Letters to the Editor
Dear Dorie,
today in the afternoon, I felt all of a sudden the “quickening” of the ascension process in the “no-time”, about which your HS has spoken in the last message. This happened while I was writing my article on the BBC cover-up on 9/11. All of sudden I had a crystal clear vision how the facade of lies is collapsing and how this meltdown produced a full opening for our future mission of revelations as ascended masters and how easy and smoothly this disclosure will be accomplished.
Precisely, I had an absolute clear view into the near future, a kind of a highly stimulating intellectual breakthrough, where all obstacles were already surmounted. This epiphany was associated with the blissful feeling of ultimate fulfilment that we have reached our final goal. This mental breakthrough was so overwhelming as it encompassed memories from my youth, present and future and moulded them into a complete vision firmly rooted in the everlasting present. It eliminated all linear time and made all my past efforts in this incarnation melting down into negligible rand notices of history.
It was a most beautiful experience, during which my HS told me that my ascension is imminent and that I will finally begin with the realization of this vision, which seemed so familiar to me as if it already existed in this reality.
This is just a short energy report of today that is characterized by extremely high frequency and very powerful energies and carry me away from this reality into the higher dimensions.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
I can’t put things into words as eloquently as you can, but the experience you shared with me just validated everything I felt today!
What I personally experienced was a knowingness that we are ready and the world is ready for us. There is finally nothing holding us back!
Thank you for sharing!
With much love to you!
Dear Georgi,
I have just read your urgent update and fully concur that today, at around the exact same time as you have perceived the quickening, that I too had the same sensations of elation and bliss flooding my fields. I went for a long walk and afterwards felt as though I had drawn in megawatts of Divine power and light!
The feeling stayed with me for 4 hours, at which time I had to lie down. I have just woken up, after an extremely deep 3 hour sleep. Oh what a feeling!
With love and light,
Dear Carla,
thank you for this validation of this source wave of full knowing and bliss from yesterday telling us that we have reached the final goal (in the HR). Dorie has also confirmed this sensation at the same time. Let us hope that we will begin with our physical transformation very soon.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Last night I had a dream that you were telling us all to “go through the door” of the portal of ascension. That is all I remember, but I woke up feeling as if you may have ascended and we are soon to follow.
Please let me know if you are still around. I sincerely hope you are gone and we are soon to follow, but I have a feeling you may still be in 3D.
Much love and light and I cannot wait to “go through the doorway to ascension”.
Dear Sarah,
you are correct, I am still hanging around, but today the energy surge is such that it has the potential to lead to ascension. At present I am unable to make any forecasts, but just to watch what is happening in my energy field. When I have ascended, you will know it telepathically.
With love and light
Thanks Georgi,
I’m so glad to hear from you. When I woke up and heard your words in my head “go through the door“, my first thought was that I had read it in an article on your website, but then quickly realized, no, you were in my dream and there were a big group of us and you were telling us to go through the doorway.
I can’t tell you how grateful I am that I dreamt this and to know I’m still on board. Never thought I wasn’t, but the signs have not been as strong for me lately. Now I feel more sure after the dream.
This weekend was a watershed moment in my family and the shit has really hit the fan. In reality, it’s nothing new just more crisis and more drama and more immature and blocked people in the family showing their worst sides.
Right before it hit the fan, I heard the voice of my HS saying to me, “This is your final test, and you will burn through all of your karma/issues right now.”
I exploded in some serious outburst to my father, which I feel was me passing the test as I addressed the core issue he has, which is his rage and his fear of his rage and his withdrawal because he can’t handle disagreement and dialectical conversation.
I feel I passed the test and the dream with you telling us to go through door is the surest sign that my time is come.
I am so grateful for all you have done for all of us and for the support of the PAT. I await your and our ascension with great anticipation and vindication.
I love you very much,
Dear Sarah,
we are all going through our last challenges, most of the time familiar affairs. But as Dorie’s HS told her, we function most of the time as” samplers” to collect information for the higher realms on the ground as to how prepared the people are for ascension and our appearance by instigating their emotional reactions. Insofar this is never personal, but we do work as catalysts to open other people’s energetic fields and minds.
With love and light
Dear George,
It’s been a while since I last contacted/communicated with you and the main reason is that I am unfortunately back in college. I hope you weren’t worried that I had decided to quit the ascension process and the PAT because of the few minor delays, which have brought little disappointment apart from the fact that we are still to ascend.
I still maintain and hope that the bigger group that will ascend in the first ascension wave will include all PAT members. Now that humanity has been beamed and has become more comfortable with the new,refined energies throughout last week, especially during the weekend, there really should not be much reason why a large portion, if not all of the PAT members, should ascend. My logic is that if many or preferably all PAT members ascend, this quickens the entire process because then many more of us will appear in front of humanity without other PAT members having to wait to ascend as humanity needs many ascended masters/leaders to guide, teach and show them the way before the ID split and mass ascension in exactly one month’s time.
I know that there are factors such as the soul contract and soul evolution and completion of each PAT member/individual and collectively as a group, but considering that we have over-run, over-performed and have gone beyond everyone’s most optimistic (even our own) expectations of what we had to achieve and complete of the last years, then this should really not even be a factor at all if we also consider that the plan months prior was to have the whole PAT ascend as a group, even when humanity were far less prepared then they are now. We do not necessarily have to ascend as one large group but maybe in a cluster of groups, which follow in a very close proximity to one another without there being days and weeks between PAT ascensions. This to me seems wiser as then we can all start immediately instead of waiting on others, I mean haven’t we been through such waiting before?
Hopefully this is what the Higher Realms will implement
Love and Light
Dear Arthur,
I have no worries that you have left the ascension process by going to college as this is not possible. Once in the LBP – for ever. The ascension of the PAT will indeed take place in clusters in a very rapid sequence, so that the whole group will ascend within a very short period of time. There is no danger that somebody will stay much longer on this planet once the ascension process has truly commenced.
Hello George
How art thou??? Tell me what is happening with you?
George; I see and sense everyone around me rising to the time and becoming just the light that they are. And I remain in struggle.
I have prayed, meditated, communed, begged and pleaded and yet I am just haunted by this ever present state of on the edge survival.
Most days I feel death would be far more satisfying than this life this existence that I am in. No matter what I do!!! It does not get any better for me.
Pain, pain, pain, pain is the story of this life and I am ready to lay down this vessel rather that to continue this way. It is as if I have a curse, a spell on me personally that is so heavy and so strong that no matter what I do, it does not lift.
Thanks for listening
Dear Anthony,
if you read our latest articles, some of them channelled by our ladies directly from the source and validated by myself and other members of the PAT, we must ascend this week. There was a small delay of several days last week due to the fact that the first ascension wave will be bigger than anticipated and this prolonged somewhat the preparation phase. But this is good news.
Now some of us, who will participate in the first wave have been released from their cleansing duties on Feb 12, and this dirty job has been distributed among those who will ascend a little bit later. This has led to an increase in pain and negative situations. It might be that you are in this group. But all this is definitely now coming to an end. February 22 was announced to be an auspicious day when a huge wave from the source will engulf earth and humanity. This must be the day when we will appear in front of humanity as ascended masters.
Check our latest post on this issue for further information. You will not find anywhere else a better and more precise background information on the impending ascension process.
Hold on, we are already there! We all have great difficulties staying on this 3d-earth and long to leave it asap. This is all part of the individual ascension process in gradations when the HS descends in your physical vessel and causes the crucifixion you now experience.
With love and light
Dear George,
I hesitated contacting you because I am certain you have your hands full, to put it mildly. Nonetheless, I feel I have entered a “personal crisis” stage, about which I must ask you. I have always felt a responsibility to share knowledge and have tried to ignore the negative feedback, usually associated with facts “outside someone’s comfort zone.”
Most recently, I have come to feel that I have reached the point where NO ONE listens to me, no matter how many times I have been proven correct or how well documented the knowledge I am conveying. It is becoming harder, not easier to simply “wash my hands” of the lot them. Social networking has become futile, even with many of my closest friends, who deny what is readily apparent. On the other hand, dreams which have ALWAYS ended in “unresolved crises” not end with my victory over obstacles. Would you please make an observation that can explain to me what is happening? Thank you and bless you.
Bob Fallin
Dear Bob,
your experience with human intransigence and the feeling of personal powerlessness to overcome it is shared by most of us, including myself in these last days. It has nothing to do with you and you should not interpret it as a personal crisis or inability to convey your message.
What we now experience is the expected “hardening” of the minds and beliefs of the people due to their fears looming from their subconsciousness. This is the result of their beaming with most purified energies from the source which transform their energetic structure and eliminate their old programming.
While until now most people were insusceptible/insensitive of their fears and fear-based patterns and followed them in an unconscious manner like their Pavlov reflexes, they now, for the first time in their incarnation cycle, begin to be aware of the fact that these fear-based behaviours exist, but that they no longer render the old, convenient results. The masses have been thrown out of their comfort zone and this causes them a lot of angst and pain in front of the unknown.
Now you/we come and tell them that this is normal and that this will even stipulate in the coming days. This causes them even more pain and they reject your arguments more vehemently than they have done it in the past, when they have simply neglected them as the opinions of a mad outsider. Now they feel poignantly that your arguments are actually very reasonable, but open such an abyss in front of their lives that they prefer to close their eyes and ears in a quasi reflective manner.
This interim period is now coming to an end and, with our ascension and appearance next week, the situation will change dramatically – to the best for you and to the worst for most other people. You will experience a new trend when you will be sought, and asked, and heard what you have to say. Just be patient now and do not take personally all these experiences of denial at the societal level. These are the symptoms of the other.
With love and light
Bless you, George, and I hope you take this blessing with my utmost sincerity, as my eyes have welled with tears at your response.
With love and light,
Dear Bob,
The funny thing is that I have written as early as 2001 an essay on human intransigence, where I discuss exactly this issue and personal experience with the masses at the current End Times. I anticipated it coming. It is part of my book “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” as an attachment at the end of the book, but it is not yet translated from German into English.
Hola Georgi,
I hope everything is accelerating very fast with optimal energy infinitely…
I will be brief,I want to share this video, apparently in this video, along with meteorite shows a UFO that shoots or hits the meteorite, it explodes and turns away, avoiding to fall on a more populated region of the city.
This other than 2:00 minutes of video on a ship going too fast:
Dear Eva,
very interesting indeed. I read in Russian media that this was not an asteroid but a new US weapon which they tested against Russia to start a war and that it was destroyed by a new Russian missile, but I somehow did not want to believe it.
Then the political leader of the ultra-conservative Russian party Zhirinovsky presented a similar version on Russian TV. He told in this interview that the US state secretary Kerry tried to call the foreign minister of Russia Lavrov for two days and to warn him on this attack, but could not reach him as the Russians are now very angry with the USA knowing that they are preparing an attack on them. I have no idea what is behind all this story, but it is very strange and open to numerous interpretations.
This all had to do with the G20 of the finance ministers the next day (Feb 15/16) in Moscow, where the USA were afraid that the Russians and some other countries such as Japan and China will open the third world financial war by devaluing their currencies. Japan has already started with this.
Hello Georgi,
I am so happy that you bring back the 9/11 cover-up, to the attention of the PAT.
Since 2002, using my background in technology, I have passed the next 5 years to study and understand what had really happened that day. I have tried to interest my friends, family and colleagues to open up and listen to my unbelievable conclusions.
With no success at all, I have decided to put away everything until the right moment would come.
And here you are with your article. I am ready to bring my contribution to disclose the truth about 911.
Dear Marcel,
if you make a summary of your knowledge and insights on the 9/11 plot with the appropriate references /links, I will immediately publish it.
Hello Georgi,
In 2005, I have come to the same conclusion as your article:
“this terror attack on the American nation and population was committed by the dark US elite and its criminal secret services by using controlled demolition of the twin towers and another third building #7.”
I am very happy to have discovered this truth by myself. Today, many reports and people are now supporting this unbelievable conclusion. I don’t have any more document to add. They are now complete.
I am ready as an Ascended Master to present this truth in front of Humanity.
Beloved Georgi..
Read all the wonderful articles you wrote and the letters to you, seems we are moving ahead fast. My oversoul (do not know if that is my HS new name but I just do not find HS these days) has kept me focusing on good things, creative projects and my head out of the world dramas and other things. Hard to do with my mind; I love to think.
I read the new Gaiaportal :
“Blurring” of visions may be common in all Gaia surface beings at this time. We speak of 3D-eye vision as well as higher visions, via 3rd, 4th, and 5th eyes. This results from the shifting in Gaia plates as well as movement of sacred portal sites. This process is necessary in order to optimize Gaia energetics to a unified Beingness. This same process occurs in individual human (small h) units, and particularly in the more conscious Hue-man units.
Gaia illumination increases as alignment progresses, and although a precise time frame can not be given, we sense this alignment to encompass 1-2 months. However we add that recent accelerations in awakenings at all levels would imply that this “time period” may well be much shorter.
Flowing with this “blurring” of visions allows awakening to “veiled” Higher messages for all humanity, particularly more awake Hue-manity.”
And must say I think they are spying on me! LOL! Yesterday my eyes stayed pink and so blurry. Yet I am driving around and walking all over town anyway. My left ear is full of tones; five tone to be specific. One very high pitch “B”, that is steady. I also hear a low base tone of “G” that pulsates but is not a specific pattern. The tones get so loud I can hardly hear people talk, so I just nod my head like I heard them. The past two weeks I am moving so fast, that sometimes I trip, or fumble things in the kitchen. I am also feeling very outspoken, so much it shocks me. Guess I am tired of small talk and empty words.
So here we are and I am very excited, more than before as we move up to the equinox. Although my Oversoul wants to keep my mind out of it, I have a sense of things coming up. It’s a real mixed bag too.
Bless the outgoing Pope for all his works. Really. I have never been fond of the idea of a Pope, even as a child (and catholic!) and yet each has their place in our wide world of diversity. His leaving seems to be a huge marker on the path.
Last Monday, people world wide participated in the “One Million Rising” events, which was focusing on “breaking the chains” of abuse and violence towards women and girls. I love how they choose to focus on a simple statement of what, when, before, but then celebrated being a woman by dancing!! Our school went to the Capital of Texas to join this event. The next day I could feel that this shifted energy in a HUGE way!!
So onward we go!! Thank you for being so instrumental in all of this, Georgi!
~ Love, Carolyn
Dear Carolyn,
thank you very much for your latest account. The latest message from GaiaPortal is unusually informative for this source and considers the significant peak in source energy flow that prepares us and humanity for the first ascension wave.
Such activities like “one billion rising” contribute to the overall awakening of humanity and focusing of collective energies on particular positive goals. It is not much different to what we do in the PAT, but this kind of ceremonies are for the masses who can only create at the horizontal 3d-level. Now they must learn to expand their creation in the vertical dimension. This is what they will learn from us when we will ascend.
With love and light