Energy Update of the PAT – June 23, 2013

Letters to the Editor

This Energy Update of the PAT has the Number 666 in the category “Ascension”. Coincidence or Synchronicity (!?)

Dear Georgi,

I was just driving to get Anthony and I fell asleep at the wheel (June 22nd). The energies are so intense right now. I have slept for 10 minutes in a parking lot and now upon waking I was extremely disoriented, not knowing where I am or what is happening.

Are you experiencing anything within the past hour?

With love and light,

Dear Carla,

I wrote an urgent energy update about this wave this afternoon (June 22) and it is still ongoing. It is the beginning of the three day event.

Love and light

Hi George!

After reading all the latest posts tonight (June 22 10pm ET/US), I especially resonate with the message about being stable light portals. I also have had feelings and promptings over the past few days, perhaps the past week, regarding focusing on what I am here to do. I tend to get involved in many interests, and I have felt recently that it was especially important now to focus on the main area I am here to be involved in, as you had urged us to do. Personally, I have always felt that I was to be one of the ones holding the door open till the last minute, and I felt that confirmation in the recent posts. I am happy and excited about doing that!

Well, I also had a bit of a story to tell about the confirmation of the stable light portal message. I lay down with my tablet and relax while reading the posts. When I was reading the posts tonight, for the first time in the 13 years we have lived here, the light on my night stand started flickering while I was reading. I just went ahead and finished reading, and when I was done I checked the electric plug and found it was pulled about halfway out of the power socket. So I plugged it back in securely and it occurred to me that this could be a very literal confirmation about being a stable light portal!

Mike In Florida.

Dear Mike,

I hope though we are not needed to stabilize these portals for too long.

With love and light


Such powerful energies. I’ve been in bed most of yesterday and until the late morning today (June 22nd). Last night, my boyfriend had a lot of pulsing going on in the back of his head and he was very scared and saying he’s never felt anything like this before. He said it seemed to send shock waves down his body and he was awake throughout the night holding onto me and saying that he felt like he was going to float away. I told him that there is a very powerful alignment happening and that this is a normal response to the higher energies… that he is being recalibrated and not to worry but instead to surrender and know it is a good thing even if it feels very uncomfortable.

But I also promised him I would write to you and ask you for a more scientific explanation. I know that may have feelings on the left side of the head, but what about the whole back of the head pulsing, followed by some tingling/numbness in the other extremities of the body. It may help him tremendously to get an email from you. I apologize if you are extremely tired and I will understand if you do not write back, but given that he has never been so open to this information, I think this would be awesome for him.

Thank You, With Lots of Love,

Dear Kari,

this is quite normal – I have this sensation all over my body for many years now.


Hi, Georg.

Had a dream and woke at 3 am USA time (June 22). Do you know if this IS going to happen?I usually do not remember dreams but did on this one… Husband and myself were in a yard and sitting under a wood structure with 2 sides only… All of a sudden everything is shaking and the sky is raining big stuff and the sky is grey and darkish. What’s terrified me was my granddaughter (who I have had a lot in her 7 yrs, very close we are)… is running in another part of the yard and she is not running toward us.. I woke up when I realized this and was scared for her.. If you can shed some light on this it would be appreciated very much… I don’t think I am going to ascend like you all to 5D but do wish to know what to expect in the coming days or months…. Btw I am 45 miles from San Fransisco inland and i have not seen chemtrails here in a month or so..Does that mean we are on 4D? Thank you Georg.

Love & Light to you all.

Dear Debbie,

of course we are on 4D earth and now we are moving quickly much higher. Your dream may indicate that your granddaughter, being a crystalline child, may not want to live on the 5D earth after ascension but return to her monad or galactic civilisation. This is her free choice. But this dream does not say that you will not ascend to the 5th dimension.


Dear George,

One of the messages said to watch the sky. The ascension wave continues to gain in strength and it is a very rainy day today. Physical rain yes, but there is something else. Like a field of energy, with water or fluid like properties ‘raining’ down on earth and penetrating through everything. It is very conductive, like it allows a kind of current to run through everywhere and everything without effort, no matter what dimension, no matter the time or space it establishes an unhindered and borderless connectivity. This process cleanses everything away as well. Kind of like these celestial waters which were a topic some months ago, except taken to the next level. These are my observations so far.

Love & Light,

Dear Daniel,

I know what you are talking about as we had this rain yesterday evening and in the night, and also this morning. Now we have a blue Bavarian sky and I am expecting eagerly the appearance of the super moon.


Hello Georgi:

Just to confirm the strong wave I feel (23 June) around 4:00 am UT never I felt like that, so different, so intense, and the sky It´s really crazy, a lot of thunders but no rain. Bless you and thanks for everything.

With love and light
Claudia, Mexico

Dear Claudia,

thank you for this validation. One small correction – today is June 22nd. We also had the day before yesterday a lot of thunder and lightnings In Bavaria, Germany  but no rain. The rain came much later – the next day.


Caro Georgi,

che belli i messaggi di questi ultimi giorni, un esplosione d’amore usciva dalle canalizzazioni e dagli eccellenti saggi dei nostri fratelli e sorelle Pat.

Questa mia email per aggiornare sull’energia che sto sperimentando da sabato scorso. Nella notte tra il 15/16 giugno ho fatto il sogno che segue: era giorno ed ero in compagnia di un uomo (nel sogno ero certa si trattasse di un membro del Pat), era come avessimo il compito di andare insieme in ricognizione nelle città. Ci spostavamo velocemente da un luogo all’altro senza  percepire la distanza o  la durata del viaggio. Entravamo nelle case e in edifici di ogni tipo senza incontrare neanche una persona. L’unico commento alla fine di questo viaggio fu “sembra proprio che qui non ci sia nessuno!”. La sensazione e che non fossimo stupiti nè dispiaciuti ma piuttosto sicuri che doveva essere così, un’ultimo veloce spostamento e ci ritrovammo in mezzo ad un bellissimo prato  dove c’era una folla di persone (forse neanche molte) che tranquilla guardava il cielo e aspettava in silenzio. (fine del sogno, mi svegliai molto accaldata e serena).

Da quella notte nei giorni successivi ho sentito un’energia potente che si riversava su me facendo vibrare intensamente tutto il corpo a partire dalle gambe e mi faceva venire un gran sonno in special modo verso le 3 o le 4 del pomeriggio tanto da dovermi stendere e provare a dormire o almeno rimanere lì fino a sentire che questa sensazione di spossatezza si dissolveva.

Anche ieri 21 giugno ho avuto la stessa esperienza,   ma questa volta mentre ero stesa sul letto ad occhi chiusi ho sentito un’energia potentissima che scorreva nel mio corpo e dopo un pò avevo la sensazione di galleggiare e di ondeggiare e spostarmi velocemente non so dove.

Ho continuato a tenere gli occhi chiusi godendomi questa sensazione fino a che è svanita e mi sentivo di nuovo in forze. In questo momento mentre ti scrivo sono sul terrazzo di casa mia e mi sento nuovamente stanca e spossata, ma non voglio andare a letto perchè sto ammirando proprio sulla  zona dove vivo un cerchio di nuvole bianche e all’interno  un cielo di un azzurro intenso con al centro un sole brillantissimo. Sembra di avere un cappello azzurro sulla testa con una falda di nuvole. La natura è lussureggiante e profumata e non ho mai sentito così bene tanti uccelli che cantano insieme e con tale veemenza.

Spero che tu stia bene e questa volta non sia troppo abbattuto da questa potente onda. Grazie per tutto il lavoro di aggiornamento del sito che fai costantemente. Con tanto amore per te e per ognuno del Pat.

Daniela Lupo


Dear Georgi,

these beautiful posts of recent days are like a love explosion that came out of the channels and excellent essays of our brothers and sisters of the PAT.

My email  with regard to this energy update: what I am experiencing since last Saturday. During the night of 15/16 June, I had the following dream: it was daylight and I was in a  company of a man  (in the dream I was sure he was a PAT member), We had the task of going along on patrol in the cities. We moved quickly from one place to another without perceiving the distance or the time of travel. We were entering the houses and buildings of all types without meeting even a single person. The only comment at the end of this trip was “it looks like there’s nobody here.” The feeling that we were not surprised nor disappointed, but pretty sure it had to be so, one last quick movement and we found ourselves in a beautiful meadow where there was a crowd of people that quietly looked at the sky and waited in silence. (End of the dream, I woke up very hot and serene).

Since that night, in the following days, I felt a powerful energy in myself while vibrating intensely throughout the whole body, starting from the legs that made me very sleepy, especially around 3 or 4 p.m. so that I  tried to sleep or at least lie there until  this feeling of exhaustion dissolved.

Also on June 21 I had the same experience, but this time, while I was lying on the bed with my closed eyes, I felt powerful energy flowing through my body and after a while I had a floating and swaying sensation  and I moved quickly, I don’t know where… I continued to keep my eyes closed, enjoying this feeling until it was gone and I was back with force.

Right now as I write, I’m on my house terrace and I feel tired and exhausted again, but I will not go to bed because I’m watching right on the area where I live a white cloud’s circle in a deep blue sky with in its center a brilliant sun. It seems to have a blue hat on the head with a cloud’s layer. Signs come from heaven! The nature is lush and fragrant and I have never heard so many birds that sing so well together and with such vehemence.

I hope you are fine and this time you aren’t knocked down by this powerful wave too. Thank you for all the work you do constantly updating the site.

With much love for you and for each of the PAT.
Daniela Lupo

Dear Daniela,

thank you very much for your energy account that confirms the huge energy bouts in the last days and today; thanks also for sharing your dream on June 16 with me when a major shift took place as I have reported. Today (June 22) is also a significant day, but I personally cope very well with the energies that far and feel much better than a week ago. Let us see what these energy waves will finally bring to us and humanity, but there is no doubt that after that humanity will change for ever and we will have ascended most probably.

With love and light

Hi Georgi,

Man I hope this is it.

I woke up this morning (June 22) with a huge, and I mean heavy pressure headache and it still is with me after 4 hours. I feel incredible anxiety with heart palpitations all of a sudden this morning too. I am sensing everyone’s energy around me become testy and nervous too, although they aren’t aware consciously what is happening.

Unusual chemtrailing last night was heavy around the full moon and the activity from our star families in the skies were active.

I am feeling repetitive surges of energy on the crown chakra and 3rd eye, over and over again. It feels like strong waves crashing upon the shore.

The initial surge is very much upon us.


Hello Georgi,

yesterday and today (June 20) I am in a so bad shape that it’s difficult to explain. However today was the highest energy peak I ever experienced. I was so numbed, with all joints aching, knees that refused to keep me up, with terrible headache and piercing aches in my neck. On top of all this I hardly keep my physical balance. Even my scalp is aching me. As I write the peak subsided so I can at least type and even think some. Lets hope everything will be over in due time, am sick of this dumb reality and even more the zombies around me.


Dear Rudi,

this is the final squeezing before we ascend. I have also a huge headache  today (June 20), actually every second day in the last weeks, so let us hope that this is for good – for the final spurt.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I’ve been having pretty much the same experience as you this afternoon (June 22), a constant influx of smooth energies, relieving all the tension and unease of the past days I had. Simultaneously the weather is changing too, a mild summer rain relieving the extreme heat of the past week, bringing some cool, elevating fresh air.


Dear George

I have just read your posting and can confirm that something is definitely happening and it is taking the shape in my life of, from the outside, the whole thing just falling apart.

And maybe that is the case indeed to make room for the new. But I don’t think many or any other than the grandchildren of my family will be on it with me and that is hard to accept but I think that I must accept it. I have been very upset indeed but I am now working on detaching. Is it possible that energetic attacks could come from family members? So tired and bored of all this… Bring it on!

In love and light

Dear Maria,

I have just (June 22) experienced a completely superficial and unmotivated attack from my daughter in association with this wave peak who visited us and I think that this is the way some people react to these energies. But I did not respond at all and she calmed down unusually quickly for her temperament after several minutes as if nothing had happened, which points to the impossibility to be really angry for a longer period of time under these energy showers.

With love and light

Dear George,

Good morning to you and I send you love and lots of good feeling, George, I will be brief for once, but oh I am so excited as yes things are definitely progressing towards our final goal. I wanted to tell you that I do still feel and felt all those beautiful new energy pulses and also how I saw through my mind’s eye those portals you just mentioned. And I love the feeling of the vibrations as they seem to tickle me all the way through.

Thank you always for being you. And the messages have been outworldly great and a life source.

Love to you always,

Dear Georgi,

For past two days I have been burning up and vibrating like crazy. I can feel the changes all around me.

Last night (June 21), I discussed with another PAT member, of going outside around 9 p.m. to check on some solar lights I had put out previously in the day. The moon was big and bright, with an orange glow, and you could visibly see the variations on the moon’s surface.  What was really strange was that the moon was moving around, back and forth, up and down. At first I thought, “okay, you had a couple beers, maybe your eyes are wonky”. But if I looked steadily at a light elsewhere, it would remain still. The only way I can better describe it, it was like those old projectors we had in school, if they weren’t steadied, they would move the projection on the screen in a jerky motion, especially while being focused. It looked to me like someone was projecting a fake moon in the sky. I finally called my neighbor and his son over to look, and they both said, “wow, the moon is moving around!” My neighbor decided it was some atmospheric thing causing the movement, but I disagree. I think it was the moon showing in one of the other 4-d earths.

Very interesting night. Cant wait for the next confirmation sighting of the progression of ascension!

In Love and Light,

Dear Vicki,

this observation of the moon is amazing and I have no other explanation but also to believe that the moon is no longer real, but a holographic image of what it once was. This is what I spontaneously thought two days ago when I saw it as an apparition on the sky.


Dear cap, dear Georgi, dear PATers,

I applaud to the excellent Marilyn observation and commentary, she touched the core differences between LWC and PAT. It is evident that the PAT is significantly away from 3D and 4D lower worlds, it’s visible separation even from the very comments, and we all benefited from it greatly. I have to admit that Jahn’s channeling, as of someone who does not belong to the PAT (but again, in the broader context, he belongs to the PAT, because he works on the same job as we) has significantly contributed to the quality and understanding of the entire process, as nothing was incidentally, it is not by chance that the people working on the project eventually meet and continue together through the finish line, and we are already so long in front of him, a little bit more and we’re home.

Daniel (Wind Master)

Dear Daniel,

I am glad that you see the situation exactly as I do. I have been told many times that at the End Time there will be connection between the various LW and groups and they will come together to help humanity, but this does not mean that one should not continue with his own work only that the level of cooperation will increase, from which all parties will profit. This is what has been achieved with the cooperation between the PAT and  the Light World edition /´Jahn and it is a rare form of mutual work based on common ethical and spiritual principles that Jahn shares with us. Otherwise it would not have worked. And that is why the esoteric scene has not fulfilled its mission – they do not share a common ethics, in fact they do not have any valid ethics at all.

But this is all history now and we must see what the next week will bring to us.

With love and light

Hi Georgi,

It has been a while since I dropped you a line, but I do keep in touch with what is going on on your site. I have enjoyed reading the recent back and forth between you and Anthony as well as others in the “younger” generation.

Mandie’s note today struck a specific chord with me.

I just wanted to tell her that there are others who like to go to some place public and just watch the world go by.  “Waiting” for that one person who wants to talk. This has been my modus operandi since I first met my-“self” three and a half years ago. It can certainly create quite a feeling of loneliness, but there are indeed people out there down in “the muck” who will recognize others on the path. Sometimes, it is just a simple hat-tip, others something more substantial. We come in all shapes and sizes.

Personally, I am 34 years old, but a number is simply a tool within a seemingly finite existence to me.

Regardless of any ascension scenario, I do feel that humanity as a whole has once again let itself down to an extent. Perhaps, events will kick off that will “shock the masses” and the visions I had for a steady 18 months of my life will come to fruition, but until then I shall enjoy my experience here within a “temporal” existence. Taking opportunities to wield the sword of Truth, whilst honoring the choices of those who rather dwell in fear.

This reality has become painfully beautiful to me.  An oxymoron, for sure, but one worth enjoying.

I wish you and all others all the best.

Dear Lad,

I am happy to hear from you again and thanks for your contribution to the actual topic on the crystalline generation and how these young people should cope with this reality which is now fading away. It is not easy to be young and full of life, expectations and adventure spirit and to resort to a monastic way of life as not to succumb to the seductions and indoctrination of the current Orion society. It is like balancing on a tight rope high under the circus tent roof without a safety net.

I have forwarded your email to Mandie.

With love and light

I agree with you, Georgi.

I see such a wonderful innocence and energetic potential in the “younger” people of our world, but innocence will not protect someone from falling “victim” to the intense levels of corruption woven into our modern existence.

I commend any young person who has taken the time to really ask the “tough” questions about their existence and what it all means beyond just the surface level of the physical realm.  It can be terribly difficult swimming upstream when all others are going with the flow, but what a beneficial challenge it is.

All the best.


we are those people… who stand like pillars among humanity. Holding high ourselves on the Ladder of Understanding, whilst holding the ladder strong for those who decide to climb it. Those too fearful to even approach the ladder, often can not find themselves in our view for very long. I rejoice with Love and Camaraderie each time I am blessed with the momentary minutes of respite we receive through our relation. Maybe as the air thins out a bit, and the distance between the spaces reaches it’s peak…perhaps I will see you through the clouds, and tip my hat to you, Sir!


P.S.: Georgi, as always, thank you for sharing our collective light, and for being so precise in your sharing of information. Blessings!

Love Light and Laughter

Hi Georgi,

I reached my hometown which is the heart of Central India on June 14th. I am not planning to relocate to the Himalayas as yet, but I do intend to visit often. But just to keep you updated as to what’s going on in the Himalayas right now, I am sending you a link. The images will speak for themselves.

Uttarakhand flood images

The Indian Monsoons have arrived a month early and just into its first week, India has received 3 times the amount of rain it usually gets. Record rains and the worst floods ever in the Himalayan region as a result of several cloud bursts have caused these floods to happen in the Himalayas starting on June 17th. The Holy river Ganges is raging and swollen and her temper is truly scary to behold. This is the worst flood ever in this region becoming one of the worst calamities to happen in India in recent times.Thousands of pilgrims visiting the holy temple sites in the mountains have died in this calamity despite the government reporting the casualty number as 150. Seventy thousand or more pilgrims are still stranded and in danger of dying as the land slides and continuous rains have blocked the roads in the mountains, making rescue operations extremely difficult. The corruption of the government has been completely highlighted on the news channels as a man made disaster due to the greedy ecological destruction, badly planned constructions and complete lack of an early warning system.

The entire town of Kedarnath was washed away and nothing remains EXCEPT the temple/shrine remained untouched and standing. The pilgrims that were inside the temple at the time of flood, were the only ones that survived in that town. This miracle in itself speaks a lot. They have banned any pilgrimages to this holy site for the next 3 years as this is the time it will take to rebuild. Yes, its that bad. What it has uncovered is that the 1000 year old engineering has stood strong in the wrath of the heavens while the corrupt modern engineering has been washed away along with its filth and pollution, the sins of mankind. The image of the huge statue of Shiva sitting calm in the flood waters is heart touching and captures it all.

If you remember I had written to you a month ago about a dream I had about me crossing the swollen and flooded river of Ganga with waters washing over bridges to visit a holy temple site in the mountains where many holy saints were praying together. Many of the pictures with the submerged bridges resemble what I saw in my dream.

My experience here so far has been filled with incredible synchronicity. Right from a black crow that was cawing over my head constantly in the fancy Mumbai airport while I was waiting for my flight to my hometown. I seriously don’t know how he managed to get in the terminal. He would follow me wherever I moved through out the terminal, making sure I noticed him. My family noticed that too, it was hard to ignore. As the plane took off my third eyes buzzed and I felt many images or lifetimes going through my eye at an incredible speed as if watching a life review in fast forward until the plane finished its ascent. Also have personally experienced a small miracle or wish fulfillment that happened unexpectedly in relation to getting my kids into my alma-mater here, which is usually extremely difficult to get into. I had no hope, but thought we might as well give it a try to see what happens. Right after we were granted admissions miraculously, we were driving out of the beautiful campus and a gorgeous peacock came out of nowhere and strutted slowly across the road making our car stop. Peacocks have been the signature of Divine Will showing up in my life as I had mentioned to you in my earlier emails. My family is tired of me telling them that I am following the trail of the peacock and looked at me with amazed expressions as I grinned in joy.

May the time of miracles abound!

Love and Light to you All.

Dear Pinakini,

thank you very much for your vivid account which I read with great pleasure. The flooding which North India is now experiencing in a larger scale  than normally for this time of the year points out to the massive water-induced cleansing that now takes place in many parts of this upper 4D world, as was the case in Bavaria when you were there.

This is the kind of tribulations many people will go through on our upper 4D timeline, but they will be spared from the bigger calamities due to the deluge after the MPR on the lower catastrophic 4D earths. I personally believe that it has already happened also in our timeline, but that we do not see it yet as we are steadily moving to higher frequency levels, where this event cannot reach us, respectively enter our reality.

I am happy to hear that you have established well in your new domicile and that your children have been accepted to school.

Things will become indeed miraculous from now on and we must adapt to this new situation without being excited each time. This is now the new normalcy.

Wish you all the best in the coming last days on this reality before we move sustainably to the 5th dimension (9th upper 4D earth), as I will explain in a publication tomorrow.

With love and light

Hi George,

Please forward my greetings to Daniel, well said. It makes me very happy when I see successful young crystalline people in the right path, with healthy thinking, unfortunately it is very rare in Hungary too.

We are in quite the same situation, I myself finished the high school last year, and my HS/soul made it available to have a year off… I suffered a sport accident on august 12.
(likely the timing is not incidental: ) therefore I wasn’t able to start and do my university, so I could dedicate myself completely next to the ascension process, which would be impossible if I have to go to the “gulag”…

Best wishes,


It is not coincidental whatsoever to me that Carla recently indicated a grand significance for the next three days. Not only is my incarnation day squarely placed on the summer solstice, but I have found myself 40,000 feet in the air flying across the world or United States every time there has been a key thresh-hold.  What higher purpose this has, I am not sure yet but it remains true for 11/11/11, 12/12/12 and even 12/21/12, and will be so for 6/21/13 right before I land and travel for a long planned trip to the ancient & powerful area in North Carolina called the Appalachian mountains.

I have planned a visit to Points of Light, one of the largest crystal galleries in the southeast for my birthday, in order to enjoy & bathe in the energy of these incredible crystalline forms which Gaia grew over eons of time.  I very much look forward to this!

These facts are even more resonant with your most recent recommendation to the PAT that we detach from this reality in the coming days, which was precisely the plan from the beginning since I will be going to this area of the country immediately following a very dense business trip.

Over the weekend I will perform energy/portal work here which my soul has guided me to do at this particular time and is needed to help cleanse the darkness which still resides in North Carolina, one of the densest military/eugenics-based territories in the United States.  You may also be aware that Blackwater/Academi XI is not too far from me either, one of the predominant mercenary reptilian forces still used to conduct mass murder all over the world.

Despite the high vibrations of this beautiful mountainous region the population in NC remain unbelievably dense & unenlightened which is why I incarnated and have remained in this same area my entire life……

In Light,

Hiya Georgi,

I want to go ahead & send you the following link. I’d very much like for anyone like-minded (who would like to) being made aware of the fiction I’ve written & (as I expressed to you previously, I am not asking for sales or $… I WILL give these for free) hopefully with the launch of my website you will publish (or at the least review yourself) what I’ve written & why I’d like to get it exposed.

Anyway, here is below the link to a website I have made to share with anyone & everyone my fictional works.

Therein, in addition to my previous essays/emails, is enough info. & links & etc. for anyone who might wish to read whatever they’d need to decide if they’d like to read. As I says, I’ll give any of these eBooks for free simply for a reader’s opinion…

Hope you & yours are well, & I do very much hope to hear from you soon.


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