Letters to the Editor
Assessment of the Three-Day Event
Dear George,
Last night (25-26) I went into light-body vibration and was more lucid and stabilized in the dream-space for this, than ever. I was floating around the room, the remaining physical fear of crashing-out of the vibration to injury completely erased. In the ‘dream’ I was at first extremely refined, and then able to do increasingly physical interactions while still in the frequency. I picked up a crystal skull which then divided in two in my hands and returned to one, while floating and bouncing joyfully/languidly through the room. I moved this skull to the other side of the room, as well as a serpentine (grounding) sphere to the opposite side to prove to myself the experience the next morning, haha. [These two objects have been symbolic tools in the past years. On my first cosmic awakening (April ’10), I had fallen asleep on ‘accident’ with the crystal skull at my root chakra. Whoops!] i flew outside and wanted to fly really high but was restricted, and slowly faded-out and had other regular dreams of the alternate/future timeline variety.
In general I am sensing changes and refinements. I resonated with the word ‘compression’ you recently used, and have experienced this in multiple waves throughout the day. When it is not pressing (somewhat like caffeine effects, or acute anxiety/irritation), there is a vacuous freedom. My job keeps me very busy, interactive, physically engaged, but the waves come independent of this, and….. In any case, last night was a synchronistic confirmation for me. And on the 24th I had a strangely-5D lunch with coworkers, where I felt them to be ‘visiting’ me in a way that had been lacking before. These past years have demanded all angles of adaptation and surrender and self-tricks to keep me functional, but it is good nonetheless. I have been in sync with the waves described on SOARs but not to much physical detriment.
So are we really to be leaving sporadically now? I have always imagined that the light body ‘dream’ would happen in real waking time, and that all this time has been acclimation to the suddenness of the frequency-leap. (Of course it always has the illusion of being the waking reality while in the dream.) Do you think it will be so? In the past months I have felt even less desirous than before to continue the human template, so I imagine I won’t be ‘here’ altogether from others’ point of view. Anyways, if we are go-for-launch after these announced 3 days, does that then mean we can launch? I mean really. Haha, oh well.
I am looking forward to another swim in the lake this morning. It was so refreshing yesterday. I bet it will be good to get a little more exercise anyway as I have been acutely irritable lately. Oh the irony of spiritual mastership. Sometimes I have judged that my attitudes and intolerance make me a real jerk. I can’t wait for the spiritual hierarchy to be re-established. Wherever that lands me, then Good! Finally!
As per usual, I have had several breakthrough conversations with people, and it is a little to test the collective mind, and a little just to put myself at ease. I imagine that if I am strange later on, then they can just remember our ‘weird’ conversation from memory, and give me the benefit of the doubt. Haha.
Sorry for rambling here, but am just feeling the need to reach out. Any commentary would be highly appreciated. I look forward to reading all the PAT and your posts with great excitement, every day.
Now to the lake!… before I head into the belly of the shopping mall for the work day. (If there were a good place to establish a light portal, I pretty much chose one of the most highly trafficked intersections, in the center of our city’s shrine to 3D.)
Much love and light,
Dear Travis,
thank you for your comments on miscellaneous issues. I also long for the day when the spiritual hierarchy will be established on this planet as the current upside-down, dysfunctional society is a real horror trip in the meantime.
My guess is that when the threshold for the ascending portion of humanity is reached, then there will be a jerk, a sudden switch of their consciousness to higher levels and the old matrix will simply drop from their reality. My guess is though that there must be some external events as a pedagogical hook that should first trigger this expansion of collective awareness. This will be the MPR and also a major act of aggression, a major crime against humanity perpetrated by the ruling elite before they drop to a lower catastrophic 4D earth. But this act of total negativity will be the ignition spark and the eye opener for the masses and will also unleash the final split of the timelines – the ascension of the upper 4D and its population to the higher 4D level (9th 4D earth) and the ascension of most of us to the source. Then we shall have the change of the guard and the establishment of the spiritual hierarchy.
However, the energetic melee is very murky now and nobody can give you a more precise forecast. Enjoy your swim in the lake. It is too cold in Bavaria for such a swim, but I had one last week when we had a tropical heat for a whole week.
With love and light
Hi Georgi,
Still here in Florida, USA… still feels like surreal land. Still ups and downs physically and mentally and I’m still seeing chemtrails and still dealing w/ 3D BS. So, over here not much has changed on the outside, but I do feel many rumblings of growth on the inside. My own included even if its sloooooow my consciousness expands each day. Today I feel very very sleepy, its way too hot here, but the plants in my garden are more green than I’ve ever seen. I am surrounded by nature and its the only thing that brings me joy unfailingly.
Here is a perfect example of the financial past catching up and the karmic implications of screwing with money or power that is not yours to begin with (you will love it, even if it feels like old news to you by now) :D
I hope you are feeling better these days? Love and highest regards to you and all the PAT,
We are one <3
Dear Joyce,
thank you for your energy account and the link. Max Kaiser is always worth listening to.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I do not want to bother you with trivial matters, but today I came across information that could help those who are beginning to awaken, that’s why I thought to propose you to put the following links on your web site.
Dear Rudi,
this is a “strong tobacco”, to quote a German saying. The video is very good – I will publish the link in the next report.
thank you. Hope this will shock awaken at least some less dumbed down individuals. However I think that the more we can help to awaken in due time, the best will be for all.
Dear Rudi,
have a look at this article on the ongoing Bulgarian revolution – the people against the Orion mafia
Thanks George. If you are in a right mood please read this:
Dear Rudi,
I know Jon Rappoport and he is dead wrong with this argumentation. NSA is an idiotic organisation and the bigger it is, the more idiotic it becomes. A very dangerous argumentation, which evokes the impression that our former masters are supermen. They are not – they are the most dumbed down entities in this universe and could only enslave humanity for so long because the people let them do it.
I really hope you are right. At any rate, it is good to have an open eye and ponder everything.
Dear Rudi,
His (Jon Rappoport) arguments are those of an agent provocateur that disseminates doubts about the good intentions of this young man. It is a pity that you cannot read the latest German article by Jahn J Kassl on Snowden, where he very well describes the real problem – Snowden opened the eyes of humanity for the crimes of the US government, but humanity prefers to sleep and no country comes up to help him. This is the actual problem now and everything else is deliberate distraction to dumb down humanity to the very last minute.
Dear Georgi,
unfortunately I do not read German well enough. If you did not know, Snowden is now in Russia and Putin said they will protect him and will not extradite him to US.
This is not correct – Putin said in an interview that I watched that he is not happy that they have this problem with Snowden and that he hopes that he will fly to another country. Everybody wants to get rid of him as they have the same problems at home. This is the actual distorted view that the mass media relay and most people believe it because it is convenient.
Wow, another reason to never believe the face value of anything. To be honest, I did not spend much time around this Snowden case, that’s why it is better I keep my ‘opinions’ at side.
Lieber Jahn,
exzellenter Kommentar (über Snowden)!
Gestern als ich die Nachrichten zu Snowden las, wie er verfolgt wird und keiner ihm zur Hilfe kommt, dachte ich das Gleiche und wurde sehr deprimiert. Du hast es vortrefflich erfasst: Er hat der Welt die Augen für die Wahrheit geöffnet aber niemand will sie sehen. Und wie geht es dann weiter?
Wenn ich nicht wüsste, dass wir gestern einen riesigen Schub erneut nach oben gemacht haben, hätte ich mich mit Grausen von dieser Welt abgewendet.
Liebe Grüße
Dear Jahn,
excellent commentary!
Yesterday when I read the news on Snowden how he is persecuted and no one comes up to help him, I thought the same thing and was very depressed. You got it admirably: he has opened the eyes of the world for the truth, but nobody wants to see it. And what comes next?
If I did not know that we have made yesterday a huge shift upwards again, I would have turned away in horror from this world.
Lieber Georg,
ja, wie geht es weiter? Ich sehe das mit sehr traurigen Augen für die, die auf den unteren 4D-Ebenen stranden. Überwachung pur und der langsame Tod – auf allen Ebenen.
Habe heute ein Werbeplakat für den nächsten Hollywood-Film mit Brad Pit gesehen, Titel: „WORLD WAR“
Wenn man bedenkt, dass Brad Pit dem CFR angehört und dass Hollywood mit dem CIA erst jüngst eine sehr enge Kooperation beschlossen hat, dann ahnt man, worauf die Menschen eingestimmt werden.
Ja, wir werden daran nicht mehr teilhaben – für die, die es erfahren müssen, ist es jedoch eine sehr schmerzliche Angelegenheit.
In Anbetracht solcher bevorstehenden Ereignisse, fühle ich tiefes Mitgefühl mit diesen Menschen und manchmal ist die Tatsache, dass sie diese Erfahrungen selbst gewählt haben, schwer zu ertragen.
Ich blicke auf mein Handy und es zeigt 11:11. Ja, es ereignet sich auf allen Ebenen des Seins – Und wir gehen ein ins Licht –
Werde Dir morgen die gestern erhaltene Botschaft von JESUS SANANDA senden und mich dann mit der Lichtlesungsbotschaft erneut melden –
Ich danke Dir für Deine Hingabe und Liebe an den Weg und ich sende Kraft, Erleuchtung und die Gnade Gottes,
Dear George,
so, what comes next? I see it with very sad eyes for those who are stranded on the 4D lower levels. Pure control and monitoring and a slow death – at all levels.
Today I saw a poster ad for the next Hollywood movie, starring Brad Pit, title: “WORLD WAR”. When you consider that Brad Pit belongs to the CFR and that Hollywood has decided with the CIA recently on a very close cooperation, then one realizes to what the people are attuned.
Yes, we will not share their ordeal – for those who will have to experience it, it will be a very painful affair.
In view of such upcoming events, I feel deep empathy for these people and sometimes to know the fact that they have chosen this experience themselves is hard to bear.
I look down at my phone and it shows 11:11. Yes, it happens on all levels of being – And we go into the light –
Tomorrow, I will send you the last received message from Jesus Sananda and then will contact you again with the message from the light reading –
I thank you for your dedication and love on the way and I send you strength, enlightenment, and the grace of God.
Lieber Jahn,
ich habe zwei weitere Stimmungsbilder publiziert, die mir Björn heute als Übersetzung geschickt hat. Ihr Inhalt deckt sich eigentlich voll mit deinen Beobachtungen und Auswertung der gegenwärtigen politischen Lage weltweit. Was ich vernehme, ist, dass diese kollektive Gemeinheit jetzt zunehmen muss, da sie in der neuen energetischen Atmosphäre nicht mehr verbergen werden kann und muss, sozusagen, in einer Rosskur rasch ausgeschwitzt werden.
Aus diesem Grund ist zu erwarten, wie wir von deinen Quellen auch gewarnt wurden, dass die Verbrechen der Elite sehr bald, möglicherweise noch in den nächsten Tagen, einen Gipfel erreichen, bevor sie dann von dieser Realität als Schatten abfallen und damit den Aufstieg dieser Zeitlinie endgültig besiegeln. Energetisch wird dies wie eine Art Kernspaltung ablaufen, wenn die kritische Masse der Verderbens erreicht wird und, nach meiner Einschätzung der politischen Lage, stehen wir kurz davor.
Ich bin gespannt auf die neueste Botschaft von Sananda und hoffe inbrünstig auf handfeste, umwälzende Ereignisse. Denn nichts geht mir so sehr auf den Geist, wie die jetzige Friedhofsruhe. Ich habe einige Revolutionen miterlebt und mein rebellischer Geist hasst es, brach zu liegen und nur die leere Zeit zu zählen. Menschlich, aber solange wir einen biologischen Körper bewohnen, geht es nicht anders.
Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie auf jeden Fall besinnliche letzte Tage, weg von klebrigen Berührungen mit dieser verschwindenden 3D Realität.
Liebe Grüße
Dear Jahn,
I have published two other messages that Björn has sent me today as translations. Their content coalesces actually fully with your observations and analysis of the current political situation worldwide. What I sense is that this collective wickedness must now peak because it can no longer hide in the new energetic atmosphere and must be, so to speak, ‘sweat quickly in a drastic cure”.
For this reason, I expect, as we have been also warned by your sources, that the crimes of the elite will very soon, possibly in the next few days, reach a peak, before they then fall away from this reality as a shadow, and thus trigger the final ascension of this timeline. Energetically, this will run as a kind of nuclear fission, when the critical mass of perdition will be achieved and, according to my assessment of the political situation, we are now on the cusp of this event.
I’m looking forward to the latest message from Sananda and hope fervently to see tangible, disruptive events. For nothing is so boring to my mind, than the present peacefulness of a graveyard. I have participated in several revolutions and my rebellious spirit hates to be inactive and only count the empty time. It’s human, but as long as we inhabit a biological body, there is no other way.
I wish you and your family in any case contemplative last days, away from the sticky touch of this vanishing 3D reality.
Hallo George,
last night (June 25th) I think I had a test run again with severe headache, my body was on fire and itching and an onset of diarrhea. This whole episode lasted about two to three hours. I am currently on holiday with my son. So just a short note from an Internet cafe in J-bay.
in love and light,
Cheers to you and many Blessings. Here are my energetic observations over the last few days, just within my microcosm of home life.
I have felt wary driving my car, not in fear that I will pass out as has been spoken of recently; rather I feel so much in this observer mode that I feel like I am driving from some cranial peripheral. As if I am seeing the world from a periscope above my head.
Even while walking places I get the distinct feeling of sloppy confusion around me.
At home, I have been keeping to myself as much as possible… almost all interactions as of late, with my 86 year old grandmother that I take care of, have turned into what seem like two foreign languages clashing with one another in misinterpretations leading to what feels like an unnecessary instigation in conflicts.
I have taken up the phrase, “You are instigating again, and I refuse to fight with you. I love you, but I refuse to feed your aggravation.”
I have two people who I see everyday. My grandma, and my close male friend. When speaking to them individually in the recent days, it seems like we are all speaking foreign language with comparable intonations. And though I think I am speaking clearly, they are hearing a mish mash of gibberish which makes no sense, and causes me to have to repeat myself several times… which I find to be highly irritating. Having a deaf step mother has made me loathe repeating myself because I know I have a very clear and sort of big voice….
Why am I not being heard? I literally feel in the middle of this split in consciousness and it is physically manifesting in my home life.
It is not so much that I am upset by this, but rather that I find it irritating as it brings up some feelings I had in childhood about how distanced I felt from others due to my unhidden, yet vast sea of observational emotion.
I also understand that my grandmother feels very alone as she has seen most of her close friends, and two of her daughters pass on. She has one sided conversations with her husband who sits in a home with dementia.
She is so fearful, paranoid and lonely. There is really not too much I can do for her, as she doesn’t see the world as I do, and with every attempt to share, she shuts down and changes the subject. It feels like this instigating fights is a way to assert she is still alive and to get her fire burning… but her fight is useless and has no real direction. So as we see in this separating world.
Anyway, these things just seemed like things I should share… as I am sure everyone is having some sort of interaction in their own microcosm of similar feeling.
May you and the rest of the PAT family be endowed with much patience and love at this point in time…
Dear Mandie,
this is the separation of the worlds as experienced in the family environment. Please consider the possibility that the soul fragment of your grandma may no longer reside in the upper 4D and this is the reason for all these verbal and semantic misunderstandings.
With love and light
I could very well see that as a strong possibility. In fact it feels like she let go some time ago, as a way of not being able to process her emotional pain of loss that she is experiencing. Sad to watch, but very much a personal journey… we shall see where it goes.
May you be free from such misunderstandings if at all possible.
George and PAT,
I watched an old movie tonight called, Peggy Sue Got Married. It’s about a woman who has a heart attack at her high school reunion and she travels back through time to the 1960s. She retains all her current memories but she is back in the body of her seventeen year old self.
I could identify with her when she woke up in her past. It was surreal to her and she was amazed at the “old” conventions/ rules she blindly followed. The societal rules seemed silly and backward to her; she chose to be her “real” self by no longer complying with the expectations of society. Instead of stepping back into the old paradigm she took a fresh look and re-imagined her past. She reconnected with what was important and let the rest go.
These past few weeks I have felt confused. I wondered why I was stepping back into the working world with ascension so close. I had quit my job in January and had spent several months decompressing from a nightmarish workplace. I started a part time job this month and I was not too happy about the prospect of entering into another Orion head game. The results surprised me.
My self imposed isolation helped me to find clarity in a 3D world. I know how Peggy Sue felt ; its like a graduate student returning to junior high school. Hopefully, you can see the BIG PICTURE and you now possess a Cliff notes version of what is important in life. I too, like Peggy Sue can now see the myopic view that I once had. The nightly news, disasters, political scandals,cabal antics and general mayhem no longer affect me or draw me in. I have engaged with the BIG PICTURE.
I can sympathize with the accident victim and the cancer patient but it no longer touches me as it once did. I am somehow lovingly detached and I know it is the choice of their soul. I don’t get caught in the office politics. I wrap it in light and walk away. My patience despite the utter stupidity of some of these souls has increased a thousand fold. And to be honest observing their odd fixations is quite funny at times.
This week I have been busy with the usual work, cooking, shopping etc but I feel like my soul is walking several feet above my body observing. Which makes driving the car a bit of a challenge: I am in the world but not of the world. I am an observer who has gained a larger perspective and a greater appreciation for where I have been and where I am choosing to go. Pretty cool place to be!
And as a side note isn’t it ingenious how our HS gets our attention? All of this insight came out of watching an old B movie.
Love and light,
Dear Sheryl,
I remember this film very well with Kathleen Turner and I know what you mean. But your new perspective of the world from a higher vantage point of view is also supported now by the new energies that illuminate all the idiotic, robotic, conditioned behaviour of the masses, which they can no longer hide. This new perspective will very soon become the predominant collective point of view and then the old order can no longer be sustained, but will crumble all of a sudden. I personally believe that this will begin to happen by the end of this week, first locally and then everywhere.
With love and light
Then this should be a very interesting week! – Sheryl
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for all the beautiful postings. They are of great help. Today, 24th, was also a heavy one for me, low blood pressure, heavy tiredness and the feeling of not belonging, or of being on a completely other wave length than the people on the street. I will spend the week in Munich and will be thinking gratefully of you!
Love, Sophie
Dear Sophie,
enjoy your time in Munich. I almost never visit this city as I cannot bear its hectic energies, although the situation has improved a lot in the last days, from what I hear from my daughter.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I am writing from Singapore. I have been following your site since early last year and started to read daily for updates post 21 Dec 2012. I wanted to thank you and PAT members for their contribution in sharing about life and Ascension. My grandma passed on today at 86 years old and I felt such a great peace, joy and calm for her. This made me want to write to you, to partake in the unity of expected joy in the coming moments of great bliss and liberation.
I do not know which level of 4D or dare I wish of 5D, that which I will go to. Wherever I go, I know it is up to each soul’s maturity level and I will be so grateful to accept and continue to work on spiritual development to move up to 5D and higher.
I am not expressive and how I enjoy reading such depth of soul stirring expression from you and PAT members. I feel more humane and learning about such feelings and various views here. Where I am, life is truly ‘Orion-tated’. I was first awakened in 2011 and took some time to fully open my ‘eyes’. If you know another in my country, please let me know.
I have three children and since my awakening, I stopped work in banking and been exploring what I can do that resonates to what a 4D or 5D life would be so that my soul will be filled with joy in daily living and to enjoy raising my lovely kids. I have been sharing with
my older ones about Ascension too.
I have had tinnitus in left ear for many years, hands and shoulders tingling when I wake up in morning, heart palpitations and even vertigo or dizziness in earlier years. I have had dreams and experiences similar to what have been shared by PAT members. I had been and am still so excited and joyful to know existence of PAT and the wonderful gift of this website that you started.
I have a question that I hope you would find time to reply. I would fully understand if you did not due to your busy schedule. With haze covering and enveloping Singapore and Malaysia, will this affect the great light and waves meant to effect ascension process?
In love and light to you and PAT members,
Dear Sandra,
I am happy that you have established contact with us in the proverbial last minute and that you profit from the articles on our website that help you better understand what is now ongoing energetically on this planet. There are only a few people worldwide that really have this insight.
We are now steadily ascending step by step and everybody will reach his final destination.
I have read about the haze in Singapore and, although it has been artificially created by the PTW, it will not affect those that have already moved to higher frequency levels but is, so to say, a remnant from the lower 4D levels that we only see before the final separation will take place. You see the haze now, but it will not affect you and your family.
With love and light
Dear George,
It has been quite some time since I contacted you. Thank you for still being here for all of us.
I had an interesting experience on June 8th I wanted to share with you. It was similar to what you experienced. It was towards evening and for about an hour and I felt as though every physical, mental and emotional pain I had ever felt in this life and perhaps many lives had been condensed down to the size of a pin point and was traveling through me. I sat there, not really crying but tears streaming down. It was the kind of pain that left the mind screaming in an agony of insanity. It was probably one of the worst experiences of this journey.
On June 21st I had a dream that I was cutting off the sleeve of the jacket that Obama was wearing. It was the right sleeve and he was in agreement with me doing this and cooperated the entire time. Not sure what that means.
On June 22nd, not long after you sent out the post on the 3 days have begun, again in the evening, a large Heron bird flew into the yard and stood there watching me for almost an hour. Now, I am in the Mojave desert in southern California right now and there is no water around here for many miles. The lady who owns the property said she had never seen one in the 10 years she’s lived here. The heat and wind the last few days have been brutal! So I looked up what this heron or benu- bird meant symbolically. And this is some of what I found.
I thought it was interesting that the name Benu Bird (what we call heron) was derived from the root bn, which means ascension.
May it come soon, for all of us.
Dear Rhonda,
I have learnt a lot about the symbolics of the heron bird through your email. We have some heron birds where I live, although they are not so often and only recently two of them flew in front of my car for a while, before they disappeared.
Thank you also for the confirmation of the experience of utter despair and pain on June 8th, which was associated with the MPR on the lowest 4D earth and its repercussions on the other lower 4D earths.
Let the heron bird lead us now to our ascension.
With love and light
Dear George,
Thank you for your prompt reply. Just to confirm your latest message about the energy being very heavy. Yesterday (23rd) it was so heavy here on the west coast that my body felt like it weighted a thousand pounds, like I was made out of led, very hard to even walk. Today some of the same but not quite as intense, very tired but calm inside.
Dear Georgi,
Again I am pleased to see confirmed by your site the heaviness I have felt. This morning, 6/24/2013, I groaned unlike I ever have. My husband asked what was wrong. I said “nothing”. I felt as though each step took the effort it would take to move a two-ton boulder. I knew as soon as I was “here” I would be “all right”, as I told him.
I have nausea which I have not had for quite some time. The weekend was beautiful blue skies with high clouds. I observed that the cloud cover was held away from entering my portal. Two chemtrails were obliterated in the portal. I was pleased to see how the portal has expanded.
Thank you so much for all your guidance.
Dear Marian,
thank you for your validation of the biggest energetic shift today. My portal is also impermeable for chemtrails, but they have disappeared in my region since June 16th.
With love and light
Dear George,
Since the beginning of the 3 day event I feel worse and worse. Before it, there was always the usual void and impatience for ascension, but it is different now. Like the life force has disappeared completely, and everything is the most dull and depressing. I feel trapped with no way out in this reality. This feeling only gets worse and worse all the time and it is really unbearable. I no longer feel alive, but only sad, or empty. Every second I think about it and every second it gets worse and worse. I thought the situation would improve by giving it some time but so far there is no sign of this. I do everything I can but nothing seems to work. All ideas of improvement are intangible and distant, and every moment reveals even more how everything in my life at this moment is exactly the opposite of what would give me any form of happiness. It all feels like some kind of sadistic joke.
Every sense tells me I must escape immediately before I fall deeper into this hole, if that is even possible, but I have no idea how to accomplish such an escape. Words fail to describe it, but I really do not understand why I am alive at all if I’m supposed to feel like this, maybe it is just because there is some inertia from slightly better times. So many messages say the ascension is NOW – then where is it? They seem not to care about how much we suffer constantly and continue to speak of love and all that, but meanwhile I burn in hell, this time worse than ever before and none in the HR dare to speak to me and attempt to justify it. I will stop here to avoid repeating myself, but this is my energetic update for today.
I normally would not bother you with these problems because I know you have enough on your mind, but this is a really difficult situation, and I just do not know how to do it anymore. What do you think?
Dear Daniel,
you are now dying energetically as a human being, while still alive. This is the most poignant experience of all. But the worst thing to do is to try to combat this state as thus it gets even worse. Just let go off and accept that there is nothing that you can do, but that when you go through the ring of fire and your catharsis is over, you will appear completely new and healed on the other side of the fire wall. Believe me – I have gone often through this hell and the first time I was as young as you are now and did not understand what was happening to me and why. And there was nobody to tell me. Just do nothing, no resistance and keep in mind that this process is timely restricted and will very soon be over.
Dear Georgi,
I just wanted to check in to say thank you for all the messages. Today has helped me get back on track. The past two months have been very difficult with my two sons in their late 20’s. They used to be nice people although somewhat selfish which I attributed to being young souls. Their behavior has gotten steadily worse with outbursts of poor behavior toward me. I finally had to ask them in a letter to please not contact me until further notice as their energy was draining me.
After giving up my ‘savior complex’, I mostly just listened and let the comments go. In the past two months they have become very mean and disrespectful in their comments. I actually see nothing when I look in their eyes…no soul. Not only did they not respect my need for time away from them but they keep doing things and leaving messages that are quite angry and uncalled for. I never respond except in my meditation I send them love and light and hope they will let it in. I feel they are turning it away as they are getting worse.
Last night I had a talk with my HS and quite loudly expressed my frustration as it seemed they would not change or leave me alone. I told my HS that I needed something to keep me going. It was not that I doubted my decision to cut them off from my life plan, mostly it was how long do I have to keep doing this when they refuse any light. I went to bed frustrated but hopeful and had wonderful dreams all night. I woke this morning with this song in my head and has been there all day.
(Closing Time)http://www.youtube.com/
The last line in the song is, Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings… end. The message was powerful to me. The whole song is very relative right now. I have had a series of losses in my life; death of husband, oldest daughter, family home, visitation with grandchildren, but these endings were not consciously my choosing and the ending of my mother relationship with my sons was actively my decision. As it says in the song, Closing time… time for us to go home because we can’t stay here.
I have now given myself permission to go on with how I envision my life ahead and enjoy every moment even the roller coaster ride of energies. Most days I am to tired to do anything and then I flip into ‘cleaning ADD’, or the reverse of that. It is never days or weeks anymore, but in an instant it all changes. The messages you are now posting are so helpful in being the Constant Observer and not trying to change anything.
My best to you and all the PAT.
Dear Jennifer,
what should I say – this experience is the last one you have to make as the end is already visible. Many peoples’ souls have left this upper 4D timeline and now only exist in this reality as empty holographic images of bio-robotic behaviour. And even those who are here with their soul fragment are reacting in an irrational way to the coming energies as they have difficulties to cope with them and incorporate them in their emotional, mental and physical bodies. It is a very dense time not only in terms of the energy bouts that we endure on a daily basis, but also in terms of the few interactions we still have with our surroundings.
But what better sign that this is really the end of this story and the beginning of a new one.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Should we still be exhibiting major LBP symptoms at this stage? My skin and body is still burning up. Yesterday out of the blue, I had what felt like either a gall bladder attack, or a heat attack, the pain was intense. I was hoping I was done with those heart chakra blasts!
Otherwise, the energies are feeling pretty good of late, but I am constantly exhausted, and feel on the verge of crying off and on.
In Love and Light,
Dear Vicki,
read my latest article with Carla and you will know why you feel like this.
With love and light
Thank you! Glad to know we are on the upswing, make the pain all the worthwhile!