Energy Update of the PAT Prior to Ascension

November 3, 2012

Dear George,

today I slept in, which is rather unusual… but the reason I’m writing to you now could be related. As I went to bed really late (again unusual) I woke up with the sun already lighting up the room quiet brightly. At first I did not remember any nightly experiences (unusual!) and was asking myself what’s up with that. I didn’t want to stand up (you guessed it – that’s unusual as well) and decided to turn around to try and fall asleep again. I might have, hard to say, but I did remember a rather dull dream and when writing it down (in 3D) thought to myself something along the lines of “what am I supposed to do with that?” (as in: this information is not helpful/understandable) So far, so boring. Now lets get to the reason for writing this long introduction.

While I was still unwilling to stand up, turning from one side to the other in bed, but now more awake than asleep I heard a voice say something. The energy of a being was clearly present. I looked down to the footside of the bed, eyes half open, and saw a… or part of… a… Lightbody? It sure looked like energy, and even more so like light – it was glowing if you will, but it was only an “area” as big as the upper body, around the heart – and “positioned” there at the height of a standing person’s chest.

As I am not used to seeing things with my eyes open I was really paying attention by now. I closed my eyes again to better concentrate on what the being was talking about, as it was still speaking most of the time – unfortunately I couldn’t understand it since the noise of cars driving by was too loud. This is why I tried to tell ‘whoever it was’ telepathically to speak up if I am to understand what is being said.

I’m not sure whether me understanding the words was all too important, since I got the feel of them… it seemed like a rant, a person half talking to himself, half talking to me.

What I then very clearly understood was this: “Are you getting up now or what?” The tone/energy implied we had important stuff to take care of. Well, I finally did and this concluded the experience.

The general tone/energy/feeling of all those spoken words (which I didn’t understand) was a combination of demanding and reproachful. This in combination with a sphere/ body of light left me with only one reasonable idea who could have been the visitor. I’m sure you can guess.

Much Love
Dear Andre,

thank you very much for sharing your incredible experience with a light body gestalt this morning upon awakening. Although it is not difficult to guess who this visitor was, I can only confirm on my part that I was completely depleted this morning after having a three-day- non-stop cc-wave with all other possible pains, which I interpret as the final cleansing and purging of dark energies on this planet prior to my ascension.

Obviously my HS and the energies behind this humble human incarnation are most active in the dream state and even during day time, while they are fully independent of my disastrous physical condition. This is a very good sign proving that when you begin to ascend, I will be present with each one of you helping you adopt to the new light garments as the energies behind myself can split and manifest in a multi-dimensional manner on many places on the earth at the same time and fulfil their mission, while I may enjoy life in the higher dimensions. After your ascension this will be the common way of existence for all of you.

With love and light
November 3, 2012

Dear George,

How are you my friend? I enjoyed your “Ascension in the Perspective” article immensely! Brilliant! It actually was personally very insightful as well. Let me explain.

All week I’ve still been battling this stubborn LBP cold/flu. I was doing better about mid-week and thought I was soon to be on the mend, only to be severely knocked down the following day. I am finally feeling somewhat better again today.

Along with this cold, I’ve been dealing with very strange energies at the office, as well a witness to them daily in the news/Internet and/or across the world. So many nasty, ugly truths are coming to light. I feel sickened and disgusted by it, literally. It’s almost as if this dark goo or ooze is now seeping out of the cracks, EVERYWHERE. I knew this was to be a period of “revelation,” I guess I just never fathomed the depths or expanse of this final purging/cleansing. We were told that in the end, “the light would shine/permeate into even the darkest of corners,” and yet never did I image just how many “corners” and “crannies” there really are! I’m learning so many things about my organization, some of my co-workers, that really I could have done without knowing! Believe me it’s already been a disappointing, eye-opening year in that regard. Along with that is the constant bombardment of these same feelings/emotions from the masses, like sadness and disgust, regarding many of the recent “revelations/light shinings” that they are now witnessing or “waking up” to. Unfortunately it does not appear that the masses are ready for any movement or action yet. But judging by the amount of energy roiling around just below the surface, I’d have to say that the dam is about to burst. I know it is for me, and I’m trying my best to stay centered and focused, but I got to say, I’m riled up!

I wonder, exactly what are we cleansing/purging right now? Is it in the web? Is it coming over because new souls from the masses are being woven in? Is it just part of the web ascending/rising again overall? OR Is it the manifestation/artifact of all the new and ancient timeline mergings, now all that ancient crap being purged? Forgive me for the question assault, I am just unable to connect to HS right now, which is highly unusual for me. I’m just wondering if any of this makes sense to you or not George, and if you can help me put it into better context/understanding.

I hope with all my heart that this is truly the final reveal and purging/letting go of all that has been hidden, so that we can all truly move on and up!

Much love and light,
Dear April,

thank you for this validation of the massive surge of negativity on the surface of the human society. First of all let me tell you that we, the PAT, are doing the heaviest cleansing in this planet all the time, no matter in which phase we are currently. Your HS were very cautious not to disclose the whole scope of nastiness that would hit us when they told us that we will encounter some negative energies in the periphery prior to our ascension. In fact they spared us the truth how nasty it would be.

I felt this, but what is the point of lamenting before the milk is spoiled  My interpretation is that now the portion of humanity that is incorporated in our web of light has reached a threshold of  beaming with pure energy that enables them for the first time to release their dark thought and behaviour patterns at the conscious, social level as to process them. This is now possible because they have been severed from the dark Orion grid/matrix several days ago and have no longer the support of this original source of negativity and darkness that has programmed them for so long time to behave like egomaniac bio-robots of total separation from the source and from each other.

In this sense their negative patterns that now come high, and will come much higher very soon, are without any foundation. When this “goo”, as you call it, surges on the surface, they will experience it for what it is, learning for the first time that there has been such a goo hidden in their minds and hearts  before it could be extinguished for ever.Therefore, one should not indulge in these negative patterns and try to avoid them as good as one can, as they no longer belong to us, and, very soon, not even to the masses. But the people must be confronted with their own negativity before they can get rid of it with our help and the web of light, which operates as a huge vacuum cleaning machine that absorbs/sucks all goo and eliminates it for ever.

Needless to say that this all happens through our energy fields and portals and hence all the flues, cc-waves and the like we experience in the last days. Now the only relevant question is, when will I ascend, as this will mark the end of this last massive cleansing effort, which is highly debilitating to all PAT members. After that there will be one big switch and the energy at the collective level will change dramatically for the better.

We will be by then ascended masters and will no longer be personally in touch with these negative energies that will still lurk from all corners. But the overall mindset will be turned on to the light and it will permeate all human minds and psyches with an irresistible power when the people realize for the first time beyond any doubt that they are also immortal beings as we are and can achieve anything as long as they are ready to say farewell to their old vices, false beliefs and despicable social habits. It will be a huge psychomental transformation which this planet has not experienced in her whole history.

Now we live in the most difficult and precarious time when the goo is coming on the surface, but the awareness is not there yet to see it for what it really is. This may lead to many unpleasant projections from the still slumbering masses onto us as the beacons of light, erroneously regarding us as a potential danger for their crumbling social security and old Orion reality. In fact this whole story is well known to us from the past, but this time it will stipulate. There is nothing we can do about this, but know what will come and be mentally prepared and simply go through, knowing that it will be over very soon, juts as a flu, which should be cured within three days, otherwise it is not a flu, but something more grievous.

Dear April, I hope this elaboration has helped you a little bit to better assess the current “muddy” situation of humanity.

With love and light
November 3, 2012

Dear George,

You delivered yet another potent article before ascension. Truly amazing summary. You summarized what is mind boggling with outstanding and clear key phrases.  It is all so imminent that I personally must remain focused on fitting your statements into a weekly timeline of sorts up until December 21st.  In this way I can reflect more deeply upon your statements.  If this also helps you reflect on what came through in your article, I pass it on for what it’s worth.

Love & Light,

Current Likely Ascension Scenario

First of November

Our energy fields… like tentacles now reach the deepest…darkest corners of this planet… cleanse it in preparation for this final act.

The ascending portion of humanity is now fully separated from the Orion grid, eradicating the energetic foundation for any dark behavior.

Second Week of November

Our ascension.

Bigger natural catastrophes than the Sandy storm. Some… most probably…very soon after our ascension and immediate appearance or even prior to this.

Third Week of November

Our appearance

As ascended masters we will offset all current basic human ideas about… denial of the soul as the creator of all reality…

We will embody soul in crystalline human vessels on the ground and …immediately substitute the current dark elite which is not part of our web of light.

This tiny portion of humanity, including their clones and some very unripe souls…deciding to stay on planet B and live through another incarnation cycle of 26 000 years, will remain outside these huge social, economic and spiritual transformation… fully occupied with their naked survival.

Parallel to this dramatic shift in social and political power, the factual destruction of the whole material structure of the old Orion society must take place within the blink of an eye.

Late November/Early December

The ID shift will happen most probably by the end of November or the beginning of December, before the opening of the last star gate 12.12.12.

December 12th

The opening of the last star gate 12.12.12.

Mass ascension from the balanced earth A/B to earth A will commence.

The most devastating catastrophe…the magnetic pole reversal during the ID split.

During this cosmic event ascending humanity will move to new balanced earth A/B and will be at a safe place.

The dark elite…their entourage of clones and unripe souls will struggle to survive on catastrophic earth B.

December 21 and Thereafter

The actual education of the masses will begin after Dec 21 and will take as much simultaneous time and space as necessary… [as] linear time will be abolished forever as an illusion….

It may only be used as an artificial magnitude to better evaluate all experiences and events in past incarnation cycles, which must be processed at a very deep level by all ascended entities before they can progress and ascend to much higher dimensions in eons of time.
Dear Marilyn,

I read your chronological summary of the coming events as given in my article and I must say that I also profited very much from it as it very succinctly presents what we have to expect in the last few weeks of this year. It is amazing that we have reached that far and are still alive on this toxic planet.

With love and light
November 3, 2012

Hi Georgi,

What a beautifully written post today! I wish I had such clarity of mind these days. I was just checking in w/you, letting you know I’m still here (in central Florida/US) and still keeping up with all your and the PAT’s posts. I look for them everyday in my email and when they don’t come I go to the site to check. Thanks for your amazing grace Georgi, I know you have endured much.

Sending much love and light to you and all of PAT!
November 3, 2012

Dearest Georgi,

Bravo I truly enjoyed what you said in your last report (article) today. I can’t wait until it is time for Ascension as I am tired of this world. I do hope I am one of those first wavers, as I have told you I have felt like I was a PAT since summer. Although I have been symptom free and that bothers me a little because this summer I had all what you where describing. I am not saying that it is good to have what you and Pats are going through now. I am just wondering why my symptoms have stopped. Well I am still having some sort of energy that starts at the crown and down my body at times when I am sleeping. Do you think I am being downloaded and that why it happens. I am no longer having dreams of the darks which is a good thing!

I know that you have been having a hard time with what you call cc-waves and vibrating and I hope it is not as bad as you have describe last week. I just want to say that I appreciate everything you and the Pat do! I love you Georgi and I have no idea why I do, but I have since you woke me up. I look up to you and you have the truth. I was supposed to find you and I did, although I wish it would have been sooner. I mean I was reading your site for a while, then I realize the reason I was having the same symptoms was because you and the Pat were Star seed as well.

I love you and the Pat.. ! Thank you for all you do to keep your Pat spirits up. The light has won!

Love and Light dear Georgi,
Dear Rose,

thank you for your appreciation and for your support of the ascension process. Everyone of us has a different duty in the whole web of light and it is not a good idea to compare the experiences of one person with that of another as long as one shares the common values and goal of ascension. I am now under great stress as there is nobody to do this job for me and I knew that this will come sooner than later. Otherwise if there were not such waves I would be much more disturbed and worried as I would begin to think that something has got wrong with our ascension process. But as long as we receive our waves we are on the right track.

With love and light
November 2, 2012

Hi George,

Are any of the other members reporting the gradual appearance of their light bodies during meditation? As I told you, I am starting to feel and see, for lack of a better explanation, the electrical outline of our light bodies starting in my extremities near my hand.wrist and in the back.

Is this just me or are others reporting this as well? I believe that our light bodies are coming online and by the time the “switch” is flipped the transformation will feel a lot less abrupt.

Dear Charlotte,

our light bodies have been built long time ago and this is the least problem now. We have been thrown one more time in the dirty cleansing job, although we were promised to ascend – this is the dire fact now.

November 2, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I don’t know how it’s with others PATers, but I confirm that I survived yesterday’s receiving of energy, the most powerful in the past year (the waves were shaking the whole body, headache, nausea and stomach weakness, problems in the 3rd chakra, heat/cold in the body simultaneously,…) in this 3D vessel. I hope this is the last one before our PAT ascension.

Dear Daniel,

I have also a very nasty cc-wave three days in a row now and my stomach is burning and aching all the time. It is one last, nasty, cleansing episode which the HS of our channeling ladies spared us for good reasons as they knew how bad it will be. I have just finished an article, where I assume that this last dirty cleansing will affect all PAT members and you now confirm this fact.

My HS is telling me since last week that I must go through one last huge purging of dark energies before I can ascend and this does not make me very happy as you can imagine.

With love and light
November 2, 2012


I sense that something changed for you during the night. I think it was for the best, but I am not sure how it is affecting you physically.

Our symptoms continue almost nonstop and the fatigue is overwhelming. I wanted to thank you for continue to post to the site considering the increasing challenge to do anything even to maintain ourselves.

November 2, 2012

Hi Georgi!

I’m glad to hear you are better as of your last report.

Things are about the same with me, but I have had some extreme fatigue and musculo-skeletal pain, almost like lactic acid build up and/or osteoarthritis only in my lower extremities (hips and both legs), but who knows anymore…I’m just keeping myself patched up as much a possible, I’ve never been good with this type of pain before or taking analgesics.

I just read the GaiaPortal update for today 01 November and was a bit confused. All these communications are obviously subject to great interpretation relative to the readers awareness level, but this last one seemed particularly convoluted. Like this one: “2012 fantasies” are dissolved, bringing angst to some”.

If you have a second to share your take, I’d really appreciate it.

My best always,
Dear Marco,

I have a very nasty cc-wave three days in a row now and my stomach is burning and aching all the time. It is one last nasty cleansing episode which the HS of our channeling ladies spared us for good reasons as they knew how bad it will be. I have just finished an article where I assume that this last dirty cleansing will affect all PAT members and you now confirm this fact.

I have no idea what this last message from Gaia portal is telling us. It could be that the Christian ideas of Apocalypse and Armageddon will not come true and that this will create a lot of angst among many believers who have cherished this narrow point of view. In addition some of them will realize that they will not be saved because they have believed in the wrong god and are not qualified for ascension. But this is my explanation and I have no idea what this cryptic source actually means.

My HS is telling me since last week that I must go through one last huge purging of dark energies before I can ascend and this does not make me very happy as you can imagine.

With love and light

I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure even more physical torture, I thought after reading your post a few days ago that things would remain much better for you, but I should have known better.

Thank you for telling me what’s happening to you at this moment since in an odd commiseration kind of way, it does help to know that I’m not the only one going through this physical torture.

It certainly can’t be much longer that you will need to wait…honestly how much can this current human body endure…

My thoughts are with you Georgi and I hope the PAT and myself can somehow bolster you until you transform…the sooner the better please.

My best,
November 2, 2012

Dear Georgi,

What a terrible night I had… major heart rhythm problems. It took all I had not to go to the hospital… my heart is still skipping around today. I hate this. I have a slight cold..sore throat and major head pressure. Hope you are feeling better!

Dear Vicki,

I feel just as terrible as you as my cc-wave is ongoing the third day in a row. I have just finished an article where I assume that you all must be knocked down due to this final cleansing before our ascension, which the HS of our channeling ladies spared us as an information for good reasons: They knew how nasty it will be one more time.

With love and light
November 2, 2012

Hi Georgi,

Thanks for including Charlie Chaplin’s link in the recent PAT comments. I hope everyone had a chance to watch it.

I’ve been so tired in the mornings, hard to get out of bed. Sometimes my legs feel like lead when I walk. enough of that…

Yesterday, on your birthday, after I wrote to you, something shifted in me. It suddenly (maybe belatedly) dawned on me how so many of us write to you and expect something from you, answers, guidance, questions. And while this is normal and probably necessary, I felt so deeply how we need to be sending YOU energy and that perhaps this too will help fuel your ascension for all of us.

I sent you loving energy last night before bed, envisioning white light entering and surrounding you. I will continue to do so from now on even more often.

We’ve miraculously and mysteriously been provided with a very low rent apartment these past few weeks b/c the guy wants to sell it. It’s beautiful and near the sea and has good energy. The owner is spiritually minded and feels the shift in consciousness. The neighbors downstairs, though simple, are wonderful people, growing almost everything they eat from their own garden, including their own wine and schnapps, which the husband generously offers us (and we have to watch out to not take too much!) He feeds the birds all year and we have this little yellow birds chirping all over and landing on our doorknob and in the huge Magnolia tree outside the window.

This couple is totally aware and grateful to nature and her cycles, and the husbands gathers wild mushrooms, herbs for tea, and knows all the local sources (mostly his friends) for natural sheep cheese, milk and eggs. He shares with us freely.

I sometimes have to pinch myself not to get too attached to this sudden abundance and sharing, but I know that these people are at least the template for earth A/B, because they are good-spirited and somewhat aware of Dec. 21 2012, though they are still not yet full accepting it. But people like this will be ready for the shift, I feel, as they are already so connected with nature.

Last night, while walking along the sea, the moon was unbelievably beautiful, if there is such a thing as a visual of a portal, this must have been it– the clouds formed a kind of ring around it and there were very fine striations of clouds over it, which actually I felt, might have been a galaxy bleeding through. It was stunning. I was hoping that you would ascend last night to be honest, but I think it has not happened yet.

Here are two links of mainstream media that indicate how people are getting close to hypothermia on the east coast and they are due to be hit with another storm next week. the photo with the woman by the fire in the middle of the city streets really looks apocalyptic and i know we will see more of this very soon.

Meanwhile I keep breathing ascension, ascension, ascension. Don’t worry, no amount of temporary material comfort or organic food-sharing will keep me here. Can’t wait for our moment!….

Much love and light,
Dear Sarah,

It’s great that you have such a positive U-turn in your living conditions for the better. One should take it as it comes. I am indeed under great energetic stress with another cc-wave today and I doubt if one can help me – I must do my portion of the job by myself – but it is always a great consolation to know that one has the support of the other members of the PAT. I knew that it will be pretty hard at the end, but this has always been the case for the last 12 years. Therefore nothing new.

Sandy is just the first blow of many to follow and the sooner the people get used to this idea, the better. It is not planned that they will recover in the old way by rebuilding the same material structure one more time. The whole matrix will now crumble and the means, by which it will be destroyed are of secondary importance. The only solution/salvation now is awakening and ascension.

With love and light
November 1, 2012

Dear George,

Word has gotten out that it’s your birthday today. May you have a relaxing and enjoyable birthday filled with many blessings! And may the cc waves lighten up for you today so that you may be given some very well-earned relaxation!!!

Last night I dreamed that you posted one of my draft emails to you before I was done writing it, haha.  It is true that I always have partially-written draft emails to you in my draft folder, but, like Mara related in a recent posting, I have been kept busy these past several weeks.

It seems like many of the PAT are experiencing strong headaches and related stresses.  This past week, especially yesterday and today, my own head felt like it was being surgically reconstructed by an aurora-shaped laser beam. This is gone for now, though.

You and all the PAT have my continuous love, support, friendship, and thoughts.  Thank you, as always, for everything that you do and represent.

Love and Light,
Dear Michelle,

thank you very much for your birthday congratulations. This year will indeed bring our last birthdays in a physical vessel for most of us and some may be even more lucky and will not need to celebrate their birthday anymore, if they are born after 11.11.  This is namely my final date for ascension which I have ultimately set for my HS to observe.

I am indeed under a new cc-wave since this night and I hope this is the last fueling of our tanks before our ascension. I wonder where they store all these energies which our humble human vessels can no longer harbour. But this  has always been the case on my birthday since 5-7 years, so that I believe that birthdays have no importance in the higher realms.They do not care about such dates. Let us hope that they do care about our ascension date.

With love and light

More on Sandy’s Aftermath 

November 3, 2012


This is why there is hope for the survival of humanity:

My 41 year old son lives in Hightstown, New Jersey, they lost power Monday night, it was restored last night.

This is the HAARP effect on Hurricane Sandy, the archons pushed it right into the US east coast. That is the biggest microwave band I’ve ever seen, bigger than the interference with hurricane Irene. CNN had Michael Moore on last night talking about how “we have to do something about global warming”. Is he a useful idiot or something worse? It was disgusting. This information is readily available to everyone, there’s no excuse anymore for people to not be aware of what’s really going on.

“Infinite love is the only truth, everything else is illusion”

-with infinite love,
Dear Linda,

The devastating power of Sandy might have been intensified through HAARP technology but altogether I think that the dark forces have no longer the ability to control the events on the earth and when they do something, it is only because it has been allowed by the Source and then it is used to the advantage of the forces of light.

We are also converting all the dark energy on the earth and the astral levels into the energy of our ascension. Besides who is behind this attack – the US-dark secret services, the Chinese or the Russians? Nobody knows, but the answer to this question will give us a clue as to the real motivations. If it comes from a Russian HAARP and the Russian cooperate with the forces of flight, as this is my information, then it was a positive and desired outcome from the very beginning.

I think we should not care much what was the actual cause of a certain event as there are many causes and considerations beyond our perception, but what is the result on the ground to raise the consciousness of the masses.

With love and light
November 2, 2012

Wonderful article today George…it really puts it all in perfect perspective. Looks like the East Coast will have to get ready for round #2 next week…

Love and Light,
Dear Vicki,

I am glad that you liked this article which summarizes one last time the achievements of the PAT during this last year and gives an overview of the events ahead.

It was very naive from the people and the politicians to believe that it is done with Sandy. The calamities are just starting to unfold. They have to realize that there will be no return to “normality” on this planet as this kind of normality is the greatest anomaly in the whole universe and must be abolished for ever.

With love and light
November 1, 2012

Hello Georgi,

Like many, I have been following the media reports of Sandy’s aftermath. I feel that the figures and devastation are grossly understated. The closing of Wall Street and then sudden reopening, appearing as a business as usual, covers the truth that Wall Street is indeed closed for business. Full stop. The media minions are merely actors on prefabricated movie sets. This is what I can see now.

Take care and Happy Birthday.
Love and Light
Dear Aaron,

I fully agree that this is just a farce. The NY stock exchange has lost all its physical buyers in the financial crash in October 2008 and since then the indices are kept artificially high by bogus electronic trading, which is fully detached from the economic reality. The NY stock exchange is a classical Potemkin’s village – a Fata Morgana.

The same holds true for the alleged recovery and restoration of all damages from the storm along the long East Coast. First the people will not have the time to do it as this 3d-model is coming rapidly to an end, and if it were not, the collapsing US-economy does not have the capacity to cope with this huge challenge.

With love and light
November 1, 2012

Well I had a feeling about a water event/problem. Guess that one hunch was right on the money. Those poor people thinking things are back to business in the North East USA are hilarious. They don’t even know the damage yet. They definitely are not used to weather events like the one they just experienced. Things will never be the same again and are changing rapidly now.

We were fine in Central Virginia. The Bahamas got through Sandy OK but some family islands got raked with water. The Bahamians are describing it as “the sea just came up”.

We are on our way Captain. I salute you!

Back to Nassau Monday unless we have all ascended and will be somewhere else.

Dear Liz,

I fully concur with you that the unfounded optimism of politicians and men on the street in the aftermath of Sandy’s devastation is just a symptom of the high adrenalin levels of the people during the storm and their joy that they have survived the tempest and the flooding. The dire reality will soon hit them even harder when they realize that there is no sudden remedy for this huge destruction and that life will never be the same, even if this 3d-model would still continue to exist, which is not what the divine plan for the current End Times foresees. Hence the real human tragedies of the US-nation are just beginning to gain momentum.

With love and light
November 3, 2012

Hi George

I love the latest messages, PAT comments (half way through reading), your responses and interpretations. Bring on the visible confirmations.

Enjoy the picture.

Love to you all
Dear Alex,

Thank you very much for your pic which I would title: ” The Liberty in the Hide”.

With love and light
Hi George

Another picture you might like. I was just having some fun with the soon to be defunct Orion technology. I call it “Changing of the Guard”.

Warm regards

PS: George I forgot to mention fantastic article Ascension in the Perspective.
Dear Alex,

Excellent! I would title this one “Desperation Live

November 2, 2012

Greetings Captain!

First of all, thank you for playing this overwhelming role for all of us. It has been a brilliant act.

For some unknown reason, I have had the impulse to send you two portuguese songs which are paradigmatic in Portuguese music history. For the first two times I ignored this impulse as I thought I shouldn’t bother you, especially at this tiring time. However today I received the call for the third time and reasoned it shall do no harm, so here go the suggested portuguese songs:

Verdes Anos (Green Years) by Carlos Paredes

Canção de Embalar (Lullaby) by Zeca Afonso

These are soothing, albeit melancholic like ocean waves. I hope you enjoy it. Enjoy the perks of civilization before it crumbles!

Dear Ana,

I am glad that you have followed your inner impulse and have sent me these two beautiful pieces of Portuguese music. Their melancholy is representative of the current End Time’s mood when the old is disappearing, wrapped up in nostalgia, and the new is still not fully in sight.

With love and light

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