Precursor Event to Ascension This Weekend (May 17 -20) Followed Closely by the Detonation of the PAT Supernova

by April Bender, May 16, 2013

Dear Georgi,

I’m sorry it took me longer than I thought to get this off to you but HS had so much to say! I still need to go back and reread this a couple more times but it does seem to confirm so much of the information received from yourself, Jahn, Dorie, Carla, others and my own personal vision/dream experiences.

As always I look forward to hearing your initial thoughts, and I hope that this all makes sense and that you and others resonate with the message. I did personally find it incredibly helpful, especially with all that’s been going on.

Much love and light,


HS Message 5-15-13

HS: Take a deep breathe, and slowly let out all that you’ve been holding/ carrying lately. The additional pressure/ heaviness/ anxiety you’ve been feeling and processing recently has been very challenging, but should also be a clear indication of the powerful freight train of change that is roaring humanity’s way. You know this, you feel this, you’ve been shown this.

The tracks are rumbling and the whistles blowing in anticipation of this freight train’s arrival. You feel/sense these vibrations of upheaval very acutely within the physical/subtle bodies. These “rumblings” and “whistles” are now manifesting themselves in various ways both as political upheaval/ illumination and geophysical and celestial indicators along, with say, more personal indicators/ experiences of change at this same dramatic level.

Beginning late last week and extending through the weekend, all those woven into the web of light were shown and/or given the codes/information letting them know within all levels of their being (whether consciously or subconsciously) that the time of the great shift/MPR was now impending, and they were also shown what signs to watch/ sense for. Some experienced this as a new revelation, some as a reminder/ memory of what is to come, some clearly intuited or saw it through their gifts, and others in less conscious/obvious ways. But ALL have been instructed to prepare to bear witness (This was anticipated and discussed in our reports, George).

As a result, nervousness and anxiety were heightened, as well as a sense of joyful anticipation for the new LIFE. But the release of nervousness/ anxiety was understandably much more pervasive during this time and does and will still linger. It is a natural human inclination in the face of great upheaval and the frustration of not fully knowing how it will all manifest, but everyone knows never-the-less, that it WILL manifest, even if in their lingering fear they attempt to deny it. It is  divine mystery in all its majesty that is both alluring and repelling, especially to those existing on your side of the veil. And this is where Faith and Courage are so very handy.

In the lead up to the shift/MPR ALL (individuals and institutions) are facing a period of “endings” in their lives/experience, and it is manifesting differently for each and every one. This is the sense of “death and impending rebirth” you personally have been experiencing, and this in fact, should be the biggest indicator of all of the impending freight train of change/upheaval and reordering that is soon to arrive.

With this information I should like to comfort you with the knowledge that all you’ve been experiencing recently has been in preparation for the finality of what is about to take place. The old is no more. It never had a proper foundation to begin with, and now it is time for ALL to see the illusion with their own eyes. And time for you, the PAT, to prepare them for the true reality that will flourish in its absence.

You are now literally days away from the scheduled multi-day precursor/onset of the shift/split/MPRThe window (at this time) is scheduled between May 17 and May 20, with an emphasis on May 18, as was shown to you. We do not wish to give more specific details than that. But once it begins, it really will not end until mass ascension is complete. The larger, overall timeframe has not changedThe first major manifestation of the ID split will take place very quicklyin a step-wise fashionTherefore, once it begins with the precursory event this month, the ID split/MPR will continue its process into the first part of June.

Your personal ascension will take place very close to this precursor/onset event itself, but again to give specifics is not wise. You WILL know when the time approaches. In fact, your divine gifts are already beginning to blossom into their potential, and you’re enjoying this, that is when you’re not processing the web of light’s emotional dross. And your experience will be a bit bi-polar in this sense, up until your ascension. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but this is the very nature of your contracted role and your position within the web. While the dross clearing can be alleviated for you at times, it will never fully go away, as you cannot be fully released from it (even though most of your contract IS fulfilled) until the moment of your ascension, as your ascension is the final task of your contract! It is at that time your new contract is enacted and your new life and role truly begin in earnest.

As Christed/ Ascended Masters and the new Earthkeepers, you (and the masses) will also receive physical assistance from the inner earth Agarthans and your starry/ interdimensional brethren as the summer and mass ascension progresses, likely into Fall.

So go forward joyfully knowing that your days upon earth as you know it are very much numbered. Enjoy the calm now, because things are about to get much wilder. Prepare yourself internally, for many moments of utter AWE fast approach. It is indeed the time you have long been waiting for! The sooner the old is confronted and rejected, the sooner the new (or the true) can be made visible. It is humanity’s return to Wholeness, to a proper ordering, and your return Home. Go in Peace with this knowledge.

Dear April,

It is an excellent confirmation of the events being accelerated and beginning to unfold this weekend. I will keep it short as there is nothing more to add and will instead publish it immediately this morning upon awakening (6 am local time). Your message also confirms what I said to Sarah in the latest report that until ascension we will be loaded with cleansing work and are not allowed to repose.

Good job! Thank you very much for your effort.

With love and light

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