that the former preserves the “integrity of the body” with the rule of “retaliation”, and the latter determines the punishment of “an attack on bodily integrity” as “deprivation of economic value and exile”.

This is the source of even considering “death“ as an economic asset for the sake of compensation. And the resemblance between religions, law and economics comes from here. Well, is it reasonable to measure a person’s existence with a tangible material price? According to civil law, yes. İf so, what can we expect from a system that reduces even human life to pecuniary digits? Certainly nothing in the outside world except our material interests that we can express in digits. (The only exception from this situation is administrative law, which pretends theoretically to protect the individual against the arbitrariness of the state.)

When we look at it from an etymological point of view it becomes a little easier to understand.

The English word “right” – just like German “recht,” or Old Norse “rettr” – is derived from the root “reg.” “Reg” means “moving in a straight line.” In terms of the development of languages, the roots of the Indo-European languages and the Aramaic languages are interconnected. So now let’s look at what the root of the word “right” means in the languages of Aramaic origin. In these languages, the word “right” (hak) stems from the root “hkk”. The meaning of the root “hkk” is to draw a straight border, constrain, dig or engrave.  The connection is pretty clear.

Monotheistic religions and the current legal system spread through the same structure. It is well to remember that the first written laws are at the same time religious orders and engraved on stone or clay tablets. Hebrew philosophy tells us that the Divine Law is boundless and eternal. As such, it is not suitable for the earth. Therefore, it should be limited.

So in fact, “right” means “limitation of the unlimited.

From this point of view, divine laws are limited under the name of right. This limitation is made concrete by human laws. And in fact, humans, who are incarnated personalities of the souls and are under the unconditional protection of divine laws, now begin to expect protection from the social authorities they consider superior to them.

As a result, all legal systems derive their basis from this idea – demarcating, defining, limiting. But who is the determinative authority here?  It used to be the emperors, the kings, or the church, now it is the national states. Because it is the “legislative” power that creates the legal systems (It doesn’t matter what the form of government is, in democracies the separation of powers is essential, in totalitarian regimes power is exercised by a single party or individual but the legislative monopoly stays within the power of the national state.) And when it comes to justice, it is nonsense to expect such a corrupt order to provide justice, while the law is a set of rules formed by the powers – actually the ruling dark cabal as it becomes evident these days under the lockdown –  whose superiority over society is indisputable.

Any human right regulated by such an imposed legal system is actually not natural. Even an unlimited and continuous “process” such as “human life” is being regulated in the name of a legal right. Life is not a legal right. Because human life is not a privilege given to humanity, especially by governments. Human life is an inviolable earthly form of energy exchange according to the Universal Law.

The only faulty argument that makes out of life a “legal right” is the fear that that life may end without the consent of the person. The current lockdown is entirely based on such existential fears. Hence it should never be forgotten that it is the human fears that make the legal systems come into being and endow them with a false justification. In connection with that, the demand for justice arises from the human psychology of victimhood which is the most common trait in human personality.

But the question of justice cannot be dealt with solely on the basis of legal systems. Human justice cannot be discussed without addressing issues, such as conscience or ethics, whereas it should be cogent to any enlightened person that true conscience and ethics are human virtues as direct manifestations of the soul in the incarnated state.

Therefore there can be no resolution if a person who thinks that he or she has been treated unfairly in life starts seeking help in form of legal rectification from a judicial structure that is entirely formed and governed by the national state as this can be observed excessively in the USA. The feeling of “being wronged” due to injustice cannot be compensated by any human law, because the purpose of these laws is not to improve the mood of the people but at best to provide compensation for inflicted emotional or physical distress in an accident or incident that is assumed to lie in the responsibility of the accused party.

Since justice is an overall conception of the mind-body-spirit system of the incarnated personality of a harmonious state of energetic balance in life, any deviation from it, is being experienced subjectively as injustice by the individual. Precisely for that reason, it is impossible to impose justice from outside by a third party such as a court of law. It can only come from within.

Well, there will be those who ask what is the solution?

The only thing that keeps all these decayed and now useless structures alive is the fact that most of the people, actually billions of people, still believe that these structures are necessary and vital. No, not at all! We don’t have to replace them with new ones. Or to fix them – these irreversibly distorted wrecks… Let them vanish from human life.

First of all, everyone should realize that humans have an incredible ability which is called  “thinking”, even if they now seldom use it. A unique form of energy, defined as Spirit in Neoplatonism, that can challenge anything despite the limitations of the human body. However, using this ability is only possible by getting rid of the fixed thought patterns and beliefs that are based on false knowledge imposed by society. All the human beings have to do is to forget everything they believe and start over.

Otherwise, God will be replaced by interstellar beings, starseeds will replace the soul, and gurus will replace prophets. Believing in the existence of interstellar beings is one thing, it is another to know their existence and therefore be able to contact them. Since the action we call believing is emotion-based and most people are not yet aware of how their emotions are controlled by the system, they are open to manipulation from the outside. And the manipulated person cannot distinguish between true information and false information. The easiest way to make this distinction is to read, do independent research, learn to maintain neutrality, and try to gain access to universal knowledge.

Very simple: Everyone who thinks that something must be changed, can start by reading the books on your website – true scientific knowledge.

Or if they still prefer to think in a conventional manner but want to understand better the current judicial system of law and order, they can resort to the corpus of philosophy, sociology, and anthropology from a rational point of view. Because without true knowledge, everything turns into a blind belief.


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