Energy Update – July 4, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Dear George,

thank you so much for your latest post. I can confirm that this was the strongest energy wave so far. I was very tired this afternoon and felt a little bit depressed. After some phone calls I had to sit down and out of the blue a huge emotional wave flooded me. So many negative emotions and I could hardly breath because it was so intense. I took my shamanic drum, played it for a while and sang/toned. Then I had the feeling that I needed to sit still. This time I felt like being beaten up by several forces. Sitting and feeling my energy field being hit. I was told by my HS not to fight against it, but to let this process proceed. I asked my guides and light forces to stand behind me in order to back me up so that I can stand this.

When it stopped, I felt such a tickling on my skin and immense amounts of energy flooding my whole system for a fairly long time. Felt almost like being on fire, but very comfortable. I have never felt such an „energy shower“ before.

My LBP symptoms showed up again (cardiac pain, kidney pain, headache, exhaustion).
At the moment I feel quite relaxed and reading your message makes me want to celebrate this wonderful event.

Wishing you all the best and thankful for your support.

Love and Light
Sandra, Germany

Dear Sandra,

thank you for this validation of the yesterday’s wave. Today the quality of the energies is much better and I hope it will stay so for a while.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I definitely got hit with something today. Another heart chakra blow (feels like a heart attack, I hate these!) then burning in my stomach all day, my kidneys and liver hurt.  Shoulder, neck and upper/lower back pains. In other words, all the old symptoms I used to have all came back at once with a vengeance.

Has anybody else complained of the same symptoms lately?


Dear Vicki,

thank you for this validation of the wave from yesterday. I have received some emails today that also confirm this experience.

With love and light

Hallo George,

I hope this finds you well. I am getting hammered by “something” on a frequency of about twice a week now. Last episode was a download of sorts into my left brain portal yesterday, causing me toothache and pain in the left side of my face.

Anyhow, I do appreciate Jahn’s messages, and also follow the others that are not posted on the SUL site. Many of the behavioural recommendations given to us by Sananda, Sai Baba, Asana M. etc. should be almost second nature to us PATers.

I am just feeling a bit unhappy as being told to stop being impatient (latest channeling by Sai Baba). I am not as impatient as I used to be, however, it almost sounds like “be ready for staying around a little longer”. One would think with the last MPR on the lower 4D earth’s about a month ago, we should have experienced ours by now.

I am feeling increasingly foreign in this reality. To me it is not that all those people “holograms” are here to “visit” temporarily, but that I am the one that is out of place, as everything in this reality is to their liking and resonates 100% to their programming. What a fucked up place. Every night I pray and ask Lady Gaia to please start shaking, every morning when I wake up, I feel like Bill Murray in the movie “Groundhog Day”.

The only thing that keeps me sane is my frequent visit to the ocean where I sometimes just paddle around even if there are no waves.

Guess this is not much different than most other PAT members are feeling at the moment.

in love and light,

Dear Joe,

you have very precisely described the current pending situation and I can only offer you to read my latest article on this topic.


Dear George,

Had to write and confirm your post today! Before I  had a chance to read Gaia Portal or your site today, my Sara had a powerful wave come over her this morning, she said, while in a state of total despair, “I’m feeling weird, like I can’t breathe from my chin down; my brain, lips are even vibrating, feels like I’m going to leave, but I know I will come back”. I was able to calm her, but it was kind of scary!  Especially since we’ve all kind of been in a very loving/ peaceful/ joyous state (Sara calls it “its like I have a crystal clear heart, pure and full of joy and love and everything good”). We did experience those bad “three days” last week, while we were camping up in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada for a week, just got back this Saturday. So glad we got through that while in nature and not in Los Angeles…

Any words of wisdom for my daughter, because I didn’t feel it? Although JD, my three year old had a very “off” day at school this morning too, as reported by his teachers…
Sending you and the PAT my “crystal clear heart,”


Dear Margie,

thank you for this validation of the yesterday’s wave. As Asama Mahatari recommended in his latest message, we must now very carefully listen to our children as they know better what is right and wrong because they still have a much more open channel to their HS than the adults.

With love and light

I can only confirm and add that I am so glad to be in this PAT group and able to confirm what is generally going on. Yesterday was bad, so bad I almost collapsed.

But today Wednesday a refreshed impetus!

Thank you, Georgi.

Dorina, Mexico

Hi George,

Glad to read your latest article. Both my husband and I confirmed with each other this feeling of extreme internal uneasiness and wanting to crawl out of our skin with no apparent source. It has been very bad for me for the past couple days, and is now dissipating. We took steps to clear out negative energetic people today and the conversation couldn’t have been more specific or had better results. Essentially, the person understood they couldn’t cling to us anymore or transfer their inadequacies on to either of us because we weren’t allowing it.

Work is incredible. It is mostly just play for me and I’m finding my ideas well received and acted upon by those who I engage. It becomes easier everyday to align my actions with guidance from my HS. Feeling is crucial at this point as well as conscious decision-making.

Rainbows and sunshine,

Dear Jennifer,

thank you for this confirmation of the effects of the wave yesterday. I am glad to hear that your ideas are now much easier accepted by the people and this is a very reassuring sign that change is abound now.

With love and light

Hello Georgi.

Hope this morning finds you in good spirits..It’s the night of the 3rd for me and all I can say is I was hit hard and in bed all day from the wave.Hope I can wake up on the 4th feeling better. Can’t wait for the world to wake up and see how corrupt the USA is and what has really been going on. Our government has to be the most EVIL in the world and I will rejoice when it’s ALL exposed. It’s mind boggling what they have done to the world. I so want to be done with it all and live in a place that is peaceful and loving. Hope it’s soon for us all. Thank you again for all you post .You have helped me so much, Georgi!

Much Love to you all!

Dear Debbie,

thank you for this validation of the wave that hit us yesterday and I whole heartedly agree with you that it is time to expose the evil US government for all the crimes it has committed since WW2 that have brought humanity to this current deplorable state.

With love and light

Dear George,

The being part is toughest in trying to apply what I know is happening now. Reading updates and currently reading New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind Series had given me so much understanding of my personal experience since from childhood as well as learning so much about different aspects of living in this 3D earth. The more I read, the more I want to know more and even stranger the more I feel I do not know.  Does that make sense?

Thanks for the post on “The Essence of the Today’s Wave – July 3 2013” as it helps me understand what I am going through. I do not know to laugh or cry really… seeing how it is playing out as I know the script already, whilst watching the drama unfold and yet, though I know and understand and try not to let it affect me, the impact directed at me still penetrates and soul suffer ‘internal injuries’… how does one go about detaching?  My heart loves, yet mind reasons objectively, but the others do not see that and I know no point to explain to them. Even if I retreat, their messages sent directed to me still hurt even if I do not reply or even my reply, which I had taken effort to keep it brief and loving, resulted still the contradictory outcome from them. Silence is golden…..

As always, love and light to PAT and you,
Sandra, Hong Kong

Dear Sandra,

thank you for your latest account from the family and energetic front. These are tough times, but remember that those who are now not resonating with the coming huge and pure energies from the source have much more difficulties to cope with them and with the crumbling of their habitual reality than us and this scares them to death. Most of these people have no idea how to deal with these existential fears, as they are still young souls and this is the biggest dilemma for them now. Knowing this, one should not take anything personally and thus it is much easier to detach.

With love and love

Hi Georgi,

I very much enjoyed your scientific explanation of yesterday’s wave. As you know I don’t experience it as intensely as you and some others, but I can assure you we were totally knocked out yesterday and still continue to drag this morning. We feel as if our limbs are very heavy and movement is difficult. Yesterday the sense of malaise and depression and borderline despair was definitely present. I didn’t’ ask you about it but I’m thankful that you’ve written this very succinct explanation.

The question remains though when it will all unravel. I know that Jahn’s messages keep re-enforcing this idea of “continuing your daily life”, which is indeed hard. We’ve been remodeling Leo’s mother’s ancestral house in the village for years now. It’s 20 minutes from the coast, but in the mountains at about 800 meters altitude. We’ve stalled it many times also b/c of ascension and we’re getting tired of moving from rental to rental b/c the house is not ready. It seems absurd to finish the project considering what is coming and considering I have no desire to live in any earthly village anymore, but I keep getting that we should probably finish it or at least continue with the pretense of finishing it?

What’s strange is I’ve noticed in lots of peoples’ (PAT) messages lately that they too are also still continuing with so-called “future plans”, maybe partly b/c of the stalled ascension, like Pinakini going to India and getting her kids into the right school, and many others who’ve reported continuing with future plans. I finally reluctantly booked my ticket back to the US in late august for my favorite cousin’s wedding, but it all feels so hollow. I’ve postponed it for a long time and I went ahead with it. I don’t want to continue with any plans and I’ve told my HS that. I want to ascend and that’s the end of it.

HS keeps telling me to do these things as a formality but that it will all get wrapped up in ascension. Maybe we are continuing to finish the house in the village so that some nice soul can live in it in the 4D earth in the future? I know that only we can answer these questions for ourselves, but if you have an comments on why many of us are seemingly continuing with “future plans” while at the same time detaching from our reality with great enthusiasm in my case (I mean the detaching part) and waiting eagerly for ascension I’m open to hear them.  I assume this part of the dichotomy of living in new bodies and dwelling in the old 4D paradigm?

In the future if you publish anything, as I mentioned before I like to just use my first name. I’m tired of the old one and should have discarded it years ago.

in love and light, Georgi,


Dear Sarah,

thank you for your validation of the intensity of the wave that hit all of us yesterday – for good reasons I strongly hope, although the changes we all long to see are still not coming. But when they come, it will be with one fell swoop that will eradicate this old, detestable Orion matrix.

It is indeed a conundrum – to detach constantly from this reality in order to prepare for ascension as advocated by most excarnated sources and then to be advised to keep your daily routine. But probably herein lies the wisdom of the ascended master – he/she is so sure that he /she will ascend that he/she can allow himself/herself the luxury to dive one more time into this reality which he/she has already wrapped up.

In your case it may indeed be better to invest your energies in repairing this rural house and live there in a pristine landscape than move from one rental apartment to the next one which takes as much time, effort and inconvenience as to put in order the old house and live there. It is the best way to canalize your human energies and endeavours in these last days than to waste them elsewhere.

This is my modest perception of your situation, but the best solution of course is not to do anything, or only do one thing you like, as I do – edit this website on a daily basis and neglect all other duties and activities. It works fairly well with a little help from my soul, whom I have employed officially as my daily manager after I eliminated my survival ego many years ago.

With love and light

Lieber Georgi,

ich kann zu deinem Text “The essence of the Today´s wave – July 03. 2013” nur sagen: Es stimmt 100 % mit meiner Erfahrung von heute überein. Ich wachte auf in in mir war ein: “Bis hierher und nicht mehr weiter! Stopp jetzt mit dieser Erfahrung, es ist vorbei!”

Den ganzen Tag über fühlte ich mich wie neu aufgerichtet, ohne jeglichen negativen Gedanken und eine innere neue Stärke fühlend wie nie zuvor. Ich wusste intuitiv, dass alles vorbei ist, alles sich jetzt ändert und ich mich nicht mehr um dieses gewohnte Leben und Sein zu kümmern brauche. Auch habe ich eine innere Energie, die enorm ist und keine mehr unbewussten oder bewussten Gedanken, die ich sonst immer überprüfte. Alles weg!! Ich fühle mich wie neu geboren und klar wie schon lange nicht mehr.

Lichtvolle Grüße,
Angelika, Italien

Dear Georgi,

I can only say to your text  “The essence of the Today’s wave – July 03 2013 “: It’s true 100%, consistent with my experience of today. I woke up and inside me was an idea “Thus far and no further! Stop now with this experience, it’s over! ”

Throughout the day I felt like a new born person, without any negative thoughts and a new inner strength of feeling. I knew intuitively that everything is over, everything is now changing and I need not take any care to accustom to this life and being. I also have an inner energy that is enormous and no more conscious or unconscious thoughts that I usually checked. All is gone! I feel like a new person and with a clarity like never before.

Light filled Regards,
Angelika, Italy

Liebe Angelika,

ich freue mich zu hören, dass es dir gut geht. Für mich war der gestrige Tag ein erneuter Abstieg in die Hölle, aber, da ich daran gewöhnt bin durch die unzähligen Säuberungswellen in der Vergangenheit, habe ich es irgendwie überlebt und sogar  darüber geschrieben. Danach ging es mir auch viel besser.

Liebe Grüße
Dear Angelica,

I am glad to hear that you’re okay. For me the day yesterday was the subsequent descent into hell, but since I’m used to it due to the countless purges and cleansing waves in the past, I have somehow survived this wave and even written about it. Then I felt a lot better.


Lieber Georgi,

es tut mir so leid, dass es dir so schlecht ging, ich wünschte ich könnte dir irgendwie helfen … doch ich bin erfreut zu lesen, dass es dir gelang, dich etwas aus dieser Hölle heraus  zu holen. Wenn ich etwas für dich tun kann, dann lass es mich wissen, vielleicht kann ich mit den Tönen über Fernheilung etwas Gutes für dich bewirken.

Ich wollte dir mit der anderen Mail einfach meinen Dank für alles ausdrücken und diese “ewigen Kritiker” im Netz endlich mal zum Nachdenken anregen. Deine Arbeit soll endlich gewürdigt werden!

Lichtvolle Umarmung,
Dear Georgi,

I’m so sorry that it was so bad for you, I wish I could help you somehow … but I am pleased to read that you managed to get yourself out of this hell. If I can do something for you, then let me know, maybe I can help you with tones of distant healing.

I just wanted to express in my other mail (it will be published separately, George) my gratitude and urge all these “eternal critics” to finally start thinking. Your work should be finally acknowledged!

Light filled hug,

Liebe Angelika,

ich erhole mich schnell nach jedem Schlag vom Himmel. Abgesehen von den regulären Internet Trolls (Schweinehunde), die von den Geheimdienste bezahlt werden, um uns zu ärgern, aber keine Chance haben, da ich sie nicht beachte und sie unsere Webseite nicht erreichen können, bekomme ich überwiegend Zustimmung für meine Publikationen und Arbeit.

Es gibt in der Tat solche, die uns nicht verstehen, aber sie ignorieren uns und wagen es nicht, uns zu kritisieren, da sie wissen, dass ich zurückschieße und immer treffe. Mittlerweile hat sich das in der Esoterik-Szene herumgesprochen und die anderen Esoteriker halten Burgfrieden mit uns. Und so kommen sie wie Diebe in der Nacht heimlich zu unserer Webseite, da sie die einzige ist, die kompetente Information über das aktuelle Geschehen zum Aufstieg gibt.

Liebe Grüße

Dear Angelica,

I’m recovering quickly after each blow from heaven. Apart from the regular Internet trolls (the usual bastards), which are paid for by the intelligence agencies to annoy us, but have no chance, because I do not pay any attention to them and they cannot reach our website, I get mostly appreciation for my publications and work.

There are in fact those, who do not understand us, but they ignore us and do not dare to criticize us because they know that I always shoot back and hit the right spot. Meanwhile this rumour has spread throughout the esoteric scene and the other New Agers now hold a truce with us. And so they come like thieves in the night secretly to read our website, because it is the only one that gives them a competent information on what is happening with respect to ascension.


Dear Georgi,

I just wanted to send you another quick e-mail & let you know that I am still reading & learning from your site. I am very sure that there are many of us doing this & I greatly appreciate all that you are doing. You are reaching more people than you know!

I could comment on so many articles, but I just wanted to say: “Thank You again!”

I know that it takes a big effort to post the articles, and I want you to know that it is VERY appreciated. I am sure that we will meet!

Your friend,
Julia Hansen

Hi Georgi,

I just read today’s posting. Is it possible that instead of “old thought and gestalt patterns will erupt like explosions on the surface and will manifest as a major efforts to commit a final global crime /genocide on humanity” could it just be the “revelations” that they have already tried to commit a final global crime/genocide on humanity?

Also, could it be that they just “disappear” when they “drop out from this reality”?

Since Ascension is literally the separation of the wheat from the tares, then the disappearance of the cabal would be the “one is taken and the other is not”, with the difference being a proper understanding that the ones who disappear go to a different place.

On 5D and upper 4D isn’t it sufficient just to know that they planned these things?

Much love, light, peace and joy to you and the PAT,


Dear Charlotte,

this is a distinct possibility, but as we see it with Snowden revelations alone will not stir the masses as most of them are not interested in revelations and the truth at all. There must be a manifest attempt to do harm to humanity and this must be seen by all people in an unequivocal and unmistakable manner before they will be personally shocked and open their eyes for further revelations, which will inevitably come thereafter.

In fact such attempts are made all day long by the dark cabal, but most of them cannot be realized due to the very effective, secret prevention policy of the forces of light. Now they will let the dark cabal start their next attempt in an obvious manner as to induce their rapid downfall and present to the masses the necessary drama to learn more about their ongoing enslavement that is only hidden to their limited perceptions, but obvious to us for instance.

With love and light


I’m a French guy following your site from time to time to have alternative Ascension news, with some critics on the mainstream.

I’m a graduate in computer-science engineering and appreciate some rational interpretations with hearth and brain.

What pushed me to write you is your statement “all humans – of course with the exception of the 5.2 billion empty, soulless images of human bio-robots”  in

My question to you is clear and simple: What are your information sources? What is your living or scientific or even spiritual experience of that hypothesis? Have you any proof of bio-robots (or holograms) creatures on this Earth with human shape?…..

(After that Cedric goes on and depicts at length his incredible experience in a parallel earth in Rome for 24 hours, where part of the population consisted of human robots. Unfortunately, he wants me to keep this story confidential. George)

Thanks for reading,

Dear Cedric,

this is an amazing story – your experience in a parallel earth in Rome and I must accept it as truthful without any further comments or objections. This is a validation of the multi-dimensional character of All-That-Is, which is also the background for the seven 4D earths scenario, which I developed under the inspiration of my soul. The actual figures that only 800 million people will ascend and are now on the upper 4D earth, which we currently experience, while the others are soulless empty holographic images came from my HS and from my dual soul who channels. You should read my pivotal publication:

A Simple Multidimensional Model of Ascension

and all subsequent publications this last month when the seven earth scenario was implemented end of May, early June.

This model was then confirmed by all channelled messages from Jahn, April and Carla, which I have published since then. These are the confirmations and proofs I can give you with respect to my statement, which you have quoted from my latest post with a question for verification. I hope that you are spiritual enough as not to expect from me further proofs based on current failed empirical science.

If you are a logical person yourself, educated in computer mathematics and logic, you should start reading my scientific books on the new theory of the Universal Law on my website containing extensive mathematical proofs and explaining why present-day science has totally failed to understand and explain the world around us. And why it is stupid, ignorant and naive to expect any profs from this area to explain your experience or my information on the current upper 4D earth.

Contrary to your experience with a parallel earth, which you cannot prove, you live in this reality, the upper 4D earth, and you only need to carefully watch the people to find out that most of them behave in these last days like bio-robots without any soul component.

With love and light

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