Personal Opinions – January 29, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Confirmation of First PAT Ascension in February

Dear Dorie,

did you read the latest message from April. Her HS announced that we will ascend in February. This coincides fully with my information from my HS since Dec 23 that I will ascend in February, around the 12th. In this case you do not need to wait much longer before all your problems are solved for ever.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

This morning (Jan 29) I woke up fully prepared to sit down and write to you and give you a full report. I had all this information spinning around in my head and the only thought that kept coming to mind was that I needed to get in touch with April. I felt that I needed to collaborate with her on a new message, something I never thought of doing before, and wanted to get her input as to what I was hearing and seeing.

I kept hearing “you will be ascending in waves” and at first I thought it meant we would be ascending in groups as we have been discussing. I knew from the ascension dream that I had on Dec 25th that we would be ascending in groups, as I saw myself as one of the first to arrive on Planet A with other groups of people that followed soon after my arrival. But there was something more to this “wave” thing. I was seeing it as if we were still here in 3D yet becoming Ascended Masters in stages.

Before I contacted April, I thought I would check your site first to see if she had talked about it before in one of her previous messages. She had spoken before of us going like ‘popcorn’, so I was determined to find that message to see if it was what I was hearing. Instead I found her newest message!

Let me tell you Georgi, as I read it, it was like she had written down everything I was going to send to you this morning! AMAZING! And the best part is when I read what she said here: “Your Christed Self will fully descend/merge (in gradations) into your now completely empty/purged vessel” I knew exactly in that moment that this was what I was hearing in the words, ‘you will be ascending in waves’.

There’s really not too much that I can add to April’s message. It fully coincides with the information that I have been receiving for about a week now. I was given this message by HS on 1/26/2013:

There is going to be another pulse from source on February 2 and 3rd. This will be a dress rehearsal. While “narrow mindedness” has been cleansed from humanity, what will be determined during this pulse is how many ascension candidates have sufficiently integrated enough of the downloaded Light information in order to be receptive to your presence as Ascended Masters. 

This is in preparation for week two of February (Begin on Feb 11) when another full scale attempt at ascension will take place, beginning with a new wave of energy which will be felt beginning on the date of February 11th (Monday). As discussed previously, there will be an initial small group, who will ascend first, and then each subsequent pulse will bring in larger groups – just as a web starts out in small circles and expands to larger and larger circles, so too will each subsequent group expand.”

Georgi, February 11th is my birthday! Just sayin’! And I fully resonate with all the other information that April has already provided! She might as well have written my report for me!

With much love to you! (And April!)

Dear Dorie,

thank you very much for this important validation. You have confirmed April’s information and her message has confirmed in its turn what I am receiving from my HS since Dec 23.

The most remarkable synchronicity is though that I am getting the date of February 12 as a pivotal date around which my ascension will take place since the beginning of this year. Now your HS also confirms that the second week of February, beginning on Feb 11 will be the time when ascension will commence cascade-wise with a small initial group that will trigger circular ascension ripples like a pebble in the water. These ripples will encompass more and more ascension candidates, first the entire PAT and then all other ascendees who will go to earth A.

This stepwise process may well go into March when the final mass ascension and the ID split will take place. This is how I see the time schedule of ascension of humanity for some time in my imagination. This forecast fully coalesces with my inner feeling and perception of the energies that still flow relentlessly through my body and field. This knowing is not verbal, but a kind of deep energetic conviction that now we have reached the final stage when the outcome is predetermined and inevitable.

Let us hope that you need not celebrate your birthday on this earth, although my gut feeling tells me that this may be the case. However you will be so deeply involved in the ascension process that you will most probably have no desire to celebrate in at all. But then you can postpone your celebration after ascension. when we all will be personally present in our light bodies. This will make much more fun.

With love and light

Dear George,

In the past, I have hesitated to write you, because I have wanted it to be something worthwhile; I know you are ‘busy’ (egregious understatement). But I am sending you what I wrote to fellow PAT-er Terrie in Texas – just as friendly chatter.

You are my friend too, but your role and responsibility is so huge, I have wanted to make sure I say exactly what I mean to say, and to contribute in a way that is conscientious of how the first-wave was resonating over the past year +.

So this is just a casual hello, and another supportive account of what you and other PAT have assessed, just recently in this week.


Letter to Theresa Villareal

Gaiaportal? Finalization? They must be reading our site…:

“Finalization of ascendance energy structures is in process. Priorities are given now to individualized optimization of human structures, of 3D, 4D, 5D. Sweeping transformation occurs within each consciousness unit.”

Friday night, I had a 1-1 convo w/a coworker, and presented the ascension scenario. She’s go for launch and ready to leave, open, willing, excited, and grateful to talk to someone who’s on the same page as her. I presented the first-wave and 5d very point-blank to her and she was immediately receptive and in agreement.

Saturday night, I ended up in another 1-1 convo w/ another coworker (who I spoke w/before and sort a seeded this convo a week or so ago), who ended up moving up rapidly in vibration, while we were talking, and was able to comment about probability alternatives, and conditions for the masses, and for the first-wave ascenders. He was very joyful with me.

I guess this means they’re both in the A/B web, and I’m temporary liaison.

I am still entertaining this process of finding a new place to live…. so…. it likely will not matter either way… we’ll see what comes out of it.

I may have said this to you before, but we have a new general manager (again) at the restaurant. He is much older, but looking to me. I am sensing from him and others, that I am already in this leadership role… but it is of course as a way of being. He said to me today that he likes being around me because he’s so high strung and I am so peaceful. I held my tongue and didn’t say that when he’s around me I feel all his high-strung-ness thru my body.

Last night I could barely sleep, my body was vibrating in such a pleasant in-between state.

The only dream I recall was of a very intense higher vibration. I was facing another young Latino girl, and she was crying, feeling the intense vibration too. I don’t remember much, but either I was reassuring her, or we were supporting each other, kind-of like: “It’s okay, this is the ascension, this is the physical cross-over”. It was a very beautiful experience, and terrific in a way too, like a dynamic universe within.

Seems like February is a good time to go.

When I articulated to the 2nd coworker the: Georgi first, then the rest of us, to return and portray the divine blueprint, etc., he became so giddy and joyful. He asked me who that one person would be, and I said, without thinking, “We chose him to go first”. In that moment, I felt such peace and conviction, like WOW we are here doing an amazing thing; we are totally badass. lol.

…Looking forward to the rapid choreography of all these energetic conditions ripening for us all.


Dear Travis,

the most rewarding aspect of human relations is to find somebody who shares your views and resonates with your vibrations. This has been virtually impossible for the PAT until now and that is why our lives have been so lonely and difficult. Now this situation is rapidly changing as you have personally experienced and it can only get better with each new day.

My assessment is that this week the PAT connected to the source, as also confirmed by April’s HS  which is the greatest achievement of all. Thus our destiny of ascension is fully secured. At the same time we have prepared the masses for true revelations. This is our work in the last two years, but especially after Dec 23 when we tried to make the best under these circumstances and go forward with maximal speed. Now I believe that we will need another week or two to recover and accommodate these energies in our bodies.

My inner voice tells me that around Feb 12 some of us may ascend, but I no longer put any attention to dates. It is just an inner feeling of completion and when it arrives you know it.

It is good and wise to be excited by this perspective, especially when you are so young and your life is in front of you. I do not imply that my life is behind me, as there will be much to do in the future, but I am really tired of my long sojourn on this toxic planet and have absolute no human ambitions whatsoever. This is surely also due to the fact that I have ascended long time ago and had to stay on the ground as an avatar for so long time that my inner impetus has been worn out.

Now is time to open a new chapter and it will be full of adventures beyond human imagination. It is good to hear that the people are so rapidly opening now to our truth. This is the most sure sign that we will soon ascend.

With love and light

Dear George,

I just had the coolest dream time last night. I remember some. The first parts were emotional purges – the kind that ‘hurt so good’, and healed. In one, I was restrained and taunted by a dark entity siphoning my energy and ridiculing me. I was making a lot of strange noises in my sleep, but at the same time was aware of the precise nature of the exercise to clear this from me, and that there was no other entity, but only one self-created for this experience. In another, I publicly experienced some deep hurts and embarrassment, and cleared this.

There were other dreams, but in the last one, I was on a space ship, and had a saxophone-like instrument without a mouthpiece. Someone told me to clean it off, and I was miffed to have to do so, saying, “My subconscious is vomiting right now”. I took the rag, and cleaned the instrument, and was intrigued, investigating the complexity of keys and craftsmanship. I went over to the window, and surmised we were travelling very fast because these points of light were passing like trees on a road. First they looked like galaxies, then stars, then I cupped my hands to the glass and saw they were lights on buildings by the ocean.

There was a very long building, five stories tall, with the classic Nantucket architecture, reminiscent of Earth but simpler with perfected design, and I noticed one bold blue room in particular with crystal chandeliers and paintings covering the walls. ‘I recognize it!’ I am crying and laughing: love and joy and homecoming, a birth and release – such an overwhelming, delicious perfected moment. Lux Aurumque is playing; and others join at the window to look out, as we are landing.

(Lux Aurumque)

For years, while I was awakening, older people would say ‘your life is ahead of you’ to me, and I always felt distressed, because I didn’t feel the same. Like you say, I had lost my motivation and desire for this 3d realm – a seeming contradiction for a young person – and psychologically tortuous at times, because I didn’t know how long I would have to wait for ascension and my true mission, fearing how f*d up my life was going to get in the meantime. I made choices to facilitate the inter-dimensional straddling that in the beginning made me behave as though I was autistic (at least so I thought).

While awakening, I could feel that resonance with people, like I was ‘arriving to somewhere’, but after a spiritual ascension in April 2010, (I think I am referring to the same thing as you call it?), it was never the same with others. It would stress me that they didn’t share that cosmic perspective; like I was from another planet, and stuck on earth, “oh god, no!”

If by my ‘life in front of me’, you mean my mission and activism, then hoorah, yes. Though I will be ascended, existing, and interacting in a way that all the pains and ills are no longer. I am a crystal but also PAT, so I’m not hanging around on earth in a 3d way any longer than my soul deems absolutely necessary. Is this what you mean?

The 2 coworkers I referred to assessed that humanity is ready. I feel that of course there will be a coordination of events. The hearts must be ready, and it seems they are. And I also feel they must have their prior option removed (the matrix, their habituated way) as a kick in the pants to take that leap into the unknown with the PAT. I see it all as successful.


Dear Travis,

of course you are the most privileged generation as you enter now the new era /earth in the optimal physiological age when you have lived enough on the old earth to know that you do not like this existence and know what you would like to experience on the new earth. In addition comes that the fact that crystalline children like you who have worked with the PAT have advanced more than it was planned initially, so that you will immediately be a teacher/Earth Keeper on the 5d-earth A for many elderly people. In other words your future is brighter than you can imagine and it is coming just in time.


Dear George,

There is a curious sudden momentum of energy through me here…. I am lying on my back in bed and I almost always have the most discomforting arrhythmia in this position. But my heart is beating regularly, and has been for almost an hour, maybe. At the same time, I feel bliss through my body. The physical body is very tired and depleted, but the higher energy is the main event.

Today I ran errands and visited three apartment complexes, as I have been considering a move for a couple months, and suddenly over this past week have felt the energy carrying me to make the steps to do so. There are pros and cons to staying and going, and logically I cannot sort it out, although here I was, ‘energetically carried’ and going through the motions of bringing this 3d-physical change. On the car-ride home, after talking-out the decision, I had the awareness that the whole exercise may have served its purpose in 3d. Perhaps I am simply feeling the physical ascension, and am bringing the 3d manifestation to coincide with this action. The time scale is around the first and second week of February. I also have possibly an additional 3d job opportunity opening on the 16th. It is something I had wished to do many years ago, and am considering now as curiosity/ challenge/entertainment/extra income if I am to be waiting longer on all the bigger-picture transformations….

After coming into silence over this on the drive home, I suddenly declared and repeated, “They’re ready. The people are ready, George.” I did not feel any contradiction or misgiving in my energy field, and this surprised me, as I have wanted the statement to be true before, but also felt <100%. Anyways, that is my fallible but honest understanding; I intended to telepathically inform you of my perception.

What do you think of my pros/cons moving situation, without knowing the details? One thing for certain is that moving will be a disruption to my habits so far and more 3d business; if more waves come, the project may really incapacitate me. Am I taking on too much? Might I just sit on the energy build-up and not divert manifestation energy into 3d?….

The apartment I liked the most is a good deal, and a decent place, and I would much rather live on my own that with the semi-asleep person here, but that’s only if 3d continues for more and more. What a funny schizo-like situation to ‘hedge’ ascension, b/c of the waiting game in the past… and imagining that pattern would continue…

With gratitude,

Dear Travis,

my experience (and wisdom) in such a situation when you are on the cusp of making an important decision to change your current way of life is not to be too quick with your final ego-mind conclusion. Just consider this new development as a possible alternative and compare it carefully to the current way of life, and analyse the advantages and the disadvantages of the two alternatives. Then leave it consciously undecided for your HS to make the final decision by delegating it to him. When the moment for decision comes, your HS will push you to make the definite 3d-decision as the situation will then be so clear that you will not have another choice and then you will know it for certain. It is important now not to take sides and let the future stay open for all possible alternatives.

If you say that humanity is ready for the idea of ascension and be opened by us, then this is the most important piece of information for me now. I have only a few contacts with other people as I live a seclusive life and depend on your input. Ultimately it is more important what is happening subconsciously with the masses. Their surprise will still be great when we appear as ascended masters, but this element of surprise is also psychologically of great importance for their quick awakening and deprogramming.

With love and light

Hi George

This last week has certainly been interesting. The highlight would have been the most disgusting dream sequence I have ever had last Thursday or Friday night that stayed with me for a days. I won’t elaborate further as it might even test your own sensibilities and I don’t want to relive it but needless to say the dark or their lingering thought forms are low beyond imagination. I have been waking up very tried in the mornings and also frequently throughout most nights, although I didn’t notice until you mentioned sleeping for no more than two hours at a time due to the difficulty now of returning us to our bodies.

April’s message from her HS was fantastic and certainly not babble. I am looking forward to next month and want to see some action on the ground.

I have also noticed some interesting anomalies with time and the Sun’s position. Last week I noticed the time on my watch was 3 minutes fast compared to the time on my mobile phone. I had synchronised my watch (both analog and digital) to my mobile phone a few months ago. The mobile phone updates the time with the network automatically. The interesting part about it is that both the analog and digital readouts, which are independent of each other, were out about 3 minutes to the mobile phone, and only out a few seconds to each other. So in short my observation reaffirms the explanation that linear time is indeed speeding up. Either that or the mobile phone network provider is slowing it’s system time down.

My other observation was today in “Kings Park” which overlooks the city. During my walk I came across a sundial, took a look at it and couldn’t believe what I saw. The sundial was 10 minutes slower than my watch which I had synchronised last week as mentioned above. This discrepancy is not a time anomaly but shows that the Sun, or Earth has changed position from when this sundial was placed. If you look at the second photo, the sundial reads 2:31pm and after adding the date correction off the table of 29 minutes shows the time as 3:00pm exactly. You can see in the photo that my watch clearly reads 3:10pm. You might even be able to see today’s date in the bottom digital window and the time in UTC as 7:09:43 in the top window (we are UTC+8). Now before the sceptics jump in – and feel free to compare the time off a handheld GPS with any sundial – I do not know the accuracy of this sundial and I have not checked another one for comparison. I might have a look tomorrow, but I expect to see a similar discrepancy. I would assume most sundials to be accurate to within a minute. Here are some links to the same photos.

Warm regards

Dear Alex,

thank you very much for these excellent observations on the acceleration of linear time. As far as the sundial measure is concerned – could it be also that the wobbling of the earth around its axis due to the magnetic pull effect of Nibiru makes the sun change its relative position to the earth, so that this may be the cause for this deviation with respect to your watch? Just a suggestion for another possible explanation of the discrepancy in the measured local time by the sundial and other watches.

No matter what happens now with the linear time, it is being wrapped up and we are heading with giant steps towards our ascension. April’s message has been confirmed today by Dorie and also by the latest information from my HS, so that we must reckon with a very busy ascension month in February. This time the dices have fallen and there will be no more delays as also the latest Gaiaportal message confirms synchronistically with our assessments:

“Rectification of all front line Light Beings is currently ongoing. Such beings will note a heightened sense of purpose; others will note a heightened desire for change in local circumstances.

Inner Recognition of the “Higher Calling” is paramount. Continuous release of paradigms as recent as the prior moment is required.

Rapid upgrades occur for those who recognize their Higher Self as an evolving Light Being. “Evolving” is the key word at this point.

Many of humanity are refusing assistance to higher levels. Such beings will remain in the standard 3D environment throughout this next cosmic cycle. Assistance will be granted at the appropriate time, with the appropriate method.

Follow Inner Guidance. This is the way to Galactic citizenship.”

With love and light

Hello George,

reading Daniel’s message about time in his dream reminded me of an experience Friday. When I got home and saw that it was around 10pm, it felt to me like it should be midnight instead. It is true that I get home around midnight on Mondays, but I have never recently had the feeling of being in time earlier than I should be. It was an interesting experience, and along with your response to Daniel, reminded me of some episodes of the TV show Babylon 5. In some of them, the character Zathras talks about being ‘unstuck in time.” Perhaps this is what that feels like, which for me was feeling i was early in time.

Mike in Florida

Dear Mike,

could be. Our sensations are now changing so rapidly that the previous illusion of linear time can no longer be sustained.


Dear George,

I think of you all everyday and regard you all in warmth everyday. At this point it is only the thought of you and our common plight that keeps me together my body feels like its going to disintegrate. I did become homeless following my eviction in early December and was taken in by a family of five for a time who completely used me as some kind of slave maid and then my friends in Buffalo needed a room mate, I removed myself from Rochester.

Besides for the obvious heartache this causes me being even further apart from my son Micah (he is ten and has moderate cerebral palsy and suffers from complex partial seizure disorder). I still am managing to see him on the weekends, it’s hard to function with the constant irritation of room mates who are very sweet and have turned their small two bedroom apartment into a veritable cat shelter.

There is no home for me. There is no home life for me and there never has been. The issue of reconciling the truth of my reality to the rest of the world is unbearable at this point and it doesn’t seem that anyone (in my personal field) is prepared to wake up. So I am just writing to touch base with you George and the rest and give my regards to Jerry and Anita and the rest. Thank you so much for the maintenance of the website as it saves my ass everytime I feel I cannot go on.

The week of the catharsis was particularly insane and I stared face to face with the reality my mother has lived as an albeit crazy, but principally well intentioned (besides the control freak stuff) evangelical Christian. I really was blessed to have the parents that I did and my father, bless his soul, has always been more highly evolved than anyone around him and turned heavily to eastern philosophy and has been a ‘household devotee’, which means he has opened himself up to the usury and debasement of my stepmother and her four psychotic children for the past six years. No relief. He’s chanting repetitions up to a thousand times a day to keep his sanity. Now I am too. Hare Krshna, hare krshna, krshna krshna, hare hare. Hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare.

With boundless love,

Dear Sonya,

your story has deeply touched me and I am very depressed these days hearing about how all the members of the PAT are crucified in this reality. One may say that this all has been planned and part of their soul contracts, but I do not believe it somehow. I think that the level of our suffering augmented the moment it became clear that humanity is in a deep slumber and retard with respect to their awakening and ascension as you also confirm and  that the level of personal sacrifice for the few bearers of light must also increase. There must be some kind of reciprocity between our hardships and the slumbering of the masses that defies any normal human logic. But do not expect that heaven is guided by such logic.

I can only hope that we will soon see some visible changes at the societal level that will also lead to positive changes in our current lives of martyrs and outcasts.

With love and light

That makes a lot of sense to me. Thank you George and I am sorry for further burdening you with depressing information. I at least am able to enjoy time with my son still, and I also feel heartened by the latest Gaia portal message. Let’s blow this Popsicle stand lol:)!! Thank you for writing me.

With boundless love,

Dear Sonya,

I am here to be bothered. This is my primary obligation, while editing this website. It is also very important for me to know what challenges the readers and members of the PAT are experiencing, so that I can communicate this to the higher realms and ask for protection and help for them. If everybody on this earth would participate emotionally and mentally in the hardships and sufferings of the other people, there would have been no suffering at all as everybody would have learnt his lessons of compassion, and karma would have been obsolete. There is a German saying that “shared burden is half a burden”.

It was very good that you shared your problems with me and I feel honoured to participate in a compassionate manner in your life.

With love and light

Dear Moni,

watch this French film with English subtitles:

La belle verte

It alludes to the PAT and the current situation. The film was more or less forbidden and cut off from the public by all Orion distribution companies.


Dear George,

I loved everything about this movie! The script is ingenious.

I laughed so much. The scenes where they disconnect earth people are hilarious, especially the football match scene. I wish we could disconnect people within seconds like in the movie. I think it was very cute every time they call each other from the other planet. And the kids trying to call their mom from the airplane hahaha!

I remember I was in shock the first time I walked down the streets of Paris – dog shit all over!

Yes, I recognize ourselves in this film. We are becoming Mila. Everyday that passes by, everything in this planet feels more foreign to us. For instance, I couldn’t survive living in a big city full of smoke and erratic people anymore. Being surrounded by nature and spend hours contemplating the sky and the animals, is what it feels normal now. I remember when I used to love living in New York City (argh!!!).

We are so out of place in this planet. We have acknowledged and worked hard on this exhausting mission and we are more than ready to go back home.

I see why this film was not well advertised and distributed. This film shows how demented and meaningless this 3D reality is. I will share it with friends.

I hope Coline Serreau is still “disconnected”.

Thanks for sharing George.


Dear Moni,

I am glad you enjoyed this film. I got the recommendation from Igor, an interesting person who has written me only very rarely. I think he lives in Canada. At first I could not understand the film as he gave me the original French version and the characters speak very quickly with Parisian argot, but then I found one with English subtitles and I watched it twice with great pleasure. I should probably made an official recommendation on the website for all PAT members to see it.

With love and light

Thanks to Igor as well!

My George, the PAT would enjoy this film. You should recommend it.


I will do this in the next report. – George


I just read your latest update that includes the statement about the number of hours of sleep that we should be getting. I was stunned!

This is just about the amount I get. I can’t sleep for many weeks now but I am not tired. I have no memory of any dreams, yet so I feel a bit left out in that regard.

But what I have been feeling for some time now is a complete “lightness” in the feel of my body. There are times when I am lying down when I feel that there is absolutely no weight to my physical vessel. But it is not frightening at all. To the contrary. Whenever I have this feeling in my physical vessel I am always at a complete peace and happiness in my heart. But I am not able to sustain this feeling indefinitely. It usually only comes when I am still and quiet and not being bombarded with sounds from the TV.

Why can’t I remember anything about my dreams at night? It’s as if everything is wiped blank. I used to remember dreams from time to time when I was younger but I can’t remember anything of late. It almost makes me feel as if I am digressing instead of progressing in the ascension process because I read about the dreams of so many others.

Am I being blocked or something?


Dear Charlotte,

when one does a lot of very strenuous work in the dream state, one normally does not get dreams. I have periods when I am so active in cleansing that I do not get any dreams and then there are periods when I am less active and then I have more dreams and encounters.

You can ask before going to bed your HS to let you remember your dreams. If you do it for some time you may begin to remember your dreams. But essentially the more important work one does in the HR, the less one dreams.


Oh Thank you George.  I will have a great day at work today just knowing this.


Dear Georgi,

I need to quickly get this down and off to you. It is a dream experience I had last night. I at first found myself dropped into an ongoing car-jacking. As I approached the car, there was a man in the car. The first two seats had been removed and he was working on getting the back seat out. He was working very fast and I thought to myself, how am I going to subdue him, as I do not have a gun to shoot him in the leg or something. I felt no anger only pulled him from the car and telepathically told him we were going to get the parts taken and replace them. He just seemed to soften and went with me willingly down the street.

The next scene was a house full of people doing sexually deviant things to others without consent as well as doing things to each other. I again said nothing, but telepathically sent the message this stops now. The possessed look they had just melted away. The look of the place that seemed dark and jagged became soft and light filled. Again, I felt no anger or disgust.

The third place I visited was a house with a large group of naked children probably 2-10 years old. All crowded together watching pornographic movies and live action situations of sexual behavior. I saw no adults, just children in a trans like state masturbating and sexually touching each other. Again I was surprised at my response. Again no words spoken. I felt myself shine a light around them and telling them telepathically to let it go and be children again.

I woke up after that and, although I feel exhausted, I remember fully my dream which is unusual. I believe it to be showing me how easy all of this can be undone and ‘let go’,that is when we as masters can walk the earth to help heal and enlighten (on deprogramming  the people, watch the film “La Belle Verte” recommended above). As often I do in dreams, I look  at myself to get a feel of age or sex. I realize now I did not do that in this dream and only wonder now what vision the others saw. It was interesting also that the first encounter I was still carrying 3D as in thinking I needed a gun to stop this behavior. I apparently was a quick learner.

This presentation was a gift from Source for sure. I have been seeking out the duality still left within my being and transmuting it to neutral energy. My main focus was on the anger and disgust I had toward some human behavior. This dream showed me I could see it with no anger or judgement and transmute it and move on.

Other dreams I have had most recently were of meeting very dark forces and telling them loudly to leave this realm and I was angry. These souls seemed to respond immediately to light and change at once. After sending you this I will send you an account of the dream situation four nights ago. This recent dream helped me see full circle my personal battle, growth, and future ability to be of service. The PAT is such a perfect model of the new earth with all the diversity of experiences with no judgements only respect for each souls personal journey.


Dear Jennifer,

I interpret your dreams indeed as vivid remnants of your and our actual cleansing activities we all are exerting in the higher astral planes in the dream state, releasing numerous souls who are still mired and trapped from their personal darkness in preparation for their ascension or movement to earth A/B.

The new aspect is now that we can very easily transmute the negative traits of these souls as they are no longer rooted in the archons’ level of primordial darkness, which we have extradited from the earth last year. In addition, the energetic structure of these souls has been fully reshuffled and they operate now from the heart centre, as April’s HS confirmed in her last message and thus they are much more prone to positive changes. This is a very good sign, telling us that the masses will be soon fully ready for our official appearance as ascended masters and will accept us in a most positive way.

With love and light

Dear George,

I have just heard the Dutch queen is resigning from the throne today. The people will think this is due to her old age, but we all know better. The dark are now fleeing their positions.

Love & Light,

Dear Daniel,

you are right about the timing, although they say that abdication has tradition in this royal family:


Hi George,

Yesterday midday (Jan 27) up to and including the middle of the night I had an energy increase in the middle of my head, like an energy ball pressing outwards (maybe the center was close to the pineal gland, but not sure). I felt blood pumping near my nostrils and teeth/gums. Near midnight it became quite painful and even then throat pain was coming up too.

These energy surges I expected to come on workdays roughly from 0900 to 1500, but now they may appear to be quickening. Or its a personal energy/ballast purge…

Even today I have pressure on my head. I hope the energy cleansing will commence though, humanity hasn’t been shaken enough.


Dear Dennis,

I can confirm this wave yesterday around midday. The energies intensity increases and the HR no longer consider our daily schedule. This has been the case with me since 1999, that is why I can’t plan anything as I never know how I will feel.


Hi George,

Also today (Jan 28) the energy is relentless, what I did not experience before. Now my frontal lobe is getting the pressure. I hope this is the final part of the race. Gaiaportal seems to indicate so, but it may take longer…

I do not think I am one of the first wavers, but I want to help as best as I can to help you ascend. But what can I do as an individual amongst the people I meet daily? Just be myself, to be in balance? I think so.

With love and light,

Dear Dennis,

there is nothing you can do about the LBP and the flow of cosmic energies of ascension. Just stay relaxed, then when it becomes nasty, you will be happy about every minute when you are not tortured by your HS.


Dear George,

I found a message that was a bit on the fluffy side, but towards the end this was said:

“In recent years past, a select few were holding the higher level energies, which resulted in others taking this energy for themselves instead of embodying it within on their own. Since then, there has been a great attempt made to let everyone hold themselves up all on their own. The failure of the ascension plan to be implemented as was originally designed was due to this very occurrence. Because of this, the mainstream residents of the planet now have to reach certain levels on their own. . . the planet must hold itself up via its residents and not through a select few who have come for this specific purpose.”

I feel that the training wheels came off when we got 4D online around Sept / Oct.  I know then that the 4D bound people had to start carrying more for themselves. And then it took another jump after 12/21/12 and they then again were expected to carry more for themselves.


Dear Rick,

this is a very good description/explanation why the PAT have indulged the rest of the LW community in inactivity by solving their energetic problems. Now this infantile stage must be finally overcome and they must do their own work to comply with the criteria of ascension as also confirmed in the latest Gaiaportal message.

Can you please send me the link to the original full message.

With love and light

Yes, sorry, I meant to include this link.

And yes, I was going to mention Gaia Portal.  Sounds like even more will be loaded onto the masses now.


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