Asana Mahatari
channelled by Jahn J Kassl
first published in English on October 21, 2013 in
My beloved son Noah sits quite confident on a window ledge of a minimum of 20 -storey building and does not want to move away from there. I can not stand this sight any more and try to take him to me into the apartment. When I seize him, he slips through his sweater and falls into the abyss. I stay back with the sweater in the hand. My feelings are indescribable … then when I return to the living room, I see Noah hilarious as always and brighter than ever, busy playing with his toys. (End of report)
This scene means for all the people: The death does not exist! Means for all the people that after the great purification, after the “Fall of this human society” new life will be reborn. Means that you shall let yourself fall into the depths, that you should let yourselves into the unconditional trust in God.
Means that you shall fall into the abyss in the certainty that only after that resurrection can take place. And plunging into the depths means giving up everything and following the light trace of God. And this means to get on without safety net, without tightrope, without help, with nothing to go to work on your own self as to attain enlightenment.
” The death of the child … ” means you are called to embark on life as a child, without considering the consequences.
” The resurrection of the child … ” means that those who jump, will enjoy a new life.
“The concern of the father…” means to put off all the human conditioning.
” The sweater in the hand of the father … ” means that the caterpillar leaves the cocoon, that the butterfly is born and that only an empty shell remains.
New life is everywhere – it arises these days. The laws of the universe are becoming transparent and the people develop an inner longing for them. Before this whole process will be fully unleashed, it is necessary to wait for the final events – and this should be done considering the fact that the “last events” does not exist, because each thing evolves into another, the life leads to the completion and the light to the reality of all life. Nothing dies in Being and it is the “height of the fall” that determines the degree of knowledge of a person and leads him to enlightenment.
It is said: he, who has full faith in God, will be reborn in an instant. He, who is willing to let go off, will be brought to new life in an instant.
Have faith: I am the blacksmith of humanity, do not hesitate and come to my school, because before a person is ready for the big leap, he must learn to deal with small jumps and to acquire the ability to let go off. This is practical transformation into the unconditional trust in God. Come to me.
I am
I am in your midst