Energy Report of the PAT – August 11, 2015

The Energy Onslaught of the Lion’s Gate Portal 8.8.8

Hi George,

I wanted to confirm as well the onslaught of energies the past week or so have been really hitting hard.  My head has constant pressure, some days worse than others, my facial bones and teeth and neck really hurting. And I just cannot get enough sleep. As you and others were saying, the saving grace of my life is the sanctuary of my home and gardens. I just don’t feel good anywhere else. The flowers are just spectacular here this year, as is the weather (upstate NY). The birds and squirrels planted sunflowers that are bright splashes of yellow everywhere you look, and I have pumpkins and acorn squash in great abundance that grew themselves from my mulch pile.  Let alone the veggies that I  actually planted!  My sister can’t believe how tall and lush all my plants get, it’s a magical place I never want to leave.  Every day after work I just sit out back in my Adirondack chair and am grateful to have this space.  People are all talking vacations and plans, not knowing that I anticipate an eternity of vacation very soon and obviously I’m not bothering to get into that discussion with anyone! So, I don’t want to be anywhere but home either – only 6-1/2 more hours to go, ugh!

On an auspicious note, I have been wanting a new cat since mine died last February, and felt that one would just come to me when the time was right. Well last week a beautiful 6-8 week old cream colored Siamese kitty with the bluest eyes was just sitting on a rock by my pond, looking very sickly and scared.  How it has survived by itself is a miracle, as he can’t hide with his coloring, and how did he find my yard?  I put a box and food out for it for a few days until I could catch him, and finally on Lion’s Gate August 8th, I got him in the house.  My little lion!  All he’s done is sleep and eat since, I think he feels safe for the first time in his life.  He finally started playing last night, chasing his tail around, what a relief to see he’s OK!  And my dog has totally been laid back about the whole thing, it’s just been a beautiful blessing to have this gift from the universe!  So some really wonderful things are happening and I feel in my bones that we’re so close!  Love to all here, my sanity club.  Thank you George and Carla!


PS: Forgot that I wanted to add that I also have been getting up numerous times for nature during the night just lately, which is very unusual for me. I usually sleep like a rock until I have to get up.  My dreams are very vivid and enjoyable, but are lost from my consciousness the very second I awaken, must be not to overwhelm me. I just remember the feeling of gladness and accomplishment, but no details. Also I’m constantly seeing 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 etc., daily. And at night lots of ships are darting about erratically in the sky, I think they’re on clean-up duty.  The chemtrails of late disappear right behind the planes, so obviously that’s being taken care of!  Just wanted to add that, thanks again and have a good day!

Dear Katy,

thank you for your miracle report for the “sanity club”. There are not much places in the USA like yours and these are all extensions to and from New Lemuria.

We have also created here on the West coast a high frequency sanctuary, albeit without the advantage of having a garden as we live on the 6th floor, but with a view of a beautiful garden belonging to the condominium. Also with a view from the two balconies to the surrounding mountains – the Cascades to the East and North East, the smaller mountains of the Vancouver Island to the West and the majestic silhouette of Mt. Baker to the south in Washington State. As you, we have little desire to leave our abode as the energies feel much denser and unpleasant everywhere else.

We are now in a steep spiral of constantly peaking source energies. The 8.8.8 portal at Lion’s gate proved what it promised to be – a most devastating and relentless episode of dense cleansing energies and massive descent of source energies. For me another three days of cc-waves, burning cleansing waves with gastric and joint pain, severe headache, tooth and jawbone pain, eye socket pain, etc. Carla is also under constant sciatic and joint pain on top of frequent headaches.

What we are getting now is that this onslaught will continue unabated till the end of September. We are now in the most transforming period in human history that will be crowned with our ascension. While there is still insecurity as to how concretely the paradigm shift will unfold, there is no doubt in the meantime that even the most agnostic part of humanity senses that something big is in the making this year. And it is unlikely that All-That-Is, that is to say, we as Logos Gods, will disappoint them.

Congratulation to your new cat – cats are incarnations of a Syrian collective of ascended masters and they vibrate directly in 5D. It is always good to have a cat around you as it clears all negative energies.

With love and light

Enhanced Diuresis (micturition) due to accelerated body metabolism during the current energy waves

Shirley, thank you for the account of your vision. I can confirm that “nature calls” me very consistently everyday now and especially at night. I have wondered if something were wrong with me because of how frequently I have to urinate. Yet, I get the feeling that it has more to do with processing and releasing energy very quickly. Sometimes, I will try not to drink anything just to test it and sure enough nature keeps calling. I was actually going to write in to see if anyone else was having this issue. It can be quite inconvenient when you are trying to run errands and are not close to any restrooms.

Love, Kari

Dear Kari,

I will forward your email to Shirley. In fact, we discussed this same issue with Shirley the other day. We now have enhanced metabolism due to the massive energies that flow through our fields and we have to process them and this leads to frequent micturition (diuresis). I have this problem since many years and this can be unpleasant indeed if you are outside and constantly on the search of a washroom.

With love and light


Dear George,

any idea what caused and causes the continual, frequent urination beside getting older? (55) now. Is this a way of ridding our bodies of the negative energies we are constantly purifying from others?

Shirley Garmon

Dear Shirley,

the enhanced urination results from the LBP and the increased metabolism of the body. There are specific waves that hit the first and second chakra and then I have to visit the washroom sometimes every 15-30 minutes and each time the bladder is full. It has nothing to do with aging.

As we are now under maximal energetic pressure and bombardment, we must micturate more often than normally. I have put up with this situation a couple of years ago, but it may get unpleasant if you are travelling or doing something without a washroom in the vicinity. In Germany it is allowed to urinate outside everywhere, as a result of the beer tradition there, but here in Canada Carla told me that the police may eventually arrest you. Different countries, different habits.

Do not worry about this, it is quite normal and an aspect of our very much enhanced body metabolism as ascended masters in light bodies, who must though still dwell in biological vessel.

With love and light

Dear Kari,

Well, at least, I am not the only person who is enduring this “problem.” This has been going on for at least three years now, and it just seems to get worse every year.  Dr. Stankov explained what is going on with our bodies,micturition, so, at least, I understand why it is happening, and feel, somewhat better, and know, that I am not alone in this. I went to the doctor for this problem and was prescribed medication (Oxybutynin), however, the medication, did not help, in fact, caused my white blood cell count, side effect, to become so low that my immune system suffered poorly, as a result. I was alerted during the dream state by my “higher self” that my white blood cell count was very low. Of course, my doctor wanted to put me on some additional medication to make my white blood cell count normal again. I refused and simply took myself off the (Oxybutynin) that was given me to stop the frequent urination. After I took my self off (Oxybutynin), my immune system is normal again, and I no longer have those, consistent, lingering colds and phlegm just sitting in my chest due to my poor immune system.

It is sad that they give medication to cure one thing and it ends up causing two or three other medical problems, and then, you end up being on an entire plethora of medications, and for the most part, I do not think Doctors care a great deal because as long as “one is sick, they continue to make money.” The era of the Florence Nightengale Doctors and nurses has long since ended. Too bad!

Anyway, love and light and God bless.
Shirley Garmon


I just found your site when searching on energy, dimensions etc. after last Thursday’s weird experience I had.

For the last 25 yrs I’m used to energy coming in from the 7th chakra, which I can direct & send through my 3th eye into the world. Last Thursday I first noticed a calm & peaceful feeling coming over me and there was an enormous amount of  an ‘other’ kind of energy coming through from way above my head [central sun?] which felt like a giant light-blue waterfall with white sparkles. I could feel a connection with the universe like never before. Amazing…

Also when a thought was about to form in my mind or an idea, in this energy was an immediate responsive feeling coming in. Felt like talking to a very wise old man, haha.

I live in a noisy neighbourhood but when I sat in the backyard for 2 hrs… total silence except for the birds singing. For one moment I thought everyone had left … Last 2 days I still can feel it coming through like at 25% or so.

Hopefully you can answer this:

What is this new energy & where does it come from?
What might be the effects of this?

Thx in advance,

Dear Boddhi,

thank you for establishing contact with me. In fact you can find an answer to your question if you read previous articles on my website and I only recently discussed this issue one more time in the Energy Report of the PAT. What you have experienced is an opening of your left brain portal which is the connection to the higher chakras and eventually to the source (12th dimension). This is associated indeed with clairvoyance and clair-cognizance.

Now many people begin to experience the opening of their left brain portal, after for many years only a few humans were able to open it. You may begin to hear a metallic high-pitched noise soon.

Read all my articles on the LBP where you can find all the necessary information, you can use the Log-function or the search function.

With love and light

Dear George,

Thank you! You’re absolutely right. I think & feel this is true. Your explanation of what happened to me & the articles on the site have helped a lot solving my ‘puzzle’. In one of your articles I noticed some emails from others. Is there a forum where I can meet them?

The Netherlands

Dear Boddhi,

I am glad to hear that the information on this website has helped you better understand your current energetic experiences, which is the most important thing these days. I am regularly publishing the Energy-Report of the PAT with emails from PAT members, where we discuss such experiences and share opinions.

In addition, there is an independent PAT resource page on Facebook. I personally do not participate on Facebook. You can write to Dominique Lagae who is responsible for the PAT resource page and ask for further information, if you want to participate there. Here is his email address:

But you can always participate in our discussions in the PAT report through me. I do not have any blog as it will be immediately infested by Internet trolls. Now they write only to me and do not bother the group.

With love and light

Hello George.

When I received your email about the ascension test I know some things were going. Again I was so sick with flue symptoms .it hit me for 2 day  and went away. But before than I had a dream about the flood. .In the dream I was in the downtown flying over the city.people are outside of the restaurant eaten and sunny day  happy. Than very next door  building are collapsing and ocean is washing the streets and people are running screaming. It was really a terrifying seen. I feel it is very near this changes. Will see…with love to you and Carla

Ayfer April Carter, USA

Dear April,

your dream about the flood is a real experience on a lower timeline as we constantly shed off such timelines now on the way to our final ascension in the new Golden galaxy which then go under in the deluge of the MPR. However we do not feel these MPR so strongly anymore as we have moved so high and only dream of them. In the past they always hit our energetic fields.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

After longer time I’m sending you few lines.

I can confirm the opening of this August’s portal. Yesterday I felt all the day the classical headache and gastric issues but I have to admit that years 2014 and 2015 are very mild and I’m spared from the debilitating experiences most of the time.

It seems to me as if the workload was split amongst other waves of candidates – with you at the helm, of course ( as always ).

I can also confirm the “concentration of consciousness” into a widespread notion of an imminent global event. Opinions similar to Donald Trump jump at me from a growing number of celebrities, not speaking about the common people with some degree of intelligence. I’m working with a lot of IT and business guys ( many of which are economists, analysts, .. ) and they all share the idea that the financial bubble has to break anytime. However, this is where they end. Any ascension-related idea is swept under carpet as nonsense or conspiracy.

Funny thing is that recently I’ve read an analysis on a conspiracy derived from debates in discussion forums. What came out is that “conspiracy-inclined” people are now in majority in comparison to “non conspiracy-inclined” people and the most shocking fact was
that these people are open-minded, calm, easily discussing – opposite to the other group of people who are angry, pushy and intolerant.

On another note. In some of your recent articles you’ve written that we can feel the non-presence of our HS nowadays. I also can confirm this fact. For more than one year I feel very 3-D. No ascension test runs, no prophetic dreams, deja-vu.

Around 2012 I twice encountered a very strong experience ( within a day ) where I was emitting light from within, being dragged above and feeling that I’m ascending in full consciousness.

However, after 2012-2013 this all ended and now if I internally didn’t know who we are and that we’re right before the grand finale I could easily feel that the whole ascension topic is a myth.

What about the other PAT members – do you have any information if the core of the team is still with us or if our numbers are slightly decreasing due to the above written ( lost confidence )?  In my question I don’t take into account the lightworkers and second wave candidates whose numbers are obviously growing.

Thank you,
MarekP, Slovakia

Dear Marek,

thank you very much for your account on a number of issues and aspects that represent this End Time.

Indeed, there is a huge shift in collective perception, of course within the agnostic limitations of the people, but there is no doubt that the MSM have completely lost control over the minds of the majority of the people. This is now reflected even by the collapse of all media companies stocks since the beginning of August. Their charts are now in a free fall and the reason for this crash is that they have lost their readers and clients and have no revenues anymore. Most people have switched to alternative websites as this one. For instance, when I published an article on the economic collapse in BeforeItsNews last week, almost 30,000 people read it within a few days, although it essentially dealt with the ascension and this is not a topic the general public normally believes in.

That is why all supporters of “conspiracy theories” have now become the main stream and those who oppose them, together with the cabal MSM, are in the minority. Besides, there are some excellent articles that all so called major conspiracy theories have been proven to be true, while all official versions of the ruling elite were exposed as lies and conspiracies. Nobody can reject this powerful evidence now and that is why the proponents of the MSM conspiracies are so angry and aggressive as they have no arguments against people like us who reveal the truth.

I think that you have misunderstood my statement. I did not say that I feel a non-presence of my HS, quite on the contrary. However, the Elohim were silent for some time as we had a lot to do in 3D and because there was nothing to be said as we know what is currently happening – our massive ascension step by step – and we know how complex these processes are and that they defy any verbal explanation.

Two days ago Carla got a comprehensive message from the Elohim that confirms our constant and accelerated ascension and that it is a function of our ideas and visions. That is why I recommend the PAT to develop now bold visions what each one wants to happen, in personal life and globally, and it will be so. The Elohim confirmed that now every idea of us as incumbent Logos Gods is immediately realized at all levels, from 3D to 12D, and manifests quicker each day on this uppermost mother planet.

I have no idea about the PAT numbers and I am not interested in counting them. But there are fluctuations as is the case with everything in this reality. What I observe though is that there is a growing unanimity and confidence in the PAT and the readers of this website, which is based on their experience in the last years and in their rapidly expanding power as Logos Gods and Creators.

There are no longer long and tiresome discussions on trifles as all the basics are now clear to all members of the PAT and they now only gauge their personal experiences with the ascension energies and share them with the rest of the PAT. This underlying confidence and faith is for me the most sure sign that we are indeed on the verge of our ascension and that we hold the destiny of this planet in our hands.

With love and light

Hi Georgi,

Trusting that you, Carla & the rest of the PAT are soldiering on!! The waves are swelling, that’s for sure. In the past few days I have been feeling emotional, weepy, lost & spent. An Epsom salt bath run by my husband helped a bit.

I wanted to tell of my dream last night (8.8.8) I was walking through a village, very steep & vast market places. It felt like biblical times in Jerusalem. I was accompanied by my brother. We entered a massive furniture shop. All the tables, chairs, lamps, everything, was made of pink Himalayan rock salt boulders, sculptured. The salesman gave us samples of salt & poppy seeds to taste, little piles he’d pinched on the table. Then he asked us to go over to a display of a forest. The trees came alive and were moving, sort of in a liquid flowing motion. One tree was giving a demonstration & lifted itself out of the earth exposing all the roots. It explained that the salt in the earth was key to sustain their health & vitality. End dream.

This was very surreal & wondrous to witness. Back to the pink rock salt. I’ve always thought that rose quartz had  a similar appearance. Rose quartz is renowned for being the LOVE stone. The return to love is in full swing I feel now.

I researched ‘the salt of the earth’ connotation from the bible but don’t really understand the meaning. Any thoughts??

Loving light,

Dear Leese,

this is a very beautiful dream and you must have visited either a very high new 4D world or even Lemuria.

The “salt of the earth” means “the most precious thing in the world”. Salt was extremely precious in the past and whole economies, even states, were built on its presence and production. At that time all food was preserved with salt and it was essential for survival.

To give you an example. Freising, a small town north-west of Munich, where I lived in the last 12 years, used to be a very powerful town-state in the Dark ages, since the 9th century, as it was also a diocese (see) and possessed a lot of land down to Italy. The town was so powerful as it controlled the bridge over a river that was part of the salt road coming from Austria where crystal salt was mined at that time. This road went through whole Europe and the revenues were huge for Freising. The neighbouring town Munich was at that time a village and without any importance. However they decided to lead a war against Freising and destroyed their bridge. At the same time they built another bridge down the river and changed the course of the salt road. Freising never recovered from this blow, while Munich began to prosper and became the capital of Bavaria. The diocese was moved to Munich and was called since then Freising-Munich diocese. Pope Ratzinger was its bishop before he became cardinal and went to Rome.

I hope that this historical example gives you an idea as to how precious salt was in the past, it was more precious than gold as it affected human life and food. It was very rare at that time too as the production facilities were very poor and scarce.

In a symbolic way, we can as well say the PAT, the light warriors of the first and the last hour, are the salt of the earth and this will even be an understatement.

With love and light

Hi George,

I really enjoyed the Kryon post, thanks! Old souls we are, yes!

When you and also Kryon talk about the future of medicine, it reminds me of Dr. McCoy in Star Trek. When they would go back in time and run into 20th century medicine, Dr. McCoy described it as medievalism! I recall in the movie where they return to present-day San Francisco, he tells a surgeon regarding a patient, “good God, man, drilling a hole in his head isn’t the answer, you’ve got to clear the artery!” Or when he gives the woman with kidney failure a pill and she grows a new kidney! Not exactly what you and Kryon speak about, but way beyond current understanding and practices, just the same!

I also had read a book recently, in which it was taught that mature civilizations may not agree with each other about everything, but they still help each other! And it also spoke about quantum physics, and how things are different in physics outside of our planet.

So that’s why I say that it was an interesting post to me, it confirms some things I have been seeing…

Mike in Florida

Dear Mike,

I know, these are the interesting topics we should now discuss as we are the forerunners in these discussions.

With love and light

Dear George,

Thank you for keeping the PAT updated with world events. The 8.8.15 portal has been very difficult to bear with intense pressure inside the body and head! Normal strategies to release these energies have not been successful and even now I still feel the effects strongly. I hope this means the end is it sight for some powerful changes on the word stage and our long overdue ascension.

Love & Blessings

Dear Ishvar,

glad to hear from you again. I do confirm that the energies of the Lion’s portal 8.8.8 yesterday were very heavy and I also had great difficulties with them. Today (August 10) seems to be a little bit better (this changed dramatically in the afternoon). I am also wondering why so little happens given the fact how relentless and transforming the energies are this year, but it is a cumulative process and when the vessel is full, it flows over quickly. Now everything points to an economic crash and then all events will accelerate as the western society and economy has no protective mechanism or means to cope with this crisis. The result will be total dissolution of the whole social and economic infrastructure.

With love and light

Different wave qualities and corresponding pain symptoms of the LBP

Hallo Georg,

Wenn ich von Kopfschmerzen rede, dann meine ich Schmerzen in der Gegend rund ums Gehirn herum (sehr unmedizinisch *g*), am Schädeldach, an den Schläfen. Bei manchen sitzen die Schmerzen im Zahn- und Kieferbereich – bei mir diesmal wie auch schon bei Wellen vorher nur da und der Rest des Kopfes ist beinah (bis auf die Ausstrahlung) schmerzfrei. Wie kommt dieser lokale Unterschied? Ich hoffe, ich konnte jetzt besser erklären, was ich meine.



Liebe Birgit,

es gibt Wellen, die in der Tat nur Zahn- und Kieferschmerzen hervorrufen und die seltener sind, und dann gibt es Wellen, die Kopfschmerzen bringen, wobei es auch dort Unterschiede gibt. Meistens ist die linke Hirnhälfte betroffen aber selten auch die rechte und dieser Kopfschmerz ist sehr unangenehm, falls es eine Steigerung möglich ist.

Liebe Grüße

Das Universalgesetz verstehen und es in allen Bereichen korrekt anwenden

Lieber Georg,

endlich verstehe ich etwas mehr vom Universalgesetz, nachdem ich “2011_cosmic_laws_of_creation_and_destruction” gelesen und weitgehend verstanden habe. Du unterscheidest demnach zwischen U-Sets (die das Ganze [oder Gott] als Element enthalten) und N-Sets (die das nicht tun) und dadurch die im Prinzip unendliche und grenzenlose Wahrheit begrenzen und verhindern, dass die Menschen die befreiende unendliche und grenzenlose Wahrheit erkennen. Dann sortierst Du alle N-Sets als ungültig aus dem gesamten menschlichen “Wissen” als Unwissen aus und füllst die enstandenen Lücken wo nötig mit den passenenden U-Sets auf und voila hast Du das Unwissen einer gefallenen Welt ersetzt durch das grenzenlose und unendliche Universalwissen einer aufgestiegenen Welt.

Genial! – muss ich ohne Neid sagen und nehme damit das “dicke, fette Ego” aus meiner letzten Email zurück, das eigentlich nur Ausdruck meiner Frustration war, dass ich bis dahin die Leistung und Bedeutung des Universalgesetzes einfach nicht verstanden habe. (Ich bin eben doch immer noch ein typischer Verhaltensauffälliger.)

Ich hatte mir “Das Universalgesetz Band 1” gebraucht im Internet bestellt und war wahrscheinlich genauso frustriert, wie der derjenige, der es ohne Gebrauchsspuren und offenbar ungelesen gleich weiterverkauft hat, weil ich total überfordert war und das meiste einfach nicht verstanden habe.

Ich hoffe mit meiner Kurzfassung jedoch im Kern erfasst zu haben, was das Universalgesetz bedeutet und für die Menschheit leistet: Es befreit die Menschen von der Unwissenheit und von unsinnigen Regeln, die ihnen von den Sklavenhaltern bewußt auferlegt worden sind. Das ist ganz in meinem Sinne, denn (ich wechsle hier mal ins Englische, weil sich das, was ich ausdrücken will, damit eleganter und einfacher ausdrücken lässt):

I mistrust all rules, which have been made by the (dark) rulers to rule over the ones they want to rule over. An enlightened and hence free society needs no rules in addition to the universal law, because all “rules” are laws axiomatically derived from the universal law.

(Übersetzung: Ich misstraue allen Regeln, die von den (dunklen) Herrschern aufgestellt wurden, um über die zu herrschen, über die sie herrschen wollen. Eine erleuchtete und folglich freie Gesellschaft braucht keine Regeln zusätzlich zum Universalgesetz, da alle “Regeln” Gesetze sind, die axiomatisch vom Universalgesetz abgeleitet sind.)

Ich komme zu dem Schluss, dass ich im Grunde ein Anarchist bin, der nur das eine Gesetz, das Universalgesetz anerkennt.

Es wäre bestimmt interessant, die herrschenden juristischen Gesetze auf ihre Gültigkeit im Sinne des Universalgesetzes zu untersuchen. Wahrscheinlich würden die meisten dieser Gesetze für ungültig erklärt werden müssen, weil sie nur dazu da sind, die “Ordnung” der herrschenden Kräfte zu erhalten. Denn die herrschende Ordnung ist ja bisher immer die Ordnung der Herrschenden. Aber das muss ja nicht so bleiben. Ich bin jedoch kein Jurist und wollte auch nie einer werden. Das habe ich in weiser Voraussicht lieber anderen überlassen.

Damit lasse ich es mal für heute bewenden.

Liebe, Wahrheit, Licht und Freiheit

Liebe Vajra,

ich gratuliere dir zu deinem Durchbruch im Verstehen der Theorie des Universalgesetzes. Das Verständnis des Unterschieds zwischen den U-Mengen und den N-Mengen ist in der Tat der Kern der ganzen Theorie. Menschen verstehen die Welt durch Ideen und kommunizieren durch Ideen, und damit ihre Kommunikation nicht voll von Irrtümern ist, muss man diese analysieren und alle Ideen, die N-Mengen sind und nicht Teil vom All-Das-Ist, sondern ein Ausdruck der Trennung von der Quelle und der Seele, eliminieren. Damit schafft man ein logisches, axiomatisches, kongruentes Denken.

Ich habe das im Bereich der Physik gemacht und gezeigt, dass man den ganzen physikalischen Stoff integrieren und auf die Formel des Universalgesetzes zurück führen kann. Das war notwendig, um die Wissenschaftler zu überzeugen, dass es nur ein einziges Naturgesetz gibt und nicht hunderte Gesetze, wie zur Zeit in den Physik-Lehrbüchern steht.

Die neue Theorie ist somit eine Einleitung zum korrekten Denken. Wenn man es beherrscht, kann man es anwenden, um alle falschen Gedanken zu entfernen, die zur Zeit das Leben der Menschen hier bestimmen. Dazu gehört an erster Stelle die ganze Jurisprudenz zu eliminieren ohne wenn und aber und ich habe in meinen fünf gnostischen Büchern in Deutsch sehr viel darüber geschrieben. Man braucht keine Gerichtsbarkeit, wenn man das Universalgesetz folgt und deine anarchistischen Ansichten sind absolut korrekt.

Deswegen geht die Einführung des Universalgesetzes mit einem gewaltigen Umbau der gegenwärtigen gesellschaftliche Ordnung einher, so dass die Menschheit, die daraus hervorgehen wird, eine ganz neue Zivilisation sein wird.

Also hoffen wir es, dass dieses für die ganze Menschheit schicksalhafte Ereignis bald kommt.

Liebe Grüße

Lieber Georg,

danke für Deine prompte Antwort.

Bei mir fügt sich nun etwas zusammen, das ich ich erst noch weiter durchdenken und erfühlen muss. Ich werde später darüber berichten.

Ich folge täglich den Veröffentlichungen auf Deiner Webseite. Auch ich habe den Eindruck, dass die Energien sich auf einen Höhepunkt zu bewegen.

Ich bin anscheinend ein Walk-In, oder aber recht weit fortgeschritten im Lichtkörperprozess oder beides. Jedenfalls schrieb mir Michael Naumann nachdem ich bei ihm war: “ja du bist ein Work-In. Weiterhin eine fortgeschrittene Seele mit nur einem vereinigten Chakra. Das habe ich bisher nur bei kleinen Kindern erlebt. Als Gotteskrieger unterstehst du den himmlischen Heerscharen der galaktischen Föderation des Lichtes.” Walk-In hin oder her, mich nimmt der LKP zeitweilig ganz schön mit. Außerdem gibt es hier im Energiefeld meines Walk-Out noch einiges aufzuräumen und loszulassen, aber vielleicht erledigt der LKP das ja.

Mit dem Wissen über N-Sets und U-Sets habe ich eine neue Releasing (Loslass) Formel kreeirt:

Ich lasse los alle N-Sets aus meinem Energiefeld. Auf allen Ebenen, in allen Dimensionen, in allen Aspekten, zu allen Zeiten, auf allen Zeitlinien und an allen Orten.”

(Das kann man so natürlich nur an andere Menschen weiter geben, die wissen was N-Sets, Aspekte und Zeitlinien sind.)

Ich konnte den Anstieg der Energien zum 8.8.8 Lions Gate deutlich spüren und für mich geht das heute auch noch weiter und ist bei mir leider wie üblich mit Kopfschmerzen und Anspannungen im Gesicht verbunden. Glücklicher Weise habe ich nicht ganz so heftige Aufstiegssymptome wie Du. Du scheinst zusammen mit den anderen vom PAT eine Art Wellenbrecher-Funktion für uns von der zweiten Aufstiegswelle zu haben, die die Aufstiegssymptome für uns erträglicher macht. Unangenehm sind sie trotzdem, besonders wenn sie sich wie bei mir über mehr als zwanzig Jahre hinziehen. Ich bin inzwischen glücklich über jeden Tag, an dem ich mal keine Kopfschmerzen, Kopfdruck, Anspannungen im Gesicht oder Gliederschmerzen habe.

Immerhin machen sie mir dank der Informationen über den Lichtköperprozess von Deiner Webseite keine Angst mehr, dass ich krank bin. Vor ungefähr einem Jahr hatte ich so starke Gliederschmerzen, dass ich zum Arzt gegangen bin. “Fibromyalgie” lautete seine Diagnose. Er hat mir Teufelskralle verschrieben, was aber nicht half. Ich bin dann zu einer anderen Ärztin gegangen, die mir Cortison verschrieb. Das befreite mich zwar von den Schmerzen, aber rückblickend habe ich damit wahrscheinlich den LKP unterbrochen.

Die Gliederschmerzen sind in der letzten Zeit glücklicherweise weniger intensiv. Nachdem ich die Informationen über den Lichtköperprozess von Deiner Webseite gelesen habe, habe ich es mir abgewöhnt zu Ärzten zu gehen und nehme keine Medikamente mehr.

Überhaupt bist Du der Einzige der offen über die Strapazen des LKP berichtet. Andere drücken sich darum herum. Noch andere “Lichtarbeiter” haben den LKP noch gar nicht zur Kenntnis genommen und schreiben auf ihren Webseiten wie glücklich und entspannt man durch diese oder jene Behandlungsmethode werden kann.

Ich jedenfalls bin erst glücklich, wenn mein LKP endlich vorbei ist und hoffe, dass das noch in diesem Herbst so weit ist.

Genug für heute!

Alles Liebe

Lieber Vajra,

ich danke dir für diese Zusammenfassung der augenblicklichen Situation bezüglich des LKP und seiner chronischen Symptome, die von den Ärzten weder verstanden, noch therapiert werden können und von den anderen Lichtarbeitern soweit verniedlicht werden, dass sie dem Aufstiegsprozess einen Bärendienst erweisen.

Man muss sowohl im Lichtkörperprozess voll sein, als auch über die Medizin sehr gut Bescheid wissen, um diese Klippen umzugehen. Erst heute habe ich einen ähnlich gelagerten LKP-bedingten Fall mit einem PAT Mitglied diskutiert, der zum Medizinfall wurde und wie üblich nur noch weitere Nebenwirkungen mit obsoleter Therapie nach sich zog.

Man kann nicht genug vorsichtig mit den Ärzten sein und einen großen Bogen um sie machen.

Die Energien des Löwenportals am 8.8.8 sind unglaublich stark und erschöpfend und sie dauern nun drei Tage in Folge, für mich mit den selben Symptomen, die du beschreibst. Wie es scheint, wird der Karussell mit jedem Tag an Fahrt  gewinnen und auf einen Gipfel Ende September zusteuern. Und von dieser Energieschlacht wird diesmal niemand ausgespart, und die Menschen ohne Seele, die daran selbst nicht beteiligt sind, werden an die Nebenwirkungen dieses Energie-Tsunami früher oder später zugrunde gehen. Ich sehe da keinen anderen Ausgang. Es muss nun eine saubere Reinigung durch Trennung erfolgen. Auch der Zustrom von walk-ins, die alte Seelen sind, trägt maßgeblich dazu bei.

Liebe Grüße

PS: Wenn man die Bedeutung von den U-Mengen und den N-Mengen richtig verstanden hat, dann ist deine Invokation die mächtigste überhaupt, weil sie so abstrakt und höherfrequent ist, da sie von der Quelle stammt und sofort realisiert wird. Ich bin selbst nicht darauf gekommen, aber die Idee ist ausgezeichnet und sollte vom PAT übernommen werden.

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