by Georgi Stankov and Carla Thompson, August 12, 2013
Dear Carla,
I was urged to share this schedule with you that has been engraved in my memory. On August 5, 1975 I left Bulgaria for ever. I made a journey to the Soviet Union and then to Helsinki. There I left my group and fled to Sweden by taking the ferry from Turku. I arrived on August 18th in Stockholm as a free man. As I did not want to stay in Sweden, I applied for a visa entry to West Germany and could travel by train to Bonn on September 21, 1975.
Now this schedule has played a huge role in my life and my HS has told me that somehow this cycle will repeat one more time. Since several days I have the inkling that we may ascend on August 18th and then stay in the higher realms till September 21st before we adapt and come to the 5D or 4D earths as ascended masters. In the meantime the Agarthans will take the responsibility for humanity as announced in one of Jahn’s messages.
This time schedule seems to have some big importance for me and I will not be surprised if we follow it now during our ascension. What is your take?
Dear Georgi,
I am surrounded by the Elohim, Archangel Michael and Master St. Germain. I am asking for clarity on this schedule that you have given me.
The Message
“This schedule represents The Beginning and The End. Your cycle is complete. Know this. You are given this information to complete and release the mental attachments. To know that you are correct in their categorization. To know that the time comes shortly for your freedom. To know that your time comes shortly for your new Beginning.
Trust in all matters as they are now guided fully, not just by your Soul, but also by the Higher Realms where your Being is fully connected, enriched, enlivened, supported, guided, nurtured, nourished and loved. All those reading are now also connected to this Source energy, beyond all Human knowing, beyond all thought, beyond the world of Humanity, in all its beauty and perfection of limitations. Each of you may hold this energy within your Being and know that you are complete, you are whole, you are honoured in the magnificence of God’s Creation.”
Dear Carla,
very interesting indeed. Sounds like the oracle in Delphi and I need an interpreter. But fortunately my gut feeling tells me that we are really on the cusp of our liberation from the shackles of our physical vessels, which you must feel even more poignantly now after your inter-dimensional journey.
Thank you for this message and try to have a rest now.
My dear Georgi,
You are not to take the dates literally although they are symbolic. August 18 was your “freedom” and September 21 was your “new beginning”.
If applied to ascension, “August 18″ shall be your freedom from ” this land, this reality” and September 21 is your return ” as an ascended master”.
They wish you to not hold attachment to these dates, but as I see it, it is an inevitable alignment should we remain on this current path.
Time to rest. I am exhausted.
Dear Carla,
this is how I also see it. I am not fixed on any date anymore, but I am still at odds if the MPR has really started on the 7th level.