Georgi Stankov, August 6, 2015
A most powerful ascension test run is underway since today, 16.00 pm western Pacific time. It actually commenced yesterday late in the afternoon on August 5th, after we had a session with a third ascended master with whom we work closely together to create and sustain the Infinity portal at White Rock. What followed was a series of miracles of daily character, but of great significance for this person who was highly charged by our united, dual-soul energy field. As a highly clairvoyant person, she was amazed by the pure, fifth-dimensional quality of the energies in our apartment. Not that we had any doubt about this fact, as we are consciously working on our New Lemuria ascension portal, but it is always very reassuring to hear this from an independent observer.
This morning the ascension test run began slowly but very powerful and peaked around 16.00 pm, immediately after I finished and before I published my article on the beginning of the final crisis. I was inspired by my HS to write this article and during the writing got some very strong visions as to how the financial crisis will commence and will unfold in the coming days. We are now on the cusp of this event.
After that both Carla and I were taken away from this timeline alternately for about an hour, when the ascension test run hit us with full force. I am still smashed under its force and can barely move. It is though the most beautiful and compelling ascension energy that I have experienced so far. It penetrates with its high-frequency vibrations and a deafening high-pitched tone the whole body, but is also harmonious and uplifting, carrying the inner knowing that New Lemuria is within a reach.
I have the feeling that I can lift up any moment, while writing these lines. I am sure that this is the massive ascension test run which we expected to start around the Lion’s gate portal at 8.8.8. There is every reason to believe that the intensity of the incoming source waves that now engulf my field and surely the whole planet will continue to rise in the next 48 – 72 hours. Hence be prepared for this energetic tsunami that will harbour some spectacular surprises for us and humanity.
So much for the moment!