Energy Update of the PAT – March 12, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Dear Georgi,

Wow… I have just finished reading all of the latest posts as I have been off line since your explanation of the final decree posted on the 7th. I was traveling to and from California during this last round of downloads and it was extremely tiring and nauseating physically, while on the flip side it was wonderfully affirming both mentally and emotionally. I was eager to report in but wanted to catch up on all the latest before doing so.

The synchronicity of dreams and awareness within the PAT continues to astound me! Unfortunately, I can relate to Dorie’s recent “shit cleaning” in a literal sense as well. I have a cat that has been ill for the last several years. These energies have been hard on her as I think she is also taking on some health issues for my husband. Many of her symptoms mirror his thyroid issues and she constantly follows him around lying on his chest or lap at any opportunity. It appears she has become senile as well and stopped using the litter box to defecate. Fortunately, she still uses it to urinate…Needless to say, there has been a lot of discussion about putting her down in my household and I was elated to see she was still here when I got home having feared in my absence she might have met her final demise. My interpretation was the same as Dorie’s, I knew that it metaphorically represented the “shit cleaning” yet to be done and, in deed, it was massive! Interestingly, the kitty has not had one accident since my return home even though her health has not visibly improved.

I have had difficulty for a couple of months now remembering my dreams upon awakening — even when I attempt and request to remember them. However, this past week I have been lucid dreaming to the extent that I can get up in the middle of it, do something, return to bed and pick up again right where it left off, never missing a detail in recall later. Like Dorie, I have been swimming in the oceans and communing with wildlife. I even found myself swimming in a river with hippos…Yes, hippos! How odd is that? I remember in the dream when I first realized that these massive beasts had been submerged in the water and were surfacing all around me, my initial thought was “Oh, my gosh! Are they going to hurt me?” Interestingly, I did not feel the fear that would normally accompany that question. Then, suddenly a baby hippo swims up to me and I began to stroke its back and swim along side in a complete state of bliss. The older hippos leisurely raised their heads and watched on without any registered concern for the baby. In another part of the dream, I had several large cats, lions and tigers, who had entered my home and were lying as though guarding the doorways. I lay down in the floor next to one of them and wrapped its massive paw around me while joyously thinking, “And the lion shall lay down with the lamb.”

I also had another ascension dream in which a large group of us in some sort of vehicle entered a narrow, dark tunnel that twinkled with a swirling light as we were propelled forward and upwards at a very rapid speed. I remember thinking, “this must be it!” but then to my dismay, I woke up. You have also been showing up in my dreams…always instructing me on something or another.

The best part of this trip was that I was able to get the pulse of the masses personally and I am ecstatic with what I found, Georgi! For once, I had an open, honest, discussion based on truth with nearly every person I encountered on my journey. It was fantastic! On both the outgoing and return legs of my flights, I sat next to young men in their mid-to-late 20’s that were aware of many of the hard truths discussed on this Web site. Both appeared to be magnetized to me and even commented that they normally did not engage in conversation on flights but felt drawn to do so, even though I was reading or working on notes for my lecture. They were both aware of the Illuminati, the military industrial complex, 9/11 and other false flag events, psych drugging and the eugenics “sick care” health agenda—even the Nazi UFO back-engineering and Lizzie infiltration! I was shocked! Not only did these young men know about these things, they were also questioning me about the validity of religion! They seemed relieved and validated when I enlightened them to the control agenda contained therein. So, I planted the seed for ascension and directed them to this Web site for more information.

Even among the chiropractors at my event, numerous individuals aged 20 to 50 were expressing their knowledge of the “secrets’ of the matrix. I was literally astounded that this advancement was so pronounced from the last group that I had spoken to. Anyway, although the trip was exhausting, it was also exhilarating! I feel as though my vessel is full (how much fuller can it get?) as my cup runneth over with joy!

Thank you for the latest decree as I myself have suffered from the savior complex and this action has validated the necessity of my recent emotional separation from the “victims” I encounter in my work immensely.

With love and light to all,

Dear Gwen,

thank you very much for your comprehensive account on your travel to CA and the rapid awakening of humanity. You have now entered the period of full visibility as an ascended master as predicted by our HS and this trend will continue to deepen rapidly. There is no doubt that we have never had such a profound transformation of humanity as after our almost inhuman effort in February to infuse this dumbed down race  with the high frequency Christed energies from the source and to change their past Orion programming of enslavement with a new multi-dimensional operating system.

Now is the time to ripe the harvest of our intensive cleansing work in the past. All events and signs culminate now in the detonation of the PAT supernova this month and I can assure you that the steady uplifting in my personal energy fields tell me that this time there will be no delay. All portals are fully open and the culmination is palpable all the time.

I am now sure that this month I will stop editing this website for certain. I have no idea what will come next as a new form of communication, but it will be much bigger and effective than the current Orion digital Internet.

By the way, other members of the PAT also report that I have appeared to them in the dream state as ascension dreams. This is another sign that we are in the final stage of preparation before the detonation of the PAT supernova  when the final details are coordinated and adjusted.

With love and light

Lieber Georgi,

ich hatte in der letzten Woche vier sehr schöne Aufstiegs-Visionen, wovon ich dir eine mitteilen möchte:

Du standest auf einer Bühne vor vielen Menschen und ich hörte dich sagen:”And I ask you now to look very clearly at me and see, what will happen.”
Daraufhin verwandeltest du dich in eine Lichtkugel und schwebtest ganz langsam fort.

Ich freue mich so sehr.

Alles Liebe


Dear Georgi,

I had in the last week four very nice Ascension visions of which I want to tell you one:

You stood on a stage in front of many people and I heard you say:. “And I ask you now to look very carefully at me and see, what will happen

Then you transformed you into a ball of light and disappeared away slowly.

I’m so happy.

All the best

Liebe Renate,

deine Aufstiegsvision von meiner Wenigkeit sagt mehr als Tausend Wörter. Wurde auch nicht zufällig das Datum eingeblendet?

Liebe Grüße


Dear Renate,

your ascension vision is worth a thousand words. Did they also displayed coincidentally, the date of ascension?


Ha ha, ja das wär die Krönung gewesen, aber leider nein, es gab kein Kalenderblatt wie bei Jerry.

Liebe Grüsse Renate


Ha ha, yes that would have been the crowning achievement, but sadly no, there was no calendar page, as with Jerry.

Best regards

Hey Georgi!

I am getting ready to get all caught up on the last two days. Internet connections are sparse for me as I am staying in Sedona, AZ until the 23rd.

Not sure how much you know about Sedona, but the energies here are intense. I have had Ascension dreams twice in a row. One where we were Ascending but it was more normal than I thought kind a like your dream, it was just a different version of Earth but I don’t recall having any special powers  or things being immensely differerent….

The next dream I had was of you, you were young and handsome with dark hair. I have never seen a picture of you, so I don’t know what you look like. Anyway, we (the PAT) were all in some sort of class and you were the teacher. I can’t remember the details but it was all Ascension related.

I had thought you said Jerry lived in Sedona, Arizona or around that way. I don’t know how up to it he feels, but I was thinking about going to several of the many power points down here and reading your decree. It was my hope that Jerry and I combined in a power point may help our situation. I was thinking we could maybe read your final decree or something.

If the long walks are not appeasing to him, I thought maybe we could grab a bite to eat or something. Since I don’t have a smart phone and am not readily near the Internet, I thought I could give you my phone # and if Jerry feels up to meeting, he can just give me a call.

Any ideas you have while I am in this location I am open to. My sole -soul mission while I am here is to help detonate the PAT or at least the first wavers Ascension, even if I am not on the first wave. Don’t get me wrong, I want to be one of the first wavers but I am down to do whatever to help get the PAT off the ground.  All of this relates to Aprils message yesterday about Power points and getting to them.  Funny how it all works out.

Love and Light,

Dear Jon,

I will forward your email to Jerry and leave it up to him to decide if he can meet you. You are not the only one who had recently dreamt of myself in connection with our ascension. Other PAT members also report about similar ascension dreams with me. This should be evaluated as the final preparation for our Supernova, where part of my duties will be to accompany you in the first moments after transformation in the higher realms as to help you accommodate quicker to the new multi-dimensional environment.

I do not think that we need to do anything particular now, but just relax and flow with the waves as they come. Enjoy your time in Sedona!

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I have not read the 3-11 posts yet; I am so eager to get to you the following dreamtime experience from 3/10-11. I only remember a fraction of what transpired.

Last night while asleep, I spent what seemed to be the longest time in the lightbody: acclimating, playing, being thrilled at the new existence. I remember easy levitation and flying, and a sense of clenching or flexing in my feet that was keeping me conscientious of their connection with the earth- as if they had to function like suction cups so I would not float away. I remember flying and performing acrobatics in the air in the living room of my grandparents, leaping over a long table, and while they were looking at me, it was not registering in their consciousness- like the story of the ship on the horizon that could not be seen by those on shore until it was already in their harbor, simply because of its novelty.

I have had many lightbody acclimation dreams, and each has built upon what went before, but this time I was lucid and able enough to maintain the vibration for the longest time- a ‘personal best’ by far- and with the most incredible variety. Again, I only remember a few pieces, but:

I specifically remember floating vertically in a room, just a bit off the floor, and spinning extremely fast, creating a strobe/rapid pulsing effect that acted for me as an even greater amplification and raising of frequency. I was also watching this from outside, and the strobe effect was creating incredible visuals within my field- making me appear stationary, or slowly turning the opposite direction. I cannot describe the subjective effect, except an exponential increase beyond what was already a stable lightbody frequency. This increase and loudness was so great that I was kicked back into my sleeping body several times. I could feel it coming, and then with great disorientation (though no discomfort whatsoever, as always in the past) I was suddenly thrust back into the 3d sleeping body and its position.

In the past, there would have been dizzying ‘hell to pay’ for having such a high ride and then slamming back to 3d. But, very naturally I was repeatedly back in the ‘dream’ state immediately, and spinning again. Whatever was happening, it was incredible how steady it was and for how long it felt to last, after a few times. Finally, it accelerated past a certain pitch, and the whole thing concluded, leaving me to wake up in 3d (after the wormhole spin-about) more impressed than in any experience before. I wonder if any others have had parallel experiences. April once mentioned a dream of me that was simultaneous with my experiencing in the waking state: sending what was happening through me to the PAT.

Now my body is fine. I am not feeling the usual aftermath at all. I do wish I could recall the rest of the night. I remember a couple traditional dreams, but even from this episode of the ascended vibration and beyond, I am only relaying the few parts that stuck with me.

…As for this past week, I do not know which specific events to report other than that I feel this process building daily, and it is extreme yet comfortable, just like this past night.


Dear Travis,

thank you for your vivid energy account on your recent ascension test runs. This is how it will finally occur, there will be no difference, but then your departure from the 3d-reality will be for ever and you will know it.

Of course the state of bliss will be infinitely more intensive as you no longer need to return and can enjoy this energetic state to the full extent. If you are allowed to have this same sensation now, you will never want to return back in your physical vessel. But in the meantime we have advanced so much up the Jacob’s ladder of ascension that even the return in the physical vessel is no longer perceived as a punishment as was the case in the past. Our bodies now know that they are on the verge of full transformation and have accommodated this change already in their consciousness.

With love and light

Dear George,

Yes, exactly. It is so good to be in this moment, having come thus far. And what awe awaits! My fortune cookie yesterday read: “Be prepared to receive something special within the week.” …maybe a light body or news of yours.


Dear Georgi,

I am very happy for your time alone over the past week as this was very healing and orienting for your soul, as I had known would be the case for a long time.

I am being told to give you the message that it would serve you well to do this on a regular basis now as we move forward toward the ascension. It may not appear exactly as it did this past week, and that you will know what you need from this day forward.

I myself have been in great union with many energies over the past several days. On Saturday my friend and I, with the help of Daniel, carried out a beautiful and powerful cleansing and re-set of theGiza Pyramid and the entire middle east. I am not sure if Daniel has had a chance to share any of our considerations of the past week with regard to the rainbow light infusions coming in to Gaia. Daniel is a great powerful Being and held strongly the Divine Masculine at the Giza pyramid for us as we brought in these energies. In fact he is so fully grounded in his Beingness that we would not have been able to carry out the work with the success that we did, without his presence. The pyramid is a central element to all manner of connection to the web of light around the earth/Gaia.

Following this morning infusion, I slowly lost more and more energy throughout the day until I laid down about 6 hours later, only to find myself “dying” on the bed. I was aware of my soul leaving my body and realized that I was no longer breathing. Suddenly my body elemental took over and I gasped for air and this pulled me back in. It was very surprising to me that I was so fragile and energetically vulnerable following this event.

Based on your vast knowledge and experience what can I do in the future to protect my fields?  This type of energy work seems to be coming to the forefront of my skill set and I am told there is more work to be done over the next few weeks.

I am feeling somewhat better today after receiving infusions from various sources since Saturday night following this event.  I know I am protected but I should have some understanding of what is at play here.

I am happy you are back!

With love and light,

Dear Carla,

thank you for your latest energy update. I myself have been now finally relieved from the nasty cleansing work, but the incoming waves are nonetheless extremely powerful and are dissolving rapidly my physical body. It feels as if I could ascend any moment from now on.

To be honest when you do this work, which you describe in your email, the only way to recover is ask for a pause from your HS and stop transmuting this energy. But as this process is regulated by your HS, there is not much you can do to influence it. You can only try to recreate physically by simply sleeping or having a bath or a shower. This is what helps me most. I have given up using any special techniques as they no longer function at this high frequency level, bu just letting the energies flow as smoothly as possible and not intervening at all or trying to interpret them too much.

You are talking about further energy work in the next weeks. I hope it will not take that long before we detonate the PAT supernova.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your letter with support.

Yes, they are telling me that this energy work is necessary work to be completed before the first wave of ascendees can take place. When I say “few” weeks, I mean 2-3 weeks (actually by March 31).  We have just now finished cleansing and clearing a massive portal around the Stonehenge site to make way for a new transmission of what we were told are the Camelot Codes. The Elohim were present for this as well.

The whole of this energetic work is so unbelievably vast. I believe the Saturday clearing was so difficult because the Elohim asked me to invoke the Platinum Light.  You may recall last spring I was initiated in the use of this light. We are being told that Gaia is in dire need of assistance, that this work corrects the catastrophic timeline.  Now it all comes together.

Wishing you love,

Dear George,

from a further distance I was following the last events of the promised Ascension of the PAT to feel and notice that again something was not going the right way. Immediately my intuition told me that the Suns activity is not up to the point to support the crossing of the energetic threshold. As most certainly know to you and most of the PAT the Suns Activity was never in the last months up to the expectations that most scientists were having for the  2012/2013 period.

Immediately after your decree I looked up Joe’s Website for new comments and I noticed that he channeled information which put the divine in – lets say somehow – awkward position. Somehow the dark powers have been manipulating the Suns power to possibly postborn some events or to openly sabotage the energetic threshold.

At that time I wanted to wait a little bit until this morning Joe published an update to that. So to speak the Sun will be back on track with a sudden burst on 14th March. As this energetic burst may carry some dangerous radiation along with it everyone should be advised not to spend to much time in the open. Even areas which are not exposed to direct sunlight are advised to act accordingly.

Channeled by Lightworker Joe Boehe on 03rd March.2013
308 About the sun in March 2013

As of February, the month has passed, with the ups and downs of different energies, it will continue in March 2013.

From the 5th March is again a slightly longer period of intense activity that can be expected up to the 10th/12thMarch 2013. What may occur on the 9th or 10th again is a special short-term activity.

Then it goes on from 18th March continuously for 2-3 days and then again the sun will be very active around  the 25th. This also it will last about 2-3 days.

In the meantime, the sun will always emit strong X-ray and magnetic radiation.

A violent solar activity in its 11-year cycle is not expected.

From my side, the father of the divine, it is clear that something is wrong with the sun. It is not in balance and I have certain powers in the suspicion that they have been manipulating the sun.

This struck me in the last few days and I will pursue the matter with the utmost severity. If by doing so,  my projects are be prevent or hindered, then it will have a colossal impact for those who need to stand up for the cause.

It may therefore well be that in addition to the above appointments the Sun is suddenly displaying more activity, namely, the restoration of optimum sun, as it was planned and should be.

You will soon hear a new message from me, the Divine Father, when I carried out the consequences of the wrong doing.

Be comforted in my love, and under my protection.

Channeled by Lightworker Joe Boehe on 09th March 2013
310 The sun is corrected

The tests and investigations have now so far advanced that it is know who has been manipulating the sun and how this has taken place.

Specific countermeasures were discussed and developed that will be taking place Thursday of next week, 14th March 2013, starting very early in the morning and going on throughout the whole of the day.

Here the solar radiations will be quite dramatic and intense and therefore I beg you to avoid – for humans and animals – direct sunlight on that day.

However this warning also applies to all other areas of the world that are not direct exposure to the Sun. Please exercise total restraint in order to avoid skin burns like sunbathing but also deeper skin damage.

This will go on until Friday afternoon and everyone should note that please.

Then the sun is back, as it should be without the shameful manipulation. Ready for ascension and full of energy. Even the mother of the Sun and the Pleiades Central Sun at the center of the Milky Way are again at the right angle and in the right position.

After that, it remains to be seen what kind of surprises you will encounter and which will point out the fact that my, the Divine Word applies.

Remain  in my love and never grow impatient. Impatience is something for short-sighted people for they do not see the brilliant success at the end of the trail.


After you formulated you decree a huge was lifted of my chest and yesterday while walking in a deep forest I was confirming that decree again and again with a loud voice. I felt so elated and at the same time connected with the PAT Oneness. I also felt your telepathic request to finally translate that bit of information as I feel it may be a piece to the whole puzzle.

in love and light

Dear Björn,

Joe is often channeling crap as his channel is not clean. This has happened many times in the past. He informed me in advance about this message and, although I did not tell him as not to offend him, my opinion is that his source “sich nur wichtig macht” (tries only to be important) as it has nothing to say. I should strongly recommend you not to pay any attention now to this or any other source.

The latest messages from April are very powerful and they give you the best information about what will come next. I fully coalesce with them. Besides the sun, though of great principle importance, is no longer that much relevant for the ascension process in the current final stage. There are other sources that now coordinate and promote  the ascension Supernova of the PAT.

This time there will be no more delays. In fact we are still on schedule as we were told as early as end of January that mass ascension and the PAT supernova will begin around spring equinox and this is now still the case. Only the stepwise ascension of small groups of first wavers was cancelled on behalf of the original more powerful version of Supernova ascension scenario. This is legitimate and this has always been the original scenario, which is the optimal solution.

When one assesses the events in the retrospective, we have a straight forward narrative. We could not reach the threshold of ascension for humanity at the optimal date around Dec 21 and had to postpone it for another three months till the next optimal date at spring equinox. During this time we, the PAT, have fully connected to the source and have become even more powerful as a group than three months earlier. We were able to awaken humanity to a much greater extent than expected in the most optimistic forecasts of the HR.

Now we have again the classical three-earth scenario, which we first decided upon and installed on February 26th last year, exactly one year before my last Decree to stop with our earth mission as huge vacuum cleansers. Do you think that this is a coincidence? It is all part of the original schedule, but of course we crossed many points in linear time, where the potentials were favourable for our ascension in case humanity would have awakened to a greater extent.

This did not happen and now we have reached the final deadline. I see personally now very clearly the red thread of all past events behind the veil and on the ground and why we had to act as if each past threshold could have been our last one. Only in this way could we push the ascension process so much forward as to begin now with the initial scenario for the End Times with a much bigger harvest of ascending souls than expected. I am very pleased with this result and this fact makes me quickly forget all my past ordeal and physical pains.

With love and light

Dear George,

thank you for your clear-cut advice. My inner feeling told me that this was somehow fishy but nevertheless I was maybe seeing connection to the Sun as for the PAT not being able “to take off”. Meanwhile I understand that reaching the energetic threshold has not a really close connection to the sun as such. I wish you well in every way – we are connected so much, I do feel and thank you here again for your continuous and laborious undertaking – you have been the trigger to the fulfillment of a dream of humanity – and so much more.

Take care and godspeed…

in love and light

Beloved Georgi…

I concur with the latest posts on PAT ascension bang this March. It feels set in stone (meaning no delays!)

My lungs are rapidly changing right now. I feel like I might have a sore throat, but it is not, it is all changing. but then you know this already, LOL!!!

I am going to share a post I made for Facebook…. It was a waking imagination – a daydream, yet I posted it like a night dream for those that I am connected to.

I had a dream I was in Rome and as I walked the plaza, I noticed I was approaching the Vatican. I saw this long line of poor people and children in hand. So I got closer to see that the Pope and all the bishops were in white robes standing behind a long table clothed in white. Upon this table were trays of food, all kinds of food. The Pope and bishops were serving the food to hungry. I looked around some more to see that there were some people wearing the ornate robes of the pope and bishops, and even the red shoes of the pope. I looked quickly under the table to see that not one of the bishops or pope have shoes on. I wondered if this was a special holiday.. so I walked inside the Vatican building. I saw people walking with arms full of treasures and walking out the door. I saw people with books and gold candle sticks, and children with clothes. This was so puzzling. I asked a child what was going on and he said “they came!!” I asked who came. He said “the Ascended Masters are here, it is time!” I asked “Who?” The boy said “the new Ascended Masters are making things right again. We will no longer starve or be cold!” He ran off. I walked deeper in to the Vatican chambers and in to chapel. It was empty. Only echos of my footsteps filled the air… then I woke up…

I posted a photo of the Sistine Chapel. I have had great replies from it, everyone ready for some kind of balance and equity in our world!

We are One and I will be listening for T-messages. This is my last written onto you! Thank you! Thanks to April, Dory, and so many many of the others that assisted in keeping us informed at this level! I am grateful!

~ Love, Carolyn

Dear Carolyn,

this is a beautiful dream symbolizing the equality and abundance for all humans in the New Age. It is so true that only we as ascended masters can bring this prosperity to the humans.

With love and light

Hello  George,

Welcome back…  I had wanted to write. Yet I respected your wishes. On March 7th.  Before I had taken a nap. I had asked my HS, What is going on? And I wanted to remember word for word. This poem is what came to me.

While  asleep, I could see how the light was flowing,and watching this light flow to the people. Was excited when I woke up.  When you read this poem, start off reading slow, Then read at a one, two beat, then the tempo gets faster and faster the more you read it.
By the way did you happen to see the Heading on Google Chrome today. The hidden message?

Having computer problem  on writing. Will send off.
Love from the Hills of Arkansas


From Source
To me
To all of you
Comes back again
I see from me.

Again it goes
My eyes do see
Comes back again
to you.

The light I see
From Source to me
From me to you
Again I see.

Over and over
Again it flows
Never stopping
This light it goes.

Again I see
From Source
To Me
To All of you
Comes back to me
From Source again
I see.

Dear Elna,

thank you very much for this very powerful poem. It has an inner rhythm which captures immediately the mind and heaves it upwards. Great poem indeed!

Do you mean the Google picture with the portable phone saying “no panic”?


Hello George,

Yes, that is the one. Don’t panic. Wonder if people will get the message, after seeing Google today. Once the earth starts to spin. People will panic. Nothing I can do, once it starts.


Dear George,

Today it made me so happy to see you are back! You asked for so little, just a week without editing for the purpose of deepening yourself, the very least you could ask for given your long-term commitment to End Times. Obviously, this sequestering was necessary. Yet you must know your soul emanates through your every written word and this external connection was missed. Thank you for opening with the spectacular and deeply uplifting March 11 articles.

April, thank you for your messages from HS. To answer your question about how other PAT are feeling, since I began saying the decree (3) times a day, I am experiencing a deepening of the incoming vibrations. This morning when I awoke my head was surrounded with even louder frequencies than normal. It continues throughout the day. I am like jello, that is to say, mushy with love. This is especially intensified when I receive an email from a PAT member, think about them, or today read George’s website.  Although I wish to be alone, more opportunities to be with others keep arising and I am allowing this as a test. Clearly, in spite of all the affirmations and decrees and cleansing I have done over time, I had a savior program to eliminate in order to liberate myself.

In Light & Love,

Dear Marilyn,

thank you for your kind words and for your validation of the necessity of the last decree that propelled us to the final ascension, which is not about us, but about humanity as a whole.

With love and light

Dear George,

I do clearly understand the reason for this last decree was to force the situation, gain our clarity and is about humanity as a whole.

Much Love, Marilyn


Hi there my friend! How are you after your week of hibernation?

George, there is a tone, a sound, (at a certain frequency) that is ever present. I noticed it a couple of years back for many days in a row and then nothing for a day or two and lately the past 4 or 5 days it has been ever present and LOUD. It makes my body itch something crazy. Any idea what it is? Man made of the process?

Thank much
Be well; Anthony

Dear Anthony,

this high pitched tone is a consequence of the opening of your left brain portal, 6th and 7th chakras and the upper chakras 8th to 2th. The vortex which your etheric field has now built is so powerful that it rotates the molecules in the air with it and they collide and create this tone. I have it without a pause since 1999 and sometimes it is so high and loud that I cannot not hear what other people are saying.

These same energies then flow through your whole body along the nervous pathways and make your skin itchy and burning. This is what most of us experience for years, especially in the last months. This is quite normal and are symptoms of the huge energies coming from the source that are now engulfing all human beings on earth, even though most of them do not register them consciously.

If I were you, I would be more worried if it were not like this, then in this case you would have been stuck in your LBP and ascension. Now you have the proof that you are on the steep path to ascension.

With love and light

Hello Georgi,

My name is Gatis and I am from Latvia. My friend Karlis from Riga suggested I write to you since he already had some conversations with you. A bit about me. I am in the free energy stuff and have about 6 years of experience working on various different free energy concepts. But so far with very little luck, but the experience is very valuable. It always seemed that I am very close to the goal, but the final critical piece is not given to me, seems like the higher realms don’t want to play my best cards out too soon.

I don’t want this for me, this would solve many problems for all mankind and also help to collapse the system very fast. I am not in it for fame or money, although that would be fine too. Any way. Since last September I began to experience something odd with my body, I had something like pressure on the top of my head from time to time, sometimes it was so intense that I began to panic about it. But at the same time, as this began, I also started to experience revelations and insights about what God is and what we all are doing here and how wonderful and complex this planet is with all its complex mechanisms and how genius it is.

This led me to believe that such a thing could not happen on its own, it has to have an architect and master builder behind it. Also I started to comprehend what the aether is and how it works and how that can be turned into useful energy. I was very happy about that. But since that many months have passed and the revelations come more or less frequent, but also the physical symptoms are starting to become more intense. Several times I had hot and cold flashes accompanied with shivers so that you shake violently for about 30 minutes, then it usually lets go. The pressure in the middle of the top of the head also comes and goes more frequently and now it is sometimes accompanied with elevated heart rate when it rises at about 120 beats per minute. This all is very unfamiliar to me. And often this causes panic in me. I am also very tired most of the time, sometimes there is a headache. I used to drink lots of coffee and energy drinks, but I don’t do it anymore. I suspect that I might be one of the PAT team members, but I can’t be sure. Can you help me please? I am ready to work for the good of humanity, because I realize that only cooperation is the correct way to proceed, nature teaches me this every day. Thank you very much for being and for your web site with all the useful info in here.

Gatis Arents from Latvia

Dear Gatis,

what you describe are the classical symptoms of the advanced LBP. I have written many articles on the LBP and its clinical symptoms which you can find on my website and compare with your personal experience. There is nothing unusual in this and the precess does go with a lot of exhaustion and pain when it fully unfolds.

With respect to free photon energy. I have also written a lot on this topic and I can assure you that very soon this energy source will be available to the entire humanity. But this will happen after the detonation of the PAT supernova and the ID split on the new balanced earth A/B and of course on the earth A. But first the dark cabal on power must be eliminated as not to allow for misuse of this free energy source. By the way when free energy will be available, money will be also eliminated as exchange means, so that your problem will be solved.

You should read carefully the articles on our website to get a better insight about what will come next on the earth.

With love and light


What do you think of Grillo and his potential election win in Italy? Is he a paid stooge who has to buy time for this declining Country, or his brand of politics the real deal?

If you resent the question, I apologize. I am bothered lately by an incredible boredom in which the prospect of ascension feels, shall we say, stalled.

I have to tell you I know a lot of people who feel put to sleep by the lack of any change or any action in our own political situation here in Canada. The locals at the coffee shop here, aside from being Italian, have taken up Italian politics for the drama it offers.


Dear Eric,

Grillo is a precursor to the changes we we will fully implement as ascended masters in the coming months as you can read in my last article. His duty is not to make politics as usual, but to block and destroy this Orion system. And he is doing a fabulous job so far.

Do you know that the opposition German candidate disqualified him as a comedian and for this he was punished by the German voters and sunk deeply in the polls. Now his party discusses to replace him as he has no chance against Merkel. Thus the “Grillo effect” is well beyond the boundaries of Italy. He is everywhere as a precursor for the impending collapse of the matrix.


OK. My only observation about my own ascension process right now is that linear thinking is starting to fail in analyzing these types of things. So for that reason, perhaps the change is real this time.

And others seem to concur. The owner of the local coffee shop, an Italian seems to be breathing the fumes of Grillo as you’ve said because he wants to start a new non-partisan party in Canada, out of the blue, which would run on the coat tails of such a movement. I just think he’s too early. I told him to wait until things collapse first, than build something new.


Dear Georgi,

It’s only a week from I sent you the below email and the things changed so rapidly.

Everything what I have written in the email is true and I see it the way also today – there’s only one difference. Based on my past feelings and experiences I thought that our decrees don’t have any great impact on the progression of planned events.

But only a few days after your announced seclusion you started to publish one breaking news after the other.

Today my previous question: “Is there any reason / fact to believe that this Spring’s equinox is the final date/term for the Ascension?” is completely answered and is of no importance.

The details of further progress of events and our roles in the whole process are simply breath-taking.

Let’s start the show,

Dear Marek,

I am glad that you have regained your confidence. This last decree had indeed a huge impact and accelerated the ascension process significantly. It was a must, so that the portals could be opened and the energy of ascension can flow freely now.

Retrospectively we needed another three months after the first optimal date of ascension around Dec 21 to prepare humanity for this event. We could have easily ascended at that date, but then humanity would have not made it without our support. Now they are ready for the big changes and there is no logic to postpone them one more time.


Dear Georgi,

even though I value our internal sources as the most trustworthy it looks as if also the LW are starting to sense that something important will happen this March.

The website accessible through the below link is looking at the possible 25 events in March, 2013 that were collected from various sources ( Mayan elder, remote viewing..

I take the below info with reservation, but it’s quite a funny reading before the real events start to flow.

No Kidding…. March 2013… The New 12-21-2012… 25 Events to Watch


Hello Georgi,

It’s great to have you back. Your decree and the effects of such a decision was a vulnerable and powerful shift for all of us.

Each day that passes has become more and more difficult to get through. I am sure the PAT all agree.

Today, my head feels heavy and my anxiousness is anticipating some major event coming. Then again, this has been going on for some time, so perhaps it’s simply my perception of such.

I remain like a child wanting to open his Xmas presents the day before. This process is excruciating, but I am starting to see the bigger picture, that is to your work.

I am following your messages on your site religiously. Your work is of the utmost importance at this time and is considered a guiding light for so many light bearing souls out there. I am merely one.

All the best.

Dear Phil,

thank you for your appreciation. I simply try to follow the ups and downs in the ascension scenario as they evolve in the Now and appear as the proverbial tip of the iceberg in our 3d-reality. As long as one keeps the narrative simple and logical, one is on the right track.

The broader picture is that we are inextricably linked to the process of awakening of humanity. Now this process has reached a pivotal threshold that allows us to leave this holographic model and exert our mission as ascended masters, thus leaving the distribution of source energy on the ground for a while to those that will follow us in our shoes in larger groups.

Actually it is as simple as that, but as long as one is still in a physical vessel, this situation is extremely challenging and one may easily lose the hope. And this s the worst thing one can experience. As long as one keeps in mind that he is an immortal creator being all the time and only temporarily trapped in a human vessel, nothing bad can happen to him, no matter what kind of holographic events he will be confronted with. None of them will have any impact on the incarnated personality as long as she sees through their illusory character and endures their hollow social consequences with transcendental faith and hope.

With love and light

Hallo George,

I was relieved to hear from you again, and am indeed happy for the latest revelations from Dorie, Carla and April.

It feels wonderful to have clarity and knowledge along with a timeline as to the unfolding of the coming events.

Maybe I am jumping the gun (as April said she will bring forth more info in due course), but in April’s previous communication, we were told among others: “But do know that if you were to ascend in waves, upon your return/disclosure only those vibrating at a frequency high enough (an ascension candidate) would be able to see and interact with you up until the final ID split.

So I assume, with a PAT supernova/ID split ascension event, that when we return, we would be fully visible by all in the 3rd dimension, as otherwise it would be difficult to impact the status quo on this Orion controlled planet, right?!

in love and light,

Dear Joe,

this is a very important observation and I have also pondered on this same issue independently from you. My explanation is that with the ignition of the PAT supernova the vibrations on the balanced earth A/B will be augmented to such an extent that we will be now visible to most of the people. If we have ascended in small groups this would not have been the case as the ID split would have taken place later on.

What I also assume is that with the PAT supernova and the ID split the catastrophic earth B and the balanced earth A/B will be fully separated, but that many of the people who will eventually ascend on earth A will live for a while, probably till September on earth A/B, before they fully open and qualify for ascension. Of course with our help as ascended masters.

My guess is that after the ID split and our ascension, we will no longer have to deal with the dark cabal on power as they will be simply sequestered from the balanced earth A/B. Hence the urgent need for us to walk on this earth A/B in this interim time of huge change and lead humanity to develop new civilized forms of social life.


Ciao carissimo George,

cosa ne pensi delle teorie di Anatolij Fomenko?

Massimiliano, Italia


Ciao dear George,

what do you think about the history theory of Anatolij Fomenko?

Max, Italy

Dear Max,

first of all, from a gnostic point of view, there is no such thing as linear time and thus no past, present, and future as an arrow of time. That is to say, you can change past and future from the now as there is only the Now.

This is what Fomenko is actually trying to do. However he is going too far and challenges the known linear time schedule of human history only by shortening it, instead of eliminating it as a cognitive concept. Thus he has to twist the whole known history to support his concept of “New Chronology” and is open to numerous critics.

The problem of most Russians, as well as Americans, is that they have never lived in old places such as Italy, Bulgaria, etc. where there are so many ruins from the ancient past that one must be mad to suggest that they come from medieval times, when there are at the same time other numerous medieval buildings from this time. Russians and Americans have no sense of history from personal experience and tend easily to such mental aberrations.

But the elimination of the concept of linear time is central to human cognition and will play a key role in the coming expansion of human awareness in the 5th dimension.


Dear George,

Truth appears to be in full-fledged retreat for the first time in years. I was a youngster when the Cuban Missile Crisis took place, and I never believed that would end in nuclear apocalypse. However, I see a nuclear war scenario unfolding before my eyes that could explode by the end of next week. I would not be at all surprised at nuclear strikes on San Francisco, New York, Washington, the US embassy in Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel. Yet the MSM seems totally in denial at the threat here and there has been no announcement of the US military being in high alert. Most of the best known Ron Paul supporters are coalescing behind Rand Paul, who is as phony as they come. The markets are booming despite so much incredibly negative news and I have heard nothing about ascension recently. Personally, I have never felt so isolated and full of dread. I could really use a “truth fix.” Thanks.

Bob Fallin

Dear Bob,

you are focusing too much on the catastrophic B timeline, which indeed suggests such a possible scenario. But if you change your angle of observation, you will see that it is exactly the opposite. The people are beginning to awaken with an astounding speed and I receive information from all parts of the world that this is the case now. We, the PAT have been much more successful in February in awakening humanity and we have now a bigger harvest of ascendees than predicted in the most optimistic prognoses in the HR for the current End Times.

This was the reason why we postponed one more time a lean ascension of a few members of the PAT in February in favour of a full detonation of the PAT supernova and triggering the ID split around spring equinox. Thus we will ascend in one fell swoop several billion people to the new earth A and many more to the balanced 4d-earth A/B.

Those – the dark cabal – that will stay on the catastrophic earth B are in panic now and they suggest such catastrophic scenarios, but I can assure you they have no chance to realize them as nobody is following them anymore. This is only smoke and mirrors.

You see, two weeks ago the Internet trolls appeared again and started harassing me with their emails full of unmotivated hatred, even menacing me with murder and the like as they did during the three last months of 2012. Also with a lot of sarcasm that we did not ascend in February. But you could read their angst between the lines as they know that their world is coming to an end. They can  only rejoice like a prisoner sentenced to death who has received a message from the governor to postpone his death sentence for another 24 hours in the very last minute, so that his mortal fear can be prolonged again. And all of these Internet trolls disappeared yesterday as if with a magic wand. This is what will happen with all their war scenarios.

I remember other times during the Cold war when the situation was much more dangerous and nothing happened. Why now, when all humanity is exponentially awakening and is no longer following these war mongers still on power? They have already lost as there is nobody to follow them. This is how any holographic model operates. Compare this with the time of fear mongering post 9/11 and you will see the big difference.

With love and light

Dear George,

Thank you for your encouragement. Interesting; in that, it was roughly two weeks ago when I began receiving unceasing attacks at virtually everything I posted on the Internet.  I have also watched as many of my former political allies have surrendered to lies over the last two weeks.

I stopped posting or even viewing THE DAILY PAUL because I became so frustrated at this surrender. Fascinating for me, after I read your encouraging email, I returned to THE DAILY PAUL and found the tone has changed completely. Even some of the posts indicated some of the members of the MSM who had previously had been either silent or supportive of pre-emptive war have now change their tone.

Your encouragement could not come at a better time. Bless you for it.

With love and light,

Dear George,

(If this disrupts your period of seclusion, please postpone reading it until later. But I felt it okay to write since you have started posting again.)

I just read your ascension dream a little while ago.  Wonderful description!

If I may offer a possible answer to your question, “What should be done to make these people begin to comprehend the new Theory of the Universal Law?” The answer popped into my mind the instant I read your question. But the answer is so simple, I wonder whether I understood your question correctly.

On the 5D Earth, as you described it, things may originally look much the same for people (like the appearance of nails in wooden houses), because that is what they expect to see. But their vibration is what will be the biggest and most important permanent difference for all humans, starting in the very beginning of their new life in 5D. They will start out with all the potentialities of 5D including telepathy, but their awareness will still be half-asleep, visualizing and assuming things are as they always were.

Thus, it is there, on the 5D Earth, that those who originally began with higher vibrations (you, PAT, ascended masters) can begin to teach them that they don’t need to build houses with nails, among other things (unless they want to), and that they have more creative potential than ever in 3D. It will be a simple matter of showing them and communicating this, first physically, using the 5D skills and techniques that we, the Masters, are already familiar with, but also telepathically, when they realize they have that ability and begin to flex their telepathic muscles. Once they are told and shown these things, on this higher plane where there are no longer 3D limits – except for the limitations that any human imposes on his or her own consciousness – it will become evident to them that they are in 5D, no longer on the 3D Earth.

As Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, when she finally began to open up her eyes to her unusual surroundings: “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”  She figured it out eventually, and she and Toto got used to life in Oz.

This implies the answer as to why we haven’t ascended yet so as to appear to humanity on 3D Earth and ties into what some other PAT have made evident, that the appearance of higher-vibrational beings could only really be seen here on 3D by those who are already at a higher vibrational mindset, but we wouldn’t be seen by the masses who only exist at a 3D vibration.  It would be like opening up a textbook and showing it to an infant:  All he would see is a piece of white paper with lots of squiggly black lines; he won’t “see” the letters, words, text. Not until he is old enough (attuned enough to the reality that exists as a “book”) to make sense of the words.  Likewise, as crystalline ascended masters in 3D, we would exist beyond their limited awareness… until they ascend also, and we meet them in 5D.

Your latest Decree was necessary, yes, but not only that: In a way, perhaps on a subconscious level, I was waiting for a Decree like that to be made. We can only begin the real matter of our next mission only after our old contracts have been completed… or destroyed by our own will. It is the ultimate sign of our mastery over our own existence, and our readiness, when we take the initiative to revoke our 3D-tied contract… and begin to formulate our new ones.

Curiously, I fell sick (still getting over the last of a cough and stuffy sinuses) just before or around the time that I saw your March 4th Announcement.  Even though a “bug” has been going around here recently, it is highly unusual for me to catch cold-flu-type issues like this, as I have not had one in years.  I don’t know if the timing is relevant.

I will think some more on everything I wrote here, because I am starting to feel hesitant, but I felt the need to get it all written out now.

Thank you always for everything.

Love and light,

Dear George,

I don’t know if you are ready to receive mails again. If not, I do not really need a reply, I’m just sharing an interesting energetic development.

Today I had a conversation with my parents who, while they are open minded especially when compared to most humans, have mostly rejected my ideas in the past. They never really denied the possibility, but say it is something which could not happen in this life, and my mother especially tries to keep me functioning a bit in 3d / interested in 3d stuff, with the excuse of “balance”. My stepdad had some other types of frustration with me in the past.

But this time they were not able to deny my divine authority. Of course it is not really a reality to them yet as it is for us, and they act more on a “we know but we will truly believe it when we see it” manner. Still there is a remarkable change in their inner awareness and acceptance of my ideas. My stepdad, while he admits he does not fully understands it is willing to trust me in what I’m doing. My mother still tries to influence me and pull me in 3d a bit, but this is only a very thin layer of angst because she does not want to lose me in any way, and beyond this she knows very well that we are right. Of course we are still doing the dirty work and are handing them ascension on a silver platter, but they are willing to accept this when it happens.

Although my mother suffered from LBP symptoms for a long time, the energies she gets are now changing, and they are both starting to be influenced by these energies, so they can no longer deny it. The latest waves affect them more and more just like you said about a week ago about your wife. Maybe the same will happen soon to your family, which must be a great improvement for your home situation.

My HS also sent me a strange synchronicity. The exact details are not very important, but I was typing something and my hands typed something completely different than I was planning to. I put this word in Google and the first link was related to something which existed for a long time, but which I only discovered yesterday and today. The wikipedia article had basically the information about acting positively, but not sacrificing the self. So this is another sign that the savior mentality must go. I strongly support this last decree, but when reading it for the first few times I felt a kind of resistance. One that felt old and no longer relevant, but it was still present, a slight bit of the old savior programming which was still being removed. I can imagine some of the PAT may have more difficulties releasing it (like said in the latest messages, some did not support the decree yet), but I think it is important for everyone, and I think everyone will stay on board so we can finally detonate the PAT supernova and continue the mission, this time not on a forced/ programmed basis, but from complete free will, exactly how we want it and under infinitely improved conditions.

Love & Light,

Dear Daniel,

your observation on the changing patterns of human behaviour and thinking is encouraging and indicates finally the tangible success of our efforts. Especially in the last days there was an exponential leap to broad awakening. I hear the same from a Bulgarian reader, a mother of a young daughter in your age. She told me that all young people in Bulgaria are now dramatically changing and opening for transcendental values and ideas.

There is no doubt that we are in the last throes and that this decree was the necessary trigger for mass ascension. We must now “close the bag”, the web of light, as the Germans use to say, and ascend those that are ready. The rest will have to go through their tribulations first before being able to do it on their own. They will stay on earth A/B which will be a kind of paradise compared to this earth and we should not bother about them anymore. The Savior complex is a deep human fear-based pattern, fully embedded in our Christian tradition in the West, but we must finish with it now if we want to evolve to higher dimensions, where this idea is meaningless.

With love and light


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