Energy Update – May 16, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Dear April,

when you ask your HS for an update, please consider this latest message from GaiaPortal that to my interpretation announces ascension /detonation of the PAT as imminent and can occur any moment.


“Succinctness of flavor energies is defining Hue-manity at this time. Tasting the sweetness of the New Gaia ensures completion of the Gaia renewal and re-birthing process.

So-called “sudden” changes may appear and are indeed to be expected during these present moments. As these are embraced and not resisted, Gaia progress occurs.

Portal expansion has enabled smoothing harmonics for the needed “sudden” changes. Releasing fear brings New Gaia near.”

Dear Georgi,

I absolutely will consider GaiaPortal’s latest message. I did check in with HS briefly yesterday afternoon but was pulled away to work on putting some documents together for our team. Later in the evening I wasn’t feeling so well, and this morning awoke with a headache and upset stomach. I still hope to take down a full/complete message from HS later on today.

I did get the very clear information from HS yesterday during our short connection period, that the precursor/onset events should begin/manifest around May 17-20, with a big red circle shown to me on the May 18 date. Imagine my surprise when I read Jahn’s latest dream this morning. I also received the image of what we’ve been clearing/processing recently…I was shown the web of light and how everyone woven into it was told/shown consciously and/or subconsciously that the triggering events (MPR and other catalytic events) are about to unfold and the corresponding signs to watch for. This created much nervousness and anxiety within the web of light and the masses, and continues to do so as the early signs of this continue to play out as related to political upheaval/ illumination, and of course geophysical and celestial indicators. So I was able to get confirmation on these larger, overarching items, but didn’t yet have time to flush out further details around this information to give us a better narrative of the situation.

Again, I hope to get this additional information later on today but did want to share with you what I had received so far. The overall sense from HS is indeed that of final internal preparation and the revelation to all (at the level they can process) of what is to shortly come. Along with all of this triggering/ wake-up call comes a tremendous opening that is at the same time being felt and experienced. I was also shown our ascensions happening either right at the onset of the MPR or shortly after the precursory/onset of events manifest, but again I didn’t get time to hone in on this for more clarity/details.

I hope you find this information helpful until I can get you a full message. And I hope you’re doing well today.

Much love and light,

Dear April,

this is great that you have already received a confirmation of the date (May 18) Jahn gave to me in his dream. I in fact wanted to make you aware of this information, but you have already read it. If the events will begin to unfold at that time, it makes sense why we were squeezed so much during the last week.

I will keep it short now as not to waste your time and I am waiting eagerly your message.

With love and light

Dear Dorie,

How are you? I hope well! Were you also hit by this latest round of cleansing waves that knocked down most of the PAT last week. it was as bad as around 12.12 and 21.12, but it always takes some time to realize this. Below I am sending you the latest email from April (see above). She has got information that the events may begin earlier, before May 20, as this is also announced in Jahn’s latest dream (see report of today bottom).

What is your take on this new development?

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Just as reported by other PAT members, I have been busy cleansing ONCE AGAIN! Its as you describe Georgi, lots of unusual fears, but I’m experiencing them as my own. I’ve had extreme exhaustion the last few days as well. But here’s the good news – I ALSO had a very strong feeling come over me, just last night, that we would be moving ahead of the announced dates. It was the same nagging feeling I had the last time, I told you things were moving ahead of schedule. This time I was a little leery of contacting you about it, as things didn’t pan out the way we wanted them to the last time, so I didn’t listen.

But now that I’ve read the message from April, and also with Jahn’s dream, I’m thinking I should have listened! Yes, I can absolutely say that I sense it too!

Perhaps, as April said, what I have been feeling emotionally these last 2 days is the fear that is now coming from the masses as they realize that the events are even closer at hand!

I’m still a little hesitant about anticipating a sooner ascension date, but it seems you can count me in on the same feeling and giving validation to it!

Hope you are doing well Georgi!

Much, much love to you!


After a relative better yesterday compared to the previous days, another huge wave has hit (May 15). I know you get tired of me writing these messages. I am just as tired of writing them. Each time it amazes me that here we go again. This is a big one with dizzy effect. I will have to lay down for this one.insome ways this one seems humorous as I feel not depressed this time but more drunken.


Dear Jerry,

I was also knocked down by this wave at midday (May 15) and had to sleep for almost two hours which I normally do not do. After that I was also dizzy, but now I have recovered somewhat after having a walk in the fields with the dog. If you have read Jahn’s dream in the latest report for today (bottom) he dreamt of May 18 as a pivotal date for me /us.

I have just received an email from April (see above), who has got similar information about the beginning of the events between May 17-20. Only then did she read Jahn’s dream. She will receive a message today about this issue and send it to me. Also GaiaPortal latest message announces sudden events any moment.

If this is true then our squeezing during the last week makes sense as the final preparation before ascension. It was as devastating and debilitating as around 12.12.12 and 21.12.12.


Thanks for you confirmation George. If this is squeezing before our ascension, it makes sense that it will be sooner rather than later. I don’t think we would start this early for a 6-6 or 5-23 liftoff. What would be the point to stay on the ground for another few weeks. I think the timetable has changed and it will be sooner, but who knows. Good indicator are dreams and messages from HS, but the best indicator is how our bodies feel and it feels near. Very near


Dear Jerry,

when we were given dates in the past, they never held true. Now the date 6.6.6 was given to my intuitive perception as the deadline when the triad of events should finally happen. But I always had the sensation that it will happen earlier as there must be a surprise. If the dark cabal is planning something big out of desperation on 6.6.6, this must be averted by an earlier action of the HR. As they now have all the trumps in the hand and the grand finale is no longer dependent on how prepared the humans are on the ground, they can do it any moment and this is, what I guess, their strategy now. But they may wait for some clandestine moves of the dark cabal to make, before they intervene and this is what we do not know for sure.


Well George,

today (May 15) is the big 50 day for me and I awoke with some residue it felt like of all the emotional crap that has been all over me in the last few days, but can tell that it is truly subsiding. And I am reading the last bit of the message from Jahn to you and am in the response from you and it brings me back to knowing that I can’t take off with out my fuel right?  I love living in the “Now”, but have a real short memory also because of it. And that last message in the posts from Jahn just fit right in place “perfectly” and now yes I feel very interested in seeing what and how these very next days play out.

Love and Light

Dear Bonnie,

I congratulate you to your 50 jubilee. May this be the last birthday you will celebrate on this planet. I am getting information that the events may begin very soon before May 20. I will get more information later on.


Dearest Georgi and PAT,

I have been silently following your website for quite some time and have found the straight-thinking and straight-talk on your website immensely refreshing in contrast to the gooey, syrupy, “everything is going to be absolutely fine in the bye and bye if we all can just manifest unconditional love” messages from the vast majority of New Age channelers on the Internet.

I have been preparing myself for Ascension for the past 25 years by striving to elevate my thoughts and feelings, studying the vast literature of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters since the late 1800s, and using daily decrees to the Violet Flame to purify my four lower bodies. I have actually seen my I AM Presence and have striven to become ever more One with my own Divine Self.

I am one of the 144,000 and, if it is any comfort to you, I am also helping to transmute mass affluvia at this time. My LBP began many years ago. One of the symptoms was that I was sick to my stomach on a daily basis for years. I actually had to throw up several times at work (hiding myself in the ladies’ restroom) for seemingly no reason at all . . .

Over last weekend (May 10, 11, 12), I was extremely dizzy on Friday night that lasted for several hours. On Saturday morning, I was only able to stay awake for two hours and then had to take a 3-hour nap because I was so exhausted. On Sunday, I experienced intense energies of anxiety and fear, in spite of the fact that I am not a fearful or anxious person. These energies definitely felt external, but they were very stubborn to rid myself of.

I wanted to take this opportunity to say that there are surely others of the 144,000 light warriors who are silently reading your messages with an enormous sigh of relief that there is a Voice that is Courageous and Strong enough to publicly and unabashedly state the Truth of where we are at on this final stage of the journey and to assist you in anyway they are able.

I extend to each one of you my deepest, most sincere gratitude for this website and for your lifetimes of loving God, so much that you have been willing to make such extraordinary sacrifices in service to God.

With greatest blessings, respect, gratitude, and love to my Brothers and Sisters of Light,

Alice Davidson

Dear Alice,

thank you very much for contacting me and the PAT in the proverbial last minute when we are eagerly expecting the grand finale of ascension any moment from now on. I also thank you for your goodwill wishes for the PAT and our mission.

Your presentation of the energy waves last week, which were the most massive cleansing period since the opening of the portals 12.12.and 21.12 last year, is representative of what most of the PAT have also experienced these days. This is the most convincing indication that something big is in the making and may happen around May 20 as my latest information suggests.

Let us now hope for the best, although we are “burnt children”, as the Germans use to say, and have become sceptical to the very last minute, not in terms of what will ultimately happen, there is no doubt about this, but only when. However this time all signs point out to the imminent final countdown of our ascension.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Long time now that I had been thinking of writing to you but life has been so challenging with the baby and never got chance to do so.

Yes Georgi, you were right about your intuition, I have a baby boy who was born on January 26th at 5:43 am after a long horrible labor of 26 hours (what a day!!).He did not want to come out in this world easily and had to be pulled out by vacuum pumping (at exactly 41 weeks). I went through a real hell that day with the 4th degree tear followed by lots of complications.(No wonder about it as you mention it was a very important day for PAT) It took me over 2 months to get completely recovered from it. The whole month of February and March had been pretty tough physically, mentally and emotionally for Kiran and me. I know this was well planned from heaven. This cleansing work has never done with me, I feel like I am still doing some of it.

As you said Georgi, he is a very special child. He is 3 and 1/2 months old now and already showing his strong personality. We have named him “Divit”, picked from Sanskrit which means “Immortal”.

Here I have enclosed his photos for you.

With Love and Light,

Dear Rosha,

Congratulations! Your son is an adamantine child and an angel in human body. He is very beautiful and with clear eyes, where you can see the whole universe. I am sorry to hear that you have had so much complications, but the birthday Jan 26 when the PAT connected to the source is auspicious indeed.

I hope that you now have recovered somewhat from the birthing and the complications and from the past cleansing dross, which is unfortunately still ongoing for the PAT, but the end is in sight.

Wish you and your son all the best and know that you are now protected by infinite angels.

With love and light

Thank you Georgi for the wishes. Now I am feeling much better health wise, but still doing some cleansing work. Had it not been your website, I would have given up already. It was beyond challenging to raise a baby in this condition. Counting days for this to be over.

Love and Light

Dear Georgi!

I have been following your site since at least two years and I understand that I am in synchronicity with PAT as well as some other Swedish friends. Thank you for your huge work. But I want to comment that in our local paper today in Kiviks Art Museum they are raising a staircase to heaven – is that not just wonderful! Sweden has it´s national holiday 6/6 which gives 666 the year 2013. Some say that the light is coming from the north. I have studied the Mayan calendar through Dr.Calleman who puts the world tree axis through Sweden. So do we have a special role for the enlightenment in Sweden?

The link:

We must be very close now are we not? You have helped me so much – thank you dear friend.

Per Einar Olsson

Dear Per Einar,

thank you for contacting me in the proverbial last minute and for your interest on our publications.

Ascension and the whole process of evolution of humans is an entirely individual process, while “nations” is an Orion concept and very much negatively tainted. The very idea to consider one nation superior to another has been very tempting in the past and nothing good has ever come out of it, but only wars. There can only be a progress of the individual soul and the individual incarnated personality. In every nation there are some highly evolved souls and many more, who are not there yet and most of them behave despicably most of the time. Besides, in the 5th dimension there will be no nations at all, and even on the 4d earth A/B this concept /form of organisation will be overcome very soon.

With love and light

Hi Georgi,

Just read Jahn Kassl’s third dream account, where he mentioned the Himalayan sages. Just find it very interesting and synchronistic to see that my dreams and visits to India in the past few months have been centered around the Himalayas and the holy river Ganges, where I saw the sages praying collectively for an important event and that I am gravitating towards them so strongly.

Synchronicity is at peak recently. As I was driving to pick up my kids from school the other day which had been tough emotionally, I happened to glance at the clock and it was 11:11 am, I asked for a direct message from God and turned the radio on. The song playing was Next to me by Emeli Sande and the lyrics that came on in that 11:11 minute were so direct that I was amazed. This incident of hearing the same song lyrics at the same time happened 2 more times in the next week at exactly 11:11 am.

When the skies are grey and all the doors are closing
and the rising pressure makes it hard to breathe
I will find him, I’ll find him next to me
Next to me, ooooh Next to me, ooooh Next to me,
oooohI will find him, I’ll find him next to me
When the end has come and buildings falling down fast
When we spoilt the land and dried up all the sea
When everyone has lost their heads around us
You will find him, you’ll find him next to me

Had another dream. This dream was about the pole shift. I knew I was an observer in the dream instead of a participant and that what was happening was not affecting me at all.


It’s a beautiful day, when the sky actually starts falling down in small pieces at the beginning and then gaining force. A woman and her child see that happening and try to get other people into their store to give them shelter so that they can start praying collectively. There is a sinister looking guy with oozing blood wound that he is trying to hide that she asks to come and help her in getting the people to safety. She doesn’t realize that she has invited evil into her store. People gather fearfully in her store for shelter knowing the world was coming to an end and praying to God, while this evil person i sitting right amongst them, waiting his time to strike. The dream had a strong sense of foreboding when it ended.

I feel vibrations in my body constantly these days, like a motor engine left running.


Dear Pinakini,

these are amazing synchronicities indeed and I can imagine that the confirmation about the future role  of the Himalayas’ sages / saints will play on earth B has made a huge impact on you as you were there and have felt their influence already.

I am now getting information that the big events may start sooner, before or around May 20, but I will get more facts later on. The energetic spiral is now climbing every day and it is normal that something like the MPR must happen very soon. Let us be surprised.

With love and light

Hi Georgi,

Just a quick note to confirm that the last 3 days particularly were hellatious. As you know i don’t feel the waves as acutely as you and so many others do, so I’m always cautious to offer my assessments, but I can definitely say the last few days were particularly difficult – extremely low energy, barely able to get out of the house to get the basic essentials, need to lie down all the time, feeling the anxiety and pressure of the masses, and today I still woke up feeling like I have an extreme hangover, although I do feel slightly better than previous days.

I didn’t mention this in my email on Sunday because I thought it was just the usual culture shock I feel for a couple of weeks or days when I come back to Croatia (or go back to the US, for that matter) and we had just moved into a new rental (which we only have paid until June 20), and I thought it might be just those kinds of the usual reluctant feelings I have to see people when I get here, but I realize now it was more than that.  Leo was totally knocked down too. I didn’t sleep well at all last night and feel like I’ve been hit by a Mack truck.

In your email to Jerry you said something like, “and we keep just going on regardless of how heavy the waves are and this is exactly what worries me…” Can you elaborate more on that?

I also wonder about this very fact and have not been able to get any more information about ascension from HS other than the fact that it will occur totally spontaneously and by surprise.

Anyway, hope you’re feeling better today Georgi.
Love and light, Sarah

Dear Sarah,

I only say that we will stay on the earth as long as it is necessary and during this time there will be no respite for us, unfortunately. In other words, there is no hope for us for a betterment of our physical condition till ascension.



Just felt a massive wave, different from usual (May 15). Almost fainted and then all lights in the house have started flickering. Feel very high and clean energy now that I’m used to it.

L & L,

Dear Frank,

it could be the recreative energy bouts that were announced in Brenda Hoffman channeling till end of May, which I published yesterday.


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