Georgi Stankov, July 12, 2016
The latest publication was the crowning and the final accord of my editorial activities associated with this reality. I have finished with my mission in this world and have to move on. From now on I will focus my entire mental forces on the preparation for my new mission. Two days ago the Elohim came to us and told us that we have accomplished with great success all our duties in this 3D reality and that it is time to move on and begin with our true mission for which we have been prepared in this life.
Very soon we shall establish a spiritual world centre in Central Europe, most probably in Germany in association with Raetia. This new spiritual centre will be at the same time the global hub for the development and introduction of new technologies associated with the New Theory of the Universal Law. Parallel to these activities the new Astral currency will be introduced before it can become the foundation of the new humanity. From what we gather so far, this is an imminent project and demands our entire and dedicated attention.
This should not come as a surprise to you as I have referred to this project from various angles since many years. Now is the time to manifest this vision. For this reason I will step back from editing this website on a daily basis and scrutinizing closely the world news in order to be up to date. This activity is sucking all my energies and only perpetuates this hologram. As all reality emerges from our thoughts, we must actively change this reality by changing first the direction of our thoughts – our mental energies and activities – into what we want truly to experience. Writing all the time about events pertaining to this crumbling reality, even when we share our aspirations and longing for the new worlds, is clinging to this old hologram and only sustains its existence.
This is what the rest of humanity does and that is why it takes so long. It is a bad habit that prevents our ID shift now. And it is in contradiction with our prophesied desire to ascend. Hence we must first change all our old habits and, as old habits die hard, it affords quite a discipline and resolution at the individual level to make this fateful U-turn. This is the kind of resolution I have to show now, in the full confidence that all will be well and I recommend you to follow my example. Ask your HS where your future mission will lead you and then change the course.
This reality is already crumbling, with or without our attention, whereas the less we care about it, the quicker it will crumble. This has been my invariant experience throughout my entire life and this is the “spiritual principle of detachment” I always follow, especially in times of radical change as is the case now. Evolution is the ability to be flexible and change the course at the right moment.
I remember to have read somewhere that the U-turns in our lives are the most important and auspicious moments along the learning curve of our incarnational experience. After all what is ascension? – It is an U-turn away from this 3D holographic reality. Yesterday I came across the latest message from John Smallman given to him by Jesus and it struck me with its actuality: Your whole way of human life is based on a very powerful belief in limitation!
As long as we do not begin to fully believe that we can single-handedly change our reality and ascend through a conscious decision and action, we will not experience it. Remember the holy triad of creation? – Idea, DEcision, Action = IDEA. Period. And it makes no sense to wait for the “shock and awe wave” that will come and crash the global electric networks and systems before we ascend. This wave is inevitable but why should we wait to experience it before we ascend? Why not make the decision to ascend now? There are no limits to our creationary potential and we are about to prove it now and not waiting for the HR to prove the correctness of our ideas in the indefinite future while we are still being stuck to this unyielding, unrewarding and already visibly crumbling reality. Make the jump before the house of cards collapses.
As I wrote in the last few days to several PAT members, we have just left the consensual reality of this matrix. From now on everybody will experience the world he has created for himself with his thoughts. Therefore no further predictions of general character are possible or desirable from a higher vantage point of view.
Now I need to fully attune to the new theory of the Universal Law and hope to get some more information from my HS and Source in this respect. I can’t do that while being engaged the whole day in publishing and keeping myself up to date with actual political and economic events. This however does not preclude the possibility that I may publish from time to time new articles when I have reached a new level of clarity and have important information to share with you. But in principle this website has served its purpose and we all must now sail to new shores. This is the end of the old world as we know it and a new glorious beginning.