The US of Barbaria. The Amazing and Terrifying Odyssey of a Chrystalline Child in the American Gulag of Orion

by Katrina (FREIA), March 19, 2013

Dear Katrina,

this is a most incredible story indeed and the most exciting literature I have read for some time. I am so happy that it has ended luckily at the end and I will definitely publish it today as a panopticum of what the young crystalline generation has to endure nowadays in this debased Orion society on the verge of total collapse.

Enjoy now your last days on this toxic planet as they will never return again.

With love and light

Hi Georgi!

After reading about the horrific situation Aniko’s in, I simply had to write to you, which I have been meaning to do for a while now anyway….

I was arrested 2/17 and thrown in Monterrey county jail, in California for felony assault with a $5000 bail, which was scratched over by a pen, and changed to $20K bail, written by hand. Allegedly I caused corporal physical injury on a 6’4 man, mind you, I am equivalent to ether and my broken wrist still in cast…

Needles to say, it was shocked to my system, as my record is whistle clean, I don,t even have a traffic ticket. All thoughts and every scenario started running through my mind, as in this jail, which apparently is one of the worst, there’s nothing else to do. I was repeatedly told by the other 45-50 inmates in my pod, who all were el Norte  gang members, “you don’t wanna be in this place!” I witnessed first hand the saddest state of affairs, and how young girls are thrown in to rot for mainly drug offenses. It was so painful to watch, and I had to pray for justice for all poor people that this has unjustly and systematically happened in this country of privatized prisons-for-profit. I know, I brought Light to their darkness by planting little seeds.

Two days later I found out that “the DA nor the judge want you, we (the prison system) don’t want you, all charges were dropped, no reduction, no probation, no fine, no nothing, but ICE which is part of Homeland Security has a hold on me, and they have 10 days to pick me up”

Even though that should have been a moment of celebration, everything just got even more complex and dark, and even more thoughts… I was cocooned in my own bubble without clocks, windows, without connection to the outside world, except one landline for collect calls one a day. I was in a cement cube.

I kept saying “I am a star, I am a star”, my short mantra, as it was impossible to think straight, never mind quiet down due to constant noise, lockdowns and shakedowns, no phones (unless you knew and on remembered someone with landline), no Internet, no news except local TV station, just a plastic mattress, no pillows, a plastic cup (which HAD to be returned, if released), and a tiny bar of soap and toothpaste, and a 3 tiered bunk bed. If you didn’t have family or friends locally, who could help you, you were shit out of took me 5 days to become “institutionalized”, that’s when I finally gave in and ate some of our every day “lunch”, at 10am, of sliced bread and bologna (mystery food), however I was told this day it was “real bologna, not fake”!

On Friday, the 24th, at 2-3 am, I was called up over the speakers. I had no idea what was happening, and after being in holding cell until 8 am, ICE came to get me, and as per the prison guard, I was going “bye-bye, back to Finland, just like the Mexicans”, while spreading and flapping his arms, “the airport is right next to the detention center, i.e. FEMA.

This is when the story does a 180° turn. Instead of the worst case scenario, I was treated with kindness and even smiles, and answers to my questions by all ICE agents in San Jose homeland security, conveniently located right next to the San Jose airport, which is “the airport of Silicon Valley” and to my surprise even has a street named the Matrix!

Upon entering the homeland security building, via a back door, unshackled, unlike the other poor people, I was greeted by agent Miller with a big smile and greetings, I thought “he must be an angel”, as I had forgotten what courtesy and gentleness meant. Basically they wanted to hear my story in this country, i was fed a hot, eatable food and even the water was drinkable, compared to jail, where water had to be mixed with a “bag of power” in order to camouflage the taste. yes, after being in prison, even if just a measly week, every kind gesture, every decent meal, every non-circulated whiff of fresh air, was a blessing!

I was interviewed by 5 agents, the first of them greeting me with a big smile, compassion, and kindness, and then after 2 hours, I was personally and gently escorted from the back door, around, to the very front of the building.

An hour later I was sitting on dunes of an empty beach near Santa Cruz, absorbing the rays of Sun that I missed the most, and spreading my wings in a brisk wind and breathing in the wind and fresh air. It was such a surreal change of events in such a short period of time, it felt like a dream after a very bad nightmare. 4 hours earlier, I was sitting in holding cell in jail, and being told “ICE is deporting me”.

Skipping the sad, tragic and one day funny stories, one thing I concentrated on, was the resignation of the pope, who in my book has always been the anti-Christ, if there were just one. On the morning of 28th, I turned on the TV, and I was watching live the pope’s last appearance on TV, while laying in a comfortable bed between clean sheets and a cup of coffee, as he was escorted into containment never to be seen again.

Also, just days after I was released, I saw in the news that 175 federal prisons are releasing inmates because their sentences were either too long, or they were held unlawfully. Also, detention center in TX made news, bc one prisoner was released, because it cost more money to hold innocent people, sometimes families, who didn’t commit a crime, just didn’t have a permanent residence status in the US…

This experience led to a some sort of PTSD, I call “agoraphobia of California”, even though I finally was back in Santa Cruz, where I longed to be, after 25 years. I took heed, and with much coordination and help, I managed to get back to the East coast with my cat, Joeboo. But- not before both of us were swapped and scanned for explosives, namely C4, twice, before entering the plane back to NYC. Ive been electronically handprinted 4 times, DNA swapped, searched, stripped and scanned and swapped, and a week ago we arrived safe and sound in Vermont, my other home, a very progressive state.

Everyone I have spoken to here, to my GREAT surprise, have awakened!!!! I am not a weirdo anymore! Prisoners are being released here and couple of days ago, I read that VT will be the first state to label GMOs, a proposed law that didn’t pass in CA recently, but now may be reconsidered!

Throughout this experience, I have tried to wrap my brain around as to why did I had to go through it. There’s many reasons, one of which happened 5 years ago that I cannot talk about yet, but justice will be served on this family and what we have suffered and endured since then, and humanity at large! One day, soon, that’s a promise. The last will come first and the first will be last. The “insane”will be the sane.

I have had to “fly under the radar”, in this country of the free, that called me since I was a little kid, all my adult life. I have lived, I have loved, I have experienced all and more than most in their lifetimes, but in invisible shackles, and now I am tired, I am ready for peaceful existence in co-creation, thus,l ask for a little prayer as I tackle my mission, may it be smooth sailing from here on.

To end with a note that brings a big smile on my face… Yesterday, when the Sun was setting, I walked on top,of a small mountain to catch a view of the PANSTARR comet, which eventually whizzed by in the horizon, it was amazing to witness, for a cosmic freak like me. And before the Sun set behind the mountains, it looked like a white, round “opening or a portal” in the sky, with only one single solid ray of light beaming down, like a painted walk-way into a stargate. I have never SEEN anything like that, except with my eyes closed on 12/21/12.

Thank you for publishing Catalin’s and this beautiful being, Aniko’s, emails.

With much Love and Light

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