Lord Lanto, channelled on April 12, 2005
Georgi Stankov, April 13, 2017
Last night and today there is a massive wave of collective fear that has been released by the entire humanity and is being diffused and dissipated through our fields as planetary ascension team, PAT. It was not my intention to write this report at first but the intensity of the fear is so enormous and it feels so visceral within our expanded fields that I decided to mention it as I know that most of you will be hit by this wave and may begin to question and doubt in yourselves.
I personally have not experienced such an intensive fear wave coming from the collective since I left Germany three years ago. This country is the deepest and darkest hole in the centre of Europe with so much accumulated karma due to past atrocities that it needs a colossal effort to raise its frequencies and that of the people living there. That is why I had to leave this country as I would not have survived its massive cleansing for almost 40 years, including 15 years in the most intensive phase of the LBP, and would have ascended and left this reality much earlier.
The message below explains why this is not the optimal solution for an ascended master within the divine purpose of All-That-Is and I thank Dominique for sending me this message from 12 years ago. It is as valid nowadays as it was at that time which was very dark after 9/11 and it is even more valid today when this hazardeur Trump has dropped the mother of all bombs (MOAB) in Afghanistan this morning. He is now in unique competition with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to prove who is the craziest person on this planet at the expense of this very planet. However, we will not allow this to happen as the coming events will show.
Please understand that this craziness is inherent to the entire humanity and in particular to the USA as a young soul nation if you follow the comments in the MSM today which from fake news very quickly mutated again to war propaganda, what they have always done at best. All this negativity has to surge high now, it must explode like an MOAB out of the dark recesses of the genetic heritage of humanity where it has been stored during thousands of incarnations full of karmic debt. Only in this way can this dark layer that has shrouded this planet for eons of time be cleansed and the frequencies raised.
The powerful proton streams coming from the central sun through our sun since many weeks of constant coronal holes are now extinguishing every dark negative pattern that is a hindrance to ascension. There are like a fireblaze that melts the frozen hearts of the humans with a death kiss. A big component in this collective fear, as I sense it with telepathic candor, is the fear of impoverishment and the lack of money which heralds the impending financial crash.
It seems as if the crazies in the WH and the Pentagon are now in a desperate race with the financial banksters in the Wall Street who will first manage to destroy this matrix. It is an expression of their utter desperation with the new energetic conditions where the service-to-self people are out of the game and can no longer influence any service-to-other people and institutions. The latter are now, for the first time since the destruction of Atlantis, under rapid and very powerful alchemical transformation into service-to-other institutions due to the energetic majority of such people who work in these institutions in key positions as walk-ins of transliminal souls and do not want to experience again and again the same dark reality as in the past. This is the inner energetic motor that drives the ascension.
It is the new game changer since spring equinox and now that the retrograde has ended (April 9th) and the full moon has come (April 11th), we witness an escalation of destructive events that will stipulate in the final ascension scenario as I predicted it in my recent publications. Enjoy this prophetic message from Lord Lanto who explains why you are crucified every day, as today, at the nexus point between spirit and matter.
The Message
I am Lanto and I have come to have a very important and crucial conversation with you now. You know that every time we come to give a dictation, we try to offer you a piece of new information, but usually it is just a new point of view on the facts and information with which you are already familiar.
Now I want to offer you absolutely new information, and this information will possibly seem unexpected and even fantastic to many of you.
So, I am beginning. You know me as the Lord of the Second Ray. This is the Ray of Wisdom and Illumination. So, my teaching will be delivered to you through this very Ray.
Imagine a person who has managed to neutralise all the negative karma accumulated in his bodies for many thousands of embodiments. The emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies of such a person do not contain any energy which was misused by him during the entire cycle of his existence on planet Earth. What do you think will happen to this person?
Will he be able to go on dwelling in the physical world or will he have to perform a transition so as to continue his existence in a higher world?
But are there people on planet Earth who have managed to neutralise all their karma?
You may justly say that apart from neutralising karma it is also necessary to carry out the Divine Plan.
But the Divine Plan for every individual is completely coordinated with the Divine Plan for the whole planet Earth. And perhaps many of you have already guessed that most likely such a man will keep staying in embodiment. God’s Plan is not aimed at enabling one particularly advanced individual to go on perfecting himself after separating himself completely from other living creatures and the entire universe. Therefore, if a person has managed to neutralise his personal karma, it does not mean at all that he can immediately perform a transition to the higher planes.
On the contrary, such a human becomes very important for God and the Ascended Hosts. He is no longer burdened by excessive karmic loads; his chakras are liberated from karmic rubbish and start conducting the Divine Energy in all its fullness.
Of course, if an individual wishes to perform the transition, his appeal will not be turned down. But in fact a person who has neutralised his personal karma up to 100% stops thinking in personal terms. He realises his unity with the entire universe, and he realises his entire unity with God. That is why such a person willingly grants his bodies for the carrying out of the Divine mission.
You know that in addition to personal karma, families, towns, countries and the world also have karma.
On the whole, the entire planet is surrounded now by very dense energies (2005). These energies can be compared to a very dense crust shrouding the planet. It is necessary to dissolve this crust of negative energy.
A person, having worked out his karma, takes upon himself obligations to transmute the planetary karma in the higher planes. What is this process like?
When the aura of a person acquires the Divine Purity and his chakras conduct the Divine Energy into the world freely, such a person willingly starts to absorb negative energies from the surrounding world into his aura and to convert them. It can be compared to a vacuum cleaner. The person comes into contact with the auras of other people or with masses of negative energy drifting in the surrounding area, and with the help of his chakras starts neutralising this dense negative energetic substance (read the numerous discussions of the PAT on this topic in the PAT reports, note, George).
Such people can be compared to Christ in their service to the world. As the vibrations of these people differ too much from the vibrations of the surrounding world, they perceive the very dwelling in the surrounding world as an endless daily crucifixion.
They are really crucified on the cross between Spirit and Matter.
Worlds join each other within the chakras of these people.
You know that human chakras bind the physical body with the higher bodies. So, when the chakras of a human are completely purified, such a man (PAT member, note, George) becomes similar to an open door between the worlds.
The service of such a person is in this case similar to the service that Christ carried out while in incarnation. Such people sacrifice of their free will for the sake of the salvation of others.
Do you understand what I am speaking about, beloved? A person voluntarily chooses to stay amidst the densest energies of this world. But, as his vibrations differ too much from the vibrations of the surrounding world, the very act of staying among human beings is for him like a daily crucifixion on a cross. And this is a crucifixion indeed. Such a man takes upon himself the karma of the world, the sins of the world. He absorbs these sins and karma into his body and transmutes them by his service to the world and to all living creatures.
I give such a detailed description of this service because many of you render such a service to the world, but, possibly, do not even realise this with your external waking consciousness and physical mind.
Each true lightbearer who is embodied now serves 24 hours a day, without sleep or rest.
That is because many of you go on serving during your sleep as well, in the astral plane in the higher bodies, to help purify this plane from negative energy. During this night labour your higher bodies receive real wounds. You get up in the morning and do not remember the night’s heroic deeds and feel broken and weak, because the angel-healers did not have enough time to help your higher bodies during your night’s sleep.
I want you to know about the service of your fellows and about your own service.
Your work is invaluable in the eyes of God and the Ascended Hosts.
And I feel uneasy asking you to take upon yourselves an additional burden. There are very few warriors of Light embodied on earth at present. Many of them have forgotten about their duty and yielded to the temptations of this world. They have forgotten what they have come into embodiment for (A leitmotif of our discussions, note, George).
That is why I ask you to find these warriors of Light and to remind them of their service and the duties they took upon themselves before coming into embodiment.
Find them, give them these dictations to read, talk to them. Let it be a personal conversation or a public lecture. Each of you knows what you should do.
But you should find all the warriors of Light who are incarnated now and remind them about their mission.
I would like to thank you for your service. And I bow my head before God’s Light beaming from within you.
I AM Lanto.