Energy Report of the PAT – May 31, 2015

Hi Georgi,

When I move my consciousness to Raetia, The room (yes, Rotunda) with the big round crystal in the center and Light Beings moving around it, my Twin Flame and I, as Tall Light Beings blend, but since last Monday “upon blending, we turn into a “Pillar of Light” .

Yesterday, May 30, something big must have been in the works, as first, I was very “high”, dreamlike floating in timelessness, and then around 5pm, I could not stay awake and fell into deep, deep sleep till 6am this morning. Feel like I did some huge work on the “other side”.

Heidi, Mexico

Dear Heidi,

this night (May 31st) I had a cc-wave with a severe headache and it continues this morning. The source energy is flowing through my left brain portal and this half of my face and jaw is paralysed. Hence we have another huge shift. Yesterday I felt a lot of chaotic energies associated with the hectic preparations of the dark western cabal to start a new world war as they are running out of time. My HS told me that this will happen, but will be prevented by other natural catastrophes and /or final ID shift. According to my estimation this will happen this summer. Nobody knows when but all world wars have begun in July/August and then unfolded in the fall.

With love and light

Thank you. Sending you the Violet Flame…  may it assist you in enduring these terrible symptoms….Heidi

Hi George,

Truth is always a function of the individual consciousness: to the extent it expands, so does Truth, hence the concept of Metaphysics in philosophy.”

Is it possible that because of so much information I have gained with respect to my compelling interest in Arcturian Starseeds that I have come to believe that I am an Arcturian Starseed? And as a result, I have therefore created Arcturian Starseeds and all the spiritual phenomena that go with that philosophy?

In other words, to the extent my consciousness expands, and in the understanding that I create my own reality, have I also created my own positive philosophy around the Arcturians and therefore made it real?

Hope that made some sort of sense.

Barbara, Canada

Dear Barbara,

first of all the Arcturian civilisation is true and real and you have not created it. But your current concepts as to what the Arcturian starseeds should be may be tainted by the limitations of your still linear human mind and some of them may not be true. You will know this only upon ascension when your awareness will fully expand. There must be a correction anyway as to what the higher realms look like and this statement holds true for all of us. Insofar is this statement also valid for the ascension.

With love and light

Hello George

Maybe premature on my part, was Thinking about Gnostic Tradition of Western Philosophy. After reading part 2. Some of those big words, Me needing a dictionary, if those words were just by themselves.  Intuitively the understanding from my perspective was understood.  LBP is a must for understanding. Reaching those, that are serious thinkers, with science background. I never had the schooling as you did.  Yet I use it in every day life.

I use it in cooking. It takes science, to create the foods that I prepare.  To make that perfect dish, to me.  Experimenting with different spices and foods. I try to create an explosion of feelings, in the mind, once those foods touch your mouth.  A remembrance from the higher dimensions . The perfect tastes. ( I remember no chewing of food. Just placing, say a tomato on the tongue. How it explodes in the mouth, on the higher realms.)

What’s kind of funny and not so funny to me. Anytime that I go out to a restaurant, I try to order something off the menu, that I don’t cook at home. If I can’t find anything, I’ll just order. Nine times out of ten, I make it better at home.  If I do find something different. Will try at home to make it. Create that perfect bite.

I also work with geometry. Quilting that is. I try to create those quilts pleasing to the eyes. Something to stir the emotions in each and everyone of us. It also takes mathematics.

I guess what I am saying,  I do understand. May not have the degree on paper. I have the degree inside of me.

Who am I is the question?

I understood Donna,  I may not see the Diva’s in nature. What I do see, will give an example. I can be looking at a limb, on say an elm tree. Only one part, a small cluster of leaves, will all of a sudden start to wave back and forth.  No wind blowing. I feel that someone is there. Just saying Hi.

Walking outside at night in the forest. I feel the Love circling around me from the trees. At night time the spirit of the trees steps away, as the tree is not working so hard to create the air that we breathe. During the daylight, the trees are working. Why this frightens people, can be hard to understand sometimes. Just need to stop and think.

How about the first time that I am standing at my opened kitchen window, in the middle of the night, no lights on. The only one awake. Right above me, This LOUD sound of a owl goes WHOO, WHO, WHO!!!! On top of the roof. Talk about a creepy chill that went up my spine.  That first time can be scary. Exit the fear, there is a message. If one only understands what the message is. That’s another lesson to learn or relearn, that is.

When reading the message from the Elohim, from Carla. There was more to that message, wasn’t there? Would that have created fear? Something tells me it would have, to those who are still afraid.  Just thinking…..

Love from the Hills of Arkansas

Dear Elna,

let me summarize the situation in science today as this is where the spiritual breakthrough will come when the Universal Law will be introduced. Science is void of abstract philosophic thinking and scientists have no idea of philosophy and its fundamental questions. They are mentally dead. On the other had any true spirituality is of philosophical nature, which means one must learn to think in abstract terms. Here is where modern esotericism and the New Age totally failed as I have discussed it a lot in the past.

The new theory of the Universal Law is transcendental philosophy in the first place and then also physics as known today. But the entrance to this new theory can only come through philosophy and the people must have affinity and ability to this kind of abstract thinking, which is always a gift of the soul.

On the other hand if one has the inner spirituality as you and most PAT members have, then you do not need to understand everything I write as it is meant for the scientists and classical philosophers which are a dying species today. In the new 4D worlds this kind of people will have to deal with my new theory as to progress in their evolution. We shall ascend and know everything. This is the big difference.

As I am also a chef in the kitchen, I make the same experience that most restaurants cook worse than myself. There are a few exceptions here – for instance a Japanese restaurant I cannot compete with.

I was contemplating this morning together with Carla whether Donna’s observation that the Devas have left this earth in December 2012 is correct. Our impression is that the elementals, the spirits of nature (Naturgeister) as we call them in Germany are still here and we feel them around very strongly. So I do not know what and who has gone away in 2012, but there is no doubt that there were some major shifts in the energetic structure of the earth in the last few years.

With love and light

Dear George,

My family loves to watch a series of movies called the X-men. I heard an interesting line from one of the actors in the movie who play’s Charles Xavier. He was speaking to another character named Magneto. Charles stated that “mankind had evolved” and Magneto said, “Yes, into us. Mankind no longer matters.”

As I prepared dinner listening to this movie it struck me that Hollywood was portraying the after effects of Light Body Process – in a negative light. Those who “evolve” are called “mutants” who are to be feared by mankind.  The mutants refer to the humans as Homo sapiens throughout the movie. The mutants are known as X-men. I find that interesting given the many references to Planet X in the alternative media.

The first movie in this series was released in the year 2000 giving the elite more than a decade to program the minds of the unawaken masses to fear those who would demonstrate new found power after undergoing the Light Body Process.

At the same time they promote movies like “Lucy” that show an unnatural form of mutation gained through pharmaceuticals.

Remarkably, the X-men series appears to continue to be popular on cable TV.

Clearly the powers that were fear our transformation intensely. The battle for the minds of mankind is at an all-time peak. In fact, it’s almost over.

Much love, Light, joy and peace

Dear Charlotte,

The battle is over and we have won it with glamour. What we now see are the last throes of the falling apart matrix. But one must bear in mind that most of humanity will not be affected by this transfiguration and will continue with their incarnation on lower catastrophic timelines. Insofar these Hollywood movies belong already to such lower timelines.

With love and light

Dear G & C,

I write you from Lecce, South Italy. I’ve been following your wonderful website since February. You have helped me in an incredible manner. Last night you both helped me getting rid of a dark entity in the inguinal region, you were so nice and sweet, Carla was chanting a sort of delightful poetry, very powerful. When I remember it  my eyes are full of tear. I’m sorry but my bad English doesn’t allow me to describe further. After 29 years of pain and solitude I begin to breathe freely and to feel good! It was worthy!

Do you know Sri Aurobindo and Mère? With my deepest gratitude,


Caro Alessandro,

ti ringrazio molto per avermi contattato per la prima volta e sono felice di sentire che abbiamo contribuito a sbarazzarsi di un soggetto scuro nella tua regione inguinale. Potresti specificare su questo evento ancora una volta?

Potei scrivere a me in italiano mentre parlo la tua lingua. So Sri Aurobindo, ma non ho mai sentito parlare di Mere. Potresti inviarmi qualche informazione in più su di lui. Quando si dice 29 anni vuol dire che sei così vecchio o che abbia LBP doloroso per così tanto tempo?

Con amore e luce

Dear Alessandro,

Thank you very much for contacting me for the first time and I am happy to hear that we helped you get rid of a dark entity in your groin. Could you specify on this event again?

You could write to me in Italian as I speak your language. I know Sri Aurobindo, but I’ve never heard of Mere. Could you send me some more information on her. When you say 29 years, does this mean that you are so old or has a painful LBP for so long?

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Sì, ho 29 anni, LBP è cominciato in pieno quando ne avevo 19 una notte dopo un uso massiccio di hashish, ma solo da 5 ho cominciato a capire e sapere, grazie a Sri Aurobindo e Mère che mi hanno salvato da una brutta situazione e mi hanno dato tutto,ho rischiato più volte di essere distrutto.. .per scoprire che non sono distruttibile! Credo che per voi valga davvero la pena di approfondire su Mère e la sua fantastica Agenda troverete pane per i vostri denti! : .

Nel sogno tu mettevi la mano sull’inguine e mi invitavi a stare tranquillo mentre Carla cantava una specie di poesia in inglese, era stupenda come se dalle parole uscissero i colori dell’arcobaleno e aveva un grande potere curativo, davvero soave (purtroppo non ricordo le parole). Ciò che se n’è andato è quella parte di me che, forse per difesa dal grigio mondo familiare borghese, agiva un po’ come un “ragazzaccio di strada”.

Tutto questo mi fa pensare a due episodi di quando ero piccolo: una volta così dal nulla iniziai a disegnare una “nave” con una forma concava al cui interno c’erano tante stanze in cui tanti esseri facevano la loro vita:la cosa che mi colpì fu la gioia e l’euforia che provavo mentre disegnavo di cui ricordo bene, tanto che nei giorni successivi rifacevo lo stesso disegno per vedere se succedeva di nuovo, ma no, erano solo disegni. Una cosa simile sempre verso 7-8 anni: presi a disegnare in modo compulsivo una faccia da delinquente di profilo, con tanto di sigaretta, orecchino e cicatrice, la disegnavo sempre uguale tante volte e mi faceva sentire “bene”. È forse un essere che mi era entrato dentro e di cui ora mi sono liberato? (andavo a una scuola elementare frequentata da bambini dei bassifondi).

Io ovviamente non so come siete fatti ma ho saputo subito che eravate Voi: per caso hai capelli grigi mentre Carla è bionda? So che è una domanda indiscreta ma sentiti libero di non rispondere:te lo chiedo perché a 10 mesi fa feci un sogno molto particolare a cui seguì la liberazione da una serie di tristi abitudini familiari:fui aiutato da un uomo con capelli grigi un po lunghi e una donna con capelli biondi corti in un bosco; ancora non conoscevo il tuo sito.

Ad ogni modo grazie, quello che fate è divino.
Scusa la lunghezza della lettera,

Con affetto
Dear Georgi,

Yes, I’m 29 years old, LBP started in full when I was 19 in a night after a massive use of hashish, but only since five years I began to understand and know, thanks to Sri Aurobindo and Mother, who saved me from a bad situation when I gave everything and risked again to be destroyed … to find that I am indestructible! I believe that you really should deepen on Mère and its fantastic Agenda to find bread for your teeth! :

In the dream, you put your hand on my groin and you invited me to feel comfortable, while Carla sang a kind of poetry in English, it was wonderful as if the words came from the colors of the rainbow and had a great healing power, really gentle (sorry can not remember the words). What is gone is the part of me that, perhaps for defense from the gray world of a bourgeois family, was acting a bit like a “bad boy of the street.”

All this makes me think of two incidents when I was little: once so out of nowhere I started to draw a “ship” with a concave shape in which there were many rooms in which many beings could live: the thing that hit me was the joy and the euphoria I felt, while drawing it which I remember well, so much so that in the following days I redid the same design to see if it happened again, but no, they were just drawings. Another thing happened when I was 7-8 years old: I started to draw compulsively a face with a criminal profile, complete with a cigarette, earrings and a scar, always drawing the same many times and that made me feel “right.” Is it a being that had come into me  and I got rid of it now? (I went to a primary school attended by children from the slums).

I obviously do not know how you look like, but I knew right away that it was you: for if you have gray hair, while Carla is blond? I know it is an indiscreet question, but feel free not to answer: I ask because 10 months ago I had a very particular dream which followed the release of a series of sad family habits: I was helped by a man with gray long hair and by a woman with short blond hair in a forest; At that time I still did not know about your site.

Anyway thank you, what you do is divine.
Excuse the length of the letter,

With love

Caro Alessandro,

Ti ringrazio molto per queste informazioni sul Mere e la sua missione. Ora mi sono ricordato che ho sentito parlare di lei in collegamento con lo Sri Aurobindo, ma naturalmente farò studiare i documenti e libri che mi hai inviato. Sembra essere una donna molto interessante.

Dichiaro di avere i capelli grigi, in realtà più bianco di grigio, ma breve, mentre Carla ha lunghi capelli biondi. Lei è davvero un guaritore come sono anche io, ma di recente ha ricevuto un grande potere di guarigione dalla fonte che usa ovviamente ora di guarire le persone di tutto il mondo. Solo ieri una donna finlandese ha scritto che Carla è venuto a lei nello stato di sogno in una sfera di luce e guarito il suo dolore al collo che ha avuto per anni.

Buona giornata.

Con amore e luce

Dear Alessandro,

Thank you very much for this information on the Mere and her mission. Now I remembered that I have heard of her in connection with Sri Aurobindo, but of course I will study the documents and books you have sent me. She seems to be a very interesting woman.

I confirm that I have gray hair, actually more white than gray, but short, while Carla has long blond hair. She is indeed a healer as I am also, but recently she received great healing power from the source which she obviously uses now to heal people the world over. Only yesterday a Finnish woman wrote that Carla came to her in the dream state in a ball of light and healed her pain in the neck which she has had for years.

Have a nice day.

With love and light

Dear Carla and Georgi,

Thank you so very much for all that you are doing and going through for all of us and for your reports that are so helpful and supporting in these times.

After reading your report from May 26th George – The riddle is solved – about your visit to Vancouver island and about Lemuria, I was in deep shock.

Just this morning I noticed I felt much better, but reading now for the first time Carla’s introduction message re the Elohim, especially the phrase: “the Elohim are thrilled to see us embrace this activity because it also represents the reclamation of our own lost soul fragments from this past expression” made me realise there were deep wounds within me of which I did not know they existed.

This report reminded me of an important dream I had years ago. I dreamt I had a kind of high position in a ‘land’ that existed on a higher level than nowadays. I did not remember any specific details except that art was important. But then something happened; the floods came, we struggled to rescue our group but eventually went down with the waves. I made an intuitive painting about these feelings of going deep under water where dolphins in this painting appeared on the surface above my head. This ‘land’ was on a higher level than everything that came afterwards  and I ‘saw’ myself dropping  to lower and lower levels all the time, living many lives until I came upon my last life in this journey, this life.

I always felt somehow more attracted to Mu than to Atlantis and once I read a book by James Churchward “the lost land of Mu”, where he shows the symbols used in Mu as appeared on these stone clay tablets.

I still do not remember any details but subconsciously it feels like reviving all the wounds from those ‘past’ times, linking them to our present situation, healing them and seeing in this way the happy end of these far reaching events.

Just this moment I started reading the Elohim message and upon reading Carla’s vision: – … while on my right I am shown a very light pink and yellow “ethereal” city that is floating up in the air above this very dense planet on my left: This is our Lemuria! -, I cried and felt: ‘this is my so beloved lost country’.

I think something like this must have happened to me: “…Some souls who didn’t take part in this destruction, nor did they make it to the fifth dimensional expression/ Inner Earth Lemurian settlement, have been lost to their soul family of the Inner Earth as their fragments were isolated. These fragments have now been reclaimed and rejoined with those light warriors who resonate with this explanation, with this energetic work.”

So this is the beginning of this profound healing process. It will take some more days to work it out, but June 2nd it is full moon and that feels good.

After every struggle there comes more light until has been reached for the final step.

With love,
Nel, Holland

Dear Nel,

I am happy that my report and the message from the Elohim on the Reclamation of Lemuria has helped you understand this pivotal dream of yours and most probably other past memories when we incarnated in Lemuria. This was a very critical cleansing that changed one more time the course of the ascension scenario as I may report in the coming days when I get more clarity. But we have definitely now reclaimed our past and this is the most important achievement for us personally.

With love and light

Hallo Georgi,

vom 23. bis 25.5. haben sich in meiner unmittelbaren Umgebung sehr heftige Gefühlsausbrüche ereignet, durchweg von Männern. Alles geschah auf einer Familienfeier, zu der ich eingeladen hatte. Von aggressiven Gesprächen über waghalsige Autofahrten sowie erlösende Tränen eines Mannes, dem klar geworden war, wie schwer krank seine Frau wirklich ist, war alles dabei. Seit meiner Kindheit bin ich es gewohnt, solche Energien auszubalancieren. Doch diesmal kam ich an meine Grenzen. Nachdem am 25.5. alle wieder abgereist waren, war ich derart erschöpft, dass ich zwölf Stunden schlief, ohne zwischendurch zu erwachen.

Am nächsten Tag las ich deinen Reisebericht über Victoria / Lemuria und mir wurde klar, was da abgelaufen war. Im Kleinen auf persönlicher Ebene und im Großen auf der Erde seit der Zeit von Lemuria und Atlantis. Ich bin so glücklich über des Rätsels Lösung und empfinde große Dankbarkeit für dich und Carla. Hoffentlich haben wir alle das Gröbste überstanden.

Übrigens gibt es Neuigkeiten von Helgoland. Vor der Insel liegt seit dem Abend des 25.5. ein brennender Frachter beladen mit Düngemittel auf Reede. Es bestand akute Explosionsgefahr. Die Besatzung musste vom Schiff gerettet werden. Dichter Qualm breitete sich über der Nordsee aus, der bis in die Küstenstädte zog. Fährs chiffe fahren z. Zt. nicht. Lt. Medienberichten soll aber keine unmittelbare Gefahr mehr bestehen.

Der Frachter trägt den Namen “PURPLE BEACH”.
Was sagt man dazu?

Ganz liebe Grüße von

Liebe Helga,

es ist fantastisch, wie sich die Ereignisse, an denen wir teil nehmen, sich in einem wunderbar orchestrierten Szenario reihen und zusammen fügen. Es bedarf stets einer persönlichen Erfahrung, um dann die geeignete alchemische Reaktion auszulösen, die zur Heilung der ganzen Menschheit beiträgt. Dieser Zusammenhang wird nun für alle ersichtlich. Ich hatte es vor Jahren bemerkt, aber die globale Bedeutung solcher zum Teil sehr negativen Erfahrungen wurde mir erst vor zwei Jahren von den Elohim wirklich offenbart.

Seitdem weiss ich Bescheid und nehme es nicht persönlich.

Ja, der Kosmos bringt viel Humor in das Geschehen hinein, aber man muss clairvoyant sein, um diese Scherze zu erkennen und sie zu geniessen. “Purple Beach” – die Farbe der Auferstehung.

Ich danke dir für diesen Bericht.

Liebe Grüße

Lieber Georgi,

stell dir vor ich hab die Nachricht bzw. die Bestätigung bekommen dass ich aufgestiegen bin. Ich kann´s gar nicht fassen?!

Wie höre ich dich sagen dass muss man doch merken? Du hast recht. An Sylvester diesen Jahres ist es gewesen. Genau um Mitternacht. Wir haben eine Agnihotra-Feuerzeremonie gemacht, die ziemlich lange gedauert hat. Währenddessen habe ich gemerkt wie ein Sog nach oben enststeht, nach einer Weile sehr deutlich und ich war einfach bei mir, weg und doch da. Es ist schwierig nach so langer Zeit den Vorgang zu beschreiben. Leute haben mir hinterher gesagt ich hätte ganz anders ausgesehen. Sie hätten mich fast nicht mehr erkannt.

Anschließend war ich im siebten Himmel. Ich hatte große Mühe wieder in dem Trubel anzukommen. Ich war mittendrin und doch nicht wirklich da. Ich hab gewusst dass was Besonderes passiert ist, konnte es aber nicht einordnen. An Aufstieg hätte ich nicht gewagt zu denken. Muss gestehen das hätte ich mir spektakulärer vorgestellt. Vor allem ist das Leben auf eine Art wieder wie üblich weitergegangen. Ich hab gemerkt es ist was passiert aber nicht was.

Ich wollte dir schreiben, dann dachte ich, du hörst so viele solcher Sachen und hast soviel anderes zu tun als dich mit diesen “Kleinigkeiten” auseinanderzusetzen. Ich glaube ich hab so lange gebraucht um es wirklich schätzen zu können. Jetzt freue ich mich wie ein kleines Kind, still in mir drin, immer wieder und denke du hast es geschafft. Du hast es geschafft worauf du solange hingearbeitet hast, unglaublich, aber wahr! Und es fühlt sich so gut an und das Schöne ist dass es nicht fertig ist sondern weitergeht, wie du es immer sagst.

Und das möchte ich auch noch mit dir teilen ich habe meine Dualseele erkannt. Ich kann dir im Moment noch nicht sagen wer, denn es ist für mich auch noch fast zu groß, aber es fühlt sich genau so an wie ich es mir immer vorgestellt habe. Alles so unglaublich, so unglaublich und das alles gleichzeitig auf 3D, hier in dieser alten Realität. Kein anderer würde das glauben, keinem anderen könnte ich das schreiben.

Es ist so unglaublich ich fühle mich trotzdem absolut geerdet. Es ist so genial gut. Es ist alles gleichzeitig da.

Das musste ich loswerden und mit wem sonst teilen als mit dir, Carla und dem PAT. Vielen Dank Georgi dass dich-euch gibt!

von ganzem Herzen Danke und alles Liebe,

Liebe Conny,

das ist großartig und nur darauf kommt es an. Ich weiss, dass alle Mitglieder des PAT bereits aufgestiegen sind und es fühlt sich nicht einmal spektakulär, sondern viele haben es sogar gar nicht gemerkt. Insofern kannst du vom Glück reden, dass dich deine Seele noch einmal darauf aufmerksam gemacht hat.

Und es ist richtig, dass der Aufstieg nicht aufhört, sondern weiter geht und es gibt keine Grenze nach oben. Andererseits kann man salopp sagen, dass alle Leser dieser Webseite, die durch sie ständig im energetischen Kontakt mit uns und dem Rest des PAT stehen, so gut wie eine Aufstiegsgarantie haben.

Ich bin soeben von einem Besuch zurück gekehrt, wo ich eine sehr spirituelle Frau und Freundin von Carla, die ein wenig stecken geblieben war, mit Handauflegen auf ihrem Scheitelchakra geöffnet habe und sie war hin und weg und konnte sich kaum bewegen. Sie hat so viele Downloads von mir erhalten, wie ich selbst noch nie in einer solchen Intensität weitergegeben habe. Aber es musste offensichtlich so sein.

Nun haben wir die Zeit der Wunder betreten und alles ist möglich. Die Elohim haben uns vertraulich mitgeteilt, vor langer Zeit, dass es im PAT zwoelf Paare gibt, die Twin flames sind und sie werden zum bestimmten Zeitpunkt zusammen kommen. Es ist durchaus möglich, dass du und deine Twinseele zu diesen Paaren gehört. Sie schlossen jedoch aus, dass es mehrere Dualseelen gibt, denn das kommt so gut wie nie vor. In unserem Fall war das so geplant, um unsere Energien zu bündeln, weil es anders nicht ging.

Liebe Grüße

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