Energy Update of the PAT – April 7, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Dear Dorie (also to April and Carla as check in),

this time I know that we have made it and that we can ascend any moment from now on, although it is impossible for me to give you a date. But I know that we have crossed the Rubicon, the necessary threshold for the detonation of the PAT supernova.

There is such an overwhelming feeling of joy and relaxation that we have made it that this time there is no doubt for me, while I feel the higher dimensions entering my field. I have no idea how long it will take, but I know now that very soon we will no longer be here.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I AGREE! This morning (April 6) I tuned in and saw that there was barely any space left between the sparkling wick and the stick of dynamite symbolizing the detonation of PAT Supernova of Ascension. I woke up extremely dizzy this morning and nauseous.

I was also shown such a strange vision, a vision of being in the HR – a control room of some kind where there was a flurry of activity. I remember now looking through the floor of the room and looking down through the center of a huge tornado… this was the collective energy of the PAT. When I looked back into the room there was a strange man standing next to me, he looked holographic in nature, and he kept changing in form and shape in front of me, eventually into some kind of being I didn’t recognize. As he does this, he says that the speed of velocity has increased and we are entering the process of dematerialization.

Next, there is someone in the room pulling files out of a file cabinet and throwing them on the floor. He says defragmentation is taking place now. I understand that this is a computer term for organizing files and getting systems to operate optimally, so this makes sense to me. That was the end of the vision.

On a personal note Georgi, I’ve just really been missing what I cannot even describe. I have these fragmented memories of home, of you and I sitting and talking and laughing, like dear friends do when there are no worries to keep them distracted.

I’m so glad we are almost home THIS time!


Dear Dorie,

I am happy that you also confirm this exalted feeling coming from the fact that we have been released from all our duties and can finally return home. I am only afraid a little bit that I may be too euphoric and that then there may be another nasty wave that would sweep over us. But somehow I do not see it. Even the last wave, though rather exhausting, was full of underground optimism and the inner sense of ascending higher and higher. Any immersing into another battle with the dark ones and cleansing human dross do not seem compatible with this elated feeling.

It is a feeling of triumph, although the reality still does not back it. But I know that it has started already, as I have had such exalted states in the past when they have anticipated coming positive changes for me, although they were still invisible for the others. I am sure that this time there will be no setbacks anymore.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

This is fantastic news!! I know I’m ready, haha. I’m very much looking forward to this trip, as I’ve had very few moments to myself since the brigade moved in. Hopefully with these moments of upcoming quiet, especially the 2 hour car ride later today, I will be better able to sense all this joy and wonderment myself, though I very much do feel it there in the background. It’s just challenging with so much activity in the home now.

Please tell Gwen, I think she is a rockstar! It took a great deal of courage to do what she did and I’m sure she did it just perfectly. What a great way to model Mastership!

All signs point to just how close we are, but the best sign was receiving your note a bit ago. What better news to hear from the PAT Captain.

Love you Georgi, hope to see you very soon indeed.

Dear April,

I have just got a full confirmation from Dorie about my feeling of joyful anticipation. See that you also attune to this feeling of exaltation as you will need it in the next days. I will forward your email to Gwen.


Woohoo!!! Thanks so much Georgi. I’m smiling bigger than the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland.

Much love and light,

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for this beautiful note confirming everything I am feeling at this time. These words are the wind beneath my wings…

With love and light

Hi Georgi

I would like to confirm numerous of the energy updates I read on the PAT site consistently.

I have a symptom I have not yet heard of and wanted to hear your opinion on it please.
Since Friday eve my eyes are in a state of semi burning. Its as if they are dry and hence create a type of rough feeling. Not sure if you’re had arch eyes(result of welding without a dark eye covering). As a result of the eyes surface burning that evening one goes through hell. Just before the hell starts one can feel the scratchy-ness of the eyes.
Now in my case its so much the same as if I have no water in them. Both are red. OK. I’m assuming we are undergoing molecular change in our bodies as a result of the energies downloaded as well over the past week. I’m assuming these energy actualisation within out 3d bodies are creating various symptoms. My eyes being something specific and why I’m mentioning it now. I have over the 3 year period had varying levels of blurred vision alternating in the eyes and at different periods which is still ongoing. The sore eyes have now not receded since Friday eve GMT. Any confirmations would be great.

Thank you for your continued efforts in editing the site. Its a huge task you took on and have done so very diligently. Its certainly a great meeting place for the PAT where a sense of normality can be experienced.

Love and light

Dear Eugene,

I can confirm that the last waves were associated with dry eyes and subsequent inflammation /conjunctivitis and blurred vision. This is due to the reduced secretion of tear fluid from the glandula lacrimalis due to overstimulation of the sympathicus, which also led to dry mouth in the last several days. This gland is activated by the parasympathicus to produce tear fluid as to lubricate the conjunctiva and the cornea.

I hope this explanation answers your question and recent experience.


Hi Georgi

Yes thx it does. The dry mouth has been quite common having read the posts from yourself and the members, but clearly dry eyes as you’ve explained is also the overstimulation of the sympathicus. Great to have an understanding of these things.


Please, George don´t answer if you´re still down.

I don´t dear to address my state not to seam I´m complaining. But my state is so unbearable that I have to take the chance. After last weekend, I end up so bad I thought my body was at the end. Just a very, very brief relief some hours and yesterday this incredible devastation I still immerse into, but releasing just a bit.

I don´t know why this affects me so much and even though you said my HS wont push it further my own resistance limits, I can assure you that from the 3d perspective and knowing my body, it has far passed already.

If this keep on going this way or nothing really happens to relief us from here, this would end really bad for me,because I don´t know how to hold in this situation anymore.

George ,you said no one can take this away for me .I know. But can I dear to ask for energetic help from some PAT´s members, I mind maybe the ones that don´t feel so bad and have some energy? Of course, I don´t want to push on the others that are already felling very bad as you.I don´t feel good asking for help. I don´t want to bother. But is really critical for me with all the respect for all the others that are also felling really bad. After more than 15 years of devastation almost continuous unbearable pain and chaos,, my body can´t really cop with this.

And also I wonder if to be able for matter to come to light it needs to vibrate at speed of light, and what we´re felling is this process, so still we need even more energy to do so…. It seams you may need a very strong body to sport this. And the remains of what once was a very strong body in my case are I´m afraid maybe would not be enough to complete this process. Can this really happen after so much work and pain.

Today as after the last weekend battle, I end up with my eyes blue together with all the rest of the symptoms out of which I cant barely see,breath,write…. But I thought to send you this hang out in which Dr. Pillai discuses the process of light body from an special scientific perspective, sharing it with Doctors and scientists. May be interesting.

Thanks a lot George. And sorry to bother you today in a really hard day for you too.

Noa, Spain

Dear Noa,

believe me, if there were any remedy to the LBP-related symptoms I would be the first one to publish it and recommend it to other people. However my experience shows that nobody can help you in this situation as the individual soul is the only manager of this show and she determines how much energy should enter your body and what the symptoms will be. You may ask her for a respite or you may also ask all angels to help you with their rays and healing energies to mitigate your symptoms. But my long experience with the LBP has shown that this does not help much.

If it had not work with me and all old, experienced PAT members, why should it help in your case. There is not a single incarnated personality on the ground that could really help you in this situation. If somebody tells you the opposite he is simply talking crap and has no idea of the challenges of the LBP.

You have subscribed to this obligation and nobody can release you from it except your soul.

With love and light

Hi George,

Well things are just swelling up these days. Did 3 days moving furniture and got up on Tuesday and my knees were swollen. The left not so bad and the right about half the size of a grapefruit with a half hard boiled egg in the center. Infected somehow from what I do not know.

Keep bathing it in MMS solution full strength, tiger balming it and icing it. There’s lots of water in the right knee, it just won’t go down.

In the meantime the hip continues to give me everyday anguish and pain just to move and to boot my left shoulder especially between the socket and down the deltoid are frighteningly painful just to move it.

I feel like I am coming apart all over with no end in sight. There must be something I can do and what the hell is it all about????

Any answer is appreciated…

Thanks George and many blessings;

Dear Anthony,

I am terribly sorry to hear that you have such problems with all joints. I can confirm that the last waves did indeed affected all human joints and if they had a degenerative precondition, these energy waves could have aggravated the situation. Even though my joints are altogether in good condition, I could barely climb the staircases this last week. But I know that this explanation does not answer your question.

My invariant answer is that the only solution is our ascension and that it can happen any moment from now on. As I wrote to Carla yesterday I had a very euphoric feeling in the afternoon that we have made it and that there are no principal hurdles anymore, but just the fine-tuned coordination of the HR to find the optimal point in time.

The only remedy you can do is to make a massage on the damaged joints with your hands which emanate very powerful healing energies and to ask for help from your HS and guides. It always helps in my case when I make a massage on my knees and other joints. Make it at least a quarter of an hour and then several times a day. Nothing else will help in your condition as all earth remedies no longer apply to your high frequency body. Try it and tell me what the result is. You can of course keep bathing in MMS solutions, but not with too hot water as heat is not good to the joint inflammation.

With love and light


I believe we have every reason to be encouraged I have a sense of wonderment and great adventure upon us very soon. The build up to 12-21-2012 in my feelings and signs was a successful purge and first step of blind faith.

While many ( the mass media ) in particular tried hard to categorize it as a Y2K type of hoax and many would-be-light workers perhaps felt betrayed or dis-couraged. I feel it was successful, as many of PAT do.

Just after, I began to have numerical synchronicities of 12-21 constantly, as to say DO NOT loose faith, something grand did take place. we just can’t perceive it with our 3D 5 senses, but many did FEEL it.

The syncronicities for me were/are my confirmation from guardian angels assuring me do not despair, all is going as planned.

Here we are just a few days beyond 3-21, I’ve read a few things about this date not knowing anything at all about it or that it was to be a pivotal point for the light other than a few things I read and totally can not even remember other than reading just now about de-materialization.

Needless to say, now this is a sequence I have been seeing on my clock as something guiding me to suggest, another successful step trust your intuition outside of your limited 3D senses.

10:10 is one other that recently has been appearing for me quite a lot the alpha/omega- begin and the end.

The spiraling void we are in is the cocoon, and our light beings/celestial angels are trying hard to protect us, like a mother bird for her eggs. When I gaze into the sun then to close my eyes I can see this blue dot spiraling as if in a void/vortex getting tighter and tighter, until destination.

One foot over the line sweet Jesus.

David Julseth

Dear David,

thank you for this validation of the impending PAT supernova. The signs are very powerful indeed that we are on the cusp of this monumental event.


Hi Georgi,

Last night was like nothing I’ve ever experienced to date.

For so long now I follow the channeled messages, etc. and truly felt left out. I never have these channelings and few times I remember my dreams. I used to feel that maybe I didn’t belong as a member of the PAT because I was not seeing or feeling anything special until only the last week and a half or so.

It began with sensing your presence so strongly in my kitchen, while I cooked a couple of days ago. But last night was so vivid, it must be for a reason so here it is.

First I saw a glowing, blue light object high in the sky that looked like a ship and the hand of a human pointing up in the sky at the object and the blue light changing shape in front of me and the pointed finger. Then I began to see the outline of human faces passing before me. I had the feeling that the first few faces were actually of me in 5-D world and then I started to see a parade of faces, almost frightening –  Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Rumsfeld and then screaming alien faces. As if they were screaming at me for what was happening to them. And then the faces stopped and it was peaceful.

Also, before the night began, I was overwhelmed with emotions thinking about those who lost their lives fighting the evil forces on this earth.

So this is what I saw and experienced last night. Real visions. Just wanted to submit this to you.

Much love and light,

Dear Charlotte,

this is a very impressive vision indeed and very realistic also. I too sense the despair of the departing cabal in the last 24-48 hours.


I am relieved to hear there are some fellow PAT-sters who are also riding these incredible CC waves. The past three days have been rough. Back pain, chest, lower chakra and the sounds emitted by my portal are deafening. Unfortunately, I have not had the waves of joy so many have reported. I look forward to that.

Love and light,

Hi Georgi;

Thank you for continuing to publish on the website as it still remains about the only lifeline many of us have. I’m glad that you are OK and things here with me are just OK also. We don’t belong here anymore and we haven’t moved on to a more compatible existence. So there is still is, nothing to do but trust and allow….

I just read Jon’s post today about his tarot experience, while I don’t use any methods or tools of divination personally, I have seen them to be just as valid as anything else if the intent is clear and the questioner is sincere. I guess just the like the old computer term ‘garbage in, garbage out’… I thought I’d try a little experiment on a free i-ching reading site just to amuse and distract myself… I tried it 3 times with the same question ‘will our ascension happen this coming week’ and the same i-ching symbols came up all three times. Since I am a bit a of mathematician I could not stop marveling and questioning the chances of this happening 3 times in a row? The statistical possibility of that is almost nil…  so this is what I got, I hope since we both use gmail is will display exactly as I see in the email I send…

My best to you as always Georgi,

Marco NYC


Dear Marco,

a very interesting experiment indeed and highly improbable in terms of statistics, unless it is true what it announces.

Let us hope that this forecast will be realized in this form. What else can we do at this particular moment in time? But with or without tarot or other devices, the energetic surge in the last days is so immense that there is no other outcome possible, but ascend and all PAT members feel it coming. This is the bottomline now.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I am sensing very favourable energies for the past couple of hours (April 6). I have been told to consciously breathe in this “new light” as it contains valuable information. I continue to recover from my migraine at this moment.

With love and life,

Looting of America – Why the US and World Economy Will Collapse within 24 Hours After Our Imminent Appearance as Ascended Masters

Dear Katrina,

Thank you for this excellent and very revealing program /video on why the US economy is run by banksters and the worst criminals on this planet and why these monsters should be extradited from the current balanced earth A/B and detained on the hell-planet B after the detonation of the PAT supernova and the ID split as to learn their karmic lessons in the next 26 000 years of Kali Yoga incarnation cycle.

This report also explains why the whole Orion economic system will collapse within 24 hours after our imminent ascension and appearance as the new Creator Gods and Earth Keepers in front of humanity. It also confirms all articles I have published so far on these issues especially the fact that under the reign of the biggest polit-criminal Obama not a single bankster has been prosecuted although the scope of their current crimes exceeds hundreds of times  the crimes during the saving banks fraud in the 90s when more than 1000 banksters were put to jail. This fast alone speaks more than thousand books that Obama is the most dark political entity on power at present.

The destiny of these assassins is already sealed as I dreamt this night in a pivotal lucid dream about the abdication of the chief criminal in this whole hierarchical bunch of murderers – the British Orion-Reptilian queen. She stand in front of me as an ascended master in my full glory and radiance and had to answer for her crimes. She made such a pity figure and became smaller and smaller with each explanation she made, until she virtually disappeared from my sight.


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