By Carla Thompson, March 29, 2013
Dear Carla,
I have three days in a row every morning a very nasty purging and rejection wave associated with very unpleasant energy patterns of extremely high frequency that permeate my body and burn my skin and inside. I am in a constant emotional state of being totally pissed of by anything, and everybody, and this whole reality without any concrete reason. There is a physical, bodily rejection of the whole 3d-reality that is so strong, almost animalistic and I need a lot of will and effort to calm down this energies somewhat as to live through the day without a conflict with my wife or a personal crisis. It is really inhuman, especially today.
The intensity of this highly unpleasant physical and emotional state decreases somewhat in the afternoon and the evening. I am not sure if these are the announced waves prior to the final surge of ascension, but this process of burning, needle stitches all over the skin and epidermal and visceral extinction /hellfire of most negative human patterns of rage and aggression, etc. is exceptional in its duration and intensity. There is nothing near to harmony or loving energy in the last several days. Although I am used to such nasty periods of cleansing, I personally expected that it will get better towards the end as we have allegedly finished with this job. It feels as if I am permanently roasted in the worst department of hell.
How do you feel? Do you have similar waves? And do you have any feedback from your HS or the Elohim as to how far we are now in this final, rotten process?
With love and light
My dear Georgi,
I have been hit very hard and have lost my vision today, and only now have I recovered enough to read my mail.
The intensity of which you speak has also been my full experience and today was very challenging as the vision loss came on top of everything else.
I was just laying here tuning in to HS who told me to check my mail.
In fact I was now just going to seek some answers to this whole situation which has been unbearable.
Sending you love and light,
Dear Georgi,
I am sending you this brief overview to reassure you that I have received some important information, but especially to bolster your spirits. I shall type it up after a rest, my vision is still very grey.
I have a two part message for us.
The first came from the Elohim and it also contains a visualization/meditation, which may be a first for them as I don’t recall having ever received a visualization from them before.
The second part came after I had a long rest and asked many further questions in respect to our substantial suffering, and asked for help to alleviate our suffering.
With the Elohim still present, AAM and Jeshua came in very clearly and together, much like our work in Banff, we carried out another healing, this time with the Rainbow Ray as I call it, and a directed Christed energy. My sense is this healing was specifically meant for the PAT as well as all other LWs who have been hit hard with these energies.
Get this – they told me that this healing “ends the three days of darkness“.
They are all still here as they know I am concerned for your well-being and are now telling me to pass on their love and undying compassion for you and extend their sincere appreciation and gratitude to you for your continued efforts in the realization of the ascension of Gaia and mankind.
With love,
Dear Carla,
Thank you! It was crystal clear that they stressed us one more time to the verge of annihilation, but I hope that with this effort the “three days of darkness” are over now. For most of us, these days were actually “three days of torture or descent to hell”. Last night was comparatively calm for my conditions and today we will see. It seems though better than the last three days.
Let us hope now that after we have stayed in hell for three days the only way out of it is ascension this week.
Dear Georgi,
Here is the full version of the messages I received a few hours ago. While it came in at two different times, I am seeing it now as one extended event. Firstly the Elohim had a message this afternoon and the second part happened a couple hours later with AA Michael and Jeshua. As it turned out, I needed a break after the first message during which time I asked a lot of questions while I rested.
Part 1
” Greetings! We are the Elohim!
This energy influx is very difficult for the extreme sensitives to adapt to for it dispels fully all aspects of dark/density moorings at every level. This is purification of the core. The “core” meaning the very fundamental aspect of the physical cell, the mitochondria. As well, the “core” of each energetic containment centre (chakras).
The process of enlightenment flows fully and stipulates great pressure be exerted, much like full-on heat to a beaker, where water is pushed to expand to the boiling point.
This current purge shall be sustained a short while longer as to effect the desired change at every level where Source requires purification. The multi-level purge renders each participant numb and is not without physical complication.
Know that Source only loves and holds no ill will towards those encountering extreme negativity in experience. Some sense judgement and this is only poor inner reflection of erroneous mind.
Rest is very important, so that these energies may flow freely through all expression.
Resistance (i.e. “not lying down”!) creates energetic blockages within the energy centres at this time, therefore it is important for one to rest as much as one can.
Hold the crystalline Rainbow Light Rays from aprevious dispensation { Georgi please insert the link to the event in the Rockies so that the readers can refresh their memory and visualize the 12 colours that came in with that} within every aspect of your physical vessel:
Begin by centering the Rainbow Ray (as a ball of light) within the ATMA (the high heart above the 4th chakra). Once centred there, hold it there, strong and steady until all thoughts are on this area without exception. Now begin to increase the size of the ball and the light slowly, steadily, over a period of time until it has encapsulated your entire vessel.
Feel the beautiful charge it brings to your entire energetic system. Feel how these energies attune you to the new higher dimension right in front of/within you, hold your attention here for as long as you feel is necessary to achieve this inward balance. You will know when you have re-balanced your centres. Sensitives would do well to hold these frequencies regularly within their fields.
Know that the push continues but hold on, it is almost complete. Bend as the bamboo in the river, embracing the flow, moving with it in every way possible, in every eddy and around every rock. It is playful. It is nourishing. Be playful. Be nourished. You are almost home!
We are the Elohim. ”
Part 2:
After this message I had to rest for two hours or more, and during this time I asked many questions and spoke about our challenges that we are all experiencing. After a time, I noticed a very subtle shift in energies and AA Michael came upon the scene, followed by Jeshua. I was unsure what it meant, but could feel a lot of other energies around as well, and realized that something big was about to begin, as it had in Banff the other day.
We were again in our circle with AA Michael to my left and Jeshua to my right. The earth was in the middle of the triangle. The crystalline rainbow coloured light came down from above and I directed it onto the Earth in front of us. After a time, a large ball of golden Christed light came down to me and as it moved through me and out of my hand, I felt such a loving energy, a magnificent energy, which I directed over the earth in front of us. It was very delicate and loving. I held this light over Gaia and all life for several minutes until I heard “This marks the end of the three days of darkness“. I have to say this comment surprised me and I spent some extra time ensuring I heard it correctly. I am curious as to your impressions with regard to this comment.
Overall, I sense that this particular Christed infusion is meant to heal or balance the energies that have been pouring in over the last 3 days. I am told that I will be bringing in this Christed energy over the next day for further balancing and healing. If anyone else has the energy, they might also hold this intention within their fields if they are so guided.
As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
With love and light,
Dear Carla,
thank you for this message from the Elohim with recommendations how to cope with the current extreme cleansing waves. I will publish it asap as a separate publication with reference to your report from Banff.
As I have written to you, it felt indeed like “three days of darkness” or better as a three-day excursion to hell. Although I must admit I have had similar nasty episodes many times in the past. So much about the promise of our HS that we are no longer involved in dirty cleansing (promise from Feb 12).
In addition, I do not see much relaxation today for me as I am sensing at this very moment another nasty cc-wave entering my left brain portal. Let us see how it will unfold. The night was however relatively calm for my usual conditions.
What is your intuition telling you? Will this cleansing /purging of most resistant dark cellular dross be sufficient to propel us to the higher dimensions this weekend or shall we be disappointed one more time with a prolonged cleansing and ascension next week?
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I am sorry for taking so long to get this to you. I am so wasted right now. Anyway, I was concerned about the comment “three days of darkness” being over. I was thinking that there are 3 days left, the 29th, 30th and 31st and thought that maybe I mis-heard that the 3 days are beginning… I am so tired…well, I checked and re-checked and it was confirmed each time… they are over…
With love and light,
Dear Georgi,
How do I feel about everything right now?
Well, right now, in this moment, I am breathing in to every pore of my skin this beautiful energy that is here, flowing in and around me. It is such a loving and supportive energy that I do feel as though the other is indeed over. But this energy has only been here about the past 30 minutes or so. Will it last? I don’t know.
I do know that I am to share it now with the PAT and Gaia. And if it is meant to be, in other words that if I/you/we can create a sustained level of purity and of joy and of peace and of divine love, and build it all up in to a deep sensation/creation of bliss, then I believe we can create the momentum that we must have, in order to achieve lift off!
I need to FEEL it, here in my body and in my heart and in my Soul. And when I do, I will KNOW that it is time. I need to feel this Bliss first to be assured of our success. And if it lasts throughout this new day, then I will be the first to say ascension is now here.
With love,