February 3, 2013
I had an ascension test run, a dress rehearsal, yesterday evening. After I published the message from Dorie, I felt unusually tired all of sudden and took a nap in the evening. I slept very deeply for about half an hour when I woke up all of a sudden. Although my eyes were open, I was in a white haze and could not see anything. Then I felt how my body was lifted up and said to myself: “This is it! Come on! Make it!”. The intensity of the energy was incredible and the pressure of the energy stream /column that entered my head and exited the body through the heels was as heavy as tons of weight. I felt as if I am physically transformed into this column of immensely dense and powerful light stream. However, after a short while I returned to normal and the white haze disappeared. During this time I received the message that this is how I will ascend in the dream state by suddenly awakening and being physically transformed into light. My ascension will happen in a very unspectacular and natural way in my bed.
This ascension test run last evening and the fact that the energetic pressure on my body has been significantly alleviated today show clearly that our ascension is imminent. This indicates that the unity field of the PAT is now fully connected to the source and functions in an optimal way, so that I have been relieved from being the only nexus to the source and can ascend anytime from now on. As Dorie’s HS told us: “If this attempt is successful, ascension of the PAT will not be far behind.”
In the last 24 hours there is an ample stipulation of clearest signs pointing to our imminent ascension – be they personal ascension test runs or external confirmation. I have summarized the most relevant proofs below.
Hey George,
In our last correspondence you had asked me to check in with HS for further elaboration of the time schedule of, or the beginning of the PAT’ ascensions and I was given over and over a very strong intuition that the PAT and other 1st wavers will begin departing/ embodying on Monday the 4th and it “should” be wrapped up on or around the 12th. I was given this information not only in my waking consciousness, but also in the dream state in many different forms.
I had refrained from sending you this information on Thursday evening when it was given to me as I was also under the impression that this was “too soon” and realistically the dates around the 12th were more accurate and that I would play the wait and see card and see if any others were getting the same information as I was.
Then, lo and behold, you published Dorie’s HS information, validating my visions and intuition, so many thanks to you and Dorie for that and now I feel “more” confident in this prognostication. It was intuited to me that we had flown through this latest threshold, aka hellish cleansing duties, and had bumped up our departure, (this time around), as so many need our help to “get in” their higher dimensional bodies as we are the most experienced in dealing with the Light Body technology.
With So Much Love,
P.S. As I was typing this to you, I had the strong urge to check out Gaia Portal and viewed a new update stating:
“Transformations and transitions experienced during the 2-2-13 through 2-13-13 may be sudden, un-”expected”, and enlightening. All stones are being upturned in order to assist alignment with the true Light within each (understand Crucifixion of the PAT, George).
Humans are realizing/becoming Hue-mans, and stone-upturning at this time period is required.
Those who resist will be nudged, often strongly, to “cease and desist”. And to search within for the vision of their Higher Hue-man Self.
Be in your joy, and all will proceed smoothly.”
I could do nothing, but smile and laugh to myself.
Garrett Mitchell
Dear Garrett,
this is indeed an excellent and timely confirmation of our latest information that we are ahead of our ascension schedule. As I will publish today, I had an ascension test run last evening and the energetic pressure on my body has been significantly alleviated today. This is a clear proof that the unity field of the PAT is now fully connected to the source and functions in an optimal way, so that I have been relieved from being the only nexus to the source.
The Gaiaportal’s message is spot on in this context and all these internal and external confirmations that are stipulating in the last 24 hours herald that our ascension is imminent.
With love and light
Dear George,
After reading the latest message and of course loving every word, I wanted to add something as I got down to read the part where Dorie speaks of her night before ascension test run.
I, as always, can’t recall or see all of my dream state from last night, but what I do recall very clearly was that I saw either all of us or a large group of us “ascended”. First off we were all so darn thrilled, I think we were dancing around a bit, we were all lit up in our new attire, funny thing though was that we were all bright white and blue, blue all around the edges not yellow or gold like i had previously thought we might look.
I was so happy and I was doing my work all over the place with opening up peoples minds to the new ways of life, I remember knowing that I was going all over but kept seeing us hanging out together, just having a grand ole time in our ascension….
Love to all,
Dear Bonnie,
the blue colour you have seen in our light bodies is the colour of the ascended masters.
Hello George,
I just wanted to quickly check in with you to report that I experienced another ascension test run today (2/2/13), and it was surely a powerful one as I ended up sleeping all day and had an amazing lucid astral encounter. Of course I can’t say for sure what is on the horizon, but from my experience it must be something pivotal.
With love and light,
Dear George,
My intuition concurs with Dorie’s last message. I’m feeling once again our imminent departure. Gladly, I’m not feeling excited. I’m in a “whatever” kind of mood. If ascension doesn’t take place withing the next days, I won’t be heart broken this time. Something big happened/is happening and that’s why, even I can sense it.
Last morning (Feb.2), around 4 a.m., I had an ascension test run in the astral plane where it usually occurs in my case. This time, however, two dark entities were interfering, but I managed to kick them away regardless of how I weak I felt…
Dear Georgi,
I am lying here in bed feeling this pregnant pause… there is movement, expansion…a thank you to Travis for his beautiful poem… a Prayer for Dear Anita… I am ready, waiting… to hold the portal open when it is time…I am tuned in…
With love and light
Hello George,
Sent mail to you on Jan.27th, was returned today, Feb.2nd. Will try to send again. I had an ascension dream on the 27th, and thought it was important.
I am looking at a baby, under 2 years of age, wearing only a diaper. Something started to happen around this baby. Can not remember. Yet my feeling was beginning to get excited. I say out loud, this is it. I look at the baby, the baby floats up and comes back down. I say to the child, are you ascending? Child only smiles. Look again and the baby is floating up, up, up. I call out, IT”S TIME FOR ASCENSION !
I start to float up. Float up around these tall building, sky scrapers. Come to a gathering of people. Some I know, some I don’t know. I tell them it is time for ascension. I float up and up slowly. Feel I am not going fast enough. Make a fist with my right hand and put my arm straight up. Do the same with my left. Feel movement.
Come to where I am thinking that I am at the north pole. See an igloo, with a six foot tall handmade,cut out card board of a Santa Claus propped up in front of this igloo. I have landed. The surroundings are a white mist. I look behind me, the gathering of people followed me. We are all smiling. Woke-up.
I do not know what the North pole, card board Santa, or igloo mean. I do very strongly feel, we must follow the children. In some of my past mails to you, I have mentioned children. I believe my HS has been dropping hints, and have not caught on. Hope this mail come in to you. My heart sends loving and healing thoughts to Anita and Jerry. Bye for now.
Love From the Hills of Arkansas
Dear Elna,
thank you very much for sharing your wonderful ascension dream with me. I have no idea why your previous email was returned back.
The child you have dreamt of is the child in anyone of us, which we will fully recover when we will ascend. When we were children, we had an unrestricted contact to our HS as the child is not yet spoiled by the negative fear-based patterns of the toxic atmosphere on the earth. Later on, this contact is lost and the tedious adaptation to the collective fear patterns of human behaviour begins. When we will ascend, we will go through the reverse process and recuperate the innocence of our inner child.
With love and light
Hi George!
I felt that I had to send this off to you straight away. Since yesterday I have been receiving the message that all systems are GO. I leaped out of bed this morning with a powerful feeling that I am going somewhere. When I read you message about Anita, I got the clear image that she and Jerry are ascending now. Then Dorie’s message following, confirming exactly the information I am receiving. This weekend feels like the real thing…
Love and Light,
Dear Fiona,
thank you for this validation of our impending ascension. I did expect more action this weekend, but obviously the job was done in the course of this week and now we have entered the final countdown. Let us hope for the best very soon, which is the beginning of our physical transformation to ascended masters.
With love and light
Caro Dottor Stankov,
stanotte ho fatto un bellissimo sogno e l’ho vissuto come se fosse tutto molto reale. Ho provato vera e intensa felicità perché quello che stavo vivendo era con assoluta certezza l’Ascensione. Ne ero certa nel sogno e ne sono più che mai certa anche ora. Non ho mai provato niente di simile. Ero nel giardino di casa in compagnia di mia cugina alla quale stavo confidando tutta la mia stanchezza accumulata in questi ultimi anni per l’incessante lavoro di convincimento verso tutte le persone che ho incontrato, cominciando dai miei familiari, riguardo alla imminente ascensione. All’improvviso qualcosa nel cielo ha proiettato sulla terra un fascio luminoso. Immediatamente ho alzato gli occhi e ho visto qualcosa che neanche la fantasia di uno scrittore potrebbe inventare.
Milioni di sfere luminosissime erano una accanto all’altra, e tutte insieme formavano uno stupefacente, gigantesco, quasi infinito serpente di luce. Un’immagine che non si può descrivere facilmente. Una scena tanto imponente quanto gioiosa e attraente. Non so come e perché ma ho capito subito che quello schieramento celeste così maestoso era lì per me. Una specie festa, di cerimonia per il mio prelevamento insieme a quello di tanti altri, prima e dopo di me. Ero completamente pronta, certa che nel giro di qualche istante anch’io sarei stata un puntino luminoso di quel serpente, e la terra solo un ricordo lontano.
Esattamente come stavo intuendo, le forze mi sono venute a mancare fino a sentirmi completamente svuotata. Ma prima dell’annullamento della mia mente ho avuto il tempo di rendermi conto che mi stavano realmente prelevando e ho concentrato allora in un attimo tutto l’amore possibile e l’ho lanciato ai miei figli e a mia madre insieme agli addii. Neanche il tempo di avvertire il mio cambiamento che ero già diventata come la luce ma non esattamente luce. Fluttuavo, il mio corpo etereo e luminoso aveva ancora una leggerissima consistenza e prendeva la forma che gli dava il vento.
Caro dottor Stankov, ho voluto che fose lei la prima persona a ricevere questa mia esperienza perché mi piacerebbe che possa alleviare la nostra attesa che non sarà lunga, ne sono certa.
Un abbraccio
English Translation
Caro Dottor Stankov,
last night I had a beautiful dream and I experienced it as if it was all very real. I felt intense and real happiness because what I was experiencing was with absolute certainty the Ascension. I was sure in my dream and I am more than ever certain even now. I’ve never experienced anything like it. I was in the garden of the house in the company of my cousin, whom I was trusting all my fatigue accumulated in recent years due to the relentless work of convincing all the people I met, starting with my family, about the impending ascension. Suddenly something in the sky has projected a beam of light on earth. I immediately looked up and saw something that even the imagination of a writer could not have invented.
Millions of luminous spheres were next to each other, and together they formed an amazing, huge, almost endless snake of light. An image that can not be described easily. A scene as impressive, as joyful and attractive. I do not know how or why, but I quickly realized that the celestial alignment, so majestic, was there for me. A kind of celebration, a ceremony for my transition with that of so many others before and after me. I was completely ready, certain that within a few moments I’d be a bright dot on that snake, and the earth just a distant memory.
Just as I was guessing, my strength was depleted and I felt completely drained. But prior to the cancellation of my mind, I had the time to realize that I was being really ascending and I then concentrated in an instant all the love possible, and I sent it to my children and my mother together with goodbyes. No time to feel the change in me, that I had become like the light, but not exactly light. Floating, my ethereal body still had a light consistency and took the form that the wind gave it.
Dear Dr. Stankov, I wanted that you were the first person to receive this experience because I’d like that it will confirm that our expectation of ascension will not wait for long, I’m sure of it.
A hug
Hallo Georgi,
Du hast nach anderen Hinweisen/Channelings für den Februar-Aufstieg gefragt. Gestern haben wir (meine Freundin und ich) eine Gesprächspause in der Küche. Plötzlich ein komisches Geräusch im Wohnzimmer gehört, beim nachschauen fand ich meinen selbstgebastelten Sterntetraeder auf dem Boden – war offensichtlich aus dem Bücherregal gefallen?
Davon inspiriert, habe ich noch mal eine Information in der “Blume des Lebens” ( 6te Auflage von 2005-Band 2 ) nachgeschlagen und bin auf Seite 454 auf folgende Aussage gestoßen:
“Die Eingeborenen Völker von Nord-,Süd- und Mittelamerika vollführten die Zeremonie, die Kondor und Adler zusammenbringt, und würdigten so die nächsten 13 Jahre als den letzten Zyklus auf dieser Erde. Viele, die Wissen über den Mayakalender lehren, haben gesagt, dass dieser letzte Zyklus entweder am 22. oder am 24. Dezember 2012 endet. Doch die älteren Brüder,die Kogi und die Maya selbst, sagen, nein, der letzte 13-jährige Zyklus begänne am 19-ten Februar 2000 und endet am 18/19 Februar 2013. ?!?
Ich finde die Umstände schon merkwürdig – daher schicke ich Dir einfach die Info.
Liebe Grüße
English Translation
Hallo Georgi,
You asked about other clues / channelings for the February ascension. Yesterday we (my girlfriend and I) had a break in the conversation in the kitchen. Suddenly we heard a strange noise in the living room. I looked for it and found my self-made star tetrahedron on the floor that had obviously fallen from the bookshelf?
Thus inspired, I began to search for another information in the book “The Flower of Life” (6th edition 2005 -Volume 2) and came on page 454 across the following statement:
“The native peoples of North, South and Central America performed the ceremony that fully brings together condors and eagles and honoured in this way the next 13 years of the last cycle on this earth. Many, who taught the knowledge about the Mayan calendar, have said that this last cycle will end either on the 22nd or 24th of December 2012. However, the older brothers, the Kogi and the Maya themselves, say, no, the last 13-year cycle would begin on the 19th of February 2000 and will end on 18/19 February 2013.??”
I find this a rather strange circumstance, so I send you this just for your information.
Hey Georgi,
I have not really been reading channeled messages as of late. I used to read a lot more, but lately have just been checking out Aisha North and Gaia Portal, as you have alluded to them.
Anyway, while I don’t have a message for reference, I thought it would be pretty awesome if the you/first wavers kicked it off on Apollonius’ birthday, which is February 16th.
I know you don’t subscribe to numerology much, but when I was younger, I was a big fan of the late Astrologer, Linda Goodman. According to Linda (who used the Chandalean system of numbers) 16 was represented by “a tower struck by lightning, from which a man is falling, with a Crown on his head.”
I can’t think of a more appropriate day, unless it is sooner, ha. Serious though, I can’t think of a better day to see the Ascension begin and the Orion Kings fall from their dark towers.
Happy Birthday, Apollonius, Hello Ascension and Good Bye Orion Empire. Now that would be a good start.
All The Best,
Dear Jon,
I fully agree that Apollonius birthday Feb 16 will be an auspicious date to appear in front of humanity and announce the end of the Orion system and the begin of the New Age.
I would not have any objections, if I ascend this weekend, but I would not be disappointed if this happens during the week, beginning Feb 11th. In this case there will be an occasion to celebrate – the rebirth of Apollonius and the collapse of the Church. Ultimately, the whole calender is full of such occasions and ascension may use them or not, but it should finally come, as life on this planet is a real torture for most of us.
The PAT Ascension has been initiated by massive cleansing of not only personal past traumata, but also of all traumata of humanity, as Jerry commented in his last email to me. This is indeed true for most of us these days as the following email exchange confirms. These healings are true miracles and they clearly indicate the acceleration of the ascension process and our growing ability of immediate creation.
Dear Carla,
today (Feb 2) I woke up under a huge nasty cleansing wave from the night in a very low mood. My wife is in Vienna with my younger daughter to help her move to and arrange her apartment, shared with two other students, and begin with her studies in Anthropology, French and Spanish. I am now in a holding pattern and unable to do anything meaningful in this increasingly incompatible 3d-reality.
Then I received this morning the following email from Anthony Kane and it saved my day. I was so happy to read that you and your friend have helped him heal his past traumata. I hoped that this might be case if you meet him, as I knew he needed this kind of energetic support, but was not so sure if he will be ready to open for this kind of healing. At the beginning he was too much fixed on helping him financially, but I knew this is just a pretext and a deep cry for help.
I am very obliged to you that you have helped Anthony as I have always worried about him, but saw no possibility to help him effectively in the past. Many thanks also to your friend for her support and effort to heal Anthony.
If today is the dress rehearsal for our ascension, and it seems to be so starting yesterday, than it is until now different than previous ones. It is pure cleansing work with very unpleasant burning sensations on the skin and inside with a lot of human dross coming through my field and being processed by myself. This is connected with some very vivid and rapid reminiscences of past experiences pinpointing the drudgery of my life as part of my mission on the earth. There is also a sense of an excuse on the part of my soul that she could not been able to arrange a better life for me under these circumstances.
But altogether my life has been successful and fully streamlined to the objectives written down in my soul contract. I do not know what I could have done better from a spiritual point of view. Probably should have done less to survive in this reality, as it was not necessary. Otherwise, without this purely human effort, my life would have been even more dull, lonely and depressing. Hence this is my perfect world. Let us hope that this is the final sum-up before my ascension.
Thank you one more time for helping Anthony. He is a great soul and has gone through some terrible experiences and situations.
With love and light
Thank you for the introduction to Carla as she has been a truly gifted presence for me in my life. This day she and her working partner Julia gave me a complete healing!!!!
Many things and questions were answered for me and much work on an energy and spirit plan was accomplished. All manner of disconnects within me in my spirit to my body were brought into alignment and I feel for the 1st time in this life since I was six that I am whole.
They just got together and help me in ways that I had not phantom when I met her.
An angel, yes, and super being, yes, and beyond that they are tremendous light for this world… these ladies are truly a healer’s healer!!!
Thanks George and many blessings:
Vancouver, Canada
Dear Anthony,
I am really very happy that Carla and her friend, which I personally do not know but have heard of her from Carla, have been of such tremendous help to you. I figured out that this connection may be beneficial and timely for all of you, but I could not imagine that it will be so successful.
I will write today to Carla and express my gratitude to her. I have not heard from her for a while and wanted to contact her anyway.
As you may have read on our website, we expect our first ascension next week Feb 11th. We are now approaching the End Time. I have the assurance that I will be the first to ascend and appear in front of humanity. After that the whole group will be catapulted in the centre of the world attention. Hold on for another week.
The energies I am subdued now are overwhelming and very unpleasant. I am doing the last cleansing work for humanity and this weekend we are amidst the dress rehearsal – ascension test run – before the real ascension process can begin in a week from now on.
Wish you all the best for the few remaining days on the earth.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for writing to me and sharing Anthony’s email to you. Yes, we had 3 beautiful hours of divine creation through massive cleansing and healing. We were blessed by the presence of many different energies to guide us through this healing, those from several ascended masters as well as theSirians and the Pleiadians and of course, theElohim. We were graced by the presence of the source of the Christ consciousness energy itself – a huge orb of pure white consciousness, the grand size of a planet. This consciousness downloaded through me a direct injection of Christed light into Anthony through his crown. It was a magnificent and powerful experience. We shall never be the same.
I have had the same experience as yourself with regard to the inability to create meaningful connection to this reality, and it does in fact seem to be getting worse. Within the past two weeks I have noticed an intensification in the traps of the matrix, escalating to an almost inhuman level, whereby I am engaged several hours daily in the 3D. I am feeling exhausted, like you, and just do not want to continue. Today I am sitting down to organize a plan for a skillful withdrawal from the issues that have revealed themselves to me. I am bone weary of it all.
My Mother’s shingles came back anew and with a vengeance. She requires a great deal of care now as she is not able to accomplish much on her own. I am seeing a lot of illness around now, mostly in the baby boomer and over generations as their health is beginning to fail on all levels.
The happiness and exuberance that I noticed in December has diminished substantially and I am seeing more irritation and exasperation with “the system” than ever before. The Canadians are getting cranky, finally.
I have also felt this shift coming for us in February, although the dates elude me as always. I also see March as being an extremely significant month, particularly after the 15th. I have not had the peace of mind, nor the time during the past two weeks to inquire further into this impression, but certainly when I get a handle on these emerging 3D issues I shall create the time for this. I have only had fleeting moments to visit the website and am really looking forward to the French film you have shared with us. Thank you in advance for this gift.
At this moment I am feeling as though the energies are continuing to build intensely and am experiencing nausea, headache, burning skin and body, and dizziness unabated.
Imagine to be young again like your daughter, starting out afresh, with a clear vision and youthful enthusiasm for the new life that awaits her! Perhaps one should embrace this beautiful energy gifted to us by the young people around us. Thank you for sharing this beautiful energy today with me.
With love and light,