Energy Report of the PAT – December 16, 2016

About Arts, Clarity of Mind and Our Responsibility to Use Logical Axiomatic Language

Greetings Georgi,

Please excuse the somewhat random nature of the mail, I know you must be extremely busy and if this is not your cup of tea, I apologize in advance… but I just had the impulse to send over a document I have been sitting on. The document is a thesis first written in 1979 by my mentor, the late graffiti artist “Rammellzee”. I was one of his art students. Most know of his more popular expressions as an MC and his pivotal roll in the early hip-hop movement of NYC, but the majority have yet to realize the depth of the knowledge he had regarding the true nature of letters, the alphabet, symbolism and how they relate to matrix systems and quantum level concepts.

With my somewhat lesser intellect and having spent a few years (mostly in his absence) decrypting it, I now understand much more of the message contained and I have no doubt at a glance you will too. Perhaps you would be interested in having a look – in that it was some of your work that has allowed me to understand what much more of what it states from a higher level.

I would love to hear your thoughts on it…but regardless I would like to thank you for your work and I will continue to read the information your bring forward with much interest.



Dear Dr.Z,

I hope that is your name. Thank you for contacting me and sending this thesis. I have to scrutinize it but from my first glance your mentor seems to have thrown a lot of stuff in one big barrel with the pretentiousness of being eccentric and innovative. No wonder you are confused by this text.

I have a little experience with such writings as I studied, through my wife who did her doctor thesis on that subject, the avantgarde movements at the beginning of the 20th century in France and Russia (supprematism, cubism, etc), Italy (futurism) and Germany (abstract painting, expressionism). These famous artists and writers also created a huge hodge-podge of popular scientific ideas at that time coming from physics and in particular from Einstein’s theory of relativity, Minkowski 4D space-time that mesmerized most artists and brought forward the concept of “simultaneite” but also Bergson’s idea of “dure” which substituted linear time in their avantgarde creations.

At the end all these concepts were intellectual cul du sac as they lacked a deeper scientific understanding and nobody remembers them anymore, but these ideas were very inspiring and fruitful in the arts at that time, creating such avantgarde movements as cubism, supprematism, futurism, abstract painting, etc. that have changed the collective perception of the world compared to the previous boring realism in arts. These artists had the strong intuition of the existence of the real worlds behind this illusory 3D reality but lacked the scientific faculty to express it in a more stringent language as I did almost a century later.

I remember in particular how much I was struck when I visited the Kandinsky retrospective in Munich in 1997 after I had discovered the Universal Law and were still writing volume III on medicine and bio-sciences. As you may know, Kandinsky lived in Munich for a few years when he first developed abstract art around 1905. Later on he moved to France and has painted a lot of paintings which I did not know until this retrospective and would define as “biological abstractionism” He had painted a lot of organelles and structures in the cell in a very imaginative manner which all of them contained the functions which they actually exert as explained for the first time in the General Theory of the Universal Law and I was the only scientist in the world who knew that. I was amazed at the prophetic artistic ingenuity and acuity of Kandinsky to have envisioned these biological structures and functions at a time (before and during WW2, he died in 1944) when they were still unknown to the scientists and realized how the HS can inspire us to see transcendental information and content beyond the visible world. But that only a very few truly talented and inspired artists can make use of this ability and are then defined as a “genius”.

Anyway, these comments in advance – I will come back again when I have read the text more carefully. But it is not a coincidence that only a few days ago I talked about this exhibition with Carla and discussed this same issue.

With love and light



Dear George

Thank you for your initial comments! I am very excited at the prospect of “chatting” with someone of your caliber, and I can’t think of a more interesting topic than the one currently on the table.

Also, I am grateful you have already offered some of your perspective and honed directly to the core of what is presented.

Eccentricity, innovation and confusion is definitely not lacking, but what better way  to “hook” an unsuspecting fluoridated mind into unraveling the puzzle, and in the process …their higher self (as was in my case anyway)

An article from “Paris Review”:

Thank you again for your time and interest.

Gary/ Dr.Z


Dear Gary,

my first impression when I read this thesis was that the author was stoned but when I read the article you just sent me I suspect that Rammellzee must have been intoxicated by the vapours and the particles of the sprays he has used for his graffiti. Obviously he has also drunk a lot. At the beginning of the 20th century, this effect of mind expansion and confusion was achieved through absinthe that is a well-known hallucinogen. Acetone that is contained in many acrylic dyes also has this same effect and I have seen it first hand in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Iron Curtain when homeless children were walking along the streets and breathing acetone in bags like zombies during the big crisis. It was a very depressing picture. This is my medical explanation with respect to the total confusion of Rammellzee’s thesis. It is absolutely normal that you have great difficulties to understand it as it was obviously not meant to be understood but to confuse and scare or rather intimidate the reader in an extravagant manner.

I am not making any judgment on his art as I do not know it and I have no opinion on graffiti in particular. But I would suggest that artists should stay artists as a rule and not try to be theoreticians and write about art as it does not go well in most cases. There are only very few exceptions to that rule. I must quote Kandinsky again with his programmatic essay ” Ueber das Geistige in der Kunst” (about spirituality in the arts) which is indeed of prophetic character. But Kandinsky was a very clear mind and most artists are not and I have known a few of them in my life as the city where I come from in Bulgaria was the centre of artists and painters and I have spent quite a few alcoholic nights with them listening to their boisterous and chaotically convoluted chatter. And when some of them emigrated to Paris I used to meet them regularly at Montmartre. I enjoyed this Bohemian life for a while but realized soon that there is not much merit in such experiences.

As you see I am talking from my personal experience but since I do not know your mentor and had not heard of him before you wrote to me, I can only relate indirectly to him through my personal encounters with other artists.

I am afraid that this is not what you wanted to hear from me but I can’t really say much more about this topic. I am not even sure today what role, if any, modern art has in the current End Time and I personally do not see any contribution of it to the ascension process. It could have been more influential, similar to pop music in the 60s and 70s but somehow visual arts could not jump on the bandwagon of ascension for reasons that are somewhat inexplicable to me.

With love and light



Dear George

Thank you again for your time and considerations. I cannot argue with your main sentiments.  Although yes, I was hoping for a little more academic validation to the document…in that “a drunk man speaks a sober mind”

Regardless, (visual artistry aside) it was the catalyst that has awoken me to the mind control and manipulations techniques within our symbols and language and it was directly what has allowed me to begin my own ascension process. I have understood this document to be the precursor to what you have stated as the “language of silence”

I would argue that ultimately dismantlement of our language is as important as dismantlement of money in our ascension. 

I will not take up any more of your time.

Thank you sir! Much respect indeed!



Dear Gary,

you do not take my time away as long as we discuss topics of universal values and arts and creation are such. I am only bored when people come to me with their personal issues which they should resolve on their own and have no relevance within the bigger picture.

Human language is indeed a bless and a curse to humanity at the same time. I have turned it into a bless by establishing the new Axiomatics of the Universal Law and defined all scientific terms in unequivocal manner from the primary term of our consciousness. This will be the next article revisited which I will publish.

And language has become a trap to human thinking as precisely the current dispute in the US media about fake news reveals. It has mutated to newspeak of the cabal to install the NWO and enslave humanity. Language is the most power tool of enslavement when misused and this is what the Church did with its dogmas for two millennia. And it is the only effective tool of liberation as one can only establish the necessary clarity of mind to be free through language. Hence do not throw the baby with the bathtub water.

I have analysed language as an expression of space-time (energy) in a special essay in my last gnostic book “Thoughts” in German where I show how all words are either reflection of the static 3d space-time by arresting time in the mind or dynamic when they assess the energy exchange that constantly takes place between systems and levels of All-That-Is. When one understands this simple truth, one can use language as an adequate perceptive image of All-That-Is without creating concepts that are blockages and separation from the Source, which is the primary term in every human or other awareness. That is why all basic terms in human language should be axiomatically derived from the primary term, i.e, in a consistent and logical manner without any contradictions and paradoxes. Human language, as it is used nowadays, is full of such contradictions and paradoxes that have to be eliminated first. When this is done and the thought process streamlined, 99% of all irreconcilable discussions observed nowadays will simply vanish from our reality.

This is the main reason why I have to discard the thesis of your mentor as he has deliberately confused and contaminated his language beyond measure and in a completely unnecessary manner and why his life was most probably also a mess. You can have a life full of mess as an artist, and be even a good artist, but this is not the kind of life I advocate and follow. I think that this should be cogent from all my writings.

With love and light



 My Vision and Intention

Dear Georgi,

I am writing this email to your attention in response to one of our recent communications concerning the coming dimensional shift and the ascendancy of Gaia with us , the PAT as logos gods and guardians of the new golden galaxy leading humanity’s entry into the 4th dimensions and beyond. As you are aware, my vision and attention resonate with the Asian cultures as I see a great deficit by which your message as PAT leader has not been given the exposure there that it has marshaled here in the West. Understandably the Neoplatonist gnostic materials of the past form the crux of your many writings and `are of Western origin. However, as a student of both the western higher and more elevated thought summaries expressed through your eloquent and insightful writings in addition to having availed myself to the those of Eastern tradition as exemplified in the Hindu Upanishads, the Vedas, the classic Mahabharata and ancient Chinese Taoist writings, a definite case can be made that both renditions of higher thought and spiritually rich masterpieces from opposite cultures have far more resonance and congruity in embracing the higher soul consciousness than they have in conflict due to cultural mores and characters, real or suggested portrayed in symbolism.

Where am I going with this ? My HS points me in the direction of serving the populations of Asia once the ascension takes place. I was quite extensively involved in Tai Chi and QiGong practice prior to finding your website . When I entered the LBP, I could not continue at the level that I had achieved due to the debilitating effects of undergoing the crucible of serving as a member of PAT while undergoing the rigors of the LBP transformation. Asia represents the greater percentage of the world’s population scattered among a plethora of corrupt governments, oppressive cultural degradation and economies being hijacked by the western cabal. No greater example of this deviation from their ancient spiritual heritage is the nation of China. Today, it is socialist only in name having joined the western model of mass consumerism and alliance with exploitative capital all the while their citizens choke on smog-filled air killing over a million people a year while a latest statistic confirms 600,000 die each year due to being overworked. Karl Marx on steroids of a capitalist nature.

I recently have positioned myself in a social media platform in the heart of China called weibo. It’s like a twitter and facebook combined with a little of Google + with over 750 million active users. In my three-month blogging duration, I have gained a significant following. My topics center on the soul, ascension and higher consciousness with an Asian bent. I have had direct contact with a Mongolian band whose music touches on the memes of the soul, love of earth and peace between all cultures and nations. Additionally, the link to the site has been posted.

Mongolia is a special place. It alone among Asian Nations has retained its cultural identity, primarily due to the fact that 70% of its slightly less than 3 million population still are engaged in the nomadic life of agriculture, animal herding and indigenous hospitality and the cultural tradition of welcoming of visitors. It is suffering economically as I write by a corrupt cadre of self-serving political bureaucrats putting their very ancient and culturally rich heritage at risk by serving the interests of the Western swindlers represented by the World Bank, IMF and exploitative capital. It would serve as a prime and template model for the introduction of the Astral Currency Project by which I plan to introduce in this very unique country once ascension takes place. Additionally, my HS confirms that I have established a light city in this most exotic and mysterious land.Georgi, I have just completed the reading of “ The Lost Civilization of Lemuria “, Rise and Fall of the World’s Oldest Culture, by Frank Joseph, a researcher and author of texts on ancient civilizations which includes Atlantis. A new Lemuria must take into account the peoples of Asia since archaeological discoveries and common folklore confirm that it spanned across the Western Pacific to the Indian Ocean, encompassing what is now known as the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hawaii, Tahiti and the list goes on and on. Additionally, the great and spiritually advanced ancient nations of China, India and the Buddhist enclaves of Nepal and Tibet had their beginning from the advanced knowledge carried through the ages from Lemuria.

Any thoughts ?  As you have alluded to in your summaries that Atlantis figures in your incarnations and that your HS confirms your presence there as an advanced spiritual master in a priestly role, so too, my HS confirms to me that the Lemuria of antiquity figures in my past life.

Any thoughts ?

With love and light,



Dear Patrick,

this is a great job you are doing and I commend you for that. I am fully aware of the fact that I have dedicated myself to the western gnostic and philosophical point of view as I come from this western tradition and have neglected the big Asian tradition. Being a human being in a limited biological body, one can only do so much. But I have always known that there must be interpreters of my teachings who have the knowledge and the dexterity to amalgamate these western ideas with the big Asian tradition in philosophy, gnosis and social sciences.

In fact, I have discussed a little bit the basic tenets of Buddhism, Upanishads, Chinese Universalism (Taoism, etc.) in the conclusion chapter of my first gnostic book “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind”. Unfortunately I did not have the time to translate it in English and that is why this part of the book is not available to the English readers. But as I am not an experts in the Asian teachings, I have not delved deeper into this topic.

There is no doubt in my mind that it is very important that people like you who are versatile in the two worlds make this effort and accomplish the necessary synthesis of western and eastern ideas, so that we can encompass Asia and its awakening portion of the population into our enlightenment work. This is a huge task and I am very happy to hear that you have embraced it.

With love and light



Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your support. I do remember your reference to the Asian spiritual topics in your gnostic book “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind”. I will be revisiting that link.

Source energies still abound. Yesterday and throughout the day was quite exhaustive. I stumbled once and it startled me as the torch like sensitivities across my pelvis were suite distressing. Today is a temporary relief, with intermittent stabs behind the eyes.

The Trump wars continue apace with the Hellarites backed by the cabal challenging the state electors to switch their mandate to Clinton based on fraudulent claims of Russian, via Putin interference. What utter nonsense. But as you once said, Ascension will be hastened onward by Greater Insanity.  Cheers to greater insanity.

With love and light,



Basic Scientific and Gnostic Ideas Revisited

Brilliant and wonderful!

Truly ALL-THAT-IS has given this enlightenment and now the Western world can find harmony with the Ancient Scientific teachings of the East.

ALL-THAT-IS has revealed to me that you will be the bridge that will make this happen.

The brilliant scientist of the East have long been ignored and ridiculed when their work was based upon the Ancient text of the Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharata that gave them the science of the Atom, nuclear power and much, much more, long before the West knew of the Atom. How insulting their Nobel prizes for discovering something that existed for thousands of years in Ancient texts! And on top of that dark forces crept in slowly and corrupted Eastern thought as well.

Thank you Georgi for your hard work and persistence. Your work will be the catalyst that disperses the dross and brings everyone together.  I have an entirely new level of appreciation for you and all that you’ve done. May God Bless you with overflowing blessings of all kinds.

Peace & Light,



Letter to Trump

Dear Mr. Stankov,

In case Trump will not understand and not accept about your genius  proposal i ask hereby to get in touch with me.

Magali Weistroffer



Dear Magali,

Trump’s response is unimportant. I am working with the universe to create the vision I believe to be the optimal for All-That-Is and humanity and leave the manifestation to the higher realms. This is how I have helped Gaia and humanity ascend to this point in the last twenty years and together with the PAT in the last 5 years. As you have already established contact with me, I am curious to learn what your suggestion is.

With love and light



Hello Mr. Stankov,

I just think to bring your proposal into reality by starting on a smaller level .. i mean by that that we can start in Luxembourg cause of the little area.

The breakthrough to the public would be easier !




Dear Magali,

I welcome any effort on a local scale that can promote the new ideas of the theory of the Universal Law. I have just received several emails from readers from Holland and the USA that are also propagating these ideas wherever they can.

I have made numerous efforts since the 90s to propagate the new theory, with a lot of success in my native country Bulgaria and with less success in Germany and Western Europe where the minds of the scientists are very much recalcitrant and reject any new ideas. In the meantime I have given up any personal expectations with regard to the response of the people.

I start from time to time such incentives to popularize the new theory only when I am inspired by my HS as a kind of exclamatory mark to the universe and then leave it to the HR to do their job and open the minds of the people. Ultimately the breakthrough can only come from within and that is why we are so busy these days to open the minds of the people energetically and to expand their intelligence as I have reported. Much has been achieved, but the baseline level of human intelligence is very low on this planet and the people are now making their first baby steps towards transcendental expansion of their awareness as I experienced it first hand with an American writer yesterday with whom I was involved in personal discussion regarding the lack of any creativity in the writings of all critical experts in the USA from the alt-media. He took it very personally and most probably I would not hear from him anymore.

Hence you can make some people aware of the new theory of the Universal Law that exists now for two decades but should have no expectations as to the response as it will come when the time is ripe. But we are definitely on the cusp of a major breakthrough and the more effort we put into this end, the sooner it will come. The universe is a very malleable entity.

With love and light



The Long Pathway of Humanity to True Enlightenment

 I have decided to publish this discussion with the American author David Haggith, editor of the “Great Recession Blog” as it reveals paradigmatically the very low baseline level of enlightenment of the best American thinkers, not to speak of the average Americans. IT shows what a long pathway we need to carry humanity forward until it is able to grasp our advanced gnostic ideas especially the key notion regarding our responsibility to be creative in a service-to-other manner in order to create a new and better reality on this planet. The fact that we are creator gods and entirely responsible for what we experience as our reality is not comprehended at all even by the best heads in the western world and this gives you a clue to the upward battle we have to wage in order to open sufficiently the minds of the people against their mental blockages, cultural prejudices and unprocessed egos after we ascend and appear as Logos Gods so that they can follow us on our infinite multidimensional,  transgalactic journey to new unknown horizons.


Team Trump (Pt 3): Trunk Loads of Establishment Baggage

Banksters and their pocket politicians, barons of industry and their lickspittle lobbyists — these are the establishment,and these are the navigators that surround the helm as Trump takes the wheel and prepares to cast off. Nothing provides better clues as to where this voyage is headed than the carefully selected expertise of the chosen crew. Having described the captain’s first mates in my last article, here is the remaining Trump manifest:



Dear David,

while you are essentially correct in your analysis of the Trump’s team, you must admit that you have no resolution how he can change the situation more effectively and drain the corrupt swamp in Washington. This is not a very constructive approach and this is what I see with all the so-called critical experts now known as the “alt-media”.

In order not to be unduly critical without presenting myself any viable solution, this is what I published today. I think that we should talk about this issue as all other disquisitions you and other like-minded American thinkers do nowadays are just a mere distraction and does not contribute to the betterment of humanity but are only more of the same pessimism.

With love and light



Thanks for the love and the light … and the arrogant self-congratulation for being the better and more useful person.



Dear David,

I am sorry that this information went down the wrong throat as the Germans say. But let us be objective and honest and I expect this from you as you are an intelligent and integer person and I value you for that. What new creation have you done so far that gives the world a new perspective and helps overcome the current gridlock?

What I observe with great consternation is that all American critical thinkers, be they Alex Jones, the ZeroHedge gang, Stockman, Paul Craig Roberts, Ron Paul to name a few are so much embroiled in criticizing this reality that they have no time and see no necessity – which is even worse – to present their own utopia of a better world. If we assume that all the reality we experience nowadays was first an abstract idea before in was manifested in physical or social form, then we must diagnose that nowadays we experience a remarkable void of new leading ideas based on unique human creativity.

It is not about myself and not about the others, it is about the limitations of all critical thinkers in the West and I include all those from the Old Continent too, but I am talking now explicitly about America and neglecting the slumbering Canadian zombies here where I live, as they cannot be awakened. In fact I only have some faint hope in people like you from the USA to turn around the course of the events and I cannot close my eyes to the fact how much they are distracted by marginal 3D events and forget to be creative persons in the first place.

If this conclusion offends you, so let it be, I cannot help you, but this was not the aim of my discussion. When people fear to enter a sincere and open discussion, they always pretend to be offended. Currently half of the American people are offended by the election of Trump and it is impossible to lead a meaningful dialogue with them. It is however not about Trump and what is happening at the political stage as it is only a pedagogical canvass for the people to establish clarity in their minds what they really want to be – it is about us as immortal multidimensional beings and Creators of our reality. Hence my preoccupation with human creativity.

By the way, I always read your articles very carefully and my impression is that you do not do it reciprocally and resort to preconceived ideas. Who is here the arrogant? Tomorrow I will re-publish a pivotal theoretical publication – why don’t you start with it. I am honestly interested in an open exchange of ideas but this is only possible if the other partner in the conversation drops his preconceived beliefs and prejudices and opens to new ideas. I am very much open to your new ideas, but they must come first. I have not read so far any new revolutionary ideas in your articles and if I am wrong and you show me that, I am more than happy to admit my mistake.

With love and light



I have on my blog written articles from time to time that stated clearly what real changes need to happen to build a sound economic foundation. Because that solution doesn’t change, I don’t keep repeating it, but I have created a tag that leads to it. I also began an article about a month ago that will present that information again with some additional ideas. None of it is utopian. Our flaws are not that we lack utopian ideals, which have never worked under human administration. They are that we do not even operate under the most basic economic rules. Simply returning to a solid foundation would make the difference of night and day; but we are far, far from going there.

I cannot make Donald Trump go that direction nor even encourage him to successfully. I can, however, point out how and why his own approach is likely to fail in order to build some credibility when that failure comes so that MAYBE THEN (very small maybe) people will try the ideas that will actually work. (I don’t believe they will. I am certain they will turn to even more global answers that will be even worse failures, but I have to hold out good and solid options as an alternative to stumbling ever further into the corporate globalist vision. I have proposed many times the ancient idea of a Year of Jubilee — a year of debt forgiveness since the entire world is now in bondage to bankers, not just the people but their nations, too.)

I don’t propose any new ideas. I propose we return to sound principles and some very old ideas that are historically proven to work quite well and away from the gigantism that is ever worsening corporations (particularly banks too big to fail that are now much bigger) and away from the centralization of global power, which begs like a magnet for evil to take it over. Decentralization is more robust, more flexible, and more human in scale. I make these points in several articles.

It is not your conclusion that offended me but your attitude and judgment without inquiring first as to what solutions I propose. (I cannot put everything in one article, and that last article was already one of my largest, and I have been asked by some readers to make them smaller.)

Again, you are supremely presumptuous with statements like “When people fear to enter a sincere and open discussion, they always pretend to be offended.” I don’t consider such judgments to be discussion. They are the conclusion.

While I am not angrily offended at all, I think you are offensive all the same in your blanket presumption that I offer no solutions. My solutions are simply never listened to, and right now I have stepped up criticism because I see the world running headlong back to the worst possible answers where the cabal of bankers is about to become ensconced in all the seats of government, and corporate titans are about to seize all the regulatory reins, and where we are going to go for a third round “trickle-down economics,” carried out at a much greater level in true Trumpian style, even though it has never helped the middle class.

Ideas do not have to be new to be the right answer or a helpful answer. There is nothing wrong with “tried and true,” except that right now they have not been tried in a long time, so they are almost forgotten.



Dear David,

I appreciate very much your comprehensive answer and as you have raised so many different issues I will respond below in the text under each paragraph as to honour each of your ideas.

I have on my blog written articles from time to time that stated clearly what real changes need to happen to build a sound economic foundation. Because that solution doesn’t change, I don’t keep repeating it, but I have created a tag that leads to it. I also began an article about a month ago that will present that information again with some additional ideas. None of it is utopian. Our flaws are not that we lack utopian ideals, which have never worked under human administration. They are that we do not even operate under the most basic economic rules. Simply returning to a solid foundation would make the difference of night and day; but we are far, far from going there.

I would love to read these articles, so please forward the links to me. The word “utopia” has acquired a very negative connotation today but it was not so in the past. In fact all the social forms and institutions we live in nowadays were first Utopian ideas in the 18th and 19th century and there was an important philosophical and social movement under this name. One should not be afraid to call himself “utopian” as nothing else is truly creative.

It is true that the basic rules of competitive capitalism have been deliberately offset by the cabal in the current End Time as to establish the NWO but the return to the good old time is not a solution. It will be too long to explain now why, but let us put it this way. The dark cabal has reigned on this planet since the fall of Atlantis, so that all past conditions are more or less the same as the current, they only differ in the extent of the degradation of the human beings. I do not know what time do you have in mind as the “good solid one”, but I hope not the McCarthy time of witch hunting when the economy seemed to flourish. We can have a detailed discussion on that and I can prove to you why your solutions from the past are not valid.

I cannot make Donald Trump go that direction nor even encourage him to successfully. I can, however, point out how and why his own approach is likely to fail in order to build some credibility when that failure comes so that MAYBE THEN (very small maybe) people will try the ideas that will actually work. (I don’t believe they will. I am certain they will turn to even more global answers that will be even worse failures, but I have to hold out good and solid options as an alternative to stumbling ever further into the corporate globalist vision. I have proposed many times the ancient idea of a Year of Jubilee — a year of debt forgiveness since the entire world is now in bondage to bankers, not just the people but their nations, too.)

The idea of a Jubilee is a very old and very good one and I have put it forward myself too, but it is too short-sighted as it does not abolish the existing financial structures such as the too-big-to-fail banks and the full monopoly of the banksters cabal on the emission of money, with which they control humanity and the economy, but only modulates and softens somewhat their inherent predatory character. This is another huge topic we can discuss in detail and I have presented a congruent solution how to resolve the entire financial issue of the current End Time in a total and very efficient way based on overarching ethical and scientific principles here:

I don’t propose any new ideas. I propose we return to sound principles and some very old ideas that are historically proven to work quite well and away from the gigantism that is ever worsening corporations (particularly banks too big to fail that are now much bigger) and away from the centralization of global power, which begs like a magnet for evil to take it over. Decentralization is more robust, more flexible, and more human in scale. I make these points in several articles.

I am an expert of human history and have not found any evidence that there have been sound economic and social principles in the past that have worked well. I wonder where you get this idea from. Let me be personal in this case – I was a dissident in communist Europe in the early 70s at a time when only a few individuals had the guts to risk their life for democratic ideas – Sacharov, and Solszenizin to name the few – and I can assure you that the communist dictatorship was the NWO in perfection. It failed because the nomenclatura wanted it all as the western cabal now wants it all and must inevitably fail.

I do not know on which planet you have lived, but there is no such thing as the good old times. When I came to Germany in 1975 after I fled from my home country there were still ruins from WW2 to be seen and the postwar situation in Germany was terrible. This holds true for most of Europe at that time that was paralysed by the Iron curtain and the Cold War. I really wonder about what good old time you are talking about.

When I was born in 1951 I first began to consciously listen to the news and my first memories were from the war in Korea in 1953. I was wondering as a child how long this war lasted as they were reporting it on the radio for several months in a row and for a child this period is one whole eternity. Then came the Vietnam war and so on. Since WW2 the world has had more than 200 local wars and the poverty of the great part of the world was, and still is, incredible. I have travelled in the 70s and 80s in many parts of the world and can testify that. There is no such thing as good old times and there is no such thing as sound financial and economic foundation in the past. The system was rigged from the very beginning, even before the banksters founded the private Fed and hijacked the finances of the USA as the most powerful country in the world and it has always been so since the ruling 13 reptilian families that came from Germany before they moved to GB created the first banks in the Renaissance. Read this historical overview on this topic:

It is not your conclusion that offended me but your attitude and judgment without inquiring first as to what solutions I propose. (I cannot put everything in one article, and that last article was already one of my largest, and I have been asked by some readers to make them smaller.)

I can assure you that I am very much interested in your propositions which does not mean that I will accept all of them but that is not the point. The point is that we must agree that we must profoundly change the thinking and doing of humanity if we want a real change from the current deplorable condition.

Again, you are supremely presumptuous with statements like “When people fear to enter a sincere and open discussion, they always pretend to be offended.” I don’t consider such judgments to be discussion. They are the conclusion.

I think that this is a valid statement for most people and I am more than happy if it does not apply to you.

While I am not angrily offended at all, I think you are offensive all the same in your blanket presumption that I offer no solutions. My solutions are simply never listened to, and right now I have stepped up criticism because I see the world running headlong back to the worst possible answers where the cabal of bankers is about to become ensconced in all the seats of government, and corporate titans are about to seize all the regulatory reins, and where we are going to go for a third round “trickle-down economics,” carried out at a much greater level in true Trumpian style, even though it has never helped the middle class.

I am not offensive, I am only blatantly sincere and straight forward as we have no time to waste with false niceties but I am also very respectful to real intellectual achievements of other people and if you read my website you will find many articles which I have dedicated to the achievements of other thinkers, much more than you can find in any other comparable website. I have always been very open to new ideas and it is not my fault that there are so few really new ideas that are worth studying them.

I can confirm your experience that most people do not listen to other peoples’ ideas because their minds are closed and let us hope that we do not replicate this attitude here.

Ideas do not have to be new to be the right answer or a helpful answer. There is nothing wrong with “tried and true,” except that right now they have not been tried in a long time, so they are almost forgotten.

There are indeed foundational ideas that have eternal validity, but none of the economic and financial or political ideas that have been developed in the known and written history of humanity belong to that. I have to be very precise on this issue as it can be the source of infinite confusion. The only eternally valid ideas which humanity has developed so far are those of the early Gnostics (Neoplatonism) which go back to Plato and Aristoteles. Everything else in philosophy, social sciences and religions is absolutely wrong. I have written five books on philosophy and Gnosis, starting from the Antique to the German philosophical schools in modern time,  where I prove this conclusion unequivocally but as these books are written in German I cannot offer them to you.

But I can prove it in the field of science – all the basic ideas of science, such as in physics. mathematics and biosciences, are absolutely wrong as I have shown beyond any doubt in my tetralogy of science which you can find as free ebooks on my website.

Here is a key theoretical publication which I shall republish tomorrow as it will play a big role in the near future. It shows you why all foundational ideas in science are not proven to be valid and have to be rejected in their totality. Analysing and rejecting generally accepted ideas that determine the course of human civilisation and substituting them with completely new valid ideas is an act of utmost creativity and this is the central topic of my discussion with you. It is transpersonal as it transcends the individual human ego and only deals with eternal truths:

But of course I am open to any substantial criticism or even rejection of my pivotal ideas in case it is really founded in irrevocable facts and arguments.

With love and light


– No further response from David yet.


Cosmic Double Diamond Love – A Decree

Beloved Carla and George,

I would like to share with YOU The Decree “I AM GOD”. I hope my DECREE will bless All Humanity, The Earth and the entire Cosmos.


Beloved I AM Presence of God and Goddess
Who I AM
I no longer wish to be part of the Game.
Why did I need to go through so many tests and trials
To feel My Divine Presence again?
Why did I need to earn my Divinity
If I AM Divine as I AM?
Why did I need to learn Unconditional Love
Through the harsh Karmic Laws?
Why for so long was my Soul
Disconnected from the Wisdom of The Sacred Heart, listening only to the Very Limited and Controlling Mind?

Why do I need to earn the Power, the Wisdom and the Love
If I know in my Sacred Heart, in my Divine Mind and in all of my 144,000 Souls
That this is the very place where I belong?
Why do I need to wait for Heaven on Earth
If this is the VERY BIRTHRIGHT of Every living Being on Earth?

I have mastered Sacred Schools and The Flames,
Opened my Sacred Heart to the Wisdom and the Love of the Higher Realms.
I have left the 3D world
With all its tools and laws.
Now I only have one Desire
To be YOU, Beloved I AM, The Highest Version of Me.
Will YOU merge with me NOW

As I have matured as a Soul, The Spirit, The Light and a Human Being
May I be the LOVE, the WISDOM and the POWER of GOD?

With the Love, Wisdom and Power of GOD and GODDESS who I AM
I override the Codes
And decree UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Happiness, The Highest Wisdom of The Sacred Heart and Divine Mind, Simplicity, Majestic and Pristine Beauty, Abundance for EVERY BEING on Earth and for our Beloved Mother Earth.

I decree
Our True Freedom, Immortality, Sovereignty and Divinity.
As Above so Below.
And so it is, Beloved I AM
Who I AM.

I decree
The return of ALL BEINGS and THE EARTH to our Highest Divine state
So we can once again
Reunite with our BELOVED I AM
And with our Brothers and Sisters
from the Stars and from Inner Earth
Who are really us from the future and from the past
Looking from the NOW moment of our Beloved Planet Earth.


On my own behalf and on behalf all Beings of Earth.

On behalf of our Sacred Earth so once again SHE can be the God and Goddess who She is in the Higher Realms. Gaia. Terra. Virgo. Love. Wisdom. Power. Light. YOU – BELOVED I AM GODDESS AND GOD.

On behalf of AMERICA – The Diamond in the Heart of GODDESS and GOD – Where everything will start.


I AM grateful for what I have learned
And NOW at this moment of COSMIC LIFE
Please close this COSMIC episode
And override the CODES
To end the GAME
To be free of all dimensions, matrixes and codes as we are THE LOVE, THE WISDOM, THE POWER AND THE LIGHT OF YOU.

once again can

The Law of Oneness, Unity, Unconditional Love, Magnificent Beauty and Abundance for ALL.




I AM –


With Unconditional Diamond Love,
I AM Presence of God and Goddess


Dear Bozena,

it is an excellent decree and so timely. Only yesterday we introduced on Gaia and for the entire humanity the diamond light of ascension after we had introduced the golden flame a few days ago when I reported another massive descent of source energies. These diamond energies and codes will eventually lead us through the planetary ascension portal end of this month and bring about the long-awaited final ID shift. My assessment is that the vibrations have now reached such a high level and the tension with the low-vibrating portion of humanity which is essentially the ruling cabal and their minions is so high that this reality cannot be kept intact for much longer. The collapse is imminent.

With love and light



Dear Georgi,

I just caught this on my news feeds.

No Chinese news source is reporting this incident. All other international sources are giving an account.

Thought you should know.

With love and light,



I read about that – there is a huge surge of nastiness today after yesterday we had another major ID shift with massive descent of source energy. Watch also the press conference of Obama blaming Putin personally for hacking the elections. They (the cabal) are beginning to run amok.




Dear Georgi,

This appears to be moving into position, right on cue for the December winter solstice.

As you will recognise, it is the latest post on the website:  


For the third month in a row, a large hole in the sun’s atmosphere is turning toward Earth. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the yawning structure on Dec. 16th:


This is the same coronal hole that lashed Earth’s magnetosphere with solar wind on Oct. 25-28 and again on Nov. 23-26.   It is spinning around with the sun, strobing Earth lighthouse-style every ~27 days.

The last two times we experienced its solar wind, intermittent G1-class geomagnetic storms and bright auroras were observed in the Arctic. A repeat performance is likely when the solar wind returns on Dec. 20-22.

Love & Light,

Henry Bizon, UK


Dear Henry,

the appearance of big coronal holes in the sun correlates very well with massive blasts of source energy, proton streams as experienced by myself and the PAT in form of cc-waves with headache and diverse body symptoms e.g. last time on Dec 5th when the final ascension episode commenced:

Yesterday and today we have such a massive ID shift as I mentioned at the end of the PAT report (see above) and we got the information that this is in preparation for the December 21st portal. The 12.12 portal and the full moon on 12.14 were comparatively calm and now we are in the midst of another huge build-up that may indeed be the final one as many channeling sources now unanimously herald. We are not given any date but it feels very close.

With love and light



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