Excellent Italian Translation of My First Book “New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind”

La Nuova Gnosi: Il Salto Evolutivo dell’umanita

Daniela Lupo, October 15, 2015



Georgi Stankov

Daniela Lupo from Italy has surprised me with her excellent Italian translation of my foundational book on the New Gnosis of the Universal LawThe Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” which I first wrote in 1999 and then expanded and finalized in 2000, more than 15 years ago. Yesterday evening I finished reading Daniela’s Italian translation and I must say that it is congenial to the original German version. This is even more remarkable as Daniela has used Google translate which is not that good for German due to the complex and rigid syntax of this language.

In her letter to me below, Daniela describes in more detail her approach to this translation, where she also addresses how an intimate attunement to the high vibrational content of this book can propel the reader to the highest dimensions – to the source. This is what kept me alive throughout all these years since I wrote this book up to the present day when we are on the cusp of our final transfiguration. As I said in my latest report, the life of the light warrior is imbued with the “loneliness of the long distance runner“, to quote the title of a famous short story by Alan Sillitoe, one of the most outspoken representatives of the “angry young men” in the postwar time. I wished there were more angry young men with the current toxic reality in these last days on earth, so that the awakening of mankind can finally happen and we can be redeemed from our mission impossible on this planet. But it is coming now and it is indeed very close!

Herewith, it is my greatest pleasure to present Daniela’s translation to all my Italian readers which can be found in the left column where all my books and major scientific publications are listed under the category:



I recommend all my Italian readers to read this basic gnostic book in their native language one more time after they might have read it in English, as this will hugely help them raise their frequencies and ascend in the coming days, in case they have not already ascended last year.


Dear George,

I enclose an Italian translation  of the New Gnosis – The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind, which l have made.

When I first read this book in 2011,  I printed it out for myself translated into the Italian language.  I have read it in these last four years several times, until  I decided to look after its Italian translation a few months ago.  I also translated the second part of the conclusion –  World Religions as Gnostic Teachings.

I’ve done this translation  between one energy wave and another, and being totally disconnected from any 3D activity,  I had all the time and pleasure, even sitting at my desk the illusion of 3D time flew by me and I found myself immersed in the energy of the astral worlds and surrounded by Love and by the higher frequencies of my HS.

I tried to be as precise as possible, I used all the English vocabularies possible and not satisfied I put the German text to the front, in this way making the comparison German-English and German-Italian and hence l came up with this translation.

Since the first reading I embraced all the love and all the care with which you wrote this book, and wanting to stay true to your mark, I charged this translation with all my energy, asking my HS to help me find the most appropriate Italian words  that adhered to the true meaning of the text.

In the study of Gnosis this book in particular is the first to be read,, as it is a fundamental building block for the construction of one’s own categorical system according to the axiomatic principles of the Universal Law. And then of course one must continue with the other books to be ever more open to the astral worlds and to benefit from objective information, free from any distortion and intellectual manipulation.

I hope this contribution and gift will be useful, especially to those readers (in this case Italian) that look at these issues for the first time, or for others with a different native tongue who desire to learn this poetic Italian language.

I apologize if there are errors in the translation, especially in the part that I had to translate directly from German, I am open to any correction and rectification.

With Love and Light



Dear Daniela,

I am overwhelmed by your gift and full of joy. Almost speechless. Carla was also deeply moved by your translation. I am now reading the translation but I wanted to connect to you in advance and confirm the receipt of the translation. I will respond in more depth after finishing reading which will take some time as I am reading the Italian text very carefully. What I have immediately noticed though, is that you have congenially translated my German style of writing into Italian which I always knew is more adequate for such translations than English. Congratulations!

With love and light



Dear Daniela,

I finished reading the Italian book yesterday evening as I was reading it very carefully and slowly. Unfortunately I was hit by another heavy cc-wave with a severe headache the whole day, which fortunately does not infringe on my mental activity in any way as I am used to it and neglect the pain. Which proves that we do not think with our biological brain but with our mind which is a U-set of spirit and thus of higher-dimensional energies.

It is a very powerful translation and I feel the high vibrations you have inserted into it so that it is congenial to the German original, which I have rewritten ten times to achieve the final satisfactory result of a powerful higher-dimensional message. I wrote the first version in 1999 within two weeks and was massively channelled by my HS or the source, which is probably one and the same. Then it took another year and a half to add some more aspects and chapters to the book and to rewrite it accordingly.

Now you have pointed out a very remarkable experience which was also mine in the years when I wrote the five books on Gnosis:

I’ve done this translation  between one energy wave and another, and being totally disconnected from any 3D activity,  I had all the time and pleasure, even sitting at my desk the illusion of 3D time flew by me and I found myself immersed in the energy of the astral worlds and surrounded by Love and by the higher frequencies of my HS.”

This was precisely my experience when writing and editing these books and this total detachment from this reality and dwelling in the higher realms saved me in the first decade of the third millennium when the waves almost killed me. In this way I was able to raise my frequencies by attuning to the source while writing the books and you have done exactly the same thing. This is the most powerful immersing in the higher dimensions one can achieve as an incarnated entity on this planet.

Hence the reward from your translational work has been twofold. We have a beautiful translation of my first gnostic book in Italian and it reads really beautifully for me, although I am not a native speaker but have a great affinity for the Italian language and second, you have used this translation as a vehicle to catapult yourself in the higher dimensions and to raise one more time your frequencies. This is how ascension works – through mental focusing and emotional identification with the source energies. It is possible and one does not even need additional meditation.

This first book was particularly important for me as it also served as a red thread for me for the years to come. One must bear in mind that it took another 11 years of tedious and frequently devastating waiting for something to happen before I opened my website in 2011 and reached the broader public of potential ascension candidates. Before that the idea of personal ascension through individual LBP was not seriously considered by anybody in the New Age movement, although there was some scattered information on this possibility. But only through the PAT website did it become a common and accepted knowledge for some advanced light workers outside the PAT, even though they do not give credit to our website for that. It does not matter, what counts at the end is the final result.

When Piotr will enter your Italian translation on the website I will publish an announcement with excerpts from this correspondence so that all PAT members are informed and the Italian readers can read it in their native language.

Today (Oct 14th) ascension feels very close and the vibration are extremely high and penetrating but much more harmonious than yesterday which was a terrible day for me.

I wish you all the best in these final days and know that you have already achieved your ultimate goal to ascend very high with a remarkable persistence and dedication to which very few light warriors are capable.

With love and light


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