by James McComish and Georgi Stankov, November 13, 2012
November 12, 2012
Hi, I hope you are well.
I have been ‘waking up’ for some time now and can relate to everything written here.
The reason for my message is that I have just been given details of your website and wondered if someone would be kind enough to engage in a brief email correspondence with me as I have a few questions.
Many thanks
Dear James,
You can send your questions and present yourself first and they will be answered.
Dear George
Thank you for responding.
If I start with a brief introduction, that may explain how I found myself at this point. If you bear with me I tend to waffle a bit.
My name is James McComish, I am 35 and live in the UK. I have always been interested in space and always had questions which could never be answered, and have always been searching for ‘something’. When at university I saw an advert to go to Egypt to see the Giza pyramids for a day trip and felt that I had to go, so I did. Not sure why I had to but go I went. It was on the 4th May 2000 which I learned years later was the day before a major planetary conjunction. I feel there are more to coincidences that meets the eye and for the last few years have been trying to answer why I had to go, and only now I feel that I am starting to properly understand.
Aside from the Egyptian experience I have been doing continuous research from crystal skulls to alternative histories (Fingerprints of the Gods etc…), but it was not until around this time last year that things really started to change. I came across an article by a group called the Hidden Hand which then led me to the L & L Research site which talked about the Law of One, more specifically about the material channelled by Ra in the 1980’s. From there a new world opened up, suddenly a lot of questions I had were being answered, but the answers were resonating with me and I knew I was on the right track.
From there I started to get more involved in spiritualism and I started to feel more at home as the new people coming into my life were of a similar mind and awareness level.The last year has been like a roller coaster, and feel like I am being guided to specific works and people, with each new door that opens I feel that I am getting closer to the reason while I incarnated here.
Apologies I have tried to be brief, but so much has happened. I’m not sure if that is what you wanted in terms of presenting myself but thought it couldn’t hurt.
Turning to my question, I guess for now my main question was to ask what your thoughts are as to what is likely to happen in the near future? There seems to be so many variations over what will and won’t happen.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards
Dear James,
your path of awakening is shared by many other star seeds, many of which contribute to this website and is not unusual.
Now to your question: There are many articles on this website that extensively discuss the ascension scenario as we, the Planetary Ascension Team, see it. You can simply go chronologically the “Breaking Astral News ” and check the most relevant publications for you. Until the final scenario has not fully unfolded, there is always an element of uncertainty as to what will happen exactly as the plans are changing on a daily basis. You can only navigate in this situation if you have a direct contact to your HS to guide you as he has done in the past and then to compare the information you get from our website and other sources and find the one that resonates with you.
With love and light
Dear George
Thank you for your quick response. I will have a look at the articles. I found the recent one about the three different levels of awareness particularly interesting.
With regard to my higher self, it is something that I have been striving to do for the last several months. I now attend a spiritual group every Tuesday which allows me to meditate away from my two young children running around all the time. Through my meditations I have been able to start communicating with my guides, space beings and I think my higher self. Recently I was communicating with a humanoid figure without facial features, which apparently was representation of Source. Ii asked the lady who was holding the group who it was, and that was the message she received. Apparently that is quite unusual.
But then the last year has not been normal. Frequently I have been told by various psychics I have a high level of awareness/spirit etc.. I appear to have a strong healing ability, so much so that it is apparently too strong for some people. As to changes within myself i can now see auras (not colours yet) and feel energy constantly vibrating in my hands. I even went to Woodhenge the other day and could feel the energy change as I walked through the rings.
In terms of why I am here I know it is to do with energy and interestingly I was exploring Maxwell’s equations last week. I very much look forward to reading your work. (The lady who sent me the link to your site yesterday was unaware over what I was looking into). I am looking at integrating sacred geometry within electromagnetism. I don’t even know if that is possible, but it is an avenue which I feel I need to explore, which may lead to helping me understand something else (could even be your equation).
Thank you again for your response.
Kind Regards
Dear James,
thank you very much for your additional information. If you are also scientifically inclined and educated, you should check volume II, full version on physics, which you can read on my website in pdf for free (see link left column). You can go to the section “electromagnetism” and find the chapter on Maxwell’s four equations and read how they can be easily integrated into the Universal Law. This is one of the many highlights of the new physical and mathematical theory of the Universal Law. But you need a deep knowledge in conventional physics and its inherent limitations and blunders as to understand it, which I assume you have.
This website is in the first place a scientific platform and only in the second place a forum for communication between similar minded, spiritually highly evolved human beings.
With love and light
Dear George
My degree was in aerospace engineering with emphasis on space, so seeing 100’s of Greek letters in equations is not that unusual for me. However, it has been some time since I studied this type of material in details as I didn’t go into that field after I graduated. Apparently I am neither left or right brained, which is why I can understand the logical systems of the world, but can also paint.
I was also reading about quantum mechanics the other day, though learning about string theory got a bit heavy at times.
I have downloaded Volume II which I will start going through after I have finished my current reading material. Did you have Volume I in English?
Kind Regards
Dear James,
I do not have vol. I in English, but you do not need it as the whole physical theory is also found in Vol II. Volume I deals in addition with the philosophical background of mathematics and human knowledge which is also covered in vol II, though in a more concise form. Vol II is didactically designed in such a way that you do not need vol I to understand the theory and can be read independently of volume I. Vol I is more for the German readers as it deals with German philosophy which is virtually unknown to the English people.
In your case I would recommend you to begin with the basics of the new axiomatics at the beginning of the book as to understand the gnostic and epistemological approach of the new theory. You do not need huge knowledge in mathematics, but an intimate understanding of its philosophical foundations, which is unfortunately not available to my experience in Anglo-Saxon countries and only in a very rudimentary form in Germany in the past You can forget all other countries, including France and Italy, in this respect. I hope this information helps you further as this theory is bigger than anything you have encountered so far. It is only up to the individual to find access to it, or not. The stakes are very high.
String theory is bullshit and the sooner you forget about it, the better. It leads to nowhere and was an Orion attempt to further mire the confused, conventionally thinking scientists. If you want true scientific knowledge, which is also spiritual knowledge, stay by my theory of the Universal Law and you will soon realize why.
With love and light
Dear George
Don’t worry about string theory, I didn’t even finish the book as it wasn’t ‘for me’ if that makes sense. I felt it was useful to know what some of the other theories were about. I think the author mentioning multi dimensions intrigued me which is why I decided to read it, but I agree with you it is not the ‘truth’.
What are your thoughts on David Icke? I went to see him at Wembley Arena a couple of weeks ago. When it was first advertised back in March it felt I had to go. Obviously there is a lot of disinformation, but he talked about the ancient cultures being Saturn worship instead of Sun worship, which I hadn’t come across before and presented some interesting evidence. Personally, it feels like he might be on something with that.
I also looked at keylontic earlier in the year, but have decided it is not right for me. I think the early part had a lot of truth but it now feels like it is directing people to things it shouldn’t be, but then that it is my own feeling and I know a lot of people stand by it.
Kind Regards
Dear James,
David Icke has a social function to fulfil. However he is not a spiritual teacher and he has not grasped yet what is happening on this planet. In fact he is further from the truth than many other silent and modest light workers who will be the future leaders of humanity after ascension. He is not in the LBP and he does not grasp the process of ascension, which is in the centre of all present and future changes.
By the way, you should read my articles on the LBP and its related symptoms as this is the best presentation you can find. I have no idea how relevant this is for you, but I assume that you have not been battered by the LBP in such a profound and devastating way as all the members of the PAT that read this website and participate in our discussions. Hence these articles may not tell you anything now, but you still must know about the LBP in detail. Otherwise you will not understand anything.
With love and light
Dear George
Sorry can you clarify which articles you are referring to with regard to the LBP. I assume it is not the ascension reports. One other thing, I am having a blank moment, can you clarify what LBP stands for.
I agree with you in terms of David, I think he is more of a conspiracy theory reporter. I suppose he has his purpose as people that follow him are a bit more awake than the rest of humanity so from that sense it is useful. However, there is a real danger that people will not be able to discern the truth and become locked into the wrong version of reality (which no doubt is precisely what Orion would want). It is interesting at both the London and Hawaii events he would not take any questions.
Kind Regards
Dear James,
LBP means “Light Body Process”. Check these articles below. There are several more at a later date, but you have to use the search function and find them on my website:
Dear George
I worked out the LB part, but couldn’t for the life of me work out what the P stood for.
Thank you for the links I will have a look through.
Are you still based in the UK?
Kind Regards
Please read my “homepage” and “about the author” and find out where I live.
Dear George
Apologies, I should have checked your website first for details. Looks like you have had an eventful life and I respect you for what you have done during your time on the planet.
I have read through all the information about the LBP, interesting no one has every quantified it in as much detail as you. I can certainly relate to several symptoms that you have described, from knee pain to stomach pain, to continual respiratory ailments. I was born with asthma as well. I also have some severe allergies which seems to be common with star seeds. I guess this is to do with the toxins in this world not sitting well with our own light bodies. I’ve also noticed that my energy levels are nowhere near where they use to be, which I gather is all part of the light body process.
The most amazing change I have seen this year is the feeling of energy in my hands. I can block out the sensation when I need to, but if I still my mind and turn my attention to my hands, I can always feel an ‘energy ripple’ effect. Its difficult to put it into words.
Its interesting with regard to the left brain/right brain analysis. You are right, most lightworkers who are caught up in the emotional side of ascension have completely disregarded the left brain thinking as unimportant.
Thank you for your time today in answering my queries, much appreciated.
Kind Regards
Dear James,
atopic diseases such as neurodermatitis, allergies and asthma bronchiale are indeed rather common among star seeds as a result of their fine energy structure of the physical vessel which cannot be fully adopted to the low frequency energies on this planet. There may be even an exacerbation of these diseases these days before they will be cured for ever.
The palms of the hands are powerful energy centres and their power increases during the LBP. I can also cure almost any disease with my hands, but as a healer you need always the approval of the patient and this is seldom the case.
Dear George
I have something which could easily be described as neurodermatitis. Seems I fit the star seed profile quite well.
May I ask about your own ascension experience. I read that you have already ascended and come back to assist. Can you remember much about it?
Kind Regards
Dear James
I have described it somewhere in the early publications. It was similar to out-of-body experience such as near-death-experience, but much more intensive in energy frequencies and very conscious on my part. By the way, I have the same intensity every day now, especially today and during the 11.11. portal. It is an ecstatic experience, but the return in the physical body is a real torture and you are never the same again. If one has to stay longer on the ground, it is better not to have such an experience as then the longing to leave this earth becomes insatiable. You may try this with DMT or another psychedelic drug. Read also my drug on psychedelic drugs
which is another highlight and there is nothing else to compare with.
With love and light