A Perfect Confirmation

My Ongoing Dialogue with the Arcturians

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, March 21, 2020


Three days ago I published my article on the higher dimensional energetic function of the current coronavirus scare and then elaborated on this topic one more time yesterday. Today, my friends, the Arcturians from the 9th dimension, to where I ascended as a soul fragment in January last year and reported in real-time, are brilliantly confirming my assessment of this fake epidemic which has a much higher purpose and prepares humanity for my upcoming ascension.

The cleansing of the 1st root chakra has to do with the fundamental concepts of immortality versus mortality of separation versus being part of the unity field of the Source. These poles are the eschatological coordinates of every incarnation experiment. As the current human incarnation experiment on Gaia had reached the highest possible 3D density and separation from the soul and the Source, the true ascension process can only begin when the fear of mortality is replaced with the bliss of immortality and the separation of the ego-mind is dissolved so that the incarnated personality can return under the full protection of the soul. The latter has always been there but the rebellious human ego has vehemently rejected it for so long. This is the source of all evil, all pain, and all existential challenges on this planet. Now is the time to return to normalcy.

As the 1st root chakra of existential fears has been cleansed now, humanity has reached the threshold of experiencing my ascension on the ascending timelines where I will appear as the new spiritual teacher and trigger mass awakening by simply demonstrating the immortality of all humans (For Whom the Bell Tolls). This has always been my motto as the discoverer of the UL, the captain of the PAT and as an ascended master as I have written already in 2011 on my homepage:

“Purely for this reason, the Divine Plan foresees that the author will transform his carbon-based organic body into crystalline light body and will officially appear in front of humanity as an Ascended Master of the current End Time (This statement was written in August 2011. In August 2013 Stankov transfigured his carbon-based body into crystalline light body one week after his dual Elohim soul Amora (Carla Thompson) transfigured as the first human being and visited the crystal city of Shambala in the Inner Earth of Agartha in her light body).

When Stankov and his dual soul will finally ascend and leave this uppermost mother planet, they will herald the Ascension of this earth and will demonstrate to the whole of humanity the immortality of the human soul and the incarnated personality. Other Ascended Masters will soon follow their example.”

Nothing has changed in the ascension scenario since then as I have been creating it diligently now for more than a quarter of a century in a conscious and focused manner. As the Arcturians stress in their latest message of today:

“Now is a time to be very intentional, and it is a time to fill those root chakras up with the beautiful high frequency energies coming in. It is a time for you all to get creative, to use those beautiful imaginations of yours, and to stand tall and strong in the knowing that you have accelerated the process of becoming your higher selves because of what you have been willing to endure.” 

Ascension is happening now and you are the ones who make it possible!

Equinox Energies, Covid-19 & a New Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been sensing the changes that are taking place on your world right now as a result of the equinox energies that you have now downloaded a large portion of. You have been able to assimilate these energies, and you are raising the level of consciousness there on Earth at this time with the help of the equinox energies. You are also experiencing the minor shift that occurs in a change of season. Now, as you progress into the remainder of the year 2020, it will become clearer to all of you that you have in fact evolved as a human race, because of the way in which you all have been accessing more of your hearts through this root chakra cleansing and clearing that you are all going through at this time together.

The root chakra is all about life and death, abundance and poverty, health and sickness, and feeling safe and secure in a home versus being vulnerable and without a home. This virus is affecting all aspects of the root chakra that we have just mentioned, and so you all have an opportunity now to determine for yourselves what you want to replace the fear, trauma, and judgment within your root chakras. As you take on more of these equinox energies, and you run them through your physical bodies, you are of course also running them through your chakras.

And so, you are being given an opportunity to re-create your world, your society, and your sense of mortality and physicality because of all that you are facing right now. We see all that you are doing right now as positive, and we can see you taking the human collective consciousness to that next level, to that higher echelon. We can see more and more of you dipping your toes into the fifth dimensional frequencies as a result of what you have been living there on Earth.

Now is a time to be very intentional, and it is a time to fill those root chakras up with the beautiful high frequency energies coming in. It is a time for you all to get creative, to use those beautiful imaginations of yours, and to stand tall and strong in the knowing that you have accelerated the process of becoming your higher selves because of what you have been willing to endure. Now is a time to feel very proud of yourselves and how you are handling the coronavirus in the midst of the equinox energies. We are very proud of you, and we will continue to work with you in the astral plane to help you create this new world that we are all so excited about here in the higher realms.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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