Letters to the Editor
Dear Sue,
you have made the term “multidimensions ” to a flagship of your channelings and activities as an esoteric guru for many years. But obviously you are not able to grasp what is currently happening on the earth – for instance the creation of the six parallel 4D earths and the present upper 4D earth (seven altogether, they are actually a little bit more as the PAT has created 5 additional holographic models as temporary portals to the 5th dimension) and how this has affected the destiny of humanity. This may be due to your lack of any true curiosity and quest for new knowledge. The constant reiteration of the same topics in your chanellings have obviously frozen your words and esoteric ideas to salt columns, to use a biblical metaphor.
It is indeed depressing to see in your example how the whole New Age movement has profoundly failed, cognitively and gnostically, but also gone astray ethically and emotionally. Not to speak of the lack of any ability to develop, comprehend and apply abstract intellectual and gnostic concepts to All-That-Is, or even to this small planet.
I have just written an overview of the most dramatic events in the history of mankind that have already shaped for ever the destiny of humanity and Gaia, about which the whole New Age scene is currently completely blind and ignorant. I can only hope that you can overcome your false pride and inherent stubbornness and learn something from myself. if you do not want to stay on the 4D earth and jeopardize your ascension, which is a likely outcome at present:
With love and light
Lieber Georg,
habe vielen Dank für Deine Mails – noch immer ist in mir diese Trauer, ganz offensichtlich, habe ich bei dem 4D- Desaster auf den Ebenen 1-3 meine dortigen „Energien“ zurückgezogen – sie sind gewissermaßen gestorben und das macht diese Trauer aus.
Es ist einfach unglaublich, was die Menschen da gewählt haben. Wenn ich durch die Straßen Wiens gehe und in die Gesichter der Menschen blicke, dann sehe ich leblose wandelnde Hüllen – überwiegend, bewusste und erwachte Menschen sind eine wahre Rarität.
Wie dem auch sei – Dies habe ich nicht gewählt und wir alle, die wir dem Lichte zustreben nicht. Wir sind in Gottes Händen, behütet und getragen – wir haben getan was wir tun sollten, mehr als erfüllt, was nützt es aber, so die sehend geborenen erblinden, so die Hörenden taub werden und so die für den Aufstieg herabgestiegenen, absteigen – in die Finsternis.
In Liebe bis zur nächsten Botschaft
Dear George,
I thank you for your mail – still in me is this grief, obviously, I have withdrawn my local “energy” from the 4D disaster on levels 1-3 – they are effectively dead and that makes this mourning.
It is just amazing what people have chosen there. When I walk through the streets of Vienna and look into the faces of the people I see walking lifeless shells – mainly, conscious and awakened people are a true rarity here.
Anyway – I did not choose this and we all know that we, who strive towards the light, did not choose it. We are in God’s hands, protected and supported – we have done what we should do, more than fulfilled, what use it is to see, how the born seeing become blind now, the one who hear become deaf, and also those, who descended in order to ascend, descend again – into the darkness.
In love until the next message
Lieber Jahn,
ich bin gerade aufgewacht mit der Absicht heute eine Chronologie der letzten dramatischsten und schicksalhaftesten Tage in der Geschichte der Menschheit zu schreiben – mit Sicherheit dramatischer und weitrechender als der Untergang von Atlantis. Ich selbst war die letzten zehn Tagen ungewöhnlich aufgeregt und angepisst, ohne einen äußeren Anlass zu haben, bis ich es langsam kapiert habe, was eigentlich abgelaufen ist.
Ich glaube, dass diese Dramatik sogar die höheren Bereiche überrascht hat, obwohl sie mit einem solchen negativen Szenario seit Mai gerechnet haben müssen, als die drei-Erden-Szenario fallen ließen und die Erschaffung der sieben 4D Erden einleiteten. Die Menschheit wollte und wollte nicht aufwachen und somit musste sie in Subpopulationen von Seelen aufgeteilt werden, damit den Schwellenwert für den Aufstieg der wenigen 500 Millionen Seelen, plus 300 Millionen Seelen, die auf der oberen 4D Erde verbleiben sollten, zu ermöglichen – durch Verdünnung der dunklen Seelenenergie auf dieser Erde, indem sie auf die unteren 4D Erden transferiert wurden.
Mittlerweile weiß ich es – ich war all die Zeit frustriert über diesen Misserfolg unserer Mission, obwohl mir bewusst ist, dass wir unseres Bestes gegeben haben und ohne uns, die alten Krieger-Seelen, kein Aufstieg möglich gewesen wäre, wie Sananda auch neulich richtig festgestellt hat.
Ich versuche nun die ganze Angelegenheit von der positiven Seite zu sehen – als Katalysator und Beschleuniger unseren Aufstiegs.
Ein weiterer Gedanke bedrückt mich ebenfalls – wir sind die wenigen Individuen weltweit, die einen korrekten multi-dimensionalen Durchblick haben und wissen, was sich hinter den Kulissen auf den unteren 4D Erden ereignet hat, während dessen die Esoterik Szene weiterhin im süßen, rosa-roten Nirvana ihres Schwafellands umherirrt und nichts, aber auch gar nichts, mitbekommt.
Ich stimme deiner Erfahrung mit den Wiener zu, die mir persönlich in diesem geballten Ausmaß erspart ist, da ich auf dem Lande lebe und nur vereinzelt solche Zombies treffe. Es ist bald nicht mehr möglich, in dieser Realität aus leblosen Bio-Robotern auszuhalten und daher müssen wie nichts wie weg.
Es ist nicht so sehr das Sterben von 4 Milliarden Menschen (die Anzahl der Seelen war sicherlich weniger, da mehrere leere menschliche Hülsen vervielfältigt wurden, um die sieben parallelen holographischen Modelle zu bilden) auf den unteren Erden, das mich so sehr betrübt, sondern der Gedanke, dass diese Seelen einen langen, entsetzlichen Inkarnationszyklus vor sich haben.
Ich habe für mich entschieden, nie wieder an einer solchen Mission auf diesen Planeten teilzunehmen und ich denke, dass diese Entscheidung vor Ort Bestand im Sein haben wird.
Jetzt muss ich lediglich abschätzen, wie die energetische Trägheit der Ereignisse ist und wann diese in abgemilderter Form auch auf die oberen 4D Erden eintreffen werden und unseren Aufstieg auslösen. Die Angabe von Sananda, dass wir Ende Juli einen vorläufigen Höhenpunkt erreichen werden, scheint mir durchaus realistisch zu sein.
Ich wünsche dir Alles Gute und wie Asama M. uns empfehlt, “die Nerven behalten” und nichts tun, da alles bereits getan wurde.
Liebe Grüße
Dear Jahn,
I have just woke up today with the intention to write a chronology of the recent most dramatic and most destiny-forming days in the history of humanity – certainly far more dramatic and far-reaching than the sinking of Atlantis. I myself was during the last ten days unusually excited and pissed of without an external reason, until I realized slowly, what has actually happened.
I believe that this drama has even surprised the higher realms, although they must have expected such a negative scenario since May, when the three-earth scenario was dropped and the creation of the seven 4D earths ushered. Humanity did not want to wake up at any price and therefore they had to be divided into sub-populations of souls, so that the threshold for ascension of the few 500 million souls, plus 300 million souls that will remain on the upper 4D earth could be reached – by diluting the dark soul energy on this earth, while transferring these dark souls to the lower 4D earths.
In the meantime I know it – I was all the time frustrated about this failure of our mission, although I am aware that we have given our best and without us, the old warrior souls, no ascension would have been possible, as Sananda recently has correctly confirmed.
I’m trying to see this whole affair from the positive side – as a catalyst and accelerator for our ascension.
Another thought depresses me also – we are the few individuals worldwide who have a proper multi-dimensional, clear view and know what has happened behind the veil on the lower 4D earths, while the esoteric scene continues with their blind wondering in their sweet, pink-red Nirvana chat-country and notice nothing, absolutely nothing.
I agree with your experience with the citizens from Vienna, from which I am spared personally in this clenched extent, since I live in the countryside and only occasionally meet those zombies. It is almost impossible to survive in this reality, consisting of inanimate bio-robots and therefore we must leave asap.
It is not so much the death of 4 billion people (the number of souls was certainly less, since many empty human shells were multiplied to create the seven parallel holographic models) on the lower earths, that makes me so very sad, but the thought that these souls will have to go through another long and horrible incarnation cycle.
I have decided for myself, never again to participate in such a mission on this planet and I think that this decision on the spot will continue to have validity in Being.
Now I only have to estimate what is the energetic inertia of the events, and when they will arrive in a milder form at the upper 4D earth and trigger our ascension. The specification of Sananda that we will reach a climax in late July seems to be quite realistic to me.
I wish you all the best and as Asama M. advises us “keep the nerves” and do nothing, because everything has already been done.
Danke Lieber Georg,
ja, die Nerven behalten, das ist das Gebot der Stunde.
Auch ich fühle seit Tagen eine enorme Unrast in mir – Frieden, ja, aber eine Unrast, so, als ahne ich bereits, was nun kommt.
Deine Entscheidung an solch einem Spiel nie mehr teilzunehmen, ist für mich gut nachvollziehbar, und ich bin überzeugt davon, dass wir auf 5D auch diesen momentanen Anstrengungen zusätzliches abgewinnen werden.
Zum Verstehen der Multidimensionalität denke ich, dass so ein Mensch ganz auf Gott ausgerichtet ist, in Liebe schwingt und voller Sehnsucht nach seiner Wahrheit strebt, sich ihm seine eigene „Schönheit“ offenbart, was gleichbedeutend mit der Erkenntnis von der eigenen Multidimensionalität ist. Und genau diese Sehnsucht nach Wahrheit und nach Gott, vermisse ich bei den meisten Esoterik-Junkies vollkommen. Sie reden gescheit und meist unaufgefordert daher, und wissen wenig, sie geben gute Ratschläge, wobei der Rat auf der Strecke und der Schlag über bleibt. Eine Szene, die gewissermaßen noch in den spirituellen Babyschuhen steckt und von jeder Meisterschaft weit entfernt ist. Sich die Welt schön zu reden, ist wenig – es ist ein klein wenig so, wie wenn ein Kind gerade das Laufen gelernt hat und schon glaubt, es könne auch schwimmen oder Rad fahren. Alles kommt nach und nach – die Esoterik-Welt ist jedenfalls ein Anfang, und noch ist das Ziel weit, weit entfernt. Gut wäre nur, wenn auch darüber mehr Bewusstsein dort herrschen würde, aber, wäre es so, so wären diese Menschen ja bereits weiter – …
Was ich auch sehe ist, (für Dich gewiss keine Neuigkeit) dass unsere Arbeit absolut nötig, mehr denn je, ist. Durch die Schwingung, die wir hier halten, können die großen Wunder geschehen, auch wenn es nur den geringeren Teil der Menschheit erreichen wird. Hier habe ich den Ansatz, selbst wenn ich durch meine Arbeit nur einen Menschen in das Licht anheben konnte, war es sinnvoll dies zu tun – und einer ist es wohl ganz gewiss…
Ja, es ist dennoch sehr fordernd…
Wir blicken den Ereignissen entgegen und ich freue mich auf unsere Ankunft im Licht – (Noch habe ich nichts erhalten, zu Deinem Wissen, dass sich die Ereignisse auf den oberen 4D-Erden entladen zu beginnen)
Ich sende Dir Liebe, Freude und Kraft
Thank you dear George,
Yes, “keep the nerves”, which is the call of the hour.
I also feel for days an enormous restlessness in me – peace, yes, but a restlessness, as though I already suspect what’s coming.
Your decision not to participate in such a game any more is well understandable for me, and I am convinced that we shall gain some positive aspects on 5D with regard to these additional current efforts.
In order to understand the concept of multidimensionality, I think that such a person must be very focused on God, he must vibrate with love and full of longing to seek for his truth, which reveals itself to him in its own “beauty”, which is tantamount to the knowledge of the own multidimensionality. And it is this desire for truth and for God, I miss completely in most esoteric junkies. They talk clever and usually unsolicited this and that, and know little, they give good advice, with the advice remaining half way on the track and the knock on the head (this a German “play upon words” that cannot be translated). A scene that is still in the spiritual baby shoes and is far away from any mastership.
To talk the world nice, is not enough – it is a bit like when a child has just learned to walk and already believes it could also swim or ride a bike. Everything comes gradually – the esoteric world is certainly a start, and the goal is still far, far away. It would be good only if more awareness would also prevail there, but if it were so, these people would have been already much more advanced …
What I see is (certainly not news to you) that our work is absolutely necessary, more than ever. Through the vibrations, which we hold here, the big miracles can happen, even if they will only reach a smaller part of humanity. Here I have the approach that even if I could only lift up one person into the light through my work, it has made sense to do it – and it is certainly more than one …
Yes, it is still very challenging …
We look forward to the events and I rejoice at our arrival in the light – (I have not received anything yet, for your information, that the events have begun to unfold on the higher 4D earths)
I send you love, joy and strength
Dear Georgi,
I have a few questions about your relationship with “others”. One being David Wilcock, and others being the “failed” light worker movement. I intend this to be a neutral inquiry to hopefully gain more insight and understanding of the relationships we have as humans/ souls/ gods.
I have personally ascended multiple times to the higher dimensions this lifetime and one of the things I learned while “up” there, is that we are all one connected being of light, aka God. There is no separation, that is merely illusion, and when you judge people or think of them in a certain way, you are in fact judging and thinking of yourself that way. So to be blunt, one of the things I noticed about the energy of your website and its content, is the almost hatred you have for David Wilcock and “failed” lightworkers. This does not make sense to me, and I would be grateful for an explanation of this behavior so that I and any other readers if this letter is published can gain insight on the dynamics of this phase of Ascension. I can assure you however that the lightworker movement has not failed, and in fact there are many of us who work in very small groups to establish greater peace and harmony amongst our neighborhoods. I have been working hard in my community with other light workers, and we have actually been able to enter the same consciousness together during waking hours. We have wonderful personal relationships with our Divine Mother and Father.
Just remember, everything you experience IS your own creation, so try not so much to judge and change others, yet instead change yourself from within. This should be common knowledge by now among the Ascension community, yet sometimes it can be easily forgotten, this is just a friendly reminder.
With much love and light,
Dear Jason,
for somebody who has allegedly “personally ascended multiple times to the higher dimensions this lifetime” you are posing rather idiotic questions.
I can either treat you as an ascended master and leave it up to you to find the answers to your questions or treat you as an idiot and then answer your questions, so that an idiot can understand them.
Tell me which way you want me to treat you and then I will proceed.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I wished you would not take this as an attack, and more of an inquiry. I hope you reply in a respectable neutral manner, as our training as Ascended being surely has taught us. You must realize that you are a rolemodel for a group of people, and I am merely informing you of my perspective about the character of your website. I came asking legitimate albeit tough questions, and received a very harsh reply from you. Although perhaps your level of being is far advanced from mine and I can no longer process this correctly.
Let us keep a good healthy relationship, as I only want peace for ALL creation.
With much love and light,
Dear Jason,
you reminds me of Steve Beckow, who was also indignant about my critics on him and some other LW, who have in the meantime failed by all standards, and then exclaimed with a refreshing naivety: “This is not how an ascended master should behave!” Bravo, Steve! You must know it. He, who wanted to drive with black limousines to the motherships of the Galactic Federation when he was ridiculed a year and half ago by some dark sources and then became an object of huge laughter the world over. And did he learnt anything from this fiasco. Nope!.
Now let me tell you something – the role model is created by each individual, himself. I have several thousand readers who happen to be satisfied with this role model, otherwise they will not read my website everyday and send me 50 -60 emails each day in the average, which I diligently answer within 24 hours without exception for several years now in a row. Have you ever spent s single thought as to how much discipline and effort one needs to keep this achievement all the time.
If you need a role model for an ascended master, create yourself one – be that role model and see how you will appeal to the people. There is no other way to prove it.
Besides, if you have happened to read my website, which I strongly doubt. being ascended master is not my first priority. It is simply a fact. I am a scientist in the first place as a human being and in this – the greatest scientist of all times. And this is proven and stays in a written form, free for everybody to check it for himself. You only need to read it and appreciate my intellectual achievements, in case you can understand them. If not, silence is the best asset of an ascended master in the making.
I have helped, by the way, unconditionally much more people to become already ascended masters in the last two years then this rotten New Age scene has as alleged members. Even this is documented on our website and not by myself, but by the people themselves, whom I have supported to become ascended masters.
If you want to become one, change your pattern of thinking radically and start reading and learning. Until now you know nothing and thus you are still nothing – I mean in terms of spiritual knowledge at your ego-mind level. But you can become everything, it depends only on you.
I suggest that you read one of my gnostic books in English, for instance, begin with the first one “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” and then I invite you to discuss it with me to see how well you have understood it. I will spend this time with pleasure, if I see that you have made any progress.
This is my fair offer.
With love and light
you are an exceptional man, thank for continuing to keep your site alive, publishing vital information in these dire times. Your soul is a generous one.
love and light
Dear George,
I just want to ask: has a new build up concerning Lion’s Gate or another ascension test run, as Skyler indicated it, begun? I woke up and still feel horribly depleted and desperate today, already started yesterday, in a typical synchronicity with friction and misunderstandings with people close to me. All are also trying to cocoon harder than ever. The Detroit bankruptcy and Snowden case got, once again and as on so many previous occasions, linked to the declining economic situation, the rich feeding more and more off of the impoverished and all that jazz, yet I only have to think: well, take this rationale to the next level then! and I get a huge unspoken defensive response that feels like a psychic attack. People are on edge alright, so Archangel Jophiel’s advice to not interfere is spot on, on the level of letting people stick to their uninformed opinions and old daily ways, stepping in now will result in an all out verbal war. I wanted to touch base with you again, been a long while. You and other excellent people are true life-savers right now.
With Love and Light,
Dear Dominique,
There was a huge cc-wave for me on July 18 and since then the energy is at a very high plateau, but rather stable. I cannot confirm a new massive surge on my part, but I am now checking some new information that the catastrophes from the lower three 4D earths have now reached the higher three 4D earths which, if true, means that we may expect some events to materialize in our timeline – on this upper 4D earth – very soon.
With love and light
Dear Georg,
I want to share with you what I experienced during a meditation on June 17th in the evening. I saw the essence of Gaia (mother earth) and far above the essence of Taita Inti (the sun, father heaven). In between 12 globes appeared – representing the 12 4D-earths. A golden-white light ring emerged from Gaia and moved upwards. Stopping at each “earth” (surrounding it) for a while than moving upwards to the next. It felt like harmonizing the soul parts, still being on that earth. When the ring arrived at the essence of the sun it started to go down again. This happened a couple of times. Then all the earths merged together into one. Gaia and Taita inti were so close and then even they merged. I was feeling a very strong energy in my body. It almost felt like holding a huge energy ball in my arms while in meditation position. It was like not really being in my body, but I could still feel it.
My impression is that I withdrew all my soul parts from the other earths and merged them together. Feeling much more complete and centered now.
The fact that the earths melted together goes in line with the fact that the different 4D earths will merge together after the final ID split as I read yesterday in your explanations. Makes perfect sense.
Later that night a deep sadness arose and I was close to crying. I think it really makes us sad seeing so many souls loosing their life again and not choosing the light (as Asana Mahatari pointed out in the last message – deaf ears II).
This sadness coexists with a feeling of relieve….probably because of the proximity of ascension and not having my soul parts on the other earths anymore. The most severe LBP symptoms seem to be gone.
I pray and sing every day to mitigate the coming event(s)…. Thank you so much for sharing your service.
With love and light
Sandra, Germany
Dear Sandra,
this is a very remarkable vision that is fully online with what we have received as information so far. This is how astral knowledge can be condensed and sent to the incarnated personalities. But of course one need also some additional explanation which can only be verbal. This is how our minds work currently – through abstract symbols and somewhat diluted verbal explanations.
When we shall ascend, this cumbersome way of communication will be substituted by a direct immediate knowing and imagination as the basis of all creation.
With love and light
Dear George,
yes you are right and I am grateful for your verbal explanations, because they do help to integrate and understand. Latest Gaiaportal-message fits to my Vision as well…
I am Feeling better today, but I am still exhausted. Wish you a wonderful and sunny Saturday!
Love and light
Dear Georg,
it’s me again. Today at 15:00 o’clock I experienced such a strong wave of sadness that I cried for half an hour. Getting images of the flood… I am praying since then and suppose that the event has now also taken place on the middle 4D earths… Eager to know if this could be confirmed by another source…. Still recovering
Love and light
Sandra, Germany
Dear Sandra,
this is a very important information and I will see if I can get an external confirmation of this inkling and also from my HS. It could as well be that you have retrieved your soul fragments from the lower three 4D earths after the catastrophe there and thus have attuned to these timelines. This is what happened to my dual soul several days ago.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
It is done!
This is precisely the message I saw in the night in half awakened state !
Glory to you Georgi !
Dear Igor,
I also have this feeling.
Dear George,
Great summary of last few days. I really like it a lot. I’ve never congratulate you for the job you do every day and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This looks the only sane place in the world and I log on several times within one day. When I feel the reality is pulling me down to its dark embrace, I need a breakthrough and this is where I find the words of hope. Here I feel reconnected to my true self.
My mother tells me when I was a kid I used to hide behind her skirt as we were passing by kids, as If I was scared of them. I heard this story many times along the years but I ve never paid any attention to it. Five, six years ago something unusual started for my character and that is that I’ve started to avoid some people for no apparent reason. So I thought at that time. Nowadays the number increased to a such an amount that I can’t be among people at all. It’s like somethings stabbing me from all sides, like they want something from me. I have nothing to hide and yet I feel the shame.
Three, four months ago, while I was coming home from work I passed by a woman and for no apparent reason I got info in my mind that she was a hologram and I turned around out of curiosity and all I saw was her back as she was walking away. The event and the thought soared me in my mind for a couple of minutes and it just vanished the same as it came. Now I read about soulless people dwelling among us. Forgive me, maybe I am mistaken, but that must be it.
I just want this to be over once and for all. Its been a long run, lifetimes of experiences and whats enough is enough. I have started a few messages that I wanted to send you but every time I deleted them cause everything was said and confirmed by others so I thought it’s no point going through the same issue twice.
One year ago I though people were starting to awake but now I see I was so wrong. Some of them know something is “cooking” but they can’t determine from where, so they continue with their old habits. I have e colleagues that are so detached from this and they won’t even try to comprehend the problems that are directly intervening with their lives and after all the business that they do and the job they desperately hold on. So we can say for sure that devastation of great proportion can only be a trigger in their pathetic lives. I stopped with all explaining how things will unfold cause my words are only a noise to their ears.
Every morning I see sad people, their faces radiate anger, guilt, blame. The density of these low vibrations/emotions are like shackles to their spirit. The world’s gone crazy and within this craziness I see Souls of young children coming here to bring the light to raise the frequency. I call them the bravest of the brave. What’s the purpose of their arrival in End of Time, we may only guess, but among many things they sure came to help.
There is a song I came across few weeks ago and with these lyrics I am saluting you:
I know its been thousand of years and i feel your hurt and i know its wrong and you feel you have been chained and broken and burned…and those beautiful old people those wise old souls have been ground down for far too long by that spineless man, that greedy man that heartless man, deceiving man, government hand taking blood and land, taking blood and land and still they can but your dreaming and your warrior spirit lives on and it is so strong in the earth in the trees in the rocks in the water in your blood and in the air we breath…
See you,
Dear Marin,
thank you very much for your warm appreciation of my work on this website. This is the only meaningful activity I see at this moment for me on this planet and it also brings spiritual rewards for me.
We all are so fed up with this reality and this is the most sure sign that we cannot stay any longer in it and that is why we must ascend very soon and also this reality must disappear and be finally transformed into a normally functioning spiritual society as everywhere else in this universe. This here is not the normalcy – this has always been an asylum for derailed souls and a few ascended masters’ souls to keep the precarious balance. Most of the time it has not worked. This time we have done our job and we shall ascend at least, but the harvest has been rather modest and the efforts disproportionally high for the few of us, who have helped Gaia and humanity ascend.
With love and light
Hello George,
Your report and periodic summaries of the situation are of an absolute “preciousness” and it is even more invaluable both to refresh our memory and as an introduction
for readers who come for the first time on the “Site PAT.” Thank you very much also because only you can lift up our morale in these last days still on the ground. We will never stop thanking you and in any case the words will never be enough to express our gratitude. That ‘”energy thanksgiving” reaches you telepathically continuously.
A big hug with affection
Max & Rita
Ciao George,
i tuoi resoconto e riepiloghi periodici della situazione sono di una “preziosità” assoluta e quest’ultimo ha un valore ancor più inestimabile sia per rinfrescare la memoria a noi, sia per i lettori che vengono per la prima volta sul “Sito PAT”. Grazie infinite anche perché solo tu riesci a sollevare il nostro morale che in questi ultimi giorni è ancora più a terra che mai. Non smetteremo mai di ringraziarti e comunque le parole non basteranno mai per esprimere la nostra riconoscenza. Che l’ “energia ringraziamento” ti arrivi telepaticamente continuamente.
Un grande abbraccio, con affetto
Max & Rita
Dear Max and Rita,
I am happy that you like this summary of the events during the last two weeks. I also profited from writing it as thus I streamlined my ideas one more time and this helped me to see the near future more clearly than before. I think that we have entered the final stretch before the finish line and that the events will begin to manifest on our upper 4D earth in the next few days.
With love and light
Hallo George,
having followed the latest offerings on your website, something puzzled me. I thought that there were devastating MPR’s on the lower 4th dimensional realities which killed most of humanity there last month. The question begs, how come the cabal was still able to use their technology, which must have survived the MPR, to launch their HAARP attacks for another devastation?
And why did they deem it necessary to do that in the aftermath of this devastating MPR?
Maybe the HAARP attack is a vision that you had correctly interpreted initially, showing our timeline in upper 4D.
in love and light,
Dear Joe,
this is not correct. I have only said repeatedly that there was a MPR on June 8th on the lowest 4D earth, i.e. only on one timeline, while the other two lower timelines were spared from this event so far and also on the 3D earth in May 27th.
I have not said how many people have died during this event as I do not know. Obviously this was not enough for the dark cabal and now they have done it artificially as to decimate the rest of humanity. Their goal has always been to reduce the human population to less than 2 billion (kill more than 70%) as an older message from Jahn from January this year confirms:
Hence there is no discrepancy at all, but there is no complete information as to what is really happening on these timelines except that it is horrible and is cabal-made.
Hallo George,
Sorry, I used the wrong word (discrepancy). You also said that during June the NWO took over the three lowest 4D realities in totality (so that they could plan and execute their mass annihilation during July). Surely in our upper 4D earth, Obama would be able to pull off the same w/o having to “totally take over the planet”, as they basically have already done so.
So looking forward
It cannot harm to be aware of this, so check out this news. It coincides with the time frame you have put together in your latest articles on your website.
If true, then it sounds like they are going to play the end game through different simultaneously activated means. Like the recent Boston marathon bombing we know how they work, don’t we.
Well, we’ll see what happens.
Rob, Holland
Dear Rob,
I read already this news in “Before Its News” and even considered for a moment to publish this information today. But then I decided against this as my inner voice tells me that this is not yet the final game. But I am checking now the possibility that this catastrophic event – the HAARP mega earthquake – has reached today the higher three 4D earths. If this is true, then we must be prepared for huge manifestations of evil on our upper 4D earth very soon.
Dear George,
thanks for this ‘ Before it’s news’ notice. I didn’t know this one. While looking at it I see many articles that pull my attention.
I am curious how this mega earthquake thing will play out. I am so plagued by the proton waves and in anticipation of the next phase. Whether it is through all of this or through an unexpected turn, it’s time to unfold.
Thanks, Rob
Lieber Georgi,
vielen, vielen Dank für diese Zusammenfassung der Ereignisse. Ja, du hast recht, der Mensch vergisst sehr schnell (ich besonders), und von daher war es ein genialer “Schachzug” von dir, uns das ganze noch einmal zu vergegenwärtigen und somit die nötige Klarheit zu verschaffen. Du hast wohl die Gabe zu wissen, was wir gerade benötigen….
Ich habe mal in den alten Botschaften von Jahn gestöbert und bin auf die Lichtlesung vom 21.12.12 gestossen, die ich für sehr beeindruckend halte, besonders jetzt im Nachhinein betrachtet.
Ich freu mich auf die neuen Zeiten und wünsche dir und uns allen noch eine geruhsame Dualitätserfahrung.
In tiefer Dankbarkeit für deine unermüdlichen Anstrengungen uns auf die Sprünge zu helfen sende ich dir in Liebe die allerherzlichsten Grüsse
Dear Georgi,
Many, many thanks for this summary of events. Yes, you’re right, man forgets very quickly (I especially), and therefore it was a brilliant “move” from you, to visualize for us the whole one more time as to gain the necessary clarity. You seem to posses the gift, to know just what we need ….
I have browsed in the old messages from Jahn and came across the light reading of 21:12:12, which I think is very impressive, especially now in hindsight.
I’m looking forward to the new times and wish you and all of us to have a peaceful experience in the duality.
In deep gratitude for your tireless efforts to help us, I send you in love the most cordial greetings
Liebe Renate,
Diese Botschaft von Jahn hatte ich vor langer Zeit gelesen aber irgendwie vergessen und ich fand sie diesmal sehr stark.
Diese Übersicht hat mir persönlich auch viel geholfen, meine Gedanken zu klären und gezielt in die Zukunft zu schauen. Gerade deswegen war es neue notwendige Übung.
Liebe Grüße
Dear Renate,
I have read this the message from Jahn a long time ago but somehow I have forgotten it and I found it this time to be very strong.
This overview has personally helped me a lot to clarify my thoughts and specifically to look more clearly into the future. Precisely for this purpose it was a necessary exercise.