PAT Comments on the Latest Post

On “Dramatic Changes in the End Time Scenario…” and “The Final Act has Commenced”

October 21, 2012

Hello George,

After reading last days’ messages I felt again the urge to talk directly to you. I am very pleased with the outcome after the dark attacks. I myself actually shifted my consciousness up to the 7th dimension and gather my circle there. The decision made was that I would descent into the astral planes as an Elohim, Which is very hard to do actually, so my light body had to be covered with garments of astral matter. When this happened, I landed in a rat hole full of darkened souls which all attacked me right away. 

As a paladin almost, I transferred their energy bodies up the scale, effectively taken them ‘out’. I then cleared the place by shedding of the garments and blasting back up. This forced another portal from the astral to the 7th plane. Since then my physical residence has been under a lot of stress and I feel a lot of ‘dross’. This is unfortunate, but on the other hand I learn how to reply these with light instead of acting with them.

Another strange even occurred after this. When I was sitting in my room I saw, etherically or however you call it some GF member, but shortly after that I saw a Grey in my room. It wasn’t dark, but more alienated. It felt even more real or close than the GF member. I observed it calmly and all I could do was to direct light at it. The Grey was affected by it in such a way that it started to become less dense until it glowed. I then telepathically gave it the command to go to it’s peers and reveal their possible destiny. I’m very curious what you make of this all.

Lastly, I am very happy with the new web-mind-light-structure. I am very amused by the dialectical nature of the genesis of this structure; the attack of the dark initiated this reaction of the light. In the end both are illusory and source is all there is… On the other hand I am also pissed, because this plan to create a web of light around and with Gaia to influence every soul on it was communicated to me by source and via me to the Pleiadians. They obviously failed, as it was four years ago. They seem to miss the capability of effecting 3D space.

Anyway, I am glad to see this mechanism in place as it can serve as a new matrix, while the old one fails. It will prevent chaos and destruction from happening, instead it will accelerate the awakening of the masses.

What I see happening next is a gradual shift from 3d to 4th dimensional awareness in the masses, which will happen in strata. I already see it in young high educated people. Their minds have a different set of paradigms and they see the old ones struggling to stay on top. This generation of people in the old paradigm are like the cork clogging the bottle ready to pop. I know a whole new world can be created when finally the old structures crumble, as they are already full of cracks. It is as if the number of souls on the next level are assembling as to have enough power to ascend to the 5th as a group.

As for the PAT, I see no other task as to be an antenna for more light and energy coming into the web, waiting for it to do its work while on ‘night shift’. The grid will be sustained first by PAT, but then also by the souls who are woven in. The grid will be accumulative strengthened and exponentially transmitting energy/light/information. I see no necessity of neo/matrix like stunts for now unfortunately, as this will only cause denial at this stage instead of exposure. When the gross of the masses are transferred, these abilities will become more common.

Last but not least, I am also delighted the PAT is working with the higher realms more directly, bypassing the GF. The GF still performs their duty, but receive their information after the feedback of the PAT to the higher realms.

Dear  Davy,

thank you for your excellent and very comprehensive validation/elaboration of the latest changes in the ascension scenario and recent energetic developments. I think that the picture becomes clearer in these last days before we will ascend as our connection to the source is becoming like a highway, through which the information is flowing unfiltered and unrestricted.

With love and light
October 21. 2011

Hello George,

Just a note to say that the Oct 20th information feels right to me, within me, and especially the part about the downloads. I also feel that the awakening changed, with events having transpired during sleep, to be valid.

My own experience over the past week and a half has been that I have felt that downloading must be happening. I have thought at times that I must be a spiritual baby, spending so much time processing information during sleep as physical babies do!

I have been waiting for this moment for 20 years, I did not know where else to look, but “magically” today I found you, the only thing I have desired in my life since I discover the ascension has been to ascend!!! I have never felt that I belong here, that I do not understand the ways of humanity!!! Even though I have had an accomplished life for earth standards, this is not enough, I want to go back home. In a meditation I was received by the masters, and they told me that they were waiting for me, and at that time, I did not even know who they were!!! PLEASE, I want to help!!!

Dear Diana,

welcome to the club. You can help best when you simply ascend and all other events will adjust to this one.

With love and light
October 21, 2012

I am just recently informed of your website, and as well, the PAT. Up until this time my journey has been one of solitude..except for the experience of one Soul Brother who Understands what I perceive. His conscious “seeing” exceeds that which on a conscious level I know, yet do not “see”.

April’s clear message brings me to reply in blessed confirmation of dream time Ascension! I share with you my experience: Thank you all for the sharing of your experiences. All the responses have helped me immensely! Trust gained, and truly hearing  & listening to Higher Self!

The weeks prior, I felt the energy of “attachments” and saw and was aware of others moving thru my energy field. Dream Oct 18 2012:  11-2 pm nap I share with you my experience: Sitting outside with a group of people… I saw a Lion peacefully approaching, and mentioned it to them. They chose to disperse/disappear.

As I walked thru the area, now empty of people, I turned and once again saw the Lion calmly approaching along the vacant road lined with one story adobe-like very simple buildings. A low lying wind & sand storm was forcefully, like a wave, moving and churning along this road, clearing it of all debris.

As I turned in the opposite direction, I found myself sitting at night on a small beach. The midnight blue, azure & purple skies twinkled with stars, and the waters twinkled with their reflection as small waves lapped up to the sparkling sand. As Day approached, I got up and walked back onto the road, and was attracted to something that veered off to the  right. It was an immense mosaic tiled veranda with soft green floors & golden walls, with two large wooden gates opened wide; and I said, Yes, I will come in  now… finding nothing was there but ME…. I then awoke.

Since a peace and strength at core level has enveloped my being.

Thank You All ! with much Love & Thanks,
Annie Mc whether I am PAT or not!
Dear Annie,

thank you very much for contacting me for the first time and for sharing your beautiful dream with me. Welcome to the club. We are now in excited anticipation of our ascension when words lose their meaning, but this website is becoming a bigger attractor for many star seeds now that the events begin to stipulate.

With love and light
October 21, 2012

Dear Georgi!

You might have already been informed by other PAT members that the “breaking astral news” part of the website cannot be opened at present. Perhaps another desperate attempt by the remaining dark forces? This reminds me of a term used in chess, “vengeance check”. When a player realizes that he’s going to loose the game, he gives a last check to the opponents king before resigning the game, or getting checkmated.

Fortunately I was online in the afternoon, thus I could read the grand news. I wish to express my gratitude to both April and you for the detailed information on the current events. Now I feel as excited as a virgin on her wedding night. I have often wondered recently why do not all of us have a direct connection to our HS’s? I realized that it’s because we were meant to work as a team all along. We depend on each other and this dependence adds to the cohesive force between members of the group. Now I’ll make myself busy kicking out the intruders from our 3D headquarters.

“The dogs bark, the caravan rolls on.”

Dear Zoltan,

I have just received messages from Italy and the UK that they have also a problem to access our website. Last time I asked the server service and they were not very helpful as they cannot do anything. I assume that some dark services are trying to block our website again due to the extremely important information that I have published today. Please try later on and tell me if you were successful. I myself have no problems.

I think that these are desperate attempts to stop the unstoppable. Make a christed meditation and try one more time. Last time it helped a lot.

With love and light
Dear Georgi!

I’m not familiar with christed meditation, but I just finished a meditation attempting to infuse our territory with light. Now the site is back online! I wish to thank the forces of darkness for the opportunity to try my strength! Perhaps this is what the CC referred to when they mentioned using incoming attacks for our own growth.

Thank you for the feedback. I knew that it will work, You can find the christed meditation instruction on my website with the search function in a previous report.

Dear George!

The “astral news” section is down again, however every article can be found via the search engine, also the ones you’ve published yesterday.

October 21, 2012

In relation to the message “Source is sending pulses in order to trigger your further ascent NOW”, I am not sure but yesterday, while at home and reading something, in a matter of less than seconds the bulb lights flickered and next I felt an energy wave hit me. Just thought I should let you know, it could also be LBP-related somehow, but this sort of thing never had happened to me before.
Tomas Tonatiuh
Dear Tomas,

I can personally confirm that since yesterday there is a constant build-up of energies from the Source in preparation for our physical ascension. In this case your experience seems to be online.

October 20, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I have read April’s new message and would like to say that it resonates with what little information I received from my HS since yesterday. For whatever reason, my HS decided to remain quietly in the background by keeping me busy with guests all day yesterday and late into the evening last night. However, my thoughts indeed were connected and supporting April in her amazing ability to bring through this very detailed information, and I intend to email her and congratulate her on a job well done! I know exactly how challenging and difficult it must have been for her to receive this new information–she must be exhausted!

Today I woke up with a severe sore throat and body aches. I think I will retreat back to the quiet space in-between and prepare for final ascension!

With love and light,
Dear Dorie,

I felt yesterday that you were under daily 3d-stress and that you had  also to cope with the new energy waves of our physical ascension. They have been also very strong today. It is good that you resonate with April’s message. It was a hard work yesterday to get the proper information, but I think that we have managed to structure it rather well.

I also knew since the beginning of October that we had another delay and subsequent changes in the playscript. My point of interest was the lack of time to educate the people and their current ignorance. My guess was, and still is, that most people will not ascend very high in the 5th dimension in December, but will stay more so in the higher 4th dimension, where their education must take place first before they can ascend to the planned second level of  the 5th dimension of earth A. Otherwise earth A/B may be of more light as not so many service-to self entities have managed to cross the bar.

There will be altogether less people to ascend than initially planned, but the selection will be of a higher quality. You may check these aspects when you feel in the appropriate perceptive mood as these aspects have not been discussed by April’s HS yet. Altogether we have very little time left to stay in physical vessels and after that we will know all the details of this complex ascension saga.

With love  and light
October 20, 2012

Hi George

The most important release and the most reassuring as the scenario is solid. It answers a lot of questions and reading it gave me a much needed lift also. It came at the right time. A big well done to April and thank you.

Warm regards
October 20, 2012

Dear George

What an epic message from April’s higher self. Bless her. All that and she went to work too. Please pass my thanks onto her. It’s sorted out a lot of questions I had. Also thanks to you too for posing the questions we all needed answers to.

I did write to thank you for my birthday wishes from you, but only realised today it had not got through and was still in my out box. Amazed to see the reference to an elevator as I dreamed on Thursday night of being in one that was rising and there was a dark entity in there with me trying to stop me rising. I remember getting really annoyed with it and saying I have to sit up as I have indigestion!  Which plagues my life. We seem to get messages blended in with things from our everyday life. Not long to reunion with all that is.

Love Lynn
October 20, 2012

Beloved Georgi..

What can I say but a big WOW!!

Yesterday was an amazing day beyond all my wildest dreams! I could see in a way I never have before …everything so clear and a depth of field that was striking!! (as an artist I have keen observation skills anyway and this was so evident) I was walking all day in a bliss state. I felt complete, tall, peaceful, and so loving of everything and anything!

I went to visit my mother who is 86 and I was greeting everyone in every corner of her elder home! When I left that continued… I talked and greeted everyone with such joy in my heart. Even the man on the corner wanting spare change, as I sat in my car waiting for the light next to him… we had a long conversation and I kept working to make him feel good, feel human and laugh. I do feel this new level and it was a easy fit for me! I love it!! And I love everything, everyone!

So when I read from April’s post “Our physical ascension has commenced since yesterday..” I just felt so at peace. I know this and feel it deeply, and see it in evidence of myself.

So as middle note… my son and I am being evicted from my apartment, and as I try to work out the details, I am told/HS nudge to just stop it. So I keep thinking on one level and get nowhere with the details of living. Yet when I go in to the mystery, higher level of thought, I can see all this ascension taking place and that by November… I will not need any micro-managing!! Being evicted is like the universe saying 3D/4D has ended for me!!!! I know this is the time!!! Once I make that next step, my housing will be solved in a new way. humbling…

“….Your initial “pop up” to Source will be very short….” I knew this too for sometime yet on a subtle, no word level.

“Hopefully this morning you’ve noticed a shift in the web’s energy/pulse. Overall, web energy has now evened out more proportionately along the web after having fully integrated the newly connecting soul energy of the lower tier. I also want to mention, if I haven’t made it clear before, that the soul of Gaia is also woven into this “web of light.”

I do feel this!! Sweet feeling, like a sign of relief! Gaia feels at peace yet still in her transition. I know I will need a day off of work on certain days this next week just for all this to complete smoothly.

So just to say, I am on board and Yes, me/HS all know this is correct and right timing. As there have been so many perpetual changes in our plans over the years, it is almost hard to not stop and say, “but wait, it will change again, won’t it?” (please no!!)

I am so grateful for the gentle and constant changes Source puts in to this Divine Plan, so that we may gather as many souls as we can. I am humbled by the success of this endeavour, for we all, including our spiritual teams, have made this transition until now less of a chaotic drama than the Dark would want.  Guess they still have their time and place for their drama and perhaps it will assist more souls to join the better life! I am grateful for the parts they play.

Since last year, I keep ‘getting’ that there will be “no USA election”…. and of course my mind thinks all kinds of thoughts of how. As people debate the two candidates, I keep receiving the same note. Now I can see with our collective ascension at hand and the next step for those who do not, this probably is still valid. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

We are well on our way and I accept the terms of our journey and glad to receive confirmation, so that I can move with our team forward through the chaos to come. I am so ready for this new level of service and have prepared a long time. Thank you so much for being bold, Georgi, and giving us all a place to gather together. This is unity in action.

~ Love, Carolyn
Dear Carolyn,

thank you very much for your personal validation of the new End Time scenario and our entry in the last stage of the ascension process. It must indeed work out as you sense it – that we will ascend and appear before the US-elections as to make them obsolete as most other things on this planet  that make part of this idiotic 3d-merry-go-round, including the fact to be evicted from your home. I strongly hope this will come to an end by the end of this month before the new era can begin.

With love and light
October 20 ,2012

Dear George,

Wow things have really become exciting! I just wanted to relay a dream I had last night.  I was on the A/B earth, talking to a girl I used to work with. She was asking me about life on planet A and I was telling her about all the amazing things you can do there.  Later I found my self rewriting books on the historical wars of the 3d earth. After that I decided to go to the 5d earth and I discovered I had wings, so I of course decided to fly there. It was very difficult to fly, very windy and I was struggling hard, but someone was coaching me to keep going up and I instinctively knew that once I reached a certain height I would be above the wind and it would be smooth sailing from there on out.

Take care, and try to enjoy our last days on earth in these outdated vessels. :)  With love and light,

Dear Erin,

the events are really speeding  up. They must do so, as there is no time left. Thank you for sharing your dream with me. Even now, while writing this email, there is another powerful energy surge that heaves me/us higher in the dimensions in preparation for our physical ascension. It is going on like this since yesterday night. Are you back from Turkey?

With love and light

On the Dark Source “Cosmic Awareness”

October 21, 2 012

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your thorough and passionate overview presented in today’s posting “The Final Act has Commenced”. I instantly received full confirmation from HS regarding the truth of this posting, by a sudden and overpowering sense of presence of the Divine.

After the CA incident, the Elohim came to me to impart their impressions. I have not been able to present this before today as I have been away. Here are their comments regarding this event, and as usual they impart their visions with compassion and terms of endearment.

“…it is our assertion that this energy is perhaps not clearly channeled for there are inferences seen where solutions given are not clearly representative of this Awareness…”

With regard to the individuals involved [April, Dorie, yourself, Berlinghof]:

” …Each is on a journey of the Soul. Each is Human with the gifts of Human mind, interpretative qualities are in development, discernment is growing. Discernment relies on the uncovering and acceptance that all souls in your dimension carry their own weight, on their own path. There is no need to carry the other. This discussion/event has been of paramount importance to demonstrate the beauty of disparate points of view, of diversity across all experience in physical, mental, spiritual and emotive planes. Rejoice in the blessings of each others gifts to the creation of perfection! The Divine has achieved the magnificent outcome whereby the form informs the whole. The particle informs the atom – informs the form – informs the soul – informs the Source. All-That-Is, is learning. You are all-beautiful and you are all-perfection. Discernment and interpretation may be misinformed but efforts made to invite elucidation are valuable and promote spiritual growth for all.”

Regarding comparing “apples to oranges”: “There are different roles for each group. The role of CAC group is to awaken the larger population from slumber as compared to PAT group whose role is to enlighten those already awakened. The roles are unique in that the CAC group addresses the needs of the non-believers and the PAT group addresses the needs of the functionals.

“What necessity to continue? There is no need for further engagement. Remove own understanding and respect each individual and their own journey. After all, this is the path to Ascension.”

Sending you love and light,
Dear Carla,

let us hope that the events will commence next week as we all are tired from this interminable waiting. As far as the Elohim’s sermon is concerned, I can produce such good-will texts like an assembly line.

This is not meant disparaging, but this stuff is well known and it does not serve anybody. Of course nobody from the PAT takes this dispute seriously or charge it with emotional duality. It is just a small training program in discernment and a means to sharpen one’s own mind. Of course we all will be happy if this group can overcome their current embroilment with this dark source and its fearful propaganda that hinders their spiritual evolution.

But they must first open themselves to the truth and show that they are able to enter an honest discussion. As long as they encircle themselves with fears and ill-judgments, they will not learn anything even from our massive counter-offensive. This is more than obvious now.

But I see a greater value in this debate, nonetheless. When we awaken as ascended masters, this group will undergo a healthy catharsis and then they will start reading our texts and arguments, which they have now rigorously banned from their readers and this may eventually open their eyes, hearts, and minds.

But without such a contest of ideas, there will be absolutely no evolution of the human species, while the atoms and the particles of the Elohim may continue circulating around their orbits, doing their perfect clockwork in the bodies of these dumbed down human entities as it has been the case for eons of time.

With love and light
October 20, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Cosmic Awareness is such bullshit and Callista is an ego maniac! I recall quite well how you used to say that Cosmic Awareness had a lot of validity, in your opinion. This was before Callista went all weird on us. I don’t know exactly what her role has been in all of this, since I really got a dark vibe from her a long time ago when she was playing teacher’s pet on your website and pretending to know everything about everyone’s personal portal. I did not resonate with that at all and so I stopped paying attention to her altogether.

I am only writing to confirm that you have evolved in your opinion of CA over the past several months and had begun to reject their channelings as soon as your HS called bullshit and that they were losing credibility as a source of true light. You HAVE cited them as a source on the occasions when you HAVE used some of their info that you deemed valuable. If you hadn’t, I would never have known to check them out in the first place. I was looking into them based on your recommendation and I agree that they have now become convoluted and confusing. So, to sum it all up really simply and get the hell on- they are lying and caught up in their darkness and they need to shut the fuck up and focus on their own soul advancement instead of boring us all with their obvious delusions.

Dear Kari,

the fact of the matter is that the old CA messages from Paul Shockley were good and some of these messages still came through with this moron Berlinghof, but then he came fully under the spell of the current dark demon.

I told Callista from the very beginning that she should calm down with her description/ visualisation  of other people’s portals as this is “bullshit”, but as you may remember, the people were so fascinated by this and wanted to know how their portals looked like. I tried on several occasions to dumb down this enthusiasm by saying that normally a portal cannot be seen and visual perceptions have no value, but most of the PAT members were not that much evolved at that time as they are now. This was an evolution process. You should not forget this. Then this weird trend settled down after 11,.11.11 and she actually dropped shortly thereafter from the group.

With love and light

Yes, I remember it quite clearly! I never asked her what my portal looked like because it seemed absurd to me. I felt intuitively that my portal would be more of something I could feel then something I could see. I felt she distracted all of us a lot with her “visions”. I rolled my eyes on several occasions. LOL!

Ah well, if this time has taught me anything, it’s that people are being completely revealed and rather quickly. Thanks for the note and encouragement to forget all those debts. Of course, I know you are right. I just had some residue coming up yesterday for review and today I feel ridiculous for giving them any further energy whatsoever.

Way to go PAT!!
Love You,
Dear Kari,

this is the right approach to this shadow drama that will no longer exist in a couple of days. It has never really existed in the first place.

October 20 ,2012

Dear Georgi,

I am grateful to see some firm dialogue at this critical end time.It seems that the PAT are aware of imminent ascension and we are not fluffing around with any dark infiltrations as distractions in these last minutes.

I feel that the entity channelling CA is indeed possessed by very dark stuff. I have never felt the desire to to be close to Will. And this of course is for good reason especially given that Will is indeed woven/enslaved into the Orion Matrix ($350 per hour?). Thank God we can relinquish the fate of all dark entities to the universal law of All-That-Is. I have reflected to previous reports by PAT. * Cannot quote Report No’s to theory of Callista attracting Will into her sphere to possibly be his final undoing. This cannot be discounted with consideration to any bias I may have, given my affection for Callista/ If not. Then so be it.

I have felt that the ID split has already occurred and ascension is underway..

Kind regards and Love
Aaron (a former friend of Callista)
Dear Aaron,

thank you for this information. I suspected that Will is a pecuniary person, but I did not know the facts. As far as this statement on Callista is concerned I remember it very well and it was meant sarcastically and not as a matter of fact. Therefore, I would not put too much importance into it. There are much more grievous facts that this entity Bill and his mired group must soon encounter.

As far as Callista is concerned, she displayed from the very beginning a pronounced tendency of spiritual cheating as was the case with her remote vision of the portals of other people. I warned her at that time that this was “bullshit” and that visual perceptions play no role in the ascension process, but the people were so fascinated that I had great difficulties to stop this email exchange, which happened without my participation.

With love and light
October 20, 2012


I also want to make some comments on this current joke called “cosmic awareness” and it’s “supreme”( hahahaha) leader Berlinghof. I personally must state that I love reading whenever they have made bogus, dark-infiltrated statements about you, since I really get a great laugh out of it due to the idiocy of these ignoramuses called “CA”.

They even have the nerve, rather stupidity to call themselves “cosmic awareness”. They should consider changing their names to “Complete Asses” ( CA) and their leader should change his to “Bullshithof” since it is a much truer description and reflection of the comical characters of this “great awareness”.

I recently read an old cosmic awareness letter FEB 12 just to get a few more hilarious laughs out of it, since I very much enjoy heavenly humour at any point. I could hardly contain my laughter and breath when I read these comments as well as their most recent ones about the PAT and more specifically our captain and leader. CA as they call themselves are probably if not undoubtedly the biggest cosmic joke across all corners of the universe.

The laughs they have provided me with have been the best I have had all year long and if one looks back at their comments one can only LOL. This Berlinghof would have been a good comedian, had he not been so brainwashed by dark entities. I remember when he made a comment replying to a complete asses (CA) reader, in which he stated that your character was very bad and at the same time glorifying the earthly personalities of his fellow ilk Beckow and Wilcock. It is obvious why he would glorify such characters, since he is identical to them, they can as well be triplets.

The best though was when his now, 5 or 6 months wife, Callista stated ridiculously that his travelling to Australia to meet his precious “soul-mate”, which both of whom saw each other so “wonderfully” in their somewhat un-believable dreams, and that their union together due to Caliista coming from the southern  hemisphere and Berlinghof from the northern hemisphere, that this union is in fact not only the cause of the magnetic pole reversal but the actual pole reversal itself!! Never in my life have I laughed out so much that my vocal chords began to pain.

This just illustrates the complete ludicrousy (is it a word, if not, I have made it up) of these two individuals who are so thoroughly mired, as well as their “awareness” group, deserving of ridicule. One should simply take their comments with cosmic humour as well as accurate,sharp criticism since they have all simply lost their damn minds! I personally think they have been bewildered by the light, particularly Callista who was once a PAT member that they have simply retreated in their own fear-based minds and emotions. It is sad to see such a failure on the part of a herself, to see her sink so low that she is now practically on her knees.

The shame and humiliation!! of this group is quite astounding considering that cosmic awareness was once a trustworthy and honest website before the infiltration of these buffoons.

After our fantastic ascension George, we should immediately show, lecture the rest about the cosmic fraud of Berlinghof and his misfit group. In fact their story should immediately take up residence in a museum in the higher dimensions, where cosmic/heavenly humour is in such abundance.

Love and Light
Dear Arthur,

These “Complete Asses” CA are indeed a Cosmic Joke “CJ” without Awareness. But we do not need to do anything now, but simply ascend and then all truth will come to the surface. We will have a great time laughing together about the many jokes we have also gone through before we have progressed that much.

With love and light


The Latest Joke 

Last night I had again the same dream. All PAT workers – and you Georgi – were entering a long green bus and then the bus started. As I was interested where the bus was going I followed the bus. When I saw that the bus was passing the entrance to the large mental hospital of our city, I was happy not sitting in there.

With Love and Light
Anonymous PATInterested
And do you know why you got off the bus? Because at the hospital you should have given up your anonymity and you are such a damned coward that you left the bus before that.

Ha ha ha!


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