PAT Response to Paul Armitage’s Divine Symphony Dedicated to the PAT
Georgi Stankov
Yesterday we received information from the Elohim that the publication of the divine symphony of the PAT composed by Paul Armitage and charged with the emotions and thoughts of the PAT has created a huge surge in loving and harmonious energies throughout the world, as this can be seen in this magnificent rainbow over the World Trade Centre, which is the manifestation of the seven sacred flames that the PAT first introduced on this planet and regularly uses for its invocations and immediate creations.
We also experienced a massive ID shift of Gaia and humanity in the last 48 hours due to the healing of the 9/11 trauma caused by the criminal dark US cabal which affected the DNA of most human beings in a most detrimental manner and actually postponed the ascension process significantly. But at the same time this heinous crime was a most challenging experience for humanity to grow and overcome this toxic reality for ever. Hence it was extremely important for the global ascension plan of Gaia that the divine symphony of the PAT should be published on this auspicious anniversary date as to heal and open the hearts and minds of all human beings. Even Paul Armitage himself felt this opening as he reports below.
Dear Paul,
I decided to publish the article on the PAT divine symphony today as to appear on time for 9/11 tomorrow. For this reason I had no time to send it to you before that for proof reading. However, I asked Carla to do the proof reading and she liked the presentation very much. This gave me the confidence to publish it before showing it to you and I hope you will also like it.
I am sure that the response will be overwhelmingly positive and I will definitely publish the PAT reactions in a special report.
Here is the link:
Wish you all the best!
With love and light
Hi Georgi,
No worries, Thank-you! so much for your generous praise and appreciation in your article. I am very grateful to you and Carla for your support. Yesterday within five hours of your posting of the article, I had four orders come in for personal soul portraits! So again, thank-you!
I feel a major serendipitous shift unfolding with this video being released. As I write this, there have been over 800 listens (1500 by now) on YouTube, just within the last 36 hours!
I will call you soon, I will be busy no doubt, for the next while recording soul portraits , Julie and I are beginning preparation, packing to move to a new house at the end of the month, so we are quite busy here. I am enjoying the warming spring weather here in Australia.
Hope to connect soon!
much love, Paul
Dear Paul,
Thank you very much for the email address. I am now processing the enthusiastic responses of the PAT to your music and will publish them tomorrow or the day after. Then I will send you the link to this report.
I have one question. Some PAT members asked if it is possible for you to record the PAT symphony as an MP3 version. If so, can you do it for us?
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Thank you ever so much for this commissioned piece from Paul Armitage. The first time I listened to it I had a sense of not having any walls around me – I guess this would translate into not feeling the confines of the body, it was pure freedom. The second time I listened to it with headphones and my eyes shut, I kept seeing violet and a white pinpoint of white light.
I have sent in a commission for him to do one for me, I’m very excited about this!
Dear Laurie,
This is exactly the emotional and visual reaction Paul’s music elicits in the listener. You will really love your Soul Portrait. We are listening our soul portraits many times every week and the music is so healing and uplifting.
With love and light
PAT symphony
I AM wrapped in a divine embrace with tears streaming down my cheeks, just BEAUTIFUL!
Thank you!
Sheryl Groen, USA
Thank You!
Dearest Georgi,
My greatest Thanks to you and your friend Paul for His Greatest Music! It is telling much more than the all 3D words!
With Light and Love
Dear Georgi,
The symphony is so beautiful and heart-stirring. Thank you very much, and for your persistent work as well!
Love and light,
Danke. Gracias hermosa composicion.
Dear Georgi,
Infinite gratitude for the beautiful piece of music you commissioned. Paul did indeed capture my soul essence. I could not hold back the tears. Tears for my unbearable longing to go home, tears for being separated from God for so long, tears for humanity and the suffering caused by our human mis-creations and tears for the ones who lost their way from the light. But also tears of joy for what awaits us and the knowing that the Light of God never fails.
Thank you Georgi!
Love always
Mara Burger
Dear Mara,
thank you very much for your overwhelming appreciation of Paul’s music. I will publish a report with the PAT comments on his music and then will forward the link to Paul so that he can read the reactions of the PAT.
With love and light
Thank you so much for your post today!
Paul’s music is truly beautiful and inspired. The Divine timing for your post was indeed, perfect.
Your touching gesture to have this piece of music composed for the PAT brought tears today. There are so few to give gratitude for all that the PAT has done, and this gift given by you, as our Captain, means so much…thank you, and Carla as well, of course.
I should mention that during the last week I saw you in a dream, you were showing me something in a science lab type setting…the setting spoke to me of your keen knack for observation. There was a very large and amazing ocean eel. I was transfixed by it’s nature…suddenly it leaped from it’s quarters and wrapped itself around you in the spiralling fashion of kundalini energies. It was a thing to behold and you were not the least bit distracted by it’s movement. I googled the “medicine” of eel and it speaks of great spiritual transformation! No surprise.
Things are relatively peaceful here in Prince George, sunny weather and some spectacular northern lights, as of late. We’ve seen a lot of shifting with extended family members, more joy and happiness. I pray we reach the ascension frequency very soon!!
Much Love,
Natasha, Canada
Dear Natasha,
I am happy that you liked the PAT symphony and Paul is indeed a magician and not only a musician. I do not doubt that I have visited you in the dream state as I am very busy all night preparing the final shift and sending codes.
With love and light
Dear George,
It was so beautiful to listen to this music from Paul Armitage this morning! I was sitting in front of my computer, in the sun shining in a clear blue sky, so contrary to all that happened that particular day in the past. I cried most of the time while listening to the music as it brought so many emotions so the surface.
Thank you, George, for this incredible presentation / gift! It would be marvellous to be able to listen to it on my mp3 – is there an mp3 download available of this?
With love,
Dear Nel,
I happy to hear that you liked Paul’s music. It is very healing indeed. There is no MP3 version of it yet, but I will ask Paul if he can prepare one.
With love and light
Dear George,
…. Thank you and thank Paul Armitage for the wonderful Divine Symphony of the PAT. It went straight to my heart and goose-bumped me through the whole track. A column of massive light stood up from my chest when I listened to it with headphones on my bed.
With Love and Light,
Dear Georgi:
What a Divine Gift, thank you so much for commissioning our soul portrait, I’m speechless. Paul is magnificent, it was a feast for the soul of the Pat, a celebration for all of us.
Betty, Mexico
Dear Betty,
I am happy that you like Paul’s music and your opinion is particular important for me as you are a gifted musician and composer too.
With love and light
Thank you Georgi.
Actually his music was so powerful that it did a huge cleansing and purifying of the energies here and now I know exactly what to do and where to go next… And why.
A bit more on Paul’s music:
His talent is unquestionable.
Energetically, in my view, it was not soothing, it is unsettling and disturbing somehow. And then it propels you to the highest peaks of bliss. Up and down. Like riding a super wave and then crashing down like mad at a sore place and then soaring back up before you’re ready and recovered.
I was thinking maybe that’s the Pat’s energy now, but more accurate would be to say that… It is my share of it, the drop I represent in the ocean of our team. Intense!
Dear Georgi:
The music now shifted in me the “unsettling and disturbing” into “exalted awareness”. What a trip!
Thank you,
Dear Bertha,
this ascension process is a veritable roller coaster for the PAT and Paul has grasped precisely this energetic adventure with his music. That is why it is so powerful and authentic.
With love and light
Lieber Georgi und Carla,
ich weiss nicht wie ich euch mit Worten Dank sagen kann für diese wunderbare Musik. Sie drückt alles aus was nicht in Worten ausgedrückt werden kann. Auf die andere Art macht es das Ganze um so schwerer weil die Sehnsucht in´s Unerträgliche wächst.
Ich hatte neulich eine Erfahrung im halbwachen Zustand wo ich Empfindungen und Bilder hatte wie wenn meine inneren Drähte und Stränge (DNA…) aufbrechen, als wenn Krusten darum sind und das Licht bricht sich Bahn. Es war überwältigend und klar wenn das anhalten würde, wäre ich an der Grenze zum Durchdrehen, da die Sehnsucht nach dem Licht mich verzehren würde. Das Hiersein auf der Erde hier auf 3D wäre eine unerträgliche Last. Ich verstand in dem Moment dass Gotteserfahrungen alles transformierend sein können.
Auf eine Art war ich froh, dass es wieder zurück ging. Aber das Bild und die Erinnerung bleibt.
Das Geschenk dieser Symphonie schließt direkt an diese Erfahrung an. Georgi von Herzen DANKE.
alles liebe für euch, dich und Carla
Liebe Conny,
die Entgrenzung, die man im physischen Körper erfahren kann, vor allem unter dem Einfluss einer so himmlischen Musik wie der von Paul Armitage, ist nicht leicht zu ertragen und das Zurückkehren ins Diesseits, wenngleich lebenserhaltend und notwendig, fühlt sich unerträglich schmerzhaft. Deswegen fürchten die meisten Lichtarbeiter diese Art grenzüberschreitender Erfahrungen und folgerichtig machen sie auch keine Fortschritte in ihrem Aufstiegsprozess. Es ist die größte Herausforderung im physischen Körper – die fortschreitende Entgrenzung zu wollen und zu suchen und diese trotzdem mit den Belangen und Bedürfnissen des Körpers in Einklang zu bringen. Wem dieses Spagat gelingt, der ist bereits aufgestiegen.
Liebe Grüße