Letters to the Editor
Today’s posts from Kathleen and Ibrahim Hassan brought one question to my mind. Do these individuals experience LBP? I would also ask this of Jahn as well. What attracted me to your website was not your knowledge of physics and the Law of One writings. As brilliant as they are, I am not trained in physics to understand them fully, but your earlier articles on LBP was what sold me on the fact that this man ”George Stankov” has been proven by the fire of personal experience as I have that he personally understands the ascension process. I am not saying any of the above writers have not experienced this, but I have not read about it if they have. Many can write prophetic messages, but to personally experience, that is where the rubber meets the road.
Each day I feel more detached. The body is so fatigued and cumbersome in the morning. I sleep more at night and in the day the last few days and this adds to the lethargy. How much more processing remains to be seen. Very thirsty right now and requiring little food. Fill up easily on small amounts. It is probably not doable that we will experience any comfort now until the end, as so much has been displaced in the lower realms.
Dear Jerry,
this is a key question, around which the wheat is separated from the chaff. This is a leitmotif on our website.
Jahn is not in the LBP and he has admitted this, but he is the only person, whom I know, who has no personal physical experience with this process, but is able to understand all its implications at the individual and at the collective level, as I have had an extensive personal communication with him on this issue. His soul has decided not to be engaged so intensively in the LBP as the PAT for whatever reasons.
All other people who appear as prophets on the scene, have no idea what they are talking about when they refer to ascension and insofar your objection is more than timely.
Today (August 6) is another cc-wave with a moderate headache for me, but this was definitely another push to higher dimensions. which we now accomplish in an incremental manner.
This brings some new implications with it, which I intend to discuss in the coming days in case we have the time and I receive some more detailed information. I have asked Carla and April to provide it, but they are both knocked down also by these relentless waves and cannot contact their sources.
Dear Dr. Stankov,
Very good day. On Sunday (August 4) at about 2 in the afternoon I started to present strong symptoms like dizziness, nausea, headache, blurred vision and the typical hum. This went on until evening and forced me to go to bed around 7. Fortunately I managed to sleep throughout the night, but the symptoms persisted throughout the day Monday, intensifying in at night to such an extent that it was impossible to sleep before 11. I’m much better today.
On the other hand my financial situation for about three months has been in free fall and I had to resort to borrowing from credit cards to cover basic needs, as the small business that I had been serving as sustenance since I retired from industrial maintenance, is bankrupt. Of course this does not bother me in the least, even though all the cards I have pushed to the limit. The collapse of the economy in this country (Venezuela), it’s a fact.
Luis González
Dear Luis,
thank you for this latest update. Your finances are still better off than that of the US government as I will show in an article that I will publish in the next hours.
Hi George,
Love and light to you in the most wondrous time. I am writing with great thanks, without your website I would most certainly go insane wondering if what is happening “to” me is normal.
I’ve spent most of my life feeling out of place, fighting guilt from friends and family because I would not, could not, become a mindless Christian drone-because none of what they were trying to shove down my throat made sense! I have always felt out of place, an alien in a strange land without a GPS – ignoring my true internal guidance system after lifetime of conditioning.
Finally an acquaintance recommended I read Clow’s-Pleiadian Agenda, and from that moment I was never alone. My world exploded with possibilities as I began to understand my true family was out there, and most importantly, I wasn’t crazy.
Last year I began following Steve, especially AAM changelings. After the excitement ended and 2013 rolled around it became blatantly clear something was not right. There was no real insight as to why our long awaited event had not taken place, and to my irritation he mostly ignored the subject. In January I no longer followed his posts, which all now seemed empty and lifeless. It makes sense now knowing his material was copied-right down to the website template.
Long story short – I began following your posts after I found a link to them on my tumblr feed, and have been hooked ever since. My utmost thanks and appreciation, for Stankov & Co, has been the sole reason I have experienced an alleviation to the pain of being alone, feeling separated from my real family, and understanding why going through it was a necessity. I feel guilt even saying this, if my current incarnation’s family knew I didn’t feel they were my real family, they would be very hurt, and I do have great love for them, as I do All That Is; however it cannot be compared to the longing I feel to reunite with my Star Family.
I feel the time is near, but as so many times in the past, truth has been so intertwined with longing that the two are inseparable. Thank you for giving some sort of direction in the storm. Many of us who remain quiet are here in silent thanks. We will follow you as long as you can remain to give direction – your sacrifice in the upliftment of those in your wake is ever appreciated!
Love & Light
Dear Beth,
I am humbled by your praise and appreciation and I take it as a personal praise for your sacrifice and that of the PAT. Our mission is momentous and beyond anything humanity has experienced so far.
I am happy that you have found us after a long search in the esoteric maze. This is the destiny of most PAT members.
We are indeed in the last throes and our longing for the pristine realms is sometimes fueling our impatience that does not consider the enormous complexity of the ascension process that is unique in the whole universe.
But this time all signs point out to the imminent countdown.
With love and light
Hi George,
I am truly thankful for your site and all the info shared! Your numbers might be on the rise as your site has been mentioned here (people seeking an explanation of the recent GaiaPortal Message)
Dear Kelly,
thank you very much for this link. I would not have come to the idea of reading these comments as normally I do not have the time for this.
But this all is very revealing. All of a sudden the people begin to wake up and see the world with new, wide open eyes and then they come to us, rediscovering our website, which is existing for more than two years now, but has been deliberately neglected by most failed LW as it is beyond their intellectual and vibrational horizon.
With love and light
PS: I checked that this is your first contact with me and the PAT. Thank you for this and please write in the future on my private email address as we have some minor technical problems with the website email address.
Dear Georgi,
Last night, as I lay peacefully in bed, I closed my eyes and just focused on “Ascension and Miracles”. And then I witnessed colors and spirals and the most beautiful energy that I am unable to describe to you in words.
Please ease up on our spiritual brother (Ibrahim Hassan). Just because he does not go back and explain why his failed or wrong visions did not happen does not diminish his work in any way. Perhaps he does not serve as a nurse in the manner that you do. Perhaps his walk with spirit is slightly different. Besides, while it helps that you did correct yours, the truth of the matter is that we all love you so much we understood before you wrote.
Dear Charlotte,
why should I ease my training program on this ongoing ascended master? If he wants to enter the Champion league, I have to couch him hard according to the challenges he will meet in this upper league. I am fairly sure that he will qualify.
On the World of Truth thing, I get the impression that guy thinks that your group is all in one geographical place. I’d assume he thinks Germany since that’s where you are. He’d said something about where the PAT were located and then also commented on another group in India. I wonder if he grasps that the PAT are located all over the globe.
Dear Rick
This is another proof that Ibrahim Hassan still thinks very provincially and locally and has no proper idea of the true situation on the ground as he does not participate in the actual ascension process but only comments on it.
Dear Georgi,
I just came across this piece of news:
The US government filed two lawsuits against Bank of America relating to fraud on $850m (£553m) of mortgage-backed securities.
The Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission filed parallel suits in North Carolina.
Attorney General Eric Holder said the government wanted “justice for those who have been victimized.”
It appears this morally and financially bankrupt US government is actually attempting to blame the banking sector solely and make themselves appear as righteous protectors of the fraud victims. This tactical move seems a desperate one, attempting to clean their own filthy hands, denying the government’s obvious influence on the banking sector.
Yours truly,
Dear Zoltan,
this is absolutely correct as these crimes of Bank of America are old and known since 2008. This means that the Obama government is in a mouse hole and has no way to escape bankruptcy. Now the ruling US cabal try to put the blame on private companies.
Mr Stankov:
A fellow Lightworker and twitter follower of mine pointed out to me today that you had mentioned my site/blog (BryanHallsAwakening.
A few days ago, I had re-blogged your article about “The Worldwide Bank Crash has Commenced”, which I found to be an EXCELLENT piece. It has brought some views to my site (which I should also thank you for), and evidently, has assisted in bringing an influx of views to your site as well. ;) More importantly, it has spread your work even further, assisting (I hope) many more people in their awakening.
Funny thing is, just before composing this message to you, I took a glance at my site’s stats for today … and the hits have increased yet again! Why? Because YOU mentioned MY site (thank you … again!!) and have brought the aforementioned article back up to the most-viewed for today on my blog!
An added touch of ‘Divine synchronicity’ is that your site, listed atop of ‘referrers’ to my site for today, has sent *111* clicks! Yes, 111. I actually took a quick screen-shot of it using Greenshot, just so I could show you if I happen to be blessed with a more direct method of contacting you.
In short, I wanted to tell you how much I love your work, even though, admittedly, I am only beginning to scratch the surface of it, and to also send you a warm, heart-felt ‘Thank You’ for mentioning my site/blog!
Keep up the great work! Much love to you & yours! <3
In Peace & Light:
Bryan Hall
Dear Bryan,
you are welcome and this surge in visitations in the last days tells us that now there is an explosion in awakening among the masses, which is the most sure sign that the big events are just around the corner.
I will have a more closer view on your website today and in the next days as at present I am overwhelmed by the news that herald the MPR.
I have just published another article on finance and the impending crash of the Orion monetary system, which is actually a follow-up of this previous article you have published on your website.
I think it could be of interest to you as this news is indeed significant. I have followed Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac intensively since the early 90s and predicted their bankruptcy many years before it happened. My opinion is that this is the major stumbling block that will topple down the whole financial system, just as the subprime mortgage crisis unleashed the biggest crash after the Great Depression.
Wish you all the best in the coming most auspicious days on this planet.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I have send a link from your site to the ET site, because I saw a discussion there and I wanted them to know about you and your PAT and your site.. From that moment on a lot more people that are awake, but no PAT members can read your information and they are very happy with all the information on your site. These people are from everywhere all over our beautiful Planet.
I follow your site for about 2 years now and it resonates perfectly with me and with my ascension aches and pains.. bless you for all your good work on Gaia!! Hope to see you all in 5D Love to you ALL
Wilma, Holland
Dear Wilma,
thank you very much for you effort to popularize the ideas of Ascension as presented on our website in Holland and for your appreciation of our information.
The more the people enter the new energies and progress in their individual LBP the more they realize the importance and relevance of this information, which was considered too ephemeral before that. A human being can only appreciate what he himself physically experiences and everything else is discarded as fantasy. This is the current level of human primitiveness.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I would like to bring this to the attention of the PAT, noted today:
The Orions are getting exceedingly desperate at the end and bombarding us with outrageous noises. Thank you for the marvelous updates. Naturally, there is nothing about financial news on American TV. Even the German news on TV that we get here has nothing on the end, but endless murders in Turkey and on the Romanis. A sad state of affairs.
Love and Light,
Henry (USA)
Dear Henry,
I wonder if this could be HAARP that is now activated by the dark cabal as to trigger a devastating earthquake, as this has been done on the lower 4D earths.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
look at this article about the impending financial crash of the USA
it confirms it’s happening.
Dear Paolo,
these are the symptoms of a debt economy that has no real assets at all. The USA do not produce anything any more, just as GB, contrary to Germany and even Italy. That is why these two economies are most broke. When the crisis starts, they will go under within 24 hours as there is no real money nowhere in these countries, but only debt.
Dear George,
is there another strong wave going on right now (August 7)? Feeling extreme nausea and my left arm hurts (lymphostasis – which is usually a sign of massive transformation energies for me).
Would be grateful for a short confirmation.
Love and light to you!!
Sandra, Munich
Dear Sandra,
I personally do not feel such a wave now, but the level of intensity is very high altogether.
August 5th, Pattie Brassard, NASA Whistleblower…2 videos regarding twin suns
Just started tuning it but HS told me to send it to you now without completing my review.
Dear Marylin,
I heard this one also as I was made aware of it by another PAT member. This interview seems to make waves. But it is too much centered on survival and does not discuss the broader picture. But all these news are very indicative of what will come very soon and the people are picking it up.
Found you thru the banking collapse e-mail which came from another website I follow. This is the first place I’ve come across that seems to speak more to my own experience! Most LW websites and their many “message” and directives have left me cold, and I have felt only my own Inner Teacher could ever be counted on to guide me. Many years i have wondered why none of the ideas about the “new earth” held any appeal for me, or why, when I know I can help others with release of ego and healing of the past, there are no “ears to hear”. Right now I have been given two people who want what I can give, and you have answered for me the question of why I have and need no more.
Thank you. This is the place I will go for all the info I need at this time of ascension.
Dear Pam,
I am very happy that you have found us in the proverbial last minute. But better late than never, as I use to say. Your Odyssey through the esoteric New Age maze is paradigmatic for all PAT members and this is a sure sign that you have come home.
With love and light
Hey George,
FEMA Demanding 24 Hour Delivery of Emergency Food Reserves
Feds preparing for calamity?
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is contacting storable food suppliers requesting immediate delivery of food reserves within a 24 hour period, increasing suspicions that the federal government is accelerating its preparations for social disorder or an environmental calamity.
In case you have not seen this. Hey, this only means we are that much closer.
This is significant news indeed. Let us see if there will be more information on this.
Hallo George,
I’m following your web site since a couple of year, yet. Thank you for ALL the work you do.
It’s the first time I write you; I don’t know why, but I found this article out and I felt you could be interested in – probably you already know it. The sun magnetic field is about to flip:
Take care,
Dear Francesco,
thank you for contacting me for the first time and for sending me this link. I read this article already and it is rather interesting, although the MPR of the sun every 11 years is a well-known fact. Bu the present information by the NASA is surely related to the coming MPR of the earth.
With love and light
Hi Georgi,
Well I am having all kinds of openings and awareness these days as pertains to myself. Two nights ago I saw my energetic body and was able to implant a healing cycle within it for my hip and a few other things. It has since been made quite clear to me that since this was done on an energetic level that there is no more to do other than to await the results, which I have noticed are in the works. Last night and today I can feel the hip realigning itself even though it hurts. I know somewhere within that it is just making itself whole again.
I also feel myself awakening to my task, whatever that is that I am here for. I have some idea and yet nothing concrete. Still it is refreshing to know that I am clear and clean within to hold the energy that is coming for me now.
I am being told that many will ascend between the 12th of August and the 21st of September and yet not as we believe it to be. That those who choose to leave are those who are not to return to this dimensionality and that it is only those who are through with their task here, which is a small number.
That what we are coming to is the boiling point, where things will explode on the Planet and in the consciousness of humanity and bring forth many more who are ready for ascension and send back many who are just not by their choices.
That the full ascension process for humanity and the Planet will take place between Jan and March of 2014 when everything and all things will change.
I am well and just awaiting the movement from here to the next step. I like all of us want it to be within the time frame that you have outlined and all I can do is to wait and see what comes.
Many Blessings to you Georgi
One Love; Anthony
Dear Anthony,
these are excellent news, especially with your healing at a higher energetic level. This is possible now.
As Carla must have told you, I have sent the PAT donation in Canadian dollars on Monday to her bank account and was told that it will arrive end of this week, at the latest early next week.
The period between Aug 12 -Sept 21 will be indeed the most decisive and during this time the MPR, the ID split and the detonation of the PAT supernova will take place. When mass ascension to the 5th dimension will occur remains to be seen. It could indeed be later than this fall, but then also linear time will be wrapped up and this will no longer involve us.
Now the events have begun to unfold and nothing can stop them anymore.
With love and light
Dear Carla,
I have the most incredible storm over my portal, I have ever seen (evening, August 6). There is an uninterrupted thunder over my portal since more than half a hour with very little rain though. Lightnings abound. The storm seems to have gathered only over my portal and the sky is free at the seams. The colours of the sky are not normal, they are yellowish, pink and towards the sun set in the west burning red and scintillating like a portal to heaven or hell.
On the east, there are two complete rainbows one on top of the other almost over our house. The colour in the rainbow is much different than that outside and looks like a classical portal with a kind of transparent veil inviting you to go through. I have never seen something like this before. It is a pity that I do not have a camera to make some photos, but probably the pictures will not be as good as the reality.
There is such a tension and electricity in the air that it can ignite any moment. It could be that my portal was fully activated today. My skin as also burning under the vibrations.
Have you sensed anything similar in the last one or two hours.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Today there has been great activity over my portal where I have seen a fractured sky with another multi-coloured world behind it. This occurred at the same time as the storm presented at your portal.
I feel completely detached from this reality, at a level of consciousness that I have rarely experienced. I am aware of my physical body, but my mind and consciousness is not here, with my body. I anticipate further expansion
With love and light
Dear Carla,
amazing synchronicity. I have just received two new messages from Jahn and the first one from the Elohim is very powerful. I will translate it tomorrow, so that you can ready it and get inspired for your message. It seems that we have entered the final stretch before the finish line and from now on we can be heaved any moment to the higher dimensions, respectively detonate the PAT supernova.
It is happening now!
With love and light