The Final Defeat of the Dark Cabal by the PAT on the Cusp of Our Ascension

by April Bender and Georgi Stankov, April 2, 2013

Dear Georgi,

I finally feel much better! Even though the nasty dross wave receded this morning, the number it did on my solar plexus chakra took a little longer to work out. I’m still feeling intensity from the overall surge/wave from Source, but can confirm that parts of the process have begun to stabilize or level off as we discussed previously.

Below is the latest from HS. It was really hard to receive this message through the current “white-out” condition, so I hope it finds some resonance with you and doesn’t sound too choppy or confusing. I’d be happy to ask any follow-up questions that you might have (as I have a few myself), but I think I’m going to have to keep my check-in’s shorter than normal until this intense “light fog” lifts. So I’ll try and ask them later tonight/early tomorrow.

As always I’m eager to hear what you think.

Much love and light,

HS Check-In 4-2-13

HS: I know you’re currently wanting to know what took place with that rather heavy and intense purging wave you experienced late last night into the early morning hours of today. Let me explain.

But first, let me say that as of yesterday afternoon/ evening, you all indeed reached the stabilization period/point. You’re still a little wobbly in your rotational fields, energetically speaking, so if some of the PAT don’t feel like things have stabilized just yet, that’s OK, they will be perceiving it soon. And even though you are stabilizing, the 3-31 weekend surge from Source is still very much in play as it continues to manifest itself within that NOW moment. You must understand from our perspective, nothing is delayed as you are still very much engrossed in and interacting with that MOMENT/PORTAL of surge induction, as many of you are still feeling/sensing.

Your fields will continue to gradually stabilize as the hours go on, acclimating themselves and harmonizing with others, allowing the dramatic oscillation between 3D and 5D (and above) for you all to end, with your ascension/crossover into full 5D reality/perception. Please keep in mind that this is a bit of a gradual phase, your ascension/ full de-materialization/ stabilization in comparison to the surge energies as they overtook you, meaning ALL systems involved must be integrated and synchronized precisely to this end/ culminating moment. It’s also especially important to remember that the ID split, which you are facilitating now, is the most delicate of all processes as so very much is at stake. Think of a fast swinging pendulum – just because you stop swinging it doesn’t mean it comes to a stop/rest right away. See what I’m trying to say?

Getting back to the intense purging wave you experienced. While we certainly expected your recent climactic activities to stir up much in the consciousness of the masses, including the dark cabal/ruling elite, we did not anticipate this level of resistance and consequent purge (see also Carla’s message from the Elohim as further confirmation in today’s urgent energy report). Of course by this point, resistance is futile, but it did create a rather large wave of dross for you all to process and clear, on top of your already wonder-filled and equally burdensome plowing/star ignition through the dimensions, as your energy bodies further spin, whirl, and arc to separate the timelines. We in the HR’s did our best to respond quickly to help transmute this wave, and believe, we were successful in helping to make it a quick affair.

What came through or rose up was first an overwhelming fear response from the dark ruling eliteThey now know, with all CERTAINTY (not just worry) that their reign is OVER and it was this very anguish, fear, resentment, depression, shame and guilt that was perceived so strongly through your field. Like attracts like and when these energies arose from the elite, they triggered many base fears, thoughts, and emotions within the masses as well. Interestingly enough, we also noted fear/worry arising within some of the PAT members as well, the energies also finding fertile ground within these individuals, and this would have been felt very acutely by the group since your link/bond is so strong.

It is so extremely important for the members of the PAT right now to let go of ALL expectation and to simply surrender to the process. It has been evidenced over and over again that you are now in the midst of something truly spectacular and magical. The proof of this has been given to you over and over again in recent days, through many channels, events, and synchronicities. Therefore, while we know this is a very intensive and at times uncomfortable culmination process, losing faith or second guessing the process every day or every other day is not helpful. At some point you have to TRUST, besides we can’t dupe you – not for very long anyway, correct? If this was not happening correctly or if something was wrong, many of you would have already called us out.

You have created a whole new future/timeline and now must be patient just a little bit longer, while the fruit of such intensive labors ripen across the board (cosmic, galactic, etc…). There really isn’t much longer to go, you’re there in the thick of all the action, and it ALL still resides in the NOW moment of the 3/31/13 portal/surge. And very, very soon you will see all intensive light layers that currently obstruct the vision of your new environment, recede/dissolve away concurrently with your bodily dissolution/re-assemblage.


Dear April,

excellent presentation. I feel so confident now in my energetic assessments after reading this message, as it perfectly describes what I sensed during this most dramatic surge of negative energies at midday local time. What your HS describes was exactly how I felt it and I must admit that I omitted for tactical reasons to mention that I also felt the fears coming from some members of the PAT at this moment, who were overwhelmed by this tsunami for a short period of time:

“What came through or rose up was first an overwhelming fear response from the dark ruling elite. They now know, with all CERTAINTY (not just worry) that their reign is OVER and it was this very anguish, fear, resentment, depression, shame and guilt that was perceived so strongly through your field. Like attracts like and when these energies arose from the elite, they triggered many base fears, thoughts, and emotions within the masses as well. Interestingly enough, we also noted fear/worry arising within some of the PAT members as well, the energies also finding fertile ground within these individuals, and this would have been felt very acutely by the group since your link/bond is so strong.”

I realized immediately that I have to react in a most decisive manner after the initial surprise from this unexpected massive purging wave subsided. I connected to all PAT members and started writing my second email to you and other members of the PAT, where I explained not only to you, but also to the entire PAT in a telepathic manner, what has actually happened and sent them much soothing thoughts.

The success was staggering. Only half an hour later this huge wave of fear virtually melted down as your HS now confirms. The despair of the dark cabal was so thick in the air at the peak time that you could not cut it even with a knife.

Synchronistically to this wave, I was watching a video about the fraud around Obama – how he was promoted by the dark cabal as the future saviour of the NWO and how this all relates to the official zionist program. The film was not new, but the propaganda means of the dark cabal were presented rather well and I remembered most of the events and could relate very vividly to the unfolding of this fraud since 2008. At this moment I was hit by this massive wave of fear coming from the dark ruling cabal and it seemed to me for a while, as if the film fully materialized into my 3d-reality.

I had a powerful simultaneous vision of all the efforts of the dark cabal in the last 10-20 years trying to evade in vain their inevitable defeat and disaster and how all their efforts simply dispersed and vanished into the infinity of All-That-Is – into a special black hole. Then I realized one more time that we were the ones, the most brave spies and desperadoes in the whole universe, as Dorie refers to the PAT in her latest reply to me (see urgent energy update – April 2), who created this invisible black hole for the dark cabal to process and extinguish all their darkness and transform it into light .- into a white hole. This was the immediate vision that appeared in front of my third eye and urged me to write this email to several members of the PAT, including yourself – actually to the whole PAT.

Even now, 9 hours after this event I still sense vividly the dramatics of this last purging surge in my bones. I am really proud that I have reacted so promptly and resolutely by informing immediately as a watchdog the PAT telepathically through the unity consciousness field and thus averting a greater damage on our ascension process.

Ascension and the detonation of the PAT supernova is indeed the most delicate process in the whole universe, where surprises are possible and should be expected to the very last minute. I also like the point of view of your HS that we are still in the same process of March 31 as linear time has lost any meaning now, when we are about to reach the zero-time of the ID split. This notion eases any doubts or fears that our ascension might be postponed one more time and will thus hugely facilitate our imminent transformation into ascended masters.

With love and light

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