Letters to the Editor
Dear Georgi,
Today I have emerged from total reclusiveness to congratulate you on publishing the three newsletters. I am fully with the PAT on stopping this madness, while waiting for full ascension. I am with you 100% and to be part of your first group.
Yesterday, I received a letter from my older sister telling me that I am to blame for all of her problems, letting go of the family and holding her back. It was such a relief to be rid of the family once and for all and to regain my independence as an Ascended Master. So what looked like a horrible family disaster, turned out to be a blessing in disguise. At first I was full of fear to be completely alone on this Earth, but the PAT and inner guidance has pulled me through.
Love and Light,
in Rochester, New York
Dear Henry,
I congratulate you for your firm dedication to the mission of the PAT which can commence any moment and will be a real blessing for all of us and of course for humanity. Jesus says somewhere in the new testament that when god summons us, no family relations will count anymore. This is exactly what is true for all of us.
With love and light
About the Abysmal Incest of the British Royal Reptilian Family
Dear Mr. Georgi,
related to recent “political” articles in Breaking Astral News, please find enclosed
Hallett Report (an interview) on how British Royalty is completely illegitimate. I think it is very interesting, since remains of a true king were recently discovered, which means that Queen Elisabeth actually abdicated.
and all Hallett reports together:
Dear Marijana,
this is an incredible abyss of human debasement, but how does this person know all the details when he never mentions a single reference or a reliable source? I am sure that some, or most of it, is true, but I am missing the proofs.
It is now a fairy tale and one is highly vulnerable to support this whole story in this form.
Dear Georgi,
Yes I am aware of that. It needs to be supported by proof and I am sure they will come out somehow, but people are now threatened with death in attempt to do that.
Anyway, I mentioned it as it is interesting, since these reports have appeared as articles and interviews, but surely not something to rely on.
Caro Giorgio,
I’m happy because we had the best solution here in Italy, they will not be able to easily form a new government. Grillo seems good, but indeed his partner Casaleggio is linked with Illuminati. In the video below, a presentation of the Casaleggio society, at the end, you can clearly see the “all seeing eye” and it is full of masonic symbols.
Casaleggio seems to be linked with Giuliano di Bernardo (Illuminati). Berlusconi, on the other way, it could be a shape shifter, but indeed all the masons are against him, the dark cabal attacked him in many ways in order to stop him. He was close friend of Putin, and still is, and he did many thing that created obstacles for the dark elite.
One thing first of all: if we still have the possibility to use cash money in Italy is because of Berlusconi, who stopped the plans of the former communists to create a cashless society (it is still their main goal). So Berlusconi is a very controversial entity, apparently negative, but indeed very positive to a certain extent. Who really is?
Dear Alberto,
I have never expected any true and radical solutions with current political means, such as elections and governments and the like.
The Grillo phenomenon is the materialisation /visibility of the new humanity. Every fourth Italian citizen voted for the “il movimento 5 stelle” because they do not believe in their overwhelming majority in politicians and consider them criminal thieves (96%), they do not read mainstream media or watch TV (95%), but only alternative Internet sources such as our website (more than 90%), have a much higher education than the average Italian populations ( 56% versus 41%) and are highly unemployed (twice than the average Italian unemployment) according to recent sociological investigations.
This is the portion of the Italian population that will ascend this year. This portion is now fully engaged in the political business and constitutes a sufficient power to stop the functioning of the old Orion order from within its own highly inefficient structures.
“Ingovernability” is now the key word, and this is the ideal situation /scenario for our appearance as ascended masters. This is what is now happening in Bulgaria (see my next publication) and many other countries, which are now exploding like barrels full of gun powder. Individuals do not count any more and their cabal connections even less so. It is the energetic purity of the new mass awakening that will be the driving force behind all change.
With love and light
Dear George
By the way, I have realized that Pope Ratzinger will officially step down on Feb 28, 2013 after he announced this on Feb 11, 2013. I think it would be so timely if we were to appear in front of humanity on that day or the day after, on the 1st March.
I have also realized that there are breaks in between the events that have and will stipulate your appearance first in your home country Bulgaria. On 11th Feb, Ratzinger announced his retirement and that he would see out his duration till Feb 28. Nine days later the Bulgarian Government and more specifically the PM announced the resignation of his entire government. Now on Feb 28 the Pope steps down fully allowing you to shockingly make your appearance in your home country in front of humanity nine days later on the 1st of March.
This all seems very well planned for official disclosure of the PAT as ascended masters. I tell you now I would not be surprised if things plan/turn out this way
Let the magic begin!!
Love and Light
Dear Arthur,
This is indeed the time frame that we must use and it will be of great advantage to my mind if we appear before Feb 28 as the pope may decide single-handed to bestow the church to the new Christs – the ascended masters of the PAT without asking the cardinals as he has this absolute power. Now there is also no government in Italy and he cannot be sure that he will be protected anymore and this makes his position very dangerous. The same holds true for all cardinals in Vatican.
The Bulgarian situation will be also very precarious in the coming days and weeks as there will be no functional government for some time. And there are other events that will stipulate very soon in a perfect synchronicity with our appearance. I smell it already.
With love and light
Hi Georgi,
I hope the energies are treating you well! I was curious: why is it that the PAT are the ones who will appear as ascended masters? Why not those that have appeared in the past? Also: what is your opinion of Cobra & Sheldon Nidle? The majority of the LW community seems to look at them as the helm of all this. Thanks.
-Alex A.
Dear Alex,
both are sources of disinformation and the LW are looking at them because they are stupid and dumbed down as the rest of humanity. This has been extensively discussed on this website and as a reader there must be a consensus on this point. This also explains why only the PAT will appear as ascended masters first. All the names of past ascended masters that now channel are also fraud. Ascended masters do not have any names, unless they have incarnated now and have human names such as George, Jerry, April, Dorie, etc.
That is what I figured, are they disinformation that the cabal has deliberately placed on the Internet? With the amount of disinfo that IS floating around all over the place, it is hard to know up from down in all of this… which is why I deeply appreciate your website!
-Alex A.
Dear Alex,
Cobra is definitely placed by the cabal to confuse and mire the LW community, but Sheldon Nidle is simply channeling crap from his own dark HS. He is a psychopath and lost his reputation in the 90s when he channeled many predictions that did not come true. Then he disappeared for a while and, as the memory of most LW is very short, now he is continuing with his disinformation policy, but few care what he has to say and he repeats the same all the time like a disk with a crack.
When I first came upon all of this, I read Nidle’s updates and every week…. the same exact message. He may as well record himself and press repeat each week. Yet, those I speak to in the LW community (on the Internet, I know no one in person who is awake) they all look to him as an idol. “He can only give us so much info!”…I also find it very ‘odd’ that he charges for all his other info. Ridiculous. Thanks for clearing this up for me once & for all!
I am curious though, why doesn’t the cabal shut down your site if they know you are speaking the truth? I know you’ve said you’ve had attacks on it, but don’t they have the power to completely shut it down indefinitely if they really wanted to?
Alex A.
Dear Alex,
They tried it several times in the past, but they do not have this full power over the Internet and I am in Germany and the dark cabal operate from oversee in the USA, But they had some branches in Frankfurt also and from there they also tried to blackmail me personally and I even received murder warnings. But they have no stamina to do harm and now they have stopped their harassment this year as they found out that they are powerless and have on influence on my website and the ideas presented on it.
Dear George,
When I read your comment in your latest article “Pope, Queen and Canadian Prime Minister found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and Sentenced to Twenty Five Year Prison Terms” I saw a scene before me. The mass stands behind the Ascended Masters with a lot of power and energy. They finally feel relieved, there will be an emotional outburst to finally have won / be free of the old system with their leaders.
Celebrations all around the world, on the streets, there will be gatherings and celebrations. This will be a huge event and it was special to see a glimpse of it.
In the message of April’s HS (April’s Latest Update: After the Source Waves and the Elimination of the Survival Fears in Humanity – 24 February) she said:
“And lastly, the second wave of ascension candidates are moving up in their levels of merge completion behind you. They are currently 60-70% complete.”
The first wave of ascension candidates are 90% + and are ready, I think that the second wave of ascension candidates must also be on a certain level / percentage to start the show.
Erik West
Dear Erik,
this is a very beautiful vision indeed and it will come true very soon. You can bet on it. The second wave of ascension candidates will follow suit very rapidly, to my estimation somewhere in March, but before equinox.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
now it is clear. The pope resigns, Grillo wins the election, people don’t pay taxes any more, in Italy there’s a really crazy air! We are ready for ascension!
ti abbraccio
Hallo George,
I am very excited about the days to come. Have had only felt those waves mildly over the weekend (been also in the ocean every day, which helps with any symptoms). Today I am feeling a very uplifting energy, similar to around 21/22 December.
Not sure if you have seen this yet. A case that is being heard today in a small town in the UK about the BBC’s lies about 911.
I was wondering if we are to ascend and then return, or just wake up one morning with full consciousness and MD. Also, once we are fully reunited with our HS, our tasks will become clear as was decided in the HR’s, I suppose.
in love and light,
Dear Joe,
I have written an extensive article on this case. You must read it on my website. This article started our discussion on 9/11.
We will most probably awaken in our new light garments and will immediately start with our activities. This is what I predict, but I am not 100% sure.
Thanks George, apparently the judge saw the evidence only in private and obviously no coverage from any MSM. It’s about time that we step in and tell the truth.
Exactly. See also my latest article on Bulgaria which I have just published.
Hi Georgi,
I know you are consumed by the intense waves at present and I’m just checking in. I continue to have many dreams (what I can remember) about being in school and meeting rooms where we are seated stadium style. Additionally, I have repeatedly dreamed that I am in an automobile that I control with my mind as my body is not capable of driving the car because I am seated in the back or passenger’s side of the automobile. The car takes an exit onto a steep ramp that turns into a nearly vertical climb… so steep that I fall back down because I don’t have enough power and must descend. I think these dreams may have represented the previous failed ascension test runs.
The energy has been powerful these past few days, but gratefully it is no longer full of cleansing detail for me. I am recovering more rapidly from each download. The last couple of days I have been wiped out energetically so much that I had to sleep several hours during the day — something I almost NEVER do unless I’m ill. I can also confirm the varied and random bodily aches and pains reported by other PAT members. They can be very intense but subside quickly. Last night, I awoke numerous times with my skin on fire and drenched in sweat.
On another note, I find myself longing for a mystical experience that confirms my ascension. Seems my HS only gives me bits and pieces of information these days for encouragement along the way. Unlike some of the earlier days of my awakening, where I had wonderful visions and profound insights of knowledge and wisdom… and such a conviction of purpose! That conviction has waned as I struggle with balancing the 3D activity of my work with my desire to create a new life on the new Earth.
I am reluctant to schedule events and interviews for the future as I have removed my attention and desire from this reality to a very large degree and don’t anticipate my future here. This has created more problems at home. My husband is still steeped in the mire of the Orion system as he works for Fannie Mae and is jealous of my ability and intention to disconnect from the matrix. He thinks that I should still be actively promoting myself as an author and speaker to help him bring in money. Of course, he is under a tremendous amount of stress and disillusionment in his job as mortgage foreclosures are at an all time high. I feel deep compassion for him, but I can’t go backwards as you know. I just don’t care about money, prestige, or “success” as is depicted by the Orion system… I can’t even fake it any more!
At least things are starting to move now on the world stage and I eagerly await the opportunity to contribute to the truth revelations on a larger scale following our ascension. For now, I’m just ready to get the “show on the road” as they say. Lead the way! We’ll be right behind you!
Love and Light,
Dear Gwen,
I can confirm that today (Feb 25) is marked by another huge cleansing wave that is burning my skin and inside and is very nasty and unpleasant. But I feel how all the survival patterns are now extinguished in the masses and how they loom high. A lot of anger also. It is a hard work for me today, as I hoped that I will be released from this cleansing activities, but obviously the HR need me to the very last minute.
The beliefs systems will now clash within the families as the old Orion weltanschauung no longer works and we will be the scapegoats in the interim time. I see it in my family also.
The events are now stipulating and when the changes once break loose, there will be no stopping. The avalanche of revelations and collapses will be extremely rapid.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I have just read your latest post on the Italian elections. It is all getting very interesting. I found this interview with Beppe Grillo with a Swedish journalist and it was such a breath of fresh air to hear him talk about projects for the A/B Earth!
This interview has not been viewed on Italian TV and the snippets that they have shown on the news programmes were always with him yelling his head off – consequently giving a very distorted impression to the general public.
My energy update is as many PAT are describing, with great tiredness, and physical exhaustion., upset stomach, blurry eyes and dizziness. I hear there have been a lot of birthdays recently, so Happy Birthday everyone! I was hoping to go in style with my 50th birthday yesterday!
With much Love
Denise, Italy
Dear Denise,
thank you very much for this interview with Beppe Grillo. I have just published it/ added it to my latest article on the Italian elections for my Italian readers. He is a good man and one of us. Of course he needs some help to streamline his ideas, but he is on the right track.
Congratulation in hindsight for your 50. birthday. This will be surely your last birthday on this planet. The energies are very strong and heavy these last days and I hope that they will finish the job and prepare the ground for our ascension.
With love and light